1.Turn it into a TV tuner.

Many modern TV tuners, such as the Hauppauge WinTV GO-Plus, only require a 100 MHz CPU to play a TV signal in real time. But, in order for you to be able to record a video stream, you need a more powerful processor - about 700 MHz. But you can save your favorite programs in DVD quality, and you can use scheduled recording. All tuners are provided with the necessary software for recording. Most likely you want to watch TV programs not on the screen of an old monitor, but on your TV, then look at the ShowShifter tuners (at a price of about 30 pounds) and SageTV (about 40) - they are designed to be able to play a signal on a TV .

2. Help find a cure for cancer.

A distributed computing system is probably the most philanthropic application for an old PC. Some scientific projects require huge computer resources, so your old man, to the best of his ability, can help scientists analyze DNA strands to find cures for diseases such as cancer, or process data coming from satellites scanning outer space in search of extraterrestrial life.

3. Sell it.

Old computers depreciate quickly, so if you have something to sell, don't delay it. If you have a rare gizmo from computer innards, then you can put it up for an online auction (for example, eBay). There is a chance to get even more for old equipment than it actually costs.

4.Gift it.

Why not give this PC to your beloved great aunt? It doesn't matter that it won't be able to play video in high resolution, but he will quite cope with web browsing, displaying digital photos and will be able to run office applications. For a beginner, this is just what you need to delve into the intricacies of modern technology.

5.Recycle it.

According to the data research organizations, for the manufacture of one monitor, the manufacturer uses 240 kilograms of fossil fuels, 22 kilograms of chemicals and 1500 liters of water! Every year in environment 1.8 million tons of e-waste is thrown away.

In order to contribute in some way to the protection of nature, take your old PC to the nearest electronic equipment recycling center.

6. Fool the thief!

Put a 10-year-old, spattered coffee, time-yellowed PC with a proud “486” sticker somewhere in the most visible place in your home. If a thief gets into your house (we hope that this never happens, emoticon), he will first of all grab this “relic”, and will not even think that he was brazenly deceived.

7.Make it music Center.

Even an old processor is capable of playing digital music in WMA or MP3 format. And even on a small hard drive, a lot of music tracks will fit. If we add to this also powerful speakers, then you will get a real music center. And if you are using an ancient laptop, then this is generally wonderful. By the way, you can make music play with one press of the power button. To do this, put Windows Media Player (WMP) to autoplay, create a new playlist with all the songs on your PC, then set WMP to random play.

8. Donate to them.

We live in the 21st century, but still there are millions of children who have never seen a computer. Donate your old PC to any school, although, in principle, it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is that it can be used later. There are even special organizations that accept old computers for charity.

9.Use it as a game server.

If you like to play multiplayer games with friends, then it is best to use your own server, this will eliminate connection delays and evil moderators.

10.Use it as a test machine.

If you often encounter virus danger, then use an old PC as a testing machine. It can be used as a tool for downloading email attachments and programs from the Internet. You can install on old computer various programs, so it will be possible to evaluate the benefits of them before installing them on the main PC and avoid littering the system.

One day we are faced with the need to do something with an outdated and already unnecessary computer technology. Throw away? Sell? Spend the leftovers on a designer watch or keychain? This will be discussed further.

Indeed, the desire to "sell" usually collides with laziness, ranging from a reluctance to simply monitor prices to a phobia of talking to strangers on the phone. And to throw it out - you still need to get where you need to go! And this is not to mention the fact that most electrical equipment must be disposed of properly.

Sell ​​as is

The first thing that comes to mind is sales. If your equipment was kept in good condition, the desktop was periodically cleaned or purged, then all this can be sold for almost the same price that this filling is now worth. It’s easy to find out: just look at a public announcement site like Avito and estimate the average cost in your city, and then try to sell a little cheaper (even a price reduction of 50-100 rubles can bring profit).

It is not worth selling to repair offices and pawnshops, as it is less profitable. As a rule, the latter usually take half the price, and the former know perfectly well how much they will sell for and will try to convince you that you will not sell your pieces of iron for more than they do. It is clear that self-selling is preferable to such “intermediaries”.

For parts

You can try to sell partly failed equipment for spare parts - and again with the help of ads.

How to understand what old hardware can be sold for spare parts? Suppose your video card burned out, and it's a pity to throw it away: but if you look, it has an excellent heatsink. You can sell it at its price, since craftsmen who can adapt the old to the new are found in abundance.

And in the old dusty case, all or almost all the buttons usually work: they cleaned it of dust, wiped the metal parts with alcohol - and go ahead, for sale. In short, you can even sell tanning in Africa - there would be a desire.

Do it yourself

Here it is appropriate to talk about various exotic applications of spare parts. But here you already need the application of not the most crooked hands: for example, you can make an aquarium from a desktop case or an old CRT monitor. Of course, it is worth remembering that you will most likely have to cut the glass of the required size yourself, and also pay attention to the fact that the case does not turn out to be harmful plastic that will strangle the poor fish in the literal sense.

Alternatively, you can make from a CD Wall Clock(and use keyboard buttons as numbers), from a mouse - a drawn cat with a tail, rings from buttons, earrings and other decorations from capacitors. And this is not to mention the well-known key fobs from processors.

In general, fantasies have a place to turn around, they would necessary components at hand.

Server or media center

Oddly enough, a working PC no older than 15 years will perfectly cope with the playback of ordinary MP3s. It is enough to add a capacious hard drive to it (but be sure to check if the BIOS can handle such volumes!) And run speaker cables.

By the way, sound solutions built into the motherboard in ancient times were very far from even very cheap external ones, so it makes sense to get some cheap PCI or ISA sound card.

As for playing movies, the old computer is no longer suitable for this. Unfortunately for them, modern films in Full HD quality require serious powers of both the processor and the video card, and a 15-year-old "old man" simply cannot cope with this.

But the old computer can be used as a file or web server, on which your site and your own mail server will “spin”.

Nostalgia for the past

In fact, you can easily buy old computers from the 1990s yourself - they cost next to nothing today. And it will be a fully functional good old DX4-66 with a two-speed CD-ROM and a functioning CRT monitor with a diagonal of 14 or 15 inches (and if you're lucky, then with a "shield that protects against radiation").

However, you can buy it and generally “for pickup”, if you're lucky. But no, you won’t be able to sell it for a high price, and don’t dream: such rarities have not yet become them in full: perhaps in ten years it will be so, but not today.

In principle, you can try to sell an ancient PC (and a Mac will be immediately torn off with your hands) under the guise of “Retro of the middle of the last century”: the key to success is the correct presentation of your product.

And if you yourself want to buy something similar for yourself, then the cards are in your hands: from such a rare computer you can make a car for old games, put Full Throttle, Duke Nukem 3D or some kind of fighting game on it. Nostalgic for King's Quest 3, Leisure Suit Larry 5 or the Gabriel Knight trilogy? No problem: the old 386/486 can easily handle them and completely immerse you in the atmosphere of childhood.

And it is not necessary to take a desktop: if you have money, you can spend it on a laptop of those times, which have now reached the “rarity” condition and cost quite a lot. But they take up less space. Do you still remember how to use the trackball?

Thinking of buying a more powerful computer? But what to do with old equipment? We have compiled a list of five options and then we will tell you why you should not send your old computer to the scrap. Agree, while it works, there is always hope to find a good use case for it.

For many, it seems like a good idea to turn a computer into a home theater, but not everyone decides to take this step. But now that you have an "extra" computer, why not give it a try? It can handle video playback, launch downloaded files, and even, depending on the hardware, allow you to watch movies on DVD or Blu-ray. And if you have a projector in the hall, then the image can be displayed in an even larger format. And not only for video, but also, say, for games.

home broadcast

If you bought more powerful computer to replace, the old one can be used to run games remotely. Steam has a special mode when the image and sound, as well as all commands from the keyboard, mouse and other controllers are broadcast over the home network from the main computer to another device. Of course this will require quick connection standard 802.11n or 802.11ac, but on the other hand, you can play all modern games on an old computer and, if it is a laptop, move around the house calmly, and not be tied only to a powerful stationary computer.

Give to a child

Many parents prefer to give their child a tablet with limited access to protect you from unwanted information on the Internet. However, now you can allocate for the child whole computer. Why not? There is whole line operating systems designed specifically for young people, with appropriate design and functionality. This is one of the most simple ways introduce the child to high technologies and help to begin to navigate in computer world.

Web server

If you have your own website, then why not host it on your own web server? If you have a free computer and constant access to the Internet, it will not be difficult to organize such an option. Thus, you can significantly save on hosting costs. However, it is worth bearing in mind that if the site has a large audience of daily visitors, then owning a web server, especially on older equipment, is unlikely to be a good idea due to the generation of too much traffic.

Home storage

Another scenario for using an old computer is to create a single server for exchanging files between devices in home network. It will act as a storage where you can place anything you want: music, videos, photos and other content. As for the implementation of such an idea, there is a considerable amount of various special software. Thus, all files will be in one place and can be accessed from any device at home.

Which of these methods are you planning to use? (or already used) you? Maybe you have other options? Write in the comments.

Work and leisure turns into a headache for each user when his computer - old - is not able to work with a new operating system or an updated one. software including games. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, and there are many ways to correct the current situation. True, this will require a small investment. From this article, the user will learn about the many ways to make an obsolete electronic friend work faster.

The secrets that the processor hides

Firstly, we are talking about crystals that have an unlocked multiplier, otherwise it is unlikely that anyone will be able to increase the performance of the core. Any operating room Windows system for older computers, be it 7th, 8th or 10th version, require that the processor frequency be at least 2 GHz for single-core systems and 1.2 GHz for chips with multiple cores. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on these indicators.

It is better to start overclocking the processor with the BIOS interface, because it has ready-made and free equipment. By going to the “Power BIOS Features” tab and finding the “CPU Configuration” menu, you can step by step increase the frequency of the “CPU CLOCK” processor. You need to start small - 33 MHz in one step is a serious increase for any processor. You can also play with a multiplier (if its menu is active). Naturally, this parameter must be changed step by step (in one unit).

There are also many utilities for overclocking. They can be found on the motherboard manufacturer's website. However, their effectiveness is often reduced to zero due to the impossibility of determining the installed processor, because, by the standards of the manufacturer, the crystal is obsolete and is not supported by software.


Many online publications note that for Windows installation 7, two gigabytes of RAM is enough for an old computer, but few people specify that this entire resource is needed only for stable operation the system itself. The user has nothing left for his programs and games (even a regular antivirus will not be able to work fully). The PC owner needs to navigate at least 3-4 GB.

You can determine the possibility of improvement programmatically without disassembling the system unit. You will need a specialized program (AIDA, SiSoft Sandra, etc.). By launching the application and going to the "Summary information" menu, the user will be able to find out how many RAM slots he has, the number of installed modules, their capacity and the capabilities of the motherboard in terms of the maximum amount of memory support. Based on the data received, the owner will understand whether he has the opportunity to increase the RAM resource.

The weak link in any productive system

It may seem strange to many, but it is the hard drive that can slow down the operation of any PC, especially if the computer is old. There is only one solution: replace the hard drive with a more productive device. In most cases, judging by the numerous user reviews, the problem is solved by installing an SSD drive.

True, to mount a solid state drive, you need to worry about connectivity, because the device works via the SATA II / III interface. If the old computer has only an IDE connector, then you can forget about the upgrade. Many experts claim that motherboards The old model has a PCIex1 slot, but a drive with this interface is comparable in cost to that of a new computer. By the way, when disassembling the case, you need to be extremely careful and remember what and where it is connected, otherwise the owner will have new problem- how to reconnect an old computer to make it work. Many inexperienced users forget about this.

Software part

In addition to the hardware, the problem with system braking can be solved without replacing computer parts. Very often, users complain about the slow operation of programs for surfing the Internet or when communicating on social networks. There are actually many such calls, and only a browser for older computers can solve the issue. QtWeb, BrowZar, and K-Meleon have performed well.

The only negative that is often found in user reviews is the lack of forms for saving passwords. As a result, every time you enter the page social networks A person needs to constantly enter a username and password. But still, it is better to work comfortably than to wait for each page to be updated for several minutes.

Caching Issues

Sometimes, in order for the browser for older computers to work more efficiently, you need to disable indexing of hard drives in addition. To do this is simple:

  • open "My Computer";
  • put the cursor on system drive(default "C");
  • press the alternative mouse button (right for right-handers);
  • select "Properties";
  • in the lower part of the window that opens, uncheck the box next to the inscription: "Allow indexing";
  • press the "OK" button.

On slow computers, the procedure for de-indexing may take more than one hour, but the result after disabling the function will be noticeable immediately. Also to improve performance hard drive It is recommended to regularly clean the system from junk files- drive "C" should have a lot free space(a fifth of the total capacity for sure). The user will not interfere with defragmentation, which can be done using the same menu where media indexing was turned off. The "Service" tab just contains a useful function.

Problems with the power supply of the system unit

Often, when upgrading the system, especially when adding new components, the old ones are not able to supply the right voltage. The best option for the owner would be to purchase a more powerful PSU, but sometimes the problem is solved in a slightly different way. Unused components can be connected to power: a cooling fan, an FDD magnetic drive, a non-working CD-ROM, a sound card, a TV-Tuner - anything.

Naturally, the user will have to decide which component he needs to get rid of. The FDD drive has lost attention in the last decade, it needs to be disconnected first. With additional fans in the case, if you do not want to turn them off, you can do something else: switch the cooler consumption from 12 to 5 Volts. This is easy to do: the red cable from the fan must be installed in the terminal opposite the red wire of the connector coming from the PSU (by default, contact is made with the yellow cable).

Is it all bad?

Many owners, when thinking about where to rent an old computer, lose sight of one interesting feature - the cost of working elements for old PCs, albeit used ones, is quite high in the secondary market (for example, for old-style RAM, many sellers ask for the same how much does a modern one cost). it main feature secondary market, because it is easier for many owners to buy one spare part than to spend money on acquiring a whole system block.

Therefore, before giving away your obsolete PC for next to nothing, many professionals recommend reading ads in the media (“Buy” section). It may be possible to profitably sell your "iron friend" in parts. The motherboard with the installed processor is of great value, RAM, discrete video adapter AGP and HDD with IDE interface. Naturally, all of the listed items must be in working order.

Specialized firms

If the user is interested in where to take the old computer, then a specialized workshop or a similar store falls under the recommendations, of which there are countless in every city in our country. However, before going to such a company, the owner needs to find out some features of such organizations.

  1. If we are talking only about selling an old computer, then you should not count on a large amount. In fact, such a solution would be completely unprofitable for the user.
  2. In workshops that improve weak computer, things are better. The user will install a more productive part minus the cost of the old one. Sometimes workshops offer the same used spare parts. You should not refuse if the seller gives a guarantee of at least 1 month.
  3. There are also organizations that take spare parts for sale (thrift stores). Out of ignorance (or unwillingness to read the contract), many owners simply donate their old computer to the company. After all, the user has to pay for renting a shelf in such stores, and the cost is deducted from the price of spare parts.

can not be

It is not worth sending to the dump a PC that is not interesting even for specialized organizations, because there are many interesting solutions that suggest what to do with an old computer. First of all, the steel case of the system unit (without spare parts) is actively used by the owners as a home barbecue (you can even fix the pot). There are few valuable materials in the block, but it will be possible to collect 200-300 grams of aluminum or copper. There will be application in everyday life and working fans. You can think of anything: an aquarium, a terrarium, a cage for rodents, a bedside table - there are many options.


If the computer is old - this is not a sentence, but rather the emergence of a new and interesting hobby, which many owners just lack in life. It would be a fantasy, but everyone can find a use for their favorite PC without outside help. It is better, of course, that the computer does not break down and is always in working condition. The main thing is that the reader understands that there are no hopeless situations.

August 26, 2010 09:30

Gold is present in many elements of the motherboard: IDE connectors, PCI slots Express, PCI, AGP, ISA and other ports, in jumpers, in the processor socket and DIMM slots (SIMM on older motherboards). All of these connectors are often plated with a thin layer of gold a few microns thick.


Title="(!LANG:Gold is present in many elements of the motherboard: IDE connectors, slots for PCI Express, PCI, AGP, ISA and other ports, in jumpers, in the processor socket and DIMM slots (SIMM on older motherboards). All these connectors are often plated with a thin layer of gold a few microns thick.


To conduct experiments, you need a large number of contacts - they were just provided by our "donor" motherboards.

Chemical reagents and tools are also needed.

After the gold has been separated from the contacts, the bath must be allowed to settle. Then you should remove as much sulfuric acid as possible, after which you can begin to dissolve the residues at the bottom of the electrolytic cell.

We have a solution of sulfuric acid, various metals (including gold) and waste that needs to be filtered. Why not filter the acid directly without diluting it? Simply due to the fact that paper filters will not resist concentrated sulfuric acid.

A mixture of different metals and waste will remain in the filter. Now we will dissolve all this in a mixture of 35% hydrochloric acid and 5% chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite), in a ratio of 2: 1. 2 HCl + NaClO -> Cl2 + NaCl + H2O

Title="(!LANG:A mixture of different metals and waste will remain in the filter. Now we will dissolve all this in a mixture of 35% hydrochloric acid and 5% chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite), in a ratio of 2: 1. 2 HCl + NaClO -> Cl2 + NaCl + H2O">!}

In fact, we will use chlorine, which was released as a result of mixing hydrochloric acid and chlorine bleach, to dissolve gold in the form of gold chloride III.2 Au + 3 Cl2 -> 2 AuCl3

Now we need to filter again. The filter will retain all waste, leaving only the gold chloride III solution.

To get metallic gold, we need to precipitate it in solution. For this purpose, we will use powdered sodium metabisulphite. In the presence of water, sodium metabisulphite gives sodium bisulfite. Na2S2O2 + H2O -> 2 NaHSO3 It is sodium bisulfite that will allow us to precipitate gold. 3 NaHSO3 + 2 AuCl3 + 3 H2O -> 3 NaHSO4 + 6 HCl + 2 Au

Title="(!LANG:To get metallic gold, we need to precipitate it in solution. For this purpose, we will use powdered sodium metabisulphite. In the presence of water, sodium metabisulfite gives sodium bisulfite. Na2S2O2 + H2O -> 2 NaHSO3 It is sodium bisulfite that will allow us precipitate gold 3 NaHSO3 + 2 AuCl3 + 3 H2O -> 3 NaHSO4 + 6 HCl + 2 Au">!}

We must let the solution settle, after which we will get a gray powder at the bottom of the beaker. Don't waste a single grain - it's metallic gold!

As a result, we got a nice golden shot! Is it possible to call our process economically justified? Definitely not. It only makes sense on an industrial scale. The little gold pellet we received is worth only two or three dollars at current prices. And, frankly, the companies that extract gold from old computers use other technologies and chemicals that are even more dangerous. But, you must admit, it's still interesting to know that you can get gold from the motherboard at home. You can also get gold from expansion cards, processors and chipsets.