Good day to all and have a nice weekend. I am posting the material presented below as the beginning of a series of publications about who owns and how private large business works in Russia, as well as how this affects the development of individual industries, in particular the food industry. Together with you we will try to figure out whether there is this moment within the food sector real competition between enterprises or is it just an illusion beautifully drawn by business owners. We will also try to touch on the topic of how big business in Russia in the form in which it is now presented, affects the national security of the country, as well as most of the social strata of our society.

The writing of this article was caused by the statement of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Fedorov in an interview with the Pravda.Ru TV channel that all private business in Russia, except for small and medium-sized ones, registered in a foreign jurisdiction. You will not name a single major Russian businessman who would be a Russian businessman de jure. I will not cite his controversial interview on my blog, it is not difficult to find it on the Internet, I repeat that many of Mr. Fedorov’s statements are controversial, but the idea itself is interesting to consider it.

We have already dealt with this topic inarticlewe also found out that a number of companies, despite being registered abroad, in most cases have Russian owners. It seems that almost all Russian names of stores, but the owners of many are foreigners

Are these "Russian" goods? After all, we buy everything that is ours, not foreign? I wonder how to support domestic manufacturer? Does he actually produce anything else? And small and medium business hasn't it been destroyed in Russia yet?

Is Russian land sold to foreigners?

Each of us knows that the Russian village is now very tight. But have you ever wondered why people simply survive there? And why are there no collective and state farms, and why do most farmers make ends meet? Maybe this is done on purpose and it is necessary to clear the land from people?

Billionaires or just directors of foreign enterprises?

The official status of any of them is “manager of the property of a foreign company in Russian Federation"even though he may have a Russian passport."

Almost everyone knows that offshore is a fairly popular way to manage a business around the world, including in Russia. But few people knew before this statement that in Russia, in principle, there is no national large private business. For many, this is truly sensational news. Evgeny Fedorov, as the former chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship and the current deputy of the State Duma, of course, knows better, BUT the question immediately arises, how to check this information?As the saying goes, trust but verify.

A lot of things have been written, but if you are interested, do not be too lazy to delve a little

Daily analytical newspaper RBCdailybrings to our attention a whole map of business, where the whole structure of large private business in Russia is visible.The card is called "Who Owns Russia".

A close examination of the business map shows great amount intermediary firms registered in offshore zones, which in turn own the largest private companies in Russia. Thus, the words of Evgeny Fedorov are partially confirmed. It should be noted that this card business is not entirely complete. NOT all intermediary firms are shown on the map. For example, the map shows that OAO Severstal is directly owned by Alexei Mordashov. However, Alexei Mordashov actually controls Severstal through a Cyprus offshore company.frontdeal Ltd. Or, for example, it is indicated that Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Kozitsyn directly own the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company OJSC (UMMC). But in reality, the management of the company is carried out through the Cypriot offshore company SELMAREKO LIMITED (SELMARECO LIMITED). In general, this business map does not show the complete picture, but it clarifies a lot.

An analysis was made of the most strategically and economically important companies in the country. The jurisdiction of about 150 companies was studied, of which only 33% provide information about the owners, the rest of the companies hide or do not give full information about the owners. In the course of the analysis, it was revealed that almost all companies that we managed to obtain information about are managed through offshore companies. Such companies were identified in the amount of 50, a list of which will be presented below. Also, only 3 companies were found that are in Russian jurisdiction. These are the KOKS Group of Companies, Welding and Assembly Trust OJSC and Sibmost OJSC. Thus, the statement of Yevgeny Fedorov that there is no national large private business in Russia is again partially confirmed. At least we see that in Russia there is such a state of affairs, if not 100%, then 90%. These enterprises bring enormous income, which does not linger in Russia for a long time, but immediately flows into the accounts of foreign banks. Interestingly, the same is the case with those 67% of companies that hide information about the owners and which, for this reason, were not included in this rating? The question remains open.


1) "Metalloinvest" (Extraction and processing of iron ore raw materials, ferrous metallurgy)

2) Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) (Ferrous metallurgy)

3) "Sibur Holding" (Associated gas processing, petrochemistry)

4) “Russneft” (Production and refining of oil)

5) IES-Holding (CJSC Integrated Energy Systems) (Energy, housing and communal services)

6) Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) (Non-ferrous metallurgy)

7) Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK) (Coal mining)

8) Eurochem (Chemical production)

9) Severstal (Ferrous Metallurgy)

10) Rusal (Bauxite mining, alumina production, aluminum production)

11) Norilsk Nickel (Metallurgy)

12) Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works (NLMK) (Ferrous Metallurgy)

13) "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" (MMK) (Production, preparation iron ore, ferrous metallurgy)

14) “ChTPZ Group” (Ferrous, non-ferrous metallurgy)

15) "Rusenergosbyt" (Power industry)

16) "Transmashholding" (Transport engineering)

17) Eurosibenergo (Power generation)

18) “Corporation Glavstroy” (Construction)

19) Mostotrest (Construction)

20) Polyus Gold (Gold Mining)

21) Akron (Chemical industry)

22) Sollers (Automotive)

23) JSC "E.ONRussia" (Electrical and thermal energy)

24) Enel OGK-5 (Power industry)

25) “SK Most” (Construction)

26) Uralchem ​​(Mineral fertilizers)

27) “LSR Group” (Production of building materials, construction and development)

28) “Ilim Group” (Pulp and paper industry)

29) “South of Rus” (Agriculture, food production)

30) “Eurocement” (Production of building materials)

31) Mechel (Mining, ferrous metallurgy)

32) Russian Copper Company (Non-Ferrous Metallurgy)

33) Rusagro (Agriculture, food production)

34) Raspadskaya Coal Company (RUK) (Coal mining)

35) “Efko” (Food industry)

36) “Pharmstandard” (Pharmacology)

37) Cherkizovo (Food industry)

38) “Polymetal” (Gold, silver mining)

39) “HMS Group” (Engineering, construction)

40) “Group E4” (Engineering)

41) “Prodo” (Agriculture, food industry)

42) Sintez Group (Oil production and processing, development, power industry)

43) “Capital Group” (Development, construction)

44) Energostroyinvest-holding (ESIH) (Engineering, energy, construction)

45) "Kamsky cable" (Manufacture of cable and wire products)

46) “Globalstroy-Engineering” (Industrial construction)

47) “Power machines Power engineering”

48) Aston (Agriculture, food production)

49) “Russian coal” (Coal mining)

50) European Bearing Corporation (Engineering)

Thus, the fragmented nature of measures aimed at deoffshorization of the Russian economy (for example, the Law on Controlled Foreign Companies) did not contribute to positive developments in this area. And this is no coincidence. After all, attempts to connect a snake with a hedgehog - i.e. state influence on the economy with the dominance of private ownership of the means of production certainly led and lead to the failure of the oligarchy of any attempts to influence the situation. Is it profitable for the latter to consistently implement state programs and fully submit to state control? Therefore, the question of the nationalization of "command heights" should be raised. But that doesn't happen. Moreover, the Putin-Medvedev government raises the question of continuing the privatization of state property.

We often get bored phone calls- this is done not only by spammers and sales managers, but also by people who want to annoy someone. If the same number began to appear too often in the list of incoming calls, then we want to identify its owner. How to find out who owns a phone number? It should be noted that there are many tools for this, but not all of them are accessible and informative.

Search engines can give us a lot of interesting information on the issue of room ownership. To do this, just enter the number you are looking for in the search box. In the results of the issuance, if this number is “lit up” on the resources open for indexing, we will see data that can help in calculating a person or organization.

It must be said that everything is simple with organizations - in an effort to develop a client base, they publish their numbers on many public resources. If you are bothered by the offer of various goods and services, you can always find a "spammer" and report him to the police. As for searching for people, it will be problematic to find out who owns the phone number.

If a person has never indicated his number anywhere, then the search will lead to a lack of results. Conversely, if a person often publishes his phone numbers in various public sources, we will be able to understand who he is and where he approximately lives.

Please note that it is extremely problematic to find exact data about a person, including his full name, date of birth and place of residence, unless he himself discloses all personal information on sites open for indexing.

Search for city phones

How to find out who owns a number landline phone? There are many tools for this:

  • Search engines;
  • Online directories;
  • Paper guides.

We have already dealt with search engines, outlining their capabilities and disadvantages. Now it remains to deal with online directories. They do exist, only they are often blocked by Roskomnadzor. Therefore, finding a working option will be problematic. In such directories, you can search in any direction - here you can search for data by number or find a number using known data (for example, by address).

There are also online directories that require money for finding information. It is up to you to trust or not to trust such directories, since they still show part of the data. It must be remembered that when sending SMS to short numbers(namely, this is how the services of such directories are paid) you can “pick up” to your number mobile subscription, which will "eat" all your money.

As for the purchased bases, their relevance is questioned. Outdated databases are often distributed on the network, so the search for them may be unsuccessful. Also, there are many scammers on the network who can take money from you, but give nothing in return. Separate databases do contain directories of enterprises or directories of the geographical location of telephone numbers.

If you still decide to purchase this or that base, be sure to ask the seller for details on its contents. You will also need reviews from other users - do not buy a pig in a poke.

You can also find out who owns a city phone number through city directories printed on paper. But here one difficulty will await you - the information in such directories is structured by the name of the subscribers (from A to Z), so to find the owner of the desired number, you will have to carefully “scroll” the entire directory.

To begin with, try to imagine how large a directory of numbers in St. Petersburg or Krasnodar. Some believe that such a certificate can be obtained through city telephone information services. But we will disappoint you - they do not provide such information. They can give a number by last name and address, but they do not give information about the ownership of telephone numbers - you don’t have to try.

A certain difficulty in finding the owner of the number through telephone directories can be caused by the fact that some subscribers do not sign consent to the publication of their data in directories.

Mobile number search

How to find out who owns a mobile phone number? This is more difficult to do compared to finding landline number owners. There are no online databases for this, and those that exist show only the geographical affiliation of the numbers (and even then very approximately).

If you try to search for the owner through search engines, you need to rely on the fact that he somewhere once “lit up” his data. But even in this case, we will not receive complete information (maximum city and first / last name). As for purchase bases mobile operators, then the following troubles await us:

  • The seller may be a scammer;
  • The database may be out of date.

The likelihood that you will not be able to find the data you need is very high, since many people have a habit of changing their numbers regularly. For example, they didn’t like the tariff - and now the person has changed the operator and phone number. Therefore, there is always a risk of not finding the necessary data. It turns out that it is problematic to find out who owns the phone number, and for free.

Such information will not be given at the customer service office, and calling the contact center is useless. It remains only to use dubious databases, “break through” information through search engines or contact the police if you are bothered by calls or threats.

You can try to look for acquaintances and friends in service offices, but the disclosure of such information is illegal - remember this when inciting your acquaintances to commit a crime. In addition, a competent consultant will not give such information even out of friendship, since this can incur administrative or criminal liability.

Sberbank will help us determine the owner of the number. More specifically, his banking, which displays brief information by payee. Use the instruction:

  • Log in to Sberbank Online using your login and password;
  • Go to the "Transfers and payments" section;
  • Start making a transfer to a Sberbank client by phone number;
  • Specify the number and amount (for example, one ruble), click "Transfer";
  • Find the name and patronymic of the recipient on the next page (the last name is not displayed in full - only the first letter).

The probability that the recipient uses the services of Sberbank is quite high - the number of users is over 70 million people.

We determine the caller using programs

Find out who owns the number, help special applications which can be found in the store Apps Play Market. Meet detailed information about these applications.


The Yandex application includes a browser, a weather informer, voice assistant"Alice" and caller ID. The determination is carried out according to the online database, which includes over 5 million records. Download the application, turn on the caller ID and give it the appropriate permissions, get information about callers. Please note that Yandex does not determine numbers individuals, but perfectly recognizes calls from collectors, spammers, banks and other organizations.

Kaspersky Who Calls

The Kaspersky Who Calls application was created by Kaspersky Lab and has great functionality:

  • Instantly determines the ownership of unknown numbers;
  • Warns about unwanted calls;
  • Informs about missed calls;
  • Allows you to add unwanted numbers to the spam database.

The application is free, it works both online and offline (the database is stored in the application itself).

"Who is calling"

Before us is an application from the developer GILRAEN LIMITED. Its capabilities:

  • Replaces the standard "dialer";
  • Determines incoming numbers, focusing on a regularly updated database;
  • Shows reviews and security labels;
  • Determines the regional affiliation of callers;
  • Recognizes calls from banks, collectors, insurance companies, shops and dubious organizations.

The paid version allows you to find out how you are recorded with other subscribers (provided that they also use this application).


The Truecaller mobile application will allow you to find out who owns the caller's number. The database contains telephone numbers of tens of thousands of organizations. Also, automatic blocking of spam numbers is implemented here, advertising SMS are blocked in the same way. Additional functions:

  • Record phone calls for further listening and analysis;
  • Messaging with other users through the built-in messenger with the ability to send information about the geolocation;
  • Export call list, contacts and settings to Google Disk.

The app does not work on operating system Android 9 Pie.

I like it I don't like it

There are not so many free and legal ways to find out who owns a phone number and calculate basic information about the owner - first name, last name, address. Such data is confidential and should not be disclosed to third parties. However, people themselves often expose personal information, so the boundaries of private life in the 21st century are blurred.

How to find out the owner's phone number

Knowing the phone number, using the Internet, you can find out the mobile operator a (MTS, VimpelCom, Tele2 or others) and geographic location. This is the basic information, which is determined by def-codes, the databases of which are available for free. With how to find out who owns the phone number (name and surname of the owner), the situation is much more complicated.

Who is the registered mobile phone number

Use search engine Google system and social networking opportunities to check if the caller's mobile is in open access . it possible in several cases:

  1. You received a call from the organization - contacts are on their official website, in ads with vacant positions, etc.
  2. The person who called you has a page on VKontakte or another social network, and there are contacts in the profile information, or he left them in comments / discussions.
  3. The caller is using Telegram. Google does not research the database of this messenger, but the social network itself has a built-in search tool - try it.
  4. You were called by scammers who are already on the blacklists of forums, websites or other services. Data about intruders can expose ordinary users or law enforcement agencies.

There are workarounds to find out the last name from the mobile phone number. Some articles on the Internet describe instructions on how to deceive a consultant in company service offices mobile communications(Beeline, Megafon) so that he gives his full name. This is also a scam and if you need a name because the caller is threatening/blackmailing you, contact law enforcement. You have no right to know confidential information if the person himself decided not to disclose it.

Who owns the landline phone number

The first way, how to break through the phone number and find out the owner of the stationary device, does not differ from that described above. Use Google to get information. However, the search for city phones is complicated by the fact that they are not registered in instant messengers, and even more so they are not displayed in social network profiles. The second method will be more effective - searching through paper and online directories.

Researching data on the Internet is more convenient - you will need to enter a number on the site and let the service find the information. Paper directories will have to be looked through manually, but given that they are organized by surnames, not phone numbers, this will make the search even more difficult. In addition, many data have not been updated for a long time. Relying on luck remains.

How to determine the owner by phone number for free online

In addition to search engines Google, Yandex, Rambler, there are other options for identifying a subscriber. Find out who owns the number cell phone, you can use popular resources and services that access their databases. Use those sites that provide services online for free. If they demand to pay, there is a great risk of giving money away without receiving anything in return. In addition, a software database can introduce viruses into the system.

Phone number databases

Since the services that provide the full name / address of the subscriber by number disclose private data, Roskomnadzor regularly blocks them. Finding a working and honest site from unblocked sites is a matter of luck. Some bases are incorrect, others are incomplete. Still others offer for a fee to download full version or remove your phone from it. DBs two or three years old are indeed redeemed (for example, they can be bought on radio markets), but no one gives any guarantees about the results of issuance.

Search engines by phone number

Such systems still work with the same databases, but perform the search for the user. It is safer to use them - no need to pay and download, just enter the number and wait for the results. Theoretically, this is an ideal way, in practice, an independent search through Google is more efficient. Useful advice: To search for the exact number without losing numbers, add quotation marks, for example “+79011234567” and try different spelling formats (international, local, with a hyphen or brackets).

How to recognize a subscriber by mobile phone number in case of threats or fraudulent activities

Attackers often use short numbers: moreover, money can be withdrawn from a SIM card not only when an SMS is sent to such a phone, but even when picking up the phone. If only four digits are displayed on the screen, this is already a reason to sound the alarm.. Ordinary digital combinations scammers also use it, and in case of threats or loss of funds from the account, it will not be enough to find a phone on the Internet, since this is already a reason to start a criminal case.

Help from law enforcement

Banks and other official institutions never call asking for confidential information. These are scammers, and if you received such a call, or you have become a victim of another telephone deception, it's time to contact law enforcement agencies. Submit a statement to the police, in which be sure to indicate the date, time and number, who the caller introduced himself and the content of the conversation. It will be reviewed within 10 days to a month. If no damage has been done, the case is not started, but is stored in the database.

Contacting a private agency

If finding an intruder is a matter of principle, and a closed case with the police does not suit you, contact private detective agencies. Such organizations provide a wide range of services, including those that violate the laws of the Russian Federation(for example, a printout of subscriber calls). The cost is from 5,000 rubles. In addition, legal advice is provided to help you decide what to do with the information you receive.


Each of us faced a situation in life when we had to look for a person. For some, this was vital, others were guided by curiosity, others tried to protect themselves from trouble. There can be many reasons.

  • They call and stay silent. The situation is frightening and intriguing at the same time.
  • An obsessive admirer worries. Untimely calls are not only annoying, but can seriously harm family relationships.
  • An annoying seller or distributor of any product does not give rest day or night.
  • There are regular threats and demands.
  • Periodic calls with inappropriate and stupid jokes.

You have a desire to find out who is bothering you with calls and understand the situation that has arisen.

We all know that under modern world almost everyone uses mobile phones. This is an indisputable fact. However, not everyone knows how to find out who owns a cell phone number, his personal data and location. Modern technologies allow you to meet this challenge. Let's try to figure out how successful and efficient. To do this, let's take a closer look at the main points.

How to determine who owns a cell phone number

A prerequisite for obtaining a number, as a rule, is the provision of personal data. If a bang has used a mobile phone at least once, finding out his last name is very real. The main thing is to understand and remember that on the Internet you can encounter scammers who guarantee the provision of personal data for a fee. There are many cases of deceit, when people, having believed the promises, paid money, but did not receive information.

There are several ways to get information about the owner knowing his phone number:

  • apply to law enforcement agencies;
  • contact the operator cellular network;
  • visit a communication salon;
  • use specialized databases;
  • search on the Internet.

How to determine the phone number: whose, to whom belongs

  • The easiest and most affordable option is to seek help on the Internet. As a rule, users often give information about themselves on various sites. After all, through the Internet, the purchase and sale of goods, the exchange and rental of housing, acquaintance and much more are carried out. Before accessing any resource, you must register, which implies the provision of personal data. Even if you can’t find out the last name, getting information about the city and first name will be enough to start. You need to enter the necessary numbers into the search engine and work out the information received.
  • If the first option did not bring significant results, contact the operator cellular communication. Here you can expect both luck and disappointment. Undoubtedly, the employee sees the name of the subscriber, but may not provide you with data. He has every right to do so. You will have to explain the reason that prompted you to find out information about the owner of the number: a threat to your life, family, well-being, and so on. The result largely depends on your gift of persuasion.
  • Ask for help from the police or the prosecutor's office. The most effective option if you feel a danger to your life or well-being. The procedure is quite simple. You must write an application and submit it for consideration. Employees decide whether it makes sense to provide data about the subscriber who made the calls. If the situation is really serious (perhaps a criminal case is open), law enforcement agencies will ensure that accurate and truthful information is provided and will take appropriate measures if necessary.
  • Try using databases. They are both free and provide information for a certain amount. Remember that data quickly loses relevance. A person can change his place of residence and phone. By purchasing a database, you can fall for scammers and not get the expected result.
  • If you are interested in the question, how to find out who owns the MTS phone number , download the data base to your personal computer and punch a phone number for free. Using various resources, get acquainted with reviews about them and the guarantees provided. Although, even such an approach will not provide a full guarantee of the authenticity of the information received.
  • How to find out who owns a Megafon phone number? It all depends on what goal you are pursuing. If you are interested in information about who the card was registered for earlier, use the "Personal Account". If you go to poisk.goon, there's a good chance you'll get some free information. Which, unfortunately, is rarely updated.
  • You are successfully using the Tele 2 card, which was registered at one time for someone else. There was a desire to re-register the data on yourself . How to find out who owns the Tele 2 phone number? The "Personal Account" will come to the rescue. After entering telephone number and receiving a password, the user's last name will be displayed. You can also find out his address.
  • If you are interested in information on how to find out who owns the Beeline phone number, use a similar scheme in " Personal account". If someone else's SIM card is found, make a request.
  • Do you have information about home phone user? Use the telephone directory. Download the program to your computer and enter the necessary numbers in the search box. A paper version is also suitable for this purpose. The main thing is that it should be more modern. You can also make a call to a special service that provides help information.

Very often to decide how to find who owns a cell phone number , search VKontakte if the subscriber is in the status of your friends. For this:

  • We find the tab where the contacts of friends are provided.
  • Select the "Phone book" section.
  • We study contact information.
  • In the search engine we drive in the necessary numbers.

How can I find out who owns a phone number

In addition to the above methods, there are some more tips to determine the identity of a person if you know the phone number.

  • In some cases, resort to the help of a private detective. Of course, the service costs some money, but very often the investment justifies itself.
  • Call back to a known number and lead the conversation in such a way as to get some initial information. A well-structured conversation will help clarify the data that will help add up the big picture.
  • There are specially designed sites that require you to send only one paid message and provide further requested information for free. The data can be observed on the screen immediately after sending the SMS. The main thing is not to make a mistake and not fall for scammers.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to find out the owner of a phone number. If you have such a need, you need to act calmly and thoughtfully. You can use both paid and free sources. You can search on your own, you can use the services of professionals. hope for positive result always there and you need to know how to use it.