Yelabuga State Pedagogical University


ARJ Archiver program.

Completed by: student 324 group


Yelabuga, 2005


1. Introduction . 3

2. The main types of archiving programs. four

3. Indicator - the degree of file compression. 5

4. Compressing files during archiving. 6

5. ARJ archiver. 6

5.1. The purpose of the ARJ archiver. 7

5.1.1. Structure command line to work with the ARJ program. 7

5.1.2. The main commands of the ARJ archiver program. 7

5.1.3. The most important configuration keys for the ARJ archiver. eight

5.1.4. Putting files in an archive. 9

5.1.5. Creation of multi-volume archives. 9

5.2. Advantages and disadvantages of the ARJ program. ten

6. Conclusion. eleven

7. References .. 12

1. Introduction

Archiving is the compression, compaction, packaging of information for the purpose of its more rational placement on an external medium (disk or floppy disk). Archivers are programs that implement the archiving process, allowing you to create and unpack archives.

The need for archiving is related to backup information on disks and floppy disks in order to save computer software and protect it from damage and destruction (intentional, accidental or under the influence of a computer virus). To reduce information loss, you should have backup copies of all programs and files.

Packers (archivers) allow you to create copies of files using special information compression methods. smaller and merge copies of several files into one archive file. This makes it possible to place more information on disks or floppy disks, that is, to increase the density of information storage per unit volume of the medium (floppy disk or disk).

In addition, archive files are widely used to transmit information on the Internet and by e-mail, and due to the compression of information, the speed of its transmission is increased. This is especially important when you consider that the speed of the modem and communication channel (telephone line) is much less than the processor and hard drive.

The work of archivers is based on the fact that they find duplicate sections and spaces in files, mark them in the archive file, and then, when unpacking, restore the original files using these marks.

Packers (or archivers) allow you to place copies of files in an archive and extract files from an archive, view the contents of an archive and test its integrity, delete files in the archive and update them, set a password when extracting files from the archive, etc. Various programs archiving programs differ in the format of archive files, speed, compression ratio, set of services (completeness of the menu for the user), ease of use (interface), availability of help, and their own size.

A number of archivers allow you to create multi-volume archives, self-extracting archives, archives containing directories. The following archivers are the most popular and widely used: ARJ , PKZIP / PKUNZIP , RAR , ACE , LHA , ICE , PAK , PKARC / PKXARC , ZOO , HYPER , AIN .

The most efficient are RAR archivers, ACE, AIN, ARJ.

They provide the highest degree of information compression and have the most high speed work. The RAR archiver has a convenient GUI and allows you to read text files located both in rar archives and in arj and zip archives. The AIN archiver has a Russian-language interface. WinRAR-95 and WinZIP archivers work only under Windows-95/98/2000. They are necessary when working with long and Russian file names in Windows-95/98/2000. Currently, these archivers are used most often. The work of archivers ARJ, PKZIP, LHA, etc. is automated using shells Norton Commander 4.0, 5.0, DOS Navigator, Windows Commander, etc. There are special programs archive file viewers ARCVIEW and AVIEW. The main mode for all archivers is the command line mode. The RAR archiver can use its own menu to work. Some archivers use separate unpacking programs to extract files from an archive, for example PKUNZIP, PKXARC. The degree of archive packing depends on the type of archived files, their number and size, the selected archiving program and the keys installed in it, and the type of archive. Packed text files take up much less space than programs (exe and com files).

The degree of packing is on average 2-3, but sometimes it reaches several tens.

In addition, there are packers for exe and com files PKLITE, DIET, LZEXE, EXEPACK, AINEXE, etc. Packed exe and com files have the same extensions (exe and com) and retain their ability to execute, unlike archive files. They take up significantly less disk space than unpacked files.

2. The main types of archiving programs

Various developers have created special programs for archiving files. As a rule, programs for archiving files allow you to put copies of files on a disk in compressed form into an archive file, extract files from an archive, view the contents of an archive, etc. Different programs differ in the format of archive files, speed, degree of compression of files when placed in an archive , usability.

Currently, several dozen programs are used - archivers, which differ in the list of functions and operating parameters, but the best of them have approximately the same characteristics. Some of the most popular programs include:

ARJ, PKPAK, LHA, ICE, HYPER, ZIP, RAK, ZOO, EXPAND developed abroad, as well as AIN and RAR developed in Russia. Usually packing and unpacking files are done by the same program, but in some cases this is done different programs, for example, the PKZIP program packs files, and PKUNZIP unpacks files.

Archiver programs also allow you to create such archives, for extracting the files contained in them, no programs are required, since the archive files themselves may contain an unpacking program. Such archive files are called self-extracting.

A self-extracting archive file is a bootable, executable module that is capable of independently unzipping the files contained in it without using an archiver program.

The self-extracting archive is called SFX - archive (SelF - eXtracting). Archives of this type in MS DOS are usually created in the form. EXE - file.

Many programs - archivers unpack files by uploading them to disk, but there are also those that are designed to create a packaged executable module (program). As a result of such packaging, a program file is created with the same name and extension, which, when loaded into RAM, self-extracts and immediately starts. At the same time, it is also possible to convert the program file back into the unpacked format. Such archivers include programs PKLITE, LZEXE, UNP.

The EXPAND program, which is part of the utilities of the MS DOS operating system and the Windows shell, is used to unpack files software products supplied by Microsoft.

Programs - RAR and AIN archivers, in addition to the usual compression mode, have a solid mode, in which archives are created with a high compression ratio and a special organization structure. In such archives, all files are compressed as a single data stream, i.e. the search area for repeated character sequences is the entire set of files loaded into the archive, and therefore the decompression of each file, if it is not the first one, is associated with the processing of others. It is preferable to use archives of this type for archiving a large number of files of the same type. The program - archiver is controlled in one of two ways:

1) using the MS DOS command line, in which a launch command is formed containing the name of the archiver program, the control command and its configuration keys, as well as the names of the archive and source files; such management is typical for archivers ARJ, AIN, ZIP, RAK, LHA, etc.;

2) using the built-in shell and dialog panels that appear after starting the program and allow you to control using the menu and function keys, which creates more comfortable working conditions for the user. Such control has a program - RAR archiver.

3. Indicator - the degree of file compression

The need for archiving is associated with backing up information on disks and floppy disks in order to save software computer and protect it from damage and destruction (intentional, accidental or under the influence of a computer virus). To reduce information loss, you should have backup copies of all programs and files.

Archiving is the compression, compaction, packaging of information for the purpose of its more rational placement on an external medium (disk or floppy disk) in the form of so-called archive files.

An archive file is a specially organized file that contains one or more files in compressed or uncompressed form and service information about file names, the date and time of their creation or modification, sizes, etc.

Compression of information in archive files is performed by eliminating redundancy different ways, for example, by simplifying the codes, eliminating constant bits from them, or representing repeating symbols or a repeating sequence of symbols as a repetition factor and corresponding symbols. Algorithms for such information compression are implemented in special archiver programs (the most famous of which are arj / arjfolder, pkzip / pkunzip / winzip, rar / winrar) certain ones are used. Both one or several files can be compressed, which are placed in a compressed form in the so-called archive file or archive.

The purpose of file packaging is usually to provide a more compact arrangement of information on a disk, reduce the time and, accordingly, the cost of transferring information over communication channels to computer networks. Therefore, the main indicator of the effectiveness of a particular archiver program is the degree of file compression.

The degree of file compression is characterized by the coefficient Kc, defined as the ratio of the volume of the compressed file Vc to the volume of the original file Vo, expressed as a percentage (some sources use the inverse ratio):


The amount of compression depends on the program you are using, the compression method, and the type of source file.

Files of graphic images, text files and data files, for which the compression ratio can reach 5 - 40%, are compressed most well, files of executable programs and load modules Kc =% are compressed less. Archive files are almost not compressed. This is easy to explain if you know that most archiving programs use variants of the LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv) algorithm for compression, the essence of which is a special encoding of repeating sequences of bytes (read - characters). The frequency of occurrence of such repetitions is highest in texts and scatter plots and practically reduced to zero in archives.

In addition, archiving programs still differ in the implementations of compression algorithms, which accordingly affects the degree of compression.

Some archiving programs additionally include tools aimed at reducing the compression ratio Kc. So in WinRAR program a mechanism for continuous (solid) archiving has been implemented, using which it can be achieved by % more high degree compression than conventional methods, especially if a significant number of small files of the same type of content are packed.

4. Compress files when archiving

When working on personal computer quite often there is a need to reduce the file size in order to save disk space. For example, you want to transfer files from one computer to another on floppy disks. Or do you need to send big file by e-mail - by reducing its size, you can save both time and money. The best solution in such cases, create a so-called archive file, or, more simply, an archive. This is a single file in which, for compact storage of information, one or more are placed in a compressed form. source files.

As you know, the vast majority of modern data recording formats contain them in a form that is convenient for quick manipulation, for easy reading by users. In this case, the data takes up more space than is actually required for their storage. Algorithms that eliminate the redundancy of data recording are called data compression algorithms, or archiving algorithms. Currently, there are a huge number of data compression programs based on several basic methods.

All data compression algorithms are divided into:

1) lossless compression algorithms, when using which the data at the receiving end is restored without the slightest change;

2) lossy compression algorithms that are removed from the stream

data information that slightly affects the essence of the data, or is generally unperceivable by a person (such algorithms are now developed only for audio and video images).

The advantage is naturally given to the first group of algorithms.

There are two main lossless archiving methods:

Huffman algorithm (eng. Huffman), focused on compressing sequences of bytes that are not interconnected,

the Lempel-Ziv algorithm (eng. Lempel, Ziv), focused on compressing any kind of text, that is, using the fact of repeated repetition of "words" - sequences of bytes.

Almost all popular programs lossless archiving

(ARJ, RAR, ZIP, etc.) use a combination of these two methods - the LZH algorithm.

Huffman algorithm. The algorithm is based on the fact that some characters from the standard 256-character set in free text may occur more often than the average repetition period, while others, respectively, less often. Therefore, if $+o writes common characters, use short bit sequences, less than 8 in length, and to write rare symbols- long, then the total volume of the file will decrease.

Lempel-Ziv algorithm. Classical Lempel-Ziv algorithm -

a sequence of bytes, and the record of its length and offset from the current position is shorter than this sequence itself, then the link (offset, length) is written to the output file, and not the sequence itself>. So phrase<КОЛОКОЛ_ОКОЛО_КОЛОКОЛЬНИ>

encoded as<КОЛО(-4,3)_(-5,4)О_(-14,7)ЬНИ>.

5. ARJ Archiver

The ARJ program (developer - Robert K. Jung) is one of the most famous products of its class. It performs all the functions of maintaining its archives, can put files in an archive, extract files from an archive, and make "self-extracting" files, and so on.

The ARJ program allows you to:

create archive files from individual or all files of the current directory and its subdirectories, loading up to 32000 files into one archive;

· add and replace files in the archive;

extract and delete files from the archive;

view the contents of the archive;

create a multi-volume archive;

protect each of the archived files with 32-bit cyclic code, test the archive, checking the safety of information in it;

· to receive help on work in 3 international languages;

Enter comments to files into the archive;

· store paths to files in the archive;

save several generations (versions) of the same file in the archive;

· reorder the archive file by file sizes, names, extensions, date and time of modification, compression ratio, etc.;

search for strings in archived files;

· restore files from destroyed archives;

create self-extracting archives both on one volume and on several volumes;

view content text files contained in the archive;

· ensure the protection of information in the archive and access to files placed in the archive with a password.

5.1.1. Command line structure for working with the ARJ program

To get a brief help on the screen, just enter the name of the program in the command line: ARJ.

For detailed help and examples of command assignments, enter:

ARJ-? or ARJ/?

To load the program and perform the necessary functions, the command line format is used, where the program name and parameters are separated by spaces:

ARJ<команда> [-<кл1> [-<кл2>...]] <имя_архива> [<список_имен_файлов>]

The required command line options are two options:<команда>and<имя_архива>.

You can use a pattern (mask) as a list of file names.

Parameter<команда>is written as a single character following the program name and sets the archiving function in accordance with Table. 11.1.

5.1.2. The main commands of the ARJ archiver program

Group number

Command group

Archive function

Placement in the archive

Add files to archive

Replace files in archive with newer versions

Add only new files to the archive

Move files to archive

Extract from the archive

Extract files from archive to current directory

Extract files from the archive and place them in directories in accordance with the access paths specified for them

Removing from the archive

Delete files from archive

Service functions

Full archive testing

Displaying the contents of the archive without specifying the path to the files

Displaying the contents of the archive with the path to the files

Copy archive with new parameters

Find text string archived

Parameter<имя_архива>specifies the name of the archive file and is written to general rules MS DOS, but without specifying the extension, which is automatically assigned when creating a new file. The archive name can be written with the path to the file. The default archiver processes archive files that have the extension . ARJ.

A self-extracting archive file is created with the extension . EXE. Such a file contains software module unpacking, and no ARJ program is required to extract files from it.

The keys specify the action of the archiving command, and there may be several of them. Each switch starts with a "-" character and can be placed anywhere on the command line after the command. The sign of the key, in addition to the "-" symbol, can be the "/" symbol. In table. 11.2 shows the most important tuning keys.

Note. Commands and keys of the ARJ archiver program can be entered into the command line in any case.

The list of filenames is given when not all files in the archive or current directory are to be processed. If you need to add, extract, or remove multiple files on the command line, write down their full names. Up to 64 file names can be specified in the file list. To shorten filenames, you can use patterns according to MS DOS rules, for example:

5.1.3. The most important configuration keys for the ARJ archiver


Adding files from the current directory and all its subdirectories, specifying the path to the files

Creating a multi-volume archive file

Protecting the created archive with a password: g<пароль>- the password is entered in the command line; g? - enter an invisible password on execution

Adding/replacing files, except for files whose names are specified after the key

Request to perform an operation for each file: to confirm, you must enter the character "Y"; for refusal - character "N"

Creating a self-extracting archive

Indication of the archiving method: m0 - no compression;

ml - normal compression (default);

m2 - the highest compression;

m3 - fast compression and less compression;

m4 - fastest compression and least compression

Expected answer Yes to all archiver questions

Pause when viewing the contents of the archive after filling the screen

5.1.4. Putting files in an archive

One of the main operations when working with archive files is placing files in an archive, which can be performed using the commands: a, u, m, f. Most often, these commands are used in conjunction with the switches: - r, - g, - q, - je.

5.1.5. Creation of multi-volume archives

One of the important advantages of the ARJ archiver program is the ability to create multi-volume archives, i.e. archives that use several disks to accommodate. One archive file is placed on each of the disks, occupying all its free space. In this case, it is not necessary that the disk be previously cleared, since other files may be located on it along with the archive file. When creating an archive, a file located on the first disk is assigned the *.ARJ extension by default, and on subsequent disks - *.A01, *.A02, etc. The rule for designating extensions can be changed using configuration keys, which practically removes restrictions on the number of archive volumes.

To work with a multi-volume archive, you must specify the -v switch. Refinement of command customization is achieved by using command modifiers.

To create a multi-volume archive for the arj archiver, the command line should look like: arj a -v1200 archive name, or arj a /v1200 /y archive name (multi-volume, without the arj extension).

The floppy disk format (1.2M) is specified here. It can be 360K, 720K, 1200K, 1440K. The /v1200 switch means to create a multi-volume archive on 1.2M floppy disks. Each archive volume must be placed on a separate diskette and will correspond to its size.

To create a multi-volume archive with subdirectories, the command line should be: arj a -r - v1200 - y archive name (without extension).

If you specify the path a:\archive name in the archive name, then the archive will be created on diskette a: (or b:\archive name), but the -y switch is not needed.

After entering the command, the archiving program starts to perform the requested actions. The screen displays the names of the files placed in the archive. When compressing each file, either the percentage of the processed part of the file is displayed, or a horizontal bar indicating the progress of compression. After the compression of each file is completed, the degree of compression is reported opposite its name (the ratio of the length of the compressed file to the length of the original file).

By default, the ARJ program provides a fairly high speed and close to the maximum compression ratio. But if you want, you can get a few percent more file compression due to slightly slower operation. To do this, specify the mode -JM.

ARJ. Works from the command line. Performs all archiving functions. arj, including support for multi-volume archives. Arj has a very big number keys. You can get help on the arj archiver keys using the commands:

arj (regular help)

arj /? (detailed help)

You can automate many actions - creating backup disk, archiving starting from some date, appending to the archive name current date(arh970821.arj), archiving a file from a specific location, multiple levels of compression, and so on. In version 2.55 it is possible to work with long names. Disadvantages: lack of an interactive mode, some inconvenience of work if there is some key in environment variable(ARJ_SW) and the launch line - mutual destruction.

6. Conclusion

When using a computer for a variety of reasons, damage or loss of information on hard drives is possible. This can happen due to physical damage to the hard drive, incorrect adjustment or accidental destruction of files, destruction of information computer virus and so on. In order to reduce losses in such situations, you should keep backup copies of the files in use and systematically update copies of files that change.

To save information, you can, of course, duplicate it, but at the same time, copies take up as much space as the original files take up, and for copying desired files many floppy disks may be required. For example, copying files from a 1.2 GB hard drive requires 854 1.44 MB floppy disks. It is quite difficult to sort through such a large number of diskettes, so the complexity of creating and updating a copy will be very significant.

It is more convenient to use specially designed file archiving programs to create copies. These programs allow not only to save space on floppy disks, but also to combine groups of shared files into one archive file, which greatly simplifies archiving.

It is customary to distinguish between archiving and packaging (compression, compression) of data. In the first case, we are talking about merging several files and even directories into a single file - an archive (an example of using this technology in its purest form is the TAR format). The second is about reducing the volume of source files by eliminating redundancy (in this paper, we consider packaging without information loss, i.e. with the possibility of exact recovery of source files). As a rule, modern archivers also provide data compression, thus being also packers, however, there are also purely "packing" utilities like Gzip that compress individual files, converting them to the Z or GZ format.

When choosing a tool for working with packed files and archives, two factors should be taken into account: efficiency, i.e. the optimal balance between saving disk space and performance, and compatibility, i.e. the ability to exchange data with other users. Compatibility is perhaps more important today, since in terms of the degree of compression achieved, competing formats and tools differ by percentages (but not by several times), and computing power modern computers makes the processing time of archives not as significant as, say, ten years ago. Therefore, when choosing a tool for working with archives, the most important criterion for most users (at least for those for whom the exchange of large amounts of data is an urgent problem) is probably the ability of the program to "understand" the most common archive formats, even if these formats are not the most efficient. .

7. References

1. - M.: INFRA-M, 1998.

2. PC Magazine #6 1999

3. http://*****/info/first33.html

4.http://www. citforum. *****/internet/infsecure/its2000_33.shtml (Archived)

5.http://www. citforum. *****/internet/infsecure/its2000_34.shtml (Archiving Principles)

6.http://www. citforum. *****/internet/infsecure/its2000_35.shtml (Huffman algorithm)

7.http://www. citforum. *****/internet/infsecure/its2000_36.shtml (Lempel-Ziva algorithm)

If your computer has antivirus program can scan all files on the computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by clicking right click by clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to perform a virus scan on the file.

For example, in this figure, file my-file.arj, then you need to right-click on this file, and in the file menu select the option "scan from help from AVG» . Selecting this option will open AVG Antivirus, which will scan the given file for viruses.

Sometimes an error can result from incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem that occurred during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system associate your ARJ file with the correct application software tool , influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling 7-Zip may solve your problem by properly linking ARJ with 7-Zip. In other cases, file association problems may result from bad software programming developer, and you may need to contact the developer for additional help.

Advice: Try updating 7-Zip to latest version to make sure the latest patches and updates are installed.

This may seem too obvious, but often the ARJ file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an attachment Email or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (such as a power outage or other reason), the file may be corrupted. If possible, try getting a fresh copy of the ARJ file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A corrupted file may cause collateral damage to a previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is very important that you have an up-to-date antivirus running on your computer at all times.

If your ARJ file associated with the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on the successful opening of the hardware inside the computer, for example, sound card or video cards. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open an ARJ file you get .SYS file related error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be alleviated by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps didn't solve the problem and you are still having problems opening ARJ files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of ARJ files may require a significant amount of resources (eg. memory/RAM, processing power) to open properly on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using a fairly old computer. Hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer is having a hard time completing a task because operating system(and other services running in the background) can consume too many resources to open ARJ file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening ARJ Compressed File Archive. By freeing up all available resources on your computer, you will ensure the best possible conditions for trying to open the ARJ file.

If you completed all the above steps and your ARJ file still won't open, you may need to run hardware upgrade. In most cases, even with older hardware versions, the processing power can still be more than enough for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial/science modeling, or media-intensive work) . In this way, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly referred to as "RAM", or RAM) to perform the file open task.

We hope we helped you solve the problem with the ARJ file. If you do not know where you can download an application from our list, click on the link (this is the name of the program) - you will find more detailed information where to download the secure installation version of the required application.

What else can cause problems?

There can be more reasons why you cannot open a ARJ file (not just the lack of an appropriate application).
Firstly- the ARJ file may be incorrectly linked (incompatible) with installed application for his service. In this case, you need to change this connection yourself. To do this, right-click on the ARJ file you want to edit, click the option "To open with" and then select the program you have installed from the list. After such an action, problems with opening the ARJ file should completely disappear.
Secondly- the file you want to open may simply be corrupted. Then, the best solution is to find a new version, or download it again from the same source as before (maybe for some reason in the previous session the download of the ARJ file has not been completed and it cannot be opened properly).

Do you want to help?

If you have Additional Information about the ARJ file extension, we will be grateful if you share it with the users of our site. Use the form provided and send us your information about the ARJ file.

1 extension(s) and 0 alias(s) in our database

Below you can find answers to the following questions:

  • What .arj file?
  • What program can create .arj file?
  • Where can I find a description .arj format?
  • What can convert .arj files to another format?
  • Which MIME type is associated with .arj extension?

ARJ Compressed Archive

ARJ file is an ARJ compressed archive. It is the native format of ARJ(dos)and WinARJ archiver. like other archives, ARJ files are data containers, they store one or several files in the compressed form.

Detailed description is under development

The name of the program: WinARJ.exe

MIME type: application/x-arj-compressed

Magic bytes (HEX): -

String Magic (ASCII): -


a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24

Extensions related to:

Other file types may also use .arj file extension. if you have useful information about .arj extension, !

Is it possible that the file extension is misspelled?

We found the following similar extensions in our database:

The .arj file extension is often given incorrectly!

According to searches on our site, these were the most common typos in the past year:

adj (1) , aru (1) , arm (1) , ari (1) , ar(1) , aj (1) , ary (1) , arn (1) , ark (1) , arh (1) , ajr (1)

Can't open .arj file?

If you want to open .arj file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate programs installed. If a arj Associations are set incorrectly, you may receive the following error message:

Failed to open this file:

File: example.arj

To open this file, Windows needs to know which program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to search for it automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs installed on your computer.

To change file associations:

  • Right-click the file whose extension you want to change, and then click Open from.
  • AT To open with dialog box, select the program you want to open the file with, or click Review to find the program you want.
  • Select Always use the selected program to open such a file checkbox.

Supported operating systems

Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS X, iOS, Android

1.14. How to use the ARJ.EXE archiver

The ARJ.EXE archiver is one of the most convenient and versatile archiving programs we know of at the time of this writing.

Our guide covers only the main and most interesting functionality of the ARJ.EXE archiver. More detailed information about the ARJ.EXE archiver can be obtained by running the ARJ.EXE program without parameters.

The ARJ.EXE archiver is used as follows:

ARJ [- [-...]] [...]

The required parameter command specifies the command to be executed by the archiver. Here is a table of the most important commands:

One or more optional additional switch parameters may follow one of the above commands. Additional parameters must be separated by a "-" symbol. They specify the modification of the command being executed. Here is a table of the most important additional parameters of the ARJ.EXE archiver:

Additional parameter Purpose
-g Protecting the created archive with a password
-je and -je1 Creating a self-extracting archive
-jm Set the maximum possible file compression ratio
-r Used with the "a" or "m" commands to specify that the archive should include files from the current directory and all its subdirectories
-v Creation and restoration of multi-volume archives located on several floppy disks. Each floppy disk contains one archive volume (file). There are several modifications to the -v option:
vv - issue sound signal between the processing of individual archive volumes;
va - automatically determine the amount of free space on a floppy disk (the size of the next archive volume);
vnnnnn - size of individual archive volumes, for example v20000 - create an archive from 20 KB volumes;
v360, v720, v1200, v1440 - create fixed size volumes of 360 KB, 720 KB, 1.2 MB, 1.44 MB
-x Do not archive the file specified below. You can use "?" characters in the file name. and "*"

The additional parameters are followed by the name of the archive file - archive_name.

The name of the archive being processed can be followed by a list of names of files to be extracted, added or deleted - file_names. When specifying the names of files to extract, add, and remove, you can use the characters "?" and "*". If you don't specify a file_names list, then all files in the current directory will be assumed.

Here are some examples of using the ARJ.EXE archiver to create an archive:

ARJ a -r -x*.obj -xtmp.* collaps

After executing this command, an archive will be created in the current directory from all files available there, except for files with the OBJ extension (parameter -x*.obj) and TMP names (-xtmp.*). The archive name will be COLLAPS.ARJ. Files located in subdirectories will also be written to the archive.

To restore files from an archive, you can use the following command:

ARJ x collaps

This command will extract all the files available there from the COLLAPS.ARJ archive, which in this case should be located in the current directory. This will recreate the entire directory structure that existed at the time of archiving.

As another example, consider using the ARJ.EXE archiver to create a self-extracting archive.

To create self-extracting archives, the ARJ.EXE archiver provides the -je and -je1 options. A self-extracting archive is an executable file that, when run, restores the files it contains. There is no need to run ARJ.EXE. But nothing comes for free - the size of a self-extracting archive is larger than the size of a regular archive. In fact, a self-extracting archive is a regular archive to which a simplified version of the ARJ.EXE archiver has been added, which can only open this archive.