Making electronic homemade products with your own hands gained popularity in the last century, when semiconductor devices appeared. With their help from old equipment it was quite easy to assemble the devices necessary for everyday life. Today, the repair and collection of equipment for a home or a summer residence, for a car or a garage can also be solved at home.

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Homemade devices for home and garden

Electric homemade products for home and summer cottages, using the power of electricity, can be done by every electrician. Most fixtures are built from factory components and require only school knowledge of electricity.

Electric barbecue

The electric grill can be either horizontal or vertical. Stores usually sell vertical ones, and they do their job perfectly after some refinement.

To create a horizontal barbecue you will need heating element and a frame resembling a brazier. You can make a heating element from a ceramic tube and a nichrome spiral wound around it. The tube is fixed through an insulating material in a metal housing. Drawings are required to assemble the case.

Barbecue grill

An equally interesting idea is a barbecue grill with an electric drive for rotating skewers. By adding an electric motor to a regular brazier, you can get an excellent device that will cook barbecue offline. To organize a skewer drive, you can use a motor from the wipers, from washing machine or any other 12 volt. With the help of a system of pulleys and a belt or gear drive, the rotation of the shaft is transmitted to the skewers, and the meat slowly turns over the coals.

Homemade WI-FI antenna

Such an antenna will improve the reception quality and speed of Wi-Fi in your home. According to reviews, after connecting it, the signal level rises from 5 to 27 Mbps.

For manufacturing you need:

  • a small metal sieve or colander;
  • Wi-Fi adapter (USB);
  • USB cable;
  • drill;
  • epoxy resin;
  • camera tripod;
  • plastic clamps.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We drill a small hole (14 mm) in the center of the sieve and insert a metal pin into it to fix the adapter.
  2. We insert the connector from the USB cable into the prepared hole and fix it with epoxy. The USB connector after gluing must be strictly perpendicular to the plane of the sieve, then the device works more efficiently.
  3. Then, with the help of two ties, “ears” are made through which the cable is attached.
  4. We fix the product on a camera tripod. We drill a hole with a diameter of 12 mm in the antenna and clamp it with a nut.

Necessary materials Insert the pin into the drilled hole Attaching the USB cable We fix the cable Tripod Mounting the antenna with a tripod

Electric homemade for the garage

Consider a few projects useful homemade for the garage.

homemade chandelier

If you have low lighting in the garage, then an impromptu chandelier will be very useful. To make a bifurcated cartridge, you will need a pair of angle cartridges, which are sold in a regular hardware store.


  1. We remove the wires from the cartridges and fasten them with a plastic tie. We get a cartridge for two lamps. It remains to connect them to the electrical network.
  2. To do this, we use the base from fluorescent lamp. We carefully break out the lamp, then solder the wires from our design to the contacts of the base.
  3. We isolate them well and attach the base on top of the cartridges.

The use of conventional light bulbs in such a design is undesirable - the cartridges can fuse from heating.

LED device

Another lighting option can be a homemade LED lighting device.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • old fluorescent lamp;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • connecting wires.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  1. An LED strip is glued onto the lamp body in one or several rows.
  2. The connecting wires are connected and brought to the lamp switch.
  3. The assembled device is tested.

Spot welding machine

The necessary device in the garage will be a home-made spot welding machine, the basis of which is a transformer from an old microwave oven. A necessary condition is that the transformer must be working in order not to rewind all the windings.

The assembly process of the welder is quite simple:

  1. The transformer is dismantled.
  2. Carefully remove the secondary winding.
  3. Two shunts are removed.
  4. From a thick wire (with a diameter of at least 10 mm), a secondary winding of two or three turns is made.
  5. From a copper bar with a diameter larger than the wires, electrodes for contact welding are made.

Homemade spot welding tool

Useful DIY things for fishing

Among homemade products you can find a lot interesting ideas for use in field conditions, as well as hunting and fishing.

Electronic signaling device

An example is an electronic signaling device for fishing with a conventional fishing rod or other tackle. A simple bite device can be assembled in just half an hour. For it, you will need an old tweeter keychain and a strip of plastic 1-2 mm thick.

Assembly of the signaling device:

  1. The keychain is attached to the rod.
  2. A strip of plastic is glued to the fishing line and inserted between the contacts of the key fob.

Now, when biting, the fish will pull the line, the plastic will fly out, the contacts will close and the key fob will work.

Underwater camera for ice fishing

With the help of a homemade underwater camera for ice fishing, you can see if there are fish under the hole. This makes the fishing process easier.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • small chamber;
  • sealed box for the camera;
  • small TV;
  • car battery to power the camera;
  • extension;
  • inverter;
  • lead for cargo;
  • ultraviolet diodes for illumination at underwater shootings;
  • superglue, electrical tape, sealant.

Assembly process:

  1. Two holes are made at the top of the box. An extension cable is inserted through one. Through the second - the wire with which the camera is connected to the TV.
  2. In the box, several more holes are made into which light bulbs are inserted for illumination. The wires from the light bulbs are soldered into one circuit (for example, with a parallel arrangement), which is connected to a cable that provides power.
  3. Holes are sealed with glue and electrical tape for tight sealing.
  4. Lead is melted and small elongated bars are poured out of it. They are placed at the bottom of the box.
  5. Set up the camera, connect to the cable. After that, it is carefully placed in the box so that it has a clear direction forward and horizontally and transmits quality image. For stability, the camera is surrounded by a soft material.
  6. A torso (rope, belt) is attached to the box, with which the camera will be lowered to a depth. For convenience, you can combine it, the power cable and the cable for connecting the video camera to the TV into one core, fastening it with electrical tape.
  7. Connect the camcorder's power cable to the battery and test the unit.

Homemade fish bait

You can make a good bait for catching fish yourself. This will be a device assembled on the basis of a simple multivibrator.

You will need:

  • a sound emitter, for example, from a children's toy;
  • wires;
  • a small plastic jar, for example, from under medicinal tablets;
  • electronic board;
  • regulator with plastic rod;
  • a piece of foam;
  • batteries;
  • float weights;
  • volume control.

The assembly of the bait is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to solder the circuit and check it.
  2. Two wires are soldered to the sound emitter. Then they are held inside the case and connected to the board.
  3. A regulator with a plastic rod is placed in the lid of the jar.
  4. A dense circle cut out of foam is installed on top of the board, which separates the board from the battery.
  5. Weights are fixed at the bottom of the jar so that the container is kept on the water like a float.
  6. The regulator sets the frequency and changes the sound.

Lure scheme - 1 Lure scheme - 2

Electronic homemade products for a car

Motorists create DIY homemade products to improve appearance and convenience of driving.

Electric autoprobe

For a car, a simple homemade electrical probe is perfect. It can show the presence of a voltage of 12 volts in an electrical circuit. With it, the health of the relay, as well as light bulbs and other equipment, is checked. You can make such a device from a syringe and LEDs.

Assembly diagram:

  1. Two LEDs are soldered with opposite terminals (plus one to minus the other and vice versa).
  2. A steel probe is attached to one of the solder joints through a resistance of 300 ohms. To the other soldering is a contact for batteries.
  3. The design is inserted into the syringe so that the probe comes out of the needle hole. Most of the probe is insulated with a PVC tube.
  4. 4 LR44 batteries are inserted into the syringe so that one of the poles is connected to the LED contact.
  5. A contact is made to the other pole of the batteries from a flexible wire with an alligator clip.

The video shows how to make a syringe tester. Filmed by ILYANOV channel.

Light switch

It is quite simple to manufacture a circuit for smoothly turning off the light in the car. Such electronics is suitable for any car. Parallel to the terminals of the cabin lamp, a small board is soldered, consisting of a capacitor and diodes. The drop in electricity voltage will occur gradually and will create the effect of a smoothly fading light.

car subwoofer

To make a car subwoofer with your own hands, you must first purchase a speaker. Its dimensions must be taken into account when calculating the size of the case.

The simplest and most successful form of a subwoofer for the trunk is a truncated pyramid with a slope like that of the rear seats.

LED fog lights

With your own hands, you can make car fog lights on LEDs.

For creativity you will need:

  • two ten-watt LEDs;
  • 2 lenses from an old projector;
  • gaskets from plastic pipes;
  • LM317T chips;
  • resistors.

Instructions for assembling crafts:

  1. LEDs are installed on pre-prepared aluminum radiators.
  2. A structure is assembled from headlight housings, lenses from projectors, gaskets and diodes on radiators.
  3. Fog lights are powered through current stabilizers on LM317T microcircuits and resistors.

Car carrier

A very convenient car carrying is obtained from a computer USB lamp. It is compact and you can connect the device to any place in the vehicle wiring.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. We remove the contacts from the USB plug.
  2. In the plug housing, we connect the wires of the lamp and car crocodile clips.
  3. For mounting in right place(even horizontally), a magnet is placed on the plug.

Those who are engaged in radio electronics at home are usually very inquisitive. Amateur radio circuits and homemade products will help you find a new direction in creativity. Perhaps someone will find an original solution to a particular problem. Some homemade products use ready-made devices, connecting them in various ways. For others, you need to completely create the circuit yourself and make the necessary adjustments.

One of the most simple homemade. More suitable for those who are just starting to tinker. If you have an old but working cell phone push-button telephone with the player's power button, you can make it, for example, door bell to your room. Benefits of this call:

First you need to make sure that the selected phone is capable of producing a sufficiently loud melody, after which it must be completely disassembled. Basically, the parts are fastened with screws or brackets, which are carefully bent. When disassembling, you will need to remember what goes for what, so that later you can reassemble everything.

The player's power button is soldered on the board, and two short wires are soldered instead. These wires are then glued to the board so as not to tear off the solder. The phone is going. It remains to connect the phone to the call button through a two-wire wire.

Homemade for cars

Modern cars are equipped with everything you need. However, there are times when it is simply necessary homemade devices. For example, something broke, given to a friend, and the like. Then the ability to create electronics with your own hands at home will be very useful.

The first thing you can intervene in without fear of damaging the car is the battery. If at the right time charging for the battery was not at hand, you can quickly assemble it yourself. This will require:

Ideal transformer for tube TV. Therefore, those who are fond of homemade electronics never throw away electrical appliances in the hope that they will someday be needed. Unfortunately, two types of transformers were used: with one and with two coils. To charge the battery at 6 volts, anyone will go, and for 12 volts, only with two.

The wrapping paper of such a transformer shows the winding leads, the voltage for each winding, and the operating current. For powering filaments electronic tubes a voltage of 6.3 V with a large current is used. The transformer can be redone by removing unnecessary secondary windings, or left as is. In this case, the primary and secondary windings are connected in series. Each primary is designed for a voltage of 127 V, therefore, by combining them, they get 220 V. The secondary ones are connected in series to get 12.6 V at the output.

Diodes must be capable of withstanding at least 10 A. Each diode requires a heat sink of at least 25 square centimeters. They are connected to a diode bridge. Any electrical insulating plate is suitable for fastening. A 0.5 A fuse is included in the primary circuit, and 10 A in the secondary circuit. The device does not tolerate a short circuit, therefore, when connecting the battery, the polarity must not be confused.

Simple heaters

In the cold season, it may be necessary to warm up the engine. If the car is parked where it is electricity, this problem can be solved with a heat gun. For its manufacture you will need:

  • asbestos pipe;
  • nichrome wire;
  • fan;
  • switch.

The diameter of the asbestos pipe is selected according to the size of the fan to be used. The performance of the heater will depend on its power. Pipe length is everyone's preference. You can assemble a heating element and a fan in it, you can only have a heater. When choosing last version you will have to think about how to let the air flow to the heating element. This can be done, for example, by placing all components in a sealed enclosure.

Nichrome wire is also selected by the fan. The more powerful the latter, the larger diameter nichrome can be used. The wire is twisted into a spiral and placed inside the pipe. Bolts are used for fastening, which are inserted into pre-drilled holes in the pipe. The length of the spiral and their number are chosen empirically. It is desirable that the coil does not heat up red-hot when the fan is running.

The choice of fan will determine how much voltage you need to apply to the heater. When using a 220 V electric fan, you will not need to use an additional power source.

The entire heater is connected to the network through a cord with a plug, but it must have its own switch. It can be either just a toggle switch or an automatic one. The second option is more preferable, it allows you to protect common network. To do this, the tripping current of the machine must be less than the tripping current of the room machine. Still need a switch quick shutdown heater in case of malfunction, for example, if the fan does not work. Such a heater has its drawbacks:

  • harm to the body from asbestos pipes;
  • noise from a running fan;
  • the smell of dust falling on a heated coil;
  • fire hazard.

Some problems can be solved by applying another homemade product. Instead of an asbestos pipe, you can use a coffee can. So that the spiral does not close on the jar, it is attached to a textolite frame, which is fixed with glue. A cooler is used as a fan. To feed it, you will need to collect another electronic device- a small rectifier.

Homemade products bring to the one who deals with them not only satisfaction, but also benefit. With their help, you can save electricity, for example, by turning off electrical appliances that you forgot to turn off. For this purpose, you can use a time relay.

The easiest way to create a timing element is to use the charge or discharge time of a capacitor through a resistor. Such a chain is included in the base of the transistor. The diagram will require the following details:

  • high capacity electrolytic capacitor;
  • transistor pnp type;
  • electromagnetic relay;
  • diode;
  • variable resistor;
  • fixed resistors;
  • DC source.

First you need to determine what current will be switched through the relay. If the load is very powerful, you will need to connect it magnetic switch. The starter coil can be connected via a relay. It is important that the relay contacts can operate freely without sticking. According to the selected relay, a transistor is selected, it is determined with what current and voltage it can work. You can focus on KT973A.

The base of the transistor is connected through a limiting resistor to a capacitor, which, in turn, is connected through a bipolar switch. The free contact of the switch is connected through a resistor to the minus power supply. This is necessary to discharge the capacitor. The resistor acts as a current limiter.

The capacitor itself is connected to the positive bus of the power supply through a variable resistor with a large resistance. By selecting the capacitance of the capacitor and the resistance of the resistor, you can change the delay time interval. The relay coil is shunted by a diode that turns on in the opposite direction. This circuit uses KD 105 B. It closes the circuit when the relay is de-energized, protecting the transistor from breakdown.

The scheme works as follows. AT original state the base of the transistor is disconnected from the capacitor, and the transistor is closed. When the switch is turned on, the base is connected to the discharged capacitor, the transistor opens and supplies voltage to the relay. The relay operates, closes its contacts and supplies voltage to the load.

The capacitor begins to charge through a resistor connected to the positive terminal of the power supply. As the capacitor charges, the base voltage begins to rise. At a certain voltage value, the transistor closes, de-energizing the relay. The relay disconnects the load. To make the circuit work again, you need to discharge the capacitor, for this the switch is switched.

So. Life has turned out so that I have a house in the village with gas heating. You can't live there permanently. The house is used as a summer cottage. A couple of winters stupidly left the boiler on with a minimum coolant temperature.
But there are two downsides.
1. Gas bills are astronomical.
2. If there is a need to come to the house in the middle of winter, the temperature in the house is around 12 degrees.
Therefore, something had to be invented.
I'll clarify right away. Presence of a point WI-FI access within the range of the relay is mandatory. But, I think, if you get confused, you can put a connected mobile phone next to the sensor and give out a signal from the phone.

Do-it-yourself motion sensor connection 4 pins diagram

Do-it-yourself motion sensor connection diagram

It happens that you need to install lighting in the country, or in the house, which will be triggered when moving or a person or someone else.

The motion sensor, which was ordered by me from Aliexpress, works well with this function. The link to which will be below. By connecting light through the motion sensor, when a person passes through his field of vision, the light turns on, burns for 1 minute. and turns off again.

In this article I tell you how to connect such a sensor if it does not have 3 contacts, but 4 like this one.

Do-it-yourself power supply from an energy-saving light bulb

When to get 12 volts for led strip , or for some other purpose, there is an option to make such a power supply with your own hands.

DIY fan speed controller

This regulator allows smooth adjustment variable resistor fan speed.

The floor fan speed controller circuit came out the simplest. To fit into the case from the old charge Nokia phone. There also climbed the terminals from a conventional electrical outlet.

The installation is quite tight, but this was due to the size of the case.

DIY lighting for plants

DIY lighting for plants

There is a problem with the lack of lighting. plants, flowers or seedlings, and there is a need for artificial light for them, and this is the light we can provide DIY LEDs.

DIY brightness control

DIY brightness control

It all started with the fact that after I installed at home halogen lamps for lighting. When turned on, they often burned out. Sometimes even 1 bulb a day. Therefore, I decided to make a smooth turn-on of lighting based on a dimmer with my own hands, and I am attaching a dimmer circuit.

Do-it-yourself refrigerator thermostat

Do-it-yourself refrigerator thermostat

It all started with the fact that after returning from work and opening the refrigerator found it warm. Turning the thermostat knob did not help - the cold did not appear. So I decided not to buy. new block, which is also rare, but do it yourself electronic thermostat on ATtiny85. With the original thermostat, the difference is that the temperature sensor is on the shelf, and not hidden in the wall. In addition, 2 LEDs appeared - they signal that the unit is on or the temperature is above the upper threshold.

DIY soil moisture sensor

DIY soil moisture sensor

This device can be used for automatic watering in greenhouses, flower greenhouses, flower beds and indoor plants. Below is a diagram by which you can make the simplest sensor (detector) of soil moisture (or dryness) with your own hands. When the soil dries out, voltage is applied, with a current of up to 90mA, which is quite enough, turn on the relay.

Also suitable for automatic start drip irrigation to avoid excess moisture.

Fluorescent lamp power circuit

Power supply circuit for a fluorescent lamp.

Often on failure energy-saving lamps, it burns power plan, and not the lamp itself. As is known, LDS with burned-out filaments, it is necessary to feed the mains with rectified current using a starterless starting device. In this case, the filaments of the lamp are shunted by a jumper and to which high voltage to turn on the lamp. There is an instantaneous cold ignition of the lamp, a sharp increase in voltage on it, when starting without preheating the electrodes. In this article, we will look at do-it-yourself LDS lamp start.

USB keyboard for tablet

USB keyboard for tablet

Somehow, suddenly, I took something and decided to buy it for my PC new keyboard. The desire for novelty is unstoppable. Changed the background color from white to black, and the color of the letters from red - black to white. A week later, the desire for novelty naturally went away like water in the sand (an old friend is better than two new ones) and the new thing was sent to the closet for storage - until better times. And now they came for her, did not even imagine that it would happen so quickly. And therefore the name would be even better suited not which is, but how to connect usb keyboard to tablet

Make something useful out of used children's toys or household appliances the master dreamer is not a problem. And it is good that many electrical appliances become obsolete and break down. It makes no sense to give such things for repair - it's easier to buy something new. And the true "homemade" is just waiting for this. They immediately have a whole bunch of ideas that require immediate implementation.

The second life of children's toys

There are times when a self-propelled toy shatters. Probably, in order to calm the child, you urgently need to buy a new one? Not necessarily. You just need to start the process of family-wide creative thinking. And for this, remove the remaining good parts from the broken machine along with the motor. Then collect all the toys in the house and opt for the one that can be revived again. Probably, school knowledge in physics, chemistry and electrical engineering will be needed here.

Repair of an old helicopter

An old forgotten helicopter with a worthless engine and broken blades, which had long been lying on the mezzanine, suddenly caught my eye. He apparently was waiting for his finest hour and now with pleasure he showed the white and blue sides with the half-erased inscription "USSR-0098".

These things need to be handled with care. The old man does not like fuss. You will have to carefully remove the remains of the large main screw by unscrewing a few small screws. To get into the engine compartment, you need to remove the plastic box for the batteries from below. The engine is held on by three bolts and has, as expected, two wires “plus” and “minus”, which are connected through the microcircuit block to the power switch. All this must be carefully soldered and unscrewed.

Pulling the engine out into the world, you need to inspect it and compare it with the motor from the machine. The fact is that 250-270 rpm is enough to create lift. and power 1 - 2 watts. The difference in the characteristics of the engines was small. Then you can safely put a fresh engine on the helicopter. And then go to the model store for a brand new main rotor. When everything is ready, they test the repaired rotorcraft in the presence of the entire creative family.

According to the same scheme, modern children's models of helicopters are being repaired. Only now they are radio-controlled, and therefore you have to fork out for a control panel, on which the rotor speed and helicopter speed depend.

New toy car engine

In order to make a small car for children, you need: wheels, the car body itself, wires, a control panel, a variety of electronic boards and a motor. With all this goodness, they begin to create a model. There is no need to look for an engine, as it is already there. The car body itself make your own hands made of wood or plastic and decorate to your taste. Good for those craftsmen who have a small 3D printer in the house that will build any shape of the model.

Often the machine is made quite simply. They take a long-abandoned small children's car with wheels, take it apart to the screw and try to automate it with the help of a ready-made motor. In this case, glue, electrical tape, small gears from watches, gearboxes from old models and much more are used. And people for whom such fun has become a real hobby often achieve great success in homemade products from a motor.

When several new models of children's cars have been made and tested, it remains to do a common good. It is necessary to design a fan that would freshen the air and catch up with new ideas. For this you need just a few items at hand. Namely:

  • a motor from a children's toy (nowhere without it);
  • CD discs pieces 6-7;
  • plastic cork from a bottle;
  • cardboard tube about 10 cm high and 3 - 4 cm in diameter;
  • switch;
  • glue.

Production begins with cutting the disk into 8 equal parts from the edge to the center, not reaching about 1.5 cm from the hole. Then the resulting sections must be turned out with one edge outward to make the blades. The manufactured disk is put on a cork, inside which a hole is made for landing on a motor.

Now they are making a leg and a stand. The cardboard tube will easily come off the leg. Inside it will hide the wires and batteries. The remaining few discs can serve as an excellent stand. All this is well glued and painted in different shades. The fan is ready to work.

Motor boat

In order for the child not to hang out at the computer for days, he needs to be gradually accustomed to making various and interesting things that he can make with his own hands. Spring is coming, streams will run, and you will need a small boat, which will symbolize the coming long-awaited warmth.

Necessary materials the child will find in his room. Needed here:

  • finger batteries 3 pieces;
  • polystyrene, electrical tape, glue;
  • a motor from a CD drive or a toy;
  • plastic cap from a lemonade bottle;
  • two pieces of plastic and iron washers.

The first step is to make a propeller. Slots for the blades are prepared in the cork. Flat ice cream sticks are the finished blades of the future boat. Then a hole is made in the cork to fit this screw onto the motor. All of this is well glued. The power plant is ready.

Next, the shape of the ship is cut out of the foam. The front of the boat is made triangular, a place for a propeller with a motor is prepared at the stern, and a recess for batteries is needed in the middle. Everything is connected and glued. They are testing in the bathroom and looking forward to the first spring puddles.


This is the most exciting toy created and tested by a child. On the ground, such a machine moves on wheels, and on the water in a special boat. It is made in 2 - 3 hours.

Necessary materials:

Make a power plant. It is an engine with a propeller. The blades are cut using the neck of the bottle.

Should be a rose. The photo shows that then it is wound on a cork attached to the motor.

Then they make the running gear. To do this, use a skewer. Plugs are put on it, which serve as wheels. They attach everything to a square bottle, inside which the batteries are placed. Connect wires according to wiring diagram. Glider is ready. If desired, you can replace the plastic propeller with a stiffer one. Then the driving performance of such a machine will be appreciated not only by the designer himself, but also by his friends.

crawling robot

Making a robot takes only a few hours. It's not quite the robot that people imagine. He does not walk, does not swim, but randomly crawls on a smooth surface. This effect is created due to the imbalance of the rotation of the rotor of the motor. For real cars, this leads to a tragic accident, but here it causes only a smile.

So, to create a robot, you need a motor and a battery. A small oblong piece of foam or foam board is put on the engine axle and glued. This serves as a destabilizer. At the very end of it attach a decorative light element.

A battery is installed on top of the motor and pasted over with various interesting details. They make him legs out of toothbrushes, eyes out of balls, decorate with colored wire or paper clips, and so on. When turned on, there is a significant vibration of the engine, which makes the toy crawl randomly.

Other ideas

In addition to all of the above, motors are used in homemade products such as minidrills and drills. In such devices, unnecessary details are not needed. They have one task - to rotate the fixed drill.

To do this, a collet or ordinary chuck is selected on the axis of the motor, which will clamp a small drill. Then solder the wires from the engine to the batteries through the switch. When the assembled device has successfully worked, it is placed in an antiperspirant case or some other that is most suitable for a motor with batteries. This little gadget fits in the palm of your hand. The switch is always located under the thumb.

Such devices are necessary for radio amateurs for drilling holes in printed circuit boards. They can also be used by master cabinetmakers who are engaged in fine three-dimensional woodcarving. Only instead of a drill, they insert a micro-finger cutter for sampling and grinding hard-to-reach places.

As you can see, with a little imagination and diligence, a child with the help of his parents can create truly original toys and other useful things.