The user may experience that web pages that used to load quickly now begin to open very slowly. If you restart them, then this may help, but still, the work on the computer has already slowed down. In this tutorial, we will offer instructions that will not only help in loading pages, but also optimize the performance of your PC.

Now we will remove harmful programs, clean the registry, remove unnecessary from autorun and check the PC with antivirus. We will also analyze how the CCleaner program will help us in all this. After completing only one of the presented steps, it is possible that everything will work and the pages will load normally. However, it is recommended to carry out all actions one after the other, which optimizes general job PC. Let's get down to business.

Stage 1: Getting rid of unnecessary programs

Stage 2: Debris clearance

Clear all system and web browsers from unnecessary garbage can free program CCleaner.

Stage 3: Cleaning junk from autorun

Same CCleaner allows you to see what automatically starts. Here is another option:

Now we will analyze more how to view autorun using CCleaner.

If you have problems with the speed of the Internet browser, then you need to read this post.

  • problems on the line connecting the user with the provider, or breakdown of network equipment;
  • low computer performance;
  • malfunctions in the browser itself.

If the tips to speed up the loading of sites do not help, you will have to contact technical support provider. But first you need to determine the cause of the malfunction.

Internet browser works slowly, pages open for a long time

Slow browser speed is a consequence of the following network connection problems:

  • problems on the provider's side - in this case, the user will not be able to do anything;
  • interference on the line associated, for example, with bad weather;
  • if you are using a wireless modem from mobile operator, the reason for the slowdown in the connection may be the congestion of the channel due to the large number of users - this problem occurs in the evenings;
  • too active use of the connection;
  • low rate rate.

Channel Release

Your computer is connected to the ISP by a network of cables carrying pieces of information - packets. In order for the speed to be high, the packets sent and received by the browser must freely pass through the channel provided to you.

If other programs use the channel in parallel, the channel becomes clogged, and there is no room for loading pages.

So the first thing you need to do is:

  • disable torrent clients and other programs for downloading files;
  • disable applications for watching TV and listening to music online;
  • stop software updates - often like to update, for example, Steam, antiviruses and Windows itself;
  • disconnect other users - laptops, tablets and smartphones connected via Wi-Fi, set-top box for IP-TV, etc.;
  • reboot the modem or router - this will disable the "extra" connections.

Do you have a problem?

It is also worth checking if the site is working normally - perhaps the problem is not with you at all. For this, different methods are used:

Hardware setup

If you are connecting to the Internet via a 3G, 4G or xDSL modem, you should check your network equipment settings.

xDSL modem or router:

  • reboot the device;
  • go to settings by typing in address bar, or;
  • check the connection status and compliance with the actual rate of the tariff - this data is located in the main menu of the device or in the WAN section;
  • check the connection settings using the instructions for your equipment model.

3G/4G modem:

  • disconnect the device from USB port and reconnect;
  • restart the modem software;
  • update the modem driver.

What to do if everything is in order on the part of the sites and the provider, the channel is free, but the sites take a long time to load?

Increasing PC performance

The lack of hardware resources affects all aspects of working with a computer - all programs slow down, the Internet starts to work slowly, and the browser takes a long time to open pages.

  • press combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + Delete, in the menu that opens, click on the "Task Manager" button - you can also do this through context menu, opened by clicking right click mouse on the taskbar;
  • go to the "Performance" section (in Windows 10 - "Performance");
  • we look at the percentage of CPU and memory usage - if it exceeds 80%, then there are not enough resources.

The problem is fixed either by closing unnecessary tasks or by upgrading the computer.

Choosing a browser for a weak PC

If there are not enough resources, choose an undemanding browser according to your needs:

  • Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge- requires the least resources, but cannot boast of rich functionality;
  • Mozilla Firefox- perfect option;
  • Opera - more demanding, but has an Opera Turbo mode that speeds up work on a slow connection;
  • Google Chrome/ Yandex.Browser - the most resource-intensive options.

If you are using little-known software (for example, Amigo from, delete it immediately.

Disk Cleanup

The browser saves temporary files to the system drive, and if there is not enough space on it, the Internet may slow down. To free up space, use:

  • Ccleaner program - removes junk files and extra entries in the registry;
  • standard cleaning tools - "Add or Remove Programs" in the control panel and "Disk Cleanup" in the properties system disk.

Defragmentation is the process of optimizing free disk space, rearranging clean clusters on the hard drive. This must be done at least once a month; if programs and files are written and deleted often, then defragmentation should be done more often - so the disk will work faster.

The required tool is located in the properties of the disk. Go to the "Service" section of the properties of the C: drive and run the defragmentation.

Cleaning and setting up the browser

Whatever browser you use, you need to constantly monitor it so that it does not clog. You need:

  • clean history;
  • clear cache (temporary files) and cookies;
  • delete unnecessary bookmarks;
  • do not install unnecessary plugins and extensions.

As a rule, all temporary files are deleted after the program is closed. Therefore, for timely cleaning, you just need not keep the program constantly running.

Manage all modern browsers more or less standard, so it's hard to get confused in the settings. To remove extra plugins:

  • go to the settings through the main menu (opens with the corresponding button on the taskbar);
  • go to the "Add-ons", "Plugins" or "Extensions" section;
  • remove the excess - in most cases it is enough to leave only AdBlock.

You can also clear the cache through the settings:

  • Chrome and Yandex.Browser: "Options" - "Advanced" - "Delete data";
  • IE: "Internet Options" - "Delete browsing history", check the box "Delete history on exit";
  • Firefox: "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Network" - "Cached content" - "Clear now";
  • Opera: "Settings" - "Delete personal data".

If the above tips do not help speed up page loading, call the wizard for a more thorough diagnosis and repair of your computer.

In the "old" times (in the early 2000s), the low speed of dial-up modems was enough for most people. Now high speed internet has become a necessity. But often even on an unlimited tariff and a broadband connection, the speed suddenly drops. How to find the reason?

Browser and its settings

If the Internet began to work slowly, then first of all, you need to figure out which specific programs “slow down” it. In the minds of many people, the Internet is firmly associated with the browser - the program with which websites are viewed. But the network also goes mail program, ICQ and Skype. They also transmit and receive packets of information from their servers and other nodes.

Check their work and if the speed dropped only when working in the browser, then the reason is in it. The easiest way to solve the problem is to install another browser or update an already installed one.

Meticulous people can be offered to understand the settings of the old browser. They can crash for a variety of reasons. You need to look at the "Connection Settings" tab. Here is one of common mistakes in the settings: there is a checkmark next to "Internet access through a proxy server" and the browser sends all its traffic through an additional server, which affects the speed of loading sites. Try disabling the proxy server and check your internet speed.

Another reason is plugins that limit the speed of the browser. Rate limiting options are found in some types of plugins, such as download managers, or the plugin may simply be "buggy". Try disabling all plugins in the browser, restart it and check the speed.

Automatic system or software updates

If a automatic update is in the settings of the operating system, then it can be updated at any time at will. The operating system sometimes loads a ton of information, which is not always needed. During such a download, both the Internet connection and the general operation of the computer slow down. To avoid such freezes, it is convenient to install all updates manually. This video shows the process of disabling updates in windows 7:

The following video talks about two ways to disable updates in windows 8:

Many programs like to update automatically: Adobe, Google Chrome, Photoshop. During download throughput channel is always decreasing - after all, part of the channel is busy with updates. You can disable the automatic update function in the program settings.

Virus infection

If you do not have an adequate antivirus program, then with a high probability you can say that the Internet is slow due to the active activity of viruses. Malware, having settled on the hard drive, they begin to download considerable amounts of information, as well as send spam from the computer. To fight viruses, you need a license antivirus program. Unlike other programs, it requires daily updates. Otherwise, the antivirus will be of no use.

When the browser opens pages for a long time, it is useful to carry out a deep scan not only of the system C: drive, but also of all other drives. Does a good job of checking free utility CureIt by Dr.Web ( and the free antivirus program AVZ (

Problem with router, switch or cable

The problem may be on the side of the hardware through which your computer is connected. Often, due to a power surge in the network, a switch or router can freeze. Try rebooting them by turning the power off and on.

It is a little more difficult to check the cable - it often happens that the cable is damaged due to mechanical impact on it, but such damage cannot be determined by eye. For example, they often stepped on the leg of a chair or crushed the cable with a door.

To check, it is best to “ring” the cable special device- a signal will be passed through the cable and damage will be determined. This service can be obtained from computer repair companies or from the support of the provider.

Interference from the side

If the Internet speed is low only at certain times of the day, or under certain weather conditions - thunderstorms, snow, fog, then most likely the provider's equipment is to blame. It may not be installed correctly, it may flood with water, or it may simply not be able to handle the load during the evening hours. There are two ways out - contact the provider and wait for the problem to be fixed, or change the provider.

If you are using to connect wifi router, then the reason for the low speed may be interference from the radio or from the microwave oven - WiFi networks quite sensitive to such disturbances. Try switching to a wired connection.

ISP Restrictions

What to do if you have checked all the above options, but still the speed is lower than stated in the tariff? One of common causes- "secrets" of the provider. Some fares have speed limits under certain conditions.

For example, if during the month the user managed to download a certain amount of data. When concluding a contract, the provider must say this, but ... Sometimes the user himself forgets about these restrictions. To “treat” such a case, you need to change the tariff. Or maybe a provider.

Why are torrents downloading slowly?

It happens that the Internet works fine, but the downloaded torrent does not download, or it does it at a very low speed. Downloading from a torrent resource is not like downloading from a server. On torrent sites, files are downloaded from the computers of other people registered in the system. If the torrent is slow to download, it means that it is being distributed slowly from other computers.

What determines the distribution speed? Mainly on the number of seeds. Seeds are all those users who have the file you need on their computer and who distribute it in the torrent system. The fewer people there are, the slower the file will load. And vice versa, when a video, audio, book is very popular and is distributed to a large number of people at once, then downloading them will turn out to be “flying”. If you need to download something rare and large in volume, then it is better to leave this procedure overnight.

Among all popular browsers, Mozilla Firefox causes the greatest criticism from users. "Thinks for a long time," complain all and sundry. No matter how powerful and productive your computer is, Firefox browser takes a very long time to load almost everyone. Moreover, if someone has a start time of 15-20 seconds, then in special cases, some have to wait for 2-3 minutes. On one of the forums, I even came across the story of Firefox launching within 15 minutes, but this was a non-standard situation.

This question is especially interesting because the main competitors of the "fire fox" Google Chrome and Opera start work much faster. Below are some tips to speed up the launch of the browser. Let's start with the simplest.

Check antivirus, clean history

A poorly functioning antivirus can be one of the factors. In such a situation, when we double-click on the browser icon, we wait for it to load, but it does not occur due to the fact that at this time the antivirus is checking the application being launched. But we know that we are not launching a virus, but a reliable browser, so in the antivirus settings we need to exclude Firefox from the scanned objects.

Clearing the history can give a small gain in time. All browsers by default save the sites you have viewed since you installed the browser, cookies of these sites, cache the contents of web pages for their subsequent faster loading. This is all good, of course, but over time, the data system files grow to a huge size, which leads to an increase in their processing time, and they take up a lot of hard disk space. Therefore, periodically it is recommended to clean all the garbage: open it in the browser (in this case, in firefox) Settings - Privacy - clear your recent history . In the window that opens, check the boxes next to the required items and clear them (at least you should select "History of visits and downloads", "Cache").

Get rid of unnecessary plugins, extensions

When loading, Firefox itself consumes a few resources, however installed add-ons can seriously hinder performance. For example, if you have a news plugin installed, it may take a while at startup for it to connect to its server and get the news to display in the browser. What to do? We open Menu - Extras and clean up all the garbage that we don't need. Often, various applications, Yandex.Bar and other garbage are installed in the browser by default. Therefore, we check the tabs "Extensions" and "Plugins", deleting what we do not need.

We do it carefully, for example Shockwave Flash we need to view flash content on the page, and these are not only annoying banners, but also videos. A with help from Adobe Acrobat we can open PDF files. In addition, on the same page there is an icon with settings, clicking on it will open a context menu where you can turn off automatic updates of add-ons. You need to do this at your discretion, if only the necessary plugins are installed, you can leave auto-update.

Setting the correct Firefox settings

Launch Firefox and in the address bar, where we usually see the site address, enter about:config and press Enter. A warning will open that stupidly changing browser settings can worsen its performance, but since we will only make useful changes, click on the button "I promise I'll be careful!". A large settings table opens in front of us, in its upper part there is a search bar, with which you can quickly find the lines we need. To change a setting, double-click on it with the left mouse button or once with the right mouse button and select Change/Switch from the menu.

network.http.pipelining - true. This option allows the browser to make multiple requests on the connection at once.
network.http.proxy.pipelining - true. This option is similar to the previous one.
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests - 8. The parameter sets the maximum number of simultaneous requests.
network.http.proxy.firstrequest - true. The option "parallelizes" browser network requests.
network.http.pipelining.firstrequest - true. Similar to the setting above.
browser.startup.homepage - about:home. Ask start page default.
network.http.max-connections - 48. The setting will increase the maximum number of simultaneous HTTP connections.
network.http.max-connections-per-server - 24. Maximum amount connections to one server.
browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size - 30720. The parameter sets the size random access memory under cache.
browser.cache.disk.capacity - 10 485 760. The size of the disk space for the browser cache in kilobytes, for example 10 GB.
nglayout.ititialpaint.delay - 0. This option removes the delay before rendering the page. You need to create it yourself: right-click and select Create - Integer. Enter the name nglayout.initialpaint.delay in the dialog box and the value 0.
browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo - 10. The parameter sets the number of tabs that the browser remembers so that they can be restored.
browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo - 3. Similar setting for windows. Both can be reduced.

After making these changes, Firefox needs to be closed and launched again - now your browser should not load for a long time. If there is no improvement, try installing Mozilla Firefox again or .

It's always nice to have open access to the Internet, especially if your ISP provides you with a high-speed, unlimited network connection. However, many users around the world are facing one of the most annoying problems that "travelers" of boundless expanses can have. world wide web, - terribly slow opening pages in the browser. Ok, it may not sound so scary, but this problem may well overshadow someone's already difficult day. In this article, we will try to consider with you various scenarios, due to which, in theory, a long loading of web resource pages in the browser could occur.

So, the topic, in fact, is extremely simple, but it can be discussed for an incredibly long time. Exists great amount reasons why you started to slowly access web resources. And this is really not an exaggeration: sometimes it can take an hour, two, three or a day to determine the root of the problem, since it can consist of many things. For example, you may be slow to open pages in your browser due to the fact that the speed of your Internet connection has dropped to a catastrophic low values, to such that it is extremely problematic to open some easy Twitter or Youtube page. Or, for example, your network settings have been changed, as a result of which a similar problem arose.

One way or another, so as not to sort out possible reasons line, let's arrange them in a convenient list so that you can familiarize yourself with it properly. Pages in your browser could open slowly for the following reasons:

  • Slow Internet connection speed.
  • Failing Wi-Fi router.
  • Braking browser extensions, cache and cookies.
  • The user is trying to open pages in the browser through a VPN extension or service.
  • AT operating system a virus has settled that slows down the speed of the Internet connection.
  • Antivirus or other software that also slows down the connection speed or takes up a channel for its work.
  • provider's DNS server this moment experiencing problems at work.

And these were the most common, most popular reasons for the slow loading of pages on the Internet. Sometimes it's one thing, sometimes it's a combination. Everything depends on the case. It is simply impossible to recommend a certain method in this situation. However, we will look at a list of some of the methods that you can try to apply to your problem when downloading content from the network.

Slow Internet connection speed

If you notice that your browser has become much slower in loading various pages on the network, then perhaps the speed of your Internet connection has dropped to critically low levels. It is worth saying that, in most cases, even the “weakest” connection is enough to load average statistical pages on the Internet, but if the speed has dropped, then even it may have problems.

Check Speed network connection extremely easy with the Speedtest resource. Follow the link and start checking the speed of your Internet connection. If the test showed you that everything is in order with the speed, then the problem is definitely something else. However, if the test showed indeed low speed, which, according to the connection package, should not be, then something limits it or the provider has problems. We recommend that you call him and find out the reason for the slowdown. If he points out that everything is fine on their side, let's move on.

Checking the browser you are using

Perhaps the page loading speed has decreased due to some extensions installed in your browser. On the Internet, you will always find a bunch of users claiming that some extensions may well use your connection in one way or another to keep their work in the background.

Try deactivating all extensions in your browser. It is also worth noting that things like accumulated cache and cookies can affect page loading speed. Go to your browser settings and clear your cache and cookies. However, be aware that by deleting cookies, you will get rid of completed forms with personal data, such as logins and passwords.

Alternatively, you can also try reinstalling your browser or completely resetting it to find out for sure if the problem is with it or not. If you understand that the browser is definitely not the cause of the slow loading of pages on the Internet, then let's try to check something else.

Disable VPN

VPN, of course, is a pretty useful thing that helps you get to where you are not welcome. However, you should be aware that a VPN can significantly slow down your network connection. Perhaps you forgot to simply disable the client or extension of the VPN service in the browser, as a result of which pages from the network began to load extremely slowly. Make sure you are trying to use your browser normally.


Viruses can be another reason for slow downloads of content from the web. Some of the representatives of this not the most friendly software can even completely block access to the Internet, which is fraught with extremely serious consequences. We recommend that you scan your system for viruses just in case.

You can scan using the system antivirus Windows Defender. Click Windows+S, type "Windows Defender Security Center" in the search box, go to the "Virus & Threat Protection" section and run a system scan. Get rid of pests, if any. If after that the loading of pages in the browser began to go much faster, then congratulations - you have found the culprit of the situation.

Disabling antivirus and other security programs

This may be news to you, but some antivirus and other security programs can actually slow down your connection speed, using it for some of their own purposes, such as checking the virus database and the like. Checking if antivirus and other software is to blame is quite simple: disable them for a while, and then check the page loading speed in the browser.

You can disable Windows Defender in the same section of its settings that we already looked at in the previous paragraph (Windows Defender Security Center). If you have a third-party antivirus, then here you will already have to try to disable its functionality yourself. As a rule, you can access the settings using the tray in the Start notification area. Look in the settings for an item about Active protection against viruses or other threats.

Reset network settings

Changes network settings could well cause the problems discussed in this article. Fortunately, you can easily check the network settings and return them to their previous values ​​(default), in which there were no problems when accessing the Internet. You can reset your network settings using this system tool, how Command line. Click on the keyboard Windows+X and click on "Command Prompt (Admin)".

As soon as the system console opens in front of you, you will need to enter the following series of commands into it:

  • netsh winsock reset
  • netsh int ip reset all
  • netsh winhttp reset proxy
  • ipconfig /flushdns

With these commands, you will reset WinSock, IP settings, Proxy, and clear the DNS cache. Restart your computer, and then try to open some page in your browser again. If the download speed increased, then the matter really lay in the network settings. If you see a recurrence of the situation - run the above commands in the system console to resolve the issue. However, this is often not necessary.

Changing the DNS server address

And the last thing we will touch on in this article is a problem with your ISP's DNS server. You can try switching to public DNS servers for a while Google. It's very easy to do this:

  • Right-click the network connection icon in the Start notification area.
  • Select "Open Network and Internet Settings".
  • Click on "Configure adapter options".
  • Double click on your network connection.
  • Click on the "Properties" button.
  • Double click on "IP Version 4...".
  • Post addresses and
  • Save your changes.

Once you have completed all of the above, go to the browser and try to navigate to some resource. Perhaps this is all that can be advised in this situation. A huge number of factors can affect the speed of loading pages in your browser - and it is simply impossible to take into account each of them. Each user has their own computer configuration, network connection type, and so on. etc. We hope the tips and solutions in this article have helped you resolve your issue.

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