Decided to make your computer a source of wireless Internet access for other devices? It is not difficult, but Windows features XP doesn't allow this. More precisely, you can create a wireless network between devices, but you can’t make a PC an access point. To distribute the Internet, you need third-party software and wireless adapter connected to the computer's USB or PCI slot.

Of the programs with which you can create an access point on Windows XP, you can use:

  • mHotspot (2.0 and older).

A router is not needed to create such a network - an Ethernet network adapter will receive the Internet from the provider, and a Wireless (wireless) Wi-Fi adapter will distribute it to other devices.

Before proceeding to program settings, do the following:

  • check connection quality wired internet, make sure it works;
  • connect the wireless adapter to the computer and install its driver;
  • temporarily disable your antivirus if it blocks attempts to establish a Wi-Fi connection, but in this case, the program for creating a hotspot must be downloaded from a reliable source.

Software for creating an access point on Windows XP

Virtual Access Point

Despite the English-language interface, this is a simple and convenient program that allows you to quickly create and configure a virtual access point on Windows XP. Not free (costs about $39.95). In 15 days trial period Virtual Access Point has limited functionality (before creating an access point, it will ask you to enter serial number and License ID).

  • After Virtual installations Access Point is launched by clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or from the panel quick start. First, let's close the window that tells us that we are using trial version program by clicking the “Continue” button.

The computer running the Virtual Access Point must be connected to the Internet and the Wi-Fi adapter must be enabled.

  • Open the “Share my Internet” tab or select this item from the menu in the left half of the window.

  • If your wireless network is listed as “Disconnected” in “My Wireless Connection Status”, press “Select” to manually select.

  • Select from the list of available Wi-Fi connections the one you are going to open access to the Internet. Click OK.

  • Once you've made your selection, click "Start Sharing".

  • And then you will be disappointed if you are not the owner of a license to use Virtual Access Point - before creating an access point, the program will require you to enter registration data. Set the radio button to “Start my Virtual Access Point Now! ” and click “Continue with quick and easy registration”.

  • In the next window, enter the serial number and license ID (you can easily find them on the Internet). Click OK.

  • The program will notify you about the successful creation of an access point with the message “Your sharing was started successfully!”

  • The point is small - it remains to allow the newly created network to connect to the Internet. To do this, open the Control Panel and find “Network Connections” in it.

  • From the connections, select the one that has Internet access (Ethernet adapter to which the provider's cable is connected). Open its properties.

  • On the Advanced tab, check the box next to Allow other users to use this PC's Internet connection. Click OK.

The next time you connect, your hotspot will be recognized by everyone WiFi devices including Android smartphones and tablets. And all of them will be able to use Internet access.


Another program that allows you to quickly and easily create an access point on your computer. But it must be said latest versions mHotspot are already released without support for Windows XP, so you may have to look for older releases or discard this option. The author used mHotspot version 2.0.

Using the program is as easy as shelling pears - its three-button interface will not allow even the most inexperienced user to make a mistake.

  • Launch mHotspot by clicking on the file you downloaded. To create a hotspot, click the “Setup Hotspot” button.

  • A command prompt will open to enter settings. Here you need to enter the name (SSID) created point access - Hotspot name, as well as a password (from 8 characters). The password will need to be repeated again.

  • After confirming the data entry, the point will be created. To start it, just press the “Start” button.

  • Now new network appears in the list of wireless connections.

  • In order to open access to the Internet for all devices, enable the appropriate permission. Just as we did when setting up a connection through the Virtual Access Point.
  • To stop the hotspot, press the “Stop” button in mHotspot.

Ad-hoc wireless network

Sometimes you hear that you can allegedly create an access point with your own Windows tools xp. This is not entirely true, or rather, the capabilities of this system allow you to create a peer-to-peer unmanaged wireless connection between devices of the “Ad-hoc” type. With this type of communication, each device is connected to another only directly, without connecting to intermediate nodes.

The advantages of Ad-hoc include ease of creation and undemanding - there is no need to use third-party software, no need to buy expensive devices: it is enough that a wireless adapter is installed on the computer. The disadvantages are weak security and the inability to use some gadgets, for example, based on the Android OS.

A Wi-Fi network is configured on a computer with Windows XP in the same way as a wired one. To do this, in the network connections window, find the wireless connection and open its properties.

  • On the Wireless Networks tab, click Add.

  • In the next window, specify the network name (SSID), network key (password), enter the key confirmation and check at the bottom of the window “This is a computer-to-computer connection, no access points are used”.

  • On the "Connection" tab, check "Connect when the network is in range".

  • Now in the properties of the wireless connection you will see the network you just created.

  • Open the "Advanced" tab and click "Home Network Wizard".

  • Click "Next".

  • In the "Wizard detected disabled hardware" window, check "Ignore disabled".

  • Select your Internet connection from the list. In the "Select connection to private network” Highlight your wireless connection.

  • Specify a name and description for this computer. The name must be unique and not repeated on the network.

  • Sharing files and printers, if needed.

  • After setting, click “Just complete the wizard…”. When finished, restart your computer.

Once the network is created, assign each device a unique IP address from the local range, such as - Enter the IP of the router as the default gateway, or network adapter to which the Internet cable is connected.

The required setting is located in the properties of the connection, on the “General” tab - “Internet Protocol TCP / IP”.

By clicking on "Properties", you will be taken to the desired window.

After saving the settings, the wireless network will be ready for use. Permission to access the Internet is included in the same way as we did when creating an access point using third-party programs.

In this article, you will find tips on how to create a wi-fi access point from a laptop, which will allow you to share the Internet for a room or house. Such a system will be convenient if you want to arrange a party, a conference, and also make it easier to set up a network without using network cables.

Below we will consider the methods and methods for the most popular operating systems among users. To create such a point, you need a laptop that has internet configured, and also has an adapter with the ability to provide wi-fi. Among the benefits that arise as a result of such a connection are accessibility and mobility. With a connected wi-fi point, you can easily use tablets, other laptops, while in another room, sitting on a comfortable sofa or bed.

For Windows XP

1) Open the "Start" menu and go through the "Control Panel" to "Network Connections"
2) Next, you need to turn on Wi-Fi, for this you need to double-click (left-click on the mouse) on the "Wireless network connection". After that, click on the icon, open the context menu window and click on "Properties" in it. In the new window, select the "Wireless networks" tab and check the box "Use Windows to configure the network." At the end, click "Add".
3) In the window that opens, you need to drive in the desired, new name for your connection (for example, Home or otherwise). We continue to configure the rest of the network settings:

  • We set a “dot” opposite the item “Connects even if it is not broadcasting”.
  • "Authentication" set it open.
  • To encrypt data, select "WEP".
  • "Network key", set the values ​​\u200b\u200bof 13 or 5 characters.
  • We uncheck the item that reports the provision of the key in automatic mode.
  • Specify the key index as "1".
  • Open the "Connection" tab and put only one checkmark.
  • At the end, click "OK".

4) In the settings of the wireless network connection, open the "General" tab and check the "Protocol (TCP / IP)" checkbox, and then go to the properties of this item. In the window that opens, check the box "Use the following IP address", and then fill in the following fields:

  • In line with IP and addresses write ""
  • In the line that is responsible for the subnet mask, write ""
  • And in the column indicating the DNS server, enter - ""
  • We confirm everything, click "OK", and exit. Your laptop is now acting as a Wi-Fi router.

For Windows 7

To create a Wi-Fi point on a laptop with such an OS, you can use the built-in software or download special software.

1) Method with built-in tools:

  • Open the Network and Control Center public access”, to do this, you can click on the icon at the bottom right of the panel.
  • In the menu that opens, click on "Set up a new connection or network", and then - "Set up a computer-to-computer wireless network".
  • Click on the "Next" button and create a new connection. Specify the name of the created network, the password for access and select the system for security (it is best to choose WPA2-Personal).

2) We use special program
Today appeared great amount programs that allow you to reconfigure your portable computer and make it work in “router mode”. One of the best in this business can be considered "Connectify Hot Spot Pro", it is the simplest. To customize with her using Wi-Fi you need to install it, run it, and then enter in the appropriate columns: "Network name", "Password" and "Network adapter" used for Wi-Fi.

For Windows 8.0 and Windows 8.1

In these versions of the OS, the developers continued the trend previous versions and included the ability to create and connect using built-in capabilities. We will tell you about them:

  1. Check the performance of the network adapter, while the indicator should be on.
  2. Opening the menu with a keyboard shortcut Win and "X". Click on the menu "Command line".
  3. Enter the command on the command line: "netsh wlan show drivers".
  4. Finding an item "Hosted Network Support", for correct operation connection should show "Yes".
  5. We now enter the commands that set the name of the connection and the password for it: "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="Name of your network" key="password for it"".
  6. After executing the command, you need to turn on the dot, we drive in a new command for the program from the keyboard: netsh wlan start hostednetwork. If you want to view connection properties, type: "netsh wlan show hostednetwork"
  7. Now you need to allow access to the Internet to other users who will use your connection. Open "Network Connections" and press the key combination "R" With Win. In a new window, in the column, we type the command ncpa.cpl and click "ok".
  8. A window has opened "Network Connections", a new icon appeared in the folder with our connection point. Click on the icon that is responsible for your Internet connection and in the menu window open "Properties". Bookmark in the menu "Access" and mark with a dot "Allow other users to use this computer's Internet connection". In the list that appears, we look for the Wi-Fi point we made and confirm (by clicking "ok").

Video lessons

So, do you have a computer or a laptop under Windows control XP - with this operating system you do not want to leave, but you need to create an access point wireless internet. Of course, taking into account the slightly inferior to the newer Windows versions functionality of your current operating system, you could say that the mission is impossible, but it is not. In our today's article, we will consider in more detail how a point is created. WiFi access on Windows XP.

general information

In fact, you can create the point you need using both third-party software and thanks to the internal reserves of the system, you just need to have the appropriate equipment: laptops now have adapters by default, thanks to which you can distribute the Internet over the air, but for a PC you have to buy such a thing.

When purchasing hardware, you need to take into account one feature: not all modules work in different standards, which can create problems. When buying a device, make sure that it supports 802.11bgn standards.

Typically, such modules can be purchased in the form of a flash drive and easily plugged into a USB connector, however, there are more cardinal options with devices that connect to ports motherboard. Virtual Hotspot WiFi Windows XP is essentially the same as a router, only based on a computer and its system.

How to setup

Summarizing this information, we can say that it will be easiest to follow the instructions for creating an access point to a laptop - you do not need to buy anything and you have a pretty mobile Internet distribution point that you can move or even take with you anywhere. Not worth buying for personal computer additional modules, if you are not 100% sure that you will use this technology all the time.

Through standard programs

Creating a Wi-Fi access point on Windows XP is not such a difficult thing, but, unfortunately, the system does not allow you to do this using standard tools. Yes, on the network you can find instructions for setting up through the use of command line, after which a shortcut appears on the desktop, and the distribution function is launched from it, but in practice - alas - the creation of such a virtual point can work starting with Windows 7.

Through third party software

Setting up a Wi-Fi access point on Windows XP is feasible using downloadable programs, but it is worth remembering that not all of them are effective, and some do not carry any at all. practical functions, but only infect the computer with viruses.

One of the most effective programs can be considered Virtual Access Point, which will help you distribute the Internet without reconfiguring anything. We follow the link to Yandex Disc and download the installation, after which we open the archive and install from the shortcut with the .exe extension. The activation code can also be found in the archive in a text document.

When the program is installed, it is best to run it through a shortcut with administrator rights. Now that you have completed the launch, inside we look for the inscription “Menu” on the left - click on it and find the option “Share my internet”.

Now in this tab a little lower (if it didn’t happen automatic detection, where the Internet comes from to your device) select "Select" and then select the source.

At the end, all you have to do is just click on the "Start Sharing" button and you're done.

You can also use analogues of this program, which are more than enough now: for example, Connectify Spot or Virtual Router. Such programs are freely available and easily cope with the task.

The only thing that can cause difficulties is that the programs do not have Russian versions, although their interface is mostly intuitive, and you can also find detailed settings online in case of emergency. For example, here is a video on how to set up Connectify.

Wi-Fi is one of the most popular ways to access the web. Wi-Fi has many different advantages, but most importantly, the user does not need to deal with wires. A distinctive advantage is also the fact that several devices can be connected to the same network at the same time. To do this, you need to create an access point.

First of all, you need to make sure that the device on which the access point will be created has a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. Today, such adapters are available in all modern, but not all tablets or phones. Depending on this, you need to make sure in advance that the devices can connect to the Wi-Fi network. You can make a Wi-Fi access point without having a router, but you must have a device with a Wi-Fi adapter.

Start creating a Wi-Fi hotspot

The first step to create a Wi-Fi hotspot is as follows - you need to go to the "Network Connections" folder ("Network Connections" is in the "Control Panel") and then double-click on the "Wireless Network Connection" icon. You can then turn on Wi-Fi on your computer. After that, you need to call the context menu by pressing right click click on the Wireless Network Connection icon. AT context menu Properties are selected and in the window that appears, go to the "Wireless Networks" tab. On this tab, you need to find the "Use Windows to configure networks" field and check the box, after which you need to click "Add".

The next step is to enter data in the appropriate fields. First of all, the network name is written, authentication must be open, and where data encryption is indicated, it must be indicated that it is carried out using WEP. The network key (should be from 5 to 13 characters) is also entered independently. The key index must be 1. Then you need to find the "Connect if not broadcasting" field and check the box. In the "key provided automatically" field, the check mark is removed.

Last steps

As a result, there is an open "Wireless Network Connections" window and the "Properties" tab. You need to find the "General" tab, where there is an item "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)". At this point, you need to go to the properties and find the "Use the following IP address" field. Be sure to check the box next to this item. After it is set, you need to register:

IP address -;
Subnet mask -;
The preferred DNS server is

After everything is done and if the entered data is correct, the Wi-Fi access point on Windows XP can be used.

As I wrote earlier, my main computer is connected to the Internet thanks to the cable that comes from the router. The computer is old so I had to buy a USB wifi adapter. In principle, I do not need to create an access point, since it is in the router itself, but the article will be useful for those who do not have a router, and only one wi-fi adapter per family. I want to note that it does not matter from which device you will distribute the Internet: Tablet, laptop or PDA.

Creating an Access Point in Windows XP

1. First you need to stick in USB port purchased wi-fi adapter, and install it using a mini disk

2. Go to "Network Connections". Right click on "Wireless network connection", select properties

3. Click on the "TCP/IP protocol" section, and enter the data as shown in the picture.

4. Select the tab " Wireless connections"and then click click the add button

5. Check the box "Connect if not broadcasting"

Specify a network name, for example Wi-fi tochka
- Authentication: Open
- Encryption: Wep
- Uncheck "Key"
- Specify a password
- Check the box "Direct connection"

After all the steps taken, turn off wi-fi and then turn it back on. As a result, when viewing available wireless networks on other devices, you will see the following picture.

Important points. The modem will not be able to connect to wi-fi and be an access point at the same time. Therefore, the Internet must go directly to your laptop or computer from the provider, or from the router.

Creating a point using Virtual Access Point

Recently, I found a program on the Internet that creates an access point on Windows XP with just one click. I can’t understand why developers take money, because this program does the same as described above. If you don't feel like configuring the point manually, use the Virtual Access Point.

2. Click the "Start Sharing" button

3. Wireless network and password will be as follows

Password - 12345
Network - Virtual Access Point

If you need to change the password and the network name, you will have to enter the registration key. In the connection settings "Connection via local network"(This is a connection to an ISP) you must check the box in the advanced tab "Allow other computers to use the connection".