Today, communicating with each other has become much easier thanks to the advent and ubiquity of mobile phones. But, on the other hand, such development entails many unpleasant moments. And in order to avoid all sorts of surprises, they came up with special devices, which have now become available not only to scouts, but also to ordinary people. These are the so-called suppressors or jammers. With their help, you can not be afraid of hidden cameras, wiretapping, "bugs" and similar "tricks" that are available today to everyone.

Suppressors can be purchased, for example, via the Internet. And radio amateurs make them themselves. How these devices work, what they are capable of and how to make a GSM jammer with your own hands, we will talk in the next article.

How jammers work on phones

Some of them are devices of such a type that when devices fall into their coverage area, all phones around catch only interference, and people cannot talk on them.

Other GSM jammers aim to scan frequencies and look for a specific signal. The moment he appears, they begin to generate interference. Thus, electrical energy is significantly saved.

Devices may have different ranges. Some of them do not extend more than ten meters. They are perfect for a small office or car.

More serious models have a range of about fifty meters. They can be used, for example, in conference rooms or meeting rooms.

But there is also a device with a huge radius of action. It can spread interference over entire areas. Of course, only special services have access to such a GSM jammer.

The diagram below will help you design the device yourself.

Suppressors and the law

Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that, according to the Russian federal law "On Communications", all communication blockers are subject to mandatory registration and certification. The certificate is issued by the device manufacturers themselves upon purchase, but the device owners are responsible for the registration procedure. If it is not passed, then the operation of the device is an illegal act, for which you will have to bear responsibility.

But thanks to such devices, you can protect yourself from various peeping devices that have the goal of invading your privacy. It is sometimes unrealistic to detect them due to their miniature size, but GSM jammers may well cope with the task.

Installation and operation of the suppressor

Installation of the device is quite simple. The antenna is screwed into the connector, and the jammer will suppress the signals within ten seconds after being turned on. The blocker is able to work both in and through the network. Also, if necessary, you can use the car cigarette lighter.

But we should not forget that the illegal use of the device is a violation of the law.

Fine tuning

It happens that after the GSM jammers are charged, turning on the devices, they detect poor performance, the spread of action only to a certain telecom operator, or something else like that. This happens if operators use slightly different frequencies.

But in order for the device to work with them, you must perform the following steps:

  • remove the switch;
  • unscrew the antenna;
  • remove the cover;
  • pull out the chip;
  • turn a tuning resistor on it with a screwdriver to increase or decrease the frequency.

Who needs to invade someone else's life

Similar actions are taken to configure on WiFi.

Probably everyone knows today what "bugs" are. Various means of wiretapping are currently used not only by special services. They can be installed by a student and even a schoolboy.

However, jealousy, business competitors and others are most often interested in such devices. Spy technology can harm anyone. That's why information protection many are interested today. And the GSM jammer is exactly the device that fights such phenomena.

Well, many people have long known about GSM 900-1800 cell phones that without a jammer they easily turn into a means of information leakage.

Jammer Bluetooth, 3G, Wi-Fi

Such a device is usually imperceptible and operates on certain frequencies. At the same time, on cell phone when the device is working, something like “network not found”, “no signal” and so on is usually displayed. And if it is installed with some kind of device, then after a few seconds it is interrupted. Then no spyware will be able to eavesdrop and catch signals.

Silencers GSM phones or Wi-Fi do not emit powerful noise, radio signal. That's why home appliances how they worked and continue to work.

Highly sensitive spy equipment can be installed anywhere: in offices, cars, apartments, saunas, and so on. Communication occurs at certain frequencies. Ordinary detectors often fail to cope with the task and are not able to "calculate" modern spy equipment. But jammers, designed to meet the increased conditions and requirements, can “neutralize” the space.

Jammer and anti-tracker GPS

AT last years Another type of spy equipment became widespread - GPS trackers. They are designed not only to control cargo transportation, as manufacturers often say. They are often used by law enforcement agencies, and private detectives, and the same envious competitors, up to criminal structures.

These are completely miniature devices, which are easy and simple to hide. And as a result, a certain person will be under such automated surveillance. That is why the GSM signal jammer, a kind of anti-tracker, began to be developed.

These are such specific modules that do not allow you to calculate the coordinates of a person or vehicle. The one who follows using the tracker will see only “no data”, or the data will not come to him at all.

Jammers ensure vehicle anonymity and prevent the collection of personal information via GPS channels.

The devices are able to successfully deal with all kinds of spyware that can harm any person in his personal life and in the business sphere, as well as the whole organization. Therefore, in our realities, such things cannot be neglected, and it is necessary to try to protect yourself, your loved ones and employees from spy gadgets.

Do-it-yourself GSM signal jammer

In you can find instructions for self-assembly of devices.

One of them is shown below.

The suppressor is capable of resisting a signal at a frequency of 800 megahertz - most mobile devices are tuned to it. The control generator here is the oscillating wave generator. The device works perfectly, but certain skills are certainly required to assemble it.

Signals are taken at forty-five megahertz. The local oscillator port responds to it. The result is interference. The resistance in both the local oscillator port and the oscillator is equalized by sending a signal from the receiver's oscillator.

At the port of the last generator, the antenna is tuned to 800 megahertz. The RF output is connected to an amplifier, increasing the power of the device to sixteen dBm. After that, the increased signal hits the antenna.

Do-it-yourself GSM jammer inside is made from:

  • tuning scheme;
  • antennas;
  • amplifying stage;
  • interference source.

Jammers operate at different frequencies depending on the need to interfere with certain communication devices.

The VCO can be considered the "heart" of the whole device. It produces an RF signal. An RF amplification unit will be needed to expand the coverage of the device. The tuning scheme comes with feedback and open. Sold in a variety of capacities. But it should be understood that with more power, the operating time will decrease. signals generated by the suppressor. The power supply keeps the instrument alive. It can be used as a lithium ion battery. But if you will use a conventional power source, then be sure to purchase an AC adapter.

These are the means by which today we have to deal with side effects of those inventions that may have been intended for completely different, good and useful purposes.

Recently, the Internet community has begun to pay more and more attention to jammers. cellular communication, especially how to make one of them yourself. The Jammer company and a team of our specialists could not stand aside and decided to create their own instructions for you. But do not forget that the creation of such a complex device is a rather difficult task and requires certain skills and experience in the field of electronics.

3 Ways to Suppress

First of all, you should know that there are three ways to suppress mobile signals:

  • Spoofing(a false signal is sent to the mobile device and its operation is disrupted)
  • DoS attack(denial of service when a signal is blocked by radio interference and cannot be received or sent normally)
  • Electromagnetic shielding(the object is enclosed in a protective screen that does not let incoming or outgoing signals through)

Our specialists use the second method, and here's why: spoofing is good method, but requires fine adjustment and control, and it will be quite difficult for an inexperienced user to operate such a device. Electromagnetic shielding works great, but it's tied to one location, ie. about portable devices you can forget.

Therefore, DoS remains the best choice due to the ability to jam all mobile devices of selected frequencies within the jamming radius of the communication jammer used.

Collecting Parts

To make a cell phone jammer, you will need to combine some parts into one. Here is their list:

  • Voltage Controlled Generator (VCO)
  • Tuning Circuit (for selecting the desired frequency to suppress)
  • Interference source (usually built into the Tuning Board)
  • RF Amplification Unit (so-called “amplifier stage”)
  • Transmitting Antenna

VCO is the most important part. It is like the heart of your jammer. The VCO produces an RF signal that will communicate with the device being blocked. First of all, you must select the frequencies to be used by your jammer. Here is a list of the main communication standards:

  • AMPS (800MHz)
  • PCS (800MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz)
  • GSM (850MHz and 1900MHz in America, 900MHz and 1800MHz in Europe)
  • GPS (main civil frequencies 1227MHz and 1575MHz)
  • Wi-Fi/Bluetooth (2400MHz - 2500MHz)
  • RFID (also known as UHF/VHF, 14MHz - 400MHz, 800MHz and 2450MHz)

You also need to think about the size of the future jammer, as you can create a portable cell phone jammer or desktop cell phone blocker.

Tuning Scheme can be of two types: open circuit and feedback. The open circuit is quite simple and requires only a few components and additional passive components. The sawtooth generator causes the VCO to go from low to high frequency. The closed loop circuit uses a PLL to adjust and hold the VCO frequency at the same level. For this purpose you need to use a microcontroller. It is programmed once and connected to the VCO, so it is not configurable.

RF Gain Block- this is what you need if you want to expand the coverage of your jammer along with the signal strength. The more power your signal suppressor has, the wider the radius of its suppression. The price of this is, as you probably already guessed, the operating time of the device. More power equals less battery life.

On the market electronic components there is a fairly wide choice of amplifying stages (7dBm, 17dBm, and even 20+dBm). However, it should be borne in mind that the greater the power, the shorter the operating time of the device.

Transmitting Antenna is a device that transmits the signals generated by your jammer. The main characteristic of the antenna is VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio). If your antenna's VSWR is three or lower, then that's it, because the return loss of this antenna is minimal.

Jammer specialists use SMA antennas, as they are very easy to remove or replace. It should also be mentioned that omnidirectional antennas are preferred if you don't want to constantly point your jammer at the target of jamming like a TV remote control.

Source of power maintains the vitality of your creation. Typically, mobile phone jammers use 5V to operate. direct current. Therefore, you can use a lithium ion battery as a power source. If you are using a conventional power supply, you will need an AC adapter. The network adapter can be of two types: a controlled capacitor voltage doubler or an inductor switching boost regulator.

The first one is simple and effective, but it cannot be adjusted, so you will need an MPN regulator to correct the voltage. The second is adjustable, but it is more expensive, more complex and requires an accurate selection of all components for stable operation.

Our production team uses switching regulators for their creations. It takes more time and work, but the result is worth it. AC/DC adapters are made for almost all types of mobile phone jammers.

Additional Notes

  • Older mobile device signals are more easily suppressed due to lower operating power. Accordingly, they will be silenced at a greater distance than newer ones. Cell phones.
  • More powerful signal jammers are usually equipped with cooling systems to prevent malfunctions.
  • If you have the skill, skill, and experience (and the necessary equipment), you can use a programmable PLL with a microcontroller to make your cell jammer adjustable.

And finally

Well, did you like it? Now you have an idea about which the work is done by our esteemed R&D and manufacturing experts to invent, design, build and manufacture this variety of reliable cell jammers for your use.

The world of electronic gadgets is a huge and interesting place! He has something to show and something to surprise. It can help us enjoy modern, useful, and simply cool things.

And he will be glad To you like its new part!

The Internet community is increasingly interested in creating a do-it-yourself cell jammer, and in particular, many want to know how to make such a device yourself. And many sites satisfy this curiosity by providing their own variations of schemes. This article also contains instructions from which you can learn how to create your own GSM jammer with your own hands. The main thing is not to forget about the complexity of the process of creating such a device. In order to create GSM jammers with your own hands, you need certain skills in working with electronics.

What are the methods of suppression?

There are only three of them:

  1. Spoofing - gives a false signal to the mobile device, which violates the normal mode of operation.
  2. DoS attack - overlapping the GSM signal with interference, which makes it very difficult to receive or send signals.
  3. Electromagnetic shielding - enclosing an object in a protective shell that keeps any signal within its coverage area.

To create a do-it-yourself mobile phone blocker, it is recommended to use the second method. Spoofing is too complex for the average user to use such a device. And the electromagnetic screen cannot be moved, so the possibility of mobility is completely excluded. That is why it is best to use a DoS attack. Thus, it is possible to mute everything mobile devices within the range of the communication jammer.

In fact, the assembly of a GSM jammer is a combination of some parts together. All you need is:

  1. Voltage Controlled Generator (hereinafter - VCO).
  2. A circuit that allows you to select the desired frequency of suppression.
  3. An interference source that is usually already built into the circuit.
  4. Frequency amplification unit (amplifier stage).
  5. Antenna.

VCO - the most important part of the GSM jammer, which will create with your own hands, it can be said, its heart. It produces a signal that affects certain devices, blocking its operation. In order to determine what frequency to tune the generator to, you need to know the exact frequency at which the muted device operates. This will help increase efficiency, although the jammer will create problems even when operating at just a close frequency. Think in advance about what size you plan to create a suppressor with your own hands. It can be a portable cell phone jammer, or a do-it-yourself desktop cell phone blocker.

The tuning circuit can be open-loop, or with feedback. It is much easier to make an open-loop system, but feedback systems have their advantages. The first scheme uses sawtooth oscillations from the lower frequency to the upper one. The second circuit uses a PLL, which allows you to keep a stable frequency of the generator. In the second case, you will need to use a programmed controller, which must be configured correctly, because. setting will not be possible later.

To expand the coverage area of ​​the frequency suppressor, its power, it is necessary to use a frequency amplification unit. With an increase in the power of the suppressor, the suppression zone will expand, but at the cost of operating time. The more powerful the device, the faster the battery will drain. This feature should be taken into account when choosing a model of the amplifying stage.

The antenna transmits the signal generated by the jammer. The antenna is characterized by the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). It is best to choose an antenna with an VSWR of 3 or lower. Thus, the return loss of the antenna can be minimized. It is best to use SMA antennas, which can be easily replaced with others, or removed. Also consider the fact that it is better to buy an omnidirectional antenna, otherwise you will have to point it at the muffled object, like a TV remote control.

And, of course, our do-it-yourself jammer will not function without a power source. Normally, 5VDC is enough for a mobile phone jammer. You can use a conventional lithium ion battery. In order to be able to use a standard power supply, you will also need an AC adapter.

Typically, two types of network adapters are used:

  • Capacitor voltage doubler. This is a fairly effective and easy-to-use device, but it also has some disadvantages. Due to the lack of the ability to adjust the adapter, you will also have to use the MPN regulator, otherwise it will be impossible to adjust the voltage.
  • Inductor switching regulator with step-up action. It can be adjusted, but it also costs a little more than the first option, in addition, it is more difficult to operate. For its stable operation, all components must be matched perfectly.

Despite the high cost, as well as the difficulties that arise, it is still better to use a switching stabilizer. Temporary, financial costs are fully justified. AC and DC adapters can be found for almost any cell phone jammer.


Older models are easier to suppress because their operating power is lower. Therefore, the range of the jammer will expand significantly. But, new mobile phones are somewhat more difficult to drown out.

For powerful GSM jammers, it is worth installing cooling systems so that they do not overheat.

With sufficient skill, dexterity and experience, and with access to necessary equipment, you can program the PLL system, this will allow you to adjust the operation of the muting device.

Actually, that's all. All the basic information that is needed in order to understand exactly how a GSM jammer is created is indicated.

To buy portable jammers, you need to get to the appropriate section of the site.

Deputy Director for Development Kerimov Rostislav.

To silence wireless network it is necessary to transmit a signal at the frequency of the wireless network signal that will be suppressed. Devices for suppressing wireless signals operate in a fairly wide range of frequencies and can jam a variety of signals, for example, police radars or GPS navigators; therefore, the use of signal suppressors is prohibited in many countries. To avoid network jamming, get your own Wi-Fi router or other wireless device that operates in a narrow band. And if you want to get rid of interference and avoid complaints from neighbors, properly set up your wireless device.


Network Jamming

    If the use of signal suppressors is not prohibited (where you are), use them. Please note that many countries do not allow these devices to be used. If signal jammers are not illegal in your country, buy one and turn it on near a wireless signal source. But it is better to use one of the more complex, but really legal methods described below. For information on how to legally prevent your neighbors from using your wireless network and how to get rid of interference from nearby signal sources, continue to the next section.

    • Jammers can interfere with emergency services, law enforcement, and other organizations. It is not recommended to use signal suppressors in densely populated areas, even if such devices are legal where you live.
    • If someone in your city or area sells jammers, this does not mean that their use is allowed. Perhaps the seller himself is breaking the law.
  1. Determine the frequency you want to mute. If you don't know if it's legal to use a signal suppressor, move on to targeted action. Any wireless device sends signals on one or more frequencies. To suppress a signal of a certain frequency, it is necessary to set the suppressor to the same frequency. Find out the model of the wireless device you want to mute, or use the following information:

    Set the jammer to the frequency of the wireless signal source. The 2.4 GHz signal can be jammed by turning on the microwave oven, old wireless phone, Bluetooth device, or other wireless device. Be aware that if your wireless device operates on the 2.4 GHz frequency, it may jam the signal (from a nearby source) on the same frequency. It is possible to achieve partial or complete suppression of the signal, but the result cannot be predicted in advance.

    Change your router settings to use it as a signal suppressor. If your Wi-Fi router is running on a frequency you want to jam, change your router's settings to use it as a jammer. First, open the router settings page; To do this, launch your web browser and address bar enter the address of your router model. Enter the following standard addresses until the router settings page opens:

  2. Select a signal transmission channel. The router does not work immediately on the entire band of available frequencies - the band is divided into 14 channels at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 23 channels at a frequency of 5 GHz. range. Depending on your router model, you may not be able to access all channels or your ability to change channel settings will be limited. Try to use as many channels as possible. Using one or two channels at the same time, switch between channels and check if the signal from the nearest wireless source is being suppressed.

    • At 2.4 GHz, most routers operate on channels 1, 6, and 11. Use these channels to jam the wireless signal.
    • Adjacent channels overlap each other, resulting in interference. Running on channels 3, 7, and 11 will most likely jam any nearby wireless network (at least for a little while).
    • At 5 GHz, there are many channels available.
  3. Change other router settings. Each router model has its own set of settings. It is possible that access to certain settings will be limited or the names of the settings will be different (depending on the router model). For getting detailed information read the documentation for your router. If you have access to following settings, change them as described below:

    • The "Channel Width" or " Bandwidth» set to the maximum possible value.
    • Disable automatic channel selection.
    • Set the signal strength to the maximum value.

    Prevention of interference and unauthorized access to the network

    1. Place barriers in the signal path. Walls and other obstructions, such as metal objects, water containers, and other conductive objects, will affect the level and range of wireless signals. If you want to prevent unauthorized access to your network (for example, from neighbors), place such objects near thin walls and windows. Also, such items will jam any incoming signals that may interfere with your wireless network.

      • 5 GHz signals have the lowest penetration.
    2. Reduce the router's signal strength. In most good WiFi routers you can adjust the signal strength level. Reduce the signal strength; at the same time, first test several power levels so that the signal propagates freely within your home.

      • Do your kids use the internet at night? In this case, lower the signal strength to a minimum in the evening, and increase it in the morning.
    3. Install a directional antenna. If you need to send a signal in a specific direction (like your living room or office), replace your router's standard antenna with a directional antenna. This will lead to a noticeable decrease in signal strength where the antenna is not directed.

      • You can turn a standard antenna into a kind of directional one. To do this, use aluminum foil to cover the area around the router where the signal should not propagate.
    4. Change your router settings. Launch a web browser, open the router's settings page, and make changes to the channel settings to avoid interference from signals from other networks. Walk around the house testing signal strength on channels 1, 6 or 11. As a rule, one of these channels will provide an acceptable signal level without any interference.

      • If you have access to channel 12 or higher in your router settings, test the highest available channel.
      • In many modern routers, you can enable automatic discovery and switch between channels with minimal interference. If your router has this feature, enable it.
      • Remember that settings (especially their names) different models routers may be different. If you can't find where to configure channels, read your router's documentation.

Today, a person’s dependence on the Internet is gaining momentum, because now it is impossible to deny the constant connection an individual with a network through which he receives this or that information to satisfy general educational and simply entertainment needs. In addition, a modern person spends a large amount of time, corresponding in in social networks or by surfing various web pages. This factor can be used as a so-called lever of pressure on a particular person.

Probably, each of us has ever faced the problem of noisy neighbors with whom it is impossible to build a constructive dialogue about the fact that you can behave a little less loudly. We recommend communicating legally, but if nothing helps, then you should act more radically, and most importantly, quietly.

You can, for example, mute wifi- a signal of non-understanding claims of housemates. This method Let's take a closer look in this article.

The principle of operation of the Wi-Fi jammer and its main manufacturers.

jammerwifi, or, as it is also called, a Wi-Fi suppressor, designed to implement blocking of work activities various devices, including those carrying out illegal obtaining of certain information. Usually, such devices work on the basis of standards. Wi-fi and bluetooth.

The basic principle of the signal suppressor is the special generation of noise interference in the specified frequency range. A device such as a jammer allows you to implement smooth adjustment necessary to suppress the signal router power in any of the ranges. This allows for blocking wireless communication, the source of which is the router, within the protected premises.

jammer wifi from the router can prevent wireless data transfer between it and:

  • smartphone
  • laptop
  • tablet;
  • personal computer;
  • other gadget that supports the wireless network function.

The range of such a device, designed to jam the wifi signal, is directly dependent on the conditions under which its operation is implemented, as well as on the power of the installed signal of the main stations and neighboring terminals. The standard signal suppression radius for jamming devices is 30-40 meters, and the frequency range of the working activity is 2.4 GHz.

The most popular manufacturers of jammers are:

  • blockers "LGSh" (701, 716, 718, 702, 712, 704, 719, 705);
  • suppressors "Sonnet" (3rd model, 4th model);
  • multi-frequency signal suppressors operating in a large number of bands (Whirlwind, Tsunami). They help the user jam signals GSM, CDMA, 3G.

We make a muffler with our own hands.

In case of unwillingness to spend money on the purchase of a factory suppressor wifi signal, you can easily create the necessary device with your own hands. In order to start collecting jammers on your own, you need to find on the Internet detailed diagram devices.

Further actions are to implement the layout of the main components of the apparatus. The following items must be purchased:

  • generator, the purpose of which is to control the voltage;
  • an antenna that determines the suppression radius;
  • special RF amplification unit;
  • tuning circuit, with a device installed in it that generates interference.

To suppress wi-fi frequencies, you should purchase a voltage generator that operates in the frequency range from 2.4 GHz up to 2.5 GHz.

You should also pay special attention to the form in which the jammer will be assembled: whether it will be portable or desktop. Consideration should be given to the fact that a desktop-type bollard has a larger coverage area than a portable-type device.

Jamming the Wi-Fi signal with another network.

In order to suppress signal one wifi networks another wireless network, you need to install a special set of software on your PC or laptop that detects all networks available nearby (even hidden ones). Such software includes "Aircrack-ng", which, moreover, is designed to intercept traffic that is transmitted via wireless networks. This program carries out its work activities with any network adapter operating wirelessly. The main requirement related to the adapter is its support for monitoring mode.

The program can work on the basis of such operating systems, how:

  • windows;
  • Linux;
  • MacOS X;
  • UNIX.

After software will be established, it is necessary to determine the communication channel on which the router whose signal is to be suppressed. After finding the specified access point, you must turn on your point on the same communication channel. Next, you should increase the signal strength of your network to the maximum parameters.

The consequence of such a simple fraud is a complete drop in the speed of the object of suppression of the Internet signal.