Modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with such power that computers did not have yesterday. However, if computing power does not stand still, then the situation with batteries is much worse. In 2017, phones come with batteries that offer only 1-2 days of battery life in mixed usage. And with a heavy load, the smartphone may not hold out until the evening.

External batteries come to the rescue - Power Banks. These are compact devices that are designed with a single purpose, to accumulate charge and charge external devices. In our selection on Galagram, the top 10 best external batteries for your mobile technology, which can be bought in 2017.

1 The most capacious battery - Xiaomi Power Bank 2 at 20.000 mAh

Main chips

  • large capacity at 20.000 mAh
  • output 5V/2.4A
  • Xiaomi manufacturer

This battery comes in a plastic case and, with relatively compact dimensions, offers a huge capacity about 20.000 mAh. High-quality lithium polymer batteries are installed inside, and output voltage and its current is 5V / 2.4A. With Xiaomi Power Bank 2 at 20.000 mAh, you can even charge high-voltage devices such as Apple iPad and even Mi Book Air and MacBook laptops.

In addition, it supports fast charging in both directions: to receive and to return. The dimensions of this monster are 135.5×67.6×23.9 mm and the weight is 330.5 grams. Not very small, but it can charge your smartphone with a 3000 mAh battery more than 4 times. With such a gadget, you don’t have to worry about autonomy at all. The average cost of such a power bank is $39.

2 solar power bank for travel

Main chips

  • solar energy charging
  • built-in LED lamp
  • magnetic compass
  • good capacity 12.000 mAh

A huge plus of this solution is the ability to charge the external battery itself not only from the network, but also using solar energy. The solar-powered Power Bank will appeal to those who travel a lot, as it is convenient to use on the road and over long distances.

In our ranking of the best, the battery is 12.000 mAh, with dimensions of 139 × 75 × 20 mm, weighing 230 grams and with a body protected from moisture. Of course, on its front side there is a solar battery for charging, and on the end there are three ports: micro USB for charging the power bank itself and two conventional USB for charging external devices. Estimated price in China - 15 dollars.

3 Mi Power Bank Pro - external battery with fast charging functions

Main chips

  • fast charging Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0
  • capacity 10.000 mAh
  • charging via USB Type-C port

If charging speed is critical for you and you cannot wait long for all your devices in the house to charge, pay attention to the Mi Power Bank Pro battery. Its nominal capacity is 10.000 mAh, and fast charging technology is responsible for quickly charging your gadgets. Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0.

This gadget is charged via a USB Type-C cable and has four LED indicator on the case to display the charge status. UMB Mi Power Bank Pro is offered in two colors: graphite black and feminine pink. You can buy such a battery for about $ 30.

4 Power bank with a flashlight and a protected case

Main chips

  • case protected from moisture and dust
  • two powerful flashlights
  • capacity 10.000 mAh
  • Has a carabiner to attach to a backpack

If you love wildlife, but you can’t imagine your vacation without a smartphone, it’s time to get an external battery with a flashlight and additional protection corps. This solution has a capacity of 10.000 mAh, multiple colors to choose from and advanced features like solar battery and built-in double lantern to illuminate the area.

As you may have guessed, flashlights work from the power bank itself. By the way, his body has moisture protection, so you don't have to worry if you spill coffee on it, or drop it into the lake while fishing. The output voltage here is 5V / 2A, and the weight of the battery is 290 grams. You can buy the device on Aliexpress somewhere for 15-16 dollars.

5 Powerbank with a column for music lovers

Main chips

  • playing music from microSD cards and smartphone
  • charging gadgets
  • AUX output

A true music lover always has music with him. Especially for audio lovers, Chinese manufacturers have prepared Power Bank with built-in speaker and the ability to play music. The model is called Piple S5 and offers not only playing music from a microSD card, but also charging your gadget.

Among the useful features on the body of the speaker-power bank are: a 3.5 mm audio output, a port for charging equipment, an AUX output and music control keys. You can even play melodies from your smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0. The asking price is $39.

6 Power Bank with wireless charging

Main chips

  • the ability to charge compatible gadgets wirelessly
  • output 5V/1A
  • thickness 1.9 cm
  • capacity 10.000 mAh

This type of external batteries can charge not only smartphones and tablets via a traditional cable, but is also equipped with technology QI wireless charging. With it, you can charge such small gadgets, like smart watch, fitness bracelets and more.

The capacity of this battery is 10.000mAh, the current and voltage is 5V/1A, and the dimensions are 135×75×19mm. There are several colors of this model on sale, including white, gray and black. Average cost $39 wireless charging still need to pay.

7 External battery with PISEN screen

Main chips

  • capacity 20.000 mAh
  • presence of LED display
  • output 5V and 1/2A

Another power bank in our ranking of the best is the model Pisen with built-in display for indicating and displaying various indicators. The advantage of this solution is that you know exactly how much capacity your universal mobile battery has left.

Specifically, this model has a nominal capacity of 20.000 mAh (18.600 mAh), a plastic case, actually monochrome display and two ports for charging smartphones and tablets. The output voltage here is 5V, and the current is 1-2A, depending on the port. The power bank Pisen weighs 475 grams and costs about 32-35 dollars.

power bank (power bank among the people) is an external battery for a phone or tablet, for anything that needs to be recharged when there is no charger and 220V socket at hand.


Agree, a useful thing, for example, on the road, modern smartphones They run out quickly, and often there is simply nowhere to recharge them. How to choose a power bank, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful?

How to make Power Bank yourself?

It is interesting that a few years ago there were no such devices at all, and aliexpress was only in the project. But even then I made my own power bank from an old laptop battery:

Primitive, of course, no electronics, but he did his job. Now times have changed and for a few dollars you can buy power bank box , which will charge the batteries to the desired state and show you that the charging is over.

The beauty is that the choice of such devices is now very large, so large that it is sometimes very difficult to choose. If you are on aliexpress write in search Power bank, you will get 29000 results!

And how to choose an external battery for your phone or other similar device among so many offers?

What is the best external battery?

I will not describe any specific models(except those that I bought myself), I will just tell you how to choose such external power supplies. What are they?

Already with batteries or just an empty box? When choosing, read carefully: is the FULLY equipped device (with batteries) sold or just an empty box for them (box)?

Some were very disappointed when they bought themselves a portable battery for their phone FOR CHEAP, but it turned out that it was just an empty blank and now they still need to buy batteries!

If you ALREADY have batteries at home, then it is better to buy just a box, as it will cost you MUCH cheaper!

If there are none at home, then buy a portable Charger ALREADY equipped with "batteries".

What batteries is POWER BANK compatible with: 1.2V or 3.7V? Yes, before choosing a power bank, CAREFULLY read which batteries it uses. Sellers warn in advance which batteries are suitable and which are not:

What type of batteries do you prefer?

TYPE AA at 1.2V - these are very common batteries, or “finger-type”, as they are commonly called, but according to the scientific type “AA”.

Advantages of AA batteries:

  1. Availability. You can buy at every turn.
  2. Replaceability. If the batteries are suddenly dead, then ordinary AA salt batteries at 1.5V can be inserted into the power bank.

Cons of AA batteries:

  1. memory effect. It is advisable to always completely discharge such batteries, and then fully charge them. Recharging is not recommended, as batteries can lose a lot of capacity.
  2. Capacity. The capacity of these batteries is not great, so if you buy a power bank with just one element, then it will not be enough for you.

I will not write about the price, since it is great for everything quality batteries. What can be said about the second type of batteries?

TYPE 18650 at 3.7V - you can’t just buy this battery, you won’t find it at all in a store in your city (maybe only in Moscow?), but at the same time it’s EASY to get it ... from the battery of an old laptop, there are already several of them!

Pros of 18650 batteries:

  1. No memory effect, since they are lithium-ion, just like on your phone, smartphone or tablet.
  2. Large capacity. Due to their large size and other technologies, these batteries have a good capacity, so even one cell will be enough for you to charge your phone more than once. The cheapest 18650 battery will have the same capacity as the most expensive AA NiCd or Metal Hydride battery.

Cons of 18650 batteries:

  1. Rarity. You won’t be able to buy them in the store, and if you don’t have a broken laptop, then all you have to do is order on aliexpress, there are a lot of them - BATTERIES 18650 .

So which power bank to choose on Aliexpress?

At the beginning, you can watch a video that talks about some models from Aliexpress:


As you understand, it all depends on different factors and now you need to understand what is right for YOU, what is already there and how you will use it. Let me give you my example.

Initial data: I have a bunch of 18650 cells from an old laptop and they're just sitting there, doing nothing. From my practice, I noticed that even if the battery on a laptop stopped holding a charge, this does not mean that all its elements are out of order.

Most often it happens that only one or a pair of extreme ones loses capacity, while the rest are still very efficient. We disassemble the battery into parts, disconnect all the elements, and start charging one by one.

sDon't be afraid that he hasn't worked for a long time and has completely sat down. Look, I stuck a completely dead battery into my new power box and measured the voltage (it is also from aliexpress):

The voltage is lower than the nominal one, I did not immediately begin to photograph it, it was even less. Just a few minutes passed and the battery began to gain capacity, the voltage began to grow and reached the working one:

Which power bank box did I choose? I bought the simplest, here is an option for only $ 2.

The simplest device, plastic case, one cell, when charging, the light blinks, when the battery is charged, it stops blinking and no more current is supplied to the battery, so reloading will not happen. What else is needed for happiness?

The battery came up like a native one, it took several hours to charge and now I have a working power bank for only $2. But I did not stop there and ordered another Power Bank Box for myself, but already for 2 elements for only $ 3.5

It has an aluminum case, there is a discharge (or charge?) indicator, a power button - it looks decent. I have not received it yet, but when it comes, I will definitely add it in the comments about my feelings. This one can be taken on a long journey.

I also ordered this one USB TESTER , with the help of which it will be possible to find out what REAL capacity each individual battery has in order to weed out the dead ones.

To summarize, we can say this: which power bank is better to buy for you to choose, just buy the one that really suits you and that will cost you less. If you have a lot of money and need POWERFUL power bank, then buy this one for 13600 mA / hour -

Portable external rechargeable batteries mobile devices, which were still a curiosity ten years ago, are now very popular. But the need to use them for all people is different. It can be said for sure that the more “mobile” a person’s lifestyle is, the more he needs this adaptation.


And if for those who relax on weekends by the river, this is just a desirable attribute, then for hikers it is already a mandatory item of equipment: being left without navigation, light and communication in a dense forest is not the best prospect. Will be useful additional battery and with frequent trips due to production needs, as well as for long trips or flights (but in the latter case, you need to make sure that they are not banned from being transported in hand luggage, the rules can change at any time).

There is a good English term for them in the world (power bank), but they have not come up with such a short Russian term for them. The most commonly used name is “external battery”, but there are also longer ones: “universal external battery”, “portable external battery”, “portable charger”. And in everyday life they are often called simply “power banks” (“power banks”). So they will be called in our review (for brevity).

Today we will conduct a mass test of eight devices with medium and high energy reserves (with a capacity of 5,000 mAh).

All of them different manufacturers(Chinese, of course). And although the circuitry and technical solutions here are largely standardized, the devices still turned out to be different. And they are united by the fact that they are all officially delivered to the Russian Federation. And this is a good sign: importers do not want problems with sales and claims from "retail", so they test product samples before purchasing a batch.


And in order for the test results to be perceived correctly, I will begin the review by outlining several almost obvious postulates that are valid for all external batteries without exception:

  1. All "power banks" contain a battery charge controller and an output voltage converter (since the output voltage is not equal to the voltage of the battery(s) actually used there, and it must be raised or lowered). The need for conversion (typically to a voltage of 5 V) is the main source of efficiency loss (losses on key transistors, on rectifier diodes, on the resistance of winding elements, etc.).
  2. As the capacity of "power banks", the nominal capacity of the battery installed in it is indicated, and not given to the load (which is always less, since the efficiency of the converter cannot be one hundred percent).
  3. The nominal capacity of the battery inside the "power bank" may not coincide with the actual one - like all radio elements, batteries have a rating tolerance. Usually no one indicates the tolerance value, but it can be taken for about +/-10% (this also depends on the integrity of the manufacturer).

From these postulates, the conclusion follows that it would be naive to hope for a full charge of the phone, for example, with a 4,000 mAh battery, using a portable battery with a capacity of the same 4,000 mAh. This can happen in absolutely fantastic cases, when the capacity of the battery installed in the “power bank” turned out to be much higher than the nominal value due to technological variation. And there is no "cheating" in this: it's physics!

A few words about determining the efficiency of devices in the "fast charge" mode (when the output voltage rises above 5 V) and the difference from the calculation in the "normal mode". In normal mode (supply voltage 5 V), the smartphone battery in most cases is charged with exactly the current that comes from outside (with small losses in the controller). But in the “fast charge” mode, the incoming power is converted to the smartphone battery charging current and voltage, which is optimal for this without harming the battery. That is, the incoming power is used almost to the maximum.

In this regard, the efficiency for the normal mode was calculated as the ratio of the given capacity of the "power bank" to its face value. If the manufacturer overestimates the capacity in the parameters, then he will ruin his own reputation by reducing the efficiency. And for the “fast charge” mode, the efficiency was determined by the transferred energy in Watt-hours (the transferred capacity was multiplied by the voltage at the output of the “power bank” in this mode).

The energy of the tested device was also determined from the nominal power bank, and the value of 3.7 V was taken as the battery voltage.

Specifications and test program

Below are two tables with the characteristics of the tested models. The first shows the parameters of conventional "power banks" (with a capacity of 5,000 - 6,600 mAh), and the second - with an increased capacity (from 10,000 mAh).

Small "power banks"

Output current, A;
number of exits
Dimensions, mm
/ mass, g

Perhaps, many people are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of helplessness that occurs after the battery of a smartphone is discharged, as it usually happens at the most inopportune moment. Extend the period battery life your mobile, and any other gadget, you can use a portable power source - a power bank.

#10: Black Fox BMP 207

  • Capacity: 20,800 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2.1 A;
  • Dimensions: 152 x 72 x 22 mm.

BMP 207 is a product of the domestic company VELLTEAM, which has been developing accessories for mobile devices for several years. The power bank has several lithium-ion power sources with a total capacity of 20,800 mAh, which is quite enough to charge not only a smartphone, but also a tablet or an ultrabook.

BMP 207 can automatically distribute the output voltage and charge multiple devices at once. The accessory has two USB and one microUSB input. The disadvantages of a power bank include quite for a long time fully charging the batteries (only about 20 hours), which does not prevent the BMP 207 from being classified as the best high-capacity budget power bank.

#9: IconBIT FTB10400DX

  • Capacity: 10,400 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2.1 A;
  • Dimensions: 93 x 78 x 22 mm.

Despite the fact that the body of the FTB10400DX is made of plastic, the device is quite strong and can withstand a fatal fall on asphalt - the decent strength of the power bank is confirmed by numerous reviews from the owners. Its design also deserves praise, all wired interfaces (1x microUSB and 2x USB) are located on the side of a neat white bar with rounded edges.

IconBIT FTB10400DX's input current is fixed at 0.95A, so it will take about 11 hours to fully charge the batteries from the mains. Near USB port We have four small LEDs that indicate the percentage of charge remaining. The capacity of the FTB10400DX is enough for approximately 4-5 charge cycles of an iPhone 7 or 3 charge cycles of a Samsung Galaxy S8.

#8: ASUS ZenPower 10050

  • Capacity: 10,050 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2.4 A;
  • Dimensions: 90.5 x 59 x 22 mm.

The length and width of the ZenPower 10050 is comparable to a credit card, it was even mentioned on the battery packaging. The main body material is aluminum, plastic is present only on the side ends. One of them has two connectors - microUSB and USB with an output current of 2.4 amperes. A little to the right are four LEDs to display the current charge. By the way, thanks to the relatively high input voltage (5V/2A), the ZenPower 10050 only takes 6 hours to charge.

The universal power bank supports overcurrent protection, automatically regulates the output voltage and eliminates short circuits. Perhaps the only drawback of the ZenPower 10050 is limited quantity ports - from the battery you can not charge two devices at once.

#7: TP-LINK TL-PB10400

  • Capacity: 10,400 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2 A;
  • Dimensions: 88.5 x 44.3 x 44.3 mm.

TL-PB10400 is made in the form of a small cylinder weighing 241 grams - such a gadget can easily fit into a small backpack pocket or handbag. In addition to the usual LEDs and connectors, there is a small flashlight on the end of the battery. It turns on by holding the power button for five seconds. In addition to the flashlight on the side panel of the power bank, there are two USB connectors, a power button and four status LEDs.

USB ports are marked with output current (2A and 1A), so be careful when connecting devices. As practical tests have shown, the TL-PB10400 is quite enough for 3-4 charge cycles of a battery with a capacity of about 3000 mAh. The model has standard set standards for protection against overheating, power surges and short circuits.

#6: Samsung EB-P3000

  • Capacity: 10,000 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 1.5 A;
  • Dimensions: 148 x 71 x 15 mm.

The power bank is made in blue, the thickness of its case is noticeably lower than that of competitors - the device easily fits into a jeans pocket and fits perfectly in your hand. The EB-P3000 feels more like a pretty large smartphone without screen.

When you first look at the battery, you can immediately determine its main drawback - only one USB port. Yes, and its output current leaves much to be desired, at 1.5 A, charging an average 3000 mAh battery will take more than three and a half hours. But the power bank itself has an input current of 2 A and is charged from the network in about five hours. On the side, next to the connectors, there are also several LED indicators to display the current progress of recharging.

#5: Meizu M10

  • Capacity: 10,000 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2 A;
  • Dimensions: 143.5 x 75.6 x 17.4 mm.

The design of Meizu M10 usually causes either aesthetic ecstasy or sharp rejection. The body of the power bank is plastic, and its upper part is covered with a rubberized surface. At the end of the device there is one USB port and a microUSB input.

Meizu M10 supports Quick Charge fast charging, you can fill batteries with a total capacity of 10,000 mAh from the network in just three and a half hours. In normal charging mode, the external battery is charged in approximately seven hours. The capacity of Meizu M10 is enough for 4-5 charges of iPhone 7.

#4: HIPER XP17000

  • Capacity: 17,000 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 3 A;
  • Dimensions: 141 x 86 x 17 mm.

The XP17000 has a very interesting feature - the usual power button has been replaced with a touch strip. Activating a power bank is more like unlocking a smartphone; to get started, just swipe to the right on the touch surface. Connectors for recharging external devices are located at the end of the battery, here you can find a fairly rich set: two full-size USB ports and two microUSB connectors.

The output current of the XP17000 is up to three amps, so the charging speed of smartphones is practically the same as the speed of charging them from the network. The recharging speed of the power bank itself also pleased, the batteries were filled up to 100% in about 10 hours.

#3: Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Pro

  • Capacity: 10,000 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2 A;
  • Dimensions: 128.5 x 75 x 12.58 mm.

External View Pro powerbank in the 10,000 mAh version is practically no different from other portable Xiaomi batteries. The main body of the Power Bank Pro case is made of anodized aluminum, the side inserts are made of plastic.

Compared to previous models of external batteries, the novelty has become a little thinner and narrower. For more comfortable wearing of a power bank, you can purchase a leather one on Aliexpress, it will also protect the device from light blows.

The number of device ports is limited to one USB Type-C input and a full-sized USB connector. Both interfaces have a maximum output current of 2 A. . For phone with fast charging Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 is supported.

#2: Rombica NEO MS100

  • Capacity: 10,000 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2.1 A;
  • Dimensions: 160 x 76 x 16 mm.

NEO MS100 can be safely categorized as a stylish and highly functional portable battery. The power bank comes with a branded book cover, which makes the battery look more like a compact leather-bound notebook. On the inside of its cover, there are several small pockets for storing notes and credit cards.

The body of the accessory itself is made of aluminum with a polished finish that is pleasant to the touch. At first glance, you might even think that this is a solar external battery with a mirror surface. Wired interfaces (2x USB, 1x microUSB) are located on the top end. There is also a battery activation key and one LED indicator that notifies you of the remaining charge with its color. Full charge NEO MS100 from zero to 100% takes about 7 hours.

#1: Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 10000

  • Capacity: 10,000 mAh;
  • Maximum current: 2.4 A;
  • Dimensions: 130 x 71 x 13 mm.

Mi Power Bank 2 is, in fact, more cheap option mentioned Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Pro. The first place in the rating went to the 10,000 mAh version, there is also a 20,000 mAh version on sale, it is already intended not only for smartphones, but also for laptops and other more “gluttonous” devices.

Mi Power Bank 2 10000 is much thinner than its counterpart and comes in two color options: black or silver. By technical specifications Mi Power Bank 2 is almost identical to the Pro version, the only difference between them lies in the firmware USB-C interface, which is equipped with most top-end smartphones. The maximum output current is set at 2.4 A, which is quite enough for any mobile device.

Let's start the review of power banks with a popular company Xiaomi, which is a leading manufacturer in the Chinese smartphone market and also produces add-ons for its mobile phones such as external batteries. The well-known quality of all products of this company is compared with such a giant of premium electronics as Apple. Often Xiaomi smartphones called the Chinese analogue of the iPhone for its reliability and good equipment. Model Xiaomi Mi Power Bank has not only excellent design, quality and capacity 10 400 mAh but also at a low price $15 .

As for the rest of the specifications, there is one USB port and one microSD slot on the case. The power button will allow you to activate the device to start charging, and the LED indicators will show its level. The dimensions of the pocket battery are 77 x 90 x 21 mm and the weight is 250 grams. It takes about 5 hours to fully charge the device.

The popularity of power banks is growing every day, because the need for this device is also increasing. There are quite a few models of mobile batteries for any mobile devices on the market today. A special category includes models such as SCOSCHE goBAT that have a protective design and can be used in extreme conditions. The capacity of the gadget is 12,000 mAh, which is quite a capacious volume that will allow you to charge one device several times. Two USB connectors on the case will allow you to power two mobile phones at once, for example, a smartphone and a tablet.

The protective design of the device has been certified IP68, which indicates the resistance of the external battery to water, dirt, active shakes and falls. Resistance to temperature extremes is also a big plus, since almost all such devices without protective functions can quickly fail in the cold or in the heat. The body is made of polycarbonate and is very durable. Connectors for connecting mobile phones are hermetically sealed. To purchase a gadget you need to pay quite an impressive amount. $99 , but it is justified by the high reliability of the battery.

Model Poweradd Pilot X7 noteworthy is a very capacious battery on 20,000 mAh at a very attractive price $18 . This price is valid upon presentation of a promotional code on the Amazon portal. For active users Internet, it will not be difficult to find it on the global network. Without a promotional code, the cost will almost double to $35. Of all the Puerbanks, this model will interest the user with its compact size with such a spaciousness.

There are two USB connectors on the body of the gadget so that you can charge any two mobile devices at once. At the same time, there is also a battery level indicator, which consists of four LED bulbs. The user can easily put the device in a pocket of clothing and carry it with them, and if necessary, quickly use it. The battery will last more than 500 cycles, which is quite good considering the affordability in terms of price.

Another interesting power bank from a well-known Chinese company Lenovo, which has compact dimensions - 140 x 63 x 21 mm and weighs 240 grams. This gadget is even smaller than the previous one and will fit even in the smallest pocket. Battery capacity Lenovo PowerBank is 10 400 mAh. The well-known build quality and reliability of the products of this manufacturer should tip the scale of choice in the direction of choosing this model. It takes about 5 hours to charge the external battery itself.

The device has a plastic case, which is notable for its good strength and will not crack if accidentally dropped. The case has two USB connectors and one microUSB connector to charge multiple mobile phones at the same time. Highly useful feature if you actively use a smartphone and tablet, and often need to charge both mobile phones at once. The LED light indicator will show how much charge is left in the battery. For those who want to buy this particular power bank, a small amount of money will be required. $20 .

The next power bank called ROMOSS Sense 4 Heart has excellent build quality from the manufacturer ROMOSS, which is not as well known as Lenovo but has a good reputation among its users. The volume of this battery is also 10 400 mAh, which is quite enough to charge an average smartphone 3-4 times. With a weight of 290 grams, the gadget has quite compact dimensions of 130 x 60 x 20 mm. You can easily put the device in the back pocket of your jeans.

Two USB connectors on the side of the case will allow you to connect two smartphones or two other mobile devices. The microUSB port is for charging external mobile battery. You can also note the presence of a charge level indicator, consisting of four LED light bulbs. In general, the device deserves to be carried in your pocket, not only for good quality assembly, but also at an attractive price in $15 .

Although the power bank VINSIC Alien can not be called compact - it is one of the ultrathin external batteries for mobile devices. capacity is 20000 mAh, which is very impressive and will allow you to charge even powerful smartphone more than five times. For iPhone comparisons can be charged ten times. The device will definitely attract attention with its additional advantages - this is primarily a metal case, which creates high strength. The gadget is not afraid of blows and active use.

This power bank is equipped with two USB connectors to simultaneously charge two even the most powerful mobile devices. For example, some Chinese smartphones can boast a battery 10,000 mAh which is not an issue for this device. Another big plus is the presence digital indicator charge level, which shows the percentage. In general, the device is interesting for its reliability. The price is not the lowest $45 , but with its good qualities, the device is worth the money.

Many users know the company TP Link mainly for network products, including WiFi routers, routers, network cards and many other similar things. But in the range there is also an external battery TP Link Power Bank with a fairly decent capacity 10 400 mAh. The user will definitely be interested in the dimensions and design of the power bank, which has a very compact size of 88 × 44 × 44 mm. Since mobility is paramount for external batteries, the model is sure to attract attention.

There are two USB connectors on the body of the gadget so that you can connect and charge your tablet and smartphone at the same time. The gadget weighs decently with its small size - 240 grams. The charge indicator, which traditionally consists of four LED bulbs, will notify the owner that it is time to fill the power bank with energy. A very decent gadget from a reputable manufacturer, moreover, it is not expensive - $25 .

The next power bank model is Karbonn Polymer 10 Power Bank has a reasonable capacity 10 400 mAh enough to charge more than one mobile device. By revising appearance immediately catches the eye is a digital indicator in the form of an LED screen, which shows the percentage of the charge level. This is very convenient and will allow you to accurately control the filling of the battery. This rather thin and compact gadget boasts dimensions of 127 x 65 x 10 mm and weighs 215 grams, which is also relatively small.

The cost of the gadget is very democratic, given the presence of a digital charge indicator and is only $20 . In this case, the user will receive a high-quality external battery for charging various mobile devices. It can be a smartphone or tablet, or an MP3 player or other similar device. The quality from the manufacturer Karbonn will also please the owner of this additional battery.