MTS employees are the most important success factor for the Company for us. All the achievements of our business, the dynamics of its development are entirely based on the qualifications of the staff, directly dependent on the provision of competitive working conditions, a fair and respectful attitude towards each employee. We constantly strive to improve social and labor relations, create all conditions for the safe work of employees, contributing to their professional and career growth. We are confident that the attitude towards our employees largely determines their conscientious behavior in the Company.

“Given the scale of our business, MTS is actively investing in human capital, which helps it remain the best employer in Russia: last year, MTS won the Best Employers Study 2015 international award” according to the international HR consulting company AON Hewitt and its Russian partner AXES Management . She has repeatedly won the prestigious HR-brand award, which HeadHunter annually awards to the best employers in Russia, and also became the winner of the People Investor award, which recognizes the contribution of companies to the development of human capital.

Our Company has developed a unique corporate culture, thanks to which we better understand each other and speak the same language. We have the best “Idea Factory” for employees according to HeadHunter, within which any of us can turn our most daring and innovative ideas into reality. Every year, our employees participate in the corporate competition "RegiON!", and in between work they read the corporate magazine "Easy".

MTS strives to create opportunities for each employee to develop their professional, personal and business competencies!”

Andrey Dubovskov, President of MTS PJSC

The MTS team exceeds 70 thousand people working in six countries of the world, possessing innovative thinking, capable of creating and implementing new ideas, going beyond the usual patterns, implementing the most unusual and daring projects.

The personnel policy of MTS is implemented in full compliance with labor laws and other regulatory legal acts of the countries where the Company operates. MTS employees receive fair remuneration and decent social protection. The Company has created all conditions for safe work activities. An important element of the personnel policy is to attract highly qualified personnel and talented youth to MTS.

The priorities of the personnel policy in 2015 were the development of the efficiency of business processes, as well as the creation of an optimal environment for the professional and career development of employees. In the second half of the year, the United HR Center began to operate in Nizhny Novgorod, in which operational business processes for personnel management were centralized.

Innovations in personnel management implemented in 2015:

  • The Virtual Academy was launched - an innovative training service introduced by MTS. Virtual Academy contains big number online courses, many of which are grouped into study programs. Integration with major online learning providers such as Coursera,, Udacity, etc. is possible. The mobile application allows you to study at home and on the go. The Virtual Academy has a built-in Jam social network, a platform for the exchange of experience, participation in development events, corporate programs and competitions.
  • The "8 Rules" of the head have been developed - this is a survey that gives a chance to provide feedback on any head of the Company. The survey is conducted entirely online, which allows for a high level of anonymity, but at the same time makes it completely transparent.
  • The "Personal Account" function has been implemented - an online repository of information for employees, which contains all personal information, the history of employees in the Company, data on performance assessment, the results of various surveys ("8 Rules" of the head, Hogan, Hay, score 360, Talen Q tests) , churn and engagement rates, and all other relevant data.
  • The "HR Administration Center" was introduced - a solution for providing a centralized function of personnel administration in the United Personnel Service Center based on software products Abbyy and UCM. The ABBYY solution allows you to scan, verify and send HR documentation to a unified service center for further processing and generation (automatic and manual) of HR events in OEBS, save documents in electronic storage UCM.
  • Created "Feedback" - a mobile application for evaluating your colleagues on the values ​​of SIMPLY during the year. It is also possible to save your notes to Personal account performance management systems and use them in the next performance assessment.

The total costs of MTS for personnel in 2015 amounted to 56.2 billion rubles. compared to 49.1 billion rubles. in 2014, which was due, among other things, to a change in the structure of the MTS Group. Additional 962 million rubles. amounted to the Company's expenses for payments to persons participating in the work of MTS, but not being its employees.

Staff engagement

Per Last year the level of involvement in MTS Group increased from 65 to 70%, and in MTS PJSC - from 73 to 80%. The level of internal NPS in MTS Russia has grown from 32 to 43%, 2/3 of our employees are confidently ready to recommend MTS to their friends and relatives as a worthy employer.

More than 90% of our employees took part in the MTS Group engagement survey in 2015, which is 65 thousand people in absolute terms.

MTS Group builds social and labor relations with the personnel on the basis of social partnership, which implies equality, respect and consideration of mutual interests, as well as compliance by the parties with applicable laws and other regulations. The personnel policy of MTS is built on the basis of transparent and honest relationships with employees, a benevolent corporate culture has been formed in the Company, an atmosphere of gratitude, care and recognition of the achievements of each of our friendly team.

MTS concludes employment contracts with each employee separately; there is no practice of concluding collective agreements in the Company. All benefits, guarantees and compensations (including those in excess of those provided for by labor legislation) are fixed in various local regulations of MTS PJSC. We strictly adhere to the requirements of labor legislation and try to take into account the interests of the staff as much as possible, and in the event of disagreements, we make every effort to resolve the conflict objectively and fairly. All MTS employees, when the terms of an employment contract are changed or terminated at the initiative of the Company, receive a preliminary notification in advance - two months in advance.

A significant proportion of the Company's work is performed by full-time employees, including employees of subcontractor companies. Suppliers are not assessed according to the criteria of labor relations practice. Significant actual and potential negative impacts on labor practices in the supply chain are not assessed.

The Company has a widespread practice of career advancement based on rotation between regions and management levels: this approach means that each employee has the opportunity to gain useful experience and skills and get to know MTS business in different regions. Our Corporate Culture encourages social activities of employees in the event that it is aimed at social or educational purposes and is gratuitous. However, the Company does not encourage activities that may lead to a conflict of interest. If there is such a possibility, the employee must report this (in accordance with internal procedure) before engaging in such activities.

In September 2015, the first in the history of the Company "Career Day" was held - a large-scale event for MTS employees aimed at familiarizing our employees with career opportunities in the Company.

Employees have the opportunity to apply to the "Unified hotline» (line of the block of internal control and audit [email protected]) to resolve issues related to compliance with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, to resolve corporate conflicts, to receive assistance in cases of exceeding official authority.

During 2015, there were 13 complaints filed through formal grievance mechanisms, 10 of which were resolved in the reporting period.

The Human Resources Department is a separate structural subdivision of the enterprise, which reports to the head of the enterprise.
Company objectives

The development of the main directions of the personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise falls on the personnel officers. In addition, the department performs the following main tasks:

  • recruiting new employees and filling vacancies;
  • work with personnel, training, improvement of its professionalism;
  • quantitative accounting of the staff;
  • ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of workers;
  • work on personnel documentation in accordance with the norms of labor legislation;
  • creation of a personnel reserve of the company.

Ufa Motor-Building Production Association is an enterprise that began its history in 1925. On the territory of the Russian Federation is the largest developer and manufacturer of aircraft engines.

UMPO employees are more than 20 thousand employees. UMPO staff is divided into two main sectors:

  • vacancies for production workers;
  • vacancies for managers, employees and engineers.

Such a large number of employees is managed by the personnel department, whose tactical work is aimed at the following areas:

  • building a productive structure of workers;
  • attracting high-quality human resources to the enterprise;
  • creation of conditions where all employees will grow professionally;
  • formation of own corporate culture and a unified team spirit;
  • providing an attractive social program.

On the official website of the enterprise, you can find out about the open positions of UMPO. There, a potential employee can fill out a job seeker questionnaire.

A special social program has been developed for UMPO employees, which includes:

  • availability of free meals for employees;
  • full social package in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • housing for employees;
  • training;
  • organization of health and sports events.

Career at MTS

MTS is a major operator mobile network, which serves about 100 million subscribers in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The team of MTS employees includes more than 70 thousand people.
The Human Resources Department has created a unique formula for the success of each MTS employee with the original name "Simply", where:

  • P - partnership - the work of an employee is a team assistance, where you can get help and support;
  • P - performance - an MTS specialist, based on the results of his employment, should receive a result, that is, be able to find a solution to the current tasks of the company;
  • O - responsibility - the ability not only to assume obligations, but also to be responsible for one's words and deeds;
  • C - courage - an MTS employee must be an enthusiast who is not afraid to offer new creative ideas and non-standard solutions;
  • T - creativity - the thinking of a company specialist should go beyond the generally accepted standards in the field of MTS customer service;
  • O - openness - the ability not to hide one's opinion, honesty, attentiveness to other members of the work team.

The Human Resources Department at MTS not only develops such innovative methods of interaction with employees, but also selects new specialists who are ready to work for the benefit mobile operator. Therefore, MTS personnel officers developed a special website with the slogan "Work for MTS", where you can get acquainted with vacancies, requirements for the applicant for the position and the company's events. The career growth process is transparent and convenient due to the fact that each employee manages it independently.

Work at Rostelecom

Rostelecom is one of the largest telecommunications companies with offices throughout Russia and Europe.
In order to work at Rostelecom, you need to follow current vacancies in your region and, if you have the desired position, apply for it. The latest information of the personnel department can always be viewed on the official website. The Rostelecom team needs active, enthusiastic employees who are used to thinking big.

Corporate values ​​implemented by HR professionals, which are developed by each member of the Rostelecom team:

  • the client is the future of the entire Rostelecom company;
  • intelligence is the main assistant in making daily work decisions;
  • you need to work as if you are serving yourself;
  • performance attitude.

Rostelecom offers its potential employees:

  • official employment;
  • participation in the non-state pension system;
  • corporate sports and participation in the Rostelecom Spartakiad;
  • special banking conditions;
  • social offers for employees and their children.

For future employment, Rostelecom offers to go through a special internship program, after which the specialist receives the right to priority registration in the state. In addition, convenient territorial navigation has been created on the Rostelecom website so that the applicant can contact the local division of the personnel department.

Sberbank: personnel department

Today, Sberbank occupies a third of the entire banking system of the Russian Federation. In addition to working in Russia, the company is expanding its influence abroad. Therefore, Sberbank can boast that its personnel officers are specialists who own international-type management tools.

The intensive growth of this banking system requires constant recruitment and renewal of personnel potential. Sberbank is recruiting employees in three main areas:

  • vacancies for employees who are just starting their careers;
  • vacancies for experts who have experience and knowledge of banking;
  • vacancies for managers and solving large-scale tasks that Sberbank sets itself.

In order to get into the Sberbank team, you need to contact a representative of the HR department. It is also convenient to find up-to-date information about open positions on the official Internet resource.

Sberbank sets the following requirements for applicants:

  • teamwork skills;
  • level of knowledge in the field of banking technologies and customer service;
  • professional experience;
  • personal qualities of the applicant for the position, which is offered by Sberbank.

Sberbank offers its current and potential employees personal development, which includes:

  • self-education (Sberbank created its own library);
  • corporate training;
  • improvement of professional skills and abilities;
  • improving English;
  • coaching.

How to become an employee of Velesstroy?

Velesstroy is a powerful construction company in the Russian Federation. Specificity - performance of work in the oil and gas and electric power sectors of the country's economy. The activities carried out by Velesstroy are based on three main principles. One of them is a caring attitude towards each specialist of the company, which is successfully carried out by the HR department.

Employment in Velesstroy is:

  • high level of remuneration, which guarantees financial stability;
  • safe working conditions;
  • compliance with legal requirements in the field of labor relations;
  • the opportunity to build a career in the Velesstroy team;
  • work with modern technologies, equipment and materials.

Velesstroy believes that its success is the merit of the personnel, therefore, the personnel department employees developed the following methods for the team of workers:

  • original corporate program of Velesstroy employees;
  • talent development;
  • career advancement within the company.

In addition, the following areas of personnel policy have been developed, which Velesstroy implements:

  • selection of new employees and their adaptation in the workplace and in the team;
  • wage motivation;
  • planning the individual career of each member of the Velesstroy team;
  • development of corporate culture and talents;
  • regular training and others.

On the official website, you can find out about vacancies, job requirements of the Velesstroy company and send a questionnaire for possible employment.

Become a member of the MFC team

MFCs are special centers for receiving, registering and issuing documents in the process of providing citizens with state and municipal services. In other words, the MFC is an organization that operates on the principle of "one window". In the performance of its functions, the MFC actively cooperates with federal authorities and municipalities. The provision of documentation in the structural divisions of the MFC is possible personally by a citizen or by means of electronic data transmission.

You can find out about MFC vacancies on the official websites of local branches. For each open position in the MFC there is detailed description. The requirements for the candidate, duties, salary level and contacts of an employee of the personnel department are indicated. As a rule, an MFC employee will receive:

  • official employment in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • full social package;
  • the possibility of career growth in the system of employees of the MFC;
  • five day work schedule.

The main corporate principle of MFC employees is the desire to help citizens public services with maximum comfort.

Work at NLMK

NLMK is a large Russian steel and rolled steel plant located in the city of Lipetsk. NLMK employs a HR team, one of the main areas of which is staff management and work with educational institutions to attract young professionals to NLMK. Professional Development of NLMK PJSC personnel is a guarantee of the successful operation of the entire plant.

NLMK is responsible for its employees. The Human Resources Department developed the priority areas of NLMK's HR policy:

  • growth of labor productivity due to the growth of NLMK production productivity;
  • optimization of the industrial safety system;
  • creation of a unique corporate culture;
  • improvement of the labor protection system at the enterprise;
  • creating a favorable social and economic environment for NLMK specialists;
  • creation of safe conditions for employees in the performance of work duties.

On the NLMK website, you can find out about open vacancies at the company and see the contact details of the territorial divisions.

It is unnecessary to talk about the importance of the functioning of the personnel management system in huge enterprises, for example, in NLMK or UMPO, or in government agencies, such as the MFC. Without this department, a large-scale organization simply will not be able to carry out its activities normally. On the shoulders of personnel officers, who carry out direct orders from the management, the selection of personnel, the development of personnel documents, the development of corporate culture and the organization of interaction between employees and staff fall.

Natalia Fink, HR Director of MTS North-West, speaking at the XII annual HR-Forum "Behind the scenes!", revealed some interesting data about the work with personnel in the company. According to her, most of the vacancies that open at MTS can be filled by training existing personnel, rather than hiring new ones.

According to Natalia Fink, 80% of vacancies that appear in MTS are filled due to internal rotation of employees, and only every fifth employee is hired on the external market. In other words, the company has highly developed internal movements, including vertical ones - from positions entry level to leadership positions. In this case, we are talking about MTS as a whole, and not just about the North-Western Branch. However, these statistics do not include employees of the MTS retail network.

Natalia Fink answered several questions from Telekomblog.

Why are you betting on internal rather than external reserves?

First, you need to understand what the company invests in the adaptation, development and training of an employee from the moment he arrives. We would like him to be with us longer, so as not to go through all over again with a new person.

Secondly, we would like to see involved employees. Not those who come and sit out their day from nine to six, but those who are willing to do something extra because they like it. If from year to year a person has the same duties, a kind of “swamp”, in which it is warm and comfortable, then this is not a plus either for us as an employer or for an employee as part of the company. The company must develop. Only by developing the team, moving employees horizontally and vertically, we develop the company as a whole.

It turns out that it is difficult for people from the outside to start working at MTS?

Don't tell. The search for employees simultaneously goes both inside and outside the company. We have a competition.

Can you give me some advice on how to get there?

Go to our website or the HeadHunter website, look at vacancies within the MTS group of companies. Vacancies are presented throughout the country, as well as in other states. You respond and receive feedback. Come to us, go through several stages of the interview, and if you are better than other applicants and our internal candidates, then we will hire you.

In general, we have a Talent Management program. If within its framework we have an internal replacement ready: that is, we assumed in advance that there would be some kind of relocation, we prepared this replacement on purpose, then such vacancies are not even published. We promote our employees.

What should be a good candidate?

To begin with, meet the specific requirements for this vacancy. Speaking in general, he should share our values, they are very simple, we put them in the abbreviation SIMPLE - partnership, efficiency, openness, courage, creativity, responsibility. The candidate must be qualified for this position, but work experience is not always necessary, we are ready to teach. He must have basic knowledge of telecommunications, a higher education is required.

Are there any managerial vacancies open in the Northwest now?

Fortunately, there are few open ones - now there is only a vacancy for the director of the region in Murmansk.

During a crisis, entrepreneurs are often forced to save on staff: cut salaries, bonuses, refuse medical insurance, corporate training, and so on. But, as research shows, one of the most unpleasant procedures is downsizing. The discomfort that employees experience when the team collapses can be detrimental to the business itself. The deteriorating position of the company may again require a reduction in personnel costs. A vicious circle turns into a noose around the neck of a business.

However, another scenario is also possible - development-oriented, when the interdependence of business success and the efforts of the company's personnel is in hand. This scenario can be considered on the example of a company MTS, which based its corporate policy on such parameters as customer focus and efficiency. About the inextricable connection between business principles and corporate policy, about the features of MTS corporate life and about what is best able to rally the team, in an interview Executive told the director of personnel policy of MTS Sergei Sharov.

e-xecutive:What does corporate culture mean to you? What is her role in your company?

Sergey Sharov: Corporate culture is one of the myths of our time. Different people understand different things by this term, there is no single interpretation. So it's kind of philosophical in a way. In our understanding, corporate culture is a system of views, values, ideological orientation, which is shared and supported by all company personnel.

Corporate culture can be classified: they distinguish technocratic, family models, and so on. But all this is a little from the evil one. There is no single corporate culture. Any company consists of micro-teams with their own microclimate, and this is normal. Our company has an ideological base, which is being introduced into all structural and geographical divisions of MTS, where it is supported to one degree or another, diluted with local specifics and national flavor - as a result, team relations, a working atmosphere, and an ideology of each employee's activity are formed. All this turns MTS into a single team.

e-xecutive:How is the corporate culture of MTS systematized?

N.S.: Our company has a special policy. The ideological superstructure consists of the mission and values ​​of the brand, which are further described by competencies - the qualities that we want to see in our employees. But in general, you need to understand that the behavior of employees at work is due to how their parents raised them and what the company gave them: opportunities, standards, as well as beliefs and professional values ​​that personal example transmits guidance.

e-xecutive:How and when were the principles of work in the company formed?

N.S.: The culture of MTS began to take shape at the moment when the company was created - at the beginning of the era mobile communications, in an atmosphere of innovation. This left its mark on the culture of relations, decision-making, traditions and other factors. In the future, it was no longer so much about the formation of values, but about their formalization. The next important stage in the formation of MTS culture took place during the period of rebranding in 2006. The new brand brings new values ​​- MTS began to focus more on the interests of its customers. Since then, some priorities have changed, but the main principles we rely on remain customer focus and efficiency.

e-xecutive:MTS acquires various companies and opens offices in different countries. How do you manage to integrate employees into a single corporate cultural space?

N.S.: The structures that we acquire are transferred under the MTS brand and receive the appropriate regulatory documentation - a description of policies, regulations, standards and corporate cultural values. Further, our new colleagues study the accepted ideological attitudes, there is a grinding. As a rule, a small adjustment is required: since we acquire a company, this means that it is obviously effective, that is, in its work it is based on the same principles as MTS. At the same time, of course, the internal climate will in any case remain its own, and this is natural - much depends on local customs and traditions that have developed over the years.

For example, on the day of remembrance of the victims of the Armenian genocide, the website of the mobile operator VivaCell-MTS (Armenian subsidiary of MTS) loses its bright colors and becomes strict, black and white. Naturally, the office in Armenia is different from Moscow, Kyiv or Ashgabat.

e-xecutive:How is the process of introducing a new employee to the corporate culture of the company?

N.S.: Each employee receives a Welcome package, which contains the "Welcome to MTS" handbook, the "ABC of Corporate Culture" brochure, pen, mouse pad, MTS badge and other attributes. All employees must take the "Introduction to MTS" and "Introduction to GSM" courses, and further adaptation takes place at the workplace. For the probationary period, the beginner is assigned tasks, then the results are evaluated. There is mentoring in MTS stores and contact centers.

e-xecutive:What team building activities are carried out at MTS?

N.S.: When it comes to team building, HRs love to talk about team building. Traveling to nature is, of course, pleasant. But I am convinced that the most effective team building event is to work together on a common cause in your workplace. When people solve one common problem, all the more they work on one project - this unites them best. I’m ready to argue with the authorities from HR: a trip to the forest and tug-of-war competitions are not a panacea. It must be understood that they are effective within small teams - for example, departments. But what is traditionally a strong unifying and motivating factor in MTS is sports. We regularly hold sports events: hockey and football teams from different cities and countries take part in tournaments. The best employees annually compete in the extreme MTS Trophy project.

Board meetings at MTS are often held in various cities and countries: in Moscow, Samarkand, Minsk, Kazan, and so on. Moreover, in the first half of the day, MTS top managers work at a meeting, and in the second they go to the “first line” in the MTS salon store, where they work as sales consultants, answering questions from subscribers, helping them connect services, services, selling new contracts. This experience gives our top managers the opportunity to constantly be aware of the needs of our clients. This approach also definitely affects the corporate culture.

Speaking of team building, one should not forget about such a thing as the role of the immediate supervisor. Top management can create whatever concepts they want, but if line managers, for example, don't give a damn about their staff, then all our efforts will be in vain. If there is no management support along the entire vertical of management, then the system will not work. This should be acknowledged.

To avoid such misunderstandings, MTS pays great attention to recruitment: in addition to meeting professional competencies, we make sure to determine how much a person matches our corporate values.

e-xecutive:What gives such an approach?

N.S.: New employees who do not accept the company's guidelines, as a rule, do not stay with us. MTS is a very young company, like the industry itself, more than 50% of the staff is under 30 years old. Those who work in the company have the opportunity to realize themselves: to offer and implement their ideas, to make a career and develop professionally. With the growth of the telecommunications industry, the potential for professional and personal development of our employees also grows. If a person cannot work in the appropriate style and rhythm, then he will feel uncomfortable in our team.

e-xecutive:How does MTS measure the effectiveness of invested efforts?

N.S.: We regularly conduct a survey on the involvement of personnel in the life of the company with the help of an international expert - the company Hay Group. We compare ourselves to the leaders in the telecommunications industry - Vodafone, T Mobile and the like, as well as with the world's leading brands - Mitsubishi, Toyota and others. The first measurement was carried out in 2007. In general, we were satisfied with the results - in many respects MTS was at the level of world brands and in one respect even slightly ahead. But we did not calm down, but on the contrary, we set ourselves the task of overtaking the world leaders. In 2008, we held a number of special events to increase staff loyalty. As a result, according to a number of research parameters, we bypassed most of the largest Western brands. At the beginning of June 2009, we again organized an employee engagement survey, and preliminary results also indicate a favorable environment within the company.

e-xecutive:Do you rely on the fact that new employees will connect themselves and connect their relatives to MTS?

N.S.: There are about 25 thousand employees in the company. If everyone, conditionally, has three relatives, then it turns out that the MTS subscriber base will be replenished by 100 thousand subscribers. Against the backdrop of a hundred million MTS subscriber base, this figure pales - we are counting on all market segments. At the same time, company employees and their relatives often use special MTS tariff plans and give recommendations regarding mobile communications to their surroundings.

e-xecutive:How active is recruitment at MTS now?

N.S.: Now there is no active recruitment in MTS, the staff turnover has become lower than a few years ago.

e-xecutive:Has MTS become more closed under these conditions? It is said that companies with a strong corporate culture, in the absence of an influx of new people, risk becoming something like a cult ...

N.S.: Despite the less active natural renewal of the team, we do not feel stagnation. In telecommunications, there are many opportunities for the influx of new thoughts, ideas and professional communication. First, MTS great amount partners and contractors, and the company itself is a provider of communication services for many thousands of counterparties, which implies regular business communication. Secondly, inter-regional rotation is very developed in MTS. Moving employees to new regions to master and work out new functional duties is one of the most important elements of the career ladder system. In MTS, interregional rotation is encouraged, including financially. In addition, our employees take an active part in various industry events, speak at conferences, and participate in the work of professional associations. MTS pays special attention to work with students - more than 200 students train in the company every year, MTS acts as a partner and co-organizer of national student competitions and qualifying stages of international student projects: SIFE, Business Battle, Global Management Chalange and others. Top managers of MTS regularly speak to students, master classes of marketing gurus are especially popular among young people. Garrett Johnston- Strategic Marketing Director of MTS.

We consider it important to share the experience of our work with personnel with the professional community, therefore we are pleased to take part in reputable HR awards and competitions. Market experts highly appreciate the projects implemented in MTS - our company has repeatedly become the winner of the professional HR Brand of the Year award. In 2009, MTS became the winner of the Tranings INDEX corporate training competition and the leader in terms of the number of victories in the nominations of the Crystal Headset professional competition in the call center industry. MTS ranks 14th in the top 100 most dynamically developing companies in the world in the TMT (telecommunications, media and technology) sector according to the rating agency Standard and Poor's and magazine business week. MTS works for tens of millions of our subscribers. Feeling responsible for them is also part of the MTS corporate culture.

Interviewed Tatyana Marchenko, E-xecutive


Basic concepts of personnel policy

Analysis of the features of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC

1 Brief description of MTS OJSC

2 Analysis of MTS OJSC personnel

3 Analysis of the peculiarities of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC



A sound personnel policy is a key factor in the success of any organization. The staff is the main and most valuable resource of the organization, effective management they will ensure the competitiveness of the company in today's market. That is why the definition of the main directions of personnel policy, as well as taking into account external and internal factors of influence on the organization become necessary.

The relevance of the analysis of the personnel policy of the organization is due to the fact that it is the personnel policy that determines the basic principles, methods and criteria for working with personnel.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the features of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC.

· reveal the basic concepts of personnel policy;

· to give brief description MTS OJSC;

· characterize the personnel of MTS OJSC;

· to analyze the peculiarities of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC.

The object of the work is the personnel policy of MTS OJSC.

The subject of the work is the main directions of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC.

The methods used in writing the work: the method of generalization, observation, the method of analysis and synthesis (including theoretical analysis of the literature).

1. Basic concepts of personnel policy

The activities of the organization in the field of personnel management should be determined by the main areas of personnel management, the most significant for this organization, as well as the main characteristics of this work. These areas and their characteristics are reflected in the personnel policy of the organization.

Before revealing the content of such a concept as personnel policy, it is necessary to clarify the definition of such a concept as organization policy.

Organization policy -a system of rules in accordance with which the system as a whole behaves and according to which the people included in this system act. There is a financial policy of the organization, a policy in relation to competitors, and any organization develops and implements personnel policy.

So, personnel policy of the organization -the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements, taking into account the development strategy organizations . It is important to note the goal of the personnel policy - this is to ensure the optimal balance of the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel in its development in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, legal requirements, and the state of the labor market.

Personnel policy, like any system, has its own structure. Among its most important elements include the subject, the object of personnel policy. Subjectthe personnel policy of the organization is the personnel management system of the organization, consisting of the personnel management service, independent structural divisions of the organization and line managers. objectpersonnel policy of the organization is its staff. Staff - a category of workers united on the basis of belonging to an organization (apparatus, department, service, laboratory, department, etc.) or to a profession (managerial, administrative, engineering, technical, etc.). In science, the concepts of "cadres" and "personnel" are most often considered as synonyms.

What are the directions of personnel policy? Let's name the main ones:

a) forecasting the creation of jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies;

b) development of programs for the development of personnel in order to solve the current and future tasks of the organization;

c) development of motivational mechanisms, increasing job satisfaction;

d) creation of modern systems of recruitment and selection of personnel;

e) conducting marketing activities in the field of personnel;

f) development of social programs;

g) development of employment programs;

h) strengthening the stimulating role of wages.

The formation and development of personnel policy is influenced by various factors - both external and internal.

Factors external environment - a group of factors that an organization, as a subject of management, cannot change, but must take into account in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources for covering this need. For example, these include:

· the situation on the labor market (demographic factors, education);

· economic development trends;

· scientific and technological progress (the nature and content of labor, which affects the needs for certain specialists, the possibility of retraining personnel);

· regulatory and legal environment (legislation in the labor sphere, social sphere and labor protection.

Internal environmental factors- these are factors that, respectively, are amenable to control by the organization. As an example, these include:

· goals of the organization (on their basis, personnel policy is formed);

· financial resources;

· the personnel potential of the organization (associated with the assessment of the capabilities of employees, the distribution of responsibilities).

At the same time, when forming personnel policy, a number of the following principles should be observed:

1.the principle of scientific character (the use of modern scientific developments to ensure the maximum economic and social effect);

.the principle of complexity (all areas of personnel activity should be covered);

.the principle of accounting (the need to take into account the economic and social effect, the positive and negative impact of a decision on the final result);

.the principle of consistency (taking into account the interdependence and interconnection of the individual components of this work);

.the principle of efficiency (any costs for activities in this area should be repaid through the results of economic activity).

Personnel policy can exist in various manifestations. There are the following types of personnel policy: passive, reactive, preventive and active.

We will reveal the main essence of these varieties.

Passive personnel policy- a situation where the management of the organization does not have a clear program of action in relation to personnel, the entire personnel policy is aimed only at eliminating negative consequences without trying to understand the causes of their occurrence, analysis of personnel needs .

Reactive personnel policy.Conducting this species policy, the management of the organization controls the occurrence of negative situations in the work of personnel, the lack of motivation and qualified employees; measures are taken to eliminate problems based on an analysis of the causes of their occurrence. The personnel services of the organization are developed, but there is no holistic program for predicting the development of personnel.

Preventive personnel policy.The essence of this type of policy is that the organization has reasonable forecasts for the development of the situation, but does not have the means to influence it. The development programs of the organization contain qualitative and quantitative, short-term and medium-term forecasts of the need for personnel, tasks for the development of personnel are formulated. The main problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs.

Active personnel policy -management has not only a forecast, but also means of influencing the situation, the personnel department is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, constantly monitor the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal situation. However, the mechanisms that management can use in analyzing the situation lead to the fact that the grounds for the forecast and programs can be both rational (conscious) and irrational (hardly amenable to algorithmization and description) .

In accordance with this, two subspecies of active personnel policy can be distinguished: rationaland adventurous.

At rationalpersonnel policy, the management of the enterprise has both a qualitative diagnosis and a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise has not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium and long term. The development programs of the organization contain short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of the need for personnel (qualitative and quantitative). Integral part plan is a program of personnel work with options for its implementation.

At adventurouspersonnel policy, the management of the enterprise does not have a qualitative diagnosis, a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation, but seeks to influence it. The personnel department of an enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means to predict the personnel situation and diagnose personnel, however, the development programs of the enterprise include plans for personnel work, often focused on achieving goals that are important for the development of the enterprise, but not analyzed from the point of view of changing the situation. The plan for working with personnel in this case is based on a rather emotional, little reasoned, but perhaps correct idea of ​​the goals of working with personnel.

Also highlight the personnel policy openand closedtypes. Opentype organization is ready to hire any specialist of the appropriate qualification at any level without taking into account work experience in other organizations. essence closedtype in that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and the replacement occurs only from among the employees of the organization.

There are specific requirements for personnel policy: it must be related to the strategy, goals of the organization, its principles.

In order for the personnel policy to have a holistic and structured character, there are three main stages of its formation.

Stage 1. Rationing. The purpose of the stage is to harmonize the principles and goals of working with personnel with the goals and principles of the organization as a whole, its strategy.

Stage 2. Programming. The goal is to develop a system of personnel procedures, activities, technologies.

Stage 3. Monitoring. The main goal is the implementation of specific measures for personnel management and evaluation of the effectiveness of these measures.

Summing up the conclusion of the above theoretical points, it is necessary to define the concept of personnel policy, the definition of which will be used later in the work. So, the personnel policy of the organization - this is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening, developing human resources, as well as creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to changing market requirements with taking into account the strategy of the organization.

Having outlined the main components and types of personnel policy, it is necessary to turn to the issue of analyzing the personnel policy of the MTS OJSC organization, which can be carried out by outlining the characteristics of the main directions of personnel policy and their correlation with the main stages of the formation of personnel policy.

2. Analysis of the features of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC

OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) is the leading telecommunications operator in Russia and the CIS countries. Together with its subsidiaries, the company serves more than 100 million subscribers. The year of foundation of MTS OJSC is 1993. MTS OJSC slogan: "One step ahead".

The strategy of MTS OJSC is focused on the creation and development of telecommunications infrastructure in the countries of presence. This gives MTS the opportunity to provide consumers with innovative, high-quality and affordable communication products and services and, as a result, contribute to improving the quality of life in society. Focusing on the needs of the client, the company strives to provide "total communications" - the offer of services in all telecommunications areas - the Internet, television, mobile and fixed communications. The goal is to be the leading telecommunications operator in all markets where it operates. The main principles of the company's work: responsible business conduct, responsibility of the telecom operator, equal opportunities, innovation, promotion of economic growth and welfare of society, responsibility to the state, long-term investment, focus on results, information transparency.

The population of all regions of Russia, as well as Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, where MTS and its subsidiaries have licenses to provide services in the GSM standard, is more than 230 million people.

Main services provided:

· cellular communication (in GSM and UMTS standards);

· fixed communication;

· broadband Internet access;

· cable television;

· related services, in particular services for the sale of content.

The company regularly introduces new tariff plans and services that meet the needs of different groups of subscribers. Along with voice services high level of quality, MTS is constantly expanding the range of additional services based on data transfer technologies in mobile and fixed networks, cable television, and also develops its own line of mobile devices, both telephones and smartphones, and devices for wireless Internet access - USB modems and routers. MTS also launched a multimedia entertainment portal - a universal interactive store with a wide selection of licensed music, video and game content and additional functionality social network.

MTS pays priority attention to customer service and maintenance. The company is developing its own mono-brand network of more than 4,150 MTS stores throughout Russia and has a wide distribution network of MTS dealer sales points throughout the country. MTS GPRS roaming is available in more than 200 countries.

MTS successfully implements the tasks of strengthening leadership and maintaining high business efficiency. The main areas of development of the MTS Group were the development of the infrastructure of new networks and points of interaction with consumers, the operator, the use of "smart networks" and the active development of Internet services to create additional value; development of innovations to provide subscribers with a wide portfolio of exclusive devices and services.

Describing the stage of development of the company, it should be noted that MTS OJSC is at the stage of maturity: it manages to maintain a stable position in the external environment, maintains a balanced growth, formed an individual image, the main task is growth in different directions, taking into account the diverse interests of customers, bonuses employees for individual results.

.2 Analysis of MTS OJSC personnel

Before analyzing the personnel policy of MTS OJSC, it is necessary to analyze the personnel of this organization, indicating its characteristics in dynamics. Personnel data are shown in table 1.

Table 1 - Characteristics of MTS OJSC personnel

Characteristics 2010 2011123 Number of personnel, persons 1993020519 Share of employees under 35 years old 71% 75% Share of employees with higher education 77% 81% Average work experience 5.4 years 5.8 years Personnel turnover 10% 7% Absenteeism rate 13% 11% Internal staff mobility rate 10% 12 % Labor productivity (one employee), million rubles 17.0526.2 Average salary 37,660 rubles 44,200 rubles Costs for employee training (% of total costs) development of new projects) 5% 7% Number of trained employees, people 881614402 Net profit, billion rubles 26,640.1

The data in the table clearly show changes in various indicators in the field of personnel; further it is necessary to draw certain conclusions. The increase in the number of MTS staff indicates the expansion of the company, the opening of new offices and the provision of new services to customers who need new employees to manage.

An increase in the share of employees under 35 indicates the company's interest in young employees, which is favorable for the development of various innovations. The indicator of the share of employees with higher education is increasing due to professional training of employees, sending them for training, as well as taking into account the factor of education when hiring.

In 2011, there was an increase in the average length of service of employees in the company, which is an indicator of the stability of the workforce and the dedication of employees to the organization. In 2011, one can also observe a decrease in staff turnover, MTS OJSC achieved this result by increasing the fixed salaries of employees, which gives some confidence in the future, as well as by abolishing the system of fines.

A decrease in the level of absenteeism in 2011 means that the amount of productive time of employees has increased, the company has achieved this result by increasing employee satisfaction with their work (introduction of various social programs, organization of vocational training). The increase in the coefficient of internal mobility of personnel in 2011 to 12% testifies to the focus on ensuring the career growth of employees.

An indicator of the company's performance is the increase in labor productivity per employee in 2011 to 26.2 million rubles. and an increase in net profit to 40.1 billion rubles. MTS OJSC increased the level of average wages 2011 compared to 2010, its value amounted to 44,200 rubles, this was due to an increase in funds allocated to the wage fund. In 2011, employee training costs decreased due to the development of an internal mentoring system. An example is the sending of key employees to trainings, and when they return from there, they share their experience with the rest of the employees.

In 2011, the indicator characterizing the process of creating new jobs associated with the development of innovations increased by 2%. Its change is associated, respectively, with the opening of new project groups. Also in 2011 there is an increase in the number of employees trained at internal courses, this is due to the development internal system staff training in the company.

In this section, an analysis was made of indicators related to the personnel of MTS OJSC. Conclusion on how the change in these indicators is associated with personnel policy organization, it will be possible to do after the analysis of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC.

.3 Analysis of the peculiarities of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC

HR personnel certification motivation

Before evaluating the personnel policy of MTS OJSC, it is necessary to describe its goals. The objectives of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC are to provide the company with qualified personnel, maximize the efficiency of investments in personnel development, increase personnel motivation and labor productivity. If we take into account the MTS strategy, the goal of which is to be the leading telecommunications communicator in all markets of presence. Which, of course, is possible only if the company has qualified, highly productive personnel, whose work will make it possible to provide consumers with innovative, high-quality and affordable communication products and services and, as a result, contribute to improving the quality of life of society. Thus, the personnel policy of MTS OJSC is aimed at supporting the company's strategy.

Next, it is necessary to analyze the personnel policy of MTS OJSC, based on the previously listed main areas, as well as characterizing them in accordance with the main stages of the formation of personnel policy, the results achieved and changes in labor indicators.

In support of such an area of ​​personnel policy as forecasting the creation of jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies, in 2011 MTS introduced such an event as the launch of a number of projects to involve employees in innovative development (for example, the opening of a new mobile portal), thus anticipating the need to create new jobs for workers working on new projects. The purpose of this direction is to increase the percentage of new jobs created. This direction coincides with the goals of the organization and its principle of innovation development. The implementation of new projects is monitored by HR managers in accordance with the plans for the implementation of projects. If we trace the dynamics of personnel indicators, we can conclude that the desired indicator increased by 2%.

In the direction of development of personnel development in order to solve current and future tasks of the organization, MTS OJSC pursues a policy of continuous training, self-education of personnel. The goal of this direction is to increase the number of trained employees, but also to reduce the cost of training. This direction helps to support MTS in the goal of being a leading company in its activities, which, of course, is only possible with the presence of qualified personnel, while observing such principles of the company's activities as responsible business conduct, responsibility of the telecom operator. Activities and procedures carried out in this area: instructions for the development of various projects and tasks, conducting master classes from top managers of the company, organizing unified centralized introductory courses for all new employees, the purpose of which is to understand the MTS business, culture, structure, as well as the study of internal processes and organizational procedures by new employees; for new leaders additional programs on introduction to the internal structure, business processes of the company and accepted interaction procedures; For existing employees, team-building events are held to increase the corporate spirit and strengthen the corporate culture, training at the internal Corporate University, development of an internal mentoring system, i.e. sending key employees to trainings, and when they return from there, they share their experience with other employees. Monitoring the effectiveness of these activities is carried out on the basis of questionnaires feedback, attestation of professional knowledge and results. It should be noted that in 2011 MTS achieved an increase in the number of trained employees to 14,402 people, and the cost of staff training decreased by 1.82%.

As an example of ongoing activities, you can specify the procedure for attestation of personnel. In this case, the certification process included a test of the professional qualities of a new employee in the development department mobile applications, his participation in the development, comments from the management, the specifics of the work and the desire to develop in order to make a decision on sending him to training courses at the Corporate University. Methods used: interview of an employee with the head of the department in which the employee works, observation, filling out a certification sheet, analysis of the employee's personal file. In the certification sheet, a record was made of the presence of comments on the quality of the employee’s work, participation in the development of new projects, professional qualities, and a form with questions to test knowledge in the field of work of the employee was also attached. The result of the certification activities for a new employee of the mobile application development department is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Results of certification

FactorCommentProfessional qualitiesSociability, purposefulness, analytical mindset, good mathematical base, sociability, responsibilityParticipation in new developmentsNoComments to the employeeNoneThe result of the knowledge test 72%The specifics of the workDeals with the support of already created contentDesire to develop Strives for self-development

Based on the results of certification, it can be concluded that the newcomer meets the requirements of the professional qualities necessary for his specialty, the level of his knowledge is sufficient, however, to participate in the development of new projects that he is engaged in this department he needs new knowledge. The decision to send this employee to training courses at the Corporate University is justified, since there are no comments from the management towards the employee, and he strives for self-development, which contributes to his further effective training and work.

When considering the direction of development of motivational mechanisms, its goal should be noted - to reduce staff turnover and the level of absenteeism in MTS OJSC. It should also be noted that the organization has a grading system. Each position in the company has its own so-called "weight", which is determined by assessing the knowledge, professional qualities of a specialist, the level of responsibility of the position he occupies. Each grade has its own approach to wages. The bonus part is formed on the basis of the fact that the employee completed tasks during the reporting period. The employee understands in which direction to move in order for the salary to grow, clear rules give confidence in the future. Job satisfaction among employees also increases due to the realization that the industry in which the company operates is not only prestigious, but also promising, that MTS is an ideal place for those who want to grow, develop and build a career. Activities carried out in support of this area: development of a grading system, formation of the size of the bonus part of wages and a system for evaluating the performance of employees, professional education on internal trainings, increasing the size of fixed salaries, abolishing fines. Efficiency monitoring is carried out by HR managers based on the evaluation of labor results, feedback questionnaires. It is also important to note that this area is in line with the MTS principles of responsible business conduct and focus on results. As a result, it should be noted that the ongoing activities are effective, as the goals of changing indicators are being achieved: the level of absenteeism decreased in 2011 by 2%, and staff turnover - by 3%.

Touching upon such an area of ​​personnel policy as the creation of modern systems for recruiting and selecting personnel, it is important to note that MTS, first of all, wants to see in all employees professionalism, company loyalty, customer focus when interacting with subscribers and colleagues, the ability to quickly solve problems and tasks. The purpose of this direction is to provide the company with qualified personnel with higher education, as well as an increase in labor productivity. These requirements meet the strategy and goals of MTS in the direction of developing a quality product, which is possible only with qualified personnel. Activities carried out: searching for resumes of candidates on the Internet, searching for alternative sources of attracting candidates (placement in the media, establishing contacts with universities); conducting telephone and personal interviews with candidates; organization of adaptation of employees at introductory trainings. Monitoring: the process of personnel certification, questioning, analysis of labor efficiency. Making a conclusion about the goals of this direction, it should be noted that the labor productivity of one employee of the company in 2011 increased to 26.2 million rubles, and the percentage of employees with higher education - up to 81%.

Analyzing such a direction as conducting marketing activities in the field of personnel, it can be noted that MTS OJSC fully supports this direction in its personnel policy, as it allows tracking and hiring highly qualified personnel, which is fully consistent with the company's strategy in the production of high-quality and available communications products and services. The goal is to increase the percentage of employees with higher education. Measures taken and monitoring: research by the HR department of the external labor market and the internal environment of the organization, including through feedback questionnaires, tracking the development of new technologies in the organization and, in this regard, new jobs, conducting social surveys to identifying the company's image in the market. The change in the percentage of employees with higher education to 81% indicates the effectiveness of the measures taken.

As part of the development of social programs, MTS OJSC, first of all, builds activities within the framework of its strategy to meet the needs of society and consumers, improve the quality of human life. Also, principles such as responsible business conduct, ensuring equal opportunities, promoting the welfare of society are being implemented. Conducted activities: provision of free voluntary medical insurance to employees, labor protection, professional training of personnel, organization of sports leisure for employees, provision of targeted vacations in connection with certain life situations. The purpose of the ongoing activities is to increase the number of trained employees and reduce the level of absenteeism. The company also implements a number of social projects, for example, “ Mobile Internet from MTS to schools”, various charitable programs. Monitoring is carried out by personnel certification, observation of the external environment of the company. Having assessed the dynamics of changes in the previously stated indicators, we can conclude that the measures taken are effective, because the level of absenteeism in 2011 compared to 2010 decreased by 2%, and the number of trained employees increased by 5586 people.

As part of such an area of ​​personnel policy as the development of employment programs, MTS OJSC participates in a number of targeted territorial employment programs, an example of an event was the agreement signed in 2009 in St. Petersburg on social development and development of innovations. Additional activities and monitoring: informing employment services about open vacancies; cooperation with students - organization of internships and employment, organization of university events, the purpose of which is to attract students; career advancement based on rotation between regions and management levels. The goal is to increase the rate of internal mobility of personnel, as well as the number of qualified employees. This means that employees have a real chance to gain useful experience and skills and get to know the company's business in different regions, which is in line with the principles of information transparency and responsible business conduct. The presence of career advancement for employees at the regional level makes it possible to have highly qualified employees in all markets of presence, which is in line with the strategy and goals of MTS. An increase in net profit in 2011 compared to 2010 by 13.5 billion rubles, an increase in the number of employees to 20,519 people, and an increase in the coefficient of internal staff mobility to 12% serve as an indicator of the effectiveness of this area.

At the end of the analysis of personnel policy, it is necessary to characterize such an area of ​​personnel policy as strengthening the stimulating role of wages. The purpose of this direction is to increase the average salary of employees, reduce staff turnover. Today, MTS OJSC has the following measures and technologies in place: a remuneration system consisting of fixed and variable parts, providing employees with a package of compensations and benefits, setting bonus amounts based on personal achievements. It is important to note that the size of the fixed part of the salary is determined taking into account the salary ranges established for each job category (grade) based on the analysis of the labor market in the region of presence and the positioning policy of MTS regarding the labor market, which is already included in the monitoring system for this direction. The monitoring system also includes: assessment of the results achieved by employees based on a personal plan and the issuance of bonuses. It can be concluded that remuneration with the presence of a fixed part in it, as well as the presence of bonuses, plays the role of an incentive for productive activity. Analyzing the dynamics of changes in turnover rates and wages, we can conclude that the increase in wages in 2011 had an effective impact on staff motivation, as staff turnover decreased by 3%.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized once again that the personnel policy of MTS OJSC takes into account the peculiarities of the external environment, tracing the development of new technologies, taking into account the company's prestige in the market, as well as legislation in the labor and social sphere. Also, when developing a personnel policy, MTS OJSC takes into account internal factors: assessment of the capabilities of employees, the company's budget, goals and strategy of the company. The fundamental principles of any personnel policy are also reflected in MTS: the principle of scientific character, which involves the use modern developments, the principle of complexity and consistency in observing the main directions of personnel policy, the principle of accounting - in tracking the dynamics in changes in personnel indicators, the principle of efficiency - in reducing costs while increasing their effectiveness.


The personnel policy of an organization, as a system of principles and the resulting forms, methods and criteria for working with personnel, plays a fundamental role in the implementation of such tasks as ensuring an optimal balance in the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel, developing the organization's personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself. organizations, legal requirements, the state of the labor market. The subject of the organization's personnel policy is the organization's personnel management system, and the object - her staff.

There are such types of personnel policy as active (rational and adventurous), passive, preventive, reactive. The formation and development of personnel policy is influenced by various factors - both external and internal. At the same time, its formation is influenced by such fundamental principles as scientific character, complexity, consistency, principles of accounting and efficiency.

In this paper, an analysis of the personnel policy was carried out using the example of MTS OJSC. To summarize, it is important to note the main points. MTS, being the leading telecommunications operator in Russia and the CIS countries and having a large number of employees, must take into account such a factor as an effective personnel policy. The objectives of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC are to provide the company with qualified personnel, maximize the efficiency of investments in personnel development, increase personnel motivation and labor productivity. Let us designate the MTS strategy, its goal is to be the leading telecommunications communicator in all markets of presence. This is possible only if the company has qualified, highly productive personnel, whose work will make it possible to provide consumers with innovative, high-quality and affordable communication products and services and, as a result, contribute to improving the quality of life of society. Based on all this, we can conclude that the personnel policy of MTS OJSC is aimed at supporting the company's strategy.

So, the personnel policy of MTS is rational and active, since the organization not only forecasts and analyzes certain situations in the field of personnel, but also develops and implements programs to address them, there is a system for assessing and developing personnel that helps to reach their full potential . An example is the introduction in 2011 of a system of bonuses based on personal achievements and performance of employees. The organization also constantly monitors the development of personnel, in particular, sends employees to additional courses and trainings at its own Corporate University. It is also important to note that MTS OJSC pursues an open personnel policy: the company recruits not only professionals, but also young specialists who have just graduated from a university.

How does the personnel policy pursued by MTS affect the indicators related to personnel? If we consider the data presented earlier, we can trace the dynamics of their change.

The indicator of increase in the creation of workers in 2011 increased by 2%, this result was achieved in the implementation of the direction for the development and implementation of innovations, the opening of new projects. Also, as a result of this direction, in 2011 the number of personnel increased

An increase in the number of employees trained in internal courses by 14,402 people and a decrease in personnel development costs by 1.82% indicates the effectiveness of measures in such a direction of personnel policy as personnel development. Such as: training courses at the Corporate University, development of a mentoring system, introductory courses for new employees.

The decrease in the level of absenteeism in 2011 by 2%, and the staff turnover - by 3% leads to the conclusion that the direction of the personnel policy of MTS OJSC on the use of motivational mechanisms is effective. The measures used include an increase in the fixed part of the salary, bonuses for individual performance, staff training, career opportunities, provision of free voluntary medical insurance to employees, labor protection, professional training of personnel, organization of sports leisure for employees, provision of targeted leave in connection with certain life situations. ..

It is important to note that the productivity of one employee in 2011 increased to 26.2 million rubles compared to 2010, which is associated with an increase in job satisfaction of employees, the development of a recruitment and selection system that allows hiring qualified specialists. The system of marketing activities in the field of personnel also contributed to the change in these indicators, which allows you to timely track changes in the labor market, as well as the company's image in the market and its attractiveness to job seekers. In relation to this area, it should also be noted that the indicator of the number of employees with higher education has increased to 81%.

Provision of opportunities for career growth, rotation of personnel between regions as part of the development of employment programs, helped to achieve an increase in the number of personnel of MTS OJSC up to 20,519 people, an increase in internal mobility in 2011 up to 12%. As an indicator of the company's performance, since it employs qualified personnel, is the growth of net profit in 2011 by 13.5 billion rubles.

As part of the personnel policy of MTS, as an increase in the stimulating role of remuneration, an increase in wages in 2011 can be traced, which effectively affected the motivation of staff, since staff turnover decreased by 3%. Within the framework of this direction, a number of measures were taken to positively change these indicators, namely, an increase in the fixed part of wages, bonuses for individual results.

In addition, an increase in the average length of service of employees in the company can be noted, which is an indicator of the stability of the workforce and the dedication of employees to the organization. The company achieved this result by increasing the satisfaction with the work of its employees, namely, by providing various social guarantees, training, and bonus payments.

The personnel policy of MTS OJSC takes into account the peculiarities of the external environment, the development of new technologies, as well as legislation in the labor and social sphere. Also, when developing a personnel policy, MTS OJSC takes into account internal factors: assessment of the capabilities of employees, the company's budget, goals and strategy of the company. The fundamental principles of any personnel policy are also reflected in MTS: the principle of science, which involves the use of modern developments, the principle of complexity and consistency in observing the main directions of personnel policy, the principle of accounting - in tracking the dynamics in changes in personnel indicators, the principle of efficiency - in reducing costs while increasing their effectiveness.

It can be concluded that the personnel policy of MTS OJSC is consistent with the company's development strategies, its goals and principles. Carrying out various events in the main areas of personnel policy aimed at developing personnel, selecting qualified personnel, speaks of the company's understanding that the personnel of any developed modern organization is one of its most important resources.

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