Updated 11/14/2019: Updated installation instructions new version VMware Workstation in Fedora. Installation Supported latest version Vmware Workstation 15.5.1.

Removing unnecessary programs

Fedora Spin with KDE Desktop comes with a lot of different programs. In my opinion, not all of them are needed. I suggest removing unnecessary programs:

sudo dnf remove -y krdc kmail kgpg kmouth krusader kruler calligra-core k3b krfb falkon ktorrent kget akregator konqueror konversation kontact kpat kmahjongg kmines dragon korganizer kaddressbook

Removing redundant packages will reduce consumption random access memory systems. In my case, the memory consumption after installing the system was about 800 MB. After removing the packages, it dropped to 600 MB.

The community also created a script, and described the settings for installing the minimum configuration of KDE from installation image Fedora Everything. Reference: Fedora-KDE-Minimal-Install-Guide .

Environment setup

To use the latest version of KDE, you can install the mkyral/plasma-unstable repository. Although KDE from this repository has been reported to be unstable, there are many reports of correctness and stability in the Fedora community.

Instead of remote ktorrent, install qbittorrent:

sudo dnf install qbittorrent

To adjust the processor operation, install the CPUFreq Manager Widget widget:

Git clone https://github.com/jsalatas/plasma-pstate cd plasma-pstate sudo ./install.sh

After that, the widget will appear in the general list of widgets.

Notebook owners using the KDE desktop may want to opt out of entering the WI-FI password after each system startup. To disable this check, you need to launch the KWalletManager application, select the Change password option on the right side, then specify an empty password and agree to the changes.

Configuring the Fedora Gnome Environment in many ways similar to the Gnome setup from Ubuntu. Therefore, it is worth using the information from the article: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver after installation

Problem with displaying Cyrillic in Gedit editor everything is solved by the command:

Gnome Tweak Tool installed with the command:

sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool

The chrome-gnome-shell package is pre-installed, so it will be enough to install the extension for each browser: Opera , Chrome , Firefox and go to the site https://extensions.gnome.org/ to install the add-ons. I recommend to pay attention to such additions as Dash to Dock , Tray Icons .

Installing Viber

The Linux version of Viber has dependency issues during installation. Therefore, it was decided to immediately install from the Flatpack and Snap packages. The version from Snap did not start for me, but from Flatpack it started and worked correctly. For this reason, I will describe the installation of Viber exactly the version from Flatpack.

Installing and enabling Flatpack on Fedora:

sudo dnf install flatpak sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo wget https://sdk.gnome.org/keys/gnome-sdk.gpg sudo flatpak remote-add --gpg-import=gnome-sdk.gpg --if-not-exists gnome-apps https://sdk.gnome.org/repo-apps/

Installing the Viber package:

Sudo flatpak install flathub viber

After rebooting the system, the program will be displayed and available in the Application Menu

Removing Viber:

sudo flatpak uninstall viber

Installing Skype

sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/skype-stable.repo https://repo.skype.com/rpm/stable/skype-stable.repo sudo dnf install skypeforlinux

Installing Virtualbox on Fedora 31

Virtualbox will be installed from the RPM Fusion repository

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh sudo dnf install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers akmod-VirtualBox VirtualBox

Add user to vboxusers and vboxsf group

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $(whoami) sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf $(whoami)

Installing Vmware Workstation 15.5.1 on Fedora

To install VMware Workstation Pro, you need to open the terminal in the folder with the .bundle installation file and run the following commands:

Chmod +x name.bundle sudo ./name.bundle

During the startup of Vmware, a window will appear with a suggestion to compile the kernel, it will fail with an error and will not be executed. To solve this problem, you need to install patches.
Installing patches:

sudo dnf install kernel-devel wget https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/archive/workstation-15.5.1.zip unzip workstation-15.5.1.zip cd vmware-host-modules-workstation-15.5 .1 tar -cf vmmon.tar vmmon-only tar -cf vmnet.tar vmnet-only sudo cp -v vmmon.tar vmnet.tar /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/ sudo vmware-modconfig --console -- install-all

The next time you start Vmware Workstation, a window will open again asking you to compile the kernel, we agree. Now it will work correctly.

After installing a virtual system, you may encounter Vmware Tools download error. The solution is the following:

sudo dnf install ncurses-compat-libs sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libncursesw.so.6 /usr/lib64/libncursesw.so.5

In the Vmware settings, in the CD / DVD option, specify the image (for Windows installation it will be the windows.iso image, and for Linux - linux.iso) from the /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/ directory

After that in file manager the Vmware Tools image will be mounted and the add-on can be installed.

Installing Vmware Workstation and installing patches will work for any GNU/Linux distribution. For Ubuntu and similar distributions, you may need to install the package linux headers:

sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Installing WPS Office

WPS OFFICE on Fedora requires the mesa-libGLU package. Before installation office suite I recommend that you first check for the presence of the mesa-libGLU package:

rpm -qa | grep mesa-libGLU

If the package is displayed, then proceed to the installation. If the package is not installed, then install it with the following command:

sudo dnf install mesa-libGLU

In order to use the WPS OFFICE installation script, it is enough to first execute the first command, and copy the rest, starting with #!/bin/bash, in one command and paste it into the terminal.

sudo -i #!/bin/bash echo "Installing wps office 64" sudo dnf install git -y wget http://kdl.cc.ksosoft.com/wps-community/download/8865/wps-office- sudo rpm -i wps-office* .rpm sudo rm wps-office*.rpm cd /tmp wget https://dl..zip unzip wps_f.zip sudo cp -r mui/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/mui/ sudo cp -r dicts/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/dicts/ sudo cp -r dicts/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/dicts/spellcheck/ sudo rm wps_f.zip cd /tmp git clone https: //github.com/iamdh4/ttf-wps-fonts.git cd ttf-wps-fonts sudo bash install.sh rm -rf /tmp/ttf-wps-fonts

Remove the pre-installed LibreOffice

sudo dnf remove libreoffice*


The Fedora Workstation 31 operating system continues to delight both with stable operation and qualitative changes. If you don't like the Gnome desktop, I recommend checking out Fedora Spin with other desktops. Fedora is one Linux distribution that you should definitely try. After spending a little time setting it up, I am sure you will be satisfied with its further stable work.

Finally, the long-awaited release of the new version of Fedora 26 took place. This version has several useful innovations, the main ones include the expansion of the installer, the ability to work with LVM Cache, RAID, Btrfs, etc. has been added, new multimedia codecs have been added, driver support has been improved, and also updated a lot of packages.

Anyone currently using Fedora 25 or earlier is advised to upgrade to Fedora 26 in order to make the system more secure and get all the new features. In this article, we will look at how to upgrade Fedora 25 to 26 using the terminal and GUI.

A few days after the release, a notification will appear stating that an update is available. You can click on it to launch Gnome Software, or launch this program from the main menu:

Go to the tab "Updates" and press the button "Download" to start the installation process of the new system. If you do not see anything on this tab, then you must click the button "Update" in the left top corner screen. Some time after the release, the update will be available for all systems.

While the update is being downloaded, you can continue to work with your system, then in the same window, click the button "Reload" to start installing the update. The process may take quite a long time, depending on the power of your computer and network speed.

Upgrading Fedora via Terminal

Upgrading Fedora 25 to 26 using the command line is not much different from a normal upgrade. We have to perform all the same operations, only everything needs to be done in the terminal and you will get much more information about the update process.

Step 1: Update packages

Before we move on to updating the system, we need to update the packages to the latest versions in order to avoid possible problems. To do this, you can use Gnome Software or run the command:

Step 2Installing the DNF Plugin

To update the distribution version, you need a separate plugin for DNF:

sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

Step 3: Run the update

When the system is updated and you complete the creation backup, you can proceed to use the installed plugin for updating. To do this, run the command:

sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=26

This command will download all required packages and prepare them before upgrading. If any errors about conflicts, blockings and dependencies occur during its execution, add the --allowerasing option, it allows dnf to remove conflicting packages.

Step 4Reboot and Update

When all packages are downloaded, you need to reboot the system. The update will be performed during reboot:

sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

The system will now reboot and the update will begin. Previously, the upgrade tool created a new entry in the Grub menu, but this is not necessary now, you just need to boot with the current kernel. It will take time to update.

Step 5. Troubleshooting

Sometimes problems can occur during the update, this can happen if you have third-party repositories installed. If so, then they should be removed. If the package database has been corrupted, you can restore it with the command:

sudo rpm --rebuilddb

The distro-sync method is used to update the system. If the update was interrupted unexpectedly and some packages were not updated, you can manually continue the update with the command:

sudo dnf distro-sync

A more reliable option is to allow the removal of conflicting and problematic packages:

sudo dnf distro-sync --allowerasing

In some cases you may encounter access issues due to invalid SELinux labels, to update them run:

sudo touch /.autorelabel

Then restart the computer, the system will check all the labels and install them correctly.


In this article, we looked at how to upgrade to Fedora 26 using the terminal and GUI. This manual is suitable for both home workstations and servers. Have you updated your system yet? Will you update? Write in the comments!

Congratulations, you have just installed a new Fedora Workstation 28 or 29 distribution with the GNOME Desktop Environment! But what operations should be performed immediately after installation in order to optimally configure the distribution?

I have divided the list of all these operations into three categories:

This is just a list of operations, thanks to which, you can get a virtually maintenance-free operating system that runs smoothly for at least a year! In addition, this is a crash course on working with the Fedora Workstation distribution.

Note: on this page you will find only descriptions of relatively safe operations, since, in my opinion, the stability and reliability of your operating system should not be reduced under any circumstances. This website contains enough useful information about the Fedora Workstation distribution, so the approach to setting it up will be rather conservative.

In cases where operations will be associated with any risk, their descriptions will be accompanied by warnings, allowing you to make balanced decisions.

Note: this page is dedicated exclusively to setting up the Fedora Workstation distribution with the GNOME desktop environment; information on configuring spin distributions (variants of the Fedora Workstation distribution with great desktop environments) is currently unpublished.

Advice: you can download the list of operations and print it on paper. After that, you can cross out completed operations.

Not sure which version of the Fedora Workstation distribution you are using? In this case, click on the button "Review" "terminal" "Terminal". Using the terminal, you need to run the following command (copy and paste it in order not to make a mistake):

cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter for its execution. As a result, using the terminal window, information about the version of the Fedora Workstation distribution will be displayed in the following format:

PRETTY_NAME="Fedora 28 (Workstation Edition)"

Part 1. Eleven necessary operations

1.1. Installing all available updates

Updates first, then everything else...

To get started, click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen and select the first suggested app "Terminal". Using the terminal, run the following command:

Enter Enter.

After installing the updates, restart your computer. In the future, you will hardly need to install updates using the terminal - the system will display noticeable notifications when they are available.

1.2. Russification of applications

Immediately after installing the distribution, some applications, such as LibreOffice and Evolution, will not be fully Russified. To fix this problem, just click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" "Terminal" and run the following command with it:

sudo dnf install langpacks-en

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

1.3. Connecting Third Party Software Package Repositories

Unfortunately, in accordance with US law, the Fedora distribution cannot ship software components protected by patents (mostly various multimedia codecs). In order to install them, it is enough to connect one of the third-party repositories of software packages.

The most popular third-party software package repositories for the Fedora distribution today are RPM Fusion and Negativo17, as well as the Adobe repository containing the plugin Adobe Flash Player for Firefox and Chromium. The first repository contains most of the software packages needed for trouble-free work with the computer, the second - modified versions of the same packages and those packages that for some reason are not included in RPM Fusion. Based on the above, the RPM Fusion repository should be connected in any case, and the Adobe and Negativo17 repositories - if necessary.

To connect each of the repositories, click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen and select the first suggested app "Terminal".

1.3.1. Commands for connecting RPM Fusion project repositories

A. Software components open source (multimedia codecs and applications):

sudo dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E fedora).noarch.rpm

B. Closed source software components (drivers, codecs, archivers RAR, ACE, LZH, Steam, etc.):

sudo dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E fedora).noarch.rpm

1.3.2. Commands for connecting repositories of the Negativo17 project

A. Multimedia codecs:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://negativo17.org/repos/fedora-multimedia.repo

B. Nvidia Drivers:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=http://negativo17.org/repos/fedora-nvidia.repo

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=http://negativo17.org/repos/fedora-steam.repo

1.3.3. Command to connect the Adobe repository

sudo dnf install http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-$(rpm -E %_arch)-1.0-1.noarch.rpm

After finishing entering each of the commands, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

1.4. Installing missing drivers

Installing drivers is usually not required as they are already integrated into the Linux kernel. The exception is proprietary drivers for Nvidia graphics cards, as well as some other devices.

A. Drivers for your printer and scanner can be installed as follows.

B. For optimal performance of your Nvidia graphics card and module wireless network from Broadcom, you will have to install closed source drivers (or proprietary drivers). To do this, click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen and select the first suggested app "Terminal".

First of all, it is worth determining the model of your video card, as Nvidia provides different drivers for certain generations of video cards. To do this, run the following command using the terminal:

lspci | grep VGA

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter for its execution. As a result, you should get a similar output:

00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G86M (rev a1)

Now, depending on the model of the video card (list of models related to different generations), you should run one of the commands below and restart the computer.

Warning: several times check the correctness of the driver choice, because if you install the wrong driver, the system will not be able to work in graphics mode.

GeForce 6/7 (NV40)

sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia-304xx "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"
sudo dnf update

GeForce 8/9/200 (NV50)

sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia-340xx "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"
sudo dnf update

Newer GeForce graphics card

sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"
sudo dnf update

After finishing entering each command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter. The changes will take effect after you restart your computer.

Do you have the latest graphics card from Nvidia? It may not be supported by the proprietary driver from the RPM Fusion repository. In this case, you will have to use the Nouveau open source driver that comes with the distribution by default.

1.5. Optimizing the distribution for working with a solid state drive (SSD)

You are using a solid state drive (SSD) instead of a regular one hard drive? Optimize your Fedora Workstation distribution to work with it.

1.6. Installing the Adobe Flash plugin and useful system maintenance tools

A. By default, the Adobe Flash plugin for the Firefox web browser is not included with the Fedora Workstation distribution. However, it is often required to watch videos, so it makes sense to install it. To do this, you need to activate the third-party repository of software packages from Adobe, as described in .

To install the plugin, click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen, select the first suggested app "Terminal" and use it to enter one of the commands below (use the copy/paste functions):

Installing plugin for FIrefox:

sudo dnf install flash plugin

Installing the plugin for Chromium:

sudo dnf install flash-player-ppapi

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

B. To manage files with root (administrator) privileges, it is better to use a separate file manager that is not integrated with the desktop environment of your operating system. Otherwise, you risk violating access rights to elements of your home directory. Such a simple file manager that is not integrated into the desktop environment is the console file manager. GNOME Commander.

Do not forget about the convenient utility for managing parameters. sound cards entitled pavucontrol.

In addition, it does not hurt to install an application for fine tuning GNOME 3 desktop environment called GNOME Tweaks.

You can install all described software products using the terminal. To open its window, click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen and select the first suggested app "Terminal". After opening a terminal window, enter the following magic command using it (use the copy / paste functions):

sudo dnf install gnome-commander pavucontrol gnome-tweaks

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

1.7. Reducing Swap Partition Usage

The use of a swap partition is especially noticeable when working with computers with a relatively small amount of RAM (2 GB or less): when working with Fedora Workstation, various operations are slower over time, while the operating system itself constantly accesses the hard disk. Fortunately, this effect can be minimized.

The hard drive has a separate partition for storing data placed in RAM, called the swap partition. In the event that Fedora Workstation uses the swap partition excessively, the computer will slow down significantly.

How much the Fedora Workstation kernel uses the swap partition can be changed with special parameter system configuration. The lower the numeric value of this configuration parameter, the longer the timeout period after which the Fedora Workstation distribution kernel starts using the swap partition. The value must be in the range from 0 before 100 , with the default value being 60 . This value is significantly overestimated for desktop computer, but great for servers.

A detailed description of the mechanism under consideration is available on the page by reference.

And now let's consider the mechanism for changing the value of the configuration parameter in question:

A. First, check the current value of the swappiness configuration parameter. To do this, click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen and select the first suggested app "Terminal"

cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

After entering the command, press the key Enter. As a result, a numerical value will be displayed, which will most likely be equal to 60 .

B. To set the swappiness configuration parameter to a more acceptable value, enter the following command in the terminal (use the copy/paste functions to avoid typing errors):

sudo sh -c "echo "vm.swappiness=10" >> /etc/sysctl.d/95-swapiness-sysctl.conf"

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

C. After performing the manipulations described above, you will have to apply the system configuration changes by executing the following command using the terminal (use the copy/paste functions):

sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/95-swapiness-sysctl.conf

D. After that, you should check the value of the swappiness configuration parameter again. To do this, you will have to enter into the terminal window (using the copy / paste functions) the previously discussed command:

cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

After entering the command, you still need to press the key Enter. The result should be the value 10 .

Note: if you are using a solid state drive as a system drive, your machine may perform better even with a larger reduction in the value of the configuration parameter swappiness. This is because a large number of write operations, including when working with the swap partition, reduces the working life of the solid state drive. I recommend using the value 1 configuration parameter swappiness when using a solid state drive. Also note the following tips for optimizing your system for SSDs.

1.8. Fixing some known bugs

If you encounter any problem while working with the new OS, you should first read the description of known bug fixes. Don't skip this section! There is a 90% chance that you will be able to productively use at least one of the solutions described in it.

1.9. Try to avoid 10 fatal mistakes!

1.11. Limiting the maximum size of the system log file

Fedora Workstation does not impose any file size limits by default. system log. After using the system for a long time, this file can take quite a lot. disk space in the root partition, which is especially true in the case of using a solid state drive. For a home system, it is enough to store all system messages since the last boot, therefore, a 128 MB file will be enough. To limit the size of the system log file, click the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen and select the first suggested app "Terminal". After that, enter the following command in the terminal (use the copy/paste functions to avoid typing errors):

gedit admin:///etc/systemd/journald.conf

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter. You will be prompted to enter your password twice - you should do so. As a result, it will open text editor with the contents of the system event logging service configuration file journald. In this file, you need to find the line:

and replace it with the line:


sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=128M

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

Now the size of the system log file will not exceed 128 MB. If you want to set a different file size, you can change the corresponding values.

2.1. Removing Orca

The Fedora Workstation distribution comes with a default screen reader application called Orca. This application can be very useful if you have poor eyesight. But it will be useless otherwise. In addition, you may be confused by the low voice that your computer will start talking to you after pressing a key combination by mistake ...

The application in question can be uninstalled with the following command:

sudo dnf remove orca

After finishing entering the command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

2.2. Installing additional applications

By default, the Fedora Workstation distribution comes with the minimum possible set of applications, but this is easy to fix. Applications can be installed both using the Application Center utility and using the terminal. In this case, I will use the terminal, to open which just click on the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen, select the first suggested app "Terminal". Now you can start installing applications (install only those applications that you need):

A. Bitmap editor GIMP:

sudo dnf install gimp

B. Editor vector graphics inkscape:

sudo dnf install inkscape

C. Simple bitmap editor MTPaint:

sudo dnf install mtpaint

D. Digital audio work station(DAW) Ardor:

sudo dnf install ardour5

E. Simple audio editor Audacity(requires RPM Fusion connection):

sudo dnf install audacity-freeworld

F. 3D modeling, animation, rendering, video compositing and editing package Blender:

sudo dnf install blender

G. Application for burning optical discs Brasero:

sudo dnf install brasero

H. News feed reader (RSS) application liferea:

sudo dnf install liferea

I. Multiprotocol Instant Messaging Client Pidgin:

sudo dnf install pidgin

J. Torrent client transmission:

sudo dnf install transmission-gtk

K. Reading application e-books(FB2, EPUB) FBReader:

sudo dnf install fbreader-gtk

L. Partition Application hard drives GParted:

sudo dnf install gparted

M. Calendar GNOME Calendar:

sudo dnf install gnome-calendar

N. Download Manager Uget

sudo dnf install uget

Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

2.3. Installing Application Plugins

Some applications can work with a large number of formats due to the installation of separate plugins. Plugins are installed by analogy with applications using a terminal opened by pressing a button "Review" on the top panel, enter a query "terminal" in the search box at the top of the screen, and select the first suggested app "Terminal".

A. Plugin for reading DjVu documents using the application Viewing Documents:

sudo dnf install evince-djvu

B. Plugin to open RAR archives using the application Archive manager:

sudo dnf install unar

C. Plugin to open ZIP archives with the application Archive manager:

sudo dnf install unzip

After finishing entering each command, press the key Enter. When prompted for a password, you will be prompted to enter your password. Your password characters won't show up in any way, not even with dots, and that's fine. After entering the password, press the key again Enter.

2.4. Firefox Web Browser Optimization

You can improve the performance of the Firefox web browser included with Fedora Workstation by changing a few configuration settings. The settings described in this section will help you optimize the performance of this great web browser.

2.5. Optimization of LibreOffice office suite

LibreOffice is an office suite that comes with the Fedora Workstation distribution. To optimize the performance of this office suite, you can resort to changing its configuration parameters described in this section.

2.6. Installing an additional web browser

It's always good to be able to use an additional installed web browser. Firefox is a great web browser, but in some cases (especially when installing a lot of add-ons) it does not work as well as we would like.

A great alternative to the Firefox web browser is the web browser Google Chrome. Unfortunately, the data of the repository where the corresponding software package is located is not added to the list of software sources of the Fedora Workstation distribution, but you can download the installer yourself from Google Chrome download pages. This webpage should automatically set up the fact that you are using a Fedora Workstation distribution: you will be presented with an installer for Fedora/openSUSE distributions, which will work just fine for Fedora Workstation.

You can activate the .rpm installer file in the same way as the .exe installer file in Windows OS by double-clicking. After activation, the installation will be carried out automatically. Moreover, this installer will add the repository data to your distribution's list of software sources so that the update manager offers you to install updates for Google Chrome as they are released.

Note: are you using a 32 bit operating system? In this case, you will not be able to install Google Chrome. An excellent alternative to this web browser for 32-bit systems is the Chromium web browser, which can be installed using the Program Manager.

You can read the description of additional settings of the Google Chrome web browser in this section.

2.7. Increasing the speed of the Fedora Workstation distribution

It's highly likely that you'll noticeably speed up your Fedora Workstation distribution by following the safe tips in this section.

2.8. Migrating email from Outlook (Express) for Windows to Fedora Workstation

Message transfer process Email and settings Outlook client(Express) for Windows in Thunderbird for Fedora Workstation is straightforward. Just follow this guide.

2.9. Departure of Wayland in favor of Xorg in case of problems with graphics mode

Fedora Workstation 25 replaced the time-honored Xorg windowing system with an implementation of the Wayland protocol. Unfortunately, with new implementation while not everything that exists is compatible software, moreover, proprietary drivers for video cards produced by NVidia practically do not work with it. You can switch from Wayland to Xorg at any time, but take your time - if you're using open source drivers, it's possible that your graphics card will work better with Wayland.

In order to switch from Wayland to Xorg, just reboot the system, select your username on the login screen, click on the gear icon located under the password field next to the button « To come in", and choose last option "GNOME on Xorg". Next, as usual, enter your password and click the button « To come in", or key Enter. As a result, your session will use the Xorg window system.

Note: this setting is carried out at the level account user, so you will have to repeat it for all user accounts.

Part 3. Eight additional operations (which may be useful in some cases)

3.1. Restoring buttons in window titles

It is easy to see that, by default, the window titles of all applications in Fedora Workstation contain only a close button, while it is possible to use the right mouse button on the window titles to minimize or expand them.

Additional buttons in the window titles will not affect the performance of applications in any way, so it makes sense to restore them. GNOME Tweaks (installed in ) should be used for this purpose.

To launch the mentioned application, press the button "Review" on the top panel, enter a request "tweaks" in the search box at the top of the screen and select the first suggested app "Extra. gnome settings". In the application window that opens, go to the section "window titles" and in the subsection "Window Title Buttons" activate switches "Expand" and "collapse".

3.2. Change desktop background

The Fedora Workstation distribution's GNOME desktop environment looks decent right out of the box, but it's likely that you'll want to change it to suit your preferences...

You can change the desktop background in much the same way as in Windows.

If you want to change your desktop background, you will first need to select an image. You should find this image using the Nautilus file manager (one way to launch the Nautilus file manager is to click on the archive icon Nautilus on the sidebar in browse mode) use right button mouse to open context menu and select item "Set as background". As a result, the image will be used as the desktop background.

3.3. Adding weather information to the panel

The output of weather information on the panel is undoubtedly useful feature working environment. You can enable a similar feature in the Fedora Workstation GNOME desktop environment by installing the OpenWeather extension for GNOME Shell. To do this, open the App Center (by clicking on the button with the shopping package on the sidebar « Application Center»), go to section « Add-ons», open tab « GNOME Shell Extensions», find the extension in the list « openweather» (

After the installation of Fedora 24 Workstation has been successfully completed, it is not yet ready for full operation. Despite the fact that the developers of the distribution have already configured many programs for working with documents, media and file system, there are still a few things left that are not in the distribution out of the box.

In this article, we will look at the most important actions after Fedora installations 24. Only after completing all these steps will your system be completely ready for use. This list can be continued indefinitely, but we will consider only the most important.

1. Complete system update

Perhaps you think it doesn't matter. But since the release of the system, some problems may already have been discovered and fixes have been developed for them. New versions of programs could also come out. Therefore, we update the system to the newest version:

2. Computer name setting

In order to configure the computer name that will be displayed in the terminal and other programs, we will use the hostnamectl utility. It can set different kinds of hostnames. To see the current hostname, type:

You can change the hostname with the following command:

hostnamectl set-hostname "loss"

3. Setting a static IP address

Servers often use static IP addresses. One of the first things to do after installing fedora is to set up the network. If you have this option, open and edit the eth0 or enp2s0 configuration file in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ folder:

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3

Here are the settings to add:

  • BOOTPROTO- protocol for obtaining an address, we need static
  • ONBOOT- automatic connection
  • IPADDR- the ip address you need
  • NETMASK- your network mask
  • GATEWAY- the gateway through which the computer will access the Internet
  • DNS1- DNS, with which you need to resolve domain names.

For example, it could be a configuration like this:


To apply the changes, restart the network services:

systemctl restart network service

To see the changes, you can use the command:

4. Add RPMFusion Repository

Setting up fedora after installation should include setting up additional repositories. Some packages are not in the official RHEL and Fedora repositories. But you can install these packages from the RPMFusion repository. There are both proprietary and free packages here. To add a repository, run the command:

sudo rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-24.noarch.rpm

5. Install Gnome Tweak

By default, the Gnome desktop environment may not look the way we would like it to. The GNOME Tweak utility will help you tweak a lot of settings appearance Fedora 24, panel, desktop space and more.

You can install it by opening the app center, typing Gnome Tweak in the search box and clicking the Install button:

6. Connect online accounts

Fedora 24 allows you to access online accounts directly from the system. You can customize them during installation. But if you have not done this, then this can always be done in the settings, on the Personal tab, online accounts:

7. Install Gnome Extensions

The Gnome shell allows you to install extensions to make your system easier to set up and manage.

Then install with the command:

rpm install teamviewer.rpm


This is not all the steps after installing Fedora 24 that you need to do, but here is the main thing. If something was missed, write in the comments.

Updated 11/14/2019: Updated instructions for installing a new version of Vmware Workstation on Fedora. Installing the latest version of Vmware Workstation 15.5.1 is supported.

Removing unnecessary programs

Fedora Spin with KDE Desktop comes with a lot of different programs. In my opinion, not all of them are needed. I suggest removing unnecessary programs:

sudo dnf remove -y krdc kmail kgpg kmouth krusader kruler calligra-core k3b krfb falkon ktorrent kget akregator konqueror konversation kontact kpat kmahjongg kmines dragon korganizer kaddressbook

Removing unnecessary packages will reduce the consumption of system RAM. In my case, the memory consumption after installing the system was about 800 MB. After removing the packages, it dropped to 600 MB.

The community also created a script, and described the settings for installing the minimum KDE configuration from the Fedora Everything installation image. Reference: Fedora-KDE-Minimal-Install-Guide .

Environment setup

To use the latest version of KDE, you can install the mkyral/plasma-unstable repository. Although KDE from this repository has been reported to be unstable, there are many reports of correctness and stability in the Fedora community.

Instead of remote ktorrent, install qbittorrent:

sudo dnf install qbittorrent

To adjust the processor operation, install the CPUFreq Manager Widget widget:

Git clone https://github.com/jsalatas/plasma-pstate cd plasma-pstate sudo ./install.sh

After that, the widget will appear in the general list of widgets.

Notebook owners using the KDE desktop may want to opt out of entering the WI-FI password after each system startup. To disable this check, you need to launch the KWalletManager application, select the Change password option on the right side, then specify an empty password and agree to the changes.

Configuring the Fedora Gnome Environment in many ways similar to the Gnome setup from Ubuntu. Therefore, it is worth using the information from the article: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver after installation

Problem with displaying Cyrillic in Gedit editor everything is solved by the command:

Gnome Tweak Tool installed with the command:

sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool

The chrome-gnome-shell package is pre-installed, so it will be enough to install the extension for each browser: Opera , Chrome , Firefox and go to the site https://extensions.gnome.org/ to install the add-ons. I recommend to pay attention to such additions as Dash to Dock , Tray Icons .

Installing Viber

The Linux version of Viber has dependency issues during installation. Therefore, it was decided to immediately install from the Flatpack and Snap packages. The version from Snap did not start for me, but from Flatpack it started and worked correctly. For this reason, I will describe the installation of Viber exactly the version from Flatpack.

Installing and enabling Flatpack on Fedora:

sudo dnf install flatpak sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo wget https://sdk.gnome.org/keys/gnome-sdk.gpg sudo flatpak remote-add --gpg-import=gnome-sdk.gpg --if-not-exists gnome-apps https://sdk.gnome.org/repo-apps/

Installing the Viber package:

Sudo flatpak install flathub viber

After rebooting the system, the program will be displayed and available in the Application Menu

Removing Viber:

sudo flatpak uninstall viber

Installing Skype

sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/skype-stable.repo https://repo.skype.com/rpm/stable/skype-stable.repo sudo dnf install skypeforlinux

Installing VirtualBox

Virtualbox will be installed from the RPM Fusion repository

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh sudo dnf install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers akmod-VirtualBox VirtualBox

Add user to vboxusers and vboxsf group

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $(whoami) sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf $(whoami)

Installing Vmware Workstation 15.5.1 on Fedora

To install VMware Workstation Pro, you need to open the terminal in the folder with the .bundle installation file and run the following commands:

Chmod +x name.bundle sudo ./name.bundle

During the startup of Vmware, a window will appear with a suggestion to compile the kernel, it will fail with an error and will not be executed. To solve this problem, you need to install patches.
Installing patches:

sudo dnf install kernel-devel wget https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/archive/workstation-15.5.1.zip unzip workstation-15.5.1.zip cd vmware-host-modules-workstation-15.5 .1 tar -cf vmmon.tar vmmon-only tar -cf vmnet.tar vmnet-only sudo cp -v vmmon.tar vmnet.tar /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/ sudo vmware-modconfig --console -- install-all

The next time you start Vmware Workstation, a window will open again asking you to compile the kernel, we agree. Now it will work correctly.

After installing a virtual system, you may encounter Vmware Tools download error. The solution is the following:

sudo dnf install ncurses-compat-libs sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libncursesw.so.6 /usr/lib64/libncursesw.so.5

In the Vmware settings, in the CD / DVD option, specify the image (for Windows installation it will be the windows.iso image, and for Linux - linux.iso) from the /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/ directory

After that, the Vmware Tools image will be mounted in the file manager and you can install the add-on.

Installing Vmware Workstation and installing patches will work for any GNU/Linux distribution. For Ubuntu and similar distributions, you may need to install the package linux headers:

sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Installing WPS Office

WPS OFFICE on Fedora requires the mesa-libGLU package. Before installing the office suite, I recommend that you first check for the presence of the mesa-libGLU package:

rpm -qa | grep mesa-libGLU

If the package is displayed, then proceed to the installation. If the package is not installed, then install it with the following command:

Wget http://download-ib01.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/30/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/m/mesa-libGLU-9.0.0-17.fc30.x86_64.rpm sudo rpm -i mesa-libGLU-9.0.0-17.fc30.x86_64.rpm sudo rm mesa-libGLU-9.0.0-17.fc30.x86_64.rpm

In order to use the WPS OFFICE installation script, it is enough to first execute the first command, and copy the rest, starting with #!/bin/bash, in one command and paste it into the terminal.

sudo -i #!/bin/bash echo "Installing wps office 64" sudo dnf install git -y wget http://kdl.cc.ksosoft.com/wps-community/download/8865/wps-office- -1.x86_64.rpm sudo rpm -i wps-office*.rpm sudo rm wps-office*.rpm cd /tmp wget https://dl..zip unzip wps_f.zip sudo cp -r mui/ru_RU /opt/ kingsoft/wps-office/office6/mui/ sudo cp -r dicts/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/dicts/ sudo cp -r dicts/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/dicts/ spellcheck/ sudo rm wps_f.zip cd /tmp git clone https://github.com/iamdh4/ttf-wps-fonts.git cd ttf-wps-fonts sudo bash install.sh rm -rf /tmp/ttf-wps- fonts

Remove the pre-installed LibreOffice

sudo dnf remove libreoffice*


The result is a rather voluminous article and the user may get the impression of the complexity of the distribution. This is not true. In fact, some of the problems described are relevant for other distributions as well. For example, you have to patch Vmware in any distribution that uses fresh kernels. Problems with Cyrillic in Gedit is a problem of the working environment, not the distribution. The problem with Viber and with the playback of the Opera browser is the problem of the applications themselves, because it manifests itself in all distributions. Of the mandatory Fedora settings - you need to install the Russian language, enable the RPM Fusion repository, install codecs, and users Nvidia graphics cards also install the driver. There are not many actions at all and they are performed very quickly.

About operating system Fedora Workstation I have had pleasant, positive, impressions. Despite the use latest packages, the system is stable.