How to start your computer in Windows 7 safe mode and what it is for

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When starting a PC, users can often encounter a problem in the form of freezing Windows OS. This can happen for various reasons, but most often the freeze is due to the fact that in addition to the components required for the normal operation of the OS, various programs and drivers are additionally included.

All this eventually leads to this problem. However, the developers of the system provided an opportunity for users to start the computer in safe mode.

What does it give? Safe PC startup mode allows you to activate only those components and drivers, without which the OS could not work at all.

In this case, other programs will not automatically start. Accordingly, the possibility of a successful launch of the OS increases.

In addition, using it, you can diagnose the system to identify and eliminate various problems, as well as, if necessary, restore the system.

This is especially important in situations where Windows crashes. The most important thing is to choose exactly the date when everything worked fine.

Launch methods

When faced with the question of how to start a computer in Windows 7 safe mode, it should be noted that there are two options for this:

  1. Make a download in this mode immediately, during PC startup;
  2. Using OS configurations.

In the first option, it is possible to diagnose and troubleshoot even if the OS does not work well or it is not possible to log into it.

As for the second option, it implies the obligatory turning on of the PC and logging in, which is not always possible, in connection with this, this method is not very convenient.

Launching Safe Mode on PC Startup

When you turn on the computer, you must wait until the BIOS (basic input / output system) appears on the screen, then press the F8 key (in some devices you need to press the Delite or F2 key) several times.

You can find out which keys on your computer allow you to interact with the BIOS in the manual for your motherboard.

After opening the BIOS, you will see various ways downloads, where the option that is needed is selected, specifically for your case.

There are three options for safe mode:

  1. Normal, in which only the components necessary for the normal operation of the OS are loaded;
  2. Loading network drivers, which means connecting and downloading everything you need via the Internet;
  3. With command line support, differs in that in the usual appearance missing GUI. Instead, a command line will appear where you can write the various commands required by the user.

It is worth noting that the first and second options are the most commonly used, because with the latter, you need to be very careful and know which particular command to use.

That is last option, can be used by users with professions related to the IT field (programmers, etc.).

Starting safe mode after entering the OS

If for some reason it was not possible to enter the BIOS in order to resolve the issue of how to start the computer in Windows 7 safe mode, you can use the configuration.

Logging into it is possible only after loading the OS. To do this, simultaneously press Win key, with a flag and R on it.

Thus, the system window is called to perform a quick search inside the OS and it is called "Run". Enter msconfig in it and click on OK. Go to the "Downloads" section and set "Safe Mode", click on "OK".

You will be given two options to choose from:

  1. Reboot the system (starts automatically after clicking);
  2. Exit without rebooting so that it happens later.

How to get out of safe mode?

To exit safe mode, you just need to reboot the OS. However, sometimes, even after this action, this mode continues to operate after starting the PC.

Thus, if when you boot your computer, automatically turns on safe mode, then the exit from it occurs in the same way as the entrance to the configuration.

Only now on the "General" tab, select "Normal startup". Open "Downloads" and uncheck "Safe Mode" and restart your PC.

Possible problems and how to avoid them?

If a flag pops up on the screen, a system reboot will be required, as this means that you did not have time to open the BIOS. After that, press the F8 key several times in a row, as the BIOS window appears for a few seconds.

If you have blocked all the keys from F1 to F12, then to remove it, press the Fn key together with F8. Let me remind you once again that other “hot” keys may be installed on your device by default, you will find information about them by referring to the motherboard manual.

When entering safe mode through the BIOS, if you are using a mouse or keyboard connected with a USB cable, then you should check the operation of the USB input.

That is, when loading personal computer, at the moment when BIOS appears, press F1 or Delete. Then find the line "Peripherals" and see if the USB compatibility mode is enabled, if not, then set it to "Enabled", click on "Save & Exit".

The same problem can be encountered using the configuration, after booting the computer, then you have to exit the OS in emergency mode. Therefore, first check the USB connector so that later, when working with the BIOS or configuration, there are no problems.

Safe mode cannot solve all problems related to the operation of the system. However, in most cases, its use helps to fix a lot and speed up both the process of booting the OS itself and its work as a whole.

Now you know how to start your computer in Windows 7 Safe Mode, and what it is for. Be careful when working in the BIOS, you should not change the settings set there.

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If there are problems with Windows computer, one of the first troubleshooting steps is to download and run in a safe windows mode. Safe Mode is a simple, stripped-down version operating system, downloading only the most important files and drivers. In safe mode, you can fix a number of errors with drivers, cure your computer of viruses that prevent the system from starting stably. If earlier it was possible to enter the familiar Windows 7 using the F8 button when starting the computer, then Windows 10, 8 no longer has this function, but there is a trick that will help return the F8 button to enter safe mode when you turn on the computer with Windows 10 In this guide, we will analyze how to enter and start safe mode in Windows 10 from the desktop and return the familiar F8 button to enter through it all the time, and consider how to disable safe mode to avoid boot cycling.

The easy ways are at the bottom, assuming you can boot into your desktop.

How to Start Safe Mode on Windows 10 Boot

If the Windows 10 system does not boot to the start screen and you need to enter or start safe mode when you turn on Windows 10 through the "BIOS", as, for example, earlier in Windows 7, by pressing the F8 key, then you will need to or get into the Windows 10 recovery environment by other methods, which are described below. It can be created on another working computer or when yours was still working.

If you can boot to desktop then run command line as administrator and proceed to step 3.

Step 1. When you started with installation flash drive, then go to the installation point and click on the link below " System Restore".

Step 2. You will be transferred to Extra options windows 10. Next go to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command line.

Step 3. Enter the following code into the command line (you can copy it in its entirety, you can set each command with Enter):

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

Step 4. Now you can start in safe mode with the key F8 in Windows 10, press the button F8 continuously at system boot until a menu with boot options appears. If you want to return back as it was, then enter instead of legacy> standard. There will be the following command bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard .

These methods will help you call additional parameters windows menu 10 and provoke a recovery environment without an installation flash drive:

  1. Press the restart button on the computer itself many times in a row to provoke an error and bring up the process diagnostic menu.
  2. Turn on the computer, wait until it boots up to the maximum error. Next, press and hold the power button on your computer to turn it off completely. Repeat the procedure 3 times, for 4 times you should have a recovery menu.
  3. If it doesn't work for you, then follow step 1.

How to add Safe Mode to the OS boot selection menu

Windows 10 now has advanced startup options. It will look the same as if you have multiple OS versions installed on your computer. If you often use safe mode, then setting the menu when choosing an OS will be very excellent and convenient. In the picture below, I configured some settings for myself. Let's take a look at this method.

Before executing this method, read it from beginning to end, and you will understand the meaning.

Step 1. There will be three commands for the three menus created. Maybe you don’t need three, but you only need one menu with a safe mode. Launch command prompt as administrator and enter the following commands of your choice.

  1. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "Safe Mode"- Create a safe mode boot.
  2. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "PSU with network"- Create a safe mode boot with network (Internet access).
  3. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "BP CMD"- Create a safe mode boot with command line.

Step 3. You will open the system configuration, go to the tab "". We will see the list that was set via the command line above. Let's customize each menu.

1) . Select "safe mode" from the list at the top and click on the checkmark at the bottom and select " Minimum". Next, check the "" box and click apply. You can also set a menu timer, for example, after 10 seconds it will automatically load just windows 10. Thus, the boot menu will appear in safe mode.

2) . Select "PSU with network" from the list and select "Network" from the bottom and check the box " Make these boot options permanent". Click apply and in this way we can load safe mode with a network, i.e. with the ability to access the Internet.

3) . Highlight "BP CMD", below select " Another shell"and check the box" Make these boot options permanent". Click apply and OK.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 10

Step 1. Press the buttons windows+X, select and hold the left button Shift before entering the diagnostic parameters.

Step 2. You will arrive on Wednesday windows recovery 10. In this environment, you can reset settings, restore the system, and more. In the recovery environment, click on Troubleshooting.

Click the button Reload.

Click on the keyboard F4 to start the process of starting windows 10 in safe mode.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7

Method 1. Windows 7 starts on button click F8. As soon as you turn on or restart your computer, press the F8 button at 1 second intervals. The method is suitable and to Windows XP. After calling up the menu advanced settings, select a download option.

Apr 19 2012

Hello dear guests and regular readers of the blog. Safe Mode or Safe Mode, in this article you will learn what Safe Mode is, why you need Safe Mode and how to enter Safe Mode on your computer. In the last issue, we conducted .

Your computer does not turn on or the operating system does not start, errors appear or crashes when Windows startup, viruses have penetrated to you or a ransomware banner has appeared.

With most of these and similar problems, the safe mode of your computer, on English language it's safe mode. For fans of video materials, I recorded a short video tutorial on how to enter safe mode through Windows.

Safe mode can help you. It is usually used to debug the operation of the operating system. It has limited functionality compared to booting regular Windows, but it can fix some system boot problems if it won't turn on, doesn't work properly, or similar problems.

What is safe mode

Safe Mode is special treatment operating room launch Windows systems. It is designed to identify and fix errors and problems with both startup and the main operation of the operating system.

In Safe Mode, you can use a limited set of commands, services, and components. When Windows boots in safe mode, only the basic components, files and drivers that are needed to start Windows, are loaded. When Safe Mode is loaded, you can see the corresponding Safe Mode inscription in the corners of the monitor.

Why you need safe mode

Safe mode is needed in order to enter Windows if the normal mode of starting the operating system is not possible. Let's say your operating system does not load at any of the boot stages. Using safe mode, you can enter Windows and try to figure out what is causing the failure.

If you do not know the causes of the problem, then I recommend using the elimination method in order to detect and solve the problem.

You can turn programs on and off one by one in a folder<Автозагрузка>and in the Startup tab in the system configuration. Thus, you can find which of the programs leads to the problem of loading the Windows operating system and try to solve the failure that has appeared.

If you still could not find the cause of the Windows boot failure, then you can resort to system restore using control points recovery, if this option was activated for you of course. In my practice, there have been many cases where the system restore function was disabled or not enabled.

I'll tell you a secret. Also, with the help of safe mode, I activated licensed Windows XP operating systems with a special program. I realize and understand that most users now use Windows 7 and Windows 8, but there are also those who are still on Windows XP.

If you have a license Windows disk XP but no activation code, you can download special program activator on the Internet, activate one of the Microsoft products and use licensed software.

How to enter safe mode

You can enter Safe Mode or Safe Mode different ways. Let's look at the most common:

There are other ways, but we'll look at these.

Entering Safe Mode from Windows

First of all, you should already have your computer turned on and the operating system loaded. After that, you need to click or go to the Start Menu and where it says<Найти программы и файлы>dial a team .

You can also use keyboard shortcuts and enter the same command . If you do not know the basic keyboard shortcuts, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information.

After that, the System Configuration window will appear in front of us, where you can select the launch option. But at this stage, we do not need it and we go to the next tab<Загрузка>.

In loading go to the left lower part window to Boot Options, check the box next to<Безопасный режим>.

After that, we save all our changes - click<Применить>and .

If something is not clear to you, you can refer to the help by clicking on<Справка>.

After all the operations done, close all open windows and programs, and restart our computer.

The reboot has passed, you should see a window with a choice of safe mode options. You need to go to the one you need, in our case it is Safe Mode and click .

In most cases, I use two modes, these are Safe Mode and Load Last Known Good Configuration<с работоспособными параметрами>.

A window will appear asking you to select your operating system. If you have several Windows systems installed, then you need to select the one you need and click again .

Before you will run the lines in which they are loaded necessary components system, you need to wait a bit.

After that, your Windows operating system should boot in front of you in safe mode, in which you can carry out troubleshooting work to boot Windows in normal operating mode.

In order for your operating system to boot in normal mode the next time you restart your computer, you need to call the Run window again by pressing the key combination , enter the command and on the boot tab, uncheck the safe mode box. Do not forget to click apply after that and okay, otherwise it will load safe mode.

Entering safe mode when you turn on the computer

This method can be used if the operating system does not boot at all on your computer and you do not know what to do about it.

After turning on the computer, you must immediately press the key , before the operating system logo appears. It is this button on the keyboard that is responsible for calling the context menu with the choice different modes Windows downloads. You can read more about the F8 key in the article.

Perhaps it will come out in front of you boot menu(boot menu), where you need to select the HDD ( HDD), press and press the button again .

After that, if your Account password protected, you need to type the password and enter the safe mode to further action to set up your computer.

What to do if it does not enter safe mode

There are cases that are so neglected that Windows does not even go into safe mode. Most likely, the registry files that are responsible for starting safe mode are damaged.

I will list two useful programs that can help solve the problem of starting safe mode.

Safeboot program

In order to restore the registry files, you can use useful program Safeboot, which already has these files.

Download, unpack the archive with the program and run the required file, depending on your operating system.

If you have Windows XP installed, then run SafeBootWinXP.reg. If you have Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, then you need to run SafebootVista.reg. Then reboot and try to enter safe mode.

CHKDSK program

I described in more detail how to use the CHKDSK program in the article. It checks your hard drive for errors and bad sectors. Perhaps with its help, you will be able to restore required files registry, which are responsible for starting safe mode.

If none of the methods helped you in solving your problem, you can look for answers on computer forums or seek help from qualified specialists in this field or service center for computer repair.

As promised at the beginning of the article, I post an informative video tutorial on how to enter safe mode through Windows.

How to Enter Safe Mode Through Windows

Summing up

Today we learned what safe mode or safe mod is. We figured out why safe mode is needed, learned how to enter this special mode, and also learned what to do if safe mode does not load.

Perhaps you have questions related to safe mode or safe mode. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, as well as use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me

Often there are situations in which it is necessary to start the system in safe mode ( safemode). Many do not know how to do this. This article will help everyone who is interested in this issue.

How to Start Safe Mode on Windows XP

Despite the fact that Windows XP is significantly outdated, many users continue to use it. They like a good interface and a certain simplicity of design.

Exists two ways OS startup in this mode:

  1. Through console;
  2. By using start screen launch;

The easiest method is to start from the start screen. As soon as you turn on the computer, hold down the key F8 for 5-8 seconds. After a short period of time, the following screen will appear:

Using the arrows on the keyboard, select the most suitable launch option for you. This method suitable for any, even the most not advanced, user.

The second way is more difficult. To get started, press the key start and select the tab " Run”:

In the window that appears, you must write a short phrase msconfig. A window titled “” will appear:

You need to select the tab BOOT.INI. In order to enter safe mode, just check the box next to the key / SAFEBOOT:

Safe Mode in Windows 7

In Windows 7, safe mode is launched in the same way as on XP, using the key F8.

The action plan is simple:

  1. Reload a computer;
  2. When the system logo appears, press the key F8;
  3. In the window that appears, select " Safe mode”.

How to Start Safe Mode in Windows 8

AT new system it is not always possible to get into the desired mode using the F8 button. That is why you have to resort to other methods. Consider the most popular of them.

  1. Launch with “ System Configurations”:

It can also be opened using the “ execute” (as on Windows XP). Just enter the command msconfig.exe. In the window that appears, in the tab “ Downloads”, check the box next to the required item. Safe mode will start immediately after reboot computer.

  1. Sign in with a command Shift + Restart:

In order to get into safe mode, you must press the button Settings with key holding SHIFT. In the window that appears, select the “ Diagnostics". After that, following simple instructions, a computer will reboot.

Safe Mode in Windows 10.

Logging into this OS can be done in two ways:

Exit safe mode

In most cases, enough reload computer to boot the system into normal mode. But, if configuration editing was used to launch ( msconfig), you will have to do these steps in reverse order. That is, uncheck safe boot.

Safe mode in Windows, this is a special mode of operation of the system that is used for troubleshooting. Whenever you cannot boot Windows due to an infection computer viruses, errors in software or after installing the driver, you can boot your computer in safe mode and fix these problems. By booting your computer in safe mode, you can scan it for viruses, remove the program or driver that is causing the crash, and in most cases, this will help you restore Windows to working.

As you can see, safe mode is very useful feature Windows operating system. And now let's look at, if you still do not know how to boot your computer in safe mode.

In order to boot the system in safe mode, you need to press the key several times. F8 on the keyboard before the Windows boot screen appears. If this action is successful, a menu for selecting boot options should appear on the screen, including booting in safe mode.

What to do if, after many attempts, the F8 key still does not work and the menu for selecting system boot options does not appear?

Do not worry. Is there a way to add to Windows bootloader boot option in safe mode. You don't even have to press the F8 key. It will be enough just to select the desired item when the system boots.

Note. This method only works in windows xp, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7andServer 2008.

To add this feature, you need to follow 2 steps:

Step 1: Adding a New Entry to the Windows Boot List

First you need to add new line to the Windows bootloader for safe mode.

This action is different for Windows XP and Windows Vista 7.

For Windows users XP, Windows Server 2003:

1. Click right click mouse on icon My computer and in context menu select item Properties . As a result of this action, a window should open Properties of the system.

2. Then go to the tab Additionally and in the section click on the button Options.

3. A window should open in which you need to click on the button Edit.

4. This will open the file boot.ini in text editor. This file contains information for the Windows bootloader.

File contents boot.ini should look like this:


5. Now you need to make a copy of the last line and paste it at the end of the file. The contents of the file should now look like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

As you can see, we got 2 identical stocks. Now you need to slightly edit the second line, which will be responsible for loading safe mode. Let's write instead Professional ENsafemode.

As a result the file boot.ini will contain the following lines:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Safe Mode" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

Save and close the file.

For Windows Vista users,Windows 7 andServer 2008:

The Windows Vista and Windows 7 bootloader is quite different from the Windows XP bootloader. It does not use the boot.ini file, so to change the bootloader we will use free program VistaBoot PRO.

1. First you need to download and install the program using this link:

2. Now run the program and click on the button Manage OS Entries. The program may show a warning for Windows 7 users. Ignore it.

3. Check the box next to the item Addnew OSEntry. In field OS Name enter the name of your system marked safemode(safe mode).

In field OS Type select Windows Vista. Don't worry, even if you have Windows 7 installed, you still need to select this item. Everything will work.

Select in the field OS Drive paragraph C:

4. Click the Apply Updates button, which should add a new entry to the Windows bootloader.

Step 2: Set Boot Options for the Added Entry in the Windows Boot Loader

In this step, we will configure the system so that when a new item is selected, Windows will boot in safe mode. For this:

1. Run command msconfig through the window Run(Windows + R). As a result, a window should load System Setup.

2. Go to tab BOOT.INI in Windows XP or to the tab in Windows Vista, Windows 7.

3. Now you just need to select the line that we created in the first step and enable safe mode in the boot options.

For Windows XP, Windows Server 2003:

ForWindows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008:

That's all. Now you can click the button Apply and try restarting your computer to test the new feature.

Now at Windows boot you will see a new item on the screen, by selecting which your computer will boot into safe mode , even if the F8 key does not work.