The browser, as a rule, implies the presence of the Internet. And on the Internet, the browser (client) interacts with the server, and in the process of interaction they exchange a variety of information. Lots of information.

    Thus, one way to find out what browser do you have is to look at the information that your browser sends to a server on the Internet.

    You can find out which browser you have installed on your computer by the icons, if you know their meaning. But if you have an icon that is unfamiliar, then on the site this is easily determined. In addition to the version of your browser, there is still a lot of interesting things.

    The easiest way to find out which browser you have is by the name of the browser itself or its icon / icon. You can also just go to the browser menu and see the section About browser or use the site where everything is quite simple and clear.

  • What is my browser

    It is difficult to imagine that a person does not know what browser he has installed. But such cases are quite common, especially among people who are poorly versed in computers. You can determine which browser you have by the name of the shortcut that you click to access the Internet. There are times when the browser loads automatically, then in some cases you can find out its name in the browser header (at the top), or go to the settings menu and click help. You can also go to the site, which will give you your IP address and the name of your browser.

  • Like this? And what about all the data on nm and symbols with icons, don't they say anything about it? You can usually only find this out by looking at the browser icon on your desktop. Fortunately, browser symbols are very recognizable.

    Of course, the name of the browser can be recognized by its icon or the standard name that was after installation. But if the name has been changed, and the icon does not tell you anything, then go to the website, the name of your browser and its version will be written there.

    by the most in a simple way to find out which browser is installed on your computer, this is to contact the service. It will show your browser, its version, as well as ip address and other useful information about the programs used. I often use it to set the ip, because I have it dynamic.

    You can also pay attention to icon - label from which you access the Internet, and use it to recognize your browser, or go to the Start and see the icon and name there.

    As a rule, in computers that have just been purchased, by default there is in the settings Internet browser explorer.

    Most likely - Internet Explorer". If this is the original Windows, and not what the master putquot ;, anything can be there ... And so, in general, they are downloaded by themselves, tested, selected for themselves ...

    Or maybe a person is new to the world of computers and even more so browsers! Almost all programs last paragraph menu - Help. Here in this menu the last link is About the program. There will be indicated not only the name of the browser, but also its version.

    To find out which one you have browser on computer, then the easiest option is to go to this online service, which will immediately point you to the name of the browser, its version, and other data.

    There is simple options do it yourself, do Start-open programs and see by icon and name-which browser you have installed.

    And also in the browser, for example, in Mozilla at the top there is a Help-in which you can also see the version of it and update it if the version is outdated.

    And of course, you can see the browser tab at the bottom of the computer window and they are all different from each other, and if you bring the mouse up, the name of your browser will be displayed.

    Here are popular browser icons.

    It's pretty simple. Usually, the browser will open itself. For example, in the form of a shortcut on the desktop or in the start, you can see how the Internet is accessed. In START, under the icon there will be a decryption.

    There are several ways to find out which browser is installed on a computer or laptop:

    • you can try to recognize the browser shortcut,
    • you can hover over the browser shortcut, then a window will appear in which there will be an inscription with the name of the browser itself,
    • possible in open browser search on your own top panel menu or the name of the browser itself or the Helpquot ; button, and there will be an item About the programquot ;.
    • you can use special online services, which provide information about the browser being used.

    To make it easier your browser, here are the icons of the most popular browsers:

    To access the Internet, you probably click on an icon (most likely on the desktop). So, before clicking, just hover over this very icon and a tooltip will tell you the name of the browser.

    And yet, if a person does not know what browser he uses, then 99% of it is Internet Explorer.

A browser is a program designed to view, search, download and upload information on the Internet.
It is important for the user to know which browser is installed on his computer, because each browser differs both in its functionality and in the graphical interface, and displays the contents of the pages in different ways.
Now in the world, most people use these browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox Safari.
So, before checking which browser you have on a special site, give yourself an answer to these questions:

  • Do you have a computer with a freshly installed or reinstalled Windows operating system?
If YES, then your browser is standard Internet Explorer, or as they joke "a program for downloading browsers." And it looks like this.
  • Have you bought yourself a new MacBock?
If YES, you have a standard browser Apple - safari, which you can use and you will not have any difficulties in mastering it.
And it looks like this:

You can also “recognize your browser by its appearance.
Appearance Opera:

This is what it looks like Google Chrome:

And such GUI in the browser Mozilla Firefox:

If your answer to these questions is NO and you were unable to "recognize" your browser, then you need to determine which browser you have installed yourself. To do this, go to the website, which immediately displays a lot of information about the means that you use to access the Internet, including information about your browser.
In the red frame, which the arrow points to, there is that cherished information about the browser that you have installed.

Browser - special program, which is used to visit various web resources. Also, the browser serves as a full-fledged service for saving sites, bookmarks, and so on. By default, the Windows operating system already has a built-in utility, but often users prefer to install third-party browsers. In this article you will find the answer to the question of how to find out which browser is on my computer, different ways. The information will be useful mainly for beginners, but also advanced users PCs will be able to find new functionality in the operating system.

Task bar

In most cases, the browser is launched by users through a desktop shortcut or a pinned icon on the taskbar. The shortcut on the taskbar in Windows 10 does not have a label with a name, so you can only recognize it if you are familiar with the logo. However, you can click on the right-click icon ( right click mouse) and see the name of the program in the menu.

Find out the name in the browser itself

If you have launched a browser, but cannot determine its name or version, then use the built-in help. For example, when using Google Chrome, you need to click on the main menu button, then select "Help" and click on "About Browser". A window will appear in a new tab with all the necessary information: the full name of the application, version, build, and so on. A similar instruction is also relevant for all other browsers, only the names of some menu items or sections may differ.

Using "Settings"

To find out which browser is installed on my computer by default, you need to use standard means Windows. To do this, follow the presented algorithm:

  1. Launch the Options window. You can do this using the search bar by entering the name, or by right-clicking on the panel Windows tasks 10 and selecting "Options" from the menu that opens.
  2. After that, go to the "Applications" section.
  3. Here you need to go to the "Default Applications" tab.
  4. In the general list, find the item "Web browser". This will show the default browser (i.e. the one that is used in priority over others).
  5. Click on the name and open new tab with a list of all installed browsers. This will contain at least one standard browser (Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge).
  6. To return all settings to default, you can use the "Reset" button.

Remember that by setting a certain web browser as the default, you will open all links and navigate to sites through this application.

Standard browser options

If you have not installed third party programs on the computer, then after installing a "clean" operating system there should be only one browser. Microsoft uses only two programs - Internet Explorer and Edge. The first option was relevant for everyone operating systems for Windows 8.1 inclusive. With the release of Windows 10, the company introduced and completely new browser called Edge. Depending on which operating system you are using, this browser will be installed on your computer by default.

Using the list of installed programs

You can find out which browser is on my computer through the standard Windows tools. To do this, you need to use the built-in tool for uninstalling programs. On the "top ten" open this application can be done as follows:

  1. Go to the Options window.
  2. After that, go to the "Applications" section.
  3. Now open the Apps & Features tab. Here is located full list installed programs.
  4. Using this list, you can determine which browsers are installed on this computer, and remove unnecessary ones, if any.

The same operation can be done using third-party computer cleaning tools. good example such utility is CCleaner.

The option is also relevant using the classic application "Uninstall programs", which is relevant for operating Windows systems 8 and older. To start, we need to go to the "Control Panel" and select the appropriate section in it. But the fastest way to open "Uninstall or change a program" is through the "Run" window.

Use the key combination Win + R and type the command appwiz.cpl, then click OK to run the application. After that, a window with a list of installed software will appear on the screen.

Special Sites

You can also find out which browser is on my computer using a special website. To do this, you need to open a new tab and go to the Whatbrowser portal. A table will automatically appear on the screen with all the data (cookie support, flash, page size, name, engine and browser version).

How to find a browser on a PC?

If you can't launch the browser because there is no shortcut on the Windows 10 desktop or taskbar, you can use the Start menu search. If you know the name, then just enter it in the search bar and run the desired file.

Now you know where to see which browser is installed on your computer. As you can see, it is very easy to do this with standard tools and without the slightest knowledge of using a PC.

Firstly, different browsers They transmit various data about themselves and the computer to the Internet. They are more talkative, others less so. And there are those who can convey false information about themselves, posing as someone else. You can open this page in several browsers and see who each of them appears to be on the Internet..html

Secondly, if you are seriously concerned about your security on the Internet and use anonymizers or open sites in the "Incognito" mode of your favorite browser, then you can use this page to check how your actions are really anonymous on the Internet, and what information you all are still on display for the public to see.

Thirdly, even though you can force your browser to give fake data about yourself and your computer, you can still be identified by the totality of the transmitted data. The more unique this set is and the more parameters it differs from the bulk of Internet users, the more likely it can be assumed that you are exactly you. Such a heuristic algorithm does not give one hundred percent accuracy, but in half the cases it guesses, especially if the person using it has access to a large amount of data.

In any case, do not worry. Most of the information shown here is of a technical nature and browsers are required to transmit it in order to work successfully. This is absolutely normal and as it should be.

Mozilla FireFox to clarify the version of this software product, you need to open the "Help" section in the menu and click the lowest item ("About Mozilla Firefox"). A separate vertical window will open, in which an indication of the exact version of three numbers separated by a dot is placed under the large Firefox inscription.

In the Opera menu, you also need to open the "Help" section and click the bottom item ("About") in it. But here, unlike all other browsers, a separate window does not pop up at the same time - the usual one opens, most of which is occupied by lists of various kinds of storage created by the browser in your . At the very beginning of this list there is also a separate section, which is called "Version Information". Opera version numbers are two numbers separated by a dot.

In Internet Explorer, opening the same section of the menu called "Help" and clicking the last item in the list "About", you will see a window with a harsh reminder of copyright compliance. In addition to this text, there is also no less serious code indicating the browser version. In it, four numbers are separated by a dot, one of which has already exceeded the four-digit milestone.

In Google Chrome, in addition to the no less serious code of the version used (four numbers separated by dots), there is also an indication of the latest modification available for installation. To see a separate window with all this information, you need to open the menu by clicking on the wrench icon in the upper right of the window browser, and select About Google Chrome.

AT Apple browser Safari, just in case, provides two ways to open the version information window. One of them is similar to the method Chrome browser- you need to click in the same place the placed icon (here a gear is drawn on it) and select the item "About Safari". Another is very similar to Mozilla and IE - you need to open the "Help" section in the menu and click the bottom item ("About Safari"). Apple came up with the longest version designation: in addition to the three numbers separated by a dot, there is also the addition of three numbers in brackets.