
electronics mug


At present, the problem of the formation of technical knowledge, skills and abilities in adolescents is of particular importance and relevance.

Decreased in the absence of funding and the number of technical circles because of their expensive material base.

The number of students in vocational schools has decreased, because the prestige of working professions has fallen due to lack of demand.

But with the gradual strengthening of economic relations in the country, the growth of construction, the resumption of the work of a number of industrial enterprises, many working specialties are again in demand, which require knowledge of the basics of electrical and radio engineering.

The program for studying the basics of electrical and radio engineering complements and expands the scope of additional educational services.

Electrical energy is the most versatile and convenient to use. It can be obtained from any other type of energy, easily transmitted over long distances, easily "split" to provide individual consumers. Energy, electrical and radio engineering, electronics are among the leading sectors of the economy. They are growing faster than other industries. Without radio electronics is unthinkable modern life. The creation of new materials and products, high technologies, communications, information processing and control - all this is based on electricity and electronics, and, above all, on their technological use.


Learning goal: assistance to students in obtaining initial knowledge about electricity, electrical and radio engineering, preparing them for the perception of topics on these issues from the school physics course. Professional orientation, so that the student chooses a further path to receive education in electrical engineering, radio engineering, electronic profile.


Formation of interest in electrical and radio engineering, in activities related to them;

Teaching children to use the correct technical terminology, technical concepts and information in speech, reading and the ability to use technical and reference literature;

Preparing for Conscious, Focused practical use perception of the topics of the school physics course;

Motivation of the attitude to learning as an important and necessary matter for the individual and society.

Development goal: development of labor and creative abilities of children by means of initial modeling and design.


Development of mental skills (memorize, analyze, evaluate, etc.);

Development of skills in the organization of labor activity;

Development of creative thinking, motivation for creative search.

Educational goal: education of an independent, self-confident personality.


Education of perseverance in overcoming difficulties, achieving goals;

Education of accuracy, discipline, responsibility for the assigned work;

Creating a situation of success;

Introduction to the norms of social life.


The program is implemented through the activities of the association (circle) on the basis of a secondary school.

The group is formed on the principle of personal interest of students in studying the basics of electrical and radio engineering.

Age involved 13 - 15 years.

The duration of the program is 1 year, but if there is an appropriate material base, the program can be easily reworked by adding theoretical topics and practical classes up to 2-3 years.

Group classes are held twice a week. The duration of the lesson is three lessons of 40 minutes each with a break of 10 minutes.

In the classroom, there is a closer acquaintance of the teacher and students, the identification of group leaders, interest, motivation for classes.

Practical classes are implemented with the help of electrical constructors and improvised materials.

The program includes excursions to the local history museum; to the technical library.

The group form of classes contributes to the creation of a trusting, warm, friendly atmosphere, the individual approach of the teacher to each student, helps students to quickly get used to, express themselves.


A number of methods are used to organize the educational process.

Verbal: story, explanation, conversation, discussion.

Visual: demonstration material, posters, devices, schemes.

· Practical: reading drawings and diagrams, assembling models and devices, making visual aids.


The main forms of education are as follows.

· Frontal; gives the opportunity to work with the entire team of children in the classroom.

· Group; creation of microgroups (2-3 people) to perform a specific task.

· Collective; children can collaborate with each other by working in small groups.

· Individual; a very effective form of education based on a differentiated approach.

· Games and trainings.

· Excursions.

· Participation in exhibitions, competitions.


The program is based on the following teaching principles:

The principle of voluntariness, humanism, the priority of universal values, the free development of the individual, the self-worth of the child, the creation of the most favorable atmosphere for personal and professional development student (“success situation”; “developmental education”);

The principle of accessibility of training and feasibility of work;

The principle of natural conformity: taking into account the age capabilities and inclinations of children when they are included in various types of activities;

The principle of individual-personal orientation of the development of the creative initiative of children;

The Principle of Differentiation and Consistency: Alternation various kinds and forms of employment, the gradual complication of work methods, a reasonable increase in the load;

The principle of cultural conformity: focus on the needs of children, adaptation to modern conditions of society;

The principle of creativity: the development of the creative abilities of students, the application of methods for the formation of skills to apply knowledge in changing conditions;

The principle of science;

The principle of the connection between theory and practice, the connection of learning with life;

The principle of systematic and consistent learning;

The principle of consciousness and activity of trainees.


Learning goal

At the end of the course, the child should know:

Requirements for the organization of the workplace;

Drawing tools and special stencils;

Symbols on the diagrams;

be able to:

Properly handle drawing tools and special stencils, draw simple electrical circuits;

Create simple models, visual aids;

Make changes to the design of models;

Accuracy (the ability to keep the workplace in order, carefully treats materials, tools).

Working with parents.

It is possible to effectively solve educational problems only in close cooperation with parents.

In this regard, it is necessary:

At the beginning of the school year, get acquainted not only with the children who signed up for the association, but also with their parents, discuss the curriculum, the material conditions for its implementation;

To get acquainted with the opinion of parents about the interests, hobbies of the child, his physical and intellectual abilities, state of health;

Establish respectful and trusting relationships with parents, mutual understanding in the upbringing, development and education of children;

Involve parents in the preparation and holding of both group and House of Children's Art events (holidays, excursions, trips, exhibitions and festivals);

Provide for individual consultations in order to explain specific measures to help the child develop, taking into account his capabilities, as well as discussing the results of the child's advancement during the course of the program;

Interest the family in joint forms of activity with the child (for example, making Christmas decorations, costumes, toys and gifts for the holiday, a toy library or visual aids, etc.).

Section 1. Electricity, electrical engineering.

Topic 1. Introductory lesson. A talk about electricity.

How children imagine electricity, what knowledge they have.

Natural and artificial electricity.

A brief excursion into history. Ancient Greece, Thales, Aristotle.

Topic 2. At the origins of knowledge about electricity.

How people learned electricity, who stood at the origins of knowledge. Ancient ages, modern times. William Gilbert, Otto von Guericke, Benjamin Franklin, Coulomb, Galvani, Volta and others.

Topic 3. About how the atom works. How scientists learned about the structure of the atom. The structure and properties of the atom. Atoms of simple substances (hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon).

How molecules are formed.

Practical lesson on atomic modeling.

Topic 4. Electrization, electrical forces. The concept of electrization and electric forces.

Practical observation of electrization and interaction of electrified bodies.

Topic 5. "In the void" Behavior of electric charge in the physical vacuum.

Topic 6. "Soap bubbles" Properties of the electric field.

Topic 7. "Portrait" How the electron was measured.

How the charge of an electron was measured. What does an electron look like.

Topic 8. "Hiking" How it behaves electric charge in an electric field.

Topic 9. Magnetism. Natural and artificial magnets. Magnetic lines, how can you see them?

Practical study of magnetic fields generated by flat, round, annular, horseshoe magnets. Production of metal filings. Display of magnetic lines using metal filings.

Experiments with magnets. Attraction of various objects with magnets.

Sorting magnetic and non-magnetic items using

Determination of the attraction force of a horseshoe magnet.

Influence of the gap between the armature and the magnet on the force of attraction.

Topic 10. Magnetic interaction. Interaction of magnets, magnetic compass needle.

Practical study of magnetic interaction, making magnetic arrows from sewing needles, visual experiments with them.

Building a compass. Compass Handling.

The structure of a magnet. Magnetization of steel wire.

Residual magnetism and demagnetization of iron.

Interaction of magnetic arrows. Interaction of magnets with

arrow poles, etc.

Topic 11. Electromagnetism. Electromagnets. Magnetic field created by electric current.

Practical experiments with electromagnets. Making an electromagnet on a frame from a spool of thread. Study of its magnetic field. Display of magnetic lines using metal filings.

Assembly of models using electromagnets.

Topic 12. Electromagnetic relay. Types, device, application.

Acquaintance with samples of relays used in electrical products.

Practical lesson. Assembly of models using relays.

Topic 13. Electrical measuring instruments. Types, device, application.

Acquaintance with the tester and multimeter.

Assembly of models measuring instruments.

Topic 14. Electromagnetic induction. "Turn magnetism into electricity." The occurrence of an inductive current. Practical lesson: "Faraday's experiments".

Topic 15. Electric current. What is electric current, how does it arise (conditions for occurrence), how is it measured. Industrial generation of electricity, types of power plants. Consumers of electricity, household electrical appliances.

Practical measurement of current strength (for visual representation).

Assembling a dynamo model and studying its operation.

What's happened electrical voltage how it is created, how it is measured.

Practical lesson. Chemical current sources galvanic cell, battery of galvanic cells, accumulator. Network power supply (rectifier). Capacitors, the accumulation of electricity by them.

Dismantling of used batteries, accumulators of various types, studying their structure. Making the simplest current sources, experiments with them.

Serial and parallel connection of current sources.

Topic 17. Electric current in metals, liquids, gases.

Features of current flow in various media.

Practical lesson. Making electrolytes experiments with them. The study of the device of neon and fluorescent lamps.

Topic 18. Conductors and dielectrics. Why do some bodies pass current, while others do not.

Practical lesson.

Topic 19. Thermal effect of current. The ability of current to heat conductors. Useful and harmful.

Practical lesson. Making a model of an electric heater.

Topic 20. magnetic action current. The action of a magnet on current. (For fixing).

Topic 21. Chemical action current. Electrolysis. Coating of metals with a protective layer.

Practical lesson. The decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen. Copper coating of a nail.

Topic 22. Fundamentals of electrical safety. What is the danger of electric current for a person. How does electric current affect a living organism. How to protect yourself from the effects of electric current.

A practical lesson on measuring the resistance of a body and calculating the current.

Topic 23. Electrical circuits.

The composition of the electrical circuit. Schematic representation of the circuit elements. Electrical circuits.

Preparatory work. Assembly of elements and nodes of the chain.

Practical knowledge of the electrical circuit.

Topic 24. Electrical resistance. The dependence of the resistance of the conductor on its material; on its length and cross section. Variable wire resistance, resistance change, rheostats.

Practical lesson. Assembly of various models of rheostats, experiments on changing resistance. Types of industrial resistances (resistors), difference in power, marking. Measurement (check) of resistors.

Topic 25. Ohm's law. The dependence of the current strength on the resistance of the electrical circuit. The constancy of the current in all parts of the circuit, the dependence of the current on the voltage. Practical lesson. Regulation of the current strength by a rheostat. Change the voltage applied to the light bulb using a potentiometer.

Topic 26. Serial connection of circuit elements. Practical research.

Topic 27. Parallel connection. Practical research.

Topic 28. Mixed connection. Practical research.

Topic 29. Converters of electrical energy into mechanical energy. Classification of electric motors. Short story electric motors. Motor device direct current, rules for its inclusion, reverse inclusion. The concept of electric transport.

Practical lesson. Assembling a model of an electric motor, a model of an electric fan, a model of a device for the synthesis of white. Moving winch model, electric crane model. Stepper motor model.

Topic 30. Electrical communication and signaling. Telegraph, telegraph line, telephone. About radiotelegraphy. Acoustic and optical signaling.

Practical lesson. The study of the device for a direct-printing start - a foot telegraph apparatus of the STA type, telephone set TA - 57. Assembly of telegraph models; fire and security alarm models.

Topic 31. Brief information about alternating current. Receiving, transforming, straightening. Practical lesson. Experiments with a step-down transformer, assembling a model of a soda rectifier.

Topic 32. Electrical game library. Assembly of game models "Hardness of the hand", "Who is faster?" and other competitions.

Topic 33. Reference literature. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books. How to use them.


Section 1. Electricity. Electrical engineering.

Theoretical hours

Hours practical

Total hours

Introductory lesson. A talk about electricity.

At the origins of knowledge about electricity.

How the atom is made. How molecules are formed.

Electrification. electrical forces.

"In the void."


"Portrait" How the electron was measured.



Magnetic interaction.

Electromagnetism. Electromagnets.

Electromagnetic relay.

Electrical measuring instruments.

Electromagnetic induction.


Voltage. Current sources.

Electric current in metals, liquids, gases.

Conductors and dielectrics.

Thermal effect of current.

Magnetic action of current.

Chemical action of current.

Fundamentals of electrical safety.

Electrical circuits.

Electrical resistance.

Ohm's law.

serial connection.

Parallel connection.

Mixed connection.

Converters of electrical energy into mechanical.

Electrical communication and signaling.

Alternating current.

Electrotechnical toy library

Reference literature

Section 2. Basic information on electronics.

Total number of hours - 244

About the organization of classes in electronics at school. In this post, as promised, I will try to express my thoughts about the program and methodology for conducting such classes.

Caution high voltage

To begin with, it would be nice to think over the most common things. For example, what will be the material base for classes? This largely depends on technical equipment school and the room where the guys will make flashing LEDs and, a little later, terminators. I will talk about an ordinary school, where, in addition to the circle, there are lessons during the day. In houses of creativity and various clubs, the situation, of course, is different.
There are several options:
1. In the classroom allocated for classes, there is nothing but a 220 V socket. The most difficult option. We must look somewhere for power supplies for each person. The non-obvious problem is that before each lesson, this entire low-voltage power supply network must first be connected (extension cords, the PSU itself, wires for each table), and after that, everything should be removed. Somehow they are not allowed to re-equip the class - financial responsibility, no one will mess with it. The second option is to switch to programming as soon as possible and then deal exclusively with it, and then you only need a computer and a projector. It is clear that this is not suitable - the guys need absolutely other.
2. It happens that in school physics classrooms, each desk is already equipped with a socket or terminal block, to which 36 or 42 V are connected. It is believed that this is a relatively safe voltage. In this case, it is only necessary to make power supplies for 5 and / or 12 Volts, which will be permanently installed on the desks. Sometimes it even happens that the teacher has the opportunity to change the voltage at the sockets of school desks using LATR - generally a great option.
By the way, you can find quite a few different soldering irons for voltages of 12, 24.36 and 42V.
3. And finally, it happens that the class is divided into 5 V power supply to each desk. This is sufficient for most experiments, as well as for the operation of low-power devices, both analog and digital. Typically, such power wiring is done independently by a physics teacher using rather thick wires (to prevent a significant voltage drop).

Unfortunately, in my case, the physics classroom belongs to option number 1. There is a laptop, an MFP, a TV, a VCR and music on the teacher's desk. center, and a projector hangs overhead. Behind the back - small White screen for the projector and, in fact, the school board. No stacks of macbooks, as there is and is not expected. Well, I'll use what I have. The presence of the projector made me very happy - I have accumulated a lot of rollers, which are so rarely shown in physics lessons and they will be very useful for understanding the theory.
Based on all this, it was decided to supply each young radio amateur with a 5V power supply. Most probably already have them: almost any charge from a phone, tablet, player, etc. For those who don't, I'll distribute from my own stock. We also use battery packs - convenient, mobile and safe. This is about the power supply. About breadboards, components and the rest - a little later. In the near future, I will discuss the "moving" to the office of computer science, because without computers it will soon be difficult.

Slice of knowledge

An equally important task is to determine the "initial conditions", that is, at least the approximate current level of knowledge of future engineers. Without this, it seems to me that it will be difficult to set goals and even more so to achieve them. Even before our first meeting, I prepared a questionnaire and handed it out at the first lesson. Explained what it was for and how to complete it. But all the same, I found out the main points in a conversation in the classroom: I asked about their lessons in physics, computer science and mathematics, about hobbies, about experience in fixing something, about hobbies, the presence of radio amateurs in the family, and so on.
The results are:
- most simply forgot to bring this questionnaire to the second lesson
- two sixth graders and one seventh grader still did it
- ninth-graders scored in full force
- it is noticeable that between the 6th and 7th grade there is a real abyss
- consider that there was no informatics. Maximum office. However, one guy said that there was something Logo-like and another even wrote something in C
- the level of English has not yet been understood, but what was in the questionnaires will not help in any way on English-language resources. Well, that means until we get into the datasheet.
- everyone has a computer and the Internet
- several people have a dad or grandfather at once - engineers and know what's what. This is very good for me, I think things will go much more fun with them.
- even ninth graders are not completely sure how the battery is depicted in the diagram. The younger ones didn't see things like that at all.

Based on this, he made the following conclusions:
1. Start from the very beginning. You cannot rely on the fact that all of them know what an electric current is, for example. Well, it was clear from the start.
2. Sticking to some kind of clear plan and deadlines will be very difficult. Judging by the way the guys brought me the questionnaires)
3. When we get to programming, we also need to start from scratch. A little further I will describe my considerations in more detail.
4. The English part of the network does not yet exist for them. You will have to refer only to Russian resources and documentation. It is clear that I will not be able to motivate them to learn English intensively - the guys still do not understand why this is necessary.
5. Make the most of the Net. For 4 hours a week, you can’t tell everything and you can’t answer all the questions, but there are computers, phones or tablets. Therefore, we must try to teach them to look for answers on the net, communicate with each other and ask me questions not only in the classroom.

The one who considers the radio engineering direction to be outdated and obsolete is wrong - they say, this type of communication is hopelessly outdated, so why understand it? In fact, this activity is one of the most popular and in demand today. The young Popovs and Marconi are attracted by many things in radio engineering: the opportunity to create a complex device with their own hands, to improve or repair an existing one, and also simply to gain skills that will be useful to every person.

In laboratories, houses and centers of creativity, young radio amateurs of our city get the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of radio engineering, work with metalwork and assembly tools, and with complex schemes and hardware. Many schoolchildren, studying radio business in circles, take an important step towards their future specialty and profession.

In our city there is no shortage of qualified teachers and craftsmen specializing in radio engineering. Many received professional education back in the USSR, spent many years working in leading factories and industrial enterprises, and are ready to pass on the secrets of craftsmanship and their experience to the younger generation. Children studying radio engineering often become winners of various competitions, participants in conferences and rallies.

Preparation for soldering microcircuits

Working with a soldering iron and microcircuits is a must for every radio amateur. One of the basic rules for beginners is the following: take inexpensive schemes and train! Only having “filled your hand” with simple ones, you can move on to more complex and, accordingly, expensive ones. Before you start soldering the microcircuit, you need to remove its excess solder using a copper braid, which is preheated with a soldering iron. Remember that it is thanks to the quality preparation of the base that the success of all work depends! This affects how reliable the future connection with the microcircuit elements will become. It also depends on the amount of resistance. Before work, the circuit must be degreased: an ordinary napkin moistened with soapy water will help with this. True, there are cases when you can not do without special composition, which can be purchased at radio parts stores. Contacts are cleaned with acetone or methyl hydrate - it is the safest for human health.

Soldering equipment safety

Classes of children and adolescents in the radio engineering circle are held under the vigilant supervision of teachers. In any case, the course begins with the safety rules. The teacher tells how to properly handle the equipment, setting up, adjusting and operating it. Explains how to protect yourself when working with the antenna. The most important task of the organizers of the circle in the premises of an amateur radio station is to ensure fire safety. Considering that circuits are most often assembled using soldering, we will dwell in more detail on the basics of working with soldering equipment. Have to deal with high temperatures so you need to protect your skin. Of course, no one is safe from burns, but caution does not hurt. It is especially important to protect the eyes from burns so as not to lose sight. You do not need to raise the palnik high, wave it - the tool should always be on the stand. Be sure to wear goggles while soldering. Even if you are just disassembling the circuit, solder can splash into your eyes, and injury cannot be avoided in this case.

How to avoid errors when connecting speakers?

When connecting speakers, it is important to remember that they are afraid of overload. If it does, the speaker may be damaged. Therefore, it is important to consider that it is supplied with power not higher than the nominal (less possible). Before connecting the speakers, pay attention to their rated power (in watts) and the active resistance of the voice coil (in ohms).

How to check what state the resistor is in?

Not every device works for decades, not to mention its individual elements and details. Capacitors often fail, a little less often, but this happens - resistors ... Checking if the resistor has ordered a long life is quite simple - you need to measure the resistance. Any indicator is considered normal if it is less than infinity and greater than zero. Pay attention to the color: the black resistor, as a rule, has already served its purpose, although there are exceptions. The part gets this color due to overheating.

Last week there was a post about organizing electronics classes at school. In this post, as promised, I will try to express my thoughts about the program and methodology for conducting such classes.

No, this picture is not the result of three lessons)

Caution high voltage
To begin with, it would be nice to think over the most common things. For example, what will be the material base for classes? This largely depends on the technical equipment of the school and the room where the guys will make flashing LEDs and, a little later, terminators. I will talk about an ordinary school, where, in addition to the circle, there are lessons during the day. In houses of creativity and various clubs, the situation, of course, is different.
There are several options:
1. In the classroom allocated for classes, there is nothing but a 220 V socket. The most difficult option. We must look somewhere for power supplies for each person. The non-obvious problem is that before each lesson, this entire low-voltage power supply network must first be connected (extension cords, the PSU itself, wires for each table), and after that, everything should be removed. Somehow they are not allowed to re-equip the class - financial responsibility, no one will mess with it. The second option is to switch to programming as soon as possible and then deal exclusively with it, and then you only need a computer and a projector. It is clear that this is not suitable - the guys need absolutely other.
2. It happens that in school physics classrooms, each desk is already equipped with a socket or terminal block, to which 36 or 42 V are connected. It is believed that this is a relatively safe voltage. In this case, it is only necessary to make power supplies for 5 and / or 12 Volts, which will be permanently installed on the desks. Sometimes it even happens that the teacher has the opportunity to change the voltage at the sockets of school desks using LATR - generally a great option.
By the way, you can find quite a few different soldering irons for voltages of 12, 24.36 and 42V.
3. And finally, it happens that the class is divided into 5 V power supply to each desk. This is sufficient for most experiments, as well as for the operation of low-power devices, both analog and digital. Typically, such power wiring is done independently by a physics teacher using rather thick wires (to prevent a significant voltage drop).

Unfortunately, in my case, the physics classroom belongs to option number 1. There is a laptop, an MFP, a TV, a VCR and music on the teacher's desk. center, and a projector hangs overhead. Behind him is a small white projector screen and, in fact, a blackboard. No stacks of macbooks, as there is and is not expected. Well, I'll use what I have. The presence of the projector made me very happy - I have accumulated a lot of rollers, which are so rarely shown in physics lessons and they will be very useful for understanding the theory.
Based on all this, it was decided to supply each young radio amateur with a 5V power supply. Most probably already have them: almost any charge from a phone, tablet, player, etc. For those who don't, I'll distribute from my own stock. We also use battery packs - convenient, mobile and safe. This is about the power supply. About breadboards, components and the rest - a little later. In the near future, I will discuss the "moving" to the office of computer science, because without computers it will soon be difficult.

Slice of knowledge

An equally important task is to determine the "initial conditions", that is, at least the approximate current level of knowledge of future engineers. Without this, it seems to me that it will be difficult to set goals and even more so to achieve them. Even before our first meeting, I prepared a questionnaire and handed it out at the first lesson. Explained what it was for and how to complete it. But all the same, I found out the main points in a conversation in the classroom: I asked about their lessons in physics, computer science and mathematics, about hobbies, about experience in fixing something, about hobbies, the presence of radio amateurs in the family, and so on.
The results are:
- most simply forgot to bring this questionnaire to the second lesson
- two sixth graders and one seventh grader still did it
- ninth-graders scored in full force
- it is noticeable that between the 6th and 7th grade there is a real abyss
- consider that there was no informatics. Maximum office. However, one guy said that there was something Logo-like and another even wrote something in C
- the level of English has not yet been understood, but what was in the questionnaires will not help in any way on English-language resources. Well, that means until we get into the datasheet.
- everyone has a computer and the Internet
- several people have a dad or grandfather at once - engineers and know what's what. This is very good for me, I think things will go much more fun with them.
- even ninth graders are not completely sure how the battery is depicted in the diagram. The younger ones didn't see things like that at all.

Based on this, he made the following conclusions:
1. Start from the very beginning. You cannot rely on the fact that all of them know what an electric current is, for example. Well, it was clear from the start.
2. Sticking to some kind of clear plan and deadlines will be very difficult. Judging by the way the guys brought me the questionnaires)
3. When we get to programming, we also need to start from scratch. A little further I will describe my considerations in more detail.
4. The English part of the network does not yet exist for them. You will have to refer only to Russian resources and documentation. It is clear that I will not be able to motivate them to learn English intensively - the guys still do not understand why this is necessary.
5. Make the most of the Net. For 4 hours a week, you can’t tell everything and you can’t answer all the questions, but there are computers, phones or tablets. Therefore, we must try to teach them to look for answers on the net, communicate with each other and ask me questions not only in the classroom.

I already started a diary on LiveJournal, channel on YouTube for future videos and a skype account. When at the last lesson I talked about all this and asked to use it more actively, everyone almost unanimously said that we need a group on Vkontakte. Well, I'll have to meet halfway, and I'll make such a group a little later. As I understand from conversations, guys are much more likely to visit Vkontakte than on any other site (here I once again want to make a caustic remark, but I can’t, I’m a teacher now =))
In the previous post there was a question about video recording. I tried to record the first two lessons, but it turned out to be extremely inconvenient to do this with a conventional video camera: a narrow angle of view and it is inconvenient to rearrange the tripod in order to shoot either a whiteboard or, for example, a breadboard or some experiments at different times. In the near future I will try to get hold of an action camera and then it will be easier. There are plans to post the most interesting on the YouTube channel.

Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?
Now the main thing: what exactly are we going to do and where to start? I didn't have a clear answer before we started classes. I just imagined possible options. To date, 3 classes have already passed, and I more or less understood the level of preparation of the guys. My cunning plan is:
- The very basics: what is electric current. Try to link this concept with a conventional pipeline, that is, use a hydrodynamic model (HDM) for visual and intuitive training.
- Power supply (battery) and wires. Analogies in the GDM are a pump, a water tank and pipes.
- Breadboard device.
- The simplest circuit on a breadboard - a battery, wires and a light bulb.
- The resistor and its effect on the light bulb and the entire circuit. Analogies in GDM are narrow pipes.
- Several resistors in different switching options.
- LEDs; buttons. Simple circuits with them and analogies in the GDM (valve and gate valve).
- What is a microchip. Take a simple board and clearly show where the MS, resistors, buttons, conductors and power supply are.
- Analog and digital signal
- Chips of standard logic (I will not dwell on this in too much detail, but it still needs to be done).
- The simplest counters, generators, registers, multiplexers, decoders, etc. Several activities.
- Capacitance and inductance.
- Arduino: what is it and why. What is a microcontroller with references to MC standard logic.
- Blink the LED.
- Then everything will be mixed up, depending on the project of a particular person: someone will squeak with a speaker, someone will turn the servo drive, output numbers to seven-segment indicators or handle an array of buttons.

Like this. First, the general things that are needed for any craft, then as questions and problems arise. I plan to explain the concept of capacitance and inductance far from the beginning, most likely when "combat" tasks will arise. Same with alternating current. Somewhere in the distant future there will be radio waves, not yet very soon.
The general idea is to get tangible results as quickly as possible. From the very beginning, I suggested that the guys divide their work into two parts: everyone has their own small project + one common project, but more difficult. He also outlined an approximate period for them - until the New Year holidays. I think that you should immediately get used to the presence of a time frame, otherwise you can amorphously engage in incomprehensibly what the whole year without a visible result.
Now I am more and more inclined to unite the guys by 2-3 people on one project and abandon the common project altogether. If you delve into the theory for too long and do nothing with your hands, then interest will disappear very quickly and people will simply scatter.
As rightly suggested in the comments, wherever possible, I try to explain the theory with the help of an analogy electrical circuits and plumbing. This is a long-known and well-established method; it is much easier for a student to imagine a pump and a damper than invisible charge carriers and, for example, a diode.
The main focus will be on digital electronics, and analog things will be discussed as needed. Therefore, I will try to start working with Arduino as soon as possible: with it it is much easier and faster to get a working device, and besides, you can make and program at home. Why I chose Arduino, I think it's clear. If not, I will answer in the comments.
Thanks to a few good people who responded to the first post, I managed to collect 7 arduino boards, and I have already distributed them to some schoolchildren. Yes, while they do not know which side to take it from, but some will have time to read something about it on their own.

For three classes, we have not managed to do much, but the first lesson was introductory and solely for collecting information, distributing questionnaires and talking about the difficult school life. On the second, we started by drawing a battery + light bulb circuit. For almost everyone, this turned out to be an absolute Chinese literacy and they had to talk about how the elements are displayed on the diagrams. Then, not without difficulty, they made up a similar chain, but "in terms of a water pipe." And then I tried to explain that you can’t leave it like that and you definitely need to add a resistor. Here was a tense (for me) moment: half began to actively yawn, the other half simply looked at the board with complete incomprehension. Therefore, it was decided to immediately proceed to the demonstration performance, and I took out a breadboard with resistors and an LED. First, he explained what a breadboard is and how the contacts are connected in it. Then, with the help of ninth graders, with a detailed discussion of everything that was happening, they assembled a circuit and connected the power supply. But it is clear that this experience is not the most spectacular) And then I managed to attract their attention: I suggested burning the LED by removing the resistor from the circuit. At the word "burn", sparks appear in the eyes, and the mouths break into a smile. So let's go and fry this unfortunate LED, and along the way, everyone could make sure that it is decently heated. After this explanation about the current, the resistor and their relationship went much more fun and productive: now at least it’s clear what I was talking about.
The third session was similar to the second, but began with a repetition and various questions from my side. Again, with difficulty, but almost without my help, we were able to draw a simple diagram of three elements. Again, almost correctly painted the GDM of all this. And then I said that resistors are different and that the light bulb will shine differently depending on this. On the breadboard, all this was immediately checked, different resistors were plugged in. And then somehow, but still almost independently, figured out what would happen if you turn them on in parallel. GDM helps a lot here, and what is important - no formulas were required. For some reason, there were difficulties with the sequential inclusion. Well, not all at once
The most important thing that happened was that they began to discuss their future projects. At first, half wanted to make some kind of "robot", but after my leading questions and conversations, the guys began to gradually descend from heaven to earth. So, for now, here's what they came up with for themselves:
- robotic arm with clamp
- battery charger
- a robot driving on the lane
- automatic pencil sharpener
- a simple radio-controlled car

And the fourth lesson did not take place. Instead, I offered to go to the Russian Robo-Sumo Championship! It seemed to me that it would be interesting for them and could motivate. However, as a result, only three out of about ten people went, despite the fact that the competitions were held almost at the same time as the lesson. Maybe my parents didn’t let me in (for a trip you need to have permission from your parents, that they don’t mind), or maybe they just decided not to bother and stay at home, I don’t know yet. Unfortunately, the parents also showed almost no interest, only the mother of one sixth grader went.

Robo sumo competition
Perhaps someone will be interested in how we went to these competitions. A few days before that, I had arranged to meet there with several people who wanted to get to know each other and exchange experiences. We got to MIEM, the guys sat down in the hall and began to watch the ring with the help of two projectors (sumo wrestling robots are quite small, and even at a close distance it is difficult to see everything that is happening there). Of course, it's great that there are such events where you can easily come and see the work of such enthusiastic people and their robots. I met Vladimir, who offered to help run the circle. I also met Alexei, who has been conducting similar classes for the second year already, but only on the basis of the library. It was also interesting to hear about how it all started and what was the training program.
When there was a short break in the competition program, I noticed that on the far tables something was actively blinking in all colors. I invited the guys to look - it turned out that these were stands assembled on breadboards. Instead of a thousand words - a link to the forum. When in the summer I climbed the net and studied everything on the topic of circles, I hung on this forum for a long time. This is exactly what you need for beginners! Detailed description the prototyping board itself, methods of connecting power, manufacturing and laying wires made from cheap cable, and most importantly, detailed tasks for using standard logic chips. In addition, the forum has a lot of useful things, and in the summer I read it all. That's how at the robo-sumo competition I met a wonderful person, the head of electronics classes at the MEPhI student design research bureau, Vasily Vasilyevich Zuykov. A person who is completely passionate about his work, with whom you can talk for more than one hour. In the same place, he presented our circle with a set for classes according to his program: a breadboard, wires, a battery pack, a 155 series logic set, and even his unusual and functional business card. The photo in the title of the post was taken just at this stand. In the meantime, I tried to tell the guys something about the structure of these circuits and the components used to build them, but the attention of the listeners kept switching to the robots that were driving around the stage) Never mind, soon they themselves will assemble something similar.

About the competition itself.

I would like to tell separately about how violent and positive the reaction to the first post was. I wrote great amount people, and I apologize if I did not manage to answer everyone in time. Several people from other schools asked for classes (unfortunately, this moment this is impossible).
I talked via Skype with the same novice teacher from Astana, as well as another person who has 10 years of practice in such matters behind him.
Ruslan wrote, who then approached the school and handed over a whole package with useful pieces of iron: a soldering iron, several LCD indicators, LEDs, motors, power supplies, Arduino boards and even as many as 2 LaunchPad sets from TI. Posted by uSasha, whom I also met and passed on to the guys full set radio control equipment, as well as the wonderful Meggy Jr RGB board and programming cable. Written by Anatoly, who sent a GSM modem and an FPGA evaluation board.
Vladimir, whom I already mentioned, generally offered his help in conducting classes! I hope everything works out.
Written by Dmitry, who organized the circle "Radio Engineering" in the village. Milkovo, Kamchatka Territory. He also told a lot of interesting things about his adventures: it is very difficult to organize such a thing when the regional center is 300 km away, and there are no specialized stores there. It would be great if he shared his experience with everyone.
I met Ilya and Oleg, the organizers of the RobotClass project - also a great undertaking! I met with Vitaliy, who has a decent experience in teaching programming to schoolchildren.
Several people have offered financial assistance, for which many thanks to them.
And I was also very pleased that not only the strong half of humanity is interested in the topic, but also the beautiful half. Alena, hello to you)
And finally, I just returned from a meeting with Alexey, Kirill and Alexander, who have been teaching robotics for several years and whom I met at robo-sumo. The guys have a lot of ideas, they already have a good idea of ​​what children need and how to convey it to them (this includes programming, electronics, and design). Learned a lot. I really hope that such meetings to exchange experience will now be held on a regular basis.

That's how many people in these two weeks! There was an impression that a very decent number of people were concerned about the topic of additional education, at least in Moscow. This is a sociable, extremely friendly and young community, whose members help each other. Hooray!