Using new software is always risky, and not always the presence of glitches burdens the user's life, but also the lack of free access to those functions that he gets used to. Not the last place among them is occupied by such a tool as the command line (console). Not everyone can call it the first time in Windows 10, but there are many benefits from it, so you shouldn’t ignore it, complicate your life, but it’s better to simply follow the instructions and find it.

A limited number of people know how to open a command prompt in windows 10, and if reading this text did not end at the last paragraph, you should read the following information. The peculiarity of the console is that not everyone can use it. It is predominantly advanced users who know a little more, use a PC or other device not out of idle curiosity, but perform purposeful work, try to accessible ways make your tasks easier. It is worth noting that some functions are simply impossible without access to the console, and are hidden from the user for security purposes. Therefore, before executing any commands in line mode, it is worth considering whether it is necessary at all, and also consider possible more safe ways performing any given procedure.

Sequence of actions (basic)

In order to protect the user from unintended actions in some cases, Windows 10 provides a couple of modes for working with the console. The first is the main one, which has a limited set of available functions, and a more advanced one with access rights only for the administrator workstation(PC, etc.).

In order to start the first mode, you can use the available built-in functions. The first one is available by calling the context menu for start menu(Start). The combination of hot buttons + [X] will replace these actions.
Next, click on the menu right click touchpad / mouse (by custom, the menu is located in the lower left corner, unless changes are made manually by the user). Then select the [Command line] option in it.

The next method involves calling command line using the built-in search tool. It can be launched from quick launch(magnifying glass icon), the search field in the Start menu, or in the Explorer window using the search field located at the top right under the title of the window and menu. In the field you need to type keyword“command”, and as a result of the search, an icon with a black rectangle should appear, which is launched by a mouse click or tap (depending on the device).

Also, from the Explorer window, you can immediately select the [File] command in it [Open command line].
The command of the Main menu (Start) in it [All applications] then [Utilities] and [Command line] will replace the same operation as cmd command or cmd.exe in the quick launch window.

Probably the most in a complicated way is a manual search. To do this, you need to find the same cmd.exe file in the system directory …/windows/win32 on the disk with the installed OS.

In order to start with an initial value in a specific folder, you need to select from context menu[Open command window] directory.

Sequence of actions (with advanced features)

For getting complete set functions, you should use the administrator mode, while instead of the items described above, you need to select Command Prompt (administrator) in the context menu. In the user menu of Explorer - [File] in it [Open command prompt] then [Open command prompt as administrator]. And in the Main menu, run (Start) in it [All applications] then [Utilities] and [Command line (Run as administrator). And in each case, you need to confirm your actions by clicking YES in the pop-up window and, if necessary, enter a password.
It is worth noting that some functions in the console are not available, for example, copying. To get them, you need to go to the program menu of the console window settings and make the appropriate adjustments.

The command line is a Windows element that allows you to perform operations with files and components, bypassing GUI systems. Do not confuse the command line with the "Run" function. The latter is only responsible for opening programs and components. But the command line can completely replace the standard Windows Explorer and change operating system settings, make changes to file properties, and format connected media.

Therefore, in order to effectively manage your computer even in a situation where the OS graphical interface has failed, you need to know everything about the Windows 10 command line: how to call it and how to use it.


In the Windows family of operating systems, there are three ways in which you can start the command prompt.

Using the start icon

The first method involves using the context menu of the Start button. To run the command line in this way, you must:

  1. Right click on the Start button.
  2. In the list that appears, the user should select the "Command Prompt" menu item, preferably with the addition of "Administrator".

Advice! You can call up a similar menu by pressing the combination Win keys+X.

Using the built-in search

To launch the required component, you can also use the updated search, which is available on the Taskbar. For this you need:

  1. Click on the search bar (or press the key combination Win + Q).
  2. Enter the words "Command Prompt" in the text field.
  3. Select the component of the same name from the search results.

Through the Run command

The third method involves using the Run command mentioned above. To run the desired component, you should:

  1. On the keyboard, press Win + R at the same time.
  2. Enter "cmd" in the text field that appears and press "Enter".

File location

You can call the command line in Windows 10 directly from the cmd.exe file, which is located at "C:\Windows\System32".

Also, shortcuts for quickly opening this program are located in the Start menu -> All applications -> System Tools - Windows.

You can easily pin a shortcut to the taskbar, (tile area) or desktop as you wish.

Video instruction

Popular ways to call the command line are described and shown in the video.


To get started with command line functions, use the "Help" command, which will display the main keys for working with this tool.

By learning how to use cmd.exe, the user will gain even more control over his device and will be able to independently restore the OS even in case of critical failures.

Command Prompt is a must-have feature for every Windows. Any user at least once encountered it in one way or another. Sometimes the command line is necessary for the user himself to make certain changes to the computer. In this article, you will learn in "Windows 10".

What it is?

Let's understand the purpose. The command line is a standard Windows program for entering commands without using the windows and controls of the operating system. The program is a window with a text interface and a field for entering characters. Supports only Latin letters and Arabic numerals. You will not be able to type a command in Russian letters. The functionality of the program is simply huge. With commands, you can open various files if you don't have access to File Explorer, change registry settings, and more. Let's see how to call the command line in Windows 10. For this, there are two simple ways. They are slightly different from previous versions of Windows, but the essence remains the same.

Start Menu

Let's figure out how to call the command line in Windows 10. Click on the start menu icon at the bottom left. Next, click on the All Apps tab. Among all the programs, find the sub-item "Utilities". In it is located required program. You can launch CMD with one left mouse click. Some commands will require administrator access. Let's see how this can be done.

Find the program in the list of utilities using the method described above. Through the right mouse button, open the file as an administrator.

The next method is also related to the Start panel. In older versions of Windows, you had to go to the menu and select Run. In the "top ten" everything is much simpler. To start, click on the magnifying glass icon next to "Start". Type the combination in the search bar English letters cmd. The search will return desired program. Click on the command line with the left mouse button.

How to call the command line in Windows 10 using Explorer

AT updated version OS, you can enjoy the new features in File Explorer. Open desired folder. In the line at the top of the window, click on the "File" item, then select the item associated with the command line. Next, you can choose the normal launch option or open with administrator rights. In the window that opens, you can apply commands to the folder opened in Explorer. Now you know how to quickly open the command prompt in Windows 10.

Another method

You can also open the program by following the specified path in system folder. You need to go to Windows partition on the system drive(partition with the installed operating system). Next, find the System32 folder. In it is desired file cmd.exe. This path is suitable for 32-bit OS versions. The SysWOW64 folder in the 64-bit version contains the Windows 10 command line. You know how to call (open) the application, it remains to use its functionality for its intended purpose using special commands.

The command line is an indispensable tool in the work of any system administrator and a simple PC user. It is convenient, easy to use and does not require much effort from the user to perform any operation. However, this console also has a downside. Oddly enough, but users do not know the commands with which you can solve a particular problem. And in some cases, the user does not even know how to start this console. Therefore, we will consider more than 10 basic command line commands for Windows 10 that every PC user should know about.

Where is it located and how to run the command line on Windows 10?

In Windows 10, the command line file is located on the system drive at the address: Windows\System32\cmd.exe folder. To launch this console, you should press "Win + R" and enter "cmd".

Also, to launch the console in Windows 10, only with Administrator rights, you should click "Start" and enter "Command Prompt" in the search box. Next, you need to click on search results Right-click and select "Run as Administrator".

You can start the command prompt with and without Administrator rights as follows: right-click on the "Start" icon and select "Command Prompt".

You can also start the console through the "Task Manager" by selecting a new "Task" and entering "cmd" in the line.

List of basic command line commands

Commands that the user will need in everyday use PC following. Let's consider them in alphabetical order (all commands are written in small letters, without capital letters).

Arp - Displays and allows you to edit ARP log entries.

Assoc - displays and allows you to change the relationship between the extensions of the name and types of a particular file.

Attrib - allows you to edit the attributes of the file or folder you specified.

Bcdboot - create or restore a system partition.

bcdedit - Set properties in the boot db to customize the bootstrap.

Break – enable/disable extended processing of the CTRL+C key combination.

Cacls - display and edit file access control list (ACL).

Call - will call one batch file from another.

Cd - view the name of the current folder, or go to another.

Chcp - display or set the active code page.

Chdir - view the name of the current folder, or go to another.

Chkdsk - check disk and display statistics.

Chkntfs - show or change the option that checks the disk during loading.

Cls - clear the content on the screen.

cmd - launch another command Windows strings OC.

Color - change the background and color that are used by default.

Comp - allows you to compare the contents of two files or two packages.

Compact - show or change the file compression option for NTFS partitions.

Convert - converts a volume from FAT to NTFS.

Copy - copying the file(s) to the specified directory.

Date - will show current date and also allows you to change it.

Del - will delete the files you specify.

Dir - will display a list of files and subfolders (if any) from the specified path.

Diskcopm - allows you to compare the contents of two floppy disks.

Dickcopy - will completely copy the contents of one floppy disk to any other (specified by you).

Diskpart - will show and allow you to configure the properties of the disk partition.

Dockey - creating macros, editing and re-invoking command lines.

Driverquery - the state and properties of the driver of a device.

Echo - switching display modes on the command screen.

Endlocal - the end of local environment changes for a particular batch file.

Erase - allows you to delete one or several files at once.

Exit - exit from the command line, the completion of its work.

Fc - will compare two files or two sets of files and find out the differences between them.

Find - allows you to find text string in one or more files.

Findstr - allows you to find a string in files.

For - will run the command you specify for each of the files in the set.

Format - formatting (partitioning) the disk for working with the Windows operating system.

Fsutil - Shows and allows you to configure the properties of the file system.

Ftype - Displays and allows you to change the file types used when matching by file name extensions.

Goto - transfer control to the marked line of the batch file.

gpresult - will show information about group policy for a computer or user.

Graftabl - Allows Windows OC to display an extended character set in graphics mode.

Help - displays full list CMD.exe command line commands.

Icacls - display, modify, archive, and restore ACLs for files and directories.

If is an operator for conditionally executing commands in a batch file.

Label - delete, change, and also create volume labels for disks.

Md is the command to create a new folder.

Mkdir is another command for creating a folder.

Mklink - Create symbolic links as well as hard links.

Mode - change parameters and configure system devices.

More - sequential output of data in parts of one screen size.

Move - allows you to move one or several files at once from one folder to another.

Openfiles - will show files opened in shared folder remote user.

Path - will show the current one, and also allows you to set the search path for executable files.

Pause - stops the execution of a batch file and displays a message about it.

Popd - Restores the previous active folder value saved using the PUSHD command.

Print - prints the contents of the specified text file.

Prompt - Changes the prompt on the Windows command line.

Pushd - saves the active folder value and moves to another folder.

Rd - allows you to delete the specified folder.

Recover - Recovers readable data from a bad or damaged drive.

Rem - puts comments in batch files and in CONFIG.SYS.

Ren - allows you to rename the specified folders or files.

Rename - command for renaming, alias of the "ren" command.

Replace - replaces any files.

Rmdir - allows you to delete the specified folder.

Robocopy is an improved tool for copying files and directory trees.

Set - Displays, sets, and also removes Windows environment variables.

Setlocal - Starts localizing environment changes in a batch file.

Sc - shows and allows you to configure services (background processes).

Schtasks - allows you to execute a command or run a program at a set time.

Shift - change the position (shift) of the substituted parameters for the batch file.

Shutdown - shutdown the computer (works with remote mode as well).

Sort - allows you to sort the input.

Start - execution of a program or command in separate Windows window.

Subst - Assigns a drive name to the given path.

Systeminfo - displays information about the system and configuration of the PC.

Tasklist - Shows a complete list of running tasks and services.

Taskkill - allows you to stop a background process or application.

Time - view or change the current time.

Title - Sets the title of the window for the current command line session.

Tree - a graphical display of the directory structure of a disk or folder.

Type - display the contents of text files.

Ver - Show information about the version of the Windows operating system.

Verify - setting the mode for checking the correctness of writing files to disk.

Vol - will show its own label and serial number disk volumes.

Xcopy - allows you to copy directories and files.

Wmic - Displays WMI information in an interactive environment.

It is important to note that if you are system administration and the command line is already yours " best friend”, we recommend that you study the wider possibilities of CMD from professional literature.

New operating system Windows 10 from Microsoft received many innovations in the interface and in the software part, among which are updated command line. Users who frequently use the command line finally got new functionality that have been waiting since the days of Windows NT.

In the material, we will take a detailed look at all the new features that the command line has received, and also consider running it with administrator rights.

Selection on the command line

Selecting text on the command line required time-consuming operations with the selection frame, which was very annoying and wasting extra time. Now in the command line of 10-ki, text can be selected and copied, just like in a regular editor.

This innovation will greatly simplify the use of the command line and help process information much faster.

Content filter

Sometimes when copying a command with an extra tab and incorrect quotes to the clipboard and then pasting it into old version CMD, an error message appears. You won't see an error message on the new command line because data filtering will remove extra tabs and put correct quotes. For example, copy the browser launch command from notepad Google Chrome with extra tabs and wrong quotes.

As a result, we will get the correct command.

Window scaling and word wrap

In older versions of CMD, when scaling a window, the text does not wrap in words. AT new version CMD with word wrap enabled text behaves as you expect it to when scaled. The figure below shows the command line with long lines text.

The following image shows the same text, only in a resized window.

As seen in the image, command line text wraps when scaling.

Copy, paste and other combinations with the Ctrl key

Thanks to normal text selection, users of the new CMD have possibility the usual way copy text to clipboard with Ctrl + C . You can also paste text from the clipboard with Ctrl + V. In addition to copy and paste, CMD received seven more combinations that perform the following actions:

  • Ctrl + A - selects all text in the window;
  • Ctrl + F - allows you to open the console search window;
  • Ctrl + M - enable "Mark Mode";
  • Ctrl + / ↓ - scroll lines;
  • Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn - page scrolling.

You can find all combinations at

Here is an example of using the keyboard shortcut to search for text Ctrl + F :

CMD Settings

To open the command line settings, you need to click on the system icon and go to the " Properties».

Going to the properties on the first tab you will see that all new features that have been implemented can be turned off. In addition, you can tick the " Use old version consoles” and all new features will be disabled. On the fourth tab appeared new feature « Transparency».

This function allows you to set the transparency of the console window. For example, let's set the transparency slider to 70 percent.

As you can see, the console has become 30 percent transparent.

Run Console in Windows 10 as Administrator

Let's look at two ways to run the console as an administrator. To open the console in the first way, use the key combination Win + X. A window will appear next to the start, in which you can select run console as administrator. After selecting this tab, the CMD call will be made.

To open the console in the second way, you should use the search. To do this, run the search and type CMD The search shortcut is located near the menu " Start". It can also be launched with the Win + Q combination.

Now right-click on the found console and run it as administrator and it will be called.

From the examples, it can be seen that calling the console as an administrator in Windows 10 is quite simple.


This time the programmers from Redmond did their best.

Thanks to new features, the console has become much more convenient to work with. By making these improvements, Microsoft will be able to lure even more users to Windows 10.

In this article, we have reviewed all the major innovations in the command line and showed how easy it is to run the console with administrator rights. As Microsoft promises, these new features are just the beginning and it promises to open even more in the future. And we hope that our material will help you quickly master the new features of the console.

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