In April 2016, the social network Vkontakte received new design and decoration. In the test version of the new Vkontakte design, each user himself could turn on the new version, check it, and if it did not suit him, then go back to old version VC. But consider whether it is possible to return to the old version of VK now.

How to enable the new version of VKontakte?

This can be done like this: open and at the very end of the page click "Join testing" (perhaps this does not work anymore).

How to enable the old version of VK?

It was possible to return the old one back in the same place, at the very bottom of the narrow left column of the site, pale gray link. It is called "Return to the old version of the site". Now not everyone has it, and soon it will disappear altogether.

Did the new version turn on by itself?

Since June 9, a part of VK users (about 10 percent) received the new version forcibly, that is, it turned on itself, and they can no longer return to the old one. If this happened to you, then most likely you are among these users. What to do? Nothing can be done, you can only get used to it, because a person gets used to everything. Try to take it easy. Some time will pass, and the old version will already seem uncomfortable to you. And in any case, the developers of the VK site would not be able to keep the old version for you for a long time.

Reportedly, this is the beginning of a mass transfer of all VK users to the new version. Here is the official news about it. Those who did not fall into the mentioned 10% will still be able to switch to the new version and back to the old one for some time, but then everyone will have only the new version.

New version of VKontakte on the phone

Under new version refers to the full version of the site that people use on computers and tablets. This does not apply to the VK application for phones, which is developed and updated separately (see: ).

Not everyone likes the new version of VKontakte. Many want to return previous version which they find more convenient. Someone claims that the new design is too similar to and even. Users even created an online petition demanding that they keep the old version and give them "the right to choose." Most likely it won't affect anything. Online petitions are often created for various reasons and thanks to them the information is disseminated very widely. But in fact, the petition has not helped anyone yet. When the noise subsides, everyone forgets about her.

VKontakte laughed at its users, who promised to leave if they did not return the old version. A month after their promise, they still continued to sit in VK (look at them).

It is known that any big update some people always meet with hostility, as it is too painful for them to change old habits. But over time, they calm down.

Why is it important? When you express your opinion, it will become easier, you will release your negativity. True, 92% of people will not read this, but will immediately look for a hole where they can write. Congratulations if you are reading this! If you really want to contact VKontakte employees and ask them to return the old version, try contacting their support team.

How to enter a new or old version of VK?

You can easily enter any version of VKontakte (depending on which one you have now) through.

If, after installing the update, the VKontakte client on Android started to work with errors, users have a logical desire to uninstall the updates. You can't just skip the latest version. To roll back an app, you'll have to uninstall it and then install the older version using the APK file.

Prevent automatic updates

Before you understand how to uninstall a VK app update on Android, you need to prevent programs from updating without your permission.

  1. Run Play market, bring up the main menu and go to settings.
  2. In the "Auto-update" section, select "Never". Check the box next to "Notifications - notify me when updates are available."

After disabling auto-updates, apps will not download updates until you allow them. Install Last update you can manually through the Play Market. Go to the "My Applications" section, and you will immediately understand for which programs the developers have released updates - next to them there will be an "Update" button.

Removing a new version

You have forbidden automatic downloading of new versions, but if the program has already been updated, how to cancel the upgrade? In VK, after updates, errors often appear, so it becomes necessary to remove updates. This can only be done through complete removal apps from your phone.

At system programs in the settings there is a button "Uninstall updates". If you go to the Google Services or Play Market options, you can easily roll them back to their original state. In the case of third party applications there is no such possibility. Therefore, you have to delete programs and then install them again, downloading older versions in the form of APK files. To remove VK from Android:

  1. Open the settings, go to the "Applications" section.
  2. Find the VKontakte client in the list. Open its properties.
  3. Click Uninstall and wait for the uninstall process to complete.

When deleting a client, user data will not be affected, since they are posted on the VK website, and the application is just one of the ways to use the account.

Finding and installing an old version

The Play Market hosts only the latest version of the client, so there is no point in downloading the application from there. Old versions can be found on forums and specialized sites. Use only trusted sources - for example, the site, where you can find almost any version of all popular applications and at the same time read how it works.

Speaking specifically about the VK client, old versions can be found on this page: You just need to select the appropriate assembly and download it to your computer. After downloading the installer, one question remains - how to install the program from the APK file on the phone? This will require separate instructions.

Instead of file manager You can use a browser to install from an APK file. Open it and enter in address bar command "content://". The "sdcard" fragment indicates that the installer file is stored in the root of the SD card. If you uploaded the APK to another directory, specify the path to it and be sure to write the file name correctly.

I remember those times when the social network VKontakte had just appeared. Since its inception, it immediately became the most popular in the CIS. This popularity has not bypassed me. I, too, immediately created my own page there and began to communicate with old friends who fled in all directions. And even now I keep in touch with them.

From the moment when smartphones became a frequent occurrence among users, Durov created an application for android phones with the same name. Of course, I also did not stand aside and downloaded the VKontakte application for Android. At first, before installing, I thought that it would not be possible to sit properly in the application and there would be fewer opportunities. After installation, it turned out that all my opinions were wrong. I received full access to my page, I can easily view the news and chat with friends just like from a computer.

Of course, you need to work Mobile Internet or dot WIFI access, but nowadays with the development mobile communications and thanks to the rivalry of operators, high-quality mobile Internet has ceased to be a problem at all.

The VKontakte smartphone application will be a real help for those people who cannot constantly sit near their computer, but at the same time cannot live without their beloved Contact. Indeed, in this way you can go to your page anywhere where there is at least a minimal connection to access the Internet. With this application, you can also follow the progress of your group, as the possibilities are not limited in the least.

For example, I never regretted that I installed this application on my phone, as it helped me out more than once. After all, everyone can have a situation when they should urgently be online and contact the right person, but at the same time access to a computer is not expected for the next few hours. Here you can also while away the time on a trip or while waiting. If you like to play a variety of VKontakte applications, you can also not worry that it will not start.

In general, here is my opinion about it and I advise everyone to definitely download the VKontakte application for android, which will give you a guaranteed opportunity to be with your favorite social network anytime and anywhere. As for the rating, this is a guaranteed five, since the application is executed just fine and provides an excellent opportunity to log into VK while away from the computer.

Recently, given the recent global updates, my attitude towards Vkontakte on Android has become very doubtful. It seems that there are few useful functions left, it seems that it’s not very interesting to sit, but you can’t do anything.

Let's start with the cons - fortunately, there are not so many of them. It seems to me that this application lacks various themes that would allow you to change tones, colors, fonts. Put your picture on the background of dialogs or make VK completely transparent.

Not all features available in full version site, can be applied on android. This app has always hurt me for as long as I can remember. Although most of these functions are rarely used, there are situations when they are very necessary.

The main disadvantage of the application to download Vkontakte for Android is, of course, music. Already everyone active user networks have long noticed that music has become paid. Not completely, of course, but only offline. Now you can not download tracks to the cache and listen to music without an Internet connection. It would be nice if it ended there, but no! Not very long ago, the administration added a limit on listening to music with a locked screen. Now, by turning off the screen, you can only listen to music for 30 minutes a day. As for me, it's just awful!

Is the app really that bad? Not at all. We just forgot to talk about the pros. First of all, the advantage of the application is that it has become very comfortable. Especially in latest versions, it's just that a lot of people aren't used to it yet. Of course, the design idea was borrowed from other social networks, but this is not about that.

Also, in addition to comfort, the application has become quite attractive. They should have changed the annoying interface with a side-sliding panel a long time ago. It was very uncomfortable, although quite familiar. Now all the necessary buttons are located at the bottom of the screen, it has become really convenient!

The main advantage of the application to download Vkontakte for android is that it is official. As silly as it sounds, yes. This is much better than its dubious alternatives like Kate Mobile or Polyglot, which compromise the security of your account in the first place. If earlier they were used because they had some additional functions, then after the fix, I don’t see any point in these programs at all.

If any bug is found, it will be fixed in the near future by the Vkontakte team members who are actively involved in this. You can be sure that no one will hack your account. Always protect your personal data!

No matter what anyone says, the official VK client is the best of all, in my subjective opinion. He has a lot of pluses, and we will analyze them in order. Let's talk about the cons too.

The main advantage is that it is stable. Personally, I have a long history of using this application on various devices there was a minimum number of crashes, which indicates that the developers were finalizing the application and testing it, and did not do it for show (well, still: such a profit). Loads fast, loads stably, notifications work as they should.

The second plus is that the application completely copies the interface of the site, and more mobile version, which pleases, because for me it is more convenient and faster. The same Kate Mobile (the main feature of which was invisibility, but now it does not work) has a completely different interface. Often, to get to a page, you need to click more times than in the official client.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that the developers absolutely did not think about the flexibility of settings and additional features which could make their app much more attractive. In what, by the way, it is surpassed by other clients. Lacks color schemes, background settings and fonts. There are not enough settings related to the graphic part, namely, the quality of downloaded images, previews, videos, and more.

And so everything suits me and I chose to download VKontakte for android, I use this particular client, because it is time-tested and stable. Everything is standard in it, everything is taken from the original design of the site. It is convenient to correspond here, to sit in groups too, as well as to view albums. Speaking of groups, several other clients aren't as comfortable to sit in. For example, in Kate you go into a group and see something like a menu from different sections, such as: discussions, photos, audio, posts, etc. You go, for example, to posts and see their list. If you want to read a post in its entirety, click on it. If you want to read the comments - click again on the special function. Here, you do not need to click on the screen a hundred times - you open, one might say, the same page as on the site with all the content. And Gif's work here by tap. And it's very convenient to attach files! I can't say for the player - I never tested it much, but, it seems, people are happy with it.

In general, the client is excellent, you can download VKontakte for Android! When you use it, you fully feel the whole atmosphere of VK, the original one, from its creators themselves.

The application for the Vkontakte website on android is always a search for more convenient application with a minimum of limitation of functions. One of the best and most downloaded now is vk.

With the release of the updated interface this program has become not only easier and more convenient to navigate, but more enjoyable, especially for users who use it often.

The most important change is the bottom line, where the most necessary buttons are displayed. Now there are 4 of them:



Home page

A separate message tab makes it much easier to switch between dialogs. When you receive a response, you can reply to the message without being distracted from what you are doing, and when you receive a new letter, you will hear a sound notification.

Notifications displayed in a separate icon will be especially comfortable for fans of various online broadcasts and streams, because in just 1 click on the bottom panel you will see what kind of notification they sent you, what broadcast is starting, who wanted to add you as a friend, and maybe your birthday someone and you forgot about it. Fast access to notifications is also always an important item for many users, since what they are looking forward to now will definitely not be missed.

Now the panel, which used to slide out from the side, is taken out separately in the form of a button with several lines. This is much more convenient, because when you press touch screen any smartphone will respond much more readily, especially if you have wet hands. As before, on this tab you will find links to your favorite groups, audio recordings, video recordings, games and other functions that are available to you on the regular Vkontakte website. Since the application is being used without being able to exit in social network through a computer, you are not limited in your actions, this applies not only to the fact that you can go to read, write, but you can also use all the settings that are available in the PC version. In addition, birthdays are displayed right under home page, which allows you to always be aware of the holidays of friends.

In the event of a malfunction of the application, the user can be sure that in as soon as possible everything that interferes with the correct operation of the application will be fixed and with a small update all problems will already be solved.

Comfortable search system will greatly facilitate the search for new groups, friends, channels to watch, whose acquaintances you have not yet added as friends, and everything that you may need to use this application.

In contact with has been around for about 10 years and during this time has managed to gather millions of users in one place. Thanks to the convenient old VK interface, you can chat with your friends, send various photos or videos very quickly and most importantly for free. Once you install this application, you will not have to download anything in the future. In addition, it is possible to listen to music online, join interesting groups and even create your own community where you can gather thousands of like-minded people.

Constant new updates from the developers did not appeal to some users who are unhappy with unnecessary chips. Now there is a way to roll back to old version of the application VKontakte and make it the same. Listen to music for free, just like before. No one else will take that right away from you. Go to any previously inaccessible sections, conveniently view the profiles of other users and share your entries.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to download the old version of VK for Android for free and install it on your phone or even tablet with any firmware. Find out what your friends have been up to lately, read their latest comments on posts, and follow their social life as well as posting new information about yours. Send friend requests, listen to music, look up your old classmates thanks to convenient search, which was not removed in the penultimate version of the Vkontakte application. Attach any files to messages, even word and txt.

Recall that at the beginning of October 2017, the Vkontakte service is still the most popular, daily attendance is more than 65 million people per day, and more than 28.5 million prefer to access the social network with a smartphone on the Android system.

Most recently, or rather on September 27, the Vkontakte team pleased its users with a new version mobile application vk 5.0. As always, there were supporters and dissatisfied. Both can be understood. There is nothing surprising in the fact that you do not get used to the new immediately. Before accepting a new one, you need to “get used to it”, or rather get used to the menu and other options. Therefore, today, we would like to tell you how you can return the old version of VK after the main update of 2017!

We return the old version of Vkontakte

With the update, the Android app has changed dramatically. Now you can navigate between the main options with one touch, friend requests and messages have moved to the bottom functional line. The menu button has moved to the lower right corner, and the camera has now settled in its place.

Yes, all this is different and you just need to get used to the innovations, because remember when you transferred the desktop version to a new design, at first there were thousands of dissatisfied people, but then they got used to it, because there is no way out 🙂

But, if on PC you can't return old design, then things are different in smartphones and you can easily roll back to an earlier version, or rather to the one that was the latest 4.13.1. And now we will tell you how to do it!

1. The first thing you need is to make sure that you are not a supporter of everything new 🙂 and if you haven’t changed your mind, then go to your phone settings - Application Manager - delete VK.

2. Now download the penultimate one. VK 4.13.1 - 34 Mb

Please note that the number of downloaders was more than 9 million 800 thousand people. Also in the Versions tab, you can get nostalgic about how it looked mobile service VK before!

3. Again we go to the Phone Settings - Security - and allow the installation of applications from unknown sources.

4. Install downloaded 4.13.1. And we rejoice at the old VK. If you decide it's time to move forward, then through the play market, you can update!

I hope you haven't forgotten what it looks like. I think, having used it, you will sooner or later return to the updated VK. By the way, do not forget to turn off auto-update in the PlayMarket settings! Otherwise, you will again be the happy owner of a novelty 🙂

If you have any questions, write in the comments. If it worked out, then also write, because we are pleased 🙂