To obtain financial information on the service, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has created a special portal for military and civil servants. On it you can see information about the size of your allowance, and also to form payslip ok, where will the components be indicated wages. Any serviceman serving under a contract may enter Personal Area soldier and track your income for the selected period.

To obtain information about the amount of monetary allowance accrued to a serviceman, it is necessary to log into the personal account of the serviceman. To do this, go to and on the page that opens, enter your username and password, then click the "Login" button.

If the details are correct, you will be taken to home page personal account of a serviceman, where the following operations will become available to you:

  • formation of a payslip for the selected period
  • save the payslip on the computer in electronic form
  • information about the last charge

The service payroll includes the following information:

  1. components of wages that are due to the military for the past time period;
  2. other financial accruals (vacation, sick leave, FP allowance, etc.)
  3. amounts withheld from wages;
  4. the total amount that is supposed to be given to the military.

Please note that the pay slip is generated within 1 day following the day the salary is received on bank card soldier.

Note! Previously, it was possible to enter your personal account without registering using a personal number, but now given function not available. To receive a pay slip, registration of a military man is required, regardless of rank.

The personal account was created for the convenience of people who are on public service and also to combat corruption. All transfers of allowances to contract soldiers are carried out through the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation).

If you need one or another financial certificate, for example, 2-NDFL, then you need to contact the Ural Federal District of the RF Ministry of Defense (financial support department) in your military district. You can find the address of the branch of your region on the official website of the Ministry of Defense at .

To enter your personal account, you must first register in the system. To do this, you need to go to the official website at and on the page that opens, select the "Register" section.

In the window that opens, enter the following information:

  • Select the status of the employee (military or civil servant)
  • Enter the personal number of the soldier
  • Specify date of birth
  • Create a password (must be at least 6 characters and start with a letter)
  • Enter your address Email(required to confirm registration on the portal)
  • Enter verification code from the picture and press the "Register" button

After that, a link to activate your personal account will be sent to your mail, this link is valid for 2 hours from the moment the registration is completed. If you do not have time to activate within this time account then you will have to re-register.

Note! In some cases, registration of a personal account is not possible. The most common reasons for an error in registering a serviceman's personal account are: the date of birth or personal number of a serviceman is incorrectly indicated in documents submitted to the SRC of the RF Ministry of Defense. In this case, you need to contact the commander of your military unit and ask for changes.

If for some reason (forgot your password, don’t remember your login) you can’t enter your personal account of a soldier, then you can use the access recovery function, which will remind you of your login, and also provide the opportunity to change the password to a new one. To reset your password, go to .

contractors, the Ministry of Defense has created a service on its website that allows you to find out the amount of allowances and other payments online. Entrance without registration of a soldier completely eliminates the need to go to the accounting department to find out the amount of charges. After creating an account, you can apply for help.

If you receive funds from the SRC MO and you know your personal number, enter into your browser. The page will open:

Click on the "Login without registration" button and fill out the form provided by the system:

After clicking on “Login”, the system will redirect you to the “Paysheets” section, which displays all payments since 2012.

To be able to use all the features of the service, you need to create a full account. On the page mark "Pass registration". You will be offered another form, in which, in addition to the date of birth and personal number, you must enter your own password and E-mail address twice. After clicking on “Go through registration”, go to your email and follow the link indicated in the letter sent from the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Benefits of access to your personal account

Logging into the personal account of a serviceman using a personal number does not make it possible to order a 2-NDFL certificate via the Internet. After registering an account, a table of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of all military districts with addresses and phone numbers is available. You can fill it out and send it by e-mail or fax. To receive you need to paper form to send by mail or in person, print the form on paper and fill it out.

It is important for a contract serviceman to be aware of how things are going with his monetary allowance. After all, receiving financial rewards from the state is one of the conditions for his service. This information exhaustively presented in the payroll of a serviceman. In this article, we will look at how to view this document online and offline.

What is this document?

Payroll of a serviceman - a type of document that indicates the amount of monetary allowance of a military man, as well as all charges due to him. Here you can also get acquainted with deductions and the exact amount that will be issued "in hand".

In the Russian Federation, a serviceman's payslip is now available in two variations - paper and electronic. Of course, it is easier and faster for the military to view the second option. However, this requires registration in your personal account on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Each employer in the Russian Federation is required to provide a paper version of the payslip to its employees in accordance with Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The document must contain the following items:

  • Components of monetary remuneration for the period specified in the payslip.
  • The amount of other amounts that are due to be paid to the employee: compensation, vacation pay and other payments.
  • Holds - their sizes and bases.
  • The total amount to be paid.

Features of the payroll of the military

What distinguishes a contract soldier from an ordinary worker is that he does not receive a salary, but a monetary allowance, coupled with other necessary payments. What does this mean specifically for our topic? The payroll of a serviceman compiled by the URC (Unified Settlement Center) will differ as follows:

  • Salary according to his military rank.
  • Salary according to his military position (when serving under a contract).
  • Percentage increase for years of service.
  • Monthly allowances for any special conditions of service (under contract).
  • Monthly increase for maintaining secrecy (when serving under a contract).
  • Monthly bonus for class qualification (when serving under a contract).
  • Award for the effective and conscientious performance of their official military duties.
  • Vacation accruals.
  • Hospital.
  • Material aid.
  • Other eligible supplements.
  • Deductions from allowances. In particular, it is personal income tax.
  • Bottom line: the amount that (taking into account all the allowances and deductions listed in the document) the soldier will receive in his hands.

How to get a military pay slip?

So, how can you get acquainted with the payroll of a contract serviceman? There are actually several ways to get a document:

  • Paper version. In my own military unit.
  • Electronic view on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is enough to enter your personal account.

Note that you can view the payroll of a soldier for free in both cases. There are two options for viewing a document in the electronic version:

  1. By your personal number - if you register in the system.
  2. Without registration in the personal account of the site.

Let's look at these possibilities in more detail.

Viewing a document without registering in your personal account

Let's figure out how to view on the website of the Ministry of Defense:

  1. Go to the main page of this Internet resource.
  2. Click on "Login without registration".
  3. The visitor must choose from the list who he is: military or civil servants.
  4. Next, you need to enter the personal number of a soldier according to a given standard: one or two letters of the Russian alphabet, then a dash and six digits. Example: AB-123456.
  5. The next item is the date of birth. It is also entered according to the standard: DD.MM.YYYY. For example: 03/05/1992.
  6. The last action is to enter the code from the picture. So you confirm that all actions are performed by a real person, and not a robot malware.
  7. Now you just need to click on the "Login" button.

If all the data is entered correctly, then the visitor moves directly to his pay sheet using his personal number. If a mistake was made, the system will notify about it: "There is no information on the entered data".

You now know how to view a serviceman's pay slip when logging in without registering. However, it is easier to get acquainted with information about the state of your monetary allowance in your own personal account. Therefore, further we will analyze how to open it, how to enter the system.

Registration of a serviceman in the system

The entrance to the personal account of a serviceman (the payslip is most convenient to view there) on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is made by registration number. Accordingly, first you need to register on the resource.

This process consists of two stages: creating a personal account and then activating it. Shall we start?

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Go to the main page of the site.
  2. Select "Register".
  3. will appear in front of you working window with mandatory fields.
  4. Choose your category: military or civil servant.
  5. Personal number of a soldier according to the standard.
  6. Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  7. Create a password (and keep this combination of characters in a safe place). As the system prompts, the code must consist of at least 6 characters and begin with a letter.
  8. Repeat the password in the next field.
  9. Enter your email address.
  10. Now you need to enter the characters from the picture in the next line. So you confirm that you are doing the actions yourself. If the numbers cannot be parsed, click on the Refresh icon. The system will offer a more readable picture.
  11. After you have filled in all the fields, it remains to click on the "Register" button.

Account activation

The last step remains - to activate the created account in the Internet system of the Ministry of Defense. To do this, log into your email account. Incoming letters should contain a message from this site.

Follow the link provided in the letter. This will confirm that you have provided a personal email address, thereby activating your account. This step completes the registration process. You can now log into your personal account using your username and password.

Login to your personal account

Steps after registration in the system are simple:

  1. Open the official website Russian Ministry defense.
  2. Click on "Login".
  3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.
  4. If the information is correct, then you will see the page for the formation of the pay slip of the serviceman.

If you forgot your password...

What to do if you lost/can't remember your password? The system has a convenient function quick recovery. The email you provided when registering your account will help with this.

Click on "Recover password". You will need to enter the following information:

  • Your personal military number.
  • Date of birth.
  • Code from the suggested image.

Go to your email mailbox. There should be an email with a link. By clicking on it, you will automatically reset old password. After that, you can compose new code. Be sure to keep it in a safe place.

Access to the system restored!

Possibilities of a personal account of a soldier

I have to say it's so comfortable. electronic system was introduced in response to complaints from the military themselves. They noted that the amounts on their payslips did not correspond to the declared ones, did not reflect all bonuses and other allowances. Today, the military can receive in electronic format all the information about their own monetary allowance. Previously, this was possible only through special secret communication channels.

In addition to familiarizing himself with his full pay slip, the soldier has the following options in his own personal account:

  • Formation of a settlement sheet, which will reflect in detail the amounts of all allowances due.
  • Preservation electronic document on your computer to access it offline at any time.
  • Continuously control your monetary allowance.

More recently, a serviceman could get acquainted with the amount of monetary reward only on a paper document provided in a military unit. Today the situation has changed. It is possible to control accruals online on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. Viewing the payslip is real both without registration and in your personal account on the Internet resource.

To check monetary allowances for military personnel and civilians of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Internet service "Personal Account" was developed. Here it is fashionable to receive timely information on the accrual of funds, as well as order the issuance of the necessary documents and certificates.

The service is available only to registered users. The registration process is described later in this article.

The entrance to your personal account is located at Next, on the authorization page, you need to enter the login and password that were received when creating the account. Next, click on the “Login” button. After checking the data by the system, it will open Homepage account.

The main available services of a personal account of a serviceman:

  1. formation of a payslip for the selected period
  2. save the payslip on the computer in electronic form
  3. information about the last charge
  4. participation in surveys
  5. set up email notifications
  6. The payslip consists of the following information:
  7. components of wages that are due to the military for the past time period;
  8. other financial accruals (vacation, sick leave, FP allowance, etc.)
  9. amounts withheld from wages;
  10. the total amount that is supposed to be given to the military.

We draw your attention to the fact that the pay slip is formed 1 day in advance, which follows the day the money is received on the military’s bank card.

The pay slip can be printed immediately without downloading it.

Note! Previously, it was possible to enter your personal account without registering using your personal number, but now this function is not available. To receive a pay slip, registration of a military man is required, regardless of rank.

The personal account is designed for more convenient tracking of funds for military personnel, as well as to combat corruption.

All transfers of allowances to contract soldiers are carried out through the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense (Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

If you need any document, for example, a 2-NDFL certificate, then you need to contact the Ural Federal District of the RF Ministry of Defense (financial support department) in your military district. You can find the address of the branch of your region on the official website of the Ministry of Defense at

For full access registration is required for your funds. To do this, open the authorization page and click on the "Register" button. It is located to the right of the authorization window.

  • Select the status of the employee (military or civil servant)
  • Enter the personal number of a serviceman, or SNILS number for a civil servant
  • Specify date of birth
  • Create a password (must be at least 6 characters and start with a letter)
  • Enter your email address (required to confirm registration on the portal)
  • Enter the verification code from the picture
  • Check all entered data
  • Press the "Register" button

Next to the specified email address you will receive a link to activate in the system. Please note that the link is active for two hours after receiving. If during this time you have not used the link, you must register again. It is recommended to check the "SPAM" email folder, the letter may have ended up there by mistake.

Note! In some cases, registration of a personal account is not possible. The most common reasons for an error in registering a serviceman's personal account are: the date of birth or personal number of a serviceman is incorrectly indicated in documents submitted to the SRC of the RF Ministry of Defense. In this case, you need to contact the commander of your military unit and ask for changes.

In the Russian Federation, for a long time there has been an official website of the Ministry of Defense, where it is possible to get acquainted with the personal file of a serviceman and each person, all his contact details, as well as date of birth and year. Russian army under the contract, the fin has a special official format and center. Anyone can log in without registration by the number of the RF Defense ERC.

In order to gain access to your personal account, section and perform the necessary operations in Russia, you need to know your personal code. This is necessary, first of all, in order to protect your account from hacking and provide protection.

Serviceman's office personal, official website

If you are visiting for the first time, you must start with the Soviet registration. Perhaps the system will ask for personal data and you will have to type it. Military SNILS contains authorization information. Here you can enter information about housing, sale, enter the registry number, dress code, salary scheme. For your convenience, the Ministry of Defense has developed a special table that contains data on all types of payments to a specific person. It is enough for the military to enter a login to receive information. How to register? The Central Academic Theater provides discounts for military personnel on repertoire.

How to register?

How to enter without registration by personal number?

If you do not want to register, you can enter your personal account using an individual number. If you are an employee who is in the public service, then you can log in using a special insurance number or certificate issued to you in the service. There are reduced ticket prices. Rusipoteka in Novosibirsk places the administrator's telephone number in the office.

By personal number and date of birth

How to order a certificate to the military and how does it work? In a special tab there is a corresponding instruction.

In order to log in personal number or date of birth, you should fill in the special fields that are designed for this. Be sure to note the special numbers confirming that you are not a robot. Next, click the login button, and your page will load. The system will indicate the option to register. If the browser does not find the individual military code, a note about the mistake made by this user will appear on the screen.

Printing the state directory for May does not make sense. It is contained in a special section where you can see the day you need. How to get to the FSB, a calculator, mortgages for apartments, Sberbank address, pay slip, phone and email of the Ministry of Defense, metro ticket offices, social development, EIRC poster, info, help, register, salary - you can find all this information in your personal account. How to restore monetary allowance? The state undertakes to charge single payments. Registration is required.

ERC MO RF personal account of a serviceman

The unified settlement center of the RF Ministry of Defense, the personal account of a serviceman, is inextricably linked with the website of the Ministry of Defense world. RU. This form very comfortable to use.

Personal account of a serviceman under a contract, entry without a password

If you have lost your password, or simply do not want to register in the system, you are invited to activate your account using a special number that is assigned to each military. It is possible to log in without a password, but it is still recommended that you log in with all the proper rules. has a manual where you can find all the information. The retention method takes a little time.

Settlement sheet

It is possible to enter the serviceman's office without registration and download the payslip. After all calculations of payments, the Ministry offers to print the document if necessary.


Personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense, entrance without registration

Rosvoenipoteka and single center can log into the office of a certain employee. It is quite possible to view cash payments without registration, the main thing is to mark the area marked with a flag. How to get into contacts if you forgot your login? There is a special button on the page called restore contact details.

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E-mail (e-mail) for communication with the ERC MO RF

E-mail (e-mail) for communication with the ERC MO RF:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. – Consulting department (Call – center);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - Secretary;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. – Legal department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. – Administrative and regulatory department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - Management (settlement) of the Southern Military District, Western Military District;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. – Management (settlement) of the CVO, VVO;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. – Management (analysis and control);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - IT - department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. – Management (banking)

1. Your personal military number (SNILS - civilian).

2. Position (military).

3. Military rank - for military personnel.

4. Your last name, first name, patronymic (for alimony recipients additionally - last name, first name, patronymic of the alimony payer).

5. The essence of the appeal.

6. Phone for communication.

A guide to the types of payments of monetary allowances to military personnel

On this page, any serviceman can download and familiarize himself with a detailed guide on the issues of accrual and payment of monetary allowances to servicemen.

Hotline of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

ERC Hotline

Community Community / Monetary allowance

Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense (often asked for contact information)

Unified Settlement Center (UCC) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Address of the unified settlement center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

The settlement center is located on the fifth floor.

At the fourth call center, there is a database by which you can check information on payments to military personnel of the RF Armed Forces.

ERC Hotline 8-800-200-22-06 (free number).

Opening hours of the ERC hotline (Moscow time)

Monday - Friday from 08.00 - to 20.00

Saturday - Sunday from 09.00 - 18.00

— Head Loschenova Olga Vasilievna 8 495 693 65 02

— You can also call: 8-495-693-65-09, 8-495-693-65-10, 8-495-693-65-11, 495-693-65-13 etc. up to 31 at the end of the number.

Other Contact phone numbers ERC MO RF:

— Department of monetary allowance: 8-499-263-32-80,

— Payroll department: 8-499-263-31-72

— Deputy Head of Department BILEVICH Igor Valentinovich 8-499-263-33-70

Marked as solution

there is no allowance for February, it is not possible to get through!

I can not get 2 personal income tax for 2012. urgently needed! in part, no one knows who will now write out 2 personal income tax.

Write to Loschenova O.V. an application with a request to issue a certificate for the specified period, indicate your home address and send it through the drill to the ERC.

There is no card how to get money if you have already commissioned?

I also try to call, but the phones do not answer or hang up the call

and we have a problem - how to correctly write a draft order in mo for payment for sublease of housing, and what documents to attach there. tell me who knows. smolensk

a copy of the passport with a residence permit, birth certificates of children, a copy of a ticket with a personal number, a copy of the contract, a copy of the property that the landlord is the owner

an extract from the personal file that you are enrolled in the list of the unit, a certificate that you don’t have your own living space (issued by a combatant), a certificate of family composition (from a combatant), then a report from yourself for sublease, indicate in it what certificates you are attaching and something else I don't remember anymore

phone numbers of the BANK TRANSFER department 8-495-693-67-95, 8-495-693-67-95, 8-495-693-68-18. if someone does not have a bank account and not a vtb, then the BICs of banks are not determined by them, because the directory of banks has not been updated in the program. Call, check all the details, find out if there were transfers.

I am an officer. I am at the disposal of the commander of military unit 69647.

My ex-wife has not received alimony for 3 months now. for some reason, they stopped keeping them from my Monetary Allowance.

Also, I still have not been transferred to the Cash Allowance card for March.

And, as far as I know, this is not an isolated case!

It is impossible to get through to the ERC! Constantly busy!

ERC telephone bank settlement management - if you have questions about alimony, call 8-495-693-67-95, for civil claims - 8-495-693-68-35, 8-495-693-68-33, fax 8-495-693-68-31

my daughter, wherever she has applied, has been unable to achieve anything since January, please help me where else to apply her address [email protected]

What a mess. The bank transfer department just hangs up, and then they just put the phone next to the phone, and voila - it's impossible to get through!

Gentlemen, I suggest filing lawsuits with the prosecutor's office and the police. Theft of money on a huge scale, undermining the combat capability of the army, weighty articles for criminal prosecution. Oh, and don't forget about the percentage for damages.

Of course, it has long been necessary to sue the ERC!

They just feel their impunity and therefore spit on the military!

I looked through the decisions of the Krasnoyarsk Garrison Court on claims against the ERC dated 06/23/2012 (Judge Tokmakov) for incompletely paid allowances. And in all decisions, the standard wording is to refuse the claim because there is no order from the Moscow Region for the corresponding surcharge. Hence the conclusion:

1. It is necessary to know if there is an order from the unit commander under the corresponding article of monetary allowance. If not, go to court against the unit commander.

2. Is there an order from the Ministry of Defense for the appropriate payments. If there is, then to the court of the ERC. If not, then to the court of the Ministry of Defense, provided that there are no intermediate instances. case, do not leave it to chance, in the hope that someone will fix it.

And manage to engage in fraud -

Hello, my name is Anna, I am the ex-wife of a military man, I live in Vladivostok. On the issue of non-payment of alimony, she applied to the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, in Moscow. The money came, but every month the amount is different, but in March the amount came a little more than before the increase in DD, I wanted to know how much I should receive now, but. it is not possible to get through to the ERC, or to subscribe, I don’t know what to do next, I’ll probably file a lawsuit.

me in the mouth. this settlement center raised the salary in 2012 somewhere virtually. used to receive more than now, only zero complained to the president. The civil prosecutor's office will deal with you.

horror. 3 days I call with an interval of 5-10 minutes. ANSWER.

The son does not receive a salary for three months, it is not possible to get through, a mess. The ERC was created in order to have another opportunity to plunder budget money?

Introduce yourself before submitting

If you are registered in one of the services, log in through it:

I accept the terms of the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data in accordance with the policy.

How to call the "Hot Line" of the ERC MO RF

From January 1, 2017, on the "hot line" of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the free phone number has been changed to a new one:


Opening hours « hotline" (by Moscow time):

IMPORTANT! Below is the answer to the most frequently asked questions:

Why can't I get through to the ERC MO RF?

How to reach the ERC MO RF?

In order to get through to the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and 100% get the necessary advice, you need SCHEDULE A CALL! Due to the large number of people trying to get through and limited number operators appear queues on the communication line! This is especially noticeable on the days of the transfer of monetary allowance! The chances of a call are very small! Below is best time to call relative to the dates of the month (dates may vary depending on whether the 10th falls on a weekend).