The tablet is a very handy device. But, like other gadgets, a tablet computer has its drawbacks, namely, it is not very comfortable to type text from a device, especially large volumes. Of course, from the technical side, you can print, but it is unlikely that someone will have the patience and strength for such a "feat". Is there a solution to such a problem? You can connect an additional keyboard to almost any tablet. At first glance it seems that everything is very easy, which is far from being the case. And so for the right self connection keyboard to the tablet, you need to read the instructions, which will help you in this matter.

By the way, it is for this reason that the demand for the so-called netbooks has decreased. Indeed, why buy an inconvenient gadget if you can buy a tablet computer and connect an accessory to it at a convenient time? The benefit of the device is obvious, because you can always disconnect it and now it is no longer a computer, but a quite convenient portable device.

Types of keyboards for tablets

Currently, there are many tablet computers running on different operating systems: Windows, Android, iOS. A virtual accessory will not be able to provide comfortable typing. What are the input devices for these gadgets will be discussed a little lower.

You can expand the functionality of your tablet computer using:

  • Special docking keyboard for tablets;
  • Keyboard covers;
  • USB keyboards;
  • Bluetooth/USB;
  • Bluetooth keyboards.

Designed to connect to a specific device. In addition to it, the docking station will also have ports for connecting other devices (it is possible to connect everything that connects to an ordinary laptop, including a mouse). The main advantage is beauty, style and convenience. Some of the keyboard docks have a dedicated touchpad. The only downside is high price devices.

- This is a rather unusual accessory for gadgets, which is gaining popularity among users. Naturally, it cannot be compared with a docking accessory, but the main advantage of the former is the ability to connect to almost any device. The price of the keyboard cover is low. It connects conveniently via micro-USB - for this there is a thin cord. Also indisputable advantage is protective function, which it implements for the device - this device can quickly become a cover. Keyboard cover will serve as a good protection against all sorts of mechanical damage, accidental touches and dust.

It is an ordinary, good equipment that connects to the device using a wire via USB. This accessory is a great solution for use in the office or at home. Many varieties of USB keyboards may have additional connectors.

Bluetooth/USB is an accessory that is suitable for various tablet computers and can be connected to them when USB help or a Bluetooth connection. The presented accessory is the most efficient in terms of energy saving. For example, if the battery level leaves much to be desired, you can turn off Bluetooth and connect the accessory via micro-USB.

A wireless Bluetooth keyboard can be connected to almost any gadget and other devices that have a wireless connection function. Of course, its advantage is obvious - the connection is carried out without wires. Often, the accessory is small in size and weight, which allows you to use it with convenience, both at home and on the street. But it was not without drawbacks, because Bluetooth "eats" a lot of energy.

Proven ways to connect equipment to your tablet

Each type of keyboard for tablets has its own connection nuances. How to connect the accessory to the gadget correctly can be found below.

Connecting the keyboard using a USB cable, OTG adapter

Often USB hardware equipped with standard ports. In order to connect such equipment to tablet computer with micro-USB, a special adapter is required - an OTG cable. Among other things, the device must have the USB-Host function, it provides the ability to exchange data via OTG. This means connecting a keyboard, flash drive, modem, etc. If OTG is supplied with the tablet computer, you can safely start connecting various USB devices. To connect USB to the device, you need to do this:

  • You need to take the cable and plug it into micro-USB on the device using the required input.
  • The accessory connects to a full-fledged USB output located on the other end of the OTG.

How to programmatically configure an external keyboard for a tablet on Windows:

  • When connecting a USB accessory, the operating Windows system adjust its functionality automatically.
  • To adjust Extra options, you need to open the "Control Panel" - "Keyboard" section.

How to connect a keyboard on Android via usb:

  • If, when connecting peripherals, a tablet based on an operating Android systems does not recognize the device, the first step is to download special application called Russian Keyboard, which is available completely free of charge in the content store Google Play.
  • Once the installation is completed successfully, you need to open the settings, "Language and input" and the "Keyboard and input methods" section.
  • In the "Default" menu that appears, select the "Russian Keyboard" item.
  • Next, you need to open the application settings, section "Hardware keyboard" - "Select layout" and check the item External Keyboard Ru.
  • In order to select an acceptable key combination for changing the layout, you can use the "Switch layout" item.
  • If after all actions android tablet still does not recognize the hardware, it is recommended to reboot it.

Connecting a Keyboard Using Bluetooth

There is an option for a simple connection without wires - this requires a Bluetooth keyboard. Advantages this method the connections are obvious: there will be no wires that constantly get in the way, and you won't have to rack your brains over incompatible inputs and outputs. In addition, almost all models of tablet devices are equipped with a Bluetooth module. Meanwhile, there are some negative aspects inherent in the Bluetooth connection. We are talking about increased energy consumption, and this applies to both the keyboard and the tablet computer. If you have to regularly change ordinary batteries in the accessory, then offline work device will be significantly reduced. For Android gadgets, this problem is especially relevant due to optimization flaws. Connection additional accessories Bluetooth is no different. To connect a keyboard and mouse to the tablet, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • The first step is to make sure that the Bluetooth connection is active on both the tablet and the peripheral device.
  • Many gadgets have an invisibility feature, thanks to which they are not recognized by other devices, you need to turn it off.
  • In the tablet settings (section Bluetooth or " Wireless connections”), it remains only to select the equipment to be connected from the list.

Connecting the keyboard using a Wi-Fi channel

Another convenient way to connect peripheral device without an adapter - use a Wi-Fi connection. It is worth noting that this is the most time-consuming connection option, and it is also difficult to find a peripheral device with the necessary parameters. It is very important to comply with a whole list of requirements, otherwise the performance of the equipment is not guaranteed:

  • The presence of a Wi-Fi module is required (in priority - the same type as on the tablet).
  • The accessory must function without other network equipment (it is possible that the tablet takes over the function of the router).
  • Both devices must be connected to a single network (full mask match and partial IP address).
  • It requires the ability to process and send data in the correct format.

Read also how to quickly and correctly connect Wi-Fi on a tablet


Surely, it became clear to many whether it is possible to connect an input device to a tablet computer, and how to do it. The procedure itself is not complicated, and if you follow the steps above, you can easily connect any type of additional equipment to the device. With this accessory it will be comfortable to enter text of any size, and in some cases even play. It is necessary to choose peripheral equipment taking into account where, under what conditions and for what purpose the device will be used. It is also important to consider the characteristics of the tablet computer.

Notebook-transformer with touch screen There are many models of such devices on the market today, both based on Windows 8 and Android. Their benefit is indisputable - this is a full-fledged laptop, but with simple movements the screen of the device is disconnected, leaving the same full-fledged tablet in the hands. The only "But" - their cost bites a little. It is much easier in terms of financial costs to first purchase a tablet, and a little later a device that transforms it into a laptop - either a special docking keyboard or a keyboard case.

Of course, the virtual keyboard of a tablet will never be able to give you the convenience and speed of typing a physical keyboard, no matter how you supplement the virtual keyboard with applications like autocomplete or an electronic dictionary.

Consider below possible options connecting an external physical keyboard to the tablet, the advantages and disadvantages of such options, so that you can choose the one that suits you best if you decide to expand the functionality of your tablet in this way.

1. Bluetooth keyboard

A Bluetooth keyboard is a physical keyboard that can be connected to any computer or mobile device - computer, tablet or smartphone - using wireless technology Bluetooth connections. The main advantage in this case will, of course, be the absence of a wired connection - i.e., you will not need to tangle in wires, and also take care of the compatibility of outputs and inputs for connection, because the Bluetooth module is preinstalled in almost all tablet models.

On the market, you can find quite miniature models of Bluetooth keyboards - these are thin and small plates, the weight of which sometimes does not even exceed 100 g. Such a Bluetooth keyboard is ideal for use outside the home or office: the keyboard can easily fit in a bag or backpack, and if necessary, it can be taken out and quickly connected to a tablet or smartphone.

Against the advantages of the Bluetooth keyboard listed above, its only drawback is the power consumption of this method of connecting the keyboard. The operation of the Bluetooth module in the keyboard is powered by ordinary batteries, which, of course, will have to be changed from time to time during active work. But these are all trifles compared to the power consumption of the Bluetooth module in a smartphone or tablet. Long-term wireless Bluetooth connection will quickly consume the battery of a smartphone or tablet, especially when it comes to Android devices, where less than ideal optimization contributes to inefficient battery consumption in particular operating system and various hardware components of devices.

2. Bluetooth/USB keyboard

The Bluetooth/USB keyboard is a physical keyboard for computer devices of a universal type, which works both as a Bluetooth keyboard with all the above advantages and disadvantages, and as a regular USB keyboard. This is a more energy efficient option for connecting an external keyboard to your tablet. So, to save battery power on the tablet, you can turn off the working Bluetooth modules on both devices - both on the external keyboard and on the tablet - and connect the keyboard via USB, or rather, via micro-USB.

The method of USB-connecting an external keyboard to the tablet will be discussed in more detail below.

3. USB keyboard

A USB keyboard is a regular wired keyboard that connects to computer devices via USB. From the previous type of keyboard, as you can see from the name, it differs in the absence of the possibility of a wireless Bluetooth connection. A regular USB keyboard is ideal for home or office use of a tablet if you need voluminous typing. Fortunately, most tablet models are equipped with micro-USB ports for exchanging data with other devices.

3.1. USB connection of an external keyboard to the tablet

As a rule, USB keyboards are equipped with conventional USB ports, and to connect such a keyboard to a tablet that has a micro-USB port, you need a USB to micro-USB adapter, also known as an OTG cable. In addition, the tablet itself, of course, must support the USB-Host function, which provides for the possibility of exchanging data via an OTG cable - for example, connecting a USB flash drive, computer mouse, external modem, USB keyboards and other devices. By the way, if the manufacturer supplied you with such an OTG cable with your tablet, you can safely start connecting various USB devices.

If an OTG cable is not included with your tablet, carefully inspect the outputs and connectors available on your device to find the right one - micro-USB. Before buying a tablet, always clarify this point: study specifications the tablet model you like - as a rule, manufacturers indicate the possibility of exchanging data via USB as: USB OnTheGo, USB Host, micro-USB, USB OTG, or simply indicate that the device supports USB. If a micro-USB port is present, but an OTG cable is not included with the tablet, purchase it additionally at any retail outlet for computer or mobile equipment.

You can check the operability of data exchange via micro-USB of your tablet by connecting via an OTG cable regular flash drive and opening it in the software file manager. Through an OTG cable, you can also connect a USB mouse for a computer to the tablet and check its activity.

The USB keyboard is also connected by itself: connect the OTG cable to the appropriate input to the micro-USB port on the tablet, and connect the keyboard to the other end of the cable with a full USB output.

3.2. Software settings USB connection of an external keyboard to a Windows tablet

As for the software settings of the tablet operating system when a USB keyboard is connected, in the case of devices based on Windows 7 or 8, everything is very simple: Windows will detect an external USB device and automatically configure it to work. Additionally, keyboard properties and some settings can be seen in the "Control Panel" - "Keyboard" menu.

3.3. Software settings for USB connection of an external keyboard to an Android tablet

Certain settings may need to be made on Android tablets as well.

If when connecting a USB keyboard, the Android tablet stubbornly refuses to accept it, first download on Google Play store free app"Russian Keyboard" (ruKeyboard) and install it. After installation, follow this path: "Settings", then - "Language and input", then - "Keyboard and input methods", and it is here that you need to check the box "Russian Keyboard". In the "Default" menu, you must also select "Russian Keyboard".

Next, go to the "Russian Keyboard" settings - to do this, click the settings icon on the right. Here you need to select "Hardware keyboard", and in the "Select layout" menu, check the box next to the item "External Keyboard Ru".

In the "Hardware Keyboard" menu, in the "Layout Switching" item, you can also configure a keyboard shortcut that suits you to switch the keyboard layout or leave the default keyboard shortcut.

All: the settings are over, and you can enter any application with a data entry field - for example, a browser or text editor to test how the USB keyboard works.

If the Android tablet still does not see the external physical USB keyboard, try restarting the tablet. So, some Android devices apply the settings made by the user only after a reboot.

4. Keyboard cover

The keyboard cover is a very interesting accessory that Chinese manufacturers continue to actively fill the CIS market with. The keyboard case is far from the ideal of a special keyboard dock for some tablet models, but its main advantages cannot leave indifferent users of budget tablets - this is versatility and relatively inexpensive cost.

Versatility - the keyboard case can be connected to the tablet using the micro-USB port on the tablet; for this, the accessory has a small and thin cord with a micro-USB input at the end. The keyboard case is essentially a regular case - it's a sturdy tablet case, with a stand for desktop use and mounts that securely fix the tablet in the case. The thin and soft keyboard is a nice addition to the case. Manufacturers supply keyboard covers to the market in certain sizes designed for various tablets, depending on the screen diagonal - as a rule, these are keyboard covers for tablets with 7, 8 and 10-inch screens. There are various colors of keyboard covers for tablets - however, in poverty colors goods in the field of electronics of Chinese manufacturers can not be reproached.

Yes, and you should not worry about the Russian-language keyboard layout - keyboard covers with English and Russian lettering are supplied to the Slavic market.

An inexpensive solution - for example, a high-quality leatherette keyboard cover for a 10-inch tablet can be purchased at online stores or online auctions for about $11-12. Keyboard covers for tablets with a smaller screen size and for a smaller amount. As you can see, ordinary tablet cases of more or less average quality are also sold for about the same amount. And if we compare the cost of a keyboard case with the cost of a special docking keyboard, for example, for tablets of the popular series Asus Transformer, which can hardly be found cheaper than $130, the benefit is obvious - $11-12 against $130.

Like a regular mobile device case, the keyboard case has an anti-damage function. The cover of the keyboard cover protects the tablet from various mechanical damages, as well as from dust ingress into the ports and connectors of the device.

Keyboard cases, as already mentioned, are equipped with a micro-USB input, which is connected to the corresponding output on the tablet. A keyboard case is technically an analogue of a regular external USB keyboard, therefore, in order to connect to an Android tablet, you may have to make the software settings indicated above - in paragraph 3.3 of this article.

5. Dedicated keyboard dock for tablets

A special docking keyboard for tablets is a docking base developed by the manufacturer for each individual device model with a keyboard and ports for connecting external devices, which turns the tablet into a full-fledged laptop. The advantages of the keyboard dock are stylish, outrageous and beautiful, it's really convenient, it's also an additional power source for the tablet. Most tablet keyboard docks come with a touchpad, and this device has its many supporters who have become accustomed to it in the heyday of laptops and netbooks.

But at the same time, as mentioned above, the keyboard dock (compared to other options for connecting a physical keyboard to a tablet) is the most expensive option. Often, the keyboard dock costs half the cost of the tablet itself.

Unlike the keyboard case, the keyboard dock is not a universal device, it cannot be connected to any tablet you like. The operation of the tablet in conjunction with a keyboard dock (in laptop mode) is provided by the manufacturer, so a specific keyboard dock model can only be connected to specific model tablet. The keyboard dock is attached through a unique connector in each individual tablet model.

Tablets with the ability to connect a docking keyboard can be purchased separately (without a docking keyboard), or immediately with a docking keyboard included in the package. But since the keyboard dock significantly increases the cost of the tablet, users often prefer to first purchase the tablet itself, and a little later buy the dock keyboard separately provided for it.

Keyboard Dock - As mentioned, this is an additional power source. Endowed with its own battery, it not only does not consume battery power, as is the case with a Bluetooth keyboard, but also prolongs the autonomy of the tablet without recharging.

To connect the keyboard dock, no settings or driver installation is required - this applies to both Windows 8 and Android OS.

Here are the most popular tablet models with the ability to connect a keyboard dock:

  1. The Asus Transformer TF101 and Transformer Prime are two convertible Android touchscreen laptops from a well-known Taiwanese manufacturer.
  2. Acer Iconia Tab W500/501 are two more tablet models from another equally well-known Taiwanese manufacturer that work with docking keyboards. Preinstalled OS - Windows 7 Home Premium.
  3. The Samsung ATIV Smart PC 500T is one of the first Windows 8 tablets from the South Korean manufacturing giant.
  4. Acer Iconia Tab W510/W511 - two models of tablets with keyboard dock based on Windows 8.
  5. Gigabyte Padbook S1185 is a Windows 8 keyboard docking tablet from a Taiwanese company.
  6. Lenovo Miix 2 10 Tablet - latest model a tablet with a keyboard dock from a Chinese manufacturer based on Windows 8.1.


Adam's barrack March 19, 2011 at 05:45 pm

android and bluetooth keyboard

  • Lumber room *

Getting started is the hardest part, so I'll skip the introduction. All in essence.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bluetooth keyboard?
+ Typing is faster with a bluetooth keyboard. (Of course, with a swipe, the speed is higher, but (at least for me) only if you do not take into account typos).
+ By typing “by touch”, you can divert at least part of your attention from the keyboard.
+ Fast access to all special characters. For example, when programming on a phone, this is a big plus.
+ Unlike the built-in one, you don't need to carry a bluetooth keyboard with you if you don't have to type anything big.
- Extra device.
- A small, but still discharge of the battery.
- On the go, you can’t really type, for example, in ICQ - hold both the phone and the keyboard at the same time, while also typing something ... It’s possible, but not very convenient, and it looks strange.

So, if you need to type only occasionally: a little in Google search, a little in SMS, a little more in some Internet messenger - a bluetooth keyboard is not needed. But if you need to print a lot, such a device can make life much easier.

Where to buy a bluetooth keyboard?
- Disadvantage - too long delivery. I waited 25 days for the keyboard and by the time it arrived, I had already forgotten why I was buying it.
- In one of the many online stores. There is a minus - too high price. On ebay, the keyboard cost $18, here the same one costs an average of a thousand rubles.

The market has big number apps to use bluetooth keyboard. Most are free.

First I installed Blueinput from But, unfortunately, this program worked very mediocre for me - it often lost connection, could not automatically pick up the keyboard. Often refused to connect. In addition, it was not clear how to add the Russian language.

I got to the market and came across this program. I was bribed by the word root, “Since root rights are used, maybe she will at least emulate clicks normally?” - I thought. Fortunately, I was not mistaken - it works really great. The essence of the program is as follows: the program loads a couple of drivers (this is what root rights are for), after which you can connect the phone and the keyboard, and every five seconds it checks if there is a keyboard nearby. If there is, it connects.

Keyboard customization
All these keyboards are so different. Everyone has their own tricky buttons, like player control buttons. And Android may not see them. And to fix this, you have to tinker.

You need to make a list of key codes that do not work correctly. To do this, you can use this program. (Write scancode).
- Pull qwerty.kl file from your phone. It is located in the /system/usr/keylayout/ folder. Open it with any text editor.
- The lines of this file have the structure "key<код клавиши> <действие> <особенные свойства клавиши>". Change it to match your keyboard.

> List of actions:
> - 0-9
> - SYM - (I have) an input selection window
> - HOME, SEARCH, MENU, CALL, ENDCALL, BACK - regular keys
> - SOFT_LEFT, SOFT_RIGHT, MUTE, GRAVE - unknown keys, it is not clear what they do
> - CAMERA, FOCUS - in theory, launching the camera and focusing
> - DPAD_CENTER, DPAD_DOWN, DPAD_UP, DPAD_LEFT, DPAD_RIGHT - trackball (one bug is associated with these buttons - they change their functions counterclockwise when you turn the device)
>not enough important action, as, judging by different sources, CAPS or CAPS_LOCK. Neither one works for me. By the way, if the action is not recognized, all the lines below will not be processed.
> Special features:
> - WAKE - the device will wake up and respond to pressing.
> - WAKE_DROPPED - the device will only wake up.
- Upload the modified file back. Set permissions to 644.
- Reboot.

You can also see the contents of the qwerty_ru.kcm.bin file. These are letters for each of the actions, four in each. In theory, you can Russify the keyboard right here, but this is far from the best solution. But if you want, try it. True, they are compiled - search the net for the source file.

Russification of the keyboard
Well, everything is quite simple here. It is worth installing something like ruKeyboard, and it will provide you big choice layouts (if there are not enough of them - nothing prevents you from adding your own) and the ability to quickly switch by pressing Shift + Space.

And to make it really cool - for 150 rubles you can buy stickers with Russian letters for a small keyboard.

If you become the owner of the same keyboard as me, with forty-nine keys - here are my files.

If you frequently work actively using your phone or tablet, you know that screen typing may not be fast enough to replace a laptop or PC keyboard. Lucky for you, high quality portable Bluetooth keyboards are a viable option.

Of course, many companies create their own models, so you may be overwhelmed with the options available. However, you don't have to search long. We've narrowed down the contenders with our ranking of the best Bluetooth keyboards for Android phones and tablets. Even better, almost all keyboards are available for reasonable price, allowing you to buy an unsolicited mouse with your remaining money.

Anker Ultra Compact Slim Bluetooth Keyboard

Mobility is the main feature in this field. Main Feature Anker Ultra is that the keyboard is very thin and easily transportable. Measuring 2/3 the size of a standard keyboard, the Ultra Compact Slim is easy to pack into a backpack. The top of the compact case hides the keyboard battery, which can last up to six months before charging the keyboard (which takes about two hours).

The Anler Ultra also has a matte finish on the keys, which means they won't slip under your fingers. The icing on the cake is the fact that the keyboard comes with an 18-month warranty and is priced under $19.99 ($1,300). Is it possible to complain about a keyboard at this price?

Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard K480

Anker may offer good portability, but when it comes to versatility, the Logitech Multi-Device remains the leader. For $29.99 ($1950) you get a keyboard that works with just about every Bluetooth device, be it a Mac or a phone. What really helps with the design of this keyboard is the small dial on the left side. It offers three options, each designed for a different device. You simply sync devices with each setting and then turn the dial to switch between them.

Have a tablet and phone? Just turn the dial and switch from one device to another. The Milti-Device keyboard also features a stand where you can place your phone or tablet at a comfortable viewing angle for everyday tasks like reading or watching videos.

Lenovo Compact Bluetooth Keyboard with TrackPoint

Lenovo loves its shiny toys, and the Compact Keyboard is no different. The keyboard itself is made in the same way as the ThinkPad series laptops, so you can expect premium quality. The Bluetooth keyboard offers NFC functionality to provide fast connection with NFC-enabled devices, as well as a built-in battery that will last a whole month. The biggest addition to this keyboard is the integrated TrackPoint, so you don't need a mouse to work.
Naturally, this is the most expensive keyboard on our list, with a retail price of $79.99 ($5,200), but even with a high price tag, you get a full bang for your buck.

LG Rolly Keyboard

The LG Rolly Keyboard is one of those keyboards that you have to look twice to make sure your eyes don't deceive you. Perhaps the best in terms of portability, the keyboard is divided into four sections that fold into a small "roll" that also protects the buttons during transport. Along with instant Bluetooth connectivity, you get one of the best student keyboards on the market. After the release, the keyboard went for a whopping $119.99 (RUR 7,800), but now you can find a keyboard for a reasonable $59.99 (RUR 3,900).

Logitech Keys To Go

With a competitive price tag of $49.99 ($3,250), Logitech's Keys-To-Go keyboard draws much of its inspiration from the Surface Touch, but comes at a significantly lower price. Fabric Skin covers the entire keyboard deck for added comfort, as well as protection from dirt, dust and the inevitable drops. Designed with Android users in mind, the keyboard offers shortcuts (such as Music, Latest Apps, home button) for quick and easy navigation. A three-month battery life is standard on most of the keyboards on our list, and you also get a portable smartphone stand with this keyboard.

Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard

When you opt for a Microsoft keyboard, you're almost guaranteed to get a good product, and the Microsoft Universal Folding Keyboard is no exception. With a modest $55 price tag, the keyboard works with any Bluetooth device you choose to connect. The keyboard also supports Bluetooth 4.0, which means it will connect faster and more reliably than the competition. The most notable feature of the keyboard is the ability to fold it in half. Not only will this greatly facilitate the transport of the keyboard, given function also works as a power off button. Expand the keyboard to start connecting to a device, then close to turn off the keyboard. On the top of the Microsoft Bluetooth Keyboard, you'll find a factory coating designed to protect the device from external damage and water.

Perixx Periboard-805L

The other foldable keyboard on this list, the inexpensive Periboard 805L, looks premium and feels significantly more expensive than it is. For $29.99 ($2,000) you get a keyboard with a magnetic folding mechanism that doesn't turn the keyboard on/off, but instead offers a very attractive design. Finished in brushed aluminium, the Periboard 805L is designed to last. Akin to the aforementioned Logitech K840, you can also switch between multiple devices at the touch of a button. When connecting an Android device, however, make sure you are using Android 3.0 and next versions, older OSes will not be compatible (although it's hard to imagine that you will find OS older than 3.0).

So, here are the Android compatible Bluetooth keyboards that we recommend for purchase. You know best keyboards that we didn't mention? Write us.

Virtual keyboards on mobile devices are ideal for simple text manipulation. But users who often have to work with large amounts of text sooner or later think about purchasing an external keyboard. The assortment of USB and Bluetooth keyboards is striking in variety, however, choosing the one you like, you may encounter problems when connecting the accessory to a smartphone or tablet. Today we will tell you how you can connect and configure a keyboard on an Android device.

Connecting a USB keyboard

Most USB keyboards are supported at the hardware level and do not require any special settings. The connection itself is made using USB cable OTG.

At the same time, your smartphone or tablet must support the USB host function. You can find out if your device has such support in the DevDB device catalog.

To start working with a USB keyboard, you just need to plug the USB OTG cable into mobile device, and into the cable socket - the keyboard. After that, you can start working with the text.

Connecting a Bluetooth Keyboard

To pair the keyboard with an Android device, you must:

1. Turn on the keyboard;

2. Turn on the Bluetooth module on your tablet or smartphone;

3. Activate the definition mode on the keyboard (the activation method depends on the model, but most often it is a separate button or a key combination);

4. Start searching for Bluetooth devices on your tablet or smartphone;

5. In the list that appears, select your Bluetooth keyboard.

To connect, you may need to enter a code that the system will indicate. You need to type numbers on the keyboard itself, after which you need to press the Enter key.

Setting up an external keyboard

If the system cannot recognize some keys or reacts to pressing them in a non-standard way, you will have to adjust its layout manually. The External Keyboard Helper Pro app will help you deal with this.

Peculiarity this application is that you can create unique layouts for two languages ​​and switch between them with a familiar combination or a separate key. In this case, you will have the opportunity to configure the input of additional special characters using the "Alt" key.

To correct or create layouts, you must:

1. Download and install the External Keyboard Helper Pro application;

2. Go to the "Language and input" section system settings devices;

3. Activate installed application on the list virtual keyboards and select the appropriate item in the "Default" menu;

After that, you can start creating layouts. In the application menu we find EKH Setting and run it.

In the "Select a keyboard layout" field, select Russian and go to the "Advanced settings" section.

Select "Keyboard Layout" and "Set Key Assignments". In the window that appears, the application will offer to save the current layout template for editing.

Then the layout editing section will open, where the type of keys (Character and Keycode) and their values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated.

Character are keys for entering characters. The Keycode keys execute system commands (the list of commands is varied, from the basic "Shift" and "Alt" to changing the brightness of the backlight and adjusting the volume level).

To start editing, select the key you need with a value from the list, or click on the "Add new value" item.

In the key value editing window that opens, specify: key type (Character or Keycode), scan code (automatically detected when a key is pressed), response to the Caps Lock function, value for a simple press, and value when pressed in combination with the Shift keys ”, “Alt” and “Alt+Shift”. To assign special characters, copy them from any table, for example from here.

Additionally, you can configure the insertion of text templates and the launch of applications by pressing certain key combinations. Moreover, it is possible to produce more fine tuning systems for working with an external keyboard.