Hi all. From this article, I will start talking about the ways in which you can easily crack the administrator password operating system Windows. Many often face such a problem that they forgot their account password. If in Internet services we can contact technical support for help, then the opposite is true. There are three options here: write down and securely save the password, reset it if you lose it, or reinstall Windows.

How to crack administrator password in Windows 10?

In this article, we will look at the password reset method on a device with . To reset, we need the NTPWEdit program and a bootable USB flash drive.

The utility that I listed above is very good and is designed for Windows families of operating systems. This program you need to boot from (As we usually boot from the system disk). Download the image from the link

Let's create bootable flash drive. Plug it into a USB port and run the Rufus program. In the very first drop-down menu, select the flash drive, in the second tab, switch to the mode "MBR for computers with UEFI", select the file system FAT32.

Check the boxes "Quick Format" and "Create Boot Disk"(usually the default). Now click on the drive icon and specify the path to the image with a different bunch useful programs, where NTPWEdit is located. We press the button "Open".

Now that we've got everything ready, press the button "Start" and when various windows appear, we agree to the terms.

Well, the process is over and the flash drive is ready for use. Boot from it on the computer where you forgot your account password.

A familiar desktop appears, thanks to AOMEI PE Builder.

Find the icon on the desktop Windows Disk Manager and open it.

We look at which disk the operating system is installed on, usually it is C. Close the disk management window.

Now open the folder Integrated Tools.

Find and run NTPWEdit.

Password files are stored in NTLM hash or LM hash format. The utility will look for them along the path C:\Windows\System32\CONFIG\SAM.

If a system disk you have a different letter, then just change it.

After that, press the button Open.

We will see all device accounts, there you should find yours, it can be called Admin, or another name. Click on this account and below click on Change password.

If you wish, you can change the password and change it, or leave the fields blank and then you do not need to enter anything when logging in.

Once you have done all the necessary actions, click on "Save changes".

Click on the shortcut on the desktop Reboot to restart the computer. In Windows 10, we must boot without a password.

If you cannot see your flash drive in the boot menu, that is, the BIOS does not see it, then you can disable the UEFI option in the BIOS settings, then the laptop or other device will be able to see the flash drive and boot from it. From now on, do not forget your account passwords.

Each of us sooner or later has problems with passwords! A familiar picture. You sit in front of your computer hoping to finish urgent work, you try to enter your Windows 10 login credentials, and then you realize to your horror that you absolutely do not remember your password!

The first thing that comes to mind is that you need to work less at night ... You go through dozens of options and nothing, there was still no access !!! And then the idea comes - you need to do a Windows 10 password reset! I think many people remember how to do this in old versions of "windows", but how to do it in the new one?

Fortunately, the reset procedure in Windows 10 is very similar to that in Windows 8 and older versions of that OS. Although with a few caveats. In this overview article, I will introduce you to the main ways to reset your password. They are suitable for both Microsoft Live account and local accounts.

1. Use the Password Reset Tool to Recover Your Microsoft Live Account Password

The first and most obvious solution is to use the standard reset feature available on Microsoft's dedicated password recovery service. A window opens on the service page asking why you can't log into Windows 10? You will be prompted to choose one of three options. In our case, the very first one is suitable - "I do not remember my password." But this is only if, during the installation of the system, you linked your account with the Microsoft account authorization network service.

I will not dwell on this reset option in detail. I will only note that the official password reset procedure in Windows 10 is standard and you should be ready to pass verification. To do this, you will need to provide your personal data, such as E-Mail and phone number.

If this option doesn't suit you, no problem. In our area, accounting Microsoft records still not popular. Fortunately, there are other ways to help regain control of the computer. Alternative ways to restore access in Windows 10 are not so obvious and use different workarounds. Let's look at them in turn.

2. Reset Windows 10 password via password reset disk

Using a password reset disk (Password Reset Disk) is another regular way to regain control implemented by Microsoft. The only disadvantage of this method is that the disk must be created in Windows 10 in advance, even before access is lost.

By creating a Password Reset Disk, you can easily restore access to Windows 10. In the near future, I will devote a separate article to this method.

3. We use alternative authorization methods to reset the main password

Perhaps you still have access to the operating system through alternate authorization? With a PIN code, graphic code Or through a second account? If so, then you have a chance to log in in a roundabout way and reset windows password 10 via command line.

  • Log in to the system with one of the alternative ways, press the Windows logo key and the X key at the same time. Search the list of available system tools"Windows PowerShell (Administrator)" and run it. PowerShell is an updated edition of the shell command line, but with enhanced features.
  • Type the following in the utility window:
net user "account_name" "new_password";

Replace "account_name" with your account name,

Replace "new_password" with your new password (remove the quotes).

    • Success will be indicated by the message "Command completed successfully"

4. How to reset password in Windows 10 via MSDaRT

The DaRT (Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset) toolkit has been released by Microsoft for a long time and helps IT professionals to restore the computer. The functionality of DaRT also includes the ability to reset the password. To do this, boot your computer from the DaRT Recovery CD and run the built-in Locksmith Wizard. It is in this utility that you can restore the login for any account Windows entries 10.

Unfortunately, the DaRT toolkit is not free. This utility is only available for corporate Microsoft customers, TechNet Plus and MSDN subscribers.

5. Reset the Windows 10 password through the PCUnlocker utility

The PCUnlocker utility allows you to unlock Windows computer, which would be blocked due to a forgotten password. She represents boot image, which must be written to a CD or flash drive using one of the appropriate programs. For example, UltraISO or Rufus. After booting from such a disk, you will see a complete list of local accounts used in the current installation of Windows 10.

      • Select the required account from the list and click on the Reset Password reset button.
      • The program will check the status of the selected account and offer you one of the options for solving the problem:

Remove the password if the Windows account was protected by it,

Connect an associated Microsoft account to a local account,

Raise the rights of a standard or limited user to the administrator level,

Activate your account if it has been disabled,

Unblock a blocked account and so on…

  • Once you reset your password and log into Windows 10, be sure to set a new one and make sure you don't forget it in the future.

6. Reset password through rollback to the previous state of Windows 10

If you do not want to use any additional software to restore access, or if your HDD encrypted with BitLocker, you can use another technology. Just roll back Windows 10 to a previous state where old data is stored. Select the appropriate restore point and go through the standard rollback steps system files Windows 10 to older versions. But do not forget that after that you will have to reinstall the software installed after the date the restore point was created.

So what have we got in this article? I briefly walked you through how to reset a Windows 10 password that you forgot or lost the hint for. In the future, I will try to take a closer look at each of the methods mentioned so that you do not have problems accessing the new OS.

Nowadays, there are practically no cardinal means of protection against hacking computer devices and gaining access to the user's personal confidential information.

Setting an administrator password is also not very effective in protecting a computer, since there are at least several ways to crack and bypass it.

Crack the Administrator password and log into the system under his account - easily and effortlessly

About what these methods will be discussed in this article.

Tip 1. Reset the password using the "Command Interpreter" in Windows

To do this, we sequentially perform the following steps:

  • click "Start" and select "All Programs";
  • in the tabs that open, click "Standard" and literally in the first lines of the list we see the "Run" option;
  • in the command line "Run" enter "cmd" and "OK";

    In the command line "Run" we write "cmd"

  • a window of the Command Interpreter opens in front of us, in which we write the command “control userpasswords2”, then press “Enter;

    In the Command Interpreter window, enter the command "control userpasswords2" and click "OK"

  • “User accounts” appear on the screen - in the “Users” field, select the account we need;

    In the "Users" field, select the account we need

  • uncheck the option "Require username and password", then "Apply" and "OK";

    Uncheck "Require username and password"

  • in the “Automatic login” window that opens, enter and confirm the password or leave these fields empty, click “OK”, again “OK”;

    In the "Automatic login" window that appears, enter the password or leave the field blank.

  • close the command prompt window and restart our computer.

Tip 2. Reset the administrator account password in Safe Mode

To reset the built-in Administrator account, we proceed step by step, according to the instructions below.

Step 1. We restart the computer and press the F8 key during boot.

Step 2. In the menu that appears, we are prompted to select one of additional options booting the Windows operating system - select "Safe Mode".

Step 3. Next, we log in to the system using the built-in Administrator account, which, as a rule, does not have a password by default. To do this, enter “Administrator” in the login field, or the same word in Russian. Leave the password field free, but simply press "Enter".

In safe mode, select the non-password protected built-in Administrator account

Step 4. In the window that appears with a warning that Windows is in safe mode, press the confirmation "Yes".

Click "Yes" to continue working in Safe Mode

Step 5. We start working in security mode - as soon as the desktop loads, we press the following sequence of options:

Start –> Control Panel –> User Accounts

In Safe Mode, select "User Accounts"

Step 6. Hover over the username whose password you want to edit or reset, click on this account icon.

Step 7. In the menu that appears on the left, select the "Change password" item, enter a new password and confirm it. If we just reset the password, then leave this field blank.

In the menu on the left, select the option "Change password", then enter a new password and then confirm it

Step 8. Click the "Change password" button.

Step 9. First close the "User Accounts" window, then the "Control Panel" window.

Step 10. Reboot the computer.

Tip 3. How to reset the password for the built-in Administrator account

This tip will come in handy for those who are faced with a problem when the built-in account is protected by a password, which we, of course, have safely forgotten. So, we act according to the instructions below:

  1. We need a CD (or flash drive) with a set of resuscitation programs for Windows recovery, which we insert into the drive, and then restart our computer.

    A recovery disc is perfect for system recovery.

  2. During computer startup, we enter the BIOS by pressing the "Dilete" key.
  3. In the BIOS, we change the installation priority and assign the computer to boot from the CD-ROM. Next, put our boot disk with the operating system in the drive and restart the PC.
  4. After the computer has booted from the CD-ROM, the recovery disk menu appears on the screen, in which we select the edited copy of Windows and go to "System Restore".

    In the edited copy of Windows, select "System Restore"

  5. Next, in the dialog settings of this window, click "Command Prompt".
  6. In the command field that opens, enter "regedit" and confirm the command with the Enter key.
  7. We find and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section, and select File from the menu, and then Load hive.
  8. We need to open the SAM file, then select the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ hive_name \ SAM \ Domains \ Account \ Users \ 000001F4, then double-click on the F key and go to the very first value in line 038 - to the number 11, as shown in the photo.

    Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.. and double click on the F key

  9. We replace this number with the number 10, while being very careful, since only this number needs to be changed, while it is strictly forbidden to touch other values.

    This number "11" is replaced by the number "10"

  10. In the same HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\bush_name\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4 section, select the File menu, then Load hive and then "Yes" - we confirm the unloading of the hive.

    Select the menu File - Load hive and confirm the unloading of the hive

  11. Now we close the registry editor, as well as the entire installation process, take out our disk and restart the computer.

Cracking the Administrator Password in Windows 8

For the Windows 8 operating system, there is a simple way to reset the Administrator password. All you need to do for this is to follow the steps below:

Step 1. We go to the "System Restore" section, and then the "Diagnostics" console, where we select the "Advanced Options" section.

Copy the file "sethc.exe" to avoid losing it

Step 3. Now on the command line we write the following:

copy c:\windows\System32\cmd.exe c:\windows\System32\sethc.exe, that is, instead of "sethc.exe" we enter "cmd.exe".

Replace the file "sethc.exe" with "cmd.exe"

Step 4. Exit the command console using the “exit” command.

Step 5. We restart our computer and boot with the usual parameters.

Step 6. Press the "Shift" key five times to launch the command line.

Step 7. Enter in command console"lusrmgr.msc" and see the administrator's name.

We enter into the command console "lusrmgr.msc"And we see the name of the administrator

Note: when the account is disabled, it can be activated using the command "net user "Admin_name" / active: yes"

Step 8. Set a new password - type the command "net user "Admin name" password".

Log in to the administrator account with the new password

It should be noted that this method is equally suitable for earlier versions of operating systems.

Here are some simple ways to reset the administrator password on a computer and laptop in Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems.

Useful video on the topic

The videos below will clearly demonstrate how you can still crack the Administrator password.

Reset Administrator password in Windows 7 using a small program

How to reset your password when signing in to Windows 8

Reset Administrator password in Windows 10

How in previous version OS, in Windows 10, when logging in, two methods of user authorization are used - through a Microsoft account and through a local account. Next, we will tell you how to reset the administrator password in both cases, if the latter has forgotten it, and how a disk, a special flash drive or other media is created, the capabilities of which allow you to recover account data.

The most effective and most importantly secure way is to reset your password from Windows Password Reset Ultimate.

Change your local account password

To reset the Windows 10 user password, you will need an installation or boot disk. You need to exit to command line mode:

You can get to the command line more easily if, when entering from the installation drive, when a window appears with the ability to select a language, press Shift and F10 at the same time. If this method does not work, you will have to proceed as described above.

After the window opens, type in sequence (each time pressing Enter):

These entries will display a list of HDD partitions in front of you. You need to select a disk with Windows 10 installed from them and remember the partition letter. And it does not have to be the letter C. System partition can be denoted, for example, by the letter D, which we will use to enter the following commands:

  • move d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman1.exe;
  • copy d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe.

Recall that instead of entering punctuation marks at the end of each line, you need to press Enter. With these actions, we simply copied the cmd.exe file in the system32 system directory and changed the name to utilman.exe.

If you see after executing the above commands messages about the successful movement and copying of files, then enter the line wpeutil reboot, after which the computer will reboot. Next, you need to download Windows 10 already in the usual way, for which the installation disk is removed from the DVD drive or a USB flash drive from the USB connector.

After the download is complete:

  1. In the user authorization window, select the special icon. options at the bottom right.
  2. On the command line write:
    • net user name password, where as the name you need to enter the login to the account in Windows 10, and as the password - the combination of characters that you will use further.
  3. Press Enter.

If the administrator's name does not consist of one word, enter it in quotation marks. If necessary, you can recall it by entering the net users command - a list of each user of the system will be displayed.

Create a password reset disk

It is possible to provide in advance the possibility of resetting the password from the administrator account in Windows 10, however, only local, until the user has forgotten it. A special medium is created for this - it can even be a floppy disk:

  1. Insert the drive into the drive;
  2. Go to the user account component, for which open "Start" and click on the control panel;
  3. In the left column, click on the link that creates the Administrator Password Reset Disk;(5)
  4. A special wizard will open, following the instructions of which you can create the tool you need.

It is important that the flash drive is not formatted during operation, no information is deleted from it. Just to be created new file userkey.psw , which, if necessary, can be transferred to a disk or any other medium - it will work in the same way.

Using the created drive in Windows 10 is also simple. For this:

  1. A flash drive or disk created to reset the administrator password is inserted into the USB port or drive, respectively;
  2. Incorrect account information is entered in the form;
  3. Below the input form, you will then see a link to reset the data.

Will open special application, as a result of following the instructions of which the account information will again become available to you.

Account recovery app

For this, a simple free program Online NT Password & Registry Editor. To place it, a regular flash drive can be used, which can be easily used if necessary. You can download the disk burning ISO or USB transfer files at http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/bootdisk.html.

Go to it and do the following:

Reset your online Microsoft account

The described methods will not help if you use a Microsoft user account to sign in to Windows 10. However, resetting this data is even easier. This can be done, for example, on another computer, laptop or even a phone with internet. If you can access the Web from the lock screen of your PC, then you can also use it. For this:

If you enter an email address, an email will be sent to it with a link to reset the current data in Microsoft. Will be sent to the phone verification code, which can also be used to return the details of your Windows 10 administrator account.


How to reset your password on Windows 10

Each person at least once in his life faced with the fact that the password to a PC, laptop, OS or social network turned out to be lost or forgotten. According to statistics, every 3rd password has to be recovered, and every 10th, for one reason or another, the user cannot recover. In this article, we will look at how to reset (remove) the password on Windows 10. All the described methods do not depend on which account you use, which means that our tips are suitable for all users: both for those who use a Microsoft account, and those who have a local "account". The described process is in many ways similar to resetting the password on older versions of Windows, but it has some differences.

Note! Before you reset your password because your Current Password stopped working, we recommend that you carefully try again to enter the password with the Caps Lock button turned off and then on on the Russian and English layouts. In some cases, these simple steps help.

Reset your Microsoft account using an online service. Login to Windows 10 without a password: 1 way

This method can be used when you need to reset your Microsoft account while signed in on another device. In this case, the device from which you are signed in must be connected to the Internet. In this situation, the password is reset on the Microsoft site in accordance with company policy. You can create a new password from any device.

  • To reset your account go to the next page.
  • Next, you need to click on one of the options, in this case - “I don’t remember my password”.

  • After that, you need to enter your email address or phone number that you indicated during the registration process. You will be prompted to enter a captcha and then follow the site's instructions that will be displayed on the screen.

Note! Before you start resetting your account, make sure you have access to the email address or phone number you specified during registration!

After completing the entire procedure, we connect to the World Wide Web using the lock screen and enter our new password, which must be remembered.

Change the password through an existing computer administrator account. Login to Windows 10 without a password: 2 way

In order to remove Windows 10 password you must have one of these tools:

  • Live CD that boots and opens the file system through a special operating system disk (does not require installation on a PC);
  • The disk or flash drive used to restore the OS, or the disk containing the Windows 10 operating system.

Consider the option in which we have a bootable flash drive with Windows. When a prompt appears on the screen asking you to select the installation language, you must simultaneously press and hold the key combination: Shift and F10 for several seconds. With this action, you will launch the command line. Next, write the following commands in sequence:

After entering each command, pressing “Enter” is required.

  • In the window that appears, all partitions of the hard disk will be displayed. It is necessary to remember the letter of the partition where Windows is installed (in most cases it is C, but not always!). After that, enter the command “Exit“ and press the Enter key. In this example, the OS is installed on drive C, so this letter will appear in the further description of the process.

Enter the following commands:

  1. “move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe”
  2. “copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe”
  3. And then we write the command “wpeutil reboot“ (reboot the PC). The reboot can be done in any other way. After restarting the PC, you need to boot into the installed OS.

Important! If you use any other tool instead of the installation disk, then you must, using the method described above, copy the file “cmd.exe“ in the “system32” folder, saving it with the name “utilman.exe“.

  • After loading the system, the initial authorization screen will appear, where you need to click on “Accessibility” from the bottom right. A command prompt window will open, in which you need to enter the following command:

“net user Administrator /active:yes”

Note! The word "Administrator" in the OS for other languages ​​​​may be different. For example, the English version requires you to enter the word “Administrator“.

  • After executing the command and restarting the PC (if required), a menu for selecting accounts appears. Here you need to select an account under the name of the administrator and enter it without entering a password.

  • Please note that the first login to your account may take much longer than usual.

Setting a New PC Account Password

  • After completing the login, click right click click on the Start menu and enter Computer Management. On the left side of the monitor, expand the “Local Users” subsection and make a selection – the “Users” folder. Here you need to right-click on the name for which we are resetting the password and click on “set password”.

  • Then a window will appear that will contain a warning that you must read carefully. Click on "Continue" if you agree with the warning.

  • Now you can set a new password for the selected "account". The password will need to be repeated twice and click “OK”.

You can delete (change) the Windows 10 password using the above method only in the case of local accounts. In the case of Microsoft accounts, the password must be reset through the company's website, as described in the first method at the beginning of the article. The second method also allows you to create a new account for a new user by logging in as an administrator for this PC.

When using the latter method, it must be remembered that for stable operation system, it is better to return everything back, as it was before the password reset procedure. To do this, you need to disable the administrator account using the command line:

“net user Administrator /active:no”

You also need to delete the “utilman.exe“ folder in “System 32“, which we renamed earlier. Thus, you can return access to Windows and restore the health of your PC.


How to reset your Windows 10 password | Computer for dummies

Security concerns lead some personal computer users to protect their accounts with a password. It can be even a laptop, which is sometimes left unattended in a public place, even an account with broad administrator rights, password-protected from children or inept computer users. The work computer often also has a password, and here it is no longer necessary to explain why. Of course, like any other very important information, the password tends to be forgotten. Especially if you have a habit of updating it regularly - then it's hard to come up with a good association every time. It may happen that you changed your password in the evening, and in the morning you no longer remember it. Most often this is the case, because for a long time set password fingers are already entered automatically, and fresh tends to be forgotten. Anyway, forgotten password won't let you log in. This article will help you reset it if you don't have a password reset flash drive. Otherwise, just insert the flash drive and click "Reset password" under the input field, follow the wizard.

Please note that if resetting the password had no effect, the meaning of the password would be completely lost. If you reset the password, the user, for example, will lose access to encrypted files. If your PC is intended for more than simple home use, read the Internet about all the consequences of resetting your password that may affect you.

Gaining access to the system

There are two kinds of accounts in Windows 10: Microsoft account and local account. The recovery process to the first is quite simple, so let's talk about the second for now. Password local entry can be reset in several ways. They differ in the software used and complexity. Our guide will tell you about the most easy way, and the reset process will consist of two stages: gaining access to the system and actually resetting the password of a specific user. First, let's find a way to log in with administrator rights. Having received administrator access, go to the second part of the article.

Password reset

A trivial procedure when there is access to the system. Follow these steps:

Reset your Microsoft account password

If you use a Microsoft account and your computer is connected to the Internet, you can reset your password from any other device, even your smartphone. To do this, go to https://account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx and follow the instructions.


Removing a forgotten password in Windows 10

In this, another short excursion, I will try to show how you can reset (delete) the password in Windows 10 using a special program.

Very often, some users experience “memory lapses” :), which can be expressed in the fact that having come up with a clever password (for example, to enter your operating room Windows system), after a while it is forgotten!

Having spent a lot of time testing the most famous this moment programs to remove the password to enter Windows 10, I settled on one utility, because others, after installation, turned out to be inoperative due to the greed of their creators - programmers.

Trial versions are usually limited in time or number of launches, however, those foreign programs, which I found through the search immediately after installation require payment!

Here is a list of these programs:

Windows Password Key Standard;

iSunshare Windows Password Genius Advanced;

Windows Password Recovery Tool Standard.

1) And so, as I already mentioned, only one program turned out to be workable - Lazesoft - Recover My Password, you can download it here;

2) After you have downloaded it, install it on a third-party computer, select Burn Cd / Usb Disk from the menu;

3) Select the option DO NOT Specify the Windows version of the target computer;

4) I was writing to a disc, so I chose the option F:[ Otiarc DWD…];

5) Click on Start, wait a few minutes;

6) Insert this disc to the computer where you need to reset the password, reboot it, at the start of Bios, press the cherished F12 button;

7) In the menu that appears, select your CD-ROM in the list of devices and press Enter;

8) The program will start to boot from the disk and you will see the following menu, select - Lazesoft Live CD [EMS Enabled];

9) In the menu that appears, select - Password Recovery;

10) Press the Next button;

11) In the pop-up message, click Yes;

13) In this menu, select the username for which we want to remove the password to enter Windows 10 and click on the Next button;

In the pop-up message, click on OK;

15) And finally, click on the Reboot button;

The system will automatically reboot and if you did everything correctly as described above, then the password to enter Windows 10 will be successfully removed and you can safely enter the operating system!


How to recover Windows 10 password on a computer or laptop

Lost account password Windows user 10 can be a very unpleasant surprise. Indeed, as a result of this, access to the data of a particular computer is completely lost. It's good if you know the password of the Administrator account, from which you can manage the passwords of users of a particular computer. But sometimes it is forgotten or lost.

Sometimes you need to urgently gain access to a computer for which you do not know the password. Necessary information is right at your fingertips, but you have no way to use it. How to restore access to the computer and your files or documents?

What to do if you forgot your Windows 10 password

Step 1: Recover data from a computer whose password is lost

If, as a result of losing your Windows 10 account password, access to your data is lost, one of the effective ways their recovery will be using the Hetman program Partition Recovery.

For this:

  • Download the program, install and run it with a different account this computer. Familiarize yourself with the features of the program and step by step instructions.
  • By default, the user will be prompted to use the File Recovery Wizard. By clicking the "Next" button, the program will prompt you to select the drive from which you want to recover files.
  • Double-click on the drive you want to recover files from and select the type of analysis. Select "Full analysis" and wait for the disk scanning process to complete.
  • After the scanning process is completed, you will be provided with files to restore. Select the ones you need and click the "Restore" button.
  • Choose one of the suggested ways to save files. Do not save files to the drive from which these files were deleted - they can be overwritten.

Step 2: Recover the password of the built-in Administrator account in Windows 10

Find out how to reset your account password Windows Administrator ten? Do the following:

Step 3: Programs to recover Windows 10 account passwords

Windows 10 account password recovery can be done using special programs to reset or recover passwords. Such programs are especially relevant in case of losing the password of the Administrator account (since the passwords of other accounts can be reset using this account).

For this:

  • Download and install a program to reset or recover account passwords.
  • Create a bootable CD using this program, DVD disc or USB stick(if necessary).
  • Restart your computer and boot from the boot media you created.
  • Reset or recover passwords from the required account.

Step 4: Retrieve a forgotten user password using Windows 10

Before you start recovering your user account password, check the password hint, which is located on the welcome screen next to the password entry field.

If the hint did not help you remember your password:

Step 5: Windows 10 password recovery boot disk or flash drive

You can create a bootable password recovery disk yourself or use a ready-made option (which can be purchased or downloaded).

Recover your password using LiveCD

The account password can be recovered by starting the computer using a LiveCD, an alternative portable version of the operating system. This method is relevant if you cannot boot the computer or connect the hard drive to another system.

For this:

Use an installation disk image

If for some reason you did not create a system recovery disk, and Windows has lost its functionality, then it can be restored using the operating system recovery disk image.

Such an image can be created immediately after installing the OS and software or at any other time.

You can download a free utility from Microsoft and create an image. To do this, do the following:

Note. Do not start the system recovery disc from working Windows. To use it correctly, set in the BIOS first boot device system image media and restart your computer.

Important: You need to create an image only on a working system that is not infected with viruses and does not contain errors. After restoration, you will receive an exact copy of the system at the time of its creation.

Step 6: Regain access to your Microsoft account

AT latest versions The Windows user account is integrated with the Microsoft account. To manage some functions of the Windows account, to work with the operating system and to configure it, access to it is required.

If you need to restore access to your Microsoft account:

Step 7: Perform a clean install of Windows

If none of the above methods led to the desired result, reinstall Windows.

In order to perform a clean installation of Windows, you must create an installation disk or other media from which you plan to install the operating system.

Boot your computer from the installation disk. To do this, you may need to change the boot order in the BIOS (or UEFI for more modern computers).

Following the installer's menu options, select the drive on which you want to install Windows. To do this, you need to format it. If you are unhappy with the number or size of local disks, you can completely remove them and repartition them.

Be aware that formatting, deleting or repartitioning drives will delete all files from hard drive.

After specifying a drive for Windows installation the process of copying system files and installing the operating system will start. During installation, you will not need to take any additional action. During installation, the computer screen will go blank several times for a short time, and the computer will restart itself to complete some installation steps.

Depending on the Windows versions at one of the stages, you may be asked to select or enter basic personalization settings, the mode of operation of the computer on the network, as well as account settings or create a new one.

After loading the desktop, a clean installation of Windows can be considered complete.

Note. Before proceeding with a clean installation of Windows, make sure that you have drivers for all installed devices and the safety of your files. Download and save the drivers to a separate storage medium, and back up important data.

User password recovered? Leave feedback and ask your questions in the comments.
