Nov 21

Which is better to choose to create a site: Joomla or WordPress? We are looking for a solution!

Hello dear blog visitors. Just recently, I published several interesting posts, namely: "", "", "". But in this article I want to talk about what is better to choose for creating a future site: ? Let's find out!

I will not write in this article about which is better, since it is pointless to compare them. Each engine has its pros and cons, but I want to talk about which engine is better to choose for a specific purpose and a specific site.

Many beginners make such a mistake that when creating a site, they do not think about choosing an engine, but simply choose the first one that comes across. This is completely wrong, because even if you buy fruits in a store, you probably look at their appearance, at dents, at the color of the fruit. So - you also need to apply to the choice of the engine, since then you don’t change anything, everything will be as it will be.

I know many people who created a site for example on Joomla and after some time decided to switch to WordPress. They switch to another CMS and then ask questions, supposedly their site is no longer indexed.

Benefits of WordPress CMS

Let's perhaps start with a discussion of the WordPress CMS. WordPress is the best platform for creating blogs in the first place. WordPress is primarily used for creating blogs, but it is also perfect for creating an uncomplicated and neat full-fledged website.

The main advantage of WordPress is that it is completely free. And so - they release constant updates and protection against hacker threats for it.

1. WordPress is absolutely free

2. An incredible number of free WordPress templates, thanks to the popularity of this engine.

3. Lots of plugins to help you create the perfect blog.

4. Ease of operation. Even a schoolboy can handle it.

5. Constant updates and protection from hacker attacks.

7. Fast speed of work and loading of the administrative panel.

As you can see, the benefits of WordPress abound. With the help of this engine, you can create any masterpiece, and do not look at the fact that this engine is primarily used to create blogs, you can also create a very beautiful and functional site.

Benefits of CMS Joomla

Joomla is a very popular system for creating websites. This is the first engine that I met when I created my first site on the Internet on hosting. Of course, my first site was like many on ucoz, but I do not take it into account.

With Joomla CMS, you can create absolutely any site, even a professional one. Joomla is a very powerful system for creating both websites and blogs. But of course, her first direction is the creation of websites, not blogs.

1. Joomla is absolutely free engine.

2. Many different templates.

3. A huge number of plugins.

4. The ability to create any site, any direction (forum, online store, blog)

What to choose to create a future site?

You know, you can't just give advice here. Personally, I only like the WordPress CMS, as it is very easy to use and I have completely studied it, studied all the plugins, seo tools and so on. I didn’t particularly like Joomla, because it loads the server terribly, creates terrible duplicate pages, it’s very difficult to solve problems, if you use a weak Internet, then most likely you are tormented with the admin panel.

But on the other hand, if you want to create a full-fledged site (not a blog), which will have a forum, chat, online store, file archive, voting, and much more, then you should choose Joomla CMS. WordPress is simply not suitable for these purposes.

But I want to immediately notice that the CMS Joomla engine is not easy, and it may be required to study it great amount time.

Bottom line: If you need a small site with information, a blog, a site with images, a small portal, then choose WordPress.

If you need a professional site with many features, then choose Joomla or DLE (it's paid). Of course, you can also find DLE for free), but then don’t be surprised if the creators turn to webmoney arbitration (verified))


Due to its popularity on most hostings, CMS is deployed in one click. But to add templates and plugins, you first have to download them to your computer, and then upload them to the server through the "Extension Manager", which is a bit inconvenient. However, you quickly get used to it.

The administrative panel at first glance looks complicated, but this is a deceptive impression that arises due to the large number of different managers. If you had experience working with other CMS, for example, with the same WordPress, then at first even adding materials by category may seem illogical. But if you start from scratch, then it will take very little time to master the admin panel.


WordPress is the most simple system content management. To learn how to create categories and add materials, just read a short instruction and try it yourself once. Difficulties can arise only at the pre-configuration stage, when you need to specify the correct display of the URL and assemble the navigation menu, but a couple of training videos - and there will be no problems.

Themes and plugins are added to WordPress directly from the admin panel, unless you download them from some alternative source. This is much more convenient than adding files through different managers or uploading via FTP, as in Drupal. Therefore, many webmasters start with WordPress - from the user's point of view, this CMS offers the most logical interface.

Joomla or WordPress

Joomla is considered a bit more difficult to master than WordPress. You can manage the created site without programming skills, but presetting takes more time, despite a similar system for expanding functionality by installing plugins. If there is a need to explain to an unprepared person how to publish materials in a CMS, then he will figure it out with WordPress much faster.

2. Main features


Joomla "out of the box" offers the creation of an unlimited number of pages, optimization for the requirements of search engines using the built-in module, theme customization with the ability to make deep changes to the appearance, user group management and others useful features. However, to fully manage the site, the engine needs add-ons - paid and free plugins.

In principle, you can get by with the basic features of the system, but extensions will help make the site better. This is manifested both in the functionality that is important for users, and in the technical aspects that search robots pay attention to. For Joomla, there are entire collections of plugins that must be installed. Their composition varies depending on the type of site, but there are also general solutions: to ensure security, improve usability and obtain statistics.


WordPress out of the box is a rather poor system, in which even SEO options are extremely limited. The problem is solved by installing plug-ins, thanks to which the amazing versatility of the system is achieved.

The main disadvantage of a large number of plugins is the increase in server load. So that visitors do not suffer from slow loading, you either have to pay more for hosting, or abandon some of the extensions, replacing them with code changes. Good, WordPress - open system, so it can be deeply customized.

Joomla or WordPress

These are two comparable systems in terms of functionality, the capabilities of which are expanded by plug-ins. But still, WordPress offers more additional tools due to the prevalence of the system. Joomla also has a lot of extensions (about 8000 in the official catalog), but it is far from the scale of WP. However, the basic needs of users are closed in one and the other system.

3. Appearance of the site and work with design


After installing the engine, a default theme is available, which can be replaced by choosing a free option in the catalog. Templates can be taken from other sites, ordered from web studios, developed independently. If you search through Google on foreign sources, you can get a layout unique for Runet for free.

There are two ways to edit a template: using preset theme settings and manually editing the code. There are few preset settings in free themes, so you can noticeably change them only through style files. In paid templates, you can often do without code editing.


WordPress offers even more free themes than Joomla. The catalog is available from the admin panel, so you don't even have to search for topics on third-party sources. If there is a budget, then the number of available options will grow due to premium templates. You can order the development of an individual design or create it yourself - finding a detailed manual is not a problem.

WordPress themes don't come with many presets to change the look of your site, so if you want to customize your theme in depth, you'll have to work with style files. This requires knowledge of HTML and CSS, but most of the tasks can be done using plugins.

Joomla or WordPress

Both CMS offer a large number of free templates, as well as the ability to add your own theme. In terms of working with design, Joomla and WordPress provide approximately the same possibilities, which are limited only by your professional skills. Even in paid templates, there are too few preset settings to noticeably change the template, so the only way to carry out deep customization is to edit style files.

4. Cost of use


The engine itself can be downloaded for free, you only have to pay for registering a domain and providing space on the server. Some hosts offer special rates for Joomla, but you can do without them, because the system does not impose any unusual requirements. Additional costs include the purchase of a premium template and paid extensions, but this is an optional part of the budget.


With WordPress, the situation is similar: the engine is distributed for free, so you can budget only the cost of the domain and hosting. It is not necessary to buy premium themes and paid extensions - you can almost always find free counterparts.

Joomla or WordPress

The cost of using Joomla and WordPress, if different, is negligible. When creating the same projects, you will pay the same for both the domain and hosting. The difference can be seen when buying premium templates or plugins - here WordPress is a little cheaper due to more offers. The rest is complete equality.

5. Which is better to choose - Joomla or WordPress

For the first experience in creating websites, it is much easier to use WordPress. It will take less time to master it, and there are so many free themes and plugins that even a large budget is not needed. But if you immediately want to take a swing at a large information portal or online store, then it is much more efficient to start with Joomla. Yes, you can build them on WordPress too, but you will have to screw a lot more plugins to the system or introduce new features through code editing, which not everyone can do.

In general, the choice between WordPress and Joomla is a matter of taste. Professional developers can give hundreds of arguments in favor of one and the other system, but the very fact of their popularity suggests that both engines perform their tasks with high quality. But whether a CMS is suitable for solving your problem can only be determined by you after a detailed study of the functionality of each system.

Now there are a lota wide variety of engines, but only two of them are considered the most commonly used - and . Both of these systems are free and easily accessible to every user. That is why, very often the question arises which engine to choose.

Specialization: WordPress or Joomla, which is better?


WordPress CMS is designed primarily for creating simple websites or blogs. Therefore, if you need to create a convenient, high-quality and understandable website, without any cool bells and whistles, then you can safely implement this project using WordPress.

But don't think that WordPress is a low bar. The functionality of this engine can be expanded using plugins that will allow you to add new features to the site. With plugins on WordPress, you can already create almost any complexity site: from informational to online store.


The main purpose of the Joomla engine is to create ordinary informative sites. Creating a Joomla blog is also possible, but it will be much more difficult.

Interface and usability: why is Joomla better than WordPress?


Like it or not, Wordpess has the most user-friendly interface. Even though you can find a bunch of supporting information, tutorials and tutorials on the Internet, you can master the WordPress admin panel without instructions in a few hours.


Compared to WordPress, Joomla is inferior in terms of usability. Despite this, no special skills or knowledge are required in order to create a web resource. There is also no shortage of additional materials regarding this engine.

Plugins and Themes: Why is WordPress Better than Joomla?


The presence of a large number of plug-ins and themes in the public domain allows you to expand the possibilities for the development of any site. This is where WordPress is recognized as a champion.

There are such a huge number of different modifications and templates on the Internet that, with a strong desire, you can create a small personal page and a colossal information portal on the WordPress engine.


For some reason, Joomla is not so popular. For example, for the query "Joomla plugins", the Yandex search engine shows only one million results, and for "WordPress plugins" - two million results. It is clear that this will not cause big problems. With a strong desire, you can choose the necessary theme for a web resource of almost any subject.

Which is faster WordPress or Joomla?


This engine is very fast. Even with over a dozen active plugins,WordPress works fast. It is clear that if there are not 10 plugins, but much more, then this will begin to affect the performance of the site. Despite this, the work of WordPress is more nimble than that of a competitor.


This is one of the weaknesses Joomla . By installing just a few additional plugins, you can significantly increase the time it takes to fully load a web resource. It is unfortunate that the sites on Joomla cannot be uploaded in stages. It may take as long as 10-30 seconds to wait for the page to load.


CMS should be selected separately for each site, taking into account the purposes for which the site is being created. It is clear that if you are just creating a site for the first time and understand little about programming, then you should start with something understandable and accessible. Such as WordPress.

After some practice and based on the experience gained, you can move on to the next stage and complicate your task, create a more complex Joomla site.

The most important thing is that any site can be transferred from one engine to another. So take advantage user-friendly interface WordPress and get your site up and running. If you wish, expand the standard features of the engine with plugins, but do not overdo it so that the site does not start to freeze.

If you do a search on the Internet, you will find many "fans" of this or that CMS. It is very important to know the specific differences between different CMS in order to choose the most suitable one based on them. In this article, we will compare WordPress and Joomla...

Obviously, both content management systems are completely different and have different features that are tailored to different user groups.

Simplicity and freedom of control. When you try to do simple updates(by adding new content), you can see that WordPress has a big advantage over Joomla in this aspect.

Everything is simpler in WordPress and easy to manage with a well thought out admin interface that has a lot more options.

However, users with little knowledge may lean towards Joomla as this CMS provides more predefined solutions.

It's true that in WordPress you can have complete control, but it requires some advanced knowledge, not just the ability to click different buttons.

Ease of programming for inexperienced webmasters. Those who have experimented with their first web design may have seen that Joomla can be a bit too complex in this regard.

However, if you are developing a page that will be of high complexity and will contain many different features, then the choice falls on Joomla. An online store, blog, forum and wiki can all be installed using plugins that you will need to be able to set up properly.

Education. Inexperienced users can quickly get started with WordPress, however, if you want to learn how to control absolutely all the features, including extensions and configurations, Joomla is a simpler and more intuitive CMS in this regard.

Number of plugins and free themes. Both WordPress and Joomla have a very large number of free themes and plugins to choose from. Additional functionality. Here Joomla is ahead of WordPress, although the development of WordPress lately tends to increase its functionality...

To become the owner of your own website is to do an interesting and even favorite thing, getting a good income. Moreover, today for this you do not need to know at least the basics of programming, code or HTML markup, because there are ready-made management systems (CMS) that allow you to create sites of various subjects. There are several popular CMS that are distinguished by ease of administration and functionality. Among those are Joomla and WordPress. Therefore, in this article I want to talk with you on the topic: Which is better: Joomla or WordPress?

Both the first and second systems became popular due to the following characteristics:

  • simplicity;
  • intuitive admin panel;
  • fairly high functionality;
  • the ability to create websites of various subjects.

But which of these systems should you choose? And why? Read more about this below!

Before considering what to choose Joomla or WordPress, first read the general, introductory information.

CMS on English language means Content Manager System, and in Russian the term "site engine" is most often used. Its main purpose is to manage the site and its content.

Note! In fact, this is a kind of program installed on the hosting.

The basis of such an engine is a database. That is, a special table in which fields and cells are provided for:

  • the title of the article;
  • directly to the article itself;
  • publishing pictures;
  • comments, etc.

The site engine allows you to easily change the structure of the database in a way that is convenient for the user.

The main positive characteristic of such systems is that the site owner can easily change the design of his resource at any time. At the same time, there will be no problems with existing content - changes do not affect it.

Joomla or WordPress: not an easy choice

Those who are just thinking about creating their own website are wondering: “Which is better: Joomla or WordPress and why, how to do right choice and avoid selection errors.

Each system has its own positive features and advantages. Therefore, it is really not so easy to decide. But let's go in order.

What is Joomla and why is it unique

This engine is the best option when creating:

  • small social network;
  • not too big with an average functionality of a corporate site;
  • entertainment project.

Note! If your goal is to create a site that will publish a huge amount of photos and videos, Joomla is almost ideal for solving the problem.

Joomla has a large number of widgets - several thousand - that even a beginner can install without problems. With WordPress, unfortunately, not everything is so simple. Yes, there are also extensions, but in some situations PHP skills are indispensable.

The next positive characteristic of Joomla is the ability to easily manage individual page elements.

And the administrative panel menu itself is convenient and understandable. It provides a large number of different categories and sections, the option of adding new categories, editing existing ones is available. In WordPress, there are certain limitations in this area.

SEO for Joomla

SEO is an important stage in website development. Since each owner wants to make a profit from the project, therefore, a sufficient amount of time must be devoted to the promotion of the resource.

However, Joomla is not as good at promoting as WordPress - the latter is ideal for creating sites that will eventually take top positions in search engine results.

Note! The extent to which the site will be successful also depends on the determination and efficiency of its owner - you will have to work very solidly on the content, choose the right keywords to achieve the required result.

What can be said bad about Joomla

Do not think that I specifically sought out some negative features or found fault. No, now we will talk about quite objective shortcomings of the Joomla engine.

  1. A questionable template design that not everyone likes. In particular, the creators have installed many elements that are, in fact, absolutely unnecessary. Therefore, to make the work more comfortable, you will need to remove them.
  2. All work is done only by hand, but in order to do this effectively, you must have knowledge of HTML. And not superficial, but quite deep. Since, if there is no such knowledge, it is very, very difficult to understand the heap of elements and sections. But even knowledge of HTML in this case will lead to the fact that you have to spend a lot of time.

Note! In general, the templates of this engine are not too simple. They can hardly be called intuitive. It seems nothing particularly complicated, but still!

  1. Low speed work. Sites created on the Joomla system take a relatively long time to load. For example, even sites that are not too full of content, installed on powerful servers, can load up to 4 seconds. In modern conditions - it is VERY long! To achieve loading in a couple of seconds, you need to process at least 50% of the entire template. The low speed of work is explained by the fact that a large number of various folders are created for Joomla on the FTP server, which leads to low indexing. If the user has a weak GPRS or EDGE channel, then loading the site is likely to be unrealistic.

Note! WordPress does not suffer from slow loading. Moreover, it does not require expensive hosting. It's just that its engine is made in such a way that the pages of the site will be loaded in the browser pretty quickly.


With high traffic, Joomla can not withstand the influx of users, which will entail a lot of problems.

Although, if you are creating a regular home page, you are unlikely to run into this disadvantage. After all, its attendance will not be so high. Although for the future it is still necessary to take into account this possible problem.

Subtotal: conclusions about Joomla

Based on the review of the Joomla engine, you should not think that I am already setting you up to choose exclusively in favor of WordPress. No, I tried to explain everything objectively positive sides system, but also point out its weaknesses, so that you can navigate all the features of this CMS.

What is WordPress and why does it attract

Anyone who has heard of the WordPress platform:

  • engaged in the creation of sites;
  • familiar with web design;
  • engaged in the promotion of sites;
  • or at least just interested in how web resources are created.

This CMS is constantly evolving, improving and in last years is at the peak of its popularity. It is the best option for:

  • blogs;
  • personal pages;
  • sites over several pages.

However, this is not a complete list of sites that can be created on WordPress. For example, you can even find online movie theaters on WordPress on the web, although in this case it is better to choose Joomla.

Note! Today there are also commercial sites on CMS WordPress. Among them are many who occupy a leading position in the issuance of search engines.

But the best option is to use Vorpress for non-commercial resources, and blogs, diaries, personal pages.

And immediately about some negative points

Do you know why, almost at the very beginning of the review of this platform, I decided to focus on the negative characteristics? Yes, because they are few!

  1. Immediately I would like to stop at a low level of protection. There are many reviews of site owners who say that WordPress was simply hacked. Therefore, I recommend that you carefully study all the features of the protection of the portal, read about how to achieve its effective increase.
  2. To make major changes to the overall structure, you will have to work hard. Or even involve a third-party specialist with certain knowledge, if you don’t have any!

Key Benefits of WordPress

  1. A large number of templates - they are easy to edit. In fact, even schoolchildren can do this work. You don’t have to go deep - everything is on the surface.
  2. The official website presents a huge number of themes, templates. The engine itself is a “thing in itself”! It is concise, functional and visually attractive. The system is ready to go!
  3. Works fast. Download speed no more than 1.5 seconds. And even then, if the site is really quite heavy. On average, at good internet download speed is 0.7 seconds.

Note! If you read specialized forums dedicated to this platform, you can get good advice on how to increase the speed of your site.

  1. Ideal for SEO promotion. There are special extensions installed with one click that allow you to optimize the "promotion" of the site.
  2. Above, I said that sites created specifically on the WordPress platform are often hacked. However, the system itself is automatically updated - developers are constantly making changes to the security system. If you update the engine on time, you can protect yourself from hacker attacks.

Subtotal: Conclusions about WordPress

The information presented allows us to understand that, in general, the WordPress platform is superior to its competitor in several ways.

In particular, this CMS is simple and clear, it has a lightweight control panel that has many functions. Even beginners who do not have skills in programming, markup and site administration will understand it without any problems.

Therefore, for those who are looking for suitable system worth choosing. Although in some respects it is inferior to Joomla.

Joomla or WordPress: what is better for a blogger and what is better for an entrepreneur?

A few more comparisons follow. Of course, the above information is already enough to draw a concrete conclusion. But, if you are suddenly confused or still cannot make a final decision, let's look at which platform is ideal:

  • for blogs;
  • for online business.

After all, these areas are most in demand in this moment. If someone needs a website, then, most often, he creates it because of the desire to run his own blog or do business online.

Blog: Joomla or WordPress?

So, initially WordPress was developed specifically for blogs. Which is already its advantage over Joomla, if we compare both systems in this section. Only later, the developers decided that it was possible to create a full-fledged CMS and added whole line functions and blocks.

Therefore Joomla loses. Blog features have been added to it separately. So if you want to become a blogger, I recommend focusing on WordPress.

Moreover, you can create a website for yourself, even if you do not have programming skills - you do not have to spend money on paying for the work of specialists invited from the outside.

Online Business: Joomla or WordPress?

If you decide to do business on the web, for example, through landing pages, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort in choosing the perfect CMS.

If you are new to such matters, then choosing Joomla, you will spend a little more effort, time and even nerves on creating pages and building a business than when choosing WordPress.

Although it is necessary to recognize the fact that, in general, Joomla is an ideal resource for creating landing pages, but working with it requires a lot of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Without them, success will be very difficult.

Therefore, for online entrepreneurs, WordPress will also be the best choice!

What else I would like to say: multilingualism and localization support

Another important point to be told about. So, the vast majority of sites are created not only in English, but also in other languages. Therefore, it is important to use a CMS that will support many languages. And also, which provides support for many languages.

The WordPress platform is the perfect choice if you need to create a website in multiple languages. It is enough just to install a special plugin that will allow you to get what you want.

Pay everything! At the moment, the platform supports 53 languages, and I'm sure this is not the limit!

At the same time, plugins and templates are also created in several languages ​​at once, which simplifies the work of site owners. Developers are trying to make their CMS used by people in different regions of the planet.

In turn, Joomla also allows you to create multilingual resources, but you do not need to install special extensions for this. It is enough to select the language of interest in the control panel. However, the number of available languages ​​is not that great.

Which is better: Joomla or WordPress - we make the final decision

I talked in detail about all the features of the two platforms for creating websites. Now you can already understand for yourself, choosing Joomla or WordPress which is better. Of course, I immediately recommend considering what kind of project you are going to do. If this is a blog, then the answer is obvious - it is given in the article. It will be WordPress!

Now let's move on. In general, today there is a clear trend that more and more webmasters and just those who want to make a website for themselves choose Vodpress. And they do it quite consciously for several reasons:

  • simple installation;
  • lack of complex settings;
  • free themes and templates;
  • many free extensions that increase the functionality of sites.

The so-called “brotherhood” of WordPress deserves special mention. You can always find the answer to any question on the platform developers forum. It will be given, if not by the developers themselves, then by more experienced users who have thoroughly studied this system. Although, of course, you need to know English in order to correctly ask a question and understand what was answered.

The constant updating for WordPress also deserves attention - the developers are doing everything to make the platform more and more convenient, functional and safe. Developers pay enough attention to fixing bugs.

In fairness, we have to admit that Joomla is also quite functional and convenient, but I personally, like my webmasters I know, like WordPress.

But the final decision is up to you! Thank you for your attention!

If you still have not decided on the choice of CMS and do not know where to start creating a site, then I advise you to register for my site creation from scratch!

Choosing a content management system (CMS) is an important decision that can have huge implications for your website. There are a number of platforms available, each with its own pros and cons, with experienced webmasters seeing more value in their personal choice. Today, two engines stand out that are leaders in the market: WordPress and Joomla. Drupal is also popular, but it is aimed at more experienced webmasters.

Both platforms are known for their ease of use, high customization options, and active communities. While each has its pros and cons, both engines can be used to create modern, functional websites. Therefore, many novice resource creators have a choice: WordPress or Joomla?

Choosing the right CMS can be a difficult decision, mainly because they all make it easy to create and edit web pages. While both of the above platforms are incredibly similar, they do have some differences that will probably help you decide. Below are some important nuances, which will help you decide on the choice of Wordpress vs Joomla.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is probably the most popular CMS on the market. A tool that began as a simple blogging platform has evolved into an incredibly powerful and flexible engine for a complete website.

This is a great option for beginners as there are a number of tutorials and forums on the web that can help you troubleshoot any issues you encounter along the way. In choosing WordPress or Joomla, this is a significant plus in favor of the first.

Benefits of WordPress

Another plus is that WordPress is incredibly easy to set up. You can literally have a website up and running in five minutes. As a plus, most existing hosts offer CMS installation with one click. According to more experienced users, this allows you to work with the platform quickly and easily.

In addition, WordPress has thousands of themes and plugins that customize your site with the click of a button. Because the engine is so popular, many developers have created free plugins and themes that allow you to create a professional looking resource on zero budget. Unlike WordPress, joomla templates available for free in fairly limited quantities.

If you're having trouble installing or setting up your site, there's a support community online with millions of users who can help you. In addition, almost every theme or plugin you will use has a dedicated development team behind them.

What is Joomla?

Joomla is an incredibly flexible CMS that is currently used as the backbone for many of the largest websites on the web. This engine is second only to WordPress in terms of the number of resources running on it. All kinds of websites can benefit from using this platform - from non-profit organizations to businesses, corporations and so on.

However, Joomla is more technically complex and not as beginner friendly. This means that you can apply some incredibly powerful custom functions, but if you are not very good at coding, you will have difficulty. In the comparison of WordPress and Joomla, the latter loses due to complexity.

Benefits of Joomla

Joomla makes it easy for you to create social networking sites from scratch. You can create a social network using another CMS, but it's not as quick or painless. Along with social networking sites, Joomla makes it easy to create online stores. Of course, you can do this with WordPress, but it will be a bit more complicated. Therefore, answering the question “which is better - WordPress or Joomla”, you should think about the purposes for which you want to create your resource.

Joomla settings are more powerful and professional. But it requires a bit more technical preparation than WordPress setup.

How to determine the best option for you?

When choosing WordPress or Joomla, it is best not to rush. Try to determine the most suitable option for your needs and goals. Take some time to determine what kind of site you are trying to develop and what features you want to use.

If you absolute beginner and want your site up and running as quickly as possible, you should definitely start with WordPress. However, if you're more tech-savvy and want to create a social networking or shopping site, then Joomla is probably a good idea for you.

WordPress or Joomla: expert reviews

The main difference between WordPress and Joomla is that Joomla is a portal or community site mainly while WordPress is a blog oriented CMS. According to experts, when choosing a platform, you should be guided by the direction of the site and its specifics. For a simple resource or blog, it is enough to install WordPress. For a portal, social network or store, it is advisable to use Joomla. It is also worth noting that both engines are not separately operating. software. In other words, they only work when installed on a web server that you get from a third party. So, WordPress and Joomla on Bitrix or other resources function in the same way, but they will not work on their own.

Search Engine Optimization

When comparing the search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities of both platforms, Joomla offers a slight advantage by allowing users to set meta descriptions and keywords for new articles.

That being said, the true SEO capabilities of any platform are not apparent unless one considers the plugins or extensions available for the task. Which is better for SEO - Joomla or WordPress? For example, there is an incredibly popular Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress - it is powerful, offers a lot of features, and you can master it in a matter of minutes.

Yoast classifies your SEO ranking in different areas using a traffic light system of red, yellow or green. In addition, the plugin tells you how to improve your score in each area, and if that's not enough, it also rates the readability of your post.

In turn, the EasyFrontend SEO (EFSEO) extension is the best Joomla equivalent for Yoast. The plugin allows you to perform many useful tasks, such as editing meta information directly on the front of your site, and also includes a handy automatic mode to generate this data without your input. However, this extension is much more difficult to work with and set up.


When it comes to organizing security: any system is only as strong as you set it up. Therefore, when comparing, the question of which platform is more secure by default is more relevant.

Due to its popularity, WordPress has many vulnerabilities when it comes to security. Every WordPress installation is identical thanks to the thousands of plugins (there are ready-made extensions for everything from charting to using the Latin language) and themes available for free.

On the one hand, this is definitely a positive moment, on the other hand, it is a big drawback in terms of security. There is no way to ensure that each plugin uses the proper security standards and remains compatible with newer versions of the platform.

Also, WordPress does not come with these basic functions, like forcing a secure socket layer (SSL) connection in the dashboard - you need to change its core files to enable it, or else add two-factor authentication (2FA). In fact, most of the advanced security features of this engine depend entirely on plugins.

On the other hand, Joomla comes with both the ability to force a connection over SSL and 2FA. In addition, the platform offers its own set of security extensions, and the developers maintain a list of these plugins with known vulnerabilities.

Possibility of customization

Both CMS have their own list of boost plugins options settings, and WordPress wins in terms of their number.

However, looking at the most common extensions for each CMS, you will notice that the WordPress offerings have more subjectivity and functionality.

Again, when it comes to customizing the style of your site, there are WordPress themes, on the one hand, and Joomla templates, on the other, and there is a similar situation here. In practice, high-quality WordPress themes are not only more accessible, but also offer a higher level of support.

Content management and potential

Both WordPress and Joomla are complex CMS that allow users to create and manage almost any type of website. Although WordPress is often associated with simple blogs, it can also be a great solution for landing pages and even more complex sites.

On the other hand, Joomla is famous for its complexity, although it offers specific functionality. A site created with Joomla can evolve into anything, but the process of learning all the basics of the platform can be difficult for users with no experience in web development.

When it comes to sheer potential, WordPress allows users to manage content with relative ease. Anyone can install the platform and figure out how to create posts, pages, or upload data within minutes, while Joomla takes longer.


In some ways, Joomla is more flexible than WordPress. It offers a professional customizable system that can take almost any form and you can implement many small tweaks without using extensions. However, when choosing "WordPress or Joomla", many will rightly stop at the first.

WordPress is superior to Joomla when it comes to SEO, customization options, and content management. In addition, with WordPress is easier understand new users, and its popularity allows you to have a lot of support communities.

In any case, both platforms are at the top of the engine rankings, so using either one is not a bad choice. Despite the fact that other CMS are actively gaining popularity today (for example, Opencart), WordPress and Joomla remain top.

How to transfer a website from Joomla to WordPress?

As mentioned above, the advantage of WordPress lies in a much wider variety of plugins and themes. If you want to install new feature, chances are there is a ready-made extension that does it. Therefore, it is not surprising if you suddenly want to transfer a resource created with the help of Joomla to this platform. This is pretty easy to do. How to migrate a site from Joomla to Wordpress?

First of all, install Joomla plugin to your site. To do this, you should go to your WordPress dashboard, find the Plugins tab, and click Add New.

You will now be faced with a list of the most popular extensions - ignore them for now as it is not desirable to install anything else before you transfer your Joomla content. On the right side of the page, you will find a search bar. Enter FG Joomla to WordPress Premium and start your search.

Unless you made a lot of typos when entering your name in the search bar, the plugin you're looking for should show up first in the results. You may also notice that there are several other extensions that can perform the same task, but you should not pay attention to them.

Click on the FG Joomla on WordPress option and a window will pop up with additional details regarding the plugin. Click Install Now. On the next page, you will see a few short lines describing the process of installing the new extension. Don't be afraid to skip them and click "Activate Plugin" to move on.

This will bring you back to the list of plugins, which should now only contain FG Joomla in WordPress. To proceed with the process of copying the site, you will need to return to Joomla to get important information.

Learn Joomla Database Options

Log in to Joomla, go to the System tab, and click Global Setup from the drop-down lists. When you open the global configuration panel, go to the "Server" tab - these are the database options.

Keep this tab open while preparing the next step, as you will need to copy the prefix name of the host, database, and its table.

To continue migrating from Joomla to WordPress, you need to go back to WordPress and find the "Tools" tab and then select the "Import" option. If the plugin was installed successfully, you will find the Joomla option located between the categories and tag converter and LiveJournal.

After that, you will be faced with a long list of fields to fill out. The first concerns the basic setup. If you have already fiddled with the installation of WordPress, that is, you have installed additional topics, plugins or created new pages, you should remove them. So click on Empty WordPress Content.

The following are two fairly simple fields to fill in - the URL of your Joomla site and the database parameters in the Joomla tab that you opened in accordance with the above steps.

If you want to check if the database settings are copied correctly, click "Test Database Connection".

The rest of the options below will determine exactly what content is imported on top of your main Joomla pages and posts. For example, you can choose whether to copy archived posts or not, or just share them as regular postings.

Importing data

As you can see, migrating Joomla to WordPress is quite easy. When it comes to uploaded data, you can skip this step if you want to keep the transfer process short and upload your images and other large files manually later. This may be useful if you experience problems during copying due to the size of your media files.

On the other hand, there is also the possibility to use this script on purpose: forced media import is available, which also allows you to set a timeout for each individual image or media file. Thanks to this, copying does not hang at any point if it cannot pull out a certain file.

Next, you will find a function that allows you to import Joomla meta keywords as tags (which may be useful for search engine optimization(SEO)), and finally the ability to download your posts as new pages to your WordPress site.

After you select the items that suit you, you can click "Save Settings". Then click "Start/Resume Import" and start watching the copy process unfold in the log window.

Once the transfer is complete and a message appears indicating that the transfer was successful, you are ready for the final step.

Changing Internal Links

If everything went smoothly, the copy process should transfer all of your content in perfect working order, except for your internal links.

Luckily, the FG Joomla plugin for WordPress has a handy little tool to help you with this. Just go back to the "Import" tab in "Tools" on the plugin's settings page again and look for the bottom menu item. There you will find the Edit Internal Links button. Click on it.

This process is fully automated, and once it is complete, the system will tell you how many links have been changed. After that, you should check your migrated site and make sure that every link is working properly.

WordPress powers 23% of all sites on the internet, but it's not the only free content management system. There are other platforms such as Joomla and Drupal. But each of them has its pros and cons. In this article, we will compare Drupal, WordPress or Joomla to find out which is the best:

What do WordPress, Joomla and Drupal have in common?

All three popular CMSs have a lot in common in terms of technology, philosophy and community:

Joomla, Drupal, WordPress are free open source software. source code. All three are written in PHP.

All three use MySQL as the DBMS. WordPress only supports MySQL, while Joomla and Drupal support other database management systems.

All three use themes and templates for the visual design of sites and plug-ins, modules to expand functionality.

As open source software, they are all community developed and supported projects.

But in a number of aspects these systems differ from each other. They have a different concept about what to include in the core of the platform, how to handle modules and templates, how to provide security, etc.

Let's take a look at the differences between WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Easy to use and beginner friendly

Most people who build their websites are ordinary users. Ease of use is the most important factor for most of them.


WordPress is known for its five minute installation. Most hosts also offer one-click WordPress installations. This makes it quite easy for new users to set up their site:

User experience after WordPress installations also much better than Joomla or Drupal. The user has at his disposal clear interface with a menu that provides sections for creating posts, pages, or customizing the appearance and themes. Now let's try to understand which is better Joomla or WordPress.


Installing Joomla is not as fast as WordPress, but it involves similar steps. Many hosting providers also offer a package Joomla installations in one click:

After installation, the user enters the control panel, which is not as simple as that of WordPress. It has too many different menu sections that you need to go to to customize your site. Joomla is much more powerful than WordPress, but it can be a bit intimidating for a newbie.


Drupal installation is similar to Joomla and WordPress. Just download the package and run the installation script:

Drupal also offers distributions. They are pre-packaged with modules and configuration for creating sites of a certain type.

For beginners, this CMS is a bit more complicated. It will be difficult for users to understand how to work with the administrative part. Adding content is very easy in Drupal, but the process of changing the look and adding elements is not so transparent.

Winner: WordPress

Themes and plugins

All three popular CMSs support the ability to install themes and plugins/modules as a way to extend functionality and change the look and feel.


WordPress allows you to change the look and feel of your site using themes. The platform comes with several themes pre-installed by default. At any time, you can click on the Add New button on the Design page and install free themes from the official directory:

You will also find many premium themes for third party theme developers. These paid themes come with premium support options.

The real power of WordPress lies in the plugins. In the official catalog WordPress plugins there are over 38,000 free plugins. You can also buy premium plugins that come with developer-provided support.

WordPress vs Joomla

Joomla comes with templates and extensions. There are great extensions that allow you to do everything from creating an online store to managing email:

However, the number of these templates and extensions is not as large as that of WordPress. Therefore, finding the perfect template and extension will be a little more difficult for you. Let's continue the comparison of Joomla and WordPress.

By default, Joomla does not contain a feature that allows users to search for and install extensions and templates from the administration panel. There is an add-on that allows you to add features for installing extensions from the web interface. As for the templates, users will still have to manually search for them and then install them.


Drupal has the same issue with the availability of themes and modules. Users need to leave their site to find the module or theme they want to add, and then determine the URL of the project's zip file. Then you need to enter the URL on the modules or themes page to install:

There are Drupal modules for just about anything, and new ones are added regularly. However, the total number of modules is less than that of WordPress.

Winner: WordPress

Support Options

Availability of help and support is an important criterion for novice users. You will have to face some difficulties when you start working with new software. It's okay if you can get help.


WordPress has a strong user community. You can find help with WordPress on the official support forums, documentation, guides, codex, Slack, Stack Exchange, and just about any web design and development forum:

There are many ways you can ask for free support WordPress and get it.

You can also get paid support from platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Elance, where you can hire WordPress professionals from all over the world to quickly fix a problem at a reasonable cost.


Joomla, like WordPress, has a large active community. There is extensive documentation available on the Joomla site, which is a valuable resource for beginners. For additional interactive support, users can use the forums, mailing lists, IRC chats, etc.:

In addition to community support, there are third-party resources and development projects that can help you.

Unlike WordPress, finding qualified help at affordable prices for Joomla is much more difficult. This can cost you a lot more than with WordPress.


Drupal has an active community of fans and users. Just like for WordPress and Joomla, here you will find all the community support options. Extensive documentation, support forum, mailing lists, user groups, IRC chats are available. Everywhere you can get advice and free help:

Drupal attempts to connect users with developers and companies offering professional services. You can find them on the Drupal Marketplace.

Winner: WordPress

Localization support and multilingualism

A large percentage of sites are created not only in English. Many beginners will be looking for a CMS that can handle multiple languages ​​or has support for multiple regions and languages.


WordPress has become a great platform for building multilingual websites. It does not support multiple languages ​​by default, but there are a number of plugins that allow you to create multilingual sites.

WordPress is available in over 53 languages. New languages ​​can be installed in the administration panel with just one click:

The most popular themes and plugins are also available in multiple languages. Developers are actively looking for help translating their packages into other languages. All these efforts have made WordPress an excellent platform for creating websites in several languages ​​at once.


Now let's figure out what to choose Joomla or WordPress. The first CMS allows you to create a multilingual site by default without installing any extension. Just go to the language manager and add the desired content language:

The admin interface is also available in many languages ​​and can be installed directly from the administration panel.


Drupal comes with built-in support for non-English or multilingual sites. You will need to enable local settings and translation of module content. After that, you can add the site and admin interface language from the Drupal configuration section:

Winner: Draw - all three platforms support multilingual sites and are available in multiple languages


Security is an important factor when choosing a CMS for a website.


Since WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, sites running on this platform are often targeted by hackers. However, WordPress is built on secure code, and it responds quickly to vulnerabilities in the system. WordPress also has a mechanism automatic update, which allows you to update the platform when a security patch is available.

Sites running on WordPress base, can be optionally equipped with an automatic creation system backups, two-factor authentication, and other advanced technologies.

There is also a built-in mechanism that notifies you when updates to WordPress themes and plugins are available. This allows you to quickly respond to any security vulnerabilities.


In terms of security, the differences between Joomla and WordPress are minimal. The platform quickly responds to any vulnerabilities in the system and fixes them very quickly. At the same time, site maintenance and installation of updates still remains weaker than in WordPress.

Greetings, dear friends. After a long change, I decided to compare WordPress with Joomla, because. they are the most famous among other engines.

This lesson is likely to be psychological, because. many people work with WordPress and Joomla at the same time, but cannot decide which CMS to use.

Joomla fans, please don't be offended, I will only say "facts".

Comparing WordPress to Joomla

1) Every eighth site is made on Joomla, and every fourth on WordPress- I am glad that the number WordPress users is growing steadily, but the number of Joomla users is also growing, but not like WordPress. Many people think that the number of users does not matter. But they are wrong, because. the more system users, the more developers, new plugins, templates and innovative ideas. A lot of WordPress has been turned into a business, I have one friend who only knows HTML, CSS, PHP and only works WordPress, developing themes and selling them.

2) Search engines love WordPress more than Joomla- almost every second or third time after entering the site through search engine, I see a WordPress site. But recently, I stopped seeing Joomla sites, although the number seems to be growing too.

3) WordPress is much faster than Joomla. I had an order that I made the previous week. The customer asked to do it only on Joomla, and then decided to compare the speed of the site. I have one Uzbek site that has dozens of plugins installed and the site I made last week loads slower than my site. Another good thing is that the number of plugins on my site is much larger...

I think this is enough to get started. But Jooma has one plus - functionality. But let me ask you, why do you use a CMS? Probably due to the fact that you do not speak languages ​​like HTML, CSS and PHP, or you just want to build a website faster. Then why do you need functionality? If you want a functional site, then CMS is not for you. Learn PHP and MySQL after you create your own scripts. It's not easy, but the main thing is right!

This is where I end, I think the lesson was useful for you. Once again I ask for petitions from fans of Joomla.

WordPress and Joomla are the most popular CMS, the choice between which is faced by almost every novice webmaster. Both engines can be downloaded for free or deployed on a hosting, their functionality is extended using plugins, and their appearance changes depending on the chosen template. WordPress and Joomla have developed user communities that create additional materials and knowledge bases for them.

There are too many similar ones to make a quick choice. Therefore, let's not rush and thoughtfully compare CMS by key parameters in order to understand which engine is more suitable for what purposes.

Main specialization

WordPress remains a blogging CMS, despite the emergence of a large number of plugins that allow you to create other types of sites. The purpose of the engine is easy to determine by what features it offers out of the box. WordPress focuses on adding posts and customizing the blog feed.

To create sites on WordPress, plugins are required: along with the complexity of the project, the number of required extensions and settings increases. It can be difficult for novice users to cope with such a volume of work.

Joomla - offers a user management system, on the basis of which you can create a corporate website or even a social network. Blogging on Joomla is not as good as on WordPress, but launching an online store will require less effort and skills.

In general, the system is quite versatile, and its capabilities depend on the experience of the webmaster and the number of installed extensions.


WordPress makes it easy to create personal blogs and information portals, on Joomla - corporate sites and resources with a developed social component. If you add the appropriate plugins to the engines, you can use them to launch landings, business cards, and other business sites. However, it is much more efficient to use constructors for these purposes, which offer much more convenient tools - the world of web development is not limited to CMS alone.

The specializations of Joomla and WordPress often overlap, but in their purest form, the systems are designed to implement different projects. Extensions and technical skills of the webmaster make them universal.


WordPress in the basic configuration offers only basic options for customizing the site. The main functionality is related to the publication of materials and setting their display on the pages. To add new features, you need to activate plugins. You can find them and install them through the official directory in the admin panel or download them from other sites and then upload them to the server.

WordPress provides access to code editing. You can make changes through the built-in editor or FTP: download files to your computer, and then upload the modified versions. The second option is safer, as it allows you to leave known working backups. To edit the engine and template files, you will need knowledge of several languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

WordPress admin panel:

Joomla out of the box also offers a few features, but they are enough to create a simple site with user accounts. CMS is distinguished by the presence accelerated download pages, debug mode and a common mail system for communicating with registered users using private messages.

Like WordPress, Joomla offers a lot of potential for extension through plugins. There is no built-in catalog here, so you have to download add-ons from the official site or other sources, and then upload them to the server. For deep customization of templates and adding new features, editing site files is also available, which can be downloaded and uploaded back in a modified form via FTP.

Joomla Control Panel:


Both CMS are installed on most hostings in automatic mode and provide access to the code, allowing experienced webmasters to modify them to suit their needs. In the basic configuration, Joomla subjectively looks a little more powerful than WordPress, but it depends on what tasks you set for the engine.

The functionality of WordPress and Joomla is extended by plugins. You can’t do without them at all - on both engines, with the help of add-ons, important tasks are solved to ensure security and optimize sites for the requirements of search engines.

Template design

WordPress has a built-in directory that allows you to find different themes and see how they look through previews. You can completely get by with this library and find several dozen suitable options for your site. They differ greatly in quality of execution: there are frankly outdated templates without adaptive layout, but more often there are pumped themes that are not ashamed to be shown to users. If nothing came up in the standard catalog, you can go to search engines for new options.

Each template has control options appearance. Basic features are usually available on free WordPress templates: changing the color scheme, changing the logo. There may be more tools on premium themes - for example, turning on / off individual interface elements is added. In addition, WordPress 5 introduced the Gutenberg block editor, which helps you customize the page interface. But for deep customization WordPress templates file editing is required, which can be done through the built-in CSS editor.

WordPress Template Examples:

Joomla does not have a built-in theme directory, so you have to download them from the official website or other sources, and then upload them to the server. Another difference from WordPress is the number of templates available. On Joomla free options less, and premium themes are not as common. On the other hand, offers from specialists and web studios can successfully overcome this gap - if only there was money.

Otherwise, there are almost no differences in terms of design. The number of theme options depends on what options it provides. For deep customization, you need to edit the template files that you have to download to your computer and then upload back to the server in a modified form.

Examples of Joomla templates:


There are a huge number of sites that offer free layouts and premium themes for WordPress and Joomla, especially if you look not only in Runet, but also on Western resources. The main problem is low-quality templates, which can become one big vulnerability for the site. To protect yourself from them, you need to use official directories, trusted sites, or buy premium themes from authors with good reviews.

As for design customization, the number of options depends not so much on the CMS, but on the specific theme. The basic capabilities of both engines are about the same, although with the advent of the Gutenbeg editor on WordPress, there are a little more visual interface editing tools, which should benefit novice webmasters. Deep customization of templates on both CMS requires skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Supported site types

business website

Both CMS can be used to launch business cards and portfolios, but it is much more efficient to use constructors for these purposes. They are easier to deal with, and the power of engines to set up business sites is not required.

WordPress for blogging is noticeably more convenient than Joomla, although it can also create a good information site. Another thing is that everything on WP is geared towards publishing posts, and there are so many suitable themes and plugins that you can change them at least every day.

Online store

Both engines do not have built-in e-commerce tools. To run an online store on WordPress and Joomla, you need to install plugins - they determine the functionality of the site. Both CMSs have several e-commerce extensions, so there is complete parity here.

Can be built on both engines, but only after installing the appropriate extensions. CMS are designed to create multi-page sites; standard functionality does not include landing page management tools. It is much more efficient to make one-pages on constructors like uKit or uLanding - there are suitable layouts here, and you can test landings before publishing.

Everything related to the social component is implemented better on Joomla by default than on WordPress. Plugins help to eliminate the backlog, so in general we can say that both engines cope with the creation of forums equally well.


WordPress has a clear specialization - the creation of information sites. Other projects can also be implemented, but still, in percentage terms, WP has more blogs than, for example, forums. Joomla is more versatile in this sense, but its use is also not always effective. For example, when it comes to creating websites for business, it is wiser to use designers, which are easier to work with than with CMS.

Website creation cost

WordPress can be downloaded for free or simply deployed on a host using a quick install. Money is usually needed to purchase premium add-ons: templates that are rarely used on other sites, complex extensions with a lot of features. But usually you don't have to pay anything. Unused free themes can be found on foreign sites, and freely distributed plugins are almost always enough to implement ideas.