In the second pavilion of VDNH, the most unusual “Roboschool” in Russia was opened: one of the teachers here is the android Tespian.

In total, 4 courses are open in the "Roboschool". There is "Robotics", where they introduce the basics of design, modeling and programming, teach how to create smart electronic machines. Can choose STEAM program(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics), which consists of engineering lessons and experiments. On the Electromechanics course, students will learn to distinguish resistors from transistors, assemble radios and other equipment.

Also in the "Roboschool" industrial design is provided. In the classroom, children not only learn history modern design, but also independently create art objects. The best creations will be in the Hall of Fame "Robostation".

5200 rubles per month

Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium"

An ideal platform for open lessons and interactive classes. We follow the latest trends
in the field of additional education for children. Our educational courses allow you to expand your child's horizons, acquire useful skills and knowledge that open up new perspectives in modern world. And most importantly, we know how to make the educational process fun and enjoyable for children!

In the new academic year, the "Laboratory" of entertaining sciences opens its doors in our museum, in which children will be able to get acquainted with the natural sciences and technical laws in practice under the guidance of real scientists. We have also prepared an interesting program of popular science lectures from the already beloved cycle “Scientists for Children”. And for fans of designing and programming, admission to Robotics courses and a drone piloting school is already open!

The minimum cost of 1 lesson in the course is 1000 rubles

Open prototyping laboratory "Laba"

The first techno-coworking in Russia is also an educational platform. Lab provides training computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, arrange master classes in 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases, "Laba" is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling machines and other fancy equipment.

For children, the center has about 10 areas, the most interesting of which are shipbuilding, aircraft modeling and robotics. According to the co-founder of Labs, Maxim Pinigin, in techno-coworking you will be able to realize any idea, “from a stool to a satellite.” Regardless of the age of the inventor.

From 5000 rubles per month

Feast of Science

"Celebration of Science" is an interactive and educational program for children from 8 to 13 years old. You can arrange a scientific holiday, a master class, hold a birthday or a whole scientific festival. The goal is to popularize science and show children that all this can be not abstruse and boring, but exciting and interesting. The secrets of film special effects technologies, physical and chemical experiments, entertaining mathematics - children are usually delighted.

In addition to major events and holidays, you can sign up for classes and courses. Now there is an intensive course "Engineering creativity" (for children 9-12 years old), "Electricity for inventors" (for children 9-12 years old) and "Chemistry in the life of children and adolescents" (for children 8-12 years old). The course "Engineering Creativity" will teach children how to model and model, develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills. On the course about electricity, children will learn how to assemble electrical circuits and even make a real lightsaber. Chemistry is pure joy, reactions and experiments.

From 6900 rubles for 7 lessons

Mathematical circles from the creative laboratory "2×2"

The main value of the creative laboratory "Twice Two" is in its teachers. In the mathematical circles of the center, people who are in love with numbers and formulas work. They manage to infect children with a passion for the exact sciences: the average score of pupils in mathematics at school is 4.58, they often win prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.

In order to study in a circle for free, you need to pass several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.

House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

The branch of the Palace of Children's Creativity on Sparrow Hills boasts a rich set of scientific fields - from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 11 chemistry circles here alone.

Special attention in the House of Creativity is given to children interested in technology. For example, the center has several courses in radio electronics. In a mug for beginners solder electronic circuits and create simple electronic devices. At the course "Radio Engineering" they study radio-electronic structures, and at the lessons of "Entertaining Electronics" they learn to read and make simple circuits.

There are free classes

Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Why does an airplane or rocket fly? How does the Universe work, who can go into space, and why do you need a spacesuit? AT engineering center Museum of Cosmonautics you can get answers to thousands of questions. This year, the Space Squad club was opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can pass psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator and get a test cosmonaut certificate.

And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will get acquainted with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a prototyping board, read and write electrical circuits and also write codes.

From 200 rubles per lesson

Center for Design Creativity
"Start Pro"

The center is called the "children's Skolkovo": one of the best scientific bases in the country is assembled in Start Pro. There are 6 laboratories open here, in which about 60 programs are presented. So, in "Entertaining Mathematics" they learn to solve complex puzzles, in the "LabVIEW Graphical Environment" - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in "Stroymaster" - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.

Yes, and no boring lectures: the teachers of the center know how to talk simply about the complex, turn science into a game, and boring school subjects into exciting quests.

Is free

Center for additional education "Young motorist"


This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, it is allowed to drive motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycling, are taught how to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.

In addition, there is an opportunity to learn everything about the device of the car, learn the rules traffic and even pass the driving test.

Although most of all, children respect the practical part of the classes: they put you behind the wheel at the age of 12. Pupils drive go-karts, participate in rallies and win prizes in Russian car competitions.

Is free

Club of the young railway worker at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. In the classroom, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and wagons, get acquainted with the rules of "railway traffic" and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the students of the club are waiting for an internship on the Small Moscow Railway. The guys can try themselves as a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter and even a driver.

Bonus: successful graduation from the club entitles you to preferential admission to MIIT, all other things being equal.

7-11 grades

Is free

Children's Center for Scientific Discoveries "Innopark"

Ideal Format for those who have not yet decided on preferences. Innopark provides short courses that tell interesting stories about the world of science and technology.

In total, the center has developed 4 programs. So, the course “Everything is on the shelves” affects optics, mechanics, electricity and astronomy. In the classroom, the children will have to make a diffraction grating, create optical illusions, collect a battery from vegetables and make a moon rover. You can choose one of two courses "Robotics" or "Science in the palm of your hand", where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, as well as set up experiments.

From 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

digital home

3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - "Digital House" resembles an exhibition of achievements modern technology. True, in this “museum” it is allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.

In the center, you can do robotics - on the basis of Lego Mindstorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino constructors, children assemble both the simplest models and technically complex devices. Another popular trend digital home» - 3D design. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create unique objects themselves.

From 4,000 rubles per month

About the organization of classes in electronics at school. In this post, as promised, I will try to express my thoughts about the program and methodology for conducting such classes.

Caution high voltage

To begin with, it would be nice to think over the most common things. For example, what will be the material base for classes? This largely depends on technical equipment school and the room where the guys will make flashing LEDs and, a little later, terminators. I will talk about an ordinary school, where, in addition to the circle, there are lessons during the day. In houses of creativity and various clubs, the situation, of course, is different.
There are several options:
1. In the classroom allocated for classes, there is nothing but a 220 V socket. The most difficult option. We must look somewhere for power supplies for each person. An unobvious problem is that before each lesson, this entire low-voltage power supply network must first be connected (extension cords, the PSU itself, wires for each table), and after that, everything should be removed. Somehow they are not allowed to re-equip the class - financial responsibility, no one will mess with it. The second option is to switch to programming as soon as possible and then deal exclusively with it, and then you only need a computer and a projector. It is clear that this is not suitable - the guys need absolutely other.
2. It happens that in school physics classrooms, each desk is already equipped with a socket or terminal block, to which 36 or 42 V are connected. It is believed that this is a relatively safe voltage. In this case, it is only necessary to make power supplies for 5 and / or 12 Volts, which will be permanently installed on the desks. Sometimes it even happens that the teacher has the opportunity to change the voltage at the sockets of school desks using LATR - generally a great option.
By the way, you can find quite a few different soldering irons for voltages of 12, 24.36 and 42V.
3. And finally, it happens that the class is divided into 5 V power supply to each desk. This is sufficient for most experiments, as well as for the operation of low-power devices, both analog and digital. Typically, such power wiring is done independently by a physics teacher using rather thick wires (to prevent a significant voltage drop).

Unfortunately, in my case, the physics classroom belongs to option number 1. There is a laptop, an MFP, a TV, a VCR and music on the teacher's desk. center, and a projector hangs overhead. Behind the back - small White screen for the projector and, in fact, the school board. No stacks of macbooks, as there is and is not expected. Well, I'll use what I have. The presence of the projector made me very happy - I have accumulated a lot of rollers, which are so rarely shown in physics lessons and they will be very useful for understanding the theory.
Based on all this, it was decided to supply each young radio amateur with a 5V power supply. Most probably already have them: almost any charge from a phone, tablet, player, etc. For those who don't, I'll distribute from my own stock. We also use battery packs - convenient, mobile and safe. This is about the power supply. About breadboards, components and the rest - a little later. In the near future, I will discuss the "moving" to the office of computer science, because without computers it will soon be difficult.

Slice of knowledge

An equally important task is to determine the "initial conditions", that is, at least the approximate current level of knowledge of future engineers. Without this, it seems to me that it will be difficult to set goals and even more so to achieve them. Even before our first meeting, I prepared a questionnaire and handed it out at the first lesson. Explained what it was for and how to complete it. But all the same, I found out the main points in a conversation in the classroom: I asked about their lessons in physics, computer science and mathematics, about hobbies, about their experience in fixing something, about hobbies, the presence of radio amateurs in the family, and so on.
The results are:
- most simply forgot to bring this questionnaire to the second lesson
- two sixth graders and one seventh grader still did it
- ninth-graders scored in full force
- it is noticeable that between the 6th and 7th grade there is a real abyss
- consider that there was no informatics. Maximum office. However, one guy said that there was something Logo-like and another even wrote something in C
- the level of English has not yet been understood, but what was in the questionnaires will not help in any way on English-language resources. Well, that means until we get into the datasheet.
- everyone has a computer and the Internet
- several people have a dad or grandfather at once - engineers and know what's what. This is very good for me, I think things will go much more fun with them.
- even ninth graders are not completely sure how the battery is depicted in the diagram. The younger ones didn't see things like that at all.

Based on this, he made the following conclusions:
1. Start from the very beginning. You cannot rely on the fact that all of them know what is electricity, for example. Well, it was clear from the start.
2. Sticking to some kind of clear plan and deadlines will be very difficult. Judging by the way the guys brought me the questionnaires)
3. When we get to programming, we also need to start from scratch. A little further I will describe my considerations in more detail.
4. The English part of the network does not yet exist for them. You will have to refer only to Russian resources and documentation. It is clear that I will not be able to motivate them to learn English intensively - the guys still do not understand why this is necessary.
5. Make the most of the Net. For 4 hours a week, you can’t tell everything and you can’t answer all the questions, but there are computers, phones or tablets. Therefore, we must try to teach them to look for answers on the net, communicate with each other and ask me questions not only in the classroom.

I would like to tell you about my experience in organizing an electronics circle in an ordinary Moscow secondary school. This may not be very relevant to the topic of Habr, but firstly, posts about education (higher, additional, abroad, interactive, etc.) appear here quite often, which means they are of interest to many. And, secondly, today's schoolchildren who are fond of IT, electronics and robotics are, in fact, Habr's tomorrow's audience, right?

Circumstances (s) came together so that about 1.5 years ago I had a lot of free time, and I would like to use it fruitfully somehow. I thought that I should do self-development: for a long time I wanted to finally master FPGA, for example, or get some kind of certificate, or implement some of my small embed projects (I enrolled in the MIT 6.002x course on and even successfully completed it in December). But for quite a long time the idea has settled in my head that all this is actually devoid of any global meaning and the ultimate goal is unclear. Except, of course, getting paid and enjoying the process itself. Have you ever thought about it? What happens after you develop and write some cool game engine, or another site for a large customer, even if it is very fast and convenient, or will you program another controller in some production, assembled on the latest fastest MCU with a bunch of peripherals and kilometers of wires? What will remain after many years of all this in the bottom line? In general, after all this unfun philosophy, I thought that there must be something other than this and I need to do something else. I remembered that at school I had a radio circle. It did not last long, and there was no system in the classroom. The teacher then himself did not know what we could be taught. However, I still liked going there, there was some inexplicable attraction, mystery and real magic in electronics! It turns out that the radio club has long been gone, no school crafts have been preserved, but there are still positive emotions. In general, I decided to try to organize something similar on my own. For the guys it will be interesting and (I hope) useful, for me - a completely new experience, which is also useful. In addition, when you try to explain something to others, you yourself begin to understand what is at stake.
Last year's story, or the first pancake
Last summer, I began to think about where I could organize all this. There were only 3 options: on the basis of some educational institution; in the orphanage of creativity (oddly enough, there are still such people in Moscow and they feel great); rent a suitable room on your own. Last option, of course, highly undesirable, because in addition to the rent itself, it will be necessary to issue some incredible amount of paperwork, certificates and permits from all inspection bodies: firefighters, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, public utilities, someone else will come along ... Yes, and money for rent is all the same no (classes should definitely be free), not to mention the money for certificates. The option with the house of creativity was also not the best. The closest one to me (on Ryazansky Prospekt, near the Gorod shopping center) was still too far away to be able to get there quickly after work, and it’s not close to the metro either. Although I did go there, I never found anyone from the administration (in the summer, of course, there is no one there). Educational institutions remain: they usually have everything in order with the premises, with the inspection bodies and, in fact, with the presence of children.

I opened the map and began to look at what is in the vicinity of my work and home. Relatively close to work, I found an orphanage (by the way, I was surprised how many orphanages for mentally retarded children, as well as correctional ones). I chose an orphanage, not a school, because then it seemed to me that, in theory, it was they who should be helped as much as possible. I went to their website, found the mail and sent an email with a proposal to teach classes. A few days passed, and in the answer nothing at all. Okay, probably people are not up to it, or maybe there is simply no one to read e-mail there. After work I called, but I managed to communicate only with the security guard, the administration does not stay at work. A couple of days later, before work, I went there myself. This time there was not even a guard at the post, and after walking around the first floor, I waited for him for about 10 minutes. When he nevertheless appeared and called the deputy for academic work, I went up to the second floor and again waited in the corridor. Another 20 minutes, the guys just returned from school, everyone goes back and forth, but no one comes to me. Half an hour later, I finally met with an employee of the children. at home, went to her office and I told who I am, what I work for, what I want and what I propose to organize. She seemed to be interested and took me to senior group. As far as I understand, there are guys from 13 to 18 years old. Their teacher was also there. But there were only three guys on the spot: one was about 13 years old, the second was about 15, and the oldest was 18 years old. The elder was invited specifically to listen to me, he didn’t really want to. And the middle one played FIFA on the computer without stopping. I sat down and in 15-20 minutes told briefly about what kind of classes I propose to organize: about crawling and flying robots, programming, microcontrollers, participation in competitions, making gifts for New Year and birthdays, about drawing printed circuit boards, soldering irons, Arduino and so on. Naturally, all this is in such a way that the unprepared at least understand something: for example cell phones, cars, TV, Christmas garlands and the same computer. It seems to me that quite a few guys who are interested in technology already at this age understand what is at stake, although very remotely. I was almost certain that such activities would interest them.
However, nothing of the kind! The guy, who was 15, was distracted from the computer and asked if I could teach them to trade on the Forex Internet exchange. He said that he already had some money in his account and it would be great to increase it. To this I replied that radio is not economics, and in general such exchanges only lure money away, and in order to make money on this, you need to know economics, mathematics, statistics well, but in any case, this is not what you are supposed to do. But we can learn to program, and programming can help him in this area too! But the guy just got upset and returned to FIFA. I decided to talk to the oldest about his studies. I found out that he was studying at a railway college and that all these blinkers and whistles were also up to him. Maybe I think they just have a lot of all kinds of electronics with TAU taught in college? Maybe automation, or communications, or telemetry - there are a lot of these on the railway. Nothing like that - he's just studying to be a machinist! (may the machinists forgive me for such a tone) Well, I began to tell how interesting it is to develop something for the same railway, deal with some kind of control system, dig around with communications, etc. And in general, there is a huge scope for automation on the railway! But no, the guy said that even so, in general, he knows how to do everything he needs and does not see any special advantages for himself in classes. To be honest, I was a little unprepared for this turn. Anyway, I said that I would call in a couple of days and if the guys decide to try, then we will organize a group. I already had to run to work (almost lunch), I said goodbye and left. And two days later he called and the teacher said: “You understand, our guys are spoiled by all sorts of circles. It seems that by the evening they have already forgotten that you came. In addition, the eldest is now going to marry and he is not up to you. Let's you come and try to talk again, but with other children?

The conclusions are:
1. One gets the impression that no one, except for myself, needs this for nothing at all. Neither the principal nor the teacher even asked for my phone number (although, of course, I left all my contacts in the first letter). I left my business card on the way out. Of course, there can be no questions for the guys, yet they are children and still do not understand what's what and what they really need. But at 18, you can already somehow think about your future. Although it may well be that I was uninteresting in telling them everything and could not interest them.
2. The situation in children. the house does not at all give the impression that they do not have enough money for something. Normally renovated building, good big tvs in all rooms, many guys have better phones than me, computers, normal monitors, desks and so on. But it is not clear what will happen to them when they leave here at the age of 18. In my opinion, no one thinks about how they will provide for themselves after graduation.
So last year I lost all desire to continue doing this.

Attempt number two
Time passed, and in the winter I again began to think about this idea. By that time, I had already read everything I could find on the Internet about the organization of radio circles and even found several special books from Soviet times. some useful information learned on RadioKote, and also talked to two people who just conduct such classes (hello to Vadim and YS). A timid attempt to find like-minded people at work, unfortunately, did not give a result, so I had to portray something in splendid isolation. Well, okay!

At the beginning of summer, I finally gathered my courage and went to school. I have as many as 3 schools right next to my house, almost wall to wall. At the first school, the security guard turned out to be pretty under the degree and at first he didn’t understand what I wanted at all (probably, the summer is taking its toll). Then he called someone, but after explaining the situation almost immediately hung up and told me that I was not needed here. And I didn’t even have time to explain to anyone what exactly I, in fact, offer! A very encouraging start, yes ... I decided to try again, since the schools are still nearby. I went to the second one. Here the guard turned out to be quite normal, but he said that the school was for mentally retarded children, and anyway, no one from the administration and the office was at the school in the summer. Well, I went to the last school. Again the guard, again I introduced myself and briefly described what I was offering. And here, too, there was no one, but “the director just left! Go get it." And indeed, on the steps of the stairs, I caught up with a woman and introduced myself, she turned out to be the director of this school. Again briefly told who I am, where I came from and what I want. She found out if I was working and what kind of education I had. And it seems that my proposal interested her. Finally! We agreed that I would come in a few days for a more detailed conversation.

I arrived at the appointed time and began to wait for my turn to get to the director (of course, there are final exams, everyone has understandable problems, and besides, teachers also want to solve their problems). Finally, I was invited, and I described in more detail the proposed training program, the number of hours per week and the material base, as well as how many people the group will consist of. In general, everything suited the director, besides, there were no such circles at the school until that time (I didn’t really doubt it, of course).

But then I was dumbfounded by the fact that I would have to officially get a job as a teacher of additional education. As it turned out, you can’t just come to school and arrange any (albeit free) classes. To be honest, until this moment I somehow didn’t think about it, although this is certainly correct and logical: you can’t let anyone near the children. I was completely unprepared for such a turn, well, there’s nothing to do. The secretary began to tell what certificates and documents I would need to collect. I have never collected so much in my life:

  • arrange honey. book
  • certificate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the absence of a criminal record
  • certificates from the narcological and psycho. dispensaries
  • certificate from KVD
  • a copy of the work book from the place of work (I'm getting a part-time job)
  • passport, SNILS, copy of diploma and TIN
Then my hands dropped once again ... “Issue honey. book” is not easy to get. This means first getting a new blank book, then going through all the conceivable and unthinkable doctors in your clinic, and then listening to some lecture at the sanitary and epidemiological station and putting on a hologram. It is much easier to get a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs - you just need to go to hell twice, with an interval of a month. It turns out that certificates from the drug and psychiatric dispensary are given only at the place of registration. I have never been to the KVD, the pleasure is also very doubtful. In general, when I took directions to receive these certificates in the office of the school, I did not even suspect what I was signing up for. If there are those who are interested, then I can write another big article about getting all these pieces of paper, because when I received them, I probably collected all the rakes that exist. Initially, I wanted to fit everything into one post, but this is a completely separate song, full of adventures and unexpected discoveries (here I really want to say something obscene. But I won’t).

So, by the beginning of September (well, somewhere in the second week) I was able to still get all the required pieces of paper. At school, I met a woman who coordinates the direction of additional. education. She explained how the guys enroll in all sorts of circles, and also gave the requirements for the program of additional education. Agreed with her the number and duration of classes. Wrote a job application and signed it with the director. Then he took all the documents to the personnel department, filled out a questionnaire to receive bank card and wrote an autobiography that all teachers write (this is also a rather interesting point. You need to briefly list your relatives, their occupation, as well as write about your education, place of work and your hobbies). Although I didn’t talk about salary with anyone at all, but bank card I still had to apply, but now I’m not just anyone, but a teacher ...

As a result, since Friday, September 13, I have been a school teacher. Next, the most important thing is to recruit a group for classes. I put together an ad that I hoped would attract the kids and put it up in the school in the most prominent places. In addition, it turned out that the school is not one building, but three. So I posted ads there as well. Plus, we managed to agree that in one of the buildings of the school I would go through the classes (from 6 to 10) during the lessons and briefly tell the guys about the circle. Surprisingly, but for 5 days after the announcement, no one called me. No student, no parent. There was hope that it would be possible to attract the guys with their announcement. In the morning I came to school, they gave me a primary school teacher as an assistant, and together with her I went around 10 classes (2 classes in parallel) with a two-minute story about electronics and robotics. Here the effect was much stronger: it was clear that some became interested, some even began to ask questions. At the next break, 5 or 6 people signed up for classes, and the very first girl signed up! I was a little surprised, but it's even cool. With this, my campaign to attract young technicians was over, I left for work.

As a result, after a few days, there were 12 people on the list of those wishing to study. Mostly they are sixth and seventh graders, but there are two from the 9th. As I understand it, high school students have somewhat different interests. During the recording, the parents of one second grader and one third grader even called me twice, but, in my opinion, such classes would be too premature for them. Also last week, I put together a program that the Ministry of Education requires and placed announcements in the school about the first class.

With this I would like to end an already long post. I don’t know yet whether something will work out of my idea or not, but as I was convinced, organizing classes is quite realistic. A lot is left out of the scope and I have something to tell:
  • what is the planned curriculum
  • what projects will be implemented by the guys
  • what about the material base of the circle (all sorts of soldering irons, hoods, breadboards, computers, electronic constructors, purchase in Chinese stores etc.)
  • How did the paperwork and paperwork go?
  • And today was the first session!
So if the habra community is interested in any of the above, then you know what to do.