To control the main network equipment, be it Ethernet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Mobile Internet or other types of connections, you can also use "Network" - "Network and Sharing Center public access". You can access it in two ways: by typing in the name in the Charms search field, or by clicking right click mouse over the network icon on the desktop.

To view the network equipment installed on your computer, click on the "Change adapter settings" link in the left pane.

The window that opens contains all the network connections available on your computer.

Right-clicking on a connection will allow you to perform various actions, they are also available in the toolbar at the top of the window:

  • Disable the connection so that it is saved in the network settings, but access to it is denied.
  • Connect and disconnect from the network.
  • Check network status, useful if you are having trouble connecting.
  • Diagnose connection problems or malfunctions. it automatic means to troubleshoot, resets the connection to its default state.
  • Check connection properties. Here you can change the network adapter settings. Use your computer to share with other computers, turning it into mobile hotspot access, or enable/disable specific features that may be causing problems, such as IPv6.
  • There is no option to delete a connection, change the auto-connect feature, or change the password settings. To delete a connection, select it and press the Delete (Del) key on your keyboard.

Attention. Windows 8.1 only allows you to choose the state of the network or Internet connection. Sometimes it's easier to delete the connection and re-establish it on restart.

If you are managing a network at home or at work, you should have a complete understanding of security and network management, including knowing who will be using the network.

Of course, a router that allows multiple master and guest SSID connections is worth decent money especially for small firms. But its benefits are clear, you don't have to worry about visitors accidentally accessing your computers, files stored on them, or shared storage in your work environment.

Many high-end routers offer this functionality, and it's hard to recommend a better one in the workplace. Such a router is also useful at home, especially if you use a shared network storage, such as a NAS drive connected to your router or a hard drive USB disk on which you save backups and private files.

The main thing is to always make sure that the router has two passwords: one for administration through the interface and another for Wi-Fi. These passwords must always be different. If you have a router that supports multiple SSIDs, each must have its own unique password. It - The best way ensure, as far as possible, that you have superior security on your network.

Clue. To create secure password, make sure it is at least 12 characters long and includes a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You can also use some numbers and symbols to replace letters, such as "5" instead of "D", "1" instead of "A" and so on.

Protecting Wi-Fi networks.

When you create your Wi-Fi network, you may be faced with the question - what type of security to use. You can select WEP, WPA-Personal, WPA2-Personal, WPA-Enterprise, or WPA2-Enterprise. Since they are all a combination of letters and numbers, it would be nice to know what each one really means. It is tempting to choose a basic type of encryption such as WEP because it allows the use of short, easy-to-remember passwords. But a short password is not secure. The higher the encryption level, the more complex the default password requirements.

Suffice it to say that WEP, WPA, and WPA2 are far from secure, especially in the business environment, and quite tough for experienced and determined hackers. Although, if your router does not offer additional options security, such as AES encryption or a RADIUS authentication server - you will never be completely protected.

Each new type of secure encryption and authentication added to the Wi-Fi network makes the password longer with more stringent requirements. The simplest is entered into the computer only once; but the more complex one requires constant input.

What do you have in your network? How important are your files and documents? Are you really a target for a hacker? Most enthusiasts and IT professionals have the same types of files on their networks as any consumer, but they also have business files. However, only if you store particularly sensitive data on your network (for example, you work in a high-tech industry or for a government agency), you are a likely target for a hacker. Although past years have shown that the theft of government data is much more likely from the inside than from the outside.

Even if you will never be a target for a hacker, it is still better to use a balanced setting. For home users, WPA2 encryption is recommended. The minimum password length is slightly longer than easy to remember, but security professionals always recommend having long passwords. And after all, no one bothers you to write down your password on a piece of paper, it is unlikely that someone will physically break into your building to gain access to your WiFi networks. And WEP and WPA just don't provide enough security.

Manage data usage in mobile broadband.

If you use your computer on a mobile broadband connection (3G/4G), you probably want to make sure you don't exceed your usage limits.

Windows 8.1 can help you control and limit your data usage by showing it in the network connection bar. When you connect to a mobile broadband network, Windows shows the amount of data used so far. If you are on a monthly contract with a set amount of data, the counter can be reset each month by clicking Reset.

However, you will need to enable this feature for each network (you can also do this for Wi-Fi networks):

  1. Open PC Settings.
  2. Click on Network settings.
  3. Click on the name of the network for which you want to display data usage.
  4. In the Data Usage section, toggle the radio button under "Display my data usage in a list of networks" and optionally check to have Windows 8.1 treat this network as a metered connection. This setting prevents Windows and your applications from sending and receiving too much data, which saves you from excessive bandwidth costs.

The tiles window allows you to define the maximum amount of data that live tiles can use in a month. Once this limit is reached, live tiles on mobile broadband will no longer be updated.

Setting up a network connection in compliance with all instructions is not yet a guarantee of uninterrupted access to the Internet. The reasons why the network stops working are varied and not always obvious. Let's talk about what can cause an Ethernet connection to fail and how to fix it.

Why network connection via cable does not work in Windows 8

Equipment related reasons:

  • the network cable is damaged or poorly crimped;
  • the length of the cable segment between the network nodes has been exceeded (more than 100 meters);
  • network devices are incorrectly connected;
  • the network gateway (the device through which the computer connects to the Internet) does not work or is incorrectly configured;
  • cable is not connected to network card computer;
  • the network card is defective or not installed (no driver);
  • near a cable, computer, or other network device(router, switch) there is a source of electromagnetic interference.

Settings related reasons:

  • network not running windows services;
  • Winsock configuration changed (Winsock is Windows structures, which control application access to network services);
  • connection parameters are incorrect;
  • the AC adapter is disabled to save power;
  • communication is blocked by incorrect settings of security programs (firewall or Windows firewall);
  • Network (or Internet-only) connection limited by administrator;
  • Windows is infected malware, which block access to the Internet.

If the connection is restricted for individual applications, for example, only for the browser:

  • the application accesses the Internet through a proxy server that is not available;
  • the application is blocked by Windows Firewall, firewall or computer administrator;
  • malicious scripts run in the application context.

Restoring the cable network

Troubleshooting equipment

If the connection is completely lost, intermittently disappears or loses data, start the test with a network cable. Make sure the integrity of its insulation and the absence of kinks. Check the quality of the fastening of the connectors.

If you are setting up the connection for the first time, make sure that the cable is correctly crimped (the conductors are connected to the correct pins of the connector). Below are the crimping diagrams:

  1. for connecting a computer-device (switch or router);
  2. for computer-to-computer connection.

The check is relevant only when you crimped the cable yourself. Cables bought in the store already with connectors are rarely non-working.

Next, check if the network is connected correctly. The connection to the Internet can be direct (the provider's cable is connected to the computer's network card) or through a gateway (router or other computer). The method of switching and access settings can be found in the technical support of the provider.

When connecting through a router, it is important not to confuse the connection sockets: the provider's cable is inserted into the INTERNET or WAN socket, and network cards of computers are connected to the LAN sockets.

If there is still no connection, check if the network driver is installed in Windows.

  • Expand the "Network adapters" list and check if the Ethernet card is in it. If it is defined as unknown device, go to its manufacturer's website using a different Internet connection, download and install the driver.

After that, open the card properties through the context menu in the device manager

and make sure it works fine.

Next, open the "Power Management" tab and uncheck the box "Allow to turn off to save power", otherwise the connection will be interrupted.

If after installation network driver the connection is still limited, check if there are any interfering devices near the computer, router or the place where the network cable is laid: cordless telephones, powerful power lines, microwave ovens. Try moving your network equipment away from such places.

Checking Windows network settings

Using the network diagnostic tool

The Troubleshooter tool allows you to identify and fix the causes of various network failures in Winows 8. To launch it, click on the "Network" icon in the system tray and select the item of the same name.

If the problem is not automatically fixed, the diagnostic tool will indicate what caused the problem.

In this case, the cause will have to be sought and corrected in other ways.

Starting services

If there is limited or no Internet connection, network failures can often be blamed. Windows Services. To check their operation, open the service control application:

  • enter the command in the "Open" field of the "Run" application services.msc and click OK. The application will start.

In the service management program, check the operation of the following components:

  • DHCP client;
  • DNS client;
  • Network Preservation Interface Service;
  • Network Configuration Service.

If these Windows services are not running, the connection will not be made or will be limited to the local network only - no Internet access.

To configure autostart of network services along with Windows, open the properties of each of them (via the context menu).

Select Automatic from the Startup Type list. To start the service immediately, click the button of the same name in the Status section of the window.

Resetting Winsock and TCP/IP

This operation restores the state of network structures - partitions Windows Registry 8 where the Winsock configuration is stored. Use the console to reset. Windows utility- netshell.exe. Accordingly, it is launched through the command line (as administrator).

To reset Winsock and the TCP/IP protocol, run the following two commands in the console one at a time: netsh winsock reset and netsh int ip reset.

After that, restart your computer.

Fix connection settings errors

To check the connection settings, enter the context menu of the Windows button (Start) and open the Network Connections folder.

Right-click to open the connection's context menu and click the "Status" item.

The following window will display the basic connection parameters:

  • DHCP protocol (assigns the connection an IP address and other settings for working in TCP / IP networks) - enabled or not;
  • IPv4 address - if it starts with 169.254 (APIPPA address range), then the connection is not getting a valid IP from the DHCP server. Such a connection will always be limited and will not be able to access the Internet.
  • Subnet mask - assigned automatically depending on the IP group.
  • Default Gateway - The IP of the network device used as the gateway for this connection.
  • DNS server - address of the server that matches domain names host IP addresses.

To access the settings, click the Properties button in the Status window. In the next window, check the list of components "IP version 4" and click "Properties" again.

If the connection does not receive IP and other settings automatically, enter them manually. If your computer is connected to the Internet directly (without a gateway), ask your ISP for the settings. When connecting through a gateway (router), one of the addresses of the local range to which the gateway belongs is assigned as IP. For example, if the router address starts with 192.168.1, the connection address must start with the same numbers.

The IP of the router is indicated in the "Default gateway" field.

Information on disabling a third-party firewall can be found in its help.

Fixing other problems

Connection in corporate network, which is limited by the administrator, there is no point in trying to reconfigure - it still won't work. And if it is limited at home, and this is definitely not the work of your loved ones, it is possible that a virus has wound up in the system. For the same reason, access to the network can be closed for individual applications. To solve the problem, scan the system with an antivirus and check again network settings.

If the failure occurs in only one application - check the network access settings in itself and the restriction rules for it in Windows firewall. If the source of the problem is not found, reinstall the program.

At first glance, it may seem that a computer, being connected to the global network, uses only a few connections, but in fact there can be dozens of such connection points.

If you want to check it out for yourself, use special utility TCPView designed to monitor all existing connections in the system (connection monitoring) using the TCP and UDP protocols.

The TCPView utility is authored by well-known Windows security expert Mark Russinovich and is part of the Sysinternals Suite. It is free, despite the English interface is very easy to use and does not require installation.

When TCPView is started, it monitors connections and displays a list of all processes using TCP and UDP connections.

This displays the main parameters of each connection: process name, protocol, identifier, connection status, remote and local addresses.

The TCP and UDP protocols are the rules by which data is exchanged within the network. For example, the TCP protocol is very similar to how ordinary mail works.

Delivery of letters from the sender to the recipient and vice versa is possible only if the correct address is put on the envelope.

The same thing happens when data is transmitted over the TCP protocol. Any program that uses the Internet has a special identifier called a port number.

Many programs have standard numbers, for example, applications for transferring data via ftp have the number 21, whoever had to work with will immediately understand what is at stake.

Connection monitoring

So, thanks to the TCPView utility, you can find out at any moment which application is using the Internet connection, who is connected to you and which ports are listening.

This will give you full control network activity any program, including malware, because, especially Trojans, very often use a connection to transfer data.

If you find a suspicious connection, you can close it or completely end the process

With an active network connection, you may notice that some lines endpoints connections constantly change color, like a traffic light. This is done on purpose to make it easier for the user to track changes.

Thus, newly opened points will be marked in green, those whose status has suddenly changed in yellow, and closed connection points will be highlighted in red.

All information is updated every second, which, according to the developer, is the most optimal for monitoring connections, but you can change the refresh rate or even disable it by selecting from the menu view paragraph Update Speed.

By default, data by IP address and port number are displayed in alphabetic characters.

If this seems inconvenient to you, press Ctrl + R and the utility will immediately switch to the digital display mode. To view the full path to the process file, double-click on the selected line.

In the properties window that opens, you can view the full path, version of the executable file and, if necessary, end the process by clicking on the " End Process".

This operation, copying data ( Copy), as well as terminating the connection without deleting the process ( close connection) can be executed from the TCPView context menu called as usual with the right mouse button. Download the program from official website

For comfortable work on the Internet, the speed and stability of the network connection are important.

Sometimes there are problems with the network connection - as a result, files take a long time to download or web pages do not load. To find out why the problem appeared, check your network connection.

Run built-in diagnostics

Check network access using the Windows Troubleshooter and Wireless Diagnostics for macOS. Select operating system:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • macOS

Run the network troubleshooter:

    Click Start → Control Panel→ Network and Internet → Network and Sharing CenterTroubleshootingInternet connections.

    Follow the instructions on the screen.

Use the program "Wireless Diagnostics".

For more information, see Analyze your wireless network environment on the service website. Apple support.

Use network utilities

Get network diagnostic information using the Ping, PathPing/Traceroute, and Telnet utilities. Select operating system:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • macOS




First install the Telnet client:

Other utilities

Run the utility:


Using the Ping utility, you can check the quality of the network connection. The utility determines the delay between a request to the server and the response, as well as the loss of data packets. The shorter the round-trip time and the number of lost packets, the faster the web page will open or the movie will load.

To check network connection:


Using the PathPing utility, you can determine on which intermediate network node data packets are delayed or lost.

To check intermediate hosts:


You can use the Telnet utility to check if the computer has permission to connect to the server.

First enable the Telnet client. For this:

Now you can check server access:

Other utilities

Choose a utility depending on the purpose:

    Ipconfig - find out the IP address, subnet mask and other network settings;

    Getmac - view network connections, network adapters and them physical addresses;

    Tracert - get the chain of nodes through which the IP packet passes.

Run the utility:

    Go to the start menu and type command prompt or cmd.exe in the search bar. Launch the application.

    In the window that opens, enter:

    • ipconfig/all - for Ipconfig;

      getmac/v - for Getmac;

      tracert<адрес сайта>- for Tracert.

    Press Enter .

    To copy information, right-click anywhere in the open window and select Select All. Then press Enter .

    The copied text can be pasted (Ctrl + V ) into text file or a letter.

Before you write "nothing works for me", try to find out what specifically does not work for you.

If you decide to leave a message on the forum / VKontakte, please note that the message is not considered an official appeal to the technical support service, the contacts of the TP service are on home page site.

Please read at least a few posts on the topic before posting. last page- it is possible that this problem has already been solved or it is already being solved!

Diagnostic commands:

*Performed in a previously opened "command line" window. (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command line)
For Windows Vista/7: Win+R ===> cmd ===> Enter
For Windows NT/2000/XP/VISTA: "Start" - "Run" - "cmd"
For Windows 95/98: "Start" - "Run" - "command".

Copying text: right-click on this window - "edit" - "select" and "edit" - "copy".

ipconfig /all
ping [host address (for example, ] [-n 20]
pathping [host address]
tracert [host address]

ipconfig /all shows network interface settings.
Everything that is indicated there must be checked with the user's memo (if the memo is old, then check with the data that was issued technical support). See the website for how to set up the connection.

ping [-t] shows the response time from the specified host. Big delays indirectly, they can serve as an indicator of a slow resource (loaded channel, weak resource hardware, and similar problems). The [-t] key is used to execute the command before the user interrupts it by pressing "Ctrl+C". By default, without this key, ping will only run four times, which is not always enough.

pathping Shows the response time and the number of missing packets along the route to the host.

For a graphical display of problems can be downloaded from local network PingPlotter

Check DNS operation.

Check algorithm: Error " Network cable not connected"

1. Check the cable connection in the network card
2. Check the integrity of the cable up to the shield.
3. Call Tech. support.

The network cable is connected, but there are no incoming packets.

1. Check the cable connection in the network card (you can remove and insert the cable into the socket).
2. Disable all firewalls (firewalls), if you have them.
3. Ping the gateway (take the address from the connection settings or from the connection details in the control panel).
4. Call Tech. support.

The network cable is connected, there are incoming packets, but do not go to the internal services:

1. Disable all firewalls (firewalls), if you have them.
2. Check DNS operation (nslookup).
3. Check connection with these servers (ping)
4. Check connection with central servers. (ping online.vo, ping, ping your_gateway_address)
5. Check browser settings
5.1. Internet Explorer-> "Tools" menu -> "Internet Options" -> "Connection" -> "Network Settings" -> check if the checkbox "use a proxy server" is disabled
6. Call Tech. support.

DNS check:

The nslookup server command should return the ip address of that server. For example, the command "nslookup" should return the address ""

Diagnostic Commands

TeamPurposeLaunch FormatExample
ipconfig Shows network interface settings ipconfig /all
netstat Shows the route table netstat -nr
nslookup Refers to the DNS server (if not specified, it is taken from Windows settings) to resolve a computer's DNS name to its IP address, or vice versa nslookup DNS-name_or_IP-address DNS-server_IP-address nslookup
ping Checks the connection with another computer and the speed of the response. It is not a tool for measuring connection speed.
ping DNS-name_or_IP-address ping
tracert Same as ping, but with information output for all intermediate nodes tracert -d DNS-name_or_IP-address tracert -d
pathping Same as tracert, but with more detail and loss percentage pathping DNS-name_or_IP-address pathping