An Internet connection allows people who are thousands of kilometers apart to communicate with each other. Users can easily communicate with each other and exchange photos by mail. However, what if you need to send a large enough amount of data? This article provides guidance on how you can transfer a large file to another user over the Internet.

Forwarding large files may be needed if you want to transfer an archive with a large number of photos, a database, a movie in Blu-Ray quality or ISO image any program or game. The volume of such archives can reach a gigantic size, and it is simply impossible to send them by mail. The following are several services through which you can send a similar amount of information at a time.

Cloud storage

Clouds can also be used to transfer files through them to another user. Some clouds are freely available (for example,, others must be rented. This article discusses the popular Google service Drive, which provides 15 gigabytes of space for free to any registered customer.

First you need to go to your drive. To do this, go to Right click in any free space window and select the action "Upload Files" or "Upload Folder". Specify the object you want to send, after which it will be uploaded to the cloud.

Now you need to configure file access. RMB click on the object and in context menu select the Share action. Select "Enable Link Sharing". The link to the object will be copied to the clipboard. Now it can be mailed to another person, and he will be able to download the data from the site.


The popular program for messaging and video conferencing on the Internet also allows you to transfer any amount of information. Open a chat with a user and click on the "Send" icon. Select "File" from the list and specify the path to it. The transfer speed will not be very high, but the system is very easy to use and works with files of any size.


For this method you will need to download the UTorrent utility.

File hosting

Finally, there are many specialized Internet resources specifically for these activities. You can upload your content to them and send links to your friends or colleagues. The advantage of the system is that you do not need to keep your PC turned on, as is the case with cloud storage.

No matter how you describe your captured video in an e-mail, still no words are enough to depict it in detail in front of the addressee. Yes, and the good old wise truth says the same thing: “It is better to see once than to listen or read hundreds of times.” Of course not, text information not prevent. But anyway…. the video file attached to the e-mail, in this case, will be the very highlight that will leave a lasting impression after reading it. Or maybe it will bring some long-awaited clarity to a virtual conversation (or even a dispute!).

This article will guide you on how to send a video via e-mail large and small sizes from your computer or file storage and how to send a link to a video posted on any site. By the way, all these operations can be performed without much difficulty! There is e-mail, so why not use it 100%.

So let's get started.

Sending video files on popular email services

Even if you use e-mail, which is not covered in this article, do not think that you will not be able to “send” videos through e-mail. It will work very well, trust me. For each service, this procedure is performed in almost the same way.

To send a video to, do the following:

1. In the form for sending a message, click the "Attach file" button (it is located under the "Subject" line).

2. In the window that appears, click on the disk partition in the left panel, and then on the folder where the video is stored.

3. Left click on the file you want to download and click "Open".

4. Wait for the video to finish downloading.

5. Send the letter to the addressee ("Send" button).

Attention! Yandex and other mail services have restrictions on the size of a file attached to a letter: for example, no more than 10, 20, 30 Mb ... Read the next chapter of this article to learn how to upload large videos.

1. At the bottom of the form to send a message, click "Attach Files".

2. Open the video folder, left click to select the file. Its name should appear in the "Name ..." field.

3. Click "Open".

4. After downloading, send an email with the video to the addressee.


1. In the service profile, click Write.

2. Fill in the form fields (recipient's address, title, message text).

3. In the bottom row of buttons, click on the paperclip.

4. Go to the directory with the file, select it with a mouse click.

5. Click Open.

6. Click the Submit button on the form to enable email forwarding.

If the video is posted on the site….

Naturally, you do not need to download it to send it to your friends, relatives and just acquaintances by e-mail. In this case, you need to copy the link to the video and send it in an email.

"Extraction" links

You can get, or rather copy, the video URL in several ways:

1. On the page with the video, insert the cursor into address bar browser. If the link is not highlighted, press "Ctrl + A" (Select All). Then copy it: without removing the cursor from the line, press "Ctrl + C" (Copy).

2. Use the special option on the site.

On Vimeo, you need to click the Share button to get the URL.

Sending a link

1. In functional panel above the field for placing the text of the message, click on the additional menu "More".

3. In the panel that appears, paste the copied link in the first line (Ctrl + V), and in the second line type the anchor text for the link (for example, "Watch this video"). After entering the data, click "Add".

Upon completion of the operation, the text with an active link to the video will be displayed in the letter. To get acquainted with it, the addressee will only need to click on the anchor in the letter (highlighted link).


1. Complete the message with a suggestion to watch the video.

2. Holding left button mouse, move the cursor over it to highlight the letters.

4. Paste the copied URL. Click OK.

5. After entering the URL, the anchor of the link to the video will appear in the letter highlighted in color.


1. In panel additional features click the "link" button.

3. Click Submit.

What if the video is big?

1. In top menu profile, click the "Cloud" section.

2. Click Download.

3. In the panel, click "Select Files".

4. Select the video you want to download in the system window, and then click Open.

5. At the end of the download, click the "Get Link" button at the top of the page.

7. Paste the resulting URL into a message explaining its purpose.


1. In your e-mail account, in the top menu, click "Disk".

2. In the repository, click the "Download" button.

3. Select the "filled" file by clicking.


1. Being on the page mailbox, in the right upper corner click the "block of squares" icon.

2. In the Services tile menu, click the Disk icon.

3. To the right of the "Create" button, click on the "My Drive" menu.

4. In the list, select "Upload files ..." or "... folder" (if you want to download the entire folder with video files).

5. Once the download is complete, click once on the folder or file in the storage panel.

7. In the drop-down block, in the "Access ..." line, move the switch to the "... enabled" position with a mouse click.

8. Copy the download URL that appears.

In addition to storage mail services, you can also use other resources: video hosting, file hosting, cloud services. The principle of working with them is exactly the same: downloading a video → receiving a download link → sending the copied link to the addressee.

For example, the DropMeFiles service allows you to send videos up to 50 GB in size. To use it, do the following:

  1. open home page file sharing -
  2. Click the "DropMeFiles" button (marked with an arrow).
  3. Select a file in the window that opens.
  4. Enter the recipient's e-mail in the "To" field, and your e-mail in the "From" field.
  5. To send the file to the recipient, press the "enter" icon in the "From" field.

Good luck sending your video by e-mail! About, .

How to transfer big file over the Internet if the content is requested by other remote users?

This question is sooner or later asked by users of computers and other gadgets with access to the network.

This becomes a real problem if you constantly use the network for work or other personal purposes.

There are several ways to solve this problem, and which of them are the most simple and optimal, we will consider below.

Easy Ways to Transfer Large Files

Day after day, users download data from the network. These are both large and small files.

Some of them are loaded even unnoticed by the user, but as soon as it becomes necessary to transfer a large file, the owner of a computer, smartphone or any other gadget faces the problem of how this can be done.

All because habitual ways transmission of information, such as e-mail, in this case is extremely inefficient.

The objective reason for this is the restriction of owners information portals, set to the size of the transferred file.

So, most of the mail portals allow you to send attachments of no more than 20 megabytes, and only some giants, such as, can allow their customers to send files up to 25 megabytes in size.

If the file is larger, you can check it using the Properties (in ) or Advanced (in different smartphones may differ), other methods of data transmission should be used, which we will pay attention to below.

Tip: To avoid problems when uploading, do not send folders with attachments. Before sending, they should be archived using archiver programs such as WinRAR, 7zip, WinZip, etc.

rice. 1 - Creating an archive through the context menu

Little known features of popular email clients

If a small attachment size of 20-25 MB will be enough for you to transfer desired file, in mail browser You will need to attach it to the email you send.

To do this, at the end or before sending the letter, pay attention to the icon in the form of a paper clip.

By clicking on it, you will be taken to a window where you will need to select a file from all available on your computer.

rice. 2 - Adding a large file to an email

If you are active user Outlook email client can make things even faster.

To do this, you just need to find the file on your computer, and by calling the menu with the mouse, select the Send item and the sub-item Outlook.

After that, a draft letter will be automatically created, in which you only need to specify the addressee, that is, the recipient.

It should be noted that it will be impossible to edit such a letter. The maximum of what can be edited is the list of recipients and the subject of the message.

The accompanying text for such a letter can be added not in every version of this program.

If you still decide to send such a letter with an attachment, you should remember one rule.

For safety reasons, others mail clients a letter with an attachment may be perceived as a malicious object and sent to the Spam folder.

Accordingly, in order not to lose information, the recipient will have to check it too.

Transmission Method Selection Criteria

Returning to large files, we note that when choosing a sending method, you should pay attention to one very important criterion.

It will help you easily identify best method, which will not only simplify the transmission of data, but also their reception by the recipient.

This is the frequency of using or sharing the same file.

If a certain large file needs to be transferred to the recipient only once, it is better to transfer it using special instant services.

There are a lot of them and some of them even have a Russian-language interface, which is important for users who find it difficult to master both new technologies and foreign languages, in particular English.

Vivid examples of such services are the English-language and the Russian-language

If the file needs to be transferred to more than one user, but, for example, to several at the same time, or a large file requires periodic sending at different times, you should use cloud storage.

Benefits cloud storage or cloud drives in that they can accommodate data for a long time, and not limited quantity downloads or a limited period of 7 to 10 days. At the same time, you can operate files on cloud storages and, at your own discretion, set the type of access to them - public, i.e. available to everyone, or personal - available exclusively to you.

Using cloud storage

Concerning cloud services, then their use is somewhat more complicated and requires the fulfillment of one or more conditions. For example, it could be:

  • the need to register on the site;
  • having an account on social networks;
  • compliance with the restrictions on maximum size files.

In contrast, the user receives other benefits. Chief among them is the lack of need high speed connection to the network.

But unlike other services, cloud storage provides continuous access to files and the ability to change them thanks to the synchronization function.

At the same time, some cloud storages have extended functionality, which is increased by using not only the browser version, but also special branded applications offered by the developer.

A prime example of such applications is .

It has a Russian-language interface, a lot of auxiliary features and an almost unlimited volume. disk space to share large files with other users, both authorized and unauthorized.

However, there are no less attractive and more affordable options for how to transfer a large file over the Internet, which we will note below.

Using instant services

The main advantage of instant services is that when using them, you can be absolutely sure that no one except the user to whom the instant link will be able to use the transferred file will be able to use it.

In addition, the file size can be quite large and amount to about 1-2 gigabytes, which is an undoubted advantage.

But this method of data transfer has its drawbacks:

  • Problems with the recipient at a low download speed;
  • Short lifetime of the link;
  • The inability to make changes to the file.

However, the main advantage of such services outweighs all possible disadvantages - the simplicity of the interaction of the sender and recipient with the interface.

At the same time, the recipient needs only a couple of clicks to download the file to their device connected to the Internet.

rice. 3 - Dropmefiles window

As for the user, it takes very little time to send a file if there is a high-speed network connection.

Such services do not even require registration, which shortens the transfer procedure. Therefore, the whole process boils down to the following procedures:

  • Starting the service from the browser line;
  • Selecting a file of any size to send;
  • Click on the upload button;
  • Copy the link to the uploaded file and send it to the recipient.

Skype - hidden features

It is worth noting that you can also transfer large files using programs that are not used for this in ordinary life.

An example of such an application is the well-known Skype. At the same time, it has its own advantages that other services cannot boast of.

How to delete correspondence in Skype (Skype) on a computer, phone and tablet?

Important: do not forget that transferring files over the network significantly increases the load on the network, respectively, all applications that use network connection, including Skype, will be noticeably slower while sending.

rice. 5 - Menu in Skype

Share your PC

The last, but very unsuccessful way to send large files is the Sharing function. It is provided by various services, which also have their own rules and restrictions.

But at the same time, among them, you can easily choose the right one, since they are very diverse.

Some of these services require installation special application, for example, StrongDC. And others require only the use of the site.

But one condition unites these services - the file will be available only when your PC is connected to the network.

This scheme of Sharing's work is explained by the fact that you do not need to upload a file at all.

The end user will independently download it from your PC at any time convenient for him using the link that you will generate, giving the service or a program related to it access to certain resources of your PC.

rice. 6 - StrongDC++ window

Important: this method is not energy efficient, since a permanent connection to the network requires that the computer or laptop with the stored file does not turn off the power supply.

The easiest way to do this is to use P2P networks. To connect to such a network, install on a PC, for example, StrongDC.

After installing this program, we will configure it by entering a invented unique nickname (username) in the service window.

And also in the settings, in the Downloads section, you will need to specify the folder (directory) where the files will be downloaded.

And in the Sharing section, you should specify the folders in which you allow other users to download files. It is into it that you will need to copy or move exactly that large file.

rice. 7 - Settings window in StrongDC

Tip: Create a special folder for such purposes so that your personal files do not get to third parties

To make files available, you need to create a p2p network connection. To do this, you need to click on the Public Hubs item in the user menu and connect to the network.

It should be borne in mind that some networks may have their own private connection rules, which will be indicated.

rice. 8 - Public Hubs button in the StrongDC menu


We have reviewed better ways how to transfer a large file over the Internet, and presented all their pros and cons. Therefore, the choice is yours.

Pay attention to the above criteria that will help you choose the right service and operate it with maximum benefit and optimal frequency.

Recall that for small single files like professional photos, music files or document archives, you can use regular mail.

To transfer secret data of a large volume, you can use services with one-time access or with secure communication channels.

And for long video files, disk images and other bulky materials, it is better to use cloud storage and sharing applications.

Tip: if none of the presented methods satisfies your needs, use FTP server, which, one way or another, will provide a certain set of options.

How to transfer a large file over the Internet: the best ways - instructions

How can I transfer a large file over the Internet different ways? Many users have encountered a similar problem, because there are no problems with transferring small files.

The main problem when transferring a large file is its size. In most cases, services and applications limit the file size to a certain value, which cannot be exceeded.

A small file can be attached to an e-mail message, send a file through a message in the messenger. In these cases, there are limits on the size of the file. With files small size everything is clear, but how to transfer a large file?

When transferring files of 1 GB or more, there are difficulties due to the large file size. It will no longer be possible to attach such a file to a message in the traditional way; to transfer it, you need a direct link and support for a service or application.

There are several simple ways send a large file over the Internet, which I will mention in this article. There are quite a few ways to transfer large files, I will talk about the simplest and most convenient ways for the average user.

When sending large files, keep in mind that the following factors affect the file transfer speed:

  • the larger the file, the longer it will take to transfer it
  • internet connection speed
  • workload remote servers at the time of file transfer, when using a third-party service

You can transfer large files over the Internet between computers using the following methods:

  • cloud storage
  • file sharing services
  • file hosting
  • using synchronization
  • file transfer via torrent

Traditional file hosting services (TurboBit, DepositFiles, etc.) are not suitable for exchanging files between users due to the fact that when used for free on such services, the download speed is very limited. Therefore, for free, a large file will have to be downloaded from there for days.

Synchronization tools allow you to transfer a file to another computer directly, but, unfortunately, there are practically no free solutions.

Previously, it was possible to send large files via Skype, until restrictions were introduced.

How to transfer a large file via Yandex Disk

To use the Yandex.Disk service, you must have mail on Yandex. Using the Yandex service, you can transfer a large file in two ways: directly via Yandex Disk, or send a large file by attaching the file to an email message.

When sending a file via email, click the "Attach files from Drive" icon and then send the message to the recipient.

You can attach a file up to 10 GB in size to an email message (provided that the Yandex Disk client program is installed on your computer). The recipient can save a file larger than 2 GB on their Yandex.Disk, and a file up to 2 GB can be downloaded to a computer or saved to Yandex.Disk.

Please note that Yandex Disk allows you to upload files up to 10 GB in size (via the Yandex.Disk application, or via), and when uploading via the web interface, the file size cannot exceed 2 GB.

The second way to transfer a large file via Yandex: copy the link to the file directly from Yandex Disk, and then send it to the recipient. The link can be sent to one person, to several recipients, or posted to the public.

Do the following:

In the cloud storage, the file will be available for download permanently until it is deleted from the storage, or public access to this link is closed.

In a similar way, you can use the services of another cloud storage, such as Google Drive, Cloud Mail.Ru, Dropbox, etc. Cloud storages have different sizes provided to the user, some of their own features.

How to send a large file to Mega is a cloud storage that provides 50 GB of disk space for free. feature this repository is the encryption of files placed in the "cloud". Files are encrypted on the user's side.

Login Mega cloud storage, click on the file right click mouse, select "Get Link" from the context menu.

In the Export Links and Decryption Keys window that opens, select the option you want to send a link to the file, and then copy the link.

The Mega uses the following options link export:

  • Link without a key - a link to a file without a decryption key
  • Decrypt key - key to decrypt the link
  • Link with key - link with decryption key

Another user can easily download the file to their computer, having received a link to the file with the decryption key. When sending a link without a key, the recipient will be able to download the file only after receiving the decryption key.

To transfer large files, it makes sense to use the MEGASync application. It is advisable for the recipient of a large file to have a Mega account in order to download the file without any problems due to restrictions. After receiving a link to a file larger than 5 GB, the recipient must save the file to their Mega storage (this happens instantly), and then download the file to their computer from their storage.

How to transfer a large file to uTorrent

Using the uTorrent torrent client program (or other similar application), you can transfer a large file directly between computers without using an intermediary: a torrent tracker.

By means of a technology that uses the BitTorrent protocol, a file from one computer is sent to another computer, without intermediaries.

Prerequisites for sending a file in this way:

  • both computers must have a torrent program installed
  • file transfer occurs only when the sender's computer is turned on and connected to the Internet

The file transfer process takes place in several stages:

  1. Creating a torrent file with the extension ".torrent".
  2. Distribution creation.
  3. Transferring a torrent file or a magnet link to the addressee in any convenient way.
  4. Downloading a large file on another computer.

Read the detailed article about this method of sending large files to another computer.

Article Conclusions

A user can transfer a large file to another user via the Internet using cloud storage, file sharing services, via torrent.

online sizing. In fact, there are several ways here. All of them are good in their own way. Some, however, depend on the characteristics of your connection and the recipient. However, this is not a hindrance for us. We will try to cover all the ways that you can take into account.

Through Skype

Well, if you are thinking about how to transfer a large file over the Internet, then you can use the relatively convenient and fast method. For example, if your friend is online, and your World Wide Web speeds are quite fast, then you can try to transfer via Skype.

To do this, simply drag the required object into the field where you write a message, and then wait for your interlocutor's response. It will accept the request and the sending will begin. Truth, this method not very popular. Different file types take different amounts of time to transfer. If you are going to transfer about 10-15 GB, or even more, then you can leave this scenario and not remember it at all.

If you are thinking about how to send a large file to your interlocutor (for example, a photo or video), then you can still try this method. When it comes to toys or anything else, it's best to refrain from it. Instead, we will offer you a couple more ways.


Well, now it is worth considering with you such an option as archiving. It can help you answer how to transfer a large file over the Internet. Moreover, you can put several documents into one archive. This will allow you to transfer several objects at once.

The thing is that archiving can compress the size of the transmitted documents. After that, you can, for example, download the received file into an email and send it to a friend. True, here we are talking about documents of medium size. That is, it is useless to download the game.

Just select the files you need and then right-click. Click on "Add to archive", and then specify the desired name of the total, as well as its location. So you can combine different types files in one object. After the process is completed, upload the resulting archive to Skype or email. That's all. True, the above methods are somewhat similar. Let's see more effective options.

File hosting

Well, now let's see with you more interesting way. Moreover, he is one of the most popular. If you are thinking about how to transfer a large file over the Internet, you can try using a variety of file hostings.

In order for the user to have such an opportunity, he needs to register on a special site of the "exchanger". The most popular now: "DepositFiles", "Mega", "Rapidshara", "Lightbit", "Turbobit". After you have decided where exactly you will go, it is enough to go through a short registration. You will receive an account in which it will be possible to upload documents to you. All you need to do is upload a large file and get a link to access it. Next, send the address to a friend, and he downloads the document.

It is best to use data archiving before "filling". This will help speed up the download process of the final document and shrink it a bit. Sometimes this approach can save 1-2 GB.

True, this method has a number of disadvantages. The first is a bunch of ads when downloading a document. Unfortunately, you can't get away from it. The second disadvantage is low speed downloading a file from a friend when choosing the free method. So let's see what else we can do.


Another rather interesting way is to use the so-called cloud services for example, you can use "Google". Files from there, as noted by users, are downloaded quite quickly. However, you can use "Yandex.Disk" as a "place of learning". It is with him that we will now work.

If you are thinking about how to send a large file to your friend, then you can completely use this service. To do this, you will have to register an account, and then "fill in" the object we need there. As a rule, there are also small restrictions here. For example, a large size is available for free, not exceeding 10 GB. For a small toy, this is enough. Also, you won't be able to store many documents. Each cloud has its own limits on the total volume. Basically, for paid services you can increase the limit to 1 TB.

When you upload the document, you will receive a special link. According to it, your friends and acquaintances will be able to download the file. It is enough just to give the download address. Nothing complicated. But how quickly the transfer to a friend’s computer will be carried out depends on his Internet. However, these are not all ways. Let's see how to quickly transfer a file over the Internet without clouds.

Special programs

Now progress has reached the point that each user has the opportunity to use a variety of services for their own purposes. If you are thinking about how to transfer a large file over the Internet (up to 5 GB inclusive), then you can use an interesting utility. It's called "File Dropped".

This service is something like our usual "Rapidshara". It's just a lot easier to work here. Moreover, you will not have to register. First of all, go to the main page of the site. A window will appear in front of you, in which you will be informed that sending large files (up to 5 GB) is carried out in literally 2 steps. The first is uploading the document to the server, the second is getting the final link for you and your comrades.

Click "Upload". Now find the required document and upload it. When the process is completed, in a special window you will receive an address where your file can be found. Then you can copy it and share it with your friends. They will figure out how to get the document. However, things are not always so simple. And, the constant exchange of links does not suit everyone. Thus, we have to think about what else can be done.


So we got with you, perhaps, to the most popular and common method that will allow us to quickly transfer and receive large files. It is nothing but a torrent. The point is that this option we will pay special attention. We will analyze in detail how and what to do in order to get maximum efficiency.

In general, now it is this method that is used everywhere to transfer huge and weighty documents. Especially popular here professional programs and novelties computer games. The download speed increases along with the number of users downloading the file. That is, you may not even have time to blink your eyes, as the document will already be in operating system. Very convenient and simple.

In order for you to be able to work with torrents, you will need special program. Several such applications can be found on the World Wide Web. We will test in action "Utorrent". Thus, let's start our work.

preliminary work

Well, now we will prepare our file for sending and, in fact, for receiving. First of all, we will need to download and install the torrent program. As we said, we will review "Utorrent" with you. We get it from world wide web and put it on your computer. Now it's enough just to launch the application.

You will find yourself in the program, where now there is nothing special on the right side of it. It is there that the documents that we "uploaded" and downloaded will be displayed. Let's start working with you as soon as possible. Click on "file" and then "create new torrent". You will see the object selection menu. Here you can either add a specific document or folder. There are separate buttons for this idea.

Next, when you find the file you need, just click on "Create and save to ...". A window will open in front of you, where you just need to click "yes", and then select the place where the so-called torrent file will fit (we will learn how to work with it further). Once you complete this task, you can move on to the next step.

We make you work

Now we will see how to transfer a large file over the Internet using the torrent we just created. We start the "Utorrent" client again. Click on "File" and then click on "Add New Torrent". Next, a familiar window will appear in which we will have to find the previously created document. Found? Then select it and click on "Open".

Look at the program window. A line with the name of your document will appear on its right side, as well as the inscription "Distributed". This is a sign of correct action. Now right-click on the line and select "Force Run" from the list that opens. All you have to do now is to give the created little torrent file (which we just downloaded) to your friend. He will save it for himself, and then use the same torrent client to download it.

For the lazy

True, if you yourself downloaded a game or program using a torrent tracker, then most likely the most convenient and fastest option would be the following move: find the address from which you downloaded the torrent, and then send the link to a friend.

Ultimately, a friend will download this or that document faster than you might imagine, especially when it comes to a toy. Each downloader gives the rest a little speed to download. Due to this, users can not wait for several days in front of the computer in anticipation of the result.