Claims are often made against iOS related to the complete closedness of the operating system and, as a result, the lack of a file management system. You can get access to the contents of the i-device only after the "jailbreak" procedure, or by installing the iTools program or its equivalent on the PC. android platform, source which is open, is much more flexible in this respect.

You can unload a program from memory, search for documents on a flash drive, or access all files and folders on your smartphone/tablet, including SD card and FTP server, using third party programs. You do not need to connect your Android device to your computer or get root rights. The best file managers have studied Vesti.Hitech.

ASTRO file manager

ASTRO is one of oldest programs of such kind. Perhaps its main disadvantage is complicated navigation, which will take time to master. After running ASTRO, it shows start menu with "locations" - places where you can manage files (local storage, Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Facebook, etc., you can add others, including FTP servers). There are also tabs with a search (search for documents, music or video, or by name) and a list of recently opened files.

To access the main ASTRO tools, you need to drag the screen to the left. From here you have access to Task killer". It is needed if any process is hung and needs to be removed from random access memory without restarting the phone. The list shows running tasks, CPU load, and memory usage. To "kill" a process, you need to select it with your finger and press the button with the skull and crossbones.

There is also a built-in text and image viewer. Just below the menu is a panel with actions on the file: move to another directory, copy, delete and rename. The third tool is " Application manager"- allows you to find out everything about the programs on your smartphone: version, size, when it was installed, and more. If necessary, you can create backup of any one application, select it with a tick (for example, if you downloaded an update, but you didn’t like it and you wanted to return to old version). A copy of the program will be saved as an APK file.

Android version: depends on the device;
Link in Google Play: ASTRO ;
Developer: Metago
License: free; there is a plugin (122 rubles) that disables ads.

ES file explorer

Via ES File Explorer you can watch files not only on your device, but also connect to FTP servers, local networks and many popular "clouds" - SkyDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 and, importantly for Russian users, Yandex.Disk. Ordinary users will most often be interested in the PDA tab, which means Android smartphone.

To perform any action, you need to press and hold your finger on a folder / file for 2-3 seconds. From the menu that opens, you can delete / move / copy, as well as hide the document, archive it, save it as a tab, and even put a shortcut on the desktop (you can’t do this with built-in Android tools) for quick launch.

file Expert

Navigating in File Expert is much easier than in ASTRO and ES File Explorer. Here navigation is implemented in the same style as in modern browser. The program allows you to open any number of tabs on one window and remember them on subsequent launches. Files are moved by simple drag and drop from one directory to another. You can "attach" to the tab not only directories, but also pages on the Internet.

File Expert lets you jump straight to necessary sections rather than looking for a path to them. For example, by clicking on the corresponding icons, the user will be able to access all the videos/music/pictures available on the device, as well as APK and ZIP files.

File Expert also helps to optimize free place by clearing the drive junk files. To do this, go to the "My tools" tab and click on the "One-touch cleaning" icon. Browser history, clipboard, empty and temporary files, folders and more are deleted. The memory manager can only be accessed in the paid version.

Android version: 2.1 and above;
Link in Google Play: File Expert;
Developer: Geek Software Technology;
License: free; There is a premium version for 30 rubles.

X-plore file manager

X-plore is rich in features but has a complex tree interface with two windows. If File Expert is suitable for beginners, then this program can be recommended to advanced users. X-plore offers a built-in image, video, audio and text viewer, as well as SQLite databases (with .db extension), file thumbnails, the ability to view APK installers as ZIP archives.

As in other similar programs, files can be renamed, copied, moved, deleted, extracted and placed in ZIP archives, properties can be viewed and transferred to other locations. Apart from local storage, X-plore can connect to FTP servers (including encrypted FTPS), local networks, Yandex.Disk, SkyDrive, Dropbox, SugarSync and Picasa albums.

Android version: 2.1 and above;
Google Play Link: X-plore File Manager ;
Developer: Lonely Cat Games;
License: free.

root explorer

The last app in today's review is root explorer- is considered the best for those who have received superuser rights on Android. It gives full control over the device, allowing you to change / delete, including hidden system files. Despite the simple interface, Root Explorer has an average rating of 4.8 on Google Play.

At Help Root Explorer allows you to change file permissions, view thumbnails, send documents via email/Bluetooth, archive and extract from ZIP, TAR or GZIP. There are no functions such as access to "cloud" services and search in the application. If there is no root access on your device, then Root Explorer works in the mode of a regular explorer.

Android version: 1.1 and above;
Link in Google Play: Root Explorer;
Developer: Speed ​​Software;
License: paid, 125 rubles.

In this article, you will learn what folders (directories) exist in Android, what files they contain, what these folders and files are responsible for, and why they are needed.

Structure Preface

Many have a computer and have Windows installed on them. Everyone knows perfectly well that in this OS everything is distributed across disks:

C:- on the this disk stay system

D:- for personal files (the disk may not be there if it is not "broken")

E: - Z:- flash drives, portable hard drives, CD or DVD drives.

In Windwows, everything is dispersed across various disks. On UNIX/Linux, which includes Android (as well as BSD, which includes Mac OS X), things look a little different. The file structure is tree-like. Perhaps now it is not clear, but further with reading the article it will be more clear.

It is also worth knowing that Android, like Linux, is very case sensitive, unlike Windows. For example, the folder Name, NaMe, name, NAME are 4 different folders, while Windows can only create one folder with that name.

In order to make it more clear what is at stake, it is recommended to install the Root Browser file manager.

Structure and purpose of Android folders and files

As mentioned above, the structure has a tree-like form. Every tree has a root, UNIX/Linux also has a root. The root is the starting point in the file structure, from the root the system is overgrown with folders and files. Root in UNIX/Linux is marked as a sign:


details about the dev partition

/dev/— this section contains information about system devices and files.


details about the data section

section /data/- the user section in which they are located installed applications, Personal settings

/data/app folder- here are installed applications, games.

/data/app-lib folder- additional libraries necessary for the operation of certain applications (present in new versions of Android).

folder /data/dalvik-cache- cache memory for the operation of the Dalvik Java machine, which is the "engine" in Android responsible for launching and running applications.

/data/data folder- this folder contains individual settings everyone custom applications, libraries and other files are necessary files for their operation.

folder /data/system/- this section contains global settings for the user environment, synchronization, accounts, blocking.

files gesture.key, locksettings.db, locksettings.db-shm, locksettings.db-wa l - graphic key, pin code.


details about the preload section

section /preload/- in this section are additional files and folders that are mirrored to the partition /system/(This section is not available in all Androids, mainly in Samsung).


details about the system section

section /system/- this section contains system folders and files necessary for the functioning of Android.

/system/app folder- here are system applications and services (in the new Android OS, service applications were moved to another folder priv-app).

/system/bin folder and /system/xbin— folder contains files and links to executable binaries.

file /system/xbin/su- the file responsible for Root rights.

/system/camerdata folder- this folder contains files responsible for the operation of the camera.

/system/etc folder- this folder contains the configuration files necessary when loading the OS and also necessary during the operation of various programs.

/system/init.d folder- this folder contains scripts that can affect the operation of the system.

file /system/etc/hosts- a file responsible for blocking, redirecting web addresses.

file /system/etc/apns.conf- a file with information about Internet access points (APN).

file /system/etc/gps.conf- GPS settings.

/system/fonts folder— folder with system fonts.

/system/framework folder- folder with "processes" Android.

folder /system/lib/— libraries of system applications and services.

/system/lib/modules folder- system drivers.

folder /system/media- folder with system sounds and activation animation.

file /system/media/ executable archive with boot animation.

/system/priv-app folder— folder with Android services/applications.

file /system/build.propconfiguration file with which you can change the system settings.


details about the proc section

/proc section- a virtual partition containing information about the kernel and its configuration.

This article will show you how to view system files on your phone or tablet under Android control through android connections to a Windows computer. Android system files cannot be viewed on a Mac OS X computer.


Part 1 How to Access Files

  1. 1 Open the Settings app. The icon for this application is a gray gear and is usually found in the list of installed applications.
  2. 2 Scroll down and tap About phone. You will find this option at the bottom of the screen.
    • On a tablet, click About Tablet.
  3. 3 Scroll down and find the Build Number section. It is located at the bottom of the screen.
  4. 4 Click on the "Build number" line seven times. The message “You have become a developer” will open, indicating that you have successfully enabled the developer options.
    • You may have to click on the indicated line more than seven times to get such a message.
  5. 5 Click the back button. It is located in the upper left corner of the screen or below the screen.
  6. 6 Click Developer Options. This option is above the "About phone" option.
    • On the Samsung Galaxy, the "For Developer" option is at the bottom of the screen.
  7. 7 Scroll down and activate the "USB Debugging" option. It's in the Debug section in the middle of the screen.
  8. 8 Scroll down and click USB Configuration. You'll find this option below the "USB Debugging" option.
  9. 9 Click MTP (Media Transfer Protocol). This option is at the top of the USB Configuration page. This is how you can view Android system files if you connect the device to a computer.

Part 2 How to open system files

  1. 1 Connect your Android device to your computer. one end charging cable connect to the USB port of the computer and the other end to the phone. The process of synchronizing your Android device with your computer will start.
    • A window may open asking you to specify what to do with the Android device. In this case, close this window.
  2. 2 Open the Start menu. Click the Windows logo in the lower left corner of the screen.
  3. 3 Open File Explorer. Click the folder-shaped icon at the bottom left of the Start menu.
  4. 4 Click This PC. It's a monitor-shaped icon on the left side of the Explorer window.
  5. 5 Double click on the connected Android device. It will appear in the "Devices and drives" section in the middle of the window. The Android system folder will open.
  6. 6 Double click Internal Memory. A window will open that will display all the folders stored in the memory of the mobile device (including folders with system files). Now you can view these folders and files.
    • Follow the procedure before disconnecting your mobile device from your computer.
  • before viewing system files, because they depend on the version of the operating system.


  • Delete only those files and applications whose purpose you know. If you delete the necessary system files, this will lead to the collapse of the Android system and the complete inoperability of the device.

Sometimes a user of a device with a system from Google has to face non-trivial tasks, the solution of which requires first find folders data and system where important files are located. How to do it on Android, we will tell in the article.

First of all, the user will need a file manager that does not show a breakdown by multimedia data, but the actual contents of the disc. Sometimes such managers are built into the firmware, otherwise you can go to the Play Store, where there are also free options.

Then, using it, we go to the root of the system, indicated as "/". In a number of managers for quick access there is a separate item for it in the Action Bar, and somewhere you just need to click on the “..” sign or select “File system root”. It is here on Android that you can find the data and system folders, their names, by the way, also begin with a slash.

It is worth noting that these sections, especially the second one, contain critical important information. If the user has root access and is delete files in data and system folders, this may cause problems with the performance of the device.

Systemic google apps, such as Gmail, Google Maps, Google+, Gtalk can be demolished, but it is better to leave the services, as their absence will lead to malfunctions Play market, games and other programs, frequent errors.

In addition, you cannot delete Addresses and Navigation if you plan to use Google Maps, but you can get rid of Street View, since it is not included in this application.

To remove system applications, you need superuser rights, that is, the device must first be rooted so that you can make changes to system folders and files.

Native programs are located in the /system/app folder and are represented by files with apk and odex extensions. If the firmware is deodexed, then there are only apk. To get into the folder, you need to use a third-party file manager, for example, Root Explorer.

You can uninstall applications manually and through additional programs. In the first case, you need:

  • through Root Explorer go to / system / app;
  • click on the "R / W Rights" button at the top right, remounting the recording folder;
  • put checkboxes on the deleted apk and odex application files that have the same name;
  • select the icon with scissors at the bottom;

  • go to the folder on the flash drive;
  • then "Move here".

It is necessary to use the movements, because the files can be returned if necessary.

To simplify the procedure, you can install Uninstaller pro.

Use it like this:

  • after the first launch, you need to grant him superuser rights;
  • press the back button;
  • in the list of programs find the one you need and click on it;
  • then "Delete" and agree.

In addition, here you can first make a backup just in case.

If the standard program has been updated, then you first need to remove the update in the standard way:

  • go to "Settings";
  • "Applications";
  • choose the right one;
  • "Uninstall update".

After erasing the main files, the remaining ones are located in the following folders:

  • /system/lib contains .so libraries that are needed for related applications to work, they do not correspond to the name of the main file and in no case should they be touched, as this can kill the device;
  • /data/dalvik-cache - they must be deleted, for this it is better to do a hard reset.

Since this can't be done using the public API, I found a way to do it in a very "hacky" way that requires an embedded device.

Update: as stated below by user864555 this is another solution

"This code disables the SystemUI app, which is actually a menu bar. What this modification you will also get the space of this system bar, but be sure to run the back button or something to exit.

Update: Here is the third method. The way to do this is programmatically or using the command line. Found here:

This method requires root access, but you do not need to change the density of the LCD, keeping the same as the original, and you can quickly dial the UI navigation bar without having to restart every time.

The blog also shows you how to implement it in your android app, remember that it requires root and it might not be an ideal idea, if your app doesn't work in a kiosk or your own device, don't use this method for your app. published on the android market or anywhere.

To stop/remove/disable system bar (must run su command before issuing this command):

To restore the system bar, simply run this command:

It is so simple. Hopefully ICS will be released soon, along with source code, so that everyone can create Android for our kiosk tablets.

In Android 2.3 and below, you can make an app fullscreen and then "capture" the menu/back/search buttons by simply returning false onKeyDown()... and registering the app as standard application to run at home, there is no exit from the application.

In Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) navigation buttons (system bar) are always present, I would like to hide this. Is it possible?

FYI, I do not publish this application on the Android Market. it internal application for devices to be used internally, I need to secure the device.

On most modern smartphones and tablets installed operating system Android. All files located on a smartphone or tablet can be managed directly through the mobile device itself, and you can also do this using a computer to which a smartphone or tablet is connected.

One of the programs for managing Android files through desktop computer is Mobogenie. With the help of this program, you can not only manage files on your mobile device, but also download new games, music, videos and pictures to it via the Internet. The program is connected to the service through which you can upload the necessary files.

The program itself is simple and understandable, after launching it looks for a mobile device and if it does not find it, it offers to connect and for convenience it offers to view the manual on how to connect via usb cable.

The program window is divided into two honors in the first part on the left is the Mobogenie menu, and on the right are displayed all kinds of applications and music that can be downloaded. The program menu consists of three parts, in the upper part there are categories of files that can be downloaded, in the middle part there are settings, in the third part there are also categories of files, but unlike the top part, these files are located on mobile device which is connected to the computer.

You can upload various files directly to the device, or you can download the file to your computer, and then upload it to the device through the program folder.

Structure and purpose of folders and files in Android

All downloaded files can be found in the task(s) menu, located at the very bottom. In the same place, by clicking on the inscription at the top of the open downloads folder window, you can open the folder where all files are downloaded to your computer. In order to make a backup copy or use the file manager to manage files on Android, you should go to the toolkit menu.

AT general program to manage Android files through your computer Mobogenie makes it easy to work with mobile devices.

With it, it is much easier to download various files, manage them, change contacts, read SMS and MMS messages, and so on.

Distribution: free.
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
Interface: English.
Program website

android adb- this is plugin for Total Commander , which allows you to get full access to file systemAndroid, and some other functions of the system.

How to edit or replace system files and folders?

The plugin is very convenient for users who cannot work without this convenient file manager. The plugin allows you to link your device with a computer and is not intended for synchronization. You can install applications by copying apk file to the root folder.apps.


  • Application management (installation, removal and backup)
  • Application icons and their metadata in columns
  • Logs, error reports, kernel logs, Shell
  • Reboot from the menu (Shutdown, reboot, recovery)
  • Screenshots (Easy copying from the .screenshot folder).
  • Connecting multiple devices with the ability to rename
  • Suitable for rooted and non-rooted devices
  • Full unicode support
  • Support for x32 and x64 systems
  • Integration with command line TC
  • Running copy and move commands in the background
  • Custom file data columns
  • Full file system management
  • Copy between two devices
  • Changing File Permissions
  • adb usb and wireless adb(no need to install Android SDK)
  • Device auto-mount support
  • Debug logs
  • Miscellaneous settings


- On the phone must be enabled " USB Debugging«

- Phone drivers must be installed

WiFi ADB for wireless connection(Can be found on Google Play) if needed

Android SDK You don't need the plugin to work!


If you try to open the archive in Total Commander, then the manager will automatically ask you about installing the plugin.

In TC we open network environment, looks like a "\" next to the listed drives. Select \ADB, then your MSM8225* phone, you may need to reboot Total Commander.


Download 7247

Editing Android system applications is most often carried out when the user of a smartphone, tablet or other device controlled by this operating system, ceases to satisfy the current appearance programs installed in the device by the manufacturer or seller. Another reason may be the need to make not only changes regarding the graphical design of Android applications, but also affecting the location various elements and perform basic functions.

In order to make changes to the code, elementary programming skills are required in almost any language (preferably Java and C ++). To replace graphics, direct hands and the ability to work in a graphics editor will do.

First of all, you should decide whether you just need to replace the graphics in Android applications or whether you need to change the arrangement of elements in the system and make deeper changes in the code. Depend on this next steps, which involve either working with the application as an archive, or its complete disassembly and editing.

Changing graphics in Android system applications

In order to simply replace or modify the original graphics (change button colors, redraw pictures, etc.), it is enough to have a standard WinRAR archiver on your computer. At the same time, the user must have “root” rights on the device (similar to account administrator on Windows), and it is also desirable to have an alternative recovery (CWM) and a root explorer (to access the Android file system directly in the device itself).

First of all, you need to enable USB debugging in the device, then connect it to the computer using a USB cable and install the necessary drivers. They are usually located on virtual disk that appears when connected to a computer.

Then you also need to download the ADB plugin for the file manager on the Internet. This plugin allows you to see the entire Android system as a connected drive with folders. All system applications are located at /system/app and /system/framework. Having found the desired application, simply copy it to your computer. If the plugin is not installed, you can use the root explorer to copy the application from apk extension to a removable SD card, and then from it to a computer.

Folders in an Android smartphone and what they mean

After copying desired application you can start editing graphics. By the way, all pictures in Android applications are saved in png format which can be easily opened by anyone graphic editor. By opening the application file with using WinRAR, you can see a number of folders. We will only be interested in the res folder, inside which, in turn, a lot of different folders. Of these, only those that have the word "drawable" in their name are needed.

Now let's remember our device type and its screen resolution. If this is a smartphone, and the resolution is 240x320, then we will be mainly interested in the drawable and drawable-ldpi folders. If the resolution is 320x480 - the drawable and drawable-mdpi folders, respectively, and for the resolution 480x800 - the drawable and drawable-hdpi folders. In addition to them, there are usually also folders that have the word “land” in their names - these are graphics for portrait mode, i.e. when the device is tilted.

If you have a tablet in your hands, then we will only be interested in the drawable and drawable-mdpi folders at any screen resolution.

By copying the selected folders to your computer, you can replace or recolor the original images with the desired and pleasing to the eye. You should pay special attention to pictures with a resolution of 9.png. The fact is that along the perimeter of such an image there is a special frame one pixel wide with special marks, the violation of the integrity of which will lead to a failure of the application. Therefore, extra care must be taken when editing such files.

After editing the folder, you need to upload it back to the archive, which is the application itself with the apk extension. In this case, it is necessary to select the “no compression” option in WinRAR.

The corrected application is downloaded back to the device either using the root explorer (first the file is copied to the SD card, and from it to the device), or after exiting the recovery - immediately from the computer to the / system / app or / system / framework folder . Next, you must set the file permissions using the appropriate options in the root explorer or the ADB plugin. They must be in 644 format. After rebooting the device, you can see the result of the updated application.

Editing the source code of system applications

A little more effort is needed to edit the source code of system applications. In order to disassemble and build the application after making changes to it, you will need to perform the following few steps.

1) Install the necessary software package on the computer in their latest versions: Java SE Runtime Environment and Android SDK Windows (programs for working with applications and their components), APKtool or APKManager or Firmware_tool (one of three programs for disassembling and decompiling system applications), NotePad ++ editor (for making changes to the source code of Android system applications ).

2) Enable "USB debugging" in the device, connect it to the computer using a USB cable, install the necessary drivers to work with the device.

3) Using one of the above programs for working with application code, you need to extract the folder / system / framework (completely) from the phone to the appropriate folder of the program and system applications from the / system / app folder. For example, for the Firmware_tool program, files from the phone must be copied to the C: Firmwaretoolfw_project1_source2_system.img_unpacked folder in the appropriate subfolders (applications to the app folder, files from the framework to the framework folder). When using both this and other programs, be sure to read the instructions for them.

4) Install the "reference framework", i.e. a set of rules according to which decompilation (i.e. code disassembly) and compilation (i.e. code assembly) of applications will be carried out.

This completes the preparation for working with system applications.

Unloading applications from the device and loading them back is carried out similarly to the procedure described in the section “Changing graphics in Android system applications”.

Editing the code of Android applications is usually done using NotePad editor++ - one of the most convenient text editors, which have the syntax highlighting option for the selected programming language. As a rule, when editing, you can also change the graphics along the way using the selected graphics editor.

Upon completion of editing, the modified application is loaded back into the device, and the device itself needs to be rebooted. More advanced editors for debugging applications before downloading them to the device use various emulators, for example, Eclipse from Google.