When building your own home, the issue of providing it with electricity is the most important. In this case, it is important to choose the optimal scheme. Namely, unilinear. Today, in order to connect a house or apartment to the mains, you need to provide a special project describing how to power all electrical appliances. In this project, there must be a single-line electrical circuit that provides the entire system with work. How to correctly compose it will be discussed later.

What is a single line power supply scheme

Basically, the name speaks for itself. A single-line diagram is a graphical representation of a 2- or three-phase network that combines all the devices of an electrical circuit with a single line, which makes it possible to greatly simplify drawings and plans. At the same time, all devices and electrical elements on the diagram have a certain designation, which is established by GOST.

There are several types of single line diagrams.:

  1. Executive. This type schemes are used for the already existing power supply of any room.
  2. Estimated. And this type of scheme is drawn up during the construction of a new facility. When it is necessary to take into account all the loads on the electrical network, and based on the obtained indicators, the cross section of the required cable and wires is calculated, the marking of all electrical installations and the power of the devices are indicated.

These are a couple of the main types of single-line diagrams, which, when properly drawn up, become a convenient instruction for the quick installation of electrical network elements. The following types are not so common, but they should be mentioned: structural, fundamental, functional, assembly. You can draw a single-line diagram both on your own with your own hands, and on a computer using a special program.

Programs for drawing electrical circuits

Today, almost no one draws electrical circuits on pieces of paper. After all, for this there are many paid and free programs as well as online services. The Internet is the power of the 21st century.

There are several wonderful free programs for drawing electrical circuits in a house and apartment in Russian:

  1. Compass electric. The program is considered professional. Since it has its own database and graphic symbols on the diagrams.
  2. 1-2-3 scheme. The program is simple and understandable. You can understand it with ease, and drawing diagrams is a pleasure.
  3. AutoCADelectrician. Cool program and very simple. It is ideal for both beginners and professional electricians.
  4. Elf. This program is a great helper for circuit design. Indeed, with its help, you can not only draw diagrams, but also calculate the cable cross-section by power, as well as select circuit breakers.
  5. MicrosoftVisio. This program is great for home drawing all the schemes. In addition, after creation, it can be printed immediately.

Do not forget that there are paid programs for drawing up electrical circuits. They are perfect for the professional electrician. Since they have a chic interface, they have all the functions and electrical designations. For example, the program sPlan.

How to make a single-line power supply diagram with your own hands

A single-line power supply scheme should include three phases that will power the facility. As well as the lines of group networks that will depart from the feeders. When drawing up an electrical circuit, it must be remembered that its main task is to give a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design of the electrical wiring of the room and electrical elements.

One line diagram is easy to draw:

  1. First, a line is drawn that will define the polyphase power supply.
  2. And then a number with a crossed out stroke is placed next to the line. It corresponds to the number of phases, and the stroke corresponds to their definition.

In addition to the above elements, the drawing must show all wires and additional details (for example, switches, RCDs, etc.). And in order to correctly designate them on the diagram, it is necessary to study GOST.

The usual single-line wiring diagram of a house or apartment includes: the point to which the room will be connected to the mains; introductory - distribution elements; point of the device and its brand; shield parameters; power cable; information about the minimum and maximum currents of devices that are in different rooms; calculations of approximate electrical loads. There is no need to draw a single-line power supply diagram with a pencil on a piece of paper. Either a special program or an online editor can help with its creation.

Recommendations: how to draw a one-line power supply diagram

There are two types of single-line diagrams: executive and settlement. It depends on the operating conditions of the room.

The first type is designed in the presence of existing electrical systems.

And the second type is when there is no working electrical installation in the room.

Depending on the type of electrical circuit, the stages of its creation will be different.:

  1. In the executive electrical circuit, the first step in the construction will be the compilation of computational materials. The room is visually inspected. And after that, all the flaws and defects that arose during the use of electricity are included in the calculations. As well as new parts and their characteristics. It is important to remember that, if necessary, the calculation part of the executive single-line diagram can be increased several times. The most important thing is that all calculations are correct.
  2. In the design electrical circuit, it is necessary to draw up exactly the design single-line diagram, in which there are many distinctive fundamental characteristics. Electrical installation work, safe operation of the power grid will depend on such a scheme.

In general terms, in order to draw a single-line diagram, it is necessary to: calculate all electrical loads and transfer them to paper; pick up all the protective devices and also depict them on paper; pick up all the necessary cables and wires, and draw them.

General idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba linear power supply scheme

A scheme is a representation in a graph of any structural elements indicated in the drawings. Very often, for convenience, diagrams are depicted in a simplified form, for example, as a single-line power supply diagram. The electrical circuit is a document in which all the constituent electrical elements are present.

The linear wiring diagram is displayed as a crossed line with the number 3 or a straight line crossed out by 3 oblique segments.

The linear power supply scheme is perfect not only for houses and apartments, but also for industrial facilities.

Line diagrams can be of several types:

  1. Executive. Used in rooms that already have an existing electrical network. Such schemes are needed to correct problems and defects.
  2. Structural. Schemes of this kind are general information about the nature of the electrical installation and details.
  3. Functional. These types of circuits are needed to transfer the functions of elements that receive electricity. Show the relationship between all mechanisms.
  4. Fundamental e. This type of wiring is carried out according to international standards.
  5. Mounting. To create a power supply project, this type of circuit is very important. They are associated with the construction of the facility. It is important to know that all specified elements and dimensions must be accurate and clear.

All electrical circuits must comply with certain rules and regulations. And also contain all the information about the equipment and its specific properties, display an overall picture of all electricity and the necessary details, show an overall picture of the entire object. Information about autonomous power supply must be present without fail.

Drawing on paper is far from fun for everyone - it takes a long time, it’s not always beautiful, it’s hard to immediately correctly calculate the dimensions, and it’s inconvenient to make adjustments. All these problems are easily solved by the program for drawing diagrams. Most modern software products contain a library with a set of basic elements. From them, as from the constructor, the required configuration is assembled. Edits and corrections are made quickly, you can save different versions.

There are quite a few electrical drawing programs that you can use for free. Some of these are demo versions with limited functionality, some of them are full-fledged products. For designing a wiring diagram in an apartment or house, these functions are enough, but for professional use, a product with wider functionality may be required. For these purposes, paid options are more suitable.

Like any software product, a diagram drawing program is rated for ease of use. The interface should be simple, convenient, functional. Then even a person without special computer skills can easily figure it out. But, nevertheless, the main factor is the sufficiency of functions for creating circuits of varying complexity. After all, even an inconvenient interface can be adapted, but the absence of some parts is more difficult to make up for.

A simple program for drawing diagrams VISIO

Many of us are familiar with Microsoft office products and Visio is one of the products. This graphics editor has a familiar interface for Microsoft products. Extensive libraries contain all the necessary element base, you can create circuit, wiring diagrams. Working in VISIO is easy: in the library (window on the left) we find desired section, we look for the required element in it, drag it to the working field, put it in place. The dimensions of the elements are standardized, they fit one with the other without problems.

Vision program for drawing diagrams - a clear interface

What's nice is that you can create diagrams to scale, which will make it easier to calculate the required length of wires and cables. What’s more good is that it doesn’t take much space on the computer’s hard drive, even not very powerful machines will “pull” this program for drawing diagrams. Also pleased with the presence of a large number of video tutorials. So there won't be any problems with learning.

Clear ProfiCAD

If you need simple program for the design of electrical wiring - pay attention to ProfiCAD. This product does not require downloading libraries like most others. The database contains about 700 built-in elements, which are enough to develop a power supply scheme for an apartment or a private house. The available elements are also sufficient to draw up not too complex circuit diagrams. If an element is missing, it can be added.

The main drawback of the program for drawing ProfiCAD diagrams is the lack of a Russified version. But, even if you are not strong in English, it is worth a try - everything is very simple. In a couple of hours you will master everything.

The principle of operation is simple: in the field on the left we find the desired element, drag it to the right place in the diagram, and rotate it to the desired position. Let's move on to next element. After completing the work, you can get a specification indicating the number of wires and a list of elements, save the results in one of four formats.

Compass Electric

A program with more serious functionality is called Compass Electric. This is the part software Compass 3D. In it, you can not only draw a circuit diagram, but also block diagrams and much more. At the output, you can get specifications, purchasing lists, connection tables.

To get started, you need to download and install not only the program, but also a library with an element base. The program, explanations, help - everything is Russified. So there will be no problems with the language.

When working, select the desired section of the library, graphic images appear in a pop-up window. In it, select the necessary elements, drag them to the working field, setting in right place. As the scheme is formed, the data about the elements get into the specification, where the name, type and denomination of all elements are fixed.

The numbering of elements can be put down automatically, or maybe manually. The method is selected in the settings menu. You can change it during work.


Another program for drawing circuits is QElectroTech. The interface resembles Microsoft products and is easy to work with. There is no need to download a library for this program, the element base is "built-in". If something is not there, you can add your own elements.

The finished scheme can be saved in the get format (for further work with it in the program) or as an image ( jpg formats, png, svg, bmp). After saving, you can change the dimensions of the drawing, add a grid, a frame.

QElectroTech - free editor for creating electrical circuits

This program has some drawbacks. The first is that inscriptions can be made in only one font, that is, if you need a drawing in accordance with GOST, you will have to somehow figure out how to change the font. The second is that the sizes of frames and stamps are set in pixels, which is very inconvenient. In general, if you need a program for drawing diagrams for home use, this is a great option. If compliance with the requirements of GOST is required, look for another.

123D Circuits Electronic Circuit Simulator

If you do not know how to draw a diagram on a computer, take a closer look at this product. 123D Circuits is an online service that allows you to create a not very complex circuit with the ability to create printed circuit boards. There is also a built-in simulator that simulates the work of the finished circuit. The function of ordering a batch of ready-made boards is available (for a fee).

Before you start, you need to register, create your profile. After that, you can start work. Multiple users can work on the same project using shared libraries. AT free version programs can create an unlimited number of schemes, but they will be publicly available. In the amateur tariff ($12), five circuits can be personal, and there is also a 5% discount on the production of circuit boards. The Professional plan ($25) gives you an unlimited number of personal designs and the same discount on ordering boards.

The circuit can be drawn from the available components (there are not very many of them, but it is possible to add your own) or imported from the Eagle program. Unlike other programs, the 123D Circuits library does not contain schematic symbols of elements, but their mini copies. Interface with two side fields. On the right, the section of the library with the element base is displayed, on the left - part of the settings and the list of used elements. After the work is completed, the program itself generates a circuit diagram, and also suggests the location of elements on the board (can be edited).

Everything seems to be fine, but 123D Circuits has serious drawbacks. First, the results of simulated work are often very different from real readings. The second - the functionality is small, it will not work to make a really complex circuit. Conclusion: Basically, this program is suitable for students and beginner radio amateurs.

Paid programs for drawing electrical circuits

There are many paid graphic editors for creating diagrams, but not all of them are needed for "home" use or for work, but not directly related to design. Paying a lot of money for unnecessary features is not the smartest decision. In this section, we will collect those products that have received a lot of good reviews.

DipTrace - for PCB design

For experienced radio amateurs or those whose work is related to the design of radio products, the DipTrace program will be useful. It was developed in Russia, therefore it is completely in Russian.

It has very useful feature- it can develop a printed circuit board according to a ready-made scheme, and it can be seen not only in two-dimensional, but also in a three-dimensional image with the location of all elements. It is possible to edit the position of elements on the board, develop and correct the device case. That is, it can be used both for designing wiring in an apartment or house, and for developing some devices.

In addition to the program for drawing diagrams, you will also need to download a library with an element base. The peculiarity is that this can be done using special application— Schematic DT.

The interface of the program for drawing circuits and creating printed circuit boards DipTrace is convenient. The process of creating a scheme is standard - we drag the necessary elements from the library onto the field, expand them in the required direction and set them in place. The element that is being worked on this moment illuminated, which makes the work more comfortable.

As the scheme is created, the program automatically checks the correctness and admissibility of connections, the coincidence of sizes, compliance with gaps and distances. That is, all edits and adjustments are made immediately, at the creation stage. The created circuit can be run on the built-in simulator, but it is not the most difficult, so it is possible to test the product on any external simulators. It is possible to import a scheme to work in other applications or accept (export) an already created one for its further development. So the DipTrase circuit drawing program is a really good choice.

If you need a printed circuit board, we find the corresponding function in the menu, if not, the circuit can be saved (it can be corrected) and / or printed. The DipTrace diagramming program is paid (there are different tariffs), but there is a free 30-day version.


Perhaps the most popular program for drawing diagrams, this is SPlan. It has a well thought out interface, extensive, well structured libraries. It is possible to add your own elements if they are not in the library. As a result, it is easy to work, the program is mastered in a few hours (if you have experience with similar software).

The disadvantage is that there is no official Russified version, but you can find it partially translated by craftsmen (the help is still in English). There are also portable versions (SPlan Portable) that do not require installation.

One of the most "light" versions - SPlan Portable

After downloading and installing the program, you need to configure it. This takes a few minutes, the settings are saved on subsequent launches. The creation of schemes is standard - we find the desired element in the window to the left of the working field, drag it into place. The numbering of elements can be put down automatically or manual mode(selected in the settings). What's nice is that you can easily change the scale - by scrolling the mouse wheel.

There is a paid (40 euros) and a free version. The free one disables saving (bad) and printing (you can bypass it by creating screenshots). In general, according to numerous reviews, it is a worthwhile product that is easy to work with.

The Gliffy online editor features a variety of shapes, styles, colors and formats available for a wide range of projects. The use of flash technology allows you to quickly place diagrams on the screen using the drag-n-drop method. Separate parts can be easily deleted, just select them and press the "Delete" key on the keyboard.

The Gliffy editor offers the possibility to collaborate on a project, just activate the plugin and send an invitation to like-minded people. You can share your diagrams with users who use a computer, tablet, or smartphone with access to the Confluence app.

Compared to similar applications

Gliffy provides users with a list of clear templates, color images with various aspects, professionally created project diagrams, and a standard Blank sheet from which to start.


Free Account user has more functionality of the provided tools, but does not save projects. However, you can just take a screenshot of the screen and save your creativity that way)

Also not available sharing and print. You can export diagrams to JPG, PNG, SVG or XML files and save them locally.

A standard account allows you to save up to 200 diagrams at a time. It charges $4.95 per month per user.

A professional user account costs $9.95 per month and offers unlimited schema storage space.

The Gliffy program is distinguished by great functionality for various projects, understandable user interface and numerous design options.


Let's start with the fact that the term electrical (circuit) circuit is used in electronics by radio amateurs. This article will be useful to students, engineers and hobbyists.

But what to do when there are no resources and time? A variety of online services come to the rescue. It turns out to draw a diagram online is simple. Such services for drawing diagrams, the so-called diagram editors, were created specifically to "simplify the life" of the developer and, of course, differ both in the convenience of working when creating a diagram and in functionality. The same circuit drawing functions exist in many automated electronic circuit design systems.

How to understand such a variety and choose a service that meets your requirements? What to do when you are sitting at someone else's computer and it does not have those necessary CAD programs? The main thing is to have an internet connection.

So, on the Internet there are enough services for drawing those same circuits and even simulating the operation of circuits. Really good, having full list there are only three radio elements, 123D Circuits and . I’ll tell you right away that they don’t have Russian, only English, maybe Google Translator will help you.

123D Circuits company project Autodesk Inc., the one that made everyone famous AutoCAD. 123D Circuits is tightly integrated Arduino(Arduino is a small board with its own processor and memory). By registering, you get a full-fledged CAD editor, which includes such tools as:

  • online project simulator ()
  • online schematic diagram editor ()

  • online circuit board editor ()

  • Another interesting feature of this project is that circuit simulation includes a firmware code editor with a debugger ()

Also in 123D Circuits there is a whole base ( Libraries) radioelements and their UGO. All actions and results of work in this online editor are saved in your account on the cloud, there is also an export to the program Gerber. In general, the company presented a good product to users.

free tool for drawing diagrams. A very large list of features of this service, starting with simple drawing and ending with exporting the scheme to .png and .pdf, sharing in social networks and direct printing. Having an account in SchemeIt, you can save an unfinished scheme and finish it at any time.

The editor itself looks like this:

The bottom line is, pretty good tool in order to quickly draw a diagram and save it in a graphical format, but a few UGO radio elements are missing.

- assembly and testing of circuits directly in the browser. This service is more focused on testing assembled circuit, because there are clearly not enough elements, but in those that are, you can specify various parameters, such as voltage and current, resistance and capacitance, etc. for accuracy when testing. Of course, there is also export to graphic formats, as well as saving the circuit if you have an account in CircuitLab.

The lab looks like this:

Summing up, I’ll say that this service does not have much that is in ordinary CAD programs, although in principle it can show a dependency graph, but it all depends on the specific scheme. UGO elements are enough, but there are more of them in SchemeIt.

So we tried to draw a diagram online:

We considered three main services for drawing diagrams online, all the other services I googled simply use their base and API.

If you find something similar on the net, please let us know - the article will be completed with an indication of your nickname. Looking forward to your comments and see you soon!

The days of using drawing boards are long gone, they have been replaced graphic editor, this is special programs for drawing electrical circuits. Among them there are paid apps, and free (we will consider the types of licenses below). We are sure that we created short review will help to choose from a variety of software products the most optimal software for the task. Let's start with the free versions.


Before proceeding to the description of the programs, we will briefly talk about free licenses, the most common of them are the following:

  • Freeware- the application is not limited in functionality and can be used for personal purposes without a commercial component.
  • open source- product with " open source”, in which it is allowed to make changes by adjusting the software to suit your own tasks. There may be restrictions on commercial use and paid distribution of the modifications made.
  • GNU GPL- a license that practically does not impose any restrictions on the user.
  • public domain- almost identical to previous version, copyright law does not apply to this type of license.
  • Ad-supported- the application is fully functional, contains advertising of other products of the developer or other companies.
  • donationware– the product is distributed free of charge, but the developer offers to make donations on a voluntary basis for the further development of the project.

Once you have an idea about free licenses, you can move on to software distributed under such terms.

Microsoft Visio

It is easy to operate, but at the same time very convenient editor vector graphics, which has a rich functional set. Despite the fact that the main socialization of the program is the visualization of information from MS Office applications, it can be used to view and print radio diagrams.

MS releases three paid versions that differ in functionality and a free one (Viewer), which integrates into the IE browser and allows you to use it to view files created in the editor. Unfortunately, for editing and creating new schemes, you will need to purchase a full-featured product. Note that even in paid versions, among the basic templates there is no set for the full creation of radio circuits, but it is easy to find and install.

Disadvantages of the free version:

  • The functions of editing and creating diagrams are not available, which significantly reduces interest in this product.
  • The program works only with the IE browser, which also creates a lot of inconvenience.


This software is an application to the CAD system of the Russian developer ASCON. It requires the installation of the KOMPAS-3D environment for its operation. Since this is a domestic product, it fully supports the GOSTs adopted by Russia, and, accordingly, there are no problems with localization.

The application is intended for designing any types of electrical equipment and creating sets of design documentation for them.

This is paid software, but the developer gives 60 days to get acquainted with the system, during this time there are no restrictions on functionality. On the official website and on the network you can find a lot of video materials that allow you to get acquainted with the software product in detail.

In the reviews, many users note that the system has a lot of flaws that the developer is in no hurry to fix.


This software is a comprehensive environment in which you can create both a circuit diagram and a printed circuit board layout for it. That is, place all the necessary elements on the board and trace. At the same time, it can be performed both in automatic and manual mode or by a combination of these two methods.

There are no models of domestic radio components in the basic set of elements, but their templates can be downloaded online. The language of the application is English, but localizers that allow you to install the Russian language.

The application is paid, but the possibility of using it for free with the following functional limitations:

  • The size of the circuit board cannot exceed 10.0 x 8.0 cm.
  • When routing, only two layers can be manipulated.
  • The editor is allowed to work with only one sheet.

dip trace

This is not a separate application, but a whole software package, which includes:

  • Multifunctional editor for development circuit diagrams.
  • Application for creating circuit boards.
  • 3D module that allows you to design housings for devices created in the system.
  • A program for creating and editing components.

The free version of the software package, for non-commercial use, has some minor limitations:

  • Circuit board no more than 4 layers.
  • No more than one thousand outputs from components.

The program does not provide for Russian localization, but it, as well as a description of all functions software product can be found on the web. There are also no problems with the component base, initially there are about 100 thousand of them. On thematic forums, you can find component databases created by users, including those for Russian GOSTs.

1-2-3 scheme

It's completely free app, which allows to complete Hager electrical panels with the equipment of the same name.

Functionality programs:

  • Choice of housing for the electrical panel that meets the standards for the degree of protection. The sample is made from model range hager.
  • Completion with protective and switching modular equipment of the same manufacturer. Note that the element base contains only models certified in Russia.
  • Formation of design documentation (single-line diagram, specifications that meet the ESKD standards, rendering of the appearance).
  • Creation of markers for switching devices of the electrical panel.

The program is completely localized for Russian, its only drawback is that only the electrical equipment of the developer company is present in the element base.

Autocad Electrical

An application based on the well-known CAD Autocad, created for the design of electrical circuits and the creation of technical documentation for them in accordance with the ESKD standards.

Initially, the database includes over two thousand components, while their conditional graphic designations meet the current Russian and European standards.

This application is paid, but it is possible to get acquainted with the full functionality of the basic working version within 30 days.


This software is positioned as an automated workstation (AWP) for electrical designers. The application allows you to quickly and correctly develop almost any drawing for electrical projects with reference to the floor plan.

Application functionality includes:

  • Arrangement of UGO when designing electrical networks laid openly, in pipes or special structures.
  • Automatic (from the plan) or rune calculation of the power circuit.
  • Preparation of specifications in accordance with current regulations.
  • The possibility of expanding the base of elements (UGO).

The free demo version does not include the ability to create and edit projects, they can only be viewed or printed.


This is a completely free software package with open source (Open Source). This software is positioned as an end-to-end design system. That is, it is possible to develop a schematic diagram, create a circuit board according to it and prepare the documentation necessary for production.

Characteristics systems:

  • It is allowed to use external tracers for PCB layout.
  • The program has a built-in PCB calculator, the placement of elements on it can be done automatically or manually.
  • Upon completion of the trace, the system generates several technological files (for example, for a photoplotter, a drilling machine, etc.). If desired, you can add a company logo to the printed circuit board.
  • The system can create a layered printout in several popular formats, as well as generate a list of components used in the development to form an order.
  • It is possible to export drawings and other documents to pdf formats and dxf.

Note that many users note the ill-conceived interface of the system, as well as the fact that in order to master the software, you need to study the documentation for the program well.


Another free and open source application that allows you to create circuit diagrams and has features simple editor vector graphics. The base set contains forty different component libraries.

TinyCAD - simple editor for schematic diagrams

The program does not provide PCB tracing, but it is possible to export the netlist to third party application. Export is made with support for common extensions.

The app only supports English language, but thanks to the intuitive menu, there will be no problems with mastering.


Free project development environment for Arduino base. It is possible to create printed circuit boards (wiring must be done manually, since the autorouting function is frankly weak).

It should be noted that the application is "sharpened" for quick creation sketches to explain the principle of operation of the designed device. For serious work, the application has too small a base of elements and a highly simplified schema.

123D Circuits

This is a web application for developing Arduino projects, with the ability to program the device, simulate and analyze its work. In a typical set of elements, there are only basic radio components and Arduino modules. If necessary, the user can create new components and add them to the database. It is noteworthy that the developed printed circuit board can be ordered directly from the online service.

In the free version of the service, you cannot create your own projects, but you can view other people's developments that are in open access. For full access to all features, you need to subscribe ($12 or $24 per month).

Note that due to the poor functionality, the virtual development environment is of interest only to beginners. Many of those who used the service drew attention to the fact that the simulation results diverge from the real figures.


Free multi-platform application (GNU GPL license) for quick circuit diagram creation. The functional set is minimal.

The language of the application is English, the program does not accept Russian characters. You should also pay attention to the atypical menu, which you need to get used to. In addition, contextual hints are displayed on the status bar. The basic set of elements includes the UGO of only the main radio components (the user can create his own elements and add them).


This is a demo version of the CAD of the same name. Functional limitations affected only the number of elements used in the development scheme (up to 50 pieces) and the number of contacts (no more than 300), which is quite enough for small amateur radio projects.

The program consists of a central module, which includes several applications that allow you to develop a circuit, create a board for it and prepare a package of technical documentation.

The basic set includes more than 20,000 components, additional libraries can be downloaded from the developer's website.

A significant drawback of the system is the lack of support for the Russian language, respectively, all technical documentation is also presented online in English.


Simple convenient and free (FreeWare) application for the development of electrical and electronic circuit drawings. The program is a regular editor, no special functions are implemented in it.

The language of the application is English, but there is a Russian localization for it.

Paid Apps

Unlike software distributed by free licenses, commercial programs, as a rule, have much more functionality and are supported by developers. As an example, we present several such applications.


A simple editor program for drawing electrical circuits. The application comes with several component libraries that the user can expand as needed. You can work with several projects at the same time by opening them in separate tabs.

The drawings made by the program are stored as vector graphics files of their own format with the "spl" extension. Converting to standard raster image formats is allowed. It is possible to print large diagrams on a regular A4 printer.

Officially, the application is not released in Russian localization, but there are programs that allow you to Russify the menu and contextual tips.

In addition to the paid version, there are two free implementations of Demo and Viewer. In the first, there is no way to save and print the drawn diagram. The second provides only the function of viewing and printing files of the "spl" format.

Eplan Electric

Multi-module scalable CAD for the development of electrical projects of varying complexity and automation of the process of preparing design documentation. This software package is now positioned as a corporate solution, so it will not be of interest to ordinary users, especially if we take into account the cost of the software.

Target 3001

A powerful CAD system that allows you to develop electrical circuits, trace printed circuit boards, simulate work electronic devices. The online component library has over 36,000 components. various elements. This CAD is widely used in Europe for PCB routing.

English is set by default, it is possible to set the menu in German or French, there is no official Russian localization. Accordingly, all documentation is provided only in English, French or German.

The cost of the simplest basic version is about 70 euros. For this money, tracing of two layers for 400 pins will be available. The cost of the unlimited version is around 3.6 thousand euros.


An application for modeling digital, analog and mixed circuits, as well as analyzing their work. The user can create in the editor electrical circuit and set parameters for analysis. After that, with one click of the mouse, the system will automatically make the necessary calculations and display the results for study.

The program allows you to set the dependence of the parameters (values) of the elements on the temperature regime, illumination, frequency characteristics etc. If the diagram contains animated elements, for example, LED indicators, then their status will be correctly displayed, depending on the incoming signals. It is possible to "connect" to the circuit virtual measuring instruments, as well as monitor the status of various nodes of the device.

The cost of the full-featured version is about $4.5 thousand. There is no official Russian localization of the application.


This CAD platform includes many tools for designing various electrical devices. A set of special functions allows you to solve engineering and design problems of any complexity.

Distinctive featuresfine tuning interface for the user. A lot of reference literature, including in Russian. Despite the lack of official support for the Russian language, there are localizers for the platform.

For ordinary users, the purchase of a paid version of the program in order to develop electrical circuits for amateur devices will be unprofitable.

Designer Schematic

An application for creating electrical circuits using radio elements manufactured by Digi-Key. The main feature of this system is that in the editor for constructing diagrams, mechanical design can be used.

Component databases can be checked for compliance at any time and, if necessary, updated directly from the manufacturer's website.

The system does not have its own tracer, but the netlist can be loaded into a third party program.

It is possible to import files from popular CAD systems.

The estimated cost of the application is about $300.