KERNELBASE.dll is a system Windows component who is responsible for support file system NT, loading TCP/IP and Web server drivers. An error occurs if given library missing or modified. It is extremely difficult to remove it, since it is constantly used by the system. Therefore, in most cases, it is changed, as a result of which the error occurs.

Since KERNELBASE.dll is a system one, it can be restored by reinstalling the OS itself, or you can try to load it using auxiliary programs. There is also an option to copy this library manually using standard Windows features. Let's consider these actions point by point.

Method 1: DLL Suite

The program is a set of auxiliary utilities, which has a separate option to install libraries. In addition to the usual functions, the option of downloading to a specified directory is offered, which allows you to download libraries on one PC and then transfer them to another.

To carry out the above operation, you will need to do the following:

Method 2: Client

This is a client application that uses the database of its own site for uploading files. It has quite a few libraries at its disposal, and even provides different versions to choose from.

To use it to install KERNELBASE.dll, you need to follow these steps:

If you have already installed the library, but the error still appears, for such cases there is special treatment, where it is possible to select another file. This will require:

The program will download the file to the specified location.

Method 3: Download KERNELBASE.dll

To install a DLL without the help of any applications, you will need to download it and place it along the path:


It's being done simple method copying, the procedure is no different from actions with ordinary files.

After that, the OS will find new version and will use it without further action. If it doesn't, you'll need to restart your computer, try installing another library, or register a DLL using a special command.

All of the above methods are simply copying a file into the system, albeit with different methods. The address of the system directory may vary depending on the OS version. It is recommended to read to find out where to copy libraries in different situations. In unusual cases, it may be necessary to register a DLL, information about this procedure can be found in .

Personal Computer- a wonderful invention of mankind. It allows us to play and chat with friends on the other side of the world, as well as view any type of content currently in existence. Unfortunately, everything is not so perfect.

Most often, the mood of users is spoiled by various kinds of software failures, due to which the game or other application refuses to start normally. In particular, on thematic forums, they often look for the name of the problem event: APPCRASH, which has long been poisoning the lives of users.

General information

To understand the causes of the error, you need to find out its essence. Unfortunately, in a particular case, this is practically impossible, since this term hides not a specific failure, but a whole series of errors. So what is APPCRASH?

If we use medical terms, then this is a kind of syndrome that includes a whole set of various kinds of failures. As you can see, almost anything can lead to them. Consider the main root causes and ways to eliminate them.

Software "troubles"

Alas, but the industry's leaps and bounds in the field of creating more and more powerful processors, increase in volumes random access memory and other "benefits of civilization" have seriously reduced the incentive for application developers to optimize them. Simply put, if about ten years ago the program could easily fit on a floppy disk and had impressive functionality, today it is not uncommon for a 500-700 MB application to be a scanty and truncated likeness of a normal program.

In particular, it is used great amount Net.Framework libraries and other "crutches". Of course, the stability of this kind of application is a big question. Any change in the configuration of both the computer itself and the programs on it can lead to a crash, after which the user is shown a dialog box like: "Problem event name: APPCRASH".

So if you notice that a crash with this error occurs precisely after launching a specific utility, you should try to reinstall it, and in the absence of success, look for a more stable and high-quality alternative.

Viruses and Trojans

Yes, the advice about checking your computer for viruses looks very banal, but it does not become less true from this. Often the name of the problem event (APPCRASH) contains references to some missing program components or system files. Often, they are to blame for their disappearance. malware that arbitrarily remove important system libraries. In this case, not only the banal APPCRASH problem may appear: in some cases, you risk losing the entire system and all your user data.


Our users' love for "free" software is widely known. We will not discuss the moral and ethical aspects of the misuse of software, but simply warn its lovers.

Very often on torrent trackers you can find so-called "repacks" of games and programs. This is the name of the corrected version of the application, from which some components have been removed. For example, video with too high resolution can be cut out of the game, replacing it with more compact files.

Let's not pretend: often the creators of such programs, in fact, are well versed in their business, and therefore the same games work no worse than their legal predecessors. But it often happens that the "extra" components that they removed turn out to be very important. Due to their absence, an APPCRASH error appears when starting the game. Tip: look for another source or buy normal version application, with which such problems are guaranteed not to be.


The same sort of misunderstandings can be attributed to the "assemblies" of operating systems, with which the domestic Runet is simply overwhelmed. Their not too experienced and happy users regularly encounter a whole bunch of problems (not true for all builds, but still). In this case, the name of the APPCRASH problem event will not tell you anything: Windows 7 (or any other version), being “upgraded”, does not differ in principle in any way.

Why is this happening? It's simple: by creating another "masterpiece", which will be immediately uploaded to the tracker, the "collector" removes from the system (using n-Lite or something similar) all "unnecessary" components. As you might expect, many of them are not. On the contrary, with disabled services and some components removed, the system becomes more susceptible to errors and crashes.

Our advice is simple. Do not use "assemblies"! If you need to regularly install on your computers completely ready-to-use systems containing the entire set of necessary applications, it is better to use system images (from Acronis) or create your own build, including only the essentials. We strongly do not recommend disabling and deleting anything, as problems will not be long in coming.

Hardware and drivers for it

In this regard, one can only envy Apple's OSX users. All products from this company are produced from a clearly regulated list of components. On this background Windows users it remains only to stray in the "zoo" of iron, from which their computers are assembled.

No, in most cases there is nothing wrong with that. You can upgrade your car at any time by adding a new one to it. motherboard or a video card (not for laptops, of course), but you have to pay for it. In this case, unforeseen errors often occur when components from different manufacturers are combined in one system.

Often even advanced users can't deal with such flights. It must be said that it is precisely the “iron” reasons that caused the APPCRASH error code c0000005, so when it appears, you should think about whether you have recently inserted additional RAM into your computer (or new video card etc.). If so, try removing the new component and restarting your computer. If this was indeed the reason, the error will immediately disappear.

The drivers are even worse. If you are using some old components ( sound card, for example) together with new hardware, then their drivers may well begin to conflict, which will not lead to anything good.

In addition, problems often arise with new versions. For example, ATI and nVidia already had incidents when, due to errors in the code, the APPCRASH problem arose, kernelbase.dll (system libraries) in this case turned out to be incompatible with them. This often led to flights to " blue screen”, and in some cases - even to damage and failure of the video cards themselves.

Old versions of Windows OS

Nowadays when to buy new computer or almost every user can afford a laptop, the use of older versions of Windows is gradually fading into the background. The constant updating of system versions is becoming increasingly important, due to which there are fewer “retrogrades”.

But there are still quite a few old computers running under Windows control XP and even earlier versions. Most often there are no problems with them, but they can start when they go out. fresh versions programs and drivers. Very often, older systems are incompatible with them.

In this case, the problem signature (problem event name: APPCRASH) will contain references to missing dlls or other system components.

Update your OS!

A variation of the case described above can be considered a situation where the system installed on the user's computer is a real rarity in terms of total absence updates.

In some unknown way, the belief has spread among our users that updates are a "bad whim" of the developers, and that real benefit not from them. Alas, this is far from the case. Patches really fix many problems, add compatibility with new standards and components. Under no circumstances should they be abandoned.

As you can guess, this statement is especially true for XP, but Windows 7 without service pack 1 is much more prone to crashes and errors, not to mention security issues.

Summing up

So, what to do so that this mistake does not spoil your life? Everything is quite simple. First, try to use legal versions of programs that will not have problems with activation and activation rally. Secondly, in any case, try to install only the latest versions of the operating system itself on your computer. Believe me, this will save you a lot of time and nerves.

In addition, in no case do not succumb to the recent misconception that antivirus is not needed. Alas, without it, Windows users are nowhere. If you don't care about the error "Issue event name: APPCRASH", consider possible loss all your data.

We remind you once again that in no case should you use “assemblies”, since you will have to pay for the general instability of the system for the saved time. If you use old hardware, then regularly visit the manufacturer's website. It is possible that there will be new versions of drivers that fix compatibility problems.

Never turn off Windows Service update. It's best when she works in automatic mode. This will prevent a lot of problems. In particular, you will not only see error messages less often, but also make your computer much more resistant to virus attacks.

In this post, we will talk about a fairly common APPCRASH error that can appear when launching programs or computer games in Windows. However, the APPCRASH problem is not related to a specific program or game. On the forums, you can find a large number of descriptions of the APPCRASH error that occurred when launching computer games such as GTA, Fallout, Fifa, Sims, etc. Or programs like 1C, Autocad, Excel, Skype, and even the standard Explorer program. Also, the APPCRASH problem manifests itself in different versions operating system - and Windows 7, and Windows 8, and Windows 10.

If an error occurs, a window appears informing you that the program has stopped working and prompting you to restart or close it.

In the problem signature (more than detailed description) specifies the problem event name APPCRASH. There is also information here that may be useful for solving the problem - the error code (exception code, for example, c0000005) and the name of the module with the error, that is, the file that led to the APPCRASH problem is indicated. Usually, the module is a file with the extension EXE (executable file) or DLL (dynamic library).

So, I tried to collect as much information as possible to answer the question - why does the APPCRASH problem occur in Windows and how to fix it?

1. Lack of required libraries

It is no secret to anyone that the vast majority of programs and games installed on users' computers are and they are downloaded from all kinds of.

In order for the program to work without a license, it is “broken” - that is, to put it simply, some of its files are changed. In this case, modified versions of the standard libraries can be used, which ultimately lead to the problem.

Therefore, if you have installed some program or game and the APPCRASH problem appears at startup, you can try installing the latest versions of the following system programs.

Also, if we are talking about a computer game, then you can install the package Microsoft XNA Framework.

4. Russian letters in the title

Also, the cause of the APPCRASH error may be Russian (Cyrillic) characters in the name of the folder with the game or program. We are talking about non-system folders, in which the folder with the game is nested.

The path to the folder and its name, as a rule, are specified when installing the game. Quite often, this path is already written in the installer window and no one changes it. If the game you are launching is located in a folder with a Russian name, then simply renaming the folder can result in other problems, because when you install programs on a computer, information about their components is entered into . In this case, the most correct solution to the APPCRASH problem would be to uninstall the game and reinstall it in a folder that does not contain Russian letters.

5. Compatibility issues

The program or game you are running may not be compatible with your version of Windows, and will cause the APPCRASH error to appear.

Windows has a tool that can solve this problem. It's about compatibility mode.

To run a program or game in compatibility mode, you need to call context menu on the program icon by clicking right click click on it and select "Properties" from the menu. Next, go to the "Compatibility" tab and from the list select the version of the operating system under which the program was created or in which it works without problems.

You can try to select the previous Windows versions, and also enable the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox.

6. Library blocking protection

The program or the libraries it uses may be blocked by the computer's security system. This does not necessarily mean that the blocked files will be malicious. It's just that the antivirus algorithm considered them potentially unsafe and blocked them out of harm's way. If you are sure that the game or program you have installed does not contain viruses, then you can try temporarily disabling computer protection (suspend the antivirus) and start the game again. If a program or game starts and works without antivirus, then you need to add this program to the exceptions. in different antivirus programs this is done in different ways, so check the help system of your antivirus developer on how to add the file to exceptions.

In addition, attention should be paid to protective function Windows itself, which is called DEP (Data Execution Prevention - Data Execution Prevention).

You can try to disable this protection and if the error disappears, then you should add the program or game to the DEP exceptions (“System” -> “ Extra options System -> Advanced -> Performance -> Options -> Data Execution Prevention).

To disable DEP, run command line on behalf of the administrator (as well as when checking the integrity of system files) and enter the command: bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx AlwaysOff.

After restarting the computer, DEP will be disabled.

To enable DEP, use the same command with the AlwaysOn attribute instead of AlwaysOff: bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx AlwaysOn

7. Device drivers

Most often, video cards lead to the APPCRASH error when starting games. The solution to the problem in this case is to search for and install new versions of drivers.

Exist special programs, like Driver Pack Solution, which allow you to automatically update or install drivers on your computer, but I try to avoid such programs. The most correct, from my point of view, way to update drivers is to search for a driver on the device manufacturer's website.

8. System requirements

Another important point, which can lead to an APPCRASH error is a mismatch between the computer settings and the requirements of the program or game that is being launched. Often users try to run games or programs on their computer, the system requirements of which far exceed the available computer resources.

A weak video card, lack of RAM or an insufficiently productive processor can cause this error to appear. Of course, we are talking about serious software packages or computer games, which use all the resources of the computer. In case of simple applications In most cases, system requirements are not the cause of the APPCRASH error.

It is logical that in this situation there are only two options for solving the problem - either update the computer (upgrade or buy a new one), or remove the program or game, the launch of which leads to the problem.

Well, if the resources of your computer correspond system requirements programs or very close to them, you may still encounter a similar problem. It should be borne in mind that in addition to the program being launched, the operating system is running on the computer and other applications can be launched that also require certain computer resources for their work.

If the CPU load reaches peak values, then this can lead to a crash of the program or game and the appearance of the APPCRASH error. The same applies to RAM, although in operating system Windows has the ability to use .

You can try to close through the task manager all unnecessary and in parallel running programs and processes to free up computer resources. But, as practice shows, such measures are ineffective and the only solution in case of a lack of resources is to upgrade the computer.

9.Windows Registry

If the application or game was working fine, but at one point it began to crash, and all of the above methods did not help solve the problem, then it is worth analyzing your actions before the APPCRASH error occurs. Perhaps you installed some kind of program, or vice versa - you deleted something. In this case, not only the library files that I mentioned above may be affected, but the Windows registry, resulting in an error.

In this case, you can try to clean the registry with special utilities, for example, .

It is also worth trying to roll back the system to a previous state. To do this, you can use one of the recent restore points, which will allow you to bring the system to the state that preceded the appearance of the error. Restore points will only be available if System Protection has been enabled in Windows.

10. When nothing helps...

If all the requirements are met and nothing helped, but the program or game needs to be launched, then you should think about reinstalling the system ...

I know from experience that it usually turns out to be much faster and easier to reinstall Windows and all programs than to look for and fix the cause of certain problems.

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