Probably, every radio amateur at home accumulates a small warehouse of restored electronic equipment over the years. Since people, having learned that you are a radio amateur, bring broken equipment and leave it with words, it will probably come in handy for you. Part of the equipment goes for spare parts, and part, if possible, for restoration. Most of such equipment remains after restoration, although it may seem rubbish to someone, a piece of labor has been invested in each device, although it can be attached to this moment nowhere, it happens and it takes place. Although, what can be attached is attached at a symbolic price according to acquaintances, as garage and country options, radio, acoustic and computer technology. In restoration, first of all, sports interest, and after that the question of implementation arises.

Recently I was given this subwoofer from computer speakers, without speakers - satellites, without outdoor unit power supply and cable connection to the sound card of the computer. The power of the subwoofer speaker, according to the inscriptions on it, is 15 watts. On the sides there are “satellites” taken from separate non-working speakers Genius-205B, they did not restore them, the transformer burned out there. The board and transformer were removed from them, and the holes on the front panel of one of the speakers were sealed with a piece of office paper and adhesive tape. Were also soldered to the speaker contacts of the wire from the cable 2 tulips.

The power of the speakers 2 x 2 watts for the satellites was found to be sufficient during the listening process. I connected the power supply from the scanner, it gave out, judging by the inscriptions on it, 18 Volts, 1 Ampere. There just was a suitable connector, and the polarity of the connector also came up. When the subwoofer was turned on, it turned out that the speaker switch was faulty, at least it worked unstably, its contacts, which closed, were closed by me, soldered 2 wire jumpers.

Also, when connecting the power supply from the scanner, a background, a hum, was heard. Apparently the filter in the power supply was unimportant. After I soldered a 2200 uF x 25 Volt electrolytic capacitor to the pins of the power supply connector, the hum disappeared.

The wire going to the subwoofer speaker was glued by me with adhesive tape to the ring magnet of the speaker so that nothing dangled and there were no extraneous sounds when listening.

Further, since I did not have an audio cable Jack 3.5 - Jack 3.5 for connecting to acoustics and a computer sound card, I used a self-made shielded cable. A 3.5 Jack plug was soldered to one end of the cable to connect to the computer's sound card. The other end of the audio cable was soldered directly to the pins on the jack 3.5 connector board. On the cable coming out of the acoustics, I tied a knot that prevents the cable from pulling out if someone pulls on the cable cord.

Ordinary, non-professional speakers are a fairly simple device with a small number of components.

Replacing one of them is a simple task for a person who has skills in working with radio and electrical engineering, and feasible for someone who knows how to solder and theoretically knows how removable sound output equipment works.

However, in many cases you won't even need to change the speaker or transformer. A malfunction may not be caused by a failure of some part, but by an easily fixable failure.

Types of faults

Faults are divided into software failures, hardware failures and connection problems. The latter include: incorrectly inserted or dropped plug, plug, lack of power supply, etc.


The reason is that a healthy sound card is not processing or transmitting data correctly. This may be due to the lack of a driver or its incorrect operation. You need to go to the official website of the manufacturer sound card and download latest version. If, on the contrary, the devices stop functioning after the update, you should install previous version driver, which is also on the official website.


The problem is the failure of one or more elements of the device. It can be a speaker, a transformer, a switch, etc. To find a breakdown, you need to diagnose. To do this, first eliminate the most easily fixable failures, and then check all the elements with a multimeter.

Causes of failure

It is important to know the reasons in order to decide on the feasibility of repair and in the future to prevent the occurrence of such a problem.

The most common reasons are:

Popular faults

There are some of the most common types of faults (for example, rear exit). Some of them can be fixed on your own. To do this, you first need to understand what happened. It is not always possible to visually find a breakdown, so you should pay attention to the symptoms - the characteristic signs of each type of failure.

Damage to the wire near the plug

If the cord is frequently kinked, its conductive core may be damaged. Devices will be disconnected and will not work. The weakest points are near the plug and near the case, next to the hard elements.

You need to inspect the wire and try to change its position several times. If the sound appears and disappears, this means that a faulty element has been detected. Sometimes it is enough to straighten the cord, but most likely you will have to change it for a new one.

Speaker failure

A relatively rare malfunction, but the possibility of this breakdown should not be discounted.

To believe the performance of this part of the structure, you need to “ring” it with a multimeter. The nominal impedance is marked on the speaker cabinet. If the measurement result differs from the nominal value, the reason non-working state is a speaker. It needs to be replaced.

Break in the windings of the transformer

Both the primary and secondary windings can be damaged. In any case, you should check whether the actual resistance corresponds to the value indicated by the manufacturer.

Photo: standard view of the transformer

If the transformer is defective, it must be replaced with a new one. The spare part is difficult to repair, it is not worth using a used one, no matter how good it is.

Sound switch failure

Pretty common failure. Sometimes it can be detected without disassembling the equipment. If the switch changes its position too easily, without the slightest resistance, then most likely the reason is precisely in it.

If there is no visible damage, you need to make sure that the power goes normally through the switch further down the network.

Video: Computer speaker repair

General rule: start with simple actions. It makes sense to open the case, check the circuit with a multimeter and look for a failed element after external causes are completely excluded.

Devices may be working, but there is no sound due to the fact that, for example, the plug has fallen out of the socket;

  1. if everything worked fine and the sound suddenly disappeared, check all connections: plugs, plug. If there is a connection to a laptop connected to the network, make sure that there is electricity. The laptop runs on battery power, and you may not immediately notice that there is no light;
  2. if the indicator lights up properly, indicating that they are on, but there is no sound, check the volume control. Perhaps it is set to a minimum, and therefore you do not hear a quiet audio recording;

    Photo: checking the volume controls

  3. if one speaker sounds and the other does not, check the sound settings on your computer. The balance slider should not be strongly shifted in any direction, its normal position is in the middle of the scale;
  4. check if the headphones connected to the computer and, preferably, the microphone are working. If both of these devices are functioning normally, the problem really lies in the speaker system;

    Photo: headphone jack

  5. connect the devices to the phone or to the player. If they work, it means that the problem is not in them, but in the sound card of the computer or in the software;
  6. if there is noise, then make sure the plug is inserted into the correct socket. You also need to check if the settings have gone astray;
  7. Noise can also be caused by damage to the speaker. It is necessary to check its integrity after the reasons described in the previous paragraph are excluded;

  8. without a multimeter, you can check the speaker, but if the problem is not in it, it will be difficult to move on without this measuring tool;
  9. to test the speaker, connect its contacts to a regular 1.5 V battery, plus to plus, minus to minus. If the speaker is working, you will hear a rustle and notice a small aperture shift;

  10. when it became known for sure that the problem lies in the hardware of the speakers, you need to “ring out” the circuit with a multimeter and find the failed element;
  11. wires during repair must be connected only by soldering. You can't just twist them or use terminals;

  12. all wire connections must be insulated, you can use electrical tape.

How to check if speakers are working on a computer

Properly functioning devices output clear sound with well-defined tones and minimal distortion. There should be no noise, cod, metal "impurities", including at minimum and at maximum volume. To check the sound quality, you need to listen to both music and speech through them, and then draw conclusions.

The audio system must respond correctly to changes in settings. It is necessary to check not only the software volume control, but also all other parameters.

So, repairing the equipment is easy. The most that needs to be done is to find a spare part and install it in place of the failed element. In cheap, low-quality sound boxes, the weak link is usually the transformer. A suitable one can be bought at almost any radio parts store.

In expensive professional speakers that are equipped with sound processing systems, it is more difficult to figure it out. Before starting repairs, you need to find a diagram of this or a similar device. A malfunction of such equipment may be due to the wear of the speaker or the failure of the capacitor.

Please note that expensive high-quality speakers from reputable manufacturers usually have a fairly long warranty. If its period has not expired, you need to contact the warranty center. There, the malfunction will be fixed or the device will be replaced with a new one.

Even the highest quality speakers are not immune to breakage. They can be caused by a variety of reasons. If the speaker suddenly stops making sound, and during the diagnostics of the speaker system it became clear that the reason for this is some kind of internal breakdown of the speaker, it is not at all necessary to contact service center and even more so to go buy new equipment.

Nowadays, it is very easy to repair a column - all spare parts are available for sale, it remains only to find the necessary tools and carefully study the technology of column repair. To make sure everything works out, you can watch the corresponding video and simply follow the proposed instructions step by step.

If you have difficulty disassembling the speakers, you can read.

Types of speaker malfunctions

The main part of any speaker is a dynamic radiator, which converts an electrical signal into sound waves. It also breaks down most of the time. What are the most common speaker problems?

All breakdowns of emitters are usually associated with three main reasons:

  • incorrect operation;
  • factory marriage - the use of low-quality parts or errors when assembling the device;
  • natural wear and tear of acoustic equipment.

Attributing a breakdown to one of the reasons is very simple - in the event of a marriage during production, speakers, as a rule, break down within a short time after purchase, natural wear, on the contrary, takes a very long time - with proper use, even cheap high-quality speakers can last at least ten years . Thus, a sudden breakdown most often refers to errors when working with speakers.


The main cause of breakdowns during the operation of speakers is non-compliance with the permissible power limit of the signal supplied to the emitter. Most often this is due to the fact that the user is mistaken in determining the power of the speaker and amplifier. This is quite simple to do, since power can be calculated in several ways. The values ​​of effective, sinusoidal and amplitude powers can be strikingly different from each other - the excess when taking into account the wrong type of power can exceed 200%. Of course, the column burns out the first time you turn it on.

Overloading dynamic drivers is very common in loudspeakers with multiple drivers. In such a speaker, the power of the electrical signal may not be properly distributed between the tweeter, mid-range speaker and subwoofer. As a rule, the victim of such a problem is twitter, which requires significantly less power than its counterparts. The power of the tweeter is usually no more than 1/10 of the total power of the speaker. If the user tries to apply more current to the tweeter by boosting the ultra-high frequencies too much with the EQ, the fragile high-frequency driver can break instantly.

In addition to electrical problems, there may be mechanical damage any dynamic element. Usually it is protected by a fabric or metal decorative grille, but damage to the emitter, however, is quite simple. The cap that protects the device from dust, the diffuser suspension and the membrane itself can be damaged - a thin film, often paper, which is extremely easy to tear or pierce. The consequences of these damages can be very serious: alignment is disturbed, due to which the coil or sleeve breaks - sound reproduction becomes physically impossible. The displacement of the core from the center of the speaker leads to the same result - in this case, the most important parts of the device get stuck in a magnetic trap.

As a rule, very careless handling of the speakers leads to such breakdowns - most often, the device falls. In this case, they can be damaged as fragile portable speakers from not the most durable materials, and massive floorstanding speakers with high power. Although the latter, of course, are better protected from mechanical damage.

Manufacturing defects

All parts of the column are usually glued together, and improper gluing can cause fixed parts to move out of their places. Even a diffuser may come off, as a result of which it will not be possible to vibrate and, accordingly, receive sound waves. Poor fastening of moving parts and wires significantly reduces the resource of the speaker, and natural wear occurs too quickly.

natural wear and tear

The most fragile parts of the device - the suspension and flexible leads - that is, the diffuser holder and the wire leading the signal to the coil, suffer the most from wear when properly assembled.


It seems that it is very easy to distinguish mechanical damage from electrical damage - just remove the protective panel and inspect the speaker for damage. If everything is in order with the integrity of the parts, then the breakdown is related to electrical part. However, it is difficult to distinguish some types of breakdowns by ear and eye - for example, a malfunction of the flexible output of the coil. In this case, most often the sound does not disappear completely - the column can emit extraneous sounds and shut up from time to time.

To determine the breakdown of the flexible output, as well as coil malfunctions, an ohmmeter is used, connected to the speaker terminals with a static membrane. If the arrow starts to twitch, the problem is here. To fix the breakdown, you will have to disassemble the speaker, separate the broken parts and put in new ones - you can buy them at any radio engineering store.

With a generator low frequencies and infrasound, you can calculate the unstuck coil, part of its turns, as well as the diffuser that has moved away from the suspension. In this case, extraneous sounds will appear. They will be heard at a certain frequency when the damaged part of the speaker comes into resonance with the sound.

As for more serious breakdowns, they are calculated much easier - even special tools are not needed:

  • gently shake the speaker - if something rolls inside, it means that the coil has fallen off the sleeve;
  • take a closer look at the diffuser - if it moves reluctantly, then the effect of the coil on it has decreased - probably due to the displacement of the coil, the sleeve is stuck between the magnets;
  • if the membrane does not move, it is possible that the coil is stuck with the sleeve due to the displacement of the core.

In the last two cases, the repair consists in releasing the sleeve, then disassembling the device and eliminating the cause of the problem. It is impossible to disassemble the speaker while the sleeve is between the magnets - this can also damage the diffuser membrane.

Replacement of pigtails

Repair can be carried out in two situations - with free access to the terminals, in which case disassembly of the speaker is not required, and with the device closed. In the first case, of course, the repair is much simpler. Due to the presence of magnets inside the speaker, it is advisable to use a tool that is not made of steel, if one is available, since magnetizing it can damage the membrane or cap.

The pigtail is bonded to the solenoid coil's own wiring. To separate these parts, you need to warm up the place of gluing with a soldering iron and carefully tear off the old pigtail from the coil. Care must be taken not to damage serviceable parts.

New lead is best purchased from speaker replacement parts suppliers. But you can make it with your own hands - for this, any stranded copper wire with the same cross section as the original part is used. Its twist must be made the same as that of the flexible output being replaced. All cores are glued together with special glue and tinned. Then the spare part must be glued to the coil output and securely fixed on the inner surface of the diffuser.

Speaker disassembly to replace parts

The complexity of disassembly depends only on the type of glue used in the manufacture of the emitter. If the structure was fastened with epoxy, disassembling the device can be very problematic. But if the applied glue dissolves with acetone or alcohol, you can safely proceed to repair work. It is advisable to use acetone, even if the glue dissolves better with ethyl acetate - its toxicity is much lower, so the work will be safer for health.

Disassembly goes in the following order:

  • The hanger is peeling off. This must be done carefully so as not to damage it. Under the suspension, acetone is carefully poured with a pipette. When the glue begins to dissolve, a match or toothpick is inserted into the unstuck place as a backup. Moving around the entire circumference, in the same way we peel off the entire suspension.
  • The centering washer is peeled off. This can be done either from the body side or from the diffuser side.

After removing these two parts will open full access to the interior of the speaker. Then it will be possible to repair any of its parts: it is best to remove and replace them, although you can try and replace, for example, winding the coil with your own hands. However, without the experience of such work, the result is unlikely to be satisfactory.

Speaker repair: video

Computer speakers can always fail, especially if the user preferred an unknown manufacturer. Many people simply buy new equipment to replace the old one, but this is not the most best way out out of the situation. There are dozens different methods restoration of the speakers. How to fix the column in your case? You will most likely find the answer below.

Speaker device

The main purpose of audio output devices is to amplify weak signal, which the equipment receives from the audio card personal computer. The speakers are a stereo audio amplifier. You can classify the entire filling into three blocks:

  • Power Supply.
  • Stereophonic audio frequency power amplifier.
  • Multiple speakers.

Important! Such devices are powered by a 220 volt network. But there are cases when the equipment is powered by a USB port with a voltage of 5 volts. And devices are connected to a computer, as a rule, using the well-known 3.5 mm jack.

Types of repairable breakdowns

To fix the column, you first need to do diagnostics:

  1. Plug the devices into the network or USB port. If the diode is on, then the UMZCH (audio frequency amplifier) ​​is working and is working quite well.
  2. Feel the 3.5mm exit with your fingertip. Serviceable speakers will emit a background of 50 Hertz. You will not confuse this buzz with anything.

Important! If there is no noise, then the problem may be: a 3.5 mm plug or UMZCH. The latter, as a rule, breaks very rarely, so take care of the plug first.

How to fix a music speaker? different case require different actions. Let's talk about some of them.

Only one column failed

It often happens that only one column fails.

Important! The breakdown can be caused by a broken contact in the plug and socket of the computer's audio card.

In order to get rid of the problem, you must do the following:

  1. Disconnect all devices from the mains. Precautions come first.
  2. Take a cotton pad or piece of cloth, moisten it with industrial alcohol and wipe the plug thoroughly.
  3. If the problem persists, you will have to replace the plug itself.

It happens that the work of the speakers in the speakers themselves is disrupted. You need to be able to define it.

Checking speaker performance

Do-it-yourself computer speaker repair is not the trickiest thing, but you need to know what we are facing. Let's talk about the rarest breakdown in speakers for computers - this is the breakdown of the speakers themselves.

Important! According to statistics, most often the cable is erased or the contact in the plug is broken, which breaks the speaker.

If you suspect that the problem is in the speakers, then it is very easy to check its performance. To do this, follow the following instructions:

  • Get a digital multimeter or analog tester.
  • Expose to measuring device measurement limit of 200 ohms.
  • Upon contact of the probe and the speaker, a value should be displayed that does not exceed 16 ohms.

Important! You can look at the speaker itself, it should indicate the value of its resistance: 4, 8 or 16 ohms.

  • If the values ​​differ from the nominal ones, then the speaker is broken. But do not be upset, because its cost on the radio market does not even exceed $ 2.

Important! If you do not have a multimeter or any other tester and are not expected to, connect a battery of one and a half volts. A working speaker will delight you with signs of life when touched with a battery.

Changing wires and plugs

The speaker plug is broken, how to fix it? There is nothing complicated here either. You just need to know how to replace.

Important! Purchase the plug and wires for stereo speakers only. In other words, the sound must necessarily be divided into two channels.

The plug is also made using stereo technology. The seller will be able to tell you where and how many outputs are available in each plug from the range. But the wire must be necessarily three or four-core.

Important! The easiest way to install new components is soldering, and in fact it is the only one. No twisting will help to achieve a good effect.

Eliminate the rustling in the columns

The most budget models of audio systems are equipped with adjustable potentiometers. These are the most conventional resistors with adjustable resistance. With the help of a special slider, the physical quantity is changed electrical resistance. New and high-quality speakers provide silence during such actions, but the lubricant dries in them over time, which leads to the appearance of foreign sounds and sparks transmitted through the UMZCH.

In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to acquire a special tool and lubricate the “track” in the potentiometer with it. If you do not want to poke around in the insides, you can take the equipment to the service and replace the annoying part for a small amount.

But if you have read up to this point, then most likely you will fix all the problems yourself. Do-it-yourself computer speaker repair will not only save money, but will also provide a unique and useful experience for future equipment repair.

Lubricate the volume control

First you need to take apart the column in which the potentiometer is mounted. Using a soldering iron, it must be soldered and disassembled. Difficulties at work depend not only on you. The manufacturer very often hacks in production.

After all the disassembly, you need to do the following:

  1. We remove the old agent from the track of the potentiometer.
  2. We clean the entire surface area from dirt and dust accumulations. It is best to use the most common school gum.
  3. We take technical vaseline and apply it to the track.
  4. It remains only to assemble the volume control and solder it back.

Breakdown of computer speakers is a very common occurrence. Some users simply solve this problem by replacing with obviously working speakers, but this method is not always the only correct one. Fortunately, there are many effective methods for repairing speakers that every home master can reproduce.

The main purpose of the speakers is to amplify the weak audio signal coming from the computer's sound card. By design, any computer speakers are a stereo amplifier. audio frequency. By design, the entire electronic filling can be divided into 3 main blocks: a power supply, a stereo UMZCH (audio frequency power amplifier) ​​and a passive acoustic system as 2 speakers. The speakers are powered, as a rule, either from a 220V network, or from USB port along the 5 volt line. The audio input of the speakers is connected to the computer sound card via a stereo cable with a 3.5 mm stereo plug at the end.

The main breakdowns that can be fixed with your own hands

First, you need to make an initial diagnosis. Try to turn on the speakers to the mains 220V. If we are talking about additional speakers from a laptop, then you need to connect the power via USB. The illuminated operation indication LED may indirectly indicate the operability of the circuits. power supply UMZCH.

Second, try touching the end of the 3.5mm stereo plug with the most common diagnostic tool, your finger. For serviceable speakers, such a touch should cause a serious background of 50 Hz pickup. The buzz should be pronounced. If there is no such background, then this indicates either a violation of the integrity of the audio wire, or a breakdown of the 3.5 mm plug, or a failure of the UMZCH. Moreover, UMZCH - an audio frequency power amplifier fails extremely rarely, first of all, check the wires and the plug.

What to do if one of the columns does not work

It happens that one of the speakers works quite well, while the second one completely refuses to reproduce any sounds. Basically, this breakdown is a violation of the contact in the plug and socket of the sound card. The problem is solved very simply: we wipe the plug with technical alcohol. You can radically solve the problem by replacing the plug.

How to check if speakers are working in speakers

The rarest breakdown in computer speakers is the failure of the speakers. Practice shows that the cable is more likely to fray or the contact in the plug is broken than the speaker will break. If your suspicions still fell on the speaker, then checking its performance is not difficult. The simplest method is to measure the resistance of the winding under direct current. It is most reasonable to use either a digital multimeter or an analog tester for such diagnostics. We expose the device to the measurement limit of 200 ohms. When connecting a multimeter to a working speaker, a reading should be displayed that does not exceed 16 ohms. As a rule, the resistance value is written on the speaker itself. Standard values: 4,8,16 ohms. Any significant deviation from the nominal resistance indicates a breakdown of the speaker. This "sore" is treated by the replacement method. Fortunately, the cost of a speaker in a computer column rarely exceeds 100 rubles. If you don't have a multimeter, you can check the suspicious speaker by connecting a 1.5V battery. In a working speaker, when such a battery is connected, the diaphragm should move forward with a characteristic click and rustle.

How to replace wire and plug

Let's make a reservation right away that you need to buy a plug and wire for stereo audio systems, that is, the sound must be divided into 2 channels. In order for us to fully enjoy the surround sound, the sound is fed to the input of the amplifier not through 2 wires, but through four. The plug is also made using stereo technology. When choosing a plug, ask the seller for one where there are 3 outputs: 1 - common wire, 2 - first phase (right channel), 3 - second phase (left channel). A 3.5 mm mono plug is not suitable for our purposes, since there are only 2 contacts: 1 - common wire, 2 - phase (mono signal). The wire must be either three or four wire. In a 4-wire arrangement we have 2 separate common lines and 2 separate phases, while in a 3-wire arrangement we have 1 common ground and 2 separate phases. The two-wire circuit is unsuitable for our purposes. All wires are connected to the plug by soldering. No twists work reliably here.

The stages of sealing and soldering the cable to the plug are shown in the photographs.

How to eliminate rustling in the speakers when adjusting the volume

AT budget models speakers for computers and laptops use adjustable type potentiometers. In fact, these are resistors in which there is a resistance adjustment. A special slider, moving along the conductive part of such a potentiometer, physically changes the value of its electrical resistance. In new speakers, of course, this change occurs very smoothly and quietly, but over time the lubricant dries out, therefore, rustling and microscopic sparking occurs, which is transmitted in an enhanced form through the UMZCH to the speakers. The problem is solved either by lubricating the potentiometer, or by replacing it.

How to lubricate a potentiometer (volume control)

First you need to disassemble the column where the potentiometer is installed - the volume control. Then we solder the potentiometer and disassemble it. The complexity of soldering and the non-triviality of disassembly and assembly directly depend on the manufacturer and brand of speakers. After disassembling the column, do the following:

1. We remove the old grease from the track.

2. We clean the entire working surface of the potentiometer from various dirt and dust. It is most preferable to use a school eraser for these purposes, but only from the side designed to remove inscriptions and marks not from pencils, but from ballpoint pens.

3. Lubricate all places where friction occurs with CIATIM lubricant (technical petroleum jelly).

We collect the potentiometer and solder it into place.

After cleaning, lubrication and a good installation, the potentiometer will work like new, and your speakers will not make the slightest rattle and noise when changing the volume level.