Installation actual updates is an important condition for the correct functioning and security of the computer. The user can choose how to install them: in manual mode or on the machine. But in any case, the service must be running "Center windows updates» . Let's find out how to enable this element of the system using various methods in Windows 7.

By default, the update service is always enabled. But there are cases when, as a result of failures, intentional or erroneous actions of users, it is deactivated. If you want to be able to install updates on your PC again, you must enable it. This can be done in various ways.

Method 1: Tray Icon

The easiest and fastest way to launch is through the tray icon.

Selecting the second option will open the options window "Windows Update". We will talk in detail about what to do in it when considering the next method.

Method 2: Update Center settings

You can solve the problem set before us by directly opening in the parameters "Update Center".

Method 3: "Service Manager"

Sometimes none of the above activation algorithms work. The reason is that the activation type is specified in the properties of the service "Disabled". You can start using only "Service Manager".

  1. Open in "Control Panels" window "System and safety". Steps to go here were discussed in the previous method. Click on an item "Administration" in the section list.
  2. A list of utilities opens. click "Services".

    Can activate "Dispatcher" and through the window "Run". Click Win+R. Enter:

    Click OK.

  3. Launching "Dispatcher". Find the name in the list of elements "Windows Update". The search task will be simplified if you build the elements alphabetically by clicking on "Name". A sign that the service is disabled is the absence of an inscription "Works" in a column "State". If in the column " Launch Type" the inscription is displayed "Disabled", then this tells you that you can activate the element by applying a transition in the properties, and in no other way.
  4. To do this, click on the name right click mice (RMB) and choose "Properties".
  5. In the window that opens, change the value in the list "Startup Type" to any other, depending on how you want to enable the service when activating the system: manually or automatically. However, it is still recommended to choose the option "Automatically". click "Apply" and OK.
  6. If you chose the option "Automatically", then the service can be started simply by restarting the computer or using one of the methods described above or will be described below. If the option was chosen "Manually", then the launch can be done using the same methods, excluding reboot. But you can also enable it directly from the interface. "Dispatcher". Check in the item list "Windows Update". Left click "Run".
  7. Activation in progress.
  8. Service started. This is indicated by a change in the status in the column "State" on the "Works".

There are situations when all the statuses seem to say that the service is running, but still, the system is not updated, and the problem icon is displayed in the tray. Then a restart might help. Highlight in the list "Windows Update" and click "Restart" on the left side of the shell. After that, check the functionality of the activated item by trying to install the update.

Method 4: "Command line"

You can also solve the issue discussed in this topic by entering an expression in "Command line". Wherein "Command line" must be activated with administrative rights, otherwise access to the operation will not be obtained. Another basic condition is that the properties of the service being started should not contain a startup type. "Disabled".

Sometimes it is possible that after entering the specified command, information is displayed that the service cannot be activated because it is disabled. This suggests that the status of her launch type matters. "Disabled". Overcoming this problem lies solely in the use Method 3.

Method 5: "Task Manager"

The next launch option is implemented using "Task Manager". To use this method, the same conditions are required as for the previous one: running the utility with administrative rights and the absence of the value in the properties of the activated element "Disabled".

It also happens when, when trying to start in the current way, even with administrative rights, information appears indicating that the procedure cannot be completed. Most often this is due to the fact that in the properties of the element, the status "Disabled". Then activation is possible only according to the algorithm specified in Method 3.

Method 6: "System Configuration"

The next method uses this system tool, how "System configuration". It is also only applicable if the activation type does not have the status "Disabled".

  1. Go to "Control Panels" to section "Administration". The algorithm for going there is described in Ways 2 and 3 this manual. Find a name "System configuration" and click on it.

    You can also call the utility using the window "Run". Click Win+R. Enter:

    click OK.

  2. "System configuration" activated. Move to "Services".
  3. Find in the list "Update centre". For a more comfortable search, click on the column name "Service". Thus, the list will be built alphabetically. If you still do not find the required name, then this means that the element has a launch type "Disabled". Then it will be possible to launch only using the algorithm described in Method 3. If the necessary element is still displayed in the window, then look at its status in the column "State". If it's written there "Stopped", it means that it is disabled.
  4. To start, check the box next to the name, if it is unchecked. If it is installed, then remove it and then install it again. Now click "Apply" and OK.
  5. Launched a dialog box prompting you to reboot the system. The fact is that for the changes made in the window to take effect "System configuration", it is mandatory to restart the PC. If you want to perform this procedure immediately, then save all documents and close the running program, and then click on the button.

    If you want to postpone the restart for later, then click on the button "Exit without reboot". In this case, the computer will restart in normal mode when you do it manually.

  6. After restarting the PC, the desired update service will be started again.

Method 7: Restoring the "SoftwareDistribution" folder

The update service may not function properly and not fulfill its intended purpose if the folder is damaged for various reasons. "Software Distribution". Then you need to replace the damaged directory with a new one. There is an algorithm of actions to solve this problem.

As you can see, there are quite a few options for actions with which you can start the service. "Update centre". This is the execution of operations through "Command line", "System configuration", "Task Manager", as well as through the update settings. But if the element properties contain the activation type "Disabled", then it will be possible to complete the task only with the help of "Service Manager". In addition, there is a situation when the folder is damaged "Software Distribution". In this case, you need to perform actions according to a special algorithm, which is described in this article.

Some users may encounter a situation where their operating system for some reason does not load system updates(both for Windows OS itself and for its system components). The indicated problem can have many causes, ranging from failures of the update service to the lack of free space on the system drive. In this article, I will explain why Windows Update 7 does not download updates, what is the essence of the problem and how to fix it.

The essence of the problem "Windows Update 7 is not downloading updates"

So why isn't Windows 7 Update downloading updates? The Update Center functionality may fail for the following reasons:

Having identified the causes that cause problems with updating Windows 7, let's move on to the options for solving them.

How to Fix Windows 7 Update Dysfunction

So, what to do in a situation if Windows Update 7 does not download updates? I suggest following a series of tips:

net stop wuauserver

ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.OLD

net start wuauserver

After executing the commands, we go to the Update Center and try to update the system on our own, perhaps this will help fix the problem "Windows Update 7 does not download updates."

What to do if Windows 7 updates are not installing

Above, I described the situation in which Windows Update 7 does not download updates, the causes of this problem and how to solve it. In this situation, first of all, you should make sure that the corresponding update service is working, and also delete the update files in the cache. If these tools did not work, you should follow the whole set of tips I have described, usually one of them will effectively fix the problem with the Update Center on your PC.

In contact with

The Windows Update service in modern realities is one of the critical ones, so problems with it should be addressed first of all, because timely receipt of updates is the key to system security. This is especially true for older systems, which, simply due to age, may have a greater number of potentially vulnerable services and components. Today we will tell you about one interesting case when Windows 7 completely stops searching for and installing updates, or rather makes this process endless.

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the appearance of this malfunction coincided with Windows transition 7 on , so many habitually blame Microsoft for what is happening, and especially active ones even make lists of "not recommended" updates, where sometimes even Convenience Rollup for Windows 7 (KB3125574). This approach can hardly be called reasonable, since in our opinion many people confuse cause with effect.

Go to new system updates - a largely forced measure, since the number of updates required for Windows 7, as well as options their combinations have long exceeded all reasonable limits and it has become absolutely impossible to talk about any stability and predictability of this system. Our experience shows that selective updates are much more likely to cause such problems, but it's hard to blame users for this.

If the system has just been installed or automatic update off, then bringing it up to date can take a lot of time, at the same time, some components need to be updated to work, for example Internet Explorer, as well as close the most critical vulnerabilities. As a result, the set of updates installed on the machine is more like a hodgepodge and can lead to the most unexpected results.

Once one of the virtual machines in the laboratory, which we updated from case to case. The main symptom of this malfunction is the endless search for updates:

If you download and try to install updates manually, we get a similar picture:

None of the most obvious ways to fix this behavior of the system, including those described on the Microsoft website, brought success, so we took up a detailed study of the system logs that can be found in the directory C:\Windows\Logs\CBS. Pretty soon it became clear that the system could not complete the installation of a number of updates, leaving the following messages in the log:

CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_40_for_KB3210131~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, no parent found, go absent

There is a typical example of broken dependencies, the update package tries to find the parent package and fails to do so, resulting in an endless search loop.

An approximate scenario for the occurrence of this problem is as follows: the system downloads a certain number of updates and tries to install them, but since this is a lengthy process, it most often fails to complete it. For example, a fairly common scenario is when users simply force shutdown system unit, having received a message at the end of the work that a couple of dozen updates should be installed.

Then an update is installed into the system manually, which breaks the dependencies for the packages already downloaded and started to be installed. As a result, the system unsuccessfully attempts to resolve dependencies, completely paralyzing the service.

Also, when the system is forced to shut down during the update process, a slightly different error may occur, which is associated with damage to the package being installed, which leads to an endless installation process:

The mechanism of this problem is very similar to the previous one, before installing updates, the system tries to finish the process that has already begun, but cannot do this, since the package is damaged, it also cannot fix the damage, so again everything turns into an endless loop, only already preparing for installation.

Now that the causes and mechanism of the problem are clear, you should find a way to fix it. In this case, the DISM tool will come to our aid, run command line as administrator and run the short command:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

Its execution may take a long time and as a result you should receive a message that the operation was successfully completed. Detailed description found errors can be viewed in the log file at the specified path:

Then it is desirable to delete all the contents of the folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and reboot the system.

Now we can try again to search for and install updates, everything should work.

As you can see, we not only fixed the problem, but also figured out the reasons for its occurrence, which is much more important. Since it is the understanding of the processes occurring in the system that gives necessary knowledge and allows you to meaningfully approach the diagnostic processes, in contrast to the thoughtless copying of commands found on the Internet.

Installing updates on your computer allows you not only to make the system as compliant as possible with modern requirements, but also to patch vulnerabilities, that is, to increase the level of protection against viruses and intruders. Therefore, the timely installation of updates from Microsoft is a very important element in ensuring the performance and health of the OS. But some users are faced with such an unpleasant situation when the system cannot find updates or looks for them indefinitely. Let's see how this problem solved on computers with Windows 7.

Especially often, users are faced with the fact that the search for updates does not end after installing a “clean” Windows versions 7, which does not contain any updates yet.

This process can take an infinitely long time (sometimes, in addition, loading the system through the svchost.exe process), or it can fail.

In this case, you must manually install the necessary updates.

But there are also cases when the problem is caused by certain problems in the system or by viruses. Then you need to take a number of additional steps to eliminate it. The most well-known methods are discussed below.

Method 1: Windows Update Diagnostic

If you cannot independently determine the reason why the system is not actually looking for updates, then this will help you special utility from Microsoft - WindowsUpdateDiagnostic. She will identify and, if possible, correct the problems.

But there are also situations when WindowsUpdateDiagnostic cannot solve the problem on its own, nevertheless issuing its code. In this case, you need to score this code in any search engine and see what it means. Perhaps after that you will need to check the disk for errors or the system for file integrity with subsequent recovery.

Method 2: Install the service pack

As mentioned above, one of the reasons why updates do not come is the lack of certain updates. In this case, you need to download and install the KB3102810 package.

  1. But before installing the downloaded package KB3102810, you need to disable the service "Windows Update". To do this, you need to go to "Service Manager". click "Start" and choose "Control Panel".
  2. Go to point "System and safety".
  3. Open section "Administration".
  4. In the list of system utilities and tools, find the name "Services" and move over it.
  5. is running "Service Manager". Find the name in it "Windows Update". If the elements in the list are in alphabetical order, then it will be located towards the end of the list. Highlight the specified item, and then on the left side of the interface "Dispatcher" click on the caption "Stop".
  6. The service will be deactivated.
  7. Now the service is deactivated, as evidenced by the disappearance of the status "Works" opposite its name.
  8. Then you can proceed directly to installing update KB3102810. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the previously downloaded file.
  9. will be launched offline installer Windows.
  10. Then a dialog box will automatically open in which you must confirm your intention to install the KB3102810 package by clicking "Yes".
  11. After that, the required update will be installed.
  12. After it finishes, restart your computer. Then don't forget to re-enable the service "Windows Update". To do this, go to "Service Manager", highlight the desired item and press "Run".
  13. The service will start.
  14. After its activation, the status should be displayed opposite the element name "Works".
  15. Now the problem with finding updates should be gone.

In some cases, you may additionally need to install updates KB3172605, KB3020369, KB3161608 and KB3138612. Their installation is carried out according to the same algorithm as KB3102810, and therefore we will not dwell on its description in detail.

Method 3: Eliminate viruses

The problem with finding updates can also lead to viral infection computer. Some viruses specifically arrange this problem so that the user does not have the opportunity to patch system vulnerabilities by installing updates. To check your computer for malicious code it is necessary to use special utilities, and not a regular antivirus. For example, you can use Dr.Web CureIt . This program does not require installation, and therefore can perform its main function even on infected systems. But still, in order to increase the probability of detecting a virus, we advise you to run the scan via LiveCD/USB or run it from another computer.

As soon as the utility detects a virus, it will immediately inform you about it through its working window. It remains only to follow the advice that is displayed in it. In some cases, even after removing the malicious code, the problem with finding updates remains. This may indicate that the virus program has violated the integrity of system files. Then you need to check using the sfc utility built into Windows.

In the vast majority of cases, the problem with finding updates is caused, no matter how strange it may seem, by the lack of necessary updates in the system. In this case, it is enough to simply update manually by installing the missing packages. But there are times when this problem is caused by various failures or viruses. Then a specialized utility from Microsoft and anti-virus programs will come to your aid, respectively.

Some Windows 7 users are experiencing issues with the default Update Center operating system. Windows 7 searches endlessly for updates, fails to download them, and keeps looking for more.

Such a problem can cause a lot of trouble. Firstly, the latest patches will not be installed on your computer, which can reduce work efficiency OS. Secondly, while the search is on, processor and physical memory are heavily loaded. This may not be very noticeable on powerful PCs, but on “weak” ones it is very unpleasant. This article describes what to do if Windows Update 7 cannot complete the search for updates.

Setting up automatic search

Firstly, you need to completely disable windows update, loading the operating system, as it goes on indefinitely. Subsequently, you can fix the problem and activate it back, if you like. But even without Windows updates still works stable. Many users disable them on purpose and experience no problems.

You will need to do the following:

After that follows to restart a computer to stop searching. Now your system will not try to look for new updates. If you need to enable this feature, you can do it in the same menu.

Stopping the service

In some cases, the method described above may not work. For example, when you try to reboot, the computer will take a long time to download and install some kind of patch. And after turning it off and on manually, all settings will return to the initial state. And accordingly, the endless search for Windows 7 updates will begin again. To fix a similar problem, you need to completely disable the service in charge of work Update Center.

After these steps, the search for updates will be completed. To run it, you need to reset the service configurations to their original state.

In some cases, stopping the service and restarting it may solve the problem. Try this before resorting to more complicated ways if the computer is looking for new patches for a long time.

Correcting errors in system files

Often these problems result from damage to important system files. This may occur as a result system failures, actions of virus programs, incorrect installation previous updates and so on.

On Windows there is special utility, with which you can automatically find and fix such errors. It does not have a graphical interface, so users need to launch the system command line to work with it.

This is done in the following way:

If you would like to copy given line, you need to use context menu by right-clicking inside the window. The Ctrl + V combination in the console does not work.

Thereafter Windows will scan everything system files . All found errors will be corrected. After that, you should restart your computer and start searching for updates again. If the process is still too slow- needs to be searched other ways to solve the problem.

Microsoft released special update for their operating systems, fixing Windows Update, which is endlessly looking for updates. The download links are on the official website of the developer, so you can download the patch without resorting to the services Update Center.

  • For owners 32-bit version Windows -
  • For Windows with 64 bit architecture -

You need choose the interface language of your OS and click on the red Download button. Further simply run the downloaded file, wait for the installation to finish and restart your computer. In most cases, this patch solves all the problems that arise.

Updates KB3020369 and KB3172605

If the previous solution did not help, then you should update the seven by installing two more updates, restarting the computer between their installations. This method was suggested by several of our readers at once and it really helps a lot.

Troubleshooter from Microsoft

Another way to solve the problem is to use the Microsoft troubleshooting tool. Its action is somewhat similar to "sfc / scannow", with the difference that it was created specifically for Update Center and can solve a much larger number of problems. Besides, she has GUI , which makes it easier for users who are not used to using the console.

Do the following:

Wait for the operating system scan to complete. If the utility detects any problems, it will notify you and automatically apply the fixes.

We hope this article helped eliminate the endless search for updates to the seventh version of Windows, significantly speeding up your computer and making it much more stable.

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