When loading or operating the operating Windows systems an error or glitch may occur that will result in a blue screen with white text.

And in this case, you can only reboot the computer, since other actions will not be available. It is for this reason that this very screen is called the "blue screen of death" (BSOD).

What it is

The appearance of the blue screen of death means that a crash has occurred operating system. The reason for such a failure can be very diverse. A similar problem can happen to anyone, so you need to know what to do if a BSOD appears.

There is no need to worry and overly fuss. It is recommended to reboot the system unit, while all unsaved data will be lost.

Often, when you reboot, the problem disappears, but it is still useful to know the reason why the failure occurs. To do this, you need to parse some string located on the blue screen of death, which contains an error check string and verification code errors to find information on them on the Internet.

System Setup

In order to be able to diagnose and fix the problem when a critical failure occurs in the operating system, you must configure the operating system in a special way.

For this you need:

  • check that in Windows settings memory dump saving is enabled;
  • guided by the required size of the memory dump file, you need to check whether it is enough for system drive free space for its location;
  • disable rebooting the operating system after a BSOD.

Windows XP

To configure Windows operating system settingsXPnecessary:

  • enable debug information logging, namely go to:

  • Specify how much debugging information should be logged if a crash occurs.

Windows Vista/7

Windows Vista/7 settings are similar Windows settings xp.

Windows 8

In Windows, you can adjust settings so that the operating system does not automatically reboot. In Windows 8, this requires:

Deciphering information in the Blue Screen of Death

Each critical error is accompanied by a detailed description and an eight-digit error code. When you first encounter a BSOD, the information displayed on it seems to be a random sequence of characters, but in fact, the description and error code will help to a large extent to reveal what caused the failure and what this error means.

The top of the monitor contains a description of the error, consisting of words stuck together in capital letters and separated by underscores.

Immediately after the description of the error, some troubleshooting tips are displayed. They are followed by a section technical information with an eight-digit hexadecimal error code.

Depending on the nature of the error, the code is usually completed with four auxiliary values ​​enclosed in parentheses.

If the error that caused the BSOD is directly related to some file, this section displays its name.

Reasons for the appearance

There are many reasons for the blue screen of death.

All reasons for the appearanceBSODon Windows can be broken down into three components:

  • equipment;
  • drivers;
  • programs.

Video: Blue screen in Windows


One of the most common causes that can cause a BSOD in this category is RAM issues. It needs to be tested.

Also, failures in the functioning of the storage system are not uncommon. In this case, it is worth diagnosing HDD and check if there is free space on it.

Less commonly, the cause of the blue screen of death is a problem with the video adapter and processor. It is important to test this equipment using specialized utilities.

In addition to the main components of the computer, problems can arise with additional cards that expand functionality system block. You can find out the source of the problem by removing additional nodes and testing the computer for several days without them. If the computer functions normally without failures, then the problem is solved.

You can also try plugging the board into a different slot. motherboard. After testing all the components separately, you should test the operation of the entire system under load. If it fails under load, the problem is probably in the operation of the power supply. The way out is to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.


There is an opinion that drivers are the source of 70% of BSOD cases. To treat the system, the driver must be reinstalled, after deleting it. If the problem is not solved, then you need to download the driver from the manufacturer's website and install it.

There are situations when it is not possible to find a fresh driver, in which case you can install an earlier version.

If replacing the driver does not help, then you should check the compatibility of the device with the operating system. If there is no compatibility, it is recommended to replace the hardware or reinstall the operating system.


Problems encountered with software, are solved in a similar way. It is necessary to reinstall the existing one, or install the version downloaded from the developer's site.

The likely cause of a critical error may be the simultaneous installation of two or more anti-virus tools for one operating system.

Memory dump analysis

To analyze critical memory dumps, you can use one of the huge amount program, for example, DumpChk, Kanalyze, WinDbg.

Consider the example of WinDbg (part of Debugging Tools for Windows) how can the analysis be carried out crash dumps memory.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • download current version programs from the developer's site;
  • install the program on the computer;
  • run the program;
  • go to the menu item “File –> Symbol File Path…”;
  • in the “Symbol Search Path” window, click “Browse…”;
  • in the window that appears, select the location of the Symbols directory. Then press “OK” twice, then select the menu “File –> Open Crash Dump…”;
  • in the "Open Crash Dump" window, select the path and click "Open";
  • in the "Workspace" window, set the "Don'taskagain" checkbox to "No";
  • the "Command Dump" window will be displayed with dump analysis;
  • analyze the memory dump in detail;
  • it is especially important to pay attention to the "Bugcheck Analysis" section, which displays possible reason failure;
  • to view complete information you need to click on the link "!analyze -v";
  • close the program;
  • apply the data obtained to eliminate the cause of the crash.

Fixing blue screen of death errors

The lion's share of blue screen of death errors is due to corruption of some system files or missing or incompatible drivers.

WhenBSODyou need to do the following:

Video: BSOD - Screen

Error codes

For a faster and more effective “computer treatment”, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what the error codes mean and how to fix the blue screen of death problem. Therefore, it is extremely important not to ignore the text that displays the BSOD. Most important information on the blue screen of death is the hexadecimal error code and its description.

The number of BSOD errors reaches several hundred. It is simply impossible to know or describe all error codes and how to resolve them. It is much easier and more optimal to use specialized resources that have detailed information about errors, and describes the sequence of actions to solve the problem in the most efficient and safe way.

To do this, you just need to go to the appropriate resource, find the error with the required code, study the information about it and restore the operating system in accordance with the recommendations received.

The most common errors:

  • 0x00000001 - internal kernel error;
  • 0x0000000A - inaccessible memory address;
  • 0x0000001E - incorrect processor command;
  • 0x00000020 - driver error;
  • 0x0000002B - stack overflow;
  • 0x00000051 is a registry error.

AT individual cases the functioning of the Windows operating system may end with the appearance of a blue screen of death, which displays a certain sequence of characters.

The appearance of a BSOD indicates a critical error in the operation of the operating system. The way to resolve the failure depends on the system error code, which can be viewed at the bottom of the blue screen.


The question is how to be what to do if the computer crashes into a blue screen BSOD(Blue Screen of Death, which translates as "blue screen of death"), users of computer devices often ask themselves, since such a phenomenon as BSOD is quite common. The symptoms of the blue screen are very eloquent, more precisely, “synergistic”: the computer turns on and starts to boot, after which the Windows splash screen appears, and after a while the PC, without fully booting, gives out a blue screen on which white inscriptions are located.

BSOD: causes and benefits

Many users are unhappy with the brainchild of Bill Gates - Windows. Wrote, they say, a crooked operating system, which now produces blue screens of various configurations. But such an attitude is wrong and unfair. Many do not know that, if not for the BSOD, many computers could be damaged and a lot of data lost if the OS crashed.

The fact is that Windows operates directly with the hardware of the computer, and if something suddenly goes wrong, the wrong command will be given to the hardware of the computer device, which can be anything (for example, delete all data from the disk). Of course, the consequences of such a command are obvious: data loss and PC breakdown.

But this does not happen, because BSOD comes to the rescue - a special protective reaction of the Windows operating system that occurs when the OS is no longer able to account for its actions and control them, and therefore is forced to take decisive action aimed at its own emergency stop. Say, so as not to break firewood in the computer.

Thus, a BSOD error, or STOP error, appears in cases such as:

  • an error in the Windows operating system,
  • hardware conflict,
  • driver incompatibility,
  • damage to the driver with which the OS controls the computer,
  • damage to system files,
  • physical damage to some components.

It often happens that a STOP error occurs when:

  • running pirated or inappropriate software,
  • when exposed to viruses,
  • in case of launching third-party incorrect drivers,
  • false antivirus programs and other "left" products.

When a blue screen occurs, you should take care of the elimination causes of BSOD and consequences of OS errors. Dealing with a blue screen is not so difficult, and even an ordinary user can get rid of bsod in computer on their own.

STOP error identification

Sometimes STOP error identification is not possible. The message about the blue screen of death looks, as a rule, not entirely clear, since it’s impossible to make out what is written in the mysterious STOP error, since the computer constantly restarts and does not allow reading the already illegible “non-Russian” text.

In order to make out what your OS wrote to you and start taking some action to solve the problem that has arisen, you need to press the F8 key on the keyboard and hold it down the next time you restart your PC. After that, the menu for entering safe mode will appear. Find the item "Disable automatic restart on system failure" in the menu, and then enter the menu. Now when you start your computer gives blue screen with white entries and will remain in this position until you press the Reset key (reboot).

In order to get rid of the blue screen of death, do the following. Start by trying to boot your computer from a Live-CD. This will help determine what type of problem you have - hardware or software: if it's hardware, you won't be able to boot from the Live-CD, and the PC will stubbornly issue a BSOD.

Then proceed as follows:

1) Restart your computer, or better turn it off and turn it on again after a while.

2) Remember what you inserted into the computer on the eve of the problem. Or, perhaps, you changed some piece of hardware - maybe it didn’t make friends with Windows? Perhaps you installed some incorrect program? Try to return everything "as it was" and see what happens.

3) If the OS is loaded, and the STOP error appears only occasionally, update the operating system by taking the update from the official Microsoft website.

4) Check if the computer has enough voltage. Because if it is insufficient, the computer may issue a BSOD.

5) Check your RAM. This can be done using the Memtest utility (it is on the Live-CD) or using the RAM test tool that is available on the OS installation disk.

6) Check the hard drive for enough free space and then for bad zones using the MHDD utility (found on the Live-CD).

7) Go into the BIOS, find the default settings option (Default) and enable it. Save changes and restart your computer.

8) It will not be superfluous to launch the "System Restore" option or activate the "Load Last Known Good Configuration" option (you can call the options through F8).

One of the above methods should help you fix blue screen on computer. If this does not happen, check your computer for viruses - they often cause problems. Good luck!

Quite often, many people experience problems that are related to personal computers. The blue screen that appears after turning off and on the computer is especially annoying. This screen reports a specific error. To understand what kind of error you have experienced, you can in the database Microsoft data enter the hexadecimal code that is displayed in the message. There is a chance that you will receive some advice on how to solve your problem. So, let's say you have a blue screen of death. What to do? First you need to figure out what errors can provoke its appearance.

Reasons for the error

Most often, basic hardware problems are associated with not quite proper work HDD. Also, a blue screen can cause problems with memory and processor. Software errors usually occur due to the actions of viruses, rootkits or drivers that were not installed correctly. What can cause the blue screen of death? The reasons mainly lie in hardware errors. Big number hardware components personal computer may cause given error due to a malfunction. It is worth considering the main components that cause malfunctions.

What to do if problems occur due to HDD

The hard drive is one of the most important elements of every personal computer. It stores a large amount of data and the operating system itself. Very often, the blue screen of death appears due to damaged sectors or due to defects that may be present on the hard drive. They contribute to damage to the operating system itself, thus affecting its performance. Problems may be related to the read head - this problem occurs mainly when the age of the HDD is five years old. Statistically, the problem in this situation is due to the drive overheating. So, the blue screen of death: what to do if the problem is in the hard drive?

In order to get rid of problems, you need to use special software. They can move bad sectors to the place on the HDD that is not being used. In addition, if damage hard drive too large, it can be replaced with a new one. In this case, you will also need to reinstall the operating system. In this situation, you need to copy all your important documents to external drive so that they are not damaged by an error that causes a blue screen of death. What to do if the hard drive is not to blame for the problem? It is worth paying attention to memory.

Errors with memory and processor

The causes of problems may also be related to PC memory. For a blue screen to appear, just one module fails. The cause of such damage is mainly overclocking, which uses more voltage than necessary. In addition, the elements of the electrical circuit can fail under the influence of heat. Poor quality parts can also cause an error that results in a blue screen of death. What to do in this case? To overcome the problem, you should reduce the input voltage that is supplied to the memory chips. This should be done in BIOS. If after that the problem continues to occur, then you should consider buying a new memory module. The processor can also cause a blue screen in the event of a failure. In order to get rid of this problem, you should immediately change the part.

Software bugs

The reason for the occurrence of a blue screen can be driver failures or viruses. In the first case, they just need to be reinstalled. If this does not help, then you should find those programs that are best suited for your computer. In case of errors due to malware, you should seek help from special utility- antivirus.


Do not despair if you have a blue screen. You just need to find the cause and eliminate it. Microsoft databases can help in her search. Good luck in solving problems with your personal computer.

Unfortunately, it happens that over time Windows users XP has a problem while working on a PC or when loading the OS in the form of a "screen of death". The error is often caused by overheating of the equipment, conflict of PC components, infection with malicious applications. This list is endless, as failure can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Any of the critical errors can be an unpleasant consequence of displaying a "BSOD" on the monitor, which stands for the English "Blue Screen Of Death". Below is a guide on how to avoid the "blue screen of death" in a computer on Windows XP, and with detailed descriptions of recommendations on what to do if this does happen.

BSOD - what is it?

Despite the formidable name, this screen is designed to help the user, and is a protective Windows feature XP. It already contains long text with a description and recommendations for solving the problem. The owner of the computer, after carefully studying the error codes displayed on the screen, can already accurately take the necessary measures to eliminate the causes of the failure.

However, sometimes some users mistake other blue interface programs, such as the BIOS, for the "screen of death". By accidentally hitting a key when booting the computer, or in some other way, sometimes the PC owner launches the BIOS, which is also blue and newcomers mistakenly take it for the well-known “blue screen of death”. If a menu similar to the image below appears on the monitor,

then you just need to click "ESC" or click on the item "Exit Without Saving". After that, the PC will start in the usual mode for the user.

Also, if Windows operation XP was completed incorrectly, a blue screen of disk analysis may occur for the presence of various errors.

You should not be afraid of it either, but you just need to wait and let the Chkdsk application perform its functions, after which Windows XP will boot itself.

But if the user sees the following image:

you will have to follow the steps below in this manual.

How to decrypt the information displayed on the BSOD?

A detailed study of the information and codes presented on this screen will allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate the causes of the failure.

At the top of the screen, information is available from detailed description errors. The following are recommendations on how to resolve the difficulties that have arisen. After them, specific digital error codes are indicated. And in the case when the failure occurred due to some file, the name of this file will be shown.

The main causes of BSOD

Knowing the reasons why a problem may occur, you can effectively take preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of failures.

The main reasons are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Computer components;
  2. Hardware software (driver);
  3. Applications.

PC components

This includes the most common causes the appearance of the "screen of death". Therefore, you should first of all pay attention to whether new equipment was installed immediately before the failure occurred. Also, often the error is caused by RAM or hard drive so it is recommended to test random access memory and computer hard drive.

Very rarely, but there are problems due to the video card or even due to CPU. They also need to be tested. Many applications have been developed for this purpose.

Many users install additional boards to increase the speed of their PC. If there are any, then you should temporarily disable them and work on the PC for a while. In the case when the error does not manifest itself without them, it is possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the cause of the failure.

When a blue screen appears during operation, very often the cause is a weak or outdated power supply. In this case, it is recommended to install a new PSU - with the best performance power.

Hardware software (drivers)

More than half of all screens of death are related to drivers. If you need to reinstall the software, then you must first uninstall installed driver and only after that install the current version from the official source of the equipment manufacturer.


Just like with drivers, the issue is resolved by reinstalling the application, but with a preliminary complete removal of it and cleaning the registry from the remnants of the program.

Often, when working on the same computer with 2 antiviruses at once, errors appear that cause a BSOD to appear. One operating system should only be protected by one anti-virus utility.

Troubleshooting procedure in Windows XP

Sometimes Windows XP after a crash in automatic mode restarts or the owner of the PC, by clicking on "RESET", restarts the computer itself, and the system starts functioning normally again. However, such cases are not rare when the OS does not boot after a failure even in safe mode, and the "screen of death" is displayed in front of the user's eyes again.

In such a situation, you will need to use an external installation media with Windows distribution xp.

You need to do the following:

  1. AT BIOS priority launch the OS, set it from external media and, depending on its type, install it in the computer's optical drive (CD-disk) or in the USB port (flash drive).
  2. Next, restart the PC;
  3. The menu " Windows installation XP";
  4. Then activate the "Restore Windows XP" command from the menu - to do this, click the "R" button;
  5. After that, in the next menu that appears, click "1" and click on "Enter";
  6. Type the access code to the PC (in the case when the user asked it earlier) and click "Enter" again;
  7. In the prompt box, type "fixboot";
  8. The system recommendation "Do you want to record a new boot sector to the C: directory? - it is necessary to click on the "Y" button;
  9. Then type "fixmbr" and click on the "Y" button again;
  10. Click "Enter";
  11. Type "exit", close the program, restart the PC;
  12. Open BIOS, where to specify the OS start from the hard drive.

The computer will now work normally again. Despite the fact that the procedure consists of 12 steps, it usually takes no more than five minutes to complete it, and this is guaranteed to fix the problem in the form of a BSOD.

Good afternoon.

Although, he’s probably not so kind, since you are reading this article ... In general, the blue screen of death is not a pleasant pleasure, especially if you created a document for two hours, and autosave was turned off and you didn’t have time to save anything ... Here you can turn gray if it is a term paper and you need to take it the next day. In this article I want to talk about step by step recovery computer work, if you are tormented by a blue screen with enviable regularity ...

And so, let's go...

Probably, you need to start with the fact that if you see a "blue screen" - this means Windows has completed its work with critical mistake, i.e. there was a very serious failure. Sometimes, getting rid of it is quite difficult, and only the drivers help. But first, let's try to do without it!

Eliminate the blue screen of death

1) Set up your computer so that it does not restart during a blue screen.

By default, Windows, after the appearance of a blue screen, goes to reboot automatically without asking you. There is not always enough time to write down a mistake. Therefore, the first step is to make sure that Windows does not restart automatically. A little lower will show how to do this in Windows 7, 8.

Open the computer control panel and go to the " system and safety«.

Here we are interested boot and recovery options.

In the center of the window, under the heading "system failure" there is an item " perform an automatic reboot". Uncheck this box so that the system does not reboot and gives you the opportunity to take a picture or write down the error number on paper.

2) Error code - the key to unraveling the error

Before you appeared the blue screen of death (by the way, in English it is called BSOD). You need to write down the error code.

Where is he? The screenshot below shows the line that will help establish the cause. In my case, an error like "0x0000004e". I write it down on a piece of paper and go looking for ...

I suggest you use the site. http://bsodstop.ru/- here are all the most common error codes. Found mine, by the way. To solve it, I am recommended to identify the failed driver and replace it. The wish, of course, is good, but there are no recommendations on how to do it (we will consider it below) ... Thus, you can find out the reason, or at least come very close to it.

3) How can I find out the driver that caused the blue screen?

In order to determine which driver failed, you need the BlueScreenView utility.

It is quite simple to use it. After launch, it will automatically find and show the errors that were fixed by the system and reflected in the dump.

Below is a screenshot of the program. Above shows the errors when the blue screen occurred, date and time. Select the desired date and see not only the error code on the right, but also the name of the file that caused the error is shown at the bottom!

In this screenshot, the file "ati2dvag.dll" somehow did not suit Windows. Most likely, you need to install newer or older drivers for the video card and the error will disappear by itself.

Likewise, step by step, and you will be able to identify the error code and the file that is causing the crash. And then you can try to replace the drivers on your own and return the system to its previous stable operation.

What to do if nothing helps?

1. The first thing we try to do when a blue screen appears is to press some keys on the keyboard (at least that's what the computer itself recommends). 99% that nothing will work out for you and you will have to press the reset button. Well, if nothing else remains - click ...

4. If the computer issues a blue screen directly at the time of the Windows boot, and not immediately after it (as in paragraph 2) - then most likely they were spoiled system files the OS itself. For recovery, you can even use standard system recovery utilities for checkpoints(by the way, in more detail -).

I hope at least one tip from this article will help you ...