After prolonged use of a smartphone or tablet under Android control, there may come a moment when, when trying to install another application or game, the system will give a refusal and report that error 491 has occurred. Installation in this case will be interrupted. The first thing to do in this case is to restart the device and try again. If this procedure did not help, we recommend that you read this article and try the methods that will help you fix error 491 in the store Google Play.

Why does Google Play give error 491

Since the Google Play app is actually a web-based store client, every time you open it, everything you see on the display is downloaded from the network. Screenshots, icons, text, video and so on. All this is downloaded from the network and in order to speed up the launch of the application and the opening of visited pages in the future, as well as to save traffic, the system automatically saves part of the data in the memory of your device. As soon as such saved data, called the cache, becomes critically large and interferes with stable work system, the Google Play app stops downloading new data and reports error 491.

How to Fix Error 491 on Google Play Store

There are several ways to get rid of the annoying error 491, which also prevents the installation of new games and applications. We will describe them below and recommend applying them one by one, until the error stops reminding of itself.

Method #1

  • Open your device settings and go to the Apps category.
  • Find system apps Google Services Play and Google Play market.
  • Open their properties one by one and clear the cache by clicking the button with the appropriate name.
  • We also recommend that you erase all data from these applications. The required button is on the same property page of each application.
  • Restart your device and try installing the app or game again.

Method #2

  • It rarely happens that the first method has not been effective. In this case, do everything described below:
  • Go to Settings on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Enter the Accounts category.
  • Select Google account, which is used to work with Google Play.
  • Open its properties and remove it from device settings.
  • After that, sign in to your Google account again by entering your username and password.

In the process of downloading any application from the Play Market, the user may encounter error 491 stating that the selected application cannot be downloaded. In this article, I will tell you what error 491 is, when it occurs, and how to fix error 491 when downloading from the Play Market.

What does this error mean in the Play Market

Usually error 491 indicates that the phone does not recognize the Google user account installed on it. This can be caused by either a communication problem or system failures. Google Apps.

The text of error 491 itself when downloading from the Market sounds like “Error. (Application name) could not be downloaded due to an error (491)". (The application cannot be downloaded due to error 491).

As mentioned above, given error appears when you try to download or update any application from the Play Market. You may have errors and, instructions on how to fix them on the links.

How to resolve error 491

To get started, just restart your device and also try to wait a while. For many users, in the event of error 491 when downloading from the Market, a simple reboot of the smartphone helped, and for some, this error disappeared on its own after a few hours.

If this does not help you, then use the tips below.

Tip 1: Stop or uninstall recently downloaded apps

This is especially true for the application. Clean Master, which is one of the most famous and notorious culprits for error 491. Stop (or even uninstall) this application, as well as other applications installed on your phone recently.

Tip 3: Delete your Google account and then create a new one

A rather radical, but at the same time quite effective method of dealing with error 491 when starting an application is complete removal a user account in Google, and then the creation of a new one, as they say, “from scratch”. In most cases, this will get rid of error 491 and other similar errors.

At the same time, drawing your attention to the fact that when you delete your Google account, you may lose all your achievements and achievements in games from Google Play. Because ardent gamers, I would advise you to think carefully before deleting your account.

To delete, go to your phone settings, go to accounts, find Google there, tap on it, then click on your account and select "Delete account" (or "Delete account").

After that, restart your phone, go to the Play Market, create a new account and try to download the desired application again.

For owners of root rights, you can also advise clearing the cache virtual machine Dalvik running on your device. For this we use convenient program to work with root (for example, root explorer), use it to go to the directory at / data / Dalvik cache, and delete all files located there. After deletion, we restart our phone.


In most cases, in the fight against error 491 when downloading applications, experts recommend clearing the data and cache of Google system applications, as well as deleting the old Google account. Usually this allows you to fix the error that occurs in the Play market, and if this does not help, then you can think about resetting the phone to factory settings. At the same time, remember that full reset phone deletes almost all user data, so you need to access this option only in the most critical cases.

If you have a smartphone or tablet with an operating Android system on board, for example, one of Xiaomi devices, then you are definitely familiar with the Play Market program. This is the official store of games and applications from which you can install any software on your device. It often happens that when installing programs, error 491 occurs, which is one of the most popular. Do not worry, as this problem can be fixed in a couple of minutes. All of the listed methods for solving the problem will be described in detail, so even inexperienced users can handle it.


  • You can try to get rid of error 491 by simply restarting your smartphone, but this method helps few users.
  • One of the reasons why error 491 occurs when downloading applications from the market is the wrong date on the smartphone. Check it out, or better yet, set the date and time synchronization over the Internet.
  • It is also possible that error 491 occurs on android due to incorrect operation wifi networks. Disable wi-fi and try to download the program through mobile network. If everything works, then reconnect to the wi-fi network.
  • Sometimes error 491 in the play market may appear due to a clogged cache Apps Play market. To fix the problem, go to Settings, select the "Applications" item, find Google program play market. Click on the "Clear Cache" button, then "Erase Data".

Restarting google account

This method more often than others helps to resolve error 491 in the Google Play Market. Its essence is that we first remove account google account from the device, then restart the smartphone, then enter your google account details again. Here is a detailed instruction on how to untie an account from a smartphone:

  • We go to the Settings of the smartphone, open the item "Accounting google records". Choose your address, delete it.
  • A window will appear asking you to re-login to your profile. Ignore this and reboot the phone.
  • Go back to "Google Accounts", enter your e-mail and password.

For Android devices

For Xiaomi devices and miui

By the way, this method also helps to solve other problems that occur when downloading programs.

Reset dalvik cache

If you have tried all the previous methods, but error 491 still does not disappear, then there is one, more hard way problem solving. Your android device must have a custom recovery installed, one of these is TWRP.

  • We go to Recovery.
  • Click on the "Wipe" button. A lot of sections will open. We remove the checkmarks from all items, leaving only on "Dalvik-cache".
  • We perform cleaning, and then reboot the device.
  • We try to install the program and rejoice.

If you use various device cleaners (Clean Master and others), be sure to add all available Google applications, including services, to the exceptions. The fact is that the program clears the cache arbitrarily, even without your knowledge, after which error 491 appears unexpectedly, as well as some others.


We have collected for you the most effective and proven methods for solving today's problem. Start from the very easy way maybe he will help you. If a this problem will appear in the future, then follow the "cleaners" that are on your device, perhaps they are the cause of all the problems.

"Error 491" occurs due to the overflow of system applications from Google with a cache of various data stored when using the Play Store. When it becomes too much, it can cause an error when downloading or updating the next application. There are also times when the problem is an unstable Internet connection.

In order to get rid of "Error 491", you need to perform several steps in turn until it stops appearing. We will analyze them in detail below.

Method 1: Check your internet connection

Often there are cases when the essence of the problem lies in the Internet to which the device is connected. To check the stability of the connection, follow the steps below.

Method 2: Delete cache and reset settings in Google Services and Play Store

When you open the app store, various information is stored in the gadget's memory for later fast loading pages and pictures. All this data hangs like garbage in the form of a cache that needs to be deleted periodically. How to do this, read on.

  1. Go to "Settings" devices and open "Applications".
  2. Find among installed applications "Google Play Services".
  3. On Android 6.0 and above, open the storage tab to access the app settings. In previous versions of the OS, you will see the necessary buttons right away.
  4. First tap on "Clear cache", then by "Place Management".
  5. After that tap "Delete all data". A warning will appear in a new window about erasing all information of services and account. Agree to this by clicking "OK".
  6. Now, re-open the application list on your device and go to « Play Store» .
  7. Here, repeat the same steps as with "Google Play Services", but instead of a button "Place Management" will be "Reset". Tap on it, agreeing in the window that appears by clicking on the button "Delete".

After that, restart your gadget and proceed to use the application store.

Method 3: Deleting an account and then restoring it

Another way that can solve the problem with an error is to delete the account and clear the cached data from the device.

  1. To do this, open the tab "Accounts" in "Settings".
  2. From the list of profiles registered on your device, select Google.
  3. Next select "Delete account", and confirm the action in the pop-up window with the corresponding button.
  4. In order to reactivate your account, follow the steps from the beginning of the method up to the second step and click on "Add account".
  5. Next, in the proposed services, select Google.
  6. Next, you will see a page with profile registration, where you need to specify the profile you have email and the phone number associated with the account. In the corresponding line, enter the data and tap "Further" to continue. If you don't remember your authorization information or want to use a new account, click on the appropriate link below.
  7. After that, a line for entering a password will be displayed - enter it, then click "Further".
  8. To complete your account login, select "To accept" to confirm your familiarity with "Terms of Use" Google services and their "Privacy Policy".
  9. This step completes the recovery of your Google account. Now go to the Play Store and continue to use its services, as before - without errors.

Thus, getting rid of "Error 491" is not so difficult. Follow the steps above one by one until the issue is resolved. But if nothing helps, then in this case you will have to take drastic measures - returning the device to the initial state like from the factory. To learn more about this method, read the article linked below.

Many smartphone users often encounter a problem when, when trying to install an application on their device, error 491 appears. There can be several reasons why this happens, ranging from a malfunction of the OS to problems in the application store itself from " Google". Further in the article, we will talk in detail about the most common causes due to which the error appears, and also consider ways to troubleshoot.

System failure

Most common cause why error 491 occurs - Android OS failure on phone or tablet. Do not be surprised that this can happen, since this operating system prone to various failures no less than others. The failure can be caused by any factor, such as an unexpected reboot of the smartphone.

But not everything is so bad, since this problem copes quite easily, although it is worth saying that there are as many as 3 different ways:

  • The first the way is fine for most cases where error 491 occurs. All the user has to do is restart their phone. You can also simply turn off the device and leave it in this position for 2-3 minutes, then turn it on.
  • If the first method turned out to be powerless, then you should use the second - reset the settings to the factory state. Even if there is any damage system files, due to which various errors occur, full reset Settings will restore everything and bring it back to its original form. The reset is done simply, just go to the phone settings, go to the menu item " Backups and reset" and press the corresponding button there.
  • Well, the third way, in case nothing helps, is flashing the smartphone. Some users also resort to this step, but it is worth noting, much less often. It is not always easy to execute it, in addition, the instructions are different for each phone, as well as the files needed for the firmware. So there is no universal way. Most correct option in this situation - visit the forum page or a site dedicated to specific model phone, where they will necessary files for firmware and detailed instructions with pictures and descriptions of what to do.

Problems with the Google Play Store

The second reason why error 491 may occur on Android is problems with the cache and data of the Google Play application. It is also very common, so you should not be surprised if this also affected your device. Everything is fixed in this case quite simply, the main thing is to follow the instructions:

  1. We go into the settings of the phone, look for the item "Applications" and select it.
  2. In the window that opens, you need to switch to the "All" tab and find the installed Google Play app store there. We click on it.
  3. In another window that opens, you must alternately click on 2 buttons - "Erase data" and "Clear cache".
  4. Once the cleaning is done, you should restart your smartphone and you can safely use the Google app store.

Also, sometimes error 491 may appear due to updating Google Play itself to a newer and more recent version. All you need to do in this situation is to uninstall the updates. This is done easily: you need to repeat all the steps described above, only instead of clearing the data and deleting the cache, click on the button at the top "Restore old version". When the updates are removed, the phone should be restarted, after which it can be used.

Google account error

The third reason why error 491 occurs is a failure or error in syncing the linked Google account. No one knows exactly why this problem may appear, but the fact that it exists is a fact.

Solving the problem in this case is also not difficult. All the user needs to do is go to the "Accounts" menu in the phone settings, select the linked Google account and in the window that opens, click on the top 3 dots, then click on the "Delete" button.

After these steps, the phone needs to be rebooted and re-linked to the Google account.

No Internet

The next reason why "error 491: Failed to download the application ..." occurs is the absence or failure of the Internet connection. If you don't have much good provider and failures in the Internet are frequent, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that this is the cause of the error.

You can fix the problem in this case without much difficulty - you need to turn off wi-fi on the phone, then reboot the router (pull the power plug out of the socket for 15 seconds and plug it back in), and then reconnect the smartphone to the Internet.

Google services error

Well, the last reason why error 491 may occur on Android is a failure in Google services. Services, as you know, collect a lot of information about the operation of Google applications, and then store them in their cache. So, if it gets damaged, for example, due to an OS failure, then this can cause various errors to appear.

To fix the problem in this situation, you can do this:

  1. Go to "Settings" > "Applications" > "All Programs" tab.
  2. We find and click on the application "Google Services" in the list.
  3. In the window that appears - click on the "Clear cache" button, and then on the one above - "Manage space".
  4. Another window will open, in which, at the very bottom, there will be a button "Delete all data", which you need to click and confirm the action.
  5. Once the cleaning is done, reboot the device and use it!