The advent of solid-state hard drives, or SSD for short, can certainly be considered a breakthrough in the development of technologies for creating devices for recording and storage. digital information. The first SSDs that entered the market, with the exception of the high speed of access to arbitrary blocks of information, were in many ways inferior to traditional HDDs. Not only could their volumes, without exaggeration, be called more than modest, they also had low fault tolerance and cost a lot of money.

What's wrong with SSD?

The high speed, quietness and low power consumption of solid state drives have served as good drivers for their development. Modern SSD drives are lightweight, very fast and mechanically quite reliable devices used in tablets, ultrabooks and other compact devices. The price of SSDs has also dropped significantly. However, they cannot be called perfect. All SSDs have a significant drawback - a limited number of write cycles.

The flash memory of most SSDs is of the MLC type and allows data to be written approximately 3 to 10 thousand times, while conventional USB exhaust their resource in 1000 or less rewriting cycles. There are also such SSDs, for example, with the SLC memory type, which can withstand several hundred thousand rewrite cycles. There are many nuances, so it is not surprising that just this feature of SSD drives raises a lot of questions from ordinary users regarding their operation, and most importantly, extending their service life. Is SSD optimization necessary in Windows 7/10 or is it just another myth created by manufacturers and commercial software developers themselves?

Basic training

Yes, you can leave everything as it is on a PC with an SSD, and you might be right, but if you really care about your drive and want it to last as long as possible, it's worth considering tuning it. Let's start with whether you bought a computer with an integrated SSD, or just the drive itself, with which you want to replace the HDD by transferring Windows from it. In the first case, you can limit yourself to setting up the system. If you install the SSD yourself, be sure to check if the AHCI connection mode for the SATA controller is enabled in the BIOS.

There are two points here: after enabling AHCI and Windows Migration on an SSD, the system may not boot because it does not have the appropriate drivers. Therefore, either install the drivers ahead of time, or run reinstalling Windows from scratch. Second. The BIOS of older PCs may not have AHCI mode. In this case, the BIOS will have to be updated. Now for the SSD controller firmware. SSD owners often ask if the drive will run faster if they install latest version firmware. Yes, it will be, but if you decide to update it and in general, if the need arises, it is better to contact the maintenance service for help.

System settings. Disable defragmentation

For HDDs, defragmentation is a useful thing, but for SSDs, on the contrary, it can damage it, so Windows usually disables it automatically. However, it's worth checking to see if it's actually disabled. Run command dfrgui disk optimization utility and click "Change settings".

Make sure the "Run on schedule" checkbox is unchecked. If it's there, be sure to remove it.

Enabling TRIM

The TRIM mechanism optimizes the SSD drive by clearing memory cells of unnecessary data when they are removed from the disk. The use of TRIM ensures uniform wear of the disk cells and increases the speed of its operation. To check if TRIM is active on your system, run the following command from an administrator command prompt: fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify.

If the value of the returned parameter DisableDeleteNotify will be 0, then everything is in order and the trim function is enabled, if 1 - it means it is disabled and it should be enabled by the command fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0.

This SSD setting only applies to Windows 7/10, while Vista and XP do not support it. Option two: either install more new system, or look for an SSD drive with hardware TRIM. Please also note that some older SSD models do not support TRIM at all, however, the likelihood that they are still sold in digital equipment stores is very small.

In the process to the hiberfil.sys file on system drive a significant amount of data can be written, comparable to the amount of RAM. We, in order to extend the life of the SSD, need to reduce the number of write cycles, so it is advisable to disable hibernation. Minus such SSD settings that you can no longer save open files and programs when the computer is turned off. To disable hibernation, run the command in a running with administrator privileges powercfg -h off.

Restart your computer and make sure the hidden system file hiberfil.sys is removed from drive C.

Disabling Search and Indexing of Files

What else can be done to properly set up an SSD drive for Windows 7/10? The answer is to disable indexing of the contents of the disk, because the SSD is already fast enough. Open the properties of the disk and uncheck "Allow the contents of files to be indexed ...".

But here's the thing. If you have a HDD in addition to an SSD, then you are unlikely to want to disable indexing on it. What will come of it? By default, the index file is located on drive C and data from drive D will still be written to the solid state drive.

If you do not want to disable indexing on the user volume, you will need to move the index file from the system SSD to the user HDD. Open by team control /name Microsoft.IndexingOptions indexing options.

Now click "Advanced" and specify your index location, having previously created a folder on the user's drive.

If your PC only has an SSD, you can completely disable indexing and search by opening the Services.msc snap-in and stopping the Windows Search service.

Disabling system protection

Controversial moment. By disabling the creation of system shadow copies, on the one hand, you will reduce the number of write cycles, on the other hand, you will increase the risk of getting a non-working system in the event of some unforeseen failure. The use of rollback is one of the most effective and simple ways return Windows to working condition, for this reason, we would not recommend disabling this feature, especially since points are created infrequently and do not take up much space.

It does not recommend disabling system protection for its Intel SSDs, the same opinion is shared by Microsoft. However, it's up to you. If you use other backup tools such as Acronis true image, system protection can be disabled. To do this, go to the system properties, on the "System Protection" tab, select the SSD drive and click "Configure". Next, in the recovery options, activate the "Disable system protection" radio button, move the slider to zero and click the "Delete" button.

Disable or not paging file?

An even more controversial solution is to disable the swap file. Someone advises to transfer it to the HDD, someone completely disable it, but not everything is so simple. The paging file is necessary to optimize the performance of the system and programs that require significant RAM resources. Disabling swap can indeed reduce disk usage, but the resulting effect will be very small. In addition, this disabling can significantly reduce the performance of your computer.

There is little point in moving the paging file to hard disk drive neither, since it is many times slower than an SSD, and the constant access to it by the system will slow down its work. Disabling, or even better, reducing the paging file is permissible only in one case - if your computer has more than 10 GB of RAM, and at the same time you do not use resource-intensive applications. And so, of course, it is better to leave everything by default. You can perform all manipulations with the paging file in the performance parameters window called in the "Run" window by the command system properties performance(hereinafter Advanced - Change).

Prefetch and Superfetch

In theory, it is also better to leave everything by default here. The function does not affect the durability of SSDs in any way, as it does not produce any writes. Moreover, when Windows installation on an SSD, the system automatically disables it. Want to make sure it's disabled? Go to Registry Editor at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Memory Management/PrefetchParameters and see the parameter value EnableSuperfetch. It should be set to 0. You can also disable it through the Services Control snap-in.

As for Prefetch, its writes to disk are so insignificant that it can be ignored. However, you can turn it off, nothing bad will happen. To do this, in the same registry key, set the value of the parameter EnablePrefetcher 0.

The same can be said about disabling the additional Prefetch ReadyBoot feature that logs the process of loading applications. The volume of records it produces in a folder C:/Windows/Prefetch/ReadyBoot is negligible, but if you want to disable them as well, set the Start parameter in the key to 0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/WMI/Autologger/ReadyBoot.

Programs for optimizing an SSD drive

Almost everything that was shown in the examples above can be done using special utilities. How to set up an SSD under Windows 7/10 using third-party programs? Very simple. Most of them have an intuitive interface, represented by a set of options that can be enabled or disabled. There are many SSD optimizers, but we will focus only on the most popular ones.

SSD Mini Tweaker

The most convenient portable program for optimizing solid state drives. The utility supports working with defragmentation, hibernation and system protection functions, Trim, Superfetch and Prefetcher, paging file and Layout.ini management, indexing, file system cache and some other settings.

The SSD Mini Tweaker interface is represented by a window with a list of functions available for management. You may need to restart your PC after applying the new settings.

A shareware utility for optimizing and tuning the performance of an SSD drive. There is no Russian language in Tweak-SSD, but there is a convenient step-by-step wizard that offers optimal settings. Features of this program include disabling file indexing, program compatibility assistant, hibernation, paging file, defragmentation, last file access time recording, working with TRIM, increasing the file system cache, removing the NTFS limit on memory usage, as well as removing the kernel in memory instead of unloading parts of modules to disk.

SSD Fresh Plus

Another SSD optimizer. Unlike analogues, it supports working with S.M.A.R.T. With Abelssoft SSD Fresh Plus, you can disable defragmentation, the use of abbreviated names for folders and files, timestamps, Windows log, prefetch services.

In total, the utility supports nine different settings that optimize the performance of the SSD. Additional features programs include viewing detailed disk information. Distributed in paid and free editions.


On this, perhaps, everything. There are also other SSD optimization recommendations, but for the most part they are either dubious or harmful. In particular, it is not recommended to disable write caching for the SSD drive and the USN journal of the NTFS file system. You should also not transfer programs and temporary Temp folders, browser cache and so on, because then what's the point in buying an SSD drive? We need to speed up the work of programs, transferring them to the HDD, you will only slow down the system.

And finally, here's some good advice for you. Don't bother with SSD optimization especially. Even a budget 128 GB solid state drive will take at least a decade to wear out, unless you start writing and deleting terabytes of data every day. And during this time, not only the disk model, but also the computer itself will become hopelessly outdated.

Diagnose SSD state disk is a necessary thing, because the resource of such a medium is limited. Although the creators write an approximate date for working out the models, you can extend the life of the device if you check it regularly.

SSD speed test

There are no moving parts in the solid state design, and the information is transmitted by DDR DRAM. SSD works by analogy. The data is written in parallel. There is no need to transfer files for further reading to the reading heads, as is the case with the HDD. SSDs do not have such heads at all, which increases performance.

For comparison: the average speed of modern HDDs with average characteristics is 60 MB / s, a solid-state drive, other things being equal, during testing shows a result 4-5 times higher. With the launch, the same story: for the HDD, this process from zero to full readiness will take 30-60 seconds, while the SSD will do it twice as fast.

Drive speed indicators are determined by various test programs (benchmarks), which, as mentioned above, consume the SSD resource. In order not to waste the power of the ssd disk for nothing, it is better not to abuse such software. But sometimes you need to do this, because how else to find out if the disk is in order. The following are programs designed to check such media for errors, as well as speed tests that do not exhaust disk resources.

Programs for monitoring the status of SSD drives on Windows:

How to test SSD? Below are six utilities to help with this.

The software enables knowledgeable users not only to identify the problem, but also to quickly fix it. Option also suitable for monitoring hard drives.

Main functionality ON:

  • Temperature control and device performance check.
  • Auto power control in emergency situations, as well as the creation of backup copies of data.
  • Overview and configuration of S.M.A.R.T. attributes.
  • Temporary charts.
  • Create device status reports.
  • Troubleshooting caused by system errors.
  • This SSD verification utility also allows you to protect the information on it with a password.
  • Hotkey support.

The software has more than enough pluses, but alas, there are also minuses. First of all, these are certain difficulties in the work. It will not be so easy for beginners to understand the capabilities of the program and the management of functions. And the second significant drawback is the consumption of system resources, namely RAM and CPU even in standby mode. If there is not enough in the computer, it will “slow down” during diagnostics.

Another good software for diagnosing the state of solid state, which can be applied to the HDD. The program comfortably interacts with all versions: from XP to "tens".

3 main features of the program:

  1. The software is suitable for personal PCs or laptops, as well as for corporate networks.
  2. The utility analyzes the drive and provides a lot of useful data, including the approximate date of working out, as well as supported specific model operating modes.
  3. It is convenient to work with Active SMART, because a very detailed guide is attached to it. In addition, you can choose the Russian language, which makes the interface intuitive.

The program was created to monitor the state of a data warehouse with support for S.M.A.R.T. The utility is shareware. The test period of the software is two weeks. Testing SDD for errors with this program is easy: it can report problems in a timely manner. In addition, for beginners, the developers have implemented a simplified mode.

What HDI can do:

  • show the basic characteristics of the disk;
  • check for errors, test performance;
  • describe the current state of the drive in text form;
  • make recommendations;
  • test temperature;
  • predict date T.E.C. (Threshold Exceed Condition) - Approximate expiration date.

There is also an advanced mode for experienced users, which allows you to learn more about your SSD.

Additional program features / advanced mode

Technical information firmware;
buffer volume;
supported data transfer modes.
About S.M.A.R.T. table attributes title and description, current state, value and flags.
S.M.A.R.T chart graphic representation operation of the T.E.C. prediction algorithm.

Short description interface and basic features

View What shows
A panel that displays all the disks detected by the software in the system Through it, you can switch between available devices. The program also shows the characteristics of the carrier: manufacturer, full model name, volume, total operating time, etc.
Two indicators display the general status of the disk. The program independently evaluates the values ​​of all controlled parameters and issues a conclusion about the state and temperature of the device. Blue means the drive is in good condition. Yellow - a warning that one of the parameters is close to critical. Red - poor technical condition. Gray - the program cannot determine the parameters of the device.
The largest part of the main window shows data about the basic parameters, on the basis of which CrystallDiskInfo draws a conclusion about the state of the disk.

It is convenient that there is no need to know the specific values ​​​​of the parameters. The program performs all actions automatically, after which it gives a corresponding signal with a color indicator.

A tool that will help you find problems with your drive. With it, you can save time and save information. You don't have to pay to download the program. It is suitable for different Windows versions, including XP (SP2), Vista, seven, as well as 2003 (SP2), Server 2008

6 main software skills:

  1. checks the status of disks automatically;
  2. monitors event logs;
  3. immediately reports the problem;
  4. reports once a week;
  5. supports RAID;
  6. checks using S.M.A.R.T. or user script.

Like other utilities, this one has its drawbacks. So, the system indicates an error, but does not give hints on how to solve it. You can easily receive messages from the program by mail if you use an SMTP server. But if the user has access to the Exchange server, then you will have to tinker with the notification settings.

Important: not all software versions are designed for SSD.

Programs for monitoring the status of SSD drives on Mac:

The utility shows everything that is happening with the disk, well, in great detail. The tab - the namesake of the installed SSD - will tell a lot of useful things. In particular, it reflects:

  • basic information;
  • problem reports;
  • health indicator.

Note: to display all the indicator icons, you need to go to the corresponding tab.

The statistical section deserves special attention. When you enter it, you can see:

  • how many logical sectors the disk has written and read;
  • are there any errors in the interface;
  • information regarding forced reboots, etc.

All errors are recorded, which will allow you to determine the cause of the problem and fix it in time. Testing is performed automatically when the system starts up. It is available in two modes - fast or long.
The software works efficiently. It is easy to use and quite simple, only there is no free version, alas.

A worthy product from the developers of the once popular Trim Enabler. The creators have done a great job. This can be seen both in the design and in the functions. Now it is not just the software needed to run Trim, but a full-fledged product for monitoring SSDs.

Dashboard shows:

  • the company-creator and serial number of the disk;
  • the volume that the carrier recorded or read;
  • capacity (this concept also includes free and filled volume);
  • "thermometer";
  • "health" in general.

Everything is arranged comfortably: only the facts and nothing superfluous.

In the Visual section- data about the content that is stored on the drive. They are sorted by sectors, which will allow you to immediately track large files.

Health, as already becomes clear from the title of the section, provides detailed information about the technical condition of the device, allowing the user to assess its condition.

Advice: when buying an SSD, you need to pay attention to the form factor, because not every option will fit in a laptop or suitable for a stationary PC.

Also in the program, you can track the path to a specific file and clear the cache. A free week is given to evaluate the capabilities of Disk Sensei, then you have to spend money on a license.

One of the most important parts of the computer system unit is the hard drive. It stores the necessary data, some user information. A hard drive is a delicate thing and requires proper care. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing everything accumulated and downloaded.

As one of the options for saving information from a hard drive, these are backups to cloud services and / or to external media. The first procedure is notable for its duration and absorbs a lot of traffic, while the second tires you with constant copying. To limit the main storage medium from such problems, you need to get a couple of smart utilities for diagnosing conventional and combined hard drives (HDD, HDD + SSD), as well as external SSD drives. The last two will be discussed today.

Some applications help to timely detect problem areas in the system areas of the drive and warn the user in advance about the need for a technical recovery procedure, while others solve this issue comprehensively, that is, they look for, find, correct and prevent the following relapses.

So, we present to your attention a list of programs for checking an SSD disk for errors. All applications are respected by both professional and amateur user environments and have more than once helped both to solve problems with a high-speed hard drive.

Crystal Disk Mark

This program is for checking hard drives (SSD, HDD) and external storage media. The utility began its history more than 10 years ago, so the developers are burdened with rich experience, as well as user support.

By and large, we have a program for checking SSD drives for speed. That is, the application allows the user to find out the real parameters for reading and writing data to a hard drive or any other drive. Moreover, the Seq algorithm is used as the main analysis tool. The latter is used by almost all manufacturers of high-speed internal and external SSD drives.

This algorithm allows you to compare the numbers obtained as a result of the test with those indicated in the equipment specification. If those differ greatly, then you can sound the alarm and resort to the help of heavier software tools. Check speed hard An SSD drive is recommended to be carried out at least once a week, because a problem that has just appeared is much easier to fix than one that is running and taking good care of your hard drive.


This program for checking SSD drives will provide the user with all technical information about the device and test it using different algorithms. The utility has an abundance of functionality.

Here you can find out the temperature of the internal and external SSD, as well as other connected drives. The application identifies individual sectors that are slow, and a rich database of hard drives allows you to compare the received reports with the original manufacturer's specifications.

Distinctive features of the software

The HDDScan SSD test program supports both modern arrays and legacy connection interfaces, that is, it works not only with high-speed media, but also with equipment on SATA cables and old memory cards.

As a fly in the ointment here is an indication of the process of performing current tasks, or rather the absence of it as such. Linear diagnostics of solid state media has never been fast even on powerful computers, so the absence of the usual bar with percentage completion confuses and alarms: sometimes it seems that the program for checking SSD drives just hung.

Seagate SeaTools

This is branded and fastidious Kingston media and devices from Toshiba, alas, do not work with this application, but devices from Western Digital feel quite comfortable in tandem with this utility.

The software allows you to carry out three main types of analysis:

  • short, where only superficial testing is performed to identify obvious problems;
  • express diagnostics with a short reading of sequential arrays (checking the SSD disk for bad sectors);
  • complete analysis of everything and everyone. The last procedure will take a lot of time, but according to its results, there will be, as they say, even a needle in That is, not a single bad sector or some kind of problem will hide even in the most hidden jungles of the hard drive.

Another useful feature of this program for checking SSD drives is tracking and setting the current software for your hard drive. You will always know about the exit new firmware or some drivers.

WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic

Another proprietary utility, but from Western Digital. The software is more loyal to competitors, so this program can be used (in most cases) on devices from Seagate, Kingston or Toshiba.

It should also be noted that this utility is simple and intuitive clear interface so it is not recommended for beginners. In addition, one of the reasons why amateurs should stay away from the functionality of this application is the presence of irreversible modes, such as deep formatting of tracks and sectors. After executing, for example, the WRITE ZEROS function, data recovery is out of the question.

Another distinguishing feature of this program for an SSD drive is checking the wear of the hard drive and then correcting problems, that is, deep analysis and reassignment of damaged areas. In this case, the utility puts special marks on bad sectors, after which the operating system is prohibited from writing any data to this place. As a result, we have not just diagnostic software, but a universal solution for analyzing and fixing drive problems.

Victoria HDD

This is one of the oldest utilities in the field. Victoria appeared at the dawn of ATA interfaces, and this is more than fifteen years ago. Despite its venerable age and mediocre support from developers, the program copes well with the tasks assigned to it and outdoes a good half of modern software in this segment.

Victoria does an excellent job with ordinary express diagnostics and reassignment of bad sectors. In addition, the interface provides a section for checking the connection of the device to the motherboard. That is, in real time you can see the status of the loop and the voltage supplied to the hard drive.

Software features

One of the positive and at the same time negative sides of the program is the interface. On the one hand, we have an extremely simple code that works, as it were, separately from the operating system and can be launched, as they say, on the knee, that is, in the DOS or BIOS environment. But on the other hand, it is difficult for many to use the utility, because there are simply no official assemblies for Windows and you have to be smart with command line or download amateur versions adapted to windows.

Despite such troubles, the program is stable and efficient. In addition, the software is absolutely free and takes up very little space, which allows you to shove it not just into any drive, but even into the system area of ​​​​the disk, where there is enough space anyway.

The utility seems to be simple, but it cannot be recommended to beginners. Here you need at least basic knowledge and understanding of the process of diagnosing and recovering hard drives. That is, for those who are used to clicking on the start button, and then clicking OK in the “Done” window, this software will not work.

HD Tune

This is a fairly simple shareware application for diagnosing conventional and high-speed software. The software operates in two standard modes: express software analysis and low-level error search in read mode.

It should also be noted that the tools used by the utility have algorithms of their own design, so they can detect most non-standard errors, where ordinary applications will simply pass by. The software supports almost all known connection interfaces from classic SATA drives to modern SSD protocols, so there should be no problems with synchronization.

Distinctive features of the utility

If you purchase a paid license, then the functionality of the program is greatly expanded, and most importantly (for many), advertising and constantly pop-up blocks with an offer to buy some kind of trinket disappear.

The professional version has not only diagnostic capabilities, but also resuscitation. The latter imply a ban on writing to bad sectors, and in rare cases, restoring them to full performance. The Pro version costs about 2000 rubles, and you can purchase it on the official website of the developer. If you're lucky, you can buy software at a significant discount from some distributor for a promotion or even get it in addition to a more expensive product.

HDD Regenerator

This is already a whole complex, where the user has access to a huge functionality for diagnosing and solving problems related to hard drives and SSD hard drives as well. The software uses its own methods and search algorithms with the correction of bad sectors as the main management tools.

Unlike the previous utility, "Regenerator" not only prohibits the operating system from accessing problem areas of the disk, but also tries to restore the latter. A combination of high and low level surface formatting can (sometimes) bring bad sectors back to life.

It should also be noted that the utility works with all known drive interfaces, so there are no problems with synchronization. The software will digest both the old man on SATA and brand new combined or external SSD drives.

Program Features

The only disadvantage of such a powerful tool for working with hard drives is the cost of a license. On the official resource of the developer, you can buy the program for 5000 rubles. In other distribution networks, you can get a discount, but not more than 500 rubles, so this software cannot be called inexpensive.

Despite such a high cost, the program justifies its investment, especially if your system block more than one hard drive or a whole collection of flash drives and others external drives. The utility will save your information and heal devices from specific ailments more than once or twice. Professional users have noticed that regular use this program greatly increases the operational resource of hard drives (from 15 to 40% depending on the type and volume). Therefore, the software can be safely recommended to all those who care about their drives, as well as about the information stored on them.

An SSD is a storage (recording) device that is based on various microcircuits and a controller. Such devices are widely used in many modern devices: laptops, smartphones, tablets, and so on. What is it? Improved Hard Drive! Hearing the term SSD, many imagine something complicated. However, this is just a recording device, which, as already mentioned, is present in many devices.

What is the difference between an SSD and a hard drive?

If it is a recording device, then why are hard drives needed and what is the difference between them? The main difference is the principle of operation. The hard disk is based on magnetic disks (platters), from which constant reading and writing takes place by reversing the cells. An SSD, on the other hand, runs on microcircuits, representing an oversized flash card.

SSD drives have many advantages, in particular: high speed performance, low noise, light weight. There are also disadvantages, such as, for example: high cost, inability to recover lost data.

One way or another, SSD drives are firmly entrenched in our lives. When working with them, there is often a need for diagnostics, testing, optimization. For this there are special programs. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Programs for tuning and optimizing ssd

SSD Mini Tweaker

Let's start simple and easy. This program designed for fast and effective customization your SSD drive. It has the simplest interface and takes up very little space on the computer (about 3 mb).

After starting the program, one single window appears in front of us:

In it, we can select various parameters, the implementation of which with our own hands is quite difficult. Put a tick on what we need and click "Apply changes". That's all, nothing more is needed. Not bad for a program that takes up so little space.

SSD life

It is also a very lightweight and affordable program for working with SSD. It diagnoses the selected disk, displaying the percentage of its health:

The amount of memory that has been written and read for the entire time is available for viewing. The results can be saved, although this is not very useful. A much more necessary feature: an automatic check every 4 hours. If the status has changed since the previous check, the program will let you know.

SSD Fresh

Quite a large program with rich functionality. After installation, you will be prompted to register free version. To do this, just enter your data:

After starting the program, we observe the main window with three tabs: overview, optimization and settings.

The overview tab provides general information: volume, free and used space, file system. Of course, it is possible to view S.M.A.R.T data. For those who are not in the know: smart is a special technology for evaluating the performance of a hard drive. It is a set of fields and values.

But main function SSD Fresh - drive optimization. Here it is implemented with the highest quality and user-friendliness:

Each optimization section clearly shows the status and only two buttons: Optimize and Restore from backup. After clicking on the first of them, optimization is performed automatically. You can also optimize all parameters by clicking on the button in the upper right corner.

Tweak SSD

A program as easy to use as SSD Life. If the task of the latter is to diagnose the device, then Tweak SSD optimizes disk performance after pressing a single button.

We reviewed the main programs for diagnosing and optimizing SSD drives. Undoubtedly, drives of this type will not lose their relevance for a very long time due to the speed of operation and the absence of unnecessary noise.

The reliability of hard drives and SSDs is far from ideal - sooner or later they fail, which can lead to serious problems, up to the complete loss of data stored on them. Of course, in most cases, information (in whole or in part) on externally “dead” hard drives can be recovered, but you will have to turn to professionals (because you need special equipment and appropriate technical training), and the solution to this problem will cost a very round sum. Therefore, it is better to try to prevent the occurrence of such situations.

In this regard, the most reliable is regular backup information. However, even with a scrupulous approach to the backup task, you may not have time to copy important information, because a disk failure “according to the law of meanness” always occurs unexpectedly. However, you can avoid the risk of data loss if you control hard state disk using a specialized S.M.A.R.T. monitoring utility. We will consider several such programs in this article.

S.M.A.R.T. monitoring in a nutshell

Today, all modern HDDs and even solid state drives (SSDs) support disk self-diagnosis technology - S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technolodgy), which was specially designed to detect an impending drive failure in a timely manner. This technology is based on continuous monitoring of the readings of special sensors. These sensors display the current values ​​of S.M.A.R.T.-parameters, each of which indicates the status of a certain vital part hard drive(number of read or write errors, temperature, disk life, performance, information retrieval speed, etc.). Parameter values ​​during normal disk operation may vary within certain intervals. At the same time, for any parameter, the manufacturer has defined a certain threshold value - the minimum safe value that cannot be exceeded under normal operating conditions.

S.M.A.R.T. monitoring utilities regularly scan hard drives, extract S.M.A.R.T. information from sensors and thermal sensors (temperature sensors that all modern hard drives are equipped with), analyze it and monitor the state of all attributes. When critical changes are detected that indicate a significant drop in disk reliability, the programs inform the user that storing data on the hard disk has become unsafe. According to a number of developers, this happens no later than a day or two before the failure of the hard drive, which provides the user with some reserve time, during which you can make copies of all the information, and maybe even replace HDD. At the same time, it is worth noting that all S.M.A.R.T.

Unfortunately, the use of such monitoring utilities is not a panacea, since they cannot always predict drive failure. The reason for this state of affairs lies in the fact that hard drives are made up of electronic and mechanical components. The wear of mechanical parts occurs gradually, and this is a controlled process, thanks to which the utilities, as a rule, successfully predict the failure of the disk due to the fault of the “mechanics”. Failure electronic components most often it happens completely unexpectedly and therefore almost unpredictably. However, according to Seagate statistics, about 60% of hard drive failures are due to the mechanical components of the drive. This means that you should never ignore the S.M.A.R.T. system of disk diagnostics.

S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring programs

There are a fairly large number of utilities on the market that provide disk monitoring by controlling S.M.A.R.T. and temperature. Some utilities are limited to reading and displaying them, others interpret the received values ​​and issue their own verdict on the state of the disk in the form of a certain percentage of its health, sometimes also with recommendations to the user about what should be done in a given situation.

All well-known S.M.A.R.T. monitoring programs, as a rule, recognize and scan internal hard drives without any problems. With external drives, the situation is more complicated - not all utilities can fully work with such devices (even with support for this type of disk officially declared by the developer) - see the table. Moreover, most developers generally keep silent about what specific external drives are supported in their brainchildren (including paid ones). In addition, even if the selected utility recognizes a specific external drive, it is not at all a fact that the program will be able to determine the “health” state of the disk, since not all USB hard disk controllers support S.M.A.R.T commands. As for SSDs, their recognition, coupled with diagnostics, usually does not cause any particular problems - however, provided that the utility you like supports solid-state drives.

Hard Disk Sentinel 4.0

Developer: H.D.S. Hungary

Distribution size: 12.3 MB

Work under control: Windows (all versions)

Distribution method:

Price: Standard - $23; Professional - $35

Hard Disk Sentinel is an established S.M.A.R.T. solution for monitoring the status of hard drives (internal and external) and solid state drives. The program is presented in several commercial editions; for a wide range of users, the basic edition Standard and extended Professional, as well as the portable edition Portable for laptops, are of interest. The main difference between the professional edition and the Standard edition is the availability of functionality for backing up data (periodically or in case of problems with the disk). In addition, there is a free DOS edition that allows you to control the temperature and S.M.A.R.T attributes. IDE/SATA hard drives connected directly or through external controllers.

The program monitors the attributes of S.M.A.R.T. and temperature, scanning hard drives in automatic mode after a specified number of minutes and on demand, and displays on the "Overview" tab the performance and "health" level of the selected disk with a description of its current state and a list of problems that have arisen during operation (Fig. 1). Additionally, this tab shows the total time of the disk and the approximate estimate of the remaining time of its life, as well as the temperatures of all controlled disks, their capacity and the amount of free space. You can also get more detailed information about temperatures (tab "Temperature"), for example, see the dynamics of changes in average and maximum temperatures. In addition, a brief verdict about the status of the disk is displayed in the system tray (Fig. 2) and on the disk icons in Explorer.

Rice. 1. Browse disks in Hard Disk Sentinel

Rice. 2. Brief information
about the state of the disk in the tray
(Hard Disk Sentinel)

As for the values ​​of S.M.A.R.T.-parameters, comprehensive information is also provided on them (tab "S.M.A.R.T.") - this ensures the convenience of tracking the changes that have taken place (Fig. 3). You can even do an online comparison of S.M.A.R.T. of the selected disk with the values ​​of disks of the same model. It is easy to save all the information received during the monitoring as a text or HTML report and, if necessary, send it to the specified email address. In case of detecting problems or exceeding the temperature, the program can warn the user with a sound signal or a message and immediately (with appropriate settings) start the data backup process.

Rice. 3. Monitoring S.M.A.R.T. parameters in Hard Disk Sentinel

Additionally, the utility displays detailed information about hard drives (manufacturer, model, serial number etc.) and measures the data rate in real time. In addition, it can be used to test the disk for performance (disk head approach test, disk surface test, etc.).

Hard Drive Inspector 3.96

Developer: AltrixSoft

Distribution size: 2.64 MB

Work under control: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista

Distribution method:

Price: 600 rub.

Hard Drive Inspector is a handy solution for S.M.A.R.T. monitoring of external and internal hard drives and SSDs. The program is presented in several editions: the Professional edition is positioned as a hard drive control tool, and the SSD edition is designed to work with solid state drives. The program supports two operating modes - simplified and extended. In the simplified mode, which is aimed at beginners, only the most important information about the current state of the disks. The advanced mode provides access to a wide range of technical data, after analyzing which professionals can get a more detailed idea of ​​the condition of the disks.

S.M.A.R.T. attributes are checked automatically at specified intervals. During the analysis of all vital important parameters disk, the values ​​of the conditional indicators of its condition are calculated: "reliability", "performance" and "no errors", which are displayed on the "Basic information" tab along with a numerical temperature value and a temperature chart (Fig. 4). This information is accompanied by technical data about the disk model, capacity, total free space and operating time in hours (days). The advanced mode additionally provides comprehensive information about disk parameters (buffer size, firmware name, list of supported data transfer modes, etc.), displays the values ​​of S.M.A.R.T. parameters with flags (Fig. 5). In case of critical changes in S.M.A.R.T. parameters, the program can (after appropriate settings) inform the user about this by the most different ways- displaying a message on the screen, giving a sound signal, sending a message to the specified email address etc. It is even possible to launch some third party program, which allows you to take immediate action to save data immediately after a threat is detected (for example, start a data backup procedure).

Rice. 4. Basic information about the current state of the disk in the Hard Drive Inspector

Rice. 5. S.M.A.R.T.-attributes "detailed" in the Hard Drive Inspector

In addition, the utility can be used to automatic control noise produced by hard drives (allows you to reduce the noise level at the expense of a small drop in performance), and improved power management (provides a reduction in the power consumption of the hard drive - also at the expense of a slight drop in performance).

Active SMART 2.92

Developer: Ariolic Software Ltd.

Distribution size: 5.12 MB

Work under control: Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Server 2008/Vista/7

Distribution method: shareware (30 day demo -

Price:$ 24.95, for Russian users - 650 rubles.

Active SMART is a program for monitoring hard drives by controlling S.M.A.R.T. and temperature. The utility provides automatic check disk status during system boot, continuously monitors with a specified time interval and can perform a quick scan of disks on demand (relevant on low-power PCs). The status of the controlled disk is shown in the tray, and the data obtained during the analysis is displayed in the form of a summary table (Fig. 6) and detailed reports for each of the controlled S.M.A.R.T. . 7. To analyze the situation, a graph of changes in disk temperature in real time and an event log are also provided, in which the entire history of S.M.A.R.T. events of the disk is recorded. Support provided various kinds notifications (pop-up message, sound signal, letter to the specified email address and network message) when critical events occur on monitored devices (including on individual S.M.A.R.T. attributes).

Rice. 6. Summary of disk status in Active SMART

Rice. 7. S.M.A.R.T. Attribute Values
with a schedule for changing the selected attribute (Active SMART)

Additionally, the program provides general information about the hard drive (model, capacity, serial number, a list of all available disk partitions indicating the remaining free space on each of them, supported and enabled disk transfer modes, etc.) and allows you to find out what types of data the disk is filled with.

HD Life 4.0

Developer: BinarySense Ltd.

Distribution size: 6.68 MB

Work under control: Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista/7

Distribution method: shareware (14 day demo -

Price: HDDlife - free; HDDLife Pro - 20 euros (for Russian users - 300 rubles)

HDDLife is an easy-to-use utility designed to monitor the status of hard drives and SSDs (from version 4.0) in an intuitive way. The program continuously monitors S.M.A.R.T. for all disks installed in the system and based on the results of the analysis, it issues its own conclusion about the state of the disk in the form of a certain conditional percentage of its health (Fig. 8). This approach ideal for beginners, for whom specific S.M.A.R.T.-values, most likely, will not tell anything, and the percentage of "health" will allow them to navigate the situation. There are several ways to get an idea of ​​the "health" of disks. Yes, already appearance indicator in the system tray and disk icons in Explorer, you can immediately see how “healthy” the controlled disk is. In addition, more detailed information about the device status is available through the main window of the utility. In the event of critical situations (reducing the level of "health" to critical, reaching a critical temperature, etc.), an alert system is provided. The role of such an alert can be a hint message in the system tray, a sound signal, or a text message sent via computer network or by e-mail.

Rice. 8. Verdict on the state of "health" of the disk,
issued by HDDlife Pro

In addition, the utility displays the performance level of the hard disk, and also shows data on the operating temperature of the device, its capacity, the amount of free space and the time used by the disk.

CrystalDiskInfo 4.3.0

Developer: Hiyohiyo

Distribution size: 1.42 MB

Work under control: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7

Distribution method: freeware (

Price: is free

CrystalDiskInfo is a simple S.M.A.R.T. tool for monitoring the health of hard drives (including many external HDDs) and solid state drives. The program has a compact distribution, is free and has all the necessary functionality to organize disk control.

Disks are scanned automatically after a specified number of minutes or on demand. The temperatures of monitored devices are displayed in the notification area (the corresponding option must be enabled), and detailed information about the drives installed in the computer, including the values ​​of basic S.M.A.R.T. In addition, on the graph you can see how certain parameter values ​​have changed over time. For some parameters, functionality is provided for setting threshold values ​​and sending e-mail notifications if the parameter exceeds the set threshold.

Rice. 9. Monitoring disks in CrystalDiskInfo

Additionally, the program includes tools for automatic disk noise reduction management (AAM) and advanced power management (APM).

Acronis Drive Monitor 1.0

Developer: Acronis Inc.

Distribution size: 18 MB

Work under control: Windows XP(SP2+)/Vista/7/2003(SP2)/Server 2008

Distribution method: freeware (

Price: is free

Acronis Drive Monitor is a utility for monitoring the "health status" and temperatures of hard drives (including external drives) and SSDs through the S.M.A.R.T. The program is free, has minimal functionality for organizing disk monitoring and is able to integrate with Acronis backup products, but it has a very cumbersome distribution kit and does not have Russian localization.

The utility scans disks on its own according to a schedule preset by the developers (monitoring of individual disks can be canceled) and displays the resulting information on the Disks tab (Fig. 10). The minimum data is the “health” level of the disk in percent (Health), the indicator of the number of days of operation (Power On Time) and the temperature (Disc temperature; critical temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bare prescribed in the settings). Theoretically, data about the situation is also displayed in the system tray, but their information content is very doubtful (there is no list of disks, data on their temperatures and the level of "health"). Information regarding the values ​​of the S.M.A.R.T. presented in a traditional text form, no graphs (in particular, a temperature graph) are provided. For controlled disks, a log of critical events recorded in the log is maintained. When problems are detected, the utility informs the user about this (by displaying a text message on the screen or sending it by e-mail) and can automatically create a task for data backup. The latter is implemented only if one of the corresponding Acronis products (Acronis True Image Home 2012, Acronis Backup and Security 2011) is installed on the computer.

Rice. 10. Resulting disk information in Acronis Drive Monitor


Any user wants to know in advance about the upcoming failure of a hard drive or solid state drive. This is quite realistic if you entrust the monitoring of these devices to one of the utilities discussed in the article, which will allow you to get information about possible failure disk and provide some time limit to prevent data loss. Which of the utilities to choose is a matter of taste, however, in our opinion, the CrystalDiskInfo program stands out from the free solutions, and among the commercial tools reviewed, Hard Disk Sentinel is the most impressive.

The choice of solution should be made taking into account which drives are supposed to be monitored, since not all utilities support SSDs and not all cope with monitoring external drives. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the features of the presentation of accumulated data in the utilities. In most decisions, an impressive set of S.M.A.R.T.-parameter values ​​is submitted to the user's judgment, which are not very clear to the general user, but can tell a lot to professionals. At the same time, there are also products on the market with a different approach to displaying S.M.A.R.T. situation with the disk even for a beginner.