Most conventional PS/2 keyboards connected to fixed terminals or laptops come with default settings. Even if the equipment breaks down, you can afford to buy new keyboard because it costs a penny. With laptops, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Keyboard replacement is not cheap. Therefore, instead of buying it, you have to solve the problem of how Windows 7 or another system, if some buttons do not work. This can be done in several ways. But not all of them are very simple. At the very least, you can get confused in the native tools of Windows systems. But for the sake of completeness, we will consider all methods.

What is key remapping for?

Let's start with laptops. The main problem is that different manufacturers add additional keys to the keyboards or set for standard buttons executing different commands and running processes.

And the difference is especially felt when using Windows on computer Apple devices. But in the Windows systems themselves, some buttons and keys have not been used by many users for a long time (for example, the same CapsLock button, which many people accidentally press when typing). It is in such situations that one has to solve the problem of how to remap Windows 7 on a laptop or on a stationary terminal, or disable some buttons completely. It goes without saying that the proposed solutions can be used when the keys are not working, and some even specially “sharpen” their keyboards for more comfortable control of processes in modern computer games.

How to remap keys on a Windows 7 keyboard without third party software?

First of all, consider the methodology proposed by the developer of Windows systems. To do this, you need to download a small applet designed to control the keyboard and pointing device (mouse) from the Microsoft website.

How to remap keys to Windows keyboard 7 using this application? There is nothing easier! After starting the program, you need to select your device from the list and use the basic parameters. A list of current settings will appear. To change the assignment of a command to a particular key, use the display of all commands. After selecting the button and the desired command, you just need to save the current setting. If button deactivation is required, the button/key disable option is used.

How to remap keys on a Windows 7 keyboard: registry

You may or may not use the above applet. By and large, the question of how to reassign 7 can also be solved through the registry. But here some difficulties may arise, since for each key you need to know its scan code in hexadecimal.

So, first, the regedit command calls the registry editor (necessarily with administrator rights), after which the transition is made along the HKLM branch through the SYSTEM and CurrentControlSet directories to the Keyboard Layout directory. To replace one code with another, it is necessary to create a new line parameter through the RMB menu in the right window, specifying the name Scancode Map for it, then enter the editing window, and first enter the scan code of the key in the window, the function of which will be performed after reassignment, then enter the code for the new key.

For example, to reassign a space to right Alt, the combination looks like this: 0E 00 38 E0. To disable a key (let's take CapsLock as an example), the combination must start with four zeros and will look like 00 00 3A 00. As you already know, the process is quite laborious, since you need to know not only the codes and the order in which they are entered. Reassignment can only be done once, so you will have to create many new string parameters.

MapKeyboard app

In order not to deal with such complex procedures and solve the question of how to remap keys on the Windows 7 keyboard in an easier way, it is better to use some utilities designed for this. One of these is a small program called MapKeyboard.

After launching the application, a virtual keyboard will appear. First of all, you need to select a button or key, the function or symbol of which will be reassigned, then a new key is selected from the scrollable list to the right, called by the Remap selected key line, and then the Save layout confirmation button is pressed. Next, a reassignment notification will follow, and the changes will be activated only after a complete restart of the computer.

SharpKeys program

Another one simple program- SharpKeys. Alas, if you decide how to remap the keys on the Windows 7 keyboard, the Fn button in particular, you cannot use it. It is better to apply other solutions (the program does not recognize this key, and when changing Cyrillic letters, you need to use similar keys in the Latin layout).

Here the question of how to remap the keys on the Windows 7 keyboard is solved just as simply. First, the Add button is used, after which the "reassignable" button is selected, and in the list on the right - a new action or symbol (the topmost Turn Key Off line is used to disable it completely). Upon completion of the actions, the Write To Registry button is pressed (saving the parameters in the system registry), and a reboot follows.

Applet MKey

Finally, another very interesting utility called MKey or Media Key. Once installed, it will be in the system tray.

AT running program the add button is pressed, then the key to be reassigned is marked, after that the pressing emulation line is marked, and a new button is selected from the list below. Now it remains to click on the button with the image of a diskette at the very bottom to save the changes.

By the way, it is this program that allows you not only to reassign individual buttons. With its help, you can create your own "hot" combinations, including combinations with, and also customize any manipulators, gamepads and other similar equipment.

Instead of an afterword

It remains to find out the most important question: what exactly to prefer for setting such settings? I think most users will agree that using the registry editor is quite troublesome. And of the programs reviewed, perhaps it is best to choose MKey, since the application has more features than the first two applets and is completely Russified. By the way, please note that before using any of the presented methods, it is first recommended to create a restore point in case of an emergency. But in any program, even after reassignment, you can set the standard default parameters by full reset settings.

And, of course, only the most popular methods and programs were considered here, since today there are quite a lot of similar applications on the computer software market. But they all work according to similar principles, and the interface is not particularly different.

If the user often has to type quickly and a lot on the computer, then over time he realizes that not all buttons on the keyboard are conveniently located. It happens that some keys break or stop pressing, and there is no way to fix them. To solve the two problems described, there is one solution: change the values ​​for the keys. Also, the article will consider ways to change the standard keyboard shortcuts and assign new hot buttons for quick access.

How to change the values ​​for keys and their combinations

Windows 7, 8, 10 has small keyboard settings, but with their help it changes limited quantity keyboard shortcuts, and only those new buttons that the system itself will offer are assigned. The user can reassign an action for a specific button or disable it using third party programs, the most convenient of which will be discussed in the article.


The program is distributed free of charge on the official website of the developer. Thanks to it, you can change the values ​​of the buttons. For example, by pressing the number 4, you will enter the number 6 if you first change the value for the button with the number 4.

Assigning actions to a button

How to disable the button

If the user often accidentally hits a button, then he can disable it. For this:

How to undo your changes

After changing the value or disabling the button, the user can cancel this action. For this:

Video: Working with SharpKeys


The program contains the same functions as the above application, but has a different design. Please note that you need to run the program as an administrator.

Disabling a Key and Changing a Task

How to undo remapped buttons

If you have changed the value for any button and then want to undo this change, run the program and click on the Reset keyboard layout button. Then restart the computer so that the reversal of the changes is applied to the computer's registry. Everything will be reset to default values.

Video: Working with MapKeyboard

Change combinations for quick access

It is more difficult to carry out this operation, since it is impossible to change existing key combinations to call certain actions in Windows. The only exception is changing the language layout, the combination for this action can be changed, but only to the one that the system will offer. In this case, you can create new keyboard shortcuts to launch certain programs if the buttons the user wants to use for this are not occupied by system shortcuts. Full list keyboard shortcuts for quick access that exist in Windows by default are published on the official Microsoft website.

Change keyboard shortcuts for choosing an input language

  1. Using the search engine Windows line, launch the computer's control panel. Open the Control Panel to start changing keyboard shortcuts
  2. Go to the "Language" section.
    Through the control panel, go to the "Language" section
  3. Open advanced language options.
    In the "Language" section, open the "Advanced options" subsection
  4. In the "Switch input methods" block, click on the "Change language bar shortcuts" button.
    In the advanced options, select the button "Change language bar shortcuts"
  5. In the window that opens, expand the Keyboard Switching tab.
    In the window that opens, go to the "Keyboard Switching" tab
  6. Click the "Change keyboard shortcut" button. Select the action "Switch input language" and press the button "Change keyboard shortcut"
  7. Select one of the options offered by the system for changing the input language and save the changes by clicking the OK button.
    Select a keyboard shortcut from the options offered by the system and press the OK button

Assigning hotkeys to open programs

What to do if the keys changed the value themselves

If the system independently changed the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor some keys, then the reason for what happened may be as follows:

  • the system or registry has been accidentally modified by the user himself. Perhaps some notification appeared that suggested changing the settings, and you accidentally gave permission to do this;
  • a virus started up on the computer, which changed the meanings of the buttons, pursuing its own goals. Check your computer for viruses and remove them if any are found;
  • there was a glitch in the system that caused the keyboard settings to fail, or the keyboard itself failed. You can check this by connecting it to another computer.

To get rid of this problem, if it was not caused by a physical breakdown of the keyboard, you can use the third-party programs described above. Run them and, using the instructions, reset the keyboard settings to default values ​​or set the parameters for each button manually.

You can change the values ​​for the buttons on the keyboard using third-party programs. Using them, you can disable extra keys so that they do not interfere with fast typing. Changing keyboard shortcuts is done through the system settings, and setting new shortcuts through the shortcut properties.

As you know, most PC and Mac computers or laptops use standard keyboards with predefined key layouts and language layouts. Many users, for example, when changing operating system or the equipment itself, it can be quite difficult to get used to the new position of the buttons. In this case, you can reassign them so that they correspond to the layout that the user is used to. But most often this applies only to those situations when, when entering text, the user does not look at the characters, but uses the so-called

Why is it necessary to remap the keys on the keyboard?

But the matter is not limited to the above situations. Quite often, you can also find cases when a key on a computer or laptop is out of order.

In the case of standard equipment in the form of PS / 2 keyboards, the issue is resolved quite simply by simply buying a new one. But what to do if a laptop breaks down - the pleasure is not cheap. Here, as an alternative, you can simply remap the keys on the keyboard, abandoning rarely used buttons. However, even more primitive situations can be encountered when it is necessary to change combinations corresponding to switching languages ​​and layouts.

How to Change Keyboard Shortcuts: Windows Tools

To begin with, let's consider the simplest option related to language layouts. The default on all recent Windows systems to change the language is to switch based on the left Alt button in combination with Shift. But many users prefer to change the language and layout using the Ctrl / Shift combination, considering it more convenient.

To change the switch, you must use the standard "Control Panel", in which the language section (Windows 10) or languages ​​​​and regional standards (Windows 7, for example) is selected. Next, there is a transition to additional options and selects the change of the keyboard shortcut of the language bar by pressing the corresponding button in the new window, after which the Ctrl / Shift combination from the list is simply indicated.

In principle, you can remap the keys for changing a symbol or action using small program to control the keyboard and mouse Layout Creator, which can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft website. After starting the application, it is enough to select a list of all actions, and if necessary, for each individual button, change them up to the complete disabling of the keys. You can also change the assignment of operating keys like Shift, Alt, etc. here.

Reassignment through the system registry

You can also remap the keys on the keyboard more complex method without using third-party utilities, using the settings and parameters of the system registry for this, the editor of which is called by the regedit command through the Run console.

Here you need to find the KeyboardLayout directory in the HKLM branch through the SOFTWARE directory. Here you have to create string parameters indicating the button codes for reassigning from one key to another. The process is quite laborious, so most users will not need it, because without knowing the reassignment codes, disable and the order of entering characters, it will be quite problematic to perform such operations. It's just that the technique is given for a general understanding that this can also be done in the registry.

Most popular third party apps

But let's say the user's keyboard shift or some other key doesn't work. Remapping is much easier using special applications which are meant for just that.

Among the many programs of this type, the following are especially popular and are easy to perform the necessary operations:

  • MapKeyboard;
  • sharpkeys;
  • MKey.


This program to remap the keys on the keyboard allows you to quickly and easily. After starting the utility, an on-screen keyboard will appear.

Let's say you need to remap a button or Shift. On the (virtual) keyboard, press the desired button, select a new character or operation of another key through the Remap selected key line, and then save the settings by pressing the Save Layout button. Upon completion of all actions, a system reboot will be required without fail.


Before us is another simple program. The procedure is almost the same as in the previous case. First, a key (Add) is added, then a new character or action is selected from the list ( complete shutdown- Turn Key Off), after which the changes are saved by pressing the Write To Registry button, and then, again, the system is completely restarted.

The only and most important problem of this utility is that it does not work with and the reassignment of Cyrillic characters must be done using their counterparts in the English layout.


Finally, another small application (this time in Russian) that allows you to reassign any button and even change the standard combinations or set your own combinations.

As usual, the original key is added first, then the emulation string is used, a letter or another key action is selected from the list, and the changes are saved by pressing the button with the image of a floppy disk. Incidentally, this program compares favorably with the previous two in that it allows not only reassigning keys, but can also be used when setting up various kinds of manipulators, gamepads or actions with software players.


That's it for reassignment operations. In principle, depending on the situation, the system's own tools can also be used. In the literal sense, only standard combinations that were originally set in the OS parameters can be reassigned. If you do not use third-party utilities, you will have to deal with system registry, but it's quite difficult. Therefore, if the question arises of quickly carrying out all the necessary operations, it is still better to give preference to the applications described above. And the MKey program (short for Media Key) in this respect looks more convenient in all respects, only it constantly “hangs” in the system tray. But its resource consumption is minimal, so it will not affect the performance of a computer or laptop.

You still do not know how to set up hotkeys on Windows 7, and why are they needed? Hotkeys on Windows 7 are necessary for the convenience of using the operating system. They help you quickly perform a variety of operations on your computer by pressing a certain combination.

The operating system contains a built-in database of such commands, they are used by default. Some of them can be changed programmatically or independently assigned.

How to find the list of hotkeys

A list of keyboard shortcuts for quick OS control is available in the help Windows system. See the full list of hot Win keys dows 7, you can use the Win + F1 key combination to open the MS Office help window.

Please note that you will need an internet connection to use the help.

Further from the list that issued search system, you can select an item of interest, such as Hot Keys and Shortcuts. A page of the site will open in the browser, on which there are descriptions of frequently used keyboard shortcuts.

The second way: you can find hot keys on a laptop with windows 7 using the built-in "Help and Support". In this case, no internet connection is required. Help is available from the Main Menu. Then necessary information is selected from the list at the request "Keyboard shortcut".

If you select the “Keyboard Shortcut” section through “Help and Support”, we will get all the necessary information. Descriptions of all possible combinations of hot buttons are divided into topics, which makes it easier to search.

The keys are designed to quickly search and edit texts in MS Office, perform any operation on the desktop without using the mouse, call and close the program and other commands specified by the user. All described keyboard shortcuts are configured by default.

The default button combinations allow you to control OS objects. Windows 7 secret hotkeys:

  • SHIFT+DELETE allows you to delete files with hard drive without being placed in the "Basket";
  • ALT+F4 or Ctrl+W closes the active program or file;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc brings up the task manager;
  • Win + F opens a search window;
  • Win + L locks the computer;
  • ALT+TAB allows you to move from one open file or windows to another;
  • CTRL + mouse scroll wheel allows you to change the size of icons on the desktop;
  • Win + G places gadgets on top of open windows;
  • Win + Home allows you to minimize windows other than the active one;
  • Ctrl + P submits documents for printing;
  • Win + X brings up the "Mobility Center" on the laptop;
  • Win + M minimizes open windows;
  • Shift + Ctrl + N allows you to create an empty folder.

How to assign hotkeys

Setting up windows 7 hotkeys is usually done for programs that are frequently used by the user. Hot keys are assigned through the "Main Menu" or a shortcut to "".

Assigning Windows 7 hotkeys is not difficult, for this you need to go to the "Properties" section of the selected program through a shortcut on the "Desktop" or "Main Menu". In the "Shortcut" tab, the cursor is placed in the "Shortcut" line. When pressed simultaneously CTRL keys or ALT and the desired letter of the Latin alphabet, the combination CTRL + ALT + the selected letter is specified.

It should be remembered: if the combination used was previously assigned by default by the system, after performing such a setting, you can change the windows 7 hotkeys.

After pressing the assigned shortcut key, the specified program will open instead of the previously performed default action.

28. 02.2018

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

Tired of the standard keyboard layout?

Hello dear readers.

For you, I have prepared an article on how to remap the keys on the Windows 10 keyboard. Unlike earlier versions of the operating system, the standard features of "dozens" are limited in this regard. But I have found a few simple ways solution to this problem.

Do you know why this might be needed at all? Below I have described the reasons that will help you make sure that keyboard remapping is useful.

Setting hotkeys to change the language

To change the layout switching keys, follow this instruction:

  • Through the "Start" menu, enter the Toolbar;
  • Select the "Language" section;

  • Click on the line "Advanced options" located on the left;

  • In the next window, click the link "Change keyboard shortcuts";

  • Next, in the first column "Change input language" you need to move the mark to the item "Ctrl + Shift";

  • Finally, click the OK and Save buttons on all open windows.

Why didn't we change anything in the second column "Change keyboard layout"? Because it may be required only when adding a touch and extended keyboard.

Replacing a combination on the lock screen

The above setting is valid only in the open account, but on the lock screen (where we enter the password to enter it) - no. To replace the keyboard shortcut on it, do the following:

  • Repeat the first two steps from the previous instruction;
  • On the left, click on the line "Change date, time and number formats";

  • Check the boxes below for both lines.

Hot keys to quickly launch applications

In the "ten" without third-party programs, you can only change the keyboard shortcut to switch the language and set a combination to quickly open an application. We have dealt with the first issue. Let's move on to the second one:

  • Make a label desired program on the desktop. To do this, click on the appropriate .exe file right click mouse, move the cursor over the "Submit" line and select the desired item.

Please note that if you use an already existing combination, then it will no longer perform the previous action. For example, if you specify "Ctrl + C", then they can no longer be copied, but can only be invoked by the application.

Remapping broken buttons

This task requires a deeper configuration than the previous ones. To perform it, you need to create new sections in the system registry and set certain parameters for them. Let's not complicate our lives, but use the MapKeyboard utility, which will do everything for us. It does not need to be installed, that is, you should only download from here and run as administrator (via the RMB menu).

Before proceeding with the remapping, decide which function keys will replace those that have disappeared or do not work. It is logical that they should be rarely used, for example, Scroll Lock, Insert, Pause (Break), End, Home, Page Up and Down, as well as a block of numbers on the right along with the Num Lock button.

Let's move on to action:

  • The application interface is presented in the form virtual keyboard. First on it, click the button that will replace the missing one.
  • At the bottom there is a field with an arrow. Click on it to see the list of keys and select from it the one that will replace the one selected in the previous step.

  • In the same way, replace other non-working buttons.
  • When you're done, click the "Save Layout" button in the lower right corner of your keyboard.
  • A window will pop up asking you to reboot the system for the changes to take effect. Click Yes.

We do it the way it was

If you decide to return the layout to its previous state, perform the following procedure in the same utility:

  • Press the "Reset keyboard layout" button at the bottom of the virtual keyboard.
  • A dialog box will pop up where you need to agree to return the layout to its previous state.

  • Then another window will appear, warning you that you need to restart the system for the changes to take effect. Please give your consent to this.

When the computer is restarted, the keyboard layout will be the same.

Disabling unnecessary keys

Are there keys you don't use? Turn them off so they don't get in the way. This is possible with the help of another SharpKeys utility, which, like the one mentioned above, does not require installation. It's better to download from the official page

To disable unused buttons, follow these instructions:

  • After starting the program, click at the bottom at the bottom "Add". You will see two lists: on the left are the keys that need to be reassigned, and on the right are those to which we will change them.
  • In the left list, select an unnecessary key, for example, "Function: F1".
  • In the right, click the line "Turn Key Off".
  • Confirm your decision with the "OK" button.

I hope that it was not in vain that I wrote such a voluminous article - and you have found a suitable way to solve your problem.