Many users have difficulty using USB drives and external drives in an Apple system, especially if these components were previously disposed of under Windows. Let's take a closer look at why this happens and how to configure the equipment for full-fledged use with different operating systems.

External drives support different types of file systems.

Before figuring out how to format a flash drive on a Mac, it's important to know a few things about the types of major file systems:

  • NTFS. Popular in Windows system. If you connect a drive with NTFS to Mac device, then it will be possible to copy and read files from it, but to keep any record without third party programs will not work;
  • FAT. It is a fairly old system that was used by a celebrity even on DOS systems. Today it is supported not only by computers, but also by discs, players, and cameras. On Win and Mac, you can write and read FAT format files. The main disadvantage is the volume source files- 4 gigabytes and no more. This is usually the verdict for high definition films;
  • ExFAT. The only difference with FAT is that files can be of any size. Flash drive recorded in this format, will work equally well in different modern operating systems;
  • HFS+. It is also called Mac OS Extended, as the name implies, it is designed exclusively for Apple products. You can read information on Windows only with the help of special utilities.

There are several ways to resolve the issue of compatibility of drives on different operating systems. Let's consider them in more detail.

Disk partition

The disk can be divided into two separate partitions, which will have their own system. The solution is perfect for any hard drives and flash drives, all steps are performed in " Disk Utility". All you need to do is go to the "Disk Partition", select "2 volumes" in the partition scheme, and then decide how much volume the parts should occupy. In the same window, the format and name are set.

Should the device work on both Windows and Mac? Then you need to choose the right partition scheme. The MBR scheme is considered generic, APM and GUID are not suitable for Windows.

Remember that all information after pressing the "Apply" button will be deleted from the disk. We recommend that you transfer important files to a USB flash drive or disk in advance.

This method is considered quite successful for solving compatibility, but until the transfer of information from one partition to another: if you select different file systems, you will not be able to change files.

Formatting in MacOS

To change the file system to a flash drive, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • connect to the USB input;
  • click on "Disk Utility";
  • on the left side of the screen, select the section you are interested in, then click on the "Erase" tab;
  • come up with a name for the flash drive, select the system you are interested in. The best option for a universal drive is ExFAT or FAT.

Driver application

If you need to leave the NTFS format, but in order to fully work with it in any system, we recommend using a special driver. Using the NTFS-3G driver and OSXFuse, you can "make friends" two seemingly incompatible systems. Many programmers managed to master the method, but they argue that all these drivers and utilities need to be additionally configured to work effectively.


There are several types of file systems, some of which are not compatible with Mac OS. ExFAT is the best fit - this is " Universal Soldier”, the system makes it possible to view and overwrite information on different operating systems. To format drives, Mac has a special assistant - "Disk Utility".

Starting from the core and ending user interface, everything in the macOS operating system is significantly different from Windows. Even to hardware macOS has special requirements, which makes it very difficult to install this system on a non-Apple computer. Macs also use a different file system - HFS or HFS+.

However, these very different operating systems have something in common, for example, both Mac and Windows can read disks with the NTFS file system, but if you connect a disk with HFS or HFS + to a Windows computer, the system simply will not see it. Of course, nothing prevents you from converting the media's file system to NTFS, but what if the HFS disk needs to be left with the original file system? There are at least three ways to access an HFS or HFS+ drive from under Windows.

Installing Special Drivers

The method is very effective, as it allows not only to read, but also to write data. After installing such a driver, you will be able to work with an HFS disk in Windows in the same way as with other NTFS and FAT32 partitions and disks. The most popular driver is Paragon HFS+ for Windows. Works with MBR and GPT disks, supports data transfer via various interfaces, including SATA and USB, compatible with Windows 10.

Even more powerful and functional is the MacDrive driver. Including all the features of Paragon HFS+ for Windows, MacDrive also allows you to work with Time Machine backups, virtual machines, supports mounting Mac disks in Target Disk Mode. MacDrive also has a built-in manager with a convenient GUI to work with Mac disks. Both of these tools are paid. Paragon HFS+ for Windows license costs $12 (Trial 10 days) and MacDrive costs $50 (Trial 5 days).

File managers with HFS support

In addition to drivers that provide system-level HFS support, you can use special file managers, such as HFSExplorer or TransMac. They are not as convenient and functional as drivers, however, they provide access to HFS disks, and this is the most important thing. HFSExplorer displays the contents of Mac drives as a tree of objects that can be viewed and copied to NTFS drives. HFSExplorer recording is not supported, but the utility is completely free.

TransMac, unlike HFSExplorer, is paid, but more functional. The utility supports reading and writing, formatting partitions on HFS disks, converting DMG images to ISO, and also ISO recording and DMG images on CD/DVD/Blu-Ray discs. The contents of Mac disks in this program are also presented in a tree structure.

Using a Linux LiveCD

Well, the third way to get access to HFS disks invisible in Explorer is to boot a PC from LiveCD to Linux-based. It could be an installer Ubuntu disk, Mint or Dr.Web LiveDisk, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that, after booting from it, you can view all partitions and disks on your PC, including disks with the HFS and HFS + file systems, as well as copy the files on them to other location.

Have a great day!

Windows and macOS use different file systems hard drives for "Windows" it's NTFS, for "macos" it's HFS+ (in newer versions it has been replaced by ). External rigid disks and USB flash drives are formatted in another Windows-supported standard - FAT32, macOS "understands" this format. But…

In contact with

It often happens that an external drive or flash drive was created on a Mac not in FAT32 - and, therefore, Windows cannot read the information on the device. Below we will talk about how to "teach" the operating room Microsoft system understand other people's speech.

1. Install Apple HFS+ drivers (HFS+, read only)

If all you need from the files on the flash drive is reading, there is an option to install the appropriate software by Apple for Windows.

Important: make sure that there are no Paragon or MacDrive programs on your Windows computer before installing the drivers. If they are already installed, remove them.

Download the appropriate Apple HFS+ driver, then do the following:

  • Copy files ApplsHFS.sys and AppleMNT.sys in C:\Windows\System32\drivers
  • Merge File Add_AppleHFS.reg with your Windows registry.
  • Restart your computer.

The entire installation process is shown in detail in this video:

After rebooting, if everything is done correctly, your Windows PC should recognize the connected USB flash drive or external HDD.

2. HFSExplorer (HFS+)

Price: free

The only free solution to solve our problem.

Note: rights required to run Windows administrator and Java. Yes, ideally it would be nice to live without Java at all, but in this case you will either have to install it or pay money.

Using HFSExplorer is very easy. Simply connect your Mac-formatted external drive to your Windows computer, open the program, and then select File - Load File System From Device. HFSExplorer will automatically recognize, connect and open devices with the HFS+ file system. The files on the flash drive can be unzipped and transferred to Windows.

Note: keep in mind that HFSExplorer is for reading, i.e. You won't be able to change files on a Mac flash drive or delete them. In addition, the program does not integrate with Windows Explorer– files are available for work only in the HFSExplorer application, and for work they must first be copied to the Windows environment.

3. Paragon HFS+ for Windows and Paragon APFS for Windows (read and write)

Price: 1440 rubles, yes trial period for 10 days

We pay money - but we receive full access to read and write to a Mac flash drive connected to a Windows computer. In addition, work with files is carried out on high speed which cannot be said about previous program. Why, Paragon HFS+ (or APFS) for Windows integrates HFS+ (or APFS) with Windows Explorer! As a result, any application can read and write files to a formatted in an incomprehensible "Mac" format. This is convenient - and safe, because you do not need to install unsafe Java on your computer.

Useful advice: if you encounter "inaccessible_boot_device" error, boot into BIOS, specify IDEA in SATA settings, boot into Safe Windows mode, do a System Restore, then return to the BIOS and in the SATA section, put old setting- AHCI.

Read how to convert a disk from a macOS computer to a compatible one with Windows without losing the files and data stored on it. Today, Mac computers use the Apple HFS+ file system, which Windows unfortunately cannot recognize and cannot access without the help of third-party software. In addition, Macs can also create a protected "EFI" partition on these drives that can't be removed using normal disk partitioning tools.


Some discs are already being sold as discs in Mac- it just means they come with a file system Mac HFS+ instead of the usual formats "NTFS" or FAT32. Unlike Windows computers Mac can read disks with a file system "NTFS", and the disks with the system FAT32 can not only read but also write.

Back up drive data

If you are planning to convert Mac - formatted disk to disk for operating system Windows, then be sure to back up the disk data with the file system Mac if you have something important on it. In the future, when working with the disk, we will have to erase the contents of the disk and start from scratch. Therefore, all files on the disk will be deleted and any user data will disappear. Take care of the safety of your information in advance, if any, on your "Mac Disk".

If you have a computer Mac nearby, you can connect your drive to it and easily create backups files. If you only have computers with an operating system Windows, you can take the help of the application HFSExplorer to copy files from disk to system disk Windows or any other selected drive. Unfortunately for HFSExplorer you need to install Java but this is the only one free option. Very common on computers running Windows technology Java already installed. And although Java constantly updates to increase the level of security, there is still a risk of infection of the system. Therefore, at the end of copying files using HFSExplorer, you can delete Java or leave as you wish.

How to erase partitions Mac, including the system partition EFI

First open the tool "Disk Management" Windows. Press keyboard shortcut Windows+R to open the dialog "Run", enter on the command line "diskmgmt.msc" and press "OK" to open it. This tool allows you to manage all partitions on disks connected to your computer - internal, external or connected via USB.

Or use more in a simple way to access the tool "Disk Management" Windows. Press keyboard shortcut Windows+X or click right click mouse on button "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen, and in the pop-up window, select the section "Disk Management".

Find "Mac Disk" in the suggested list of disks. Make sure you define correctly "Mac Disk"– if you accidentally delete partitions from another drive, you may damage the installed operating system Windows or lose other important files on the selected drive.

If you're lucky, you can just right-click on each partition on the drive Mac and choose "Delete Volume" to remove sections. You can then right click into the empty space and select "Create Simple Volume" to create a partition and format it with file systems Windows "NTFS" or FAT32.

But this is not always the case. On disk Mac may be present "System EFI partition» . This partition is marked as protected, so you can't just right-click it and delete it - the delete option for such a partition will be disabled.

To clear this partition, we will have to erase the entire drive. This process erases all information on the drive, including its files and all of its partitions. First, pay attention to the disk number in the disk management window, remember it or write it down, as we will need it later when working in the window command line.

Then open the dialog box "Run" as an administrator. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut Windows+R, enter in the field cmd and press "OK" to open a command prompt window.

To do this in Windows 8 or Windows 7, press the keyboard shortcut Windows+X, and select section from the pop-up menu.

A command line window will open in front of you. Enter a command and press a key "Enter".

A new command line window will open diskpart.exe. In the window that opens, enter the command in the line and press the key "Enter" to view a list of all drives connected to your computer. Determine your number "Mac Disk" in the list. It must be the same as the disk number in the window "Disk Management".

Be sure to carefully check the correctness of the selected disk so that you do not accidentally erase information from another disk, which may lead to the destruction of the operating system or the loss of important data. Thus, you will save yourself from the long and painstaking work of reinstalling the system. Windows or recover deleted files.

Enter a command and press a key "Enter". To choose "Mac Disk", replace the symbol «#» to your chosen number "Mac Disk". For example, here we will enter the command . In the command line window diskpart.exe a confirmation message will appear "Disk 1 selected".

Finally, in the line enter the command clean and press the key "Enter". This command will allow you to clean up the entire selected drive, including all of its files and partitions, whether they are protected or not. After that, you will have an empty, uninitialized disk.

Now you can close the command line window diskpart.exe, as soon as the following message appears in front of you: "DiskPart: Disk cleanup completed successfully.".

Create a section "NTFS" or FAT32

Now you can open the window again "Disk Management". If you left it open, then you may need to do the following: On the main menu bar, click the tab "Action" and select section "Retry disk check" to update the data.

Find a cell "Mac Disk" in the list of all connected devices. It will be completely empty and you will see a message in the disk box "Not Initialized". Right click on it and select "Initialize Disk".

In the window "Disk Initialization" select partition style: master boot record "MBR" or table with GUID sections GPT and press "OK" to complete the process of creating a partition table for the drive. Almost always choose the main boot record "MBR", which is checked by default.

Right-click in Unallocated space on the initialized drive and select "Create Simple Volume". Use "Simple Volume Wizard" to select a drive letter and create a partition with a file system "NTFS" or FAT32.

PC and Mac have been quite tolerably “cooperating” for more than a year now. in the sense that the files different types for the most part work on both platforms, and are also transmitted over the Web.

But all "friendship" suddenly ends when it becomes necessary to download files via USB from an external hard drive and/or Mac flash drives to a Windows laptop or PC.

The reason is simple: Apple's HFS file system is not supported on Windows (although OS X Leopard already supports NTFS and you can connect Windows drives to Macs).

In this regard, users have to resort to the help of so-called third-party programs through which they can access files in the HFS, HFS+ and HSFX formats.

Another thing is that these programs are not officially free, and some are not even free at all. MacDrive, for example, is offered for $50.

However, if the task is worth it, only download data from external drive on a computer, and not write something from a computer to a disk, then you can do without cash injections, moreover, you can use a completely legal soft as a tool. It's called HFSExplorer, and you can download it from any online free software directory.

So, now about how to install and use HFSExplorer to copy files from Mac HFS disk in Windows 7.

So, we find and download HFSExplorer 0.21. By the way, you need to download the installer for Windows, as it will contain the Java SE Runtime Environment. We install and in the Start menu we see a new designation - HFSExplorer. We connect an external Mac drive (not forgetting to turn it on, if it has a switch).

HFSExplorer works with file systems HFS, HFS+ and HFSX. We start the program, ignoring notifications about the loss of the DLL file.

Next, select a drive: File -> Load file system from device . If only one hard drive is registered on your PC or laptop, then, most likely, external USB The Mac drive will appear in the list as Harddisk1/Partition1 , but it may be that the name will be like Harddisk2/Partition1 . If there is more than one partition on the external drive, then you will also need to specify the partition in which the files you need are located.

The contents of the selected Mac drive will be displayed in a tree view (similar to Windows Explorer).

Now, to copy files from the Mac disk, select them and click the " Extract ". Then go to the folder on your computer's hard drive (or other external drive) and click " Extract " there. Please note: at this stage, you will not be able to create a new folder, so you can only choose from the list of existing ones. After completing the procedure for copying files from a Mac disk, you can open them already on your computer.