R.Saver is a domestic free program for non-commercial use that allows you to recover deleted data and reconstruct the file system. Developed by the Ukrainian company LLC SysDev Laboratories and the Russian studio R.LAB in 2011.

Advantages of R.Saver

The R.Saver program does not require installation: to start data recovery, you need to download and unpack the archive, inside which there will be an executable file to run the utility and a manual saved as an HTML page.

Important: you need to extract R.Saver from the archive to a partition other than the one on which the files were deleted.

For example, the data was erased on drive C, which means that the program must be unpacked to drive D. When unpacked, the program takes up less than 2 MB on the drive. Among other advantages of R.Saver:

  • Clear, Russian-language interface.
  • Recovery of the file system in case of its damage.
  • Search for data by signatures using the IntelliRAW algorithm.

The IntelliRAW algorithm allows you to find more data than with a conventional sector-by-sector scan. The program analyzes the rest of the file system structure, making assumptions about the beginning of the next file. Recognizing the beginning of each file by signatures, the utility draws a conclusion about its length.

Purpose of the program

R.Saver is another versatile data recovery utility that can find files of all types. Main functions:

  • Recovering deleted data.
  • Restoring files after quick formatting drives.
  • File system reconstruction.

Tests show that R.Saver solves a damaged file system in 99% of cases. The efficiency of file recovery is slightly lower - about 90%.

Some data found is unreadable, but 9 out of 10 lost files will be returned free of charge after deletion or formatting. Such results definitely say that downloading R.Saver for data recovery is a good idea.

Recovery order

If you understand how to use R.Saver, you can quickly recover deleted, lost, and formatted data. Here is an instruction for recovering files that were simply deleted from a computer or flash drive:

Double clicking on a file opens a preview window. To restore data, select it and click Save Selection. Specify the storage location on a media other than the one on which the data was restored.

If the drive was formatted, and the information recorded on it was erased, then to return it, you need to perform the following steps:

When restoring data after formatting, the files will be sorted by type. The main thing is not to save them to the same medium from which they were erased. If the file system of the flash drive is damaged and when you connect to the computer you see a notification about the need to format, then fix the error and return the lost files using the special R.Saver function.

  1. Run the utility, right-click on the partition with the corrupted file system.
  2. Select "Search for lost files". Run a deep scan.
  3. Wait for the file system reconstruction to complete.

After scanning and restoring the partition, you will see in the program window the files that were written to the drive. The R.Saver program, in addition to recovering files, offers other useful operations, so it should definitely be downloaded. In particular, using the "Test" button, you can conduct a basic test of the file system, checking the correctness of the metadata of files and folders.

According to the old adage, there are people who don't make backups, and there are those who already do.
In this article, we will try to help those who, by the will of fate, are in the process of moving from the first class to the second - those who have lost data.

We will talk about a free data recovery program.

The programs were tested against three tests:

Recovery of simply deleted data +
. Recovering Data Deleted Using a Quick Format
. Data recovery after deleting the file system table and overwriting random memory cells on the disk.

The only program that could pass all three tests was .

R.saver is essentially a stripped down version paid program UFS Explorer Recovery.
The disk scanning and data recovery systems in R.saver are similar to those in UFS Explorer Recovery.

It differs from its "big sister" in that it can work with a smaller number of file systems - only with NTFS and FAT, is not endowed with the ability to work with RAID arrays, and is also not adapted to work with files located on a local network.
However, for an inexperienced user, the functionality of R.saver is quite enough for home use.

The program has a nice and user-friendly interface.
The main screen is similar in style to the usual screw explorer.
On the left side of the screen is a list of all detected disks.

They are indicated by icons in the form hard drives, and their sections are marked with round icons of different colors:

Blue color means that a preliminary check of the file system contained on the partition showed its satisfactory state.
Orange color indicates the presence of any damage.
The program marks partitions with gray color, on which there were no file systems supported by R.saver.
On the right side is detailed information about the selected section.

If the partition from which you want to recover data was not determined automatically, you can do it manually.
To do this, simply click on desired disk right-click and in the pop-up window select "find lost partition".

In the dialog box that appears, you need to select "Find Now", and after some time of searching, a list of all partitions on this disk will appear.
From it you need to select the sections of interest to us and click "Use selected".
After that, the selected sections will appear in common map sections on the main screen of the application.

After that, we proceed to the direct recovery of the lost data.
To do this, on the main screen, select the disk partition on which the search will be carried out, and select "Scan".

The program will automatically scan.
For a 100 Gb disk, it took about half an hour.
The results will be presented as shown in the illustration below.

Folders with results will appear on the left side of the screen:

. "The result of reconstruction" is a virtual file system built on the basis of the collected information.
. "Deleted files" - detected deleted files.
. "Corrupted files" - presumably damaged files.
. "Found by type" - the result of searching for files by signatures.
In the case of NTFS, this is rarely practical.
At the same time, the process itself is long and resource-intensive, so R.saver uses this algorithm only when recovering data from FAT.

To make it easier to work with recovered files, R.saver has a preview tool.
It makes it possible to open files directly from the reconstruction results. double click by their names.
Once you've decided what you want to restore, simply highlight those files, click "Save Selection" and choose a save path.

Finally, I would like to give some general tips for data recovery:

Never save the recovered information to the same media (or the same partition of the media)!
Writing to this media will result in complete loss of data.

If you are not sure that you can recover data from the media yourself or this data is too important for you, it is better to entrust it to professionals.
Inept actions, most likely, will lead to the fact that the data will no longer be recoverable.

Recovering deleted files seems impossible for some. But if you take a little interest in this issue, you will find out that data during normal deletion does not disappear at all, but is simply marked as “invisible”. And they will completely disappear only after new information is written over them. The smaller the file, the higher the chance to recover the destroyed information. A heavy video, for example, has very little chance of remaining unrecorded with new information.

But, fortunately, the most important files are usually documents (*.doc, *.xls), which do not weigh that much. And the utility can easily cope with their rehabilitation. The program is fully Russified, has an intuitive interface and meaningful guidance. However, you are unlikely to need help - you can only get confused here in the abundance of your deleted files.

Consider the operation of the program on the example of recovery remote photo from a G. flash drive, just unpack it or run it directly from the archive.

If you connected a USB flash drive after starting R.saver - click "Update"

The program will identify all partitions and list them. We are looking for our carrier and look at its contents. The miracle did not happen, and the required file is still missing. Therefore, we proceed to scanning the flash drive by clicking on the appropriate button.

The duration of the scan directly depends on the size of the disk

If you're going to "search" HDD 64 GB and above, then it is worth stocking up with considerable patience. But the recovered files are worth it!

When the scan is completed, we start searching for the desired file in the search results. Having even the slightest idea of ​​​​his name, it will not be difficult to do - just enter in the "Quick search" field on the right upper corner the first few characters of the filename. Also, to facilitate the search, use filters by name, size, type and date of files and an additional menu called by pressing Ctrl+F.

So, we have found a file that is very similar to the required one. To view it, R.saver will prompt you to select a folder for the "temporary file" (it is temporary only for the utility, so do not forget to delete not necessary files from the specified folder after completion of work).

Deleted or corrupted files

The photo was exactly what we were looking for! After viewing, you do not need to save it - it already lies in the selected folder for temporary files. If there are a lot of objects, then use mass selection and the "Save selected" button.

And a few more words about the effectiveness of recovery. The faster you start saving files, the higher the result will be and the more chances to recover destroyed files. The program also has the option "Restore after formatting", but it will help only in case of quick formatting (clearing the table of contents).

Often, when files are lost for one reason or another, the data itself is safe and sound. This allows you to restore them with the help of special programs, of which a great many have been written to date. Some of them cost a lot of money, others are free. We briefly describe the principles of operation of such software and give step by step instructions use free program R.saver.

Principles of software data recovery

Let's take deleting files on an NTFS partition as an example. The file system, in addition to user information, includes service information, including the MFT (Master File Table) file table and the Bitmap disk “map”. MFT contains information about all folders and files on the disk. In a somewhat simplified way, you can think of it as an analogue of a library catalog, on the cards of which it is written in which cabinets and on which shelves the books are located. The MFT records store the file name, file permissions, data location, and so on. This entry also indicates whether the file is currently "alive" or deleted. The disk map (Bitmap) shows which disk clusters are busy and which are free for writing. When a file is deleted, its record in the MFT is not erased, but only modified (it is marked as deleted), and the corresponding clusters are marked as free in the disk map. At the same time, the data itself remains lying in its original place completely unharmed. True, only until this section of the disk is needed to write new files.

If new information has not yet been written over the deleted file, it is easy to bring it back to life: just modify the entry in the file table or copy the data to the address indicated there in new file. good programs for data recovery, they follow the “do no harm” principle, which excludes editing the service structures of file systems, and use the second method.

Other algorithms work in case of damage or formatting of the file system. Then, in order to find the data, the programs “probe” the entire disk space in search of the remnants of the file system overhead and pieces of files.

The found service data allows (or does not allow, depending on the state) to perform a virtual reconstruction of the file system, with the subsequent saving of the necessary data.

If the necessary files are not found when viewing the reconstruction results, the last chance– search for data by signatures. What it is? Popular file formats (jpg, avi, bmp, etc.) have headers specific to them. It is them that the program is looking for, viewing the contents of the disk directly. As soon as a fragment characteristic of a file of a certain format is found, the program starts reading data until it encounters a fragment characteristic of the end of a file, or the beginning of another (how lucky with the format).

Different programs support a slightly different set of formats that they "know", are able to search for and restore in this way. The result of the work will be a set of folders with names corresponding to the formats in which the found files are located. File and folder names are not restored because they are stored in the file system overhead, which is ignored when using this algorithm.

Whatever data recovery program you use, you should adhere to the basic principles:

  1. No write to the partition where the data was lost. When data is lost on system partition, or where the swap file can be stored - turn off the computer immediately, without shutting down the OS correctly. Then restore the data on another machine, or by booting from a LiveCD.
  2. Software Recovery data from a failed drive, without first making a sector-by-sector copy, can exacerbate the problem. Therefore, if the data is critically important, and the reason for their loss is not known, immediately contact the specialists.


The program supports data recovery from FAT and NTFS file systems. It is also possible to access data in read mode on HFS+/HFSX, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, Reiser, XFS, UFS, UFS2, NWFS, ISO9660.

R.saver is not inferior to the best commercial software in terms of efficiency, since it works on the basis of algorithms of the professional version of UFS Explorer. Settings - minimum. The scanning process is launched by pressing one button, while all possible options scanning. This makes the program less user-friendly for professionals, but greatly simplifies its use by non-specialists.

Installation is not required, just download and unpack a small archive. Like FAR once, this program is free for non-commercial use in the territory of the CIS countries.

Step-by-step instruction

When you start the program, you will see a window with all detected devices and partitions. Select those partitions from which information was lost, and click "Scan".

If you did not find the section you need (you can navigate by the label indicated in the properties window on the right and the size), then select physical disk, where it was, and click "Find Partition".

After the search process is completed, you will be presented with a list of all partitions found. You can save it so that you do not waste time searching again in the future.

Select the checkboxes for the partitions from which the data was lost, and click "Use selected". You will again be taken to the start window, but the list of sections will be more complete. Now you need to mark the partitions and click "Scan".

After the scanning process is completed, you will see the reconstructed file system (what it would look like if there was no data loss). Deleted and presumably damaged files are also listed separately in their respective sections.

Taking advantage context menu you can copy the file (or folder) you want to another drive. By double-clicking on the file, you can view its contents (the file itself is restored to the storage location of temporary files). There is also a file search function (“Quick Search” in the upper right corner).

We can determine the value of our computer not only by the power of its system, the high cost of components or the brand. As a rule, the most precious is information stored on hard drives and removable media (memory cards, flash drives, disks, etc.). Whatever costs we incur in the event of equipment breakdown, you can always repair it or buy a new one. But information in the form of various kinds of documents, photographs, videos and other things cannot always be restored.

What to do if, as a result of a crash, formatting, or accidental deletion, some files are missing from the system? There is an exit. Prudent developers have created special program recovery of lost data. We will consider it in this article.

An overview of the application for recovering lost information

A real find for the emergencies described above, allowing you to easily reverse the perfect removal process and thus save important information- the R.saver utility, which you can download from our website absolutely free of charge. It is suitable for file systems of various versions (NTFS, FAT and exFAT families).

By selecting the disk (source of information) you need and pressing just one button, you will start the scanning process, and then R.saver will perform all the required steps on its own. It works with various storage media, and also allows you to copy files from file systems that are not intended for the Windows platform.

After auto tuning(depending on the type of detected system) one of the following actions will be performed:

  • damaged systems with files will be reconstructed;
  • remote folders and the files will be restored;
  • data lost as a result of formatting is returned;
  • data recovery based on file signatures was performed.

In addition, the application allows you to search for lost disk partitions, check for errors file systems, as well as access (in read mode) file systems such as Ext 2/3/4, HFS, UFS(2), XFS, ISO9660, and a few others.

The latest version of the R.saver program is distinguished by improved algorithms for system reconstruction, in particular, the speed of scanning and data recovery has increased, the results of the work have become more accurate (more complete). There was also a function to "return" information lost as a result of changing the type of file system.

About how to use R.saver: algorithm of actions

Working with the utility is extremely simple and convenient. This is due to two factors:

  • as simple as possible and clear interface, for our compatriots there is its Russian version;
  • independent setting by the software of the parameters necessary for the implementation of scanning and recovery processes.

You don't have to do anything manually. The app doesn't even need to be installed. Here short instruction by R.saver.

All that is required is:

  1. Download the software from our website without registration and SMS (it only takes a few minutes) and run it.
  2. Then, in the "Connected storages" section, select the required media and click the "Scan" button.
  3. The stage of system reconstruction will begin, the results of which you will see on the screen of your monitor.
  4. In the list of detected files, find the one that you want to restore, select it and simply click "Save selected" to the selected folder. That's how easy and simple it is.

It is worth warning that it is important to follow one rule: the disk with which you will work must be isolated from writing other files to it (over the deleted ones), otherwise the recovery process will be problematic. Otherwise, there shouldn't be any problems.

You will see for yourself how easy it is to use the R.saver utility, and the results of its work are admirable. This is largely due to the fact that it uses the efficient IntelliRAW sector-by-sector scanning algorithm, which allows faster and better search for files by signatures (than doing this with conventional algorithms).

If the signatures of any file are not in the database, then you can add them yourself using the ufsx-ruled program. In this way, even rare files can be found and restored.

The program is considered one of the best utilities to recover lost information. At the same time, it does not contain any excessive requirements for the system and works even without preset, co removable media. All in all, a great tool for non-commercial use. See you soon!