Show notifications only at a convenient time for you

  • View and reply to messages right from the lock screen. Android can automatically remove important personal information from them so that no one but you can see it.
  • To prevent your phone from distracting you during a meeting, simply specify the time interval when you do not want to receive notifications. And if you're waiting for an important email or call, turn on the "Important" mode, and Android will notify you only about important events.
  • Now phone call will not interrupt the game or movie itself interesting place. You will always have the option to instantly reject it.
  • Choose which notifications you want to receive from which apps. If you wish, you can disable such notifications altogether.
  • The order in which notifications are placed on the screen now depends on which application it came from and from. To see all notifications at once, just tap on the top of the screen.

Creating user profiles

  • If several people use the phone, create separate profiles for yourself and for them. If you forget your device at home, simply sign in to your profile on any Android 5.0 phone and you'll have access to all your data (contacts, documents, etc.).
  • Guest profile. Borrow your phone or tablet without fear that someone will read your messages or see your photos.
  • App Lock allows you to restrict another user's access to only one app.

To access the settings you use most, simply swipe down from the top of the screen.

  • Android 5.0 makes it even more convenient to turn on the flash, activate the tethering mode, rotate the screen and broadcast the image from your phone to other devices.
  • Working with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS has also become easier.
  • Android remembers your brightness settings and automatically applies them at the same light level.

Save battery with "Bluetooth Low Energy" technology and connect securely to the Internet anywhere

  • More smooth transition from one network to another. The device switches from Wi-Fi to Mobile Internet without interrupting your Hangouts video chat or Skype call.
  • The device connects only to those WiFi networks that have Internet access.
  • The power consumption is set to low when searching for other devices using "Bluetooth Low Energy" technology (such as beacons or smartwatches).
  • Added a mode for interacting with devices that support "Bluetooth Low Energy" technology.

Faster and more powerful Android

  • Android Runtime (ART) improves the performance and speed of applications.
    • Productivity is increased by 4 times.
    • Smoother interface for applications with complex graphics.
    • Compression of background applications and services. Now you will have even more resources at your disposal.
  • Support for devices based on 64-bit processors.
    • Support for 64-bit microprocessors based on ARM, x86 and MIPS architectures.
    • Working with 64-bit applications designed specifically for Android, such as Chrome, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Play Music, etc.
    • Automatic launch of 100% Java applications in 64-bit version.

Expressive graphics, improved photo and video quality, new audio technologies.

  • Thanks to the reduced delay in processing the incoming audio signal, it is now possible to work with music services and communication applications that require data transmission in near real time.
  • Professional audio applications can now mix up to 8 channels including 5.1 and 7.1.
  • With USB Audio support, you can connect to Android device USB microphones, speakers, amplifiers, mixers and many other audio devices.
  • Package android extensions and support for OpenGL ES 3.1 allow Android to compete in graphics quality with set-top boxes and desktop computers.
  • New features for professional photography:
    • shooting at about 30 frames per second at full resolution;
    • support for RAW formats such as YUV and Bayer RAW;
    • control of matrix, lens and flash settings for individual frames;
    • storing metadata such as noise models and optical information.
  • Advanced HEVC-enabled video technology allows you to play UHD 4 video, stream high-quality video on Android TV, and enjoy the full benefits of HLS broadcasting.
  • On devices that support DSP (such as the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9), you can use the "OK Google" command even when the screen is off.
  • Use voice commands to get directions, find information, make a call or send a message.
  • Appeared on the Nexus new feature send feedback about the device: "Settings > About phone > Send feedback".
  • Sharing just got easier:
    • Improved the list of available options in the upload files menu.
    • Android Beam lets you share files by simply touching two devices together.
  • The device wakes up as soon as you pick it up or double-tap the screen (not available on all devices).
  • The plug-in keyboard provides new features such as support for multiple languages, emoticons, a search button, and new system and application keyboard shortcuts.
  • The fifth version of the update for android smartphones new android 5.0 "lolipop" is already delighting users with its concept. I propose in this article that we jointly review the Android 5.0 firmware, consider all its changes, improved advantages, in comparison with the version of the previous sample.
    Perhaps, let's start with the fact that most of the elements in Android are significantly outdated, moreover, it, to put it mildly, no longer corresponds to the design trends of the latest samples.

    Even the appearance of a standard keyboard and fonts was frightening to the eye, reminiscent of the Web 2.0 era. and having nothing to do with modern interface. The "curtain" located at the top is absolutely not suitable for the space that surrounds it. It's not completely filled. Bottom part it is simply empty, despite the fact that it is the most convenient and accessible for pressing while holding mobile device in one hand.

    Also, it is impossible not to focus on animation inserts, transitions to other animation layers are completely illogical. For example, when opening the settings, the page has a spread from the side of the icon, but if you press the "Home" button, then the animation of the transition to another virtual layer occurs.
    A separate conversation can be started about Material Design (“Material Design”), more precisely about this concept. According to the developers, its task is to universalize the interface, streamline the visual range, and explain animations from a logical point of view. And so it is with all Google products inside and outside of Android. Let's figure out why the inventors nevertheless called it material. Justifying the fact that the main material is paper, in our opinion, it would be best to call it “Origami”.

    The contrast of shapes is now clearly motivating for action, because the circle more than stands out among the large number of rectangles! The meaning of this idea lies in the animation logic, because in fact there is an imitation of layers! Based on the idea of ​​the developers, the user will be able to predict how the interface will behave according to the animation prompt. So you can dream about teleportation, as the menu selected by the user appears with one click on the entire screen. Why not? But the interface behaves differently, more like shifting papers. Having selected the required user from the list of contacts, a map appears on the screen, indicating his personal data: numbers, photos and other information. The logic is present, but the convenience is questionable.

    Downloading android 5.0 lollipop to your mobile device is very simple. When you can watch the new version on your personal smartphone, don't forget to check out the new calculator. On the right side of the screen, you will see a turquoise vertical element, making a "swipe", you will display a series of additional features.

    The user review of Android 5.0 firmware is somewhat disappointing. Difficulties arise in distinguishing on-screen browser tabs from running programs. Today it is possible to create pulsing animation and texture elements, fortunately the display allows this. But the developers decided to limit themselves to animation and various elements. It is sad to note that the layering of the interface, according to the creators, in reality works very badly. Due to the fact that the tonal contrast of the far and near shots is very similar, it is impossible to determine which one is closer to the user.

    Now let's talk about the icons, we note that they have been unified. This is a big plus, it would be time to do it a long time ago. In the new version, the principle of operation of all applications ( standard set) is one, for all major types of devices, it's convenient, try and download the android 5.0 lollipop firmware to your device. We are talking not only about the basic principles of interface rendering, but also about animation. Google team on the this moment campaigning for developers from other companies to do the same.

    Before version 5.0, think carefully. There may be two reasons why the update did not “arrive” automatically for you. Either this is an error (during distribution, upon receipt, etc.), or the manufacturer did not plan to update the software for your device. And if in the first case the defect is easy to fix, then the second option makes you think. Of course, the point here is not that the manufacturer does not care about your device or he forgot about you. Everything is much more prosaic.

    Each manufacturer, be it Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG or any other, remembers every device very well. But he also knows everything in detail. specifications each model. Much better than us! And no matter how many OS developers talk about increasing the performance of gadgets after updating them, numerous tests and user reviews conducted indicate either a meager or zero "increase" in the speed of work. But most often, users report a deterioration in the operation of the device after the update. The explanation for this is simple: Android 5.0 Lollipop is brighter and more functional than its older brother, and this requires more resources to work. And all manufacturers also know about this, and therefore do not send an update to your device.

    Therefore, let's start with advice: if it seems to you that your device on Android 4.4 Kitkat is working at the limit of its technical capabilities, then you most likely do not think so! Of course, you can experiment with deleting photos, videos, games and applications, installing accelerator programs, checking for viruses, and more. But the risk of getting a "brick" after a forced update still remains!

    It is worth recalling that before starting the installation, you need to take care of some things. Surely you are well aware of them, but, as they say, "Repetition is the mother of learning!"

    First, you need to make a backup. After installing the update, your device will have nothing but the operating system itself and programs installed by default. Therefore, SMS, applications, games and everything that you downloaded will have to be done on your own. Good, special programs that will help to do this, a lot.

    Secondly, if you decide to install custom firmware, of which there are an incredible amount now, you will have to take care of Root rights. Just like with Backup, you will need special software.

    Thirdly, before you start manipulating the system, make sure that the battery is fully charged and that you have a USB cable (preferably original) at hand.

    Before proceeding directly to the Android update process, it must be said that there are not so many options to do this, only two: “over the air” (that is, via the Internet) and via a computer.

    Option number 1. "By air"

    As mentioned above, there can be two situations here. Either the update came automatically, or it needs to be checked and installed forcibly.

    If the update came automatically, then there are no problems at all. You will see a notification that a new one is available. android version 5.0 Lollipop. Typically, the same notification will suggest "Update Now" or "Postpone Update". You know what to choose!

    If your Android has not received an update automatically, you can check for it manually. To do this, open the "Settings" menu, go to the "About device" submenu, then to the "Updates" section. In the window that opens, tap on the "Check for updates" button. If the update is "found" - install.

    It happens that this method does not work. Then you can go the other way. To do this, you must first erase the data from google apps Services Framework. And you can find this application at the address "Settings" - "Applications". After the data is erased, restart your phone and check again for updates.

    Before moving on to the next method of updating the OS, I would like to note that the options described above will install on your device official firmware. Therefore, you do not need to think about and some other nuances. But it's better to do Backup!

    Option number 2. Through a computer

    This method will be of interest to those who want to install custom firmware, as well as for all owners to whom Android 5.0 Lollipop was not originally "intended".

    I want to note right away that for each specific device, whether it's a smartphone or a tablet, the process of installing the OS through a computer is individual. Before you start installing the update, study the algorithm in detail in theory. Read forums, reviews, ask questions. The assembly of the firmware is individual for each device separately. Install only the one that is right for you.

    In essence, the process of updating via a PC comes down to downloading the firmware to a computer and using a certain bootloader program to install it on the device. For many gadgets on the web there are detailed instructions on installation, and even video materials with visual reviews. Especially for popular models of the tablet-smartphone world.

    The update method will depend on the specific device

    We will focus on the main actions that will have to be performed, based on the fact that you have already downloaded the firmware, root-, bootloader- and backup programs, unpacked everything, installed it and are ready to start.

    1. Switch the device to firmware mode (see the instructions for your device).
    2. Connect to computer.
    3. Run the bootloader, load the firmware into it.
    4. , start the installation process and wait a bit.
    5. After completion, the device will reboot and turn on already with new version Android.

    This is the structure of the process. In fact, for devices from some manufacturers, this process can be much more tricky. But you can definitely figure it out!

    Another global android update caused not only joy among some, but also indignation among many. And it’s not at all because people don’t want something new: it’s just that the shortcomings of the Google platform have many times exceeded the advantages.

    It's easy to criticize something. And it's even easier to scold what really deserves it. And the fifth Android now bears the proud and contemptuous nickname "bucket" even with honor, they believe in.

    1. "Lagging" and fast discharge

    Remember: after all, once even half a gigabyte of RAM was more than enough, today 3 GB is in trend, and we are not even talking about tricked-out games - 3 GB of "frames" are considered good form, because "the OS itself wants it." But doesn't she want too much?

    "Five" sets itself 2 GB of RAM as the minimum standard. This can be seen even if only by the fact that godless lags and brakes begin on devices with 1–1.5 gigabytes. To work, that is, impossible at all. And with KitKat (4.4) it was not all smooth sailing, but at least it was possible to go about your business quite calmly.

    Hence the conclusion: if your device is older than two years and offers you to install Android 5.x - politely send it to hell with such requests. Although this will be problematic - for example, on the Nexus 2013 tablet, the author has been reflecting unsuccessful attacks of the "five" for a year now, because, having put it on and talked with it for some time, the author was horrified, remembered his mother and demolished everything to zero.

    Actually, this shortcoming has long been promised to be fixed in Android 5.1.1. However, this was promised before, everyone promises us this. last years, and by the way, 5.1.1 was going to roll out in the spring ... and where is it?

    Not to mention the rapid discharge of the battery, which can also be attributed to the "gluttony" item.

    2. Confusing interface

    No one will argue with the statement that the interface should be convenient and friendly. Therefore, for example, Apple changes its interface slightly from version to version (and we are talking about both “adult” Macs and iPhones). Microsoft also once tried to move away from everyone's favorite Start button and desktop - but all this, invented 20 years ago, is still alive and, being rejected, returns under the yoke of user discontent. And even when Microsoft tried to impose a “tiled” interface on everyone, programs that return old button"Start". Microsoft thought, reconciled a little, pretended to return the "Start" in Windows 8.1, but in fact it was "Potemkin villages", and programs like Classic Shell is still held in high esteem, because it is the old interface that is returned. Because it's convenient!

    All this cannot be said about Android. From version to version (if we take the major ones - 2, 3, 4, 5), the developers honestly tried to improve the standard interface, although in fact few people needed it, since the "major manufacturers" developed their own shells for their smartphones (for example, Samsung or LG). But Google didn't let up. And if everyone is already used to the interface of the “four”, although at first they scolded the lack of buttons (and still, many gadget manufacturers leave touch buttons on the case, ignoring the Google carrots), then even more appeared in the top five new nonsense. And the “whitishness and blueness” of the new interface cannot be said to be to the liking of users. Well, the mess in the list of notifications is just awful.

    3. You get it all wrong!

    And developers all over the world like to simplify everything. But they usually think that way. Many claim, of course, that they care about users, but the result is nonsense. And Lollipop has simplified a lot of things that can be simply listed with a minus sign.

    There is too much space left on large screens, because the information panels are crammed together, spoiling the convenient separate mini-panels at the top of the screen. Information about the battery charge has been simplified so much that it has been completely removed: only the charge that remains is shown. "Gallery" was replaced with a simplified "Photo", with an emphasis on working on the Internet. If there is no Internet, you will encounter randomly organized pictures not by albums. It is solved, by the way, by forced replacement with the old "Gallery" through a third-party APK.

    What else? Messages in the top tray were replaced with icons: go guess what they wanted. There are no more convenient points of lock button functionality. In version 5.0, the “silent” mode was also gone, which was returned in 5.1 (Google probably decided that turning off the sound to users is useless). The notification panel was combined with the settings: in the "four" they functioned separately, and it was very convenient. By the way, in 5.1 it was partially returned: in particular, the ability to connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth was added without going to the main settings. At least something.

    Well, purely aesthetically: the new three buttons at the bottom of the screen turned into three simple geometric shapes. Minimalism, yes, but you won’t immediately understand what it should mean. Well, okay, with the “back” triangle and the “home” circle (reference to the round button on the iPhone?) It’s even more or less clear. But how to guess what should happen after clicking on the square?

    By the way, in 5.1 there was finally support for smartphones with two SIM-cards. It wasn't in 5.0. In 4.x - was. Why it was so to do - a rhetorical question.

    In general, the "five" is replete with a whole ocean of minor inconveniences, about which Google Developers on the contrary, it is said to be extremely convenient. Probably comfortable on our own Android developers. Of course, you can get used to it - both to the conveniences and to the inconveniences. But is it necessary?

    Moreover, if you look around the forums and read angry user reviews, it becomes very sad. “Some huge icons, theme colors just kill, primitive bottom function buttons, like for children!”, “Previously, without turning off mobile data and Wi-Fi, the phone worked for at least two days, now it’s less than a day, discharged!”, “Changed established calls contacts to standard ones: to make a call, you need to perform a series of manipulations and all this is very slow”, “I used to have five last calls on the screen, and I could immediately dial them by pressing one button - now I can’t”, “The design is terrible. An alarm clock in the form of a round clock, it's terribly inconvenient! The spelling has been retained by the author, except for quite egregious cases.

    And there are thousands of such reviews.

    4. Incompatibility

    If you have many installed third party applications, then it is not a fact that they will work correctly in the new OS. Because how is it usually? A new major version of the operating system is being rolled out, which in some places is incompatible with applications. Not with all, but with some, and it is these few that will be very important to you.

    And although six months have passed since the release of the "five", this problem is still relevant. Because there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of applications for Android, some of them are generally abandoned (but vital for you!), so the transition to a new OS can end very badly, even if you have a super-new gadget that leaks random access memory absolutely nothing.

    Therefore, before you rush to install Lollipop, you should go through all the vital important applications and find out when they were updated and if something like "Android 5 Lollipop support" is written in the update log. Most of the app incompatibilities are related to the new ART runtime, and developers really need to get their hands up and do something.

    The question is what to do with the right apps, which has not been updated for many years, and which has survived even Ice Cream Sandwich and followers, remains open and sad.

    5. Lollipop just not needed?

    On the one hand, the question is philosophical, on the other hand, it is quite obvious if you ask it: why, in principle, do we need such an inconvenient operating system? If the conveniences that people have become accustomed to over the past five years have been replaced with something new and absolutely inconvenient, and six months have passed since the release, and the convenience has not increased ... Why is it?

    What can not be said about the previous, fourth version, which turned out to be much more successful. Incomprehensible on-screen buttons are successfully replaced with touch-sensitive counterparts (and still, I must say), there were many times less inconvenience in 4.x, and the design was quite strict and convenient compared to the "two" - yes, also unusual, but acceptable. And everyone is used to it.

    All this cannot be said about Lollipop. If half a year after the release, the indignant exclamations do not subside, but only become louder - this is a failure on all fronts (the above reviews date back to March-April of this year). And there are more fronts, as more and more manufacturers release mandatory updates for their smartphones and tablets, integrating Android Lollipop as the basis (well, except perhaps for the new Lenovo P90).

    But remember: you can always choose not to upgrade to this version, waiting for a more stable release. If he ever will be.

    Because if 5.1.1 comes out, fixing the Most Important Flaw of the Android OS, it will be a really serious reason to install the update even on devices older than two years.