Everyone knows that the billing of calls, SMS-messages and other services that a subscriber uses abroad differs from the one that operates within the country. This is due to the presence of roaming - the provision of services in a territory located far from home network subscriber. Due to the fact that another operator is actually engaged in servicing the user, the cost of all services increases.

We will tell you more about how roaming works in this article using the example of a Russian operator mobile communications MTS.

Roaming types

Let's start with the fact that there are several types of roaming operating in tariff packages MTS. These are national, international, network and "Crimean". Let's start with the latter, since the easiest way to explain how it works is the tariffs for communication with the peninsula. Since, due to the geographical features of the location, Crimea is served by local operators, specialized tariffs are introduced for the communication of Russian subscribers with it. With their help, you can, for example, communicate with relatives who went on a summer vacation.

Another type of roaming is network. This is a term that characterizes the connection of a subscriber with users who are not related to his network. For example, if a MegaFon client calls a telephone number served by MTS, this can be called network roaming with confidence. Calls outside the network are usually more expensive due to the fact that the operator involves another company to provide communication services.

However, the topic of our today's article will not be these two types of roaming, but national and international. It is to them that we will pay attention.

Roaming within the country

Within Russia, given its size, there are also different mobile network coverage areas. Due to this, in the process of moving the subscriber between them, he is served different operators. For this reason, when traveling around the country, remember: in some cases, communication can be more expensive. Keep in mind that you are calling people from other places, and therefore these calls or messages can be served different companies which increases the cost of services.

Previously, MTS roaming in Russia consisted of several tariff plans, which could be selected based on their cost and conditions. However, now everything has changed somewhat - the company's tariff line has a package that reduces the cost of calls in its network. At the same time, the company turned off roaming throughout the country.

MTS innovation

This was written on the operator's website on May 25, 2015. The news is that MTS has canceled roaming in Russia, making the conditions for calls outside the region the same as "home" tariffs. It is now about Smart plans- in them, the cost of calls, messages and the Internet was equated to what the user receives, served on "home" conditions. This, of course, is a very attractive innovation in the eyes of subscribers, because other operators still continue to serve customers at a cost that depends on the location of the person.

Due to this, MTS roaming in Russia has actually ceased to be such. This, according to a message on the company's website, will bring service both in terms of quality and price to a completely new level, due to which new subscribers will be attracted. And the reduction in price will contribute to the communication of people among themselves.

So far, MTS roaming within Russia cannot be connected back - the action has acquired too wide a resonance. And, apparently, it is beneficial for the company if the operator can keep prices at this level.

Overseas roaming

With communication outside the country, of course, this will not work. The cost of services provided abroad will always remain quite high. You can verify this by considering the rates that are set on the company's website to this day.

Prices on international roaming MTS sets depending on the country in which the subscriber resides. You can see the cost of MTS roaming on the official website, after selecting the country where you intend to go. It also describes how to use the services provided by the operator, as well as some tips with which service in another country will be easier and more convenient.

How to use the services?

Let's start with the fact that before using all the possibilities of communication abroad, it is necessary to activate two services provided by MTS - "International and national roaming", as well as the option " International Access". They are connected by a single team, provided that the user has been served for more than 6 months and makes contributions to a mobile account of at least 550 rubles a month, or has been a subscriber for more than 12 months and at the same time simply makes some replenishment of the account (regardless of the amount). In the event that you fail to activate the service in this way, MTS roaming abroad is provided through the "Easy roaming and international access" service. Unfortunately, the site does not really indicate what the difference is between them. Both service packages are mutually exclusive, so it’s quite difficult to really understand how they work.

Let's put it this way: if you are looking for how to enable roaming on MTS, both of these services are suitable for you. You can try to activate the one that works with higher requirements; if the service life of the number is less, you can try to connect "Easy roaming".

How to find out the prices?

In order to find out about the cost of services and how to enable roaming on MTS, check out the list of countries and find yours there. On the operator's website, you can easily and simply find out at what price calls (incoming and outgoing calls), SMS messages, and Internet access services will cost you at the time when you are within a foreign country.

The cost is calculated depending on the conditions under which cooperation with the operator of a particular country takes place. A list of companies that work with MTS can be found here. Judging by it, MTS international roaming extends its action to a fairly large number of countries. In some, the operator has several partners, which obviously makes the service cheaper.

On the page for users, seeking information about roaming, there are also tips before the trip. The most useful ones include such as a recommendation to replenish the account in advance in order not to look for points where this can be done abroad. In addition, MTS recommends that you study the prices for communication services in your country as detailed as possible and calculate how much you will approximately spend for each call. It should be understood that the elapsed time is rounded up (in favor of the operator). For example, if you talk for 2 minutes 2 seconds, the system will count that you spoke for 3 minutes.

The operator also recommends not to forget that the data on the funds spent are updated with a delay. If you see that less than you expected was withdrawn from the account, you should not continue the conversation and think that you have deceived the operator. Then it turns out that you "leaked" the balance, and it will be a shame.


Finally, so that users know how to enable roaming on MTS, employees also talk about additional services available to clients. One of them is "Rescue". It is useful for those whose phone was blocked due to a negative balance, which is why there is simply not enough money for an urgent call.

You do not need to activate this option separately - just in case your balance shows “zero”, dial the combination *880*subscriber number#. In a few seconds he will incoming call, during which the robot will offer a person to contact you at their own expense. Thus, he will have a choice - to accept a call from you or refuse.

"Your travel expenses abroad"

The second interesting service that you also need to keep in mind when you are looking for how to enable roaming on MTS is “your expenses on foreign trips”. This option allows you to receive messages when communication costs reach certain amounts - 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 rubles. Apparently, these amounts are fixed, which means that they cannot be changed.

The service must be activated: this is done in the "Personal Account", by sending SMS 588 to 111 or through USSD command*111*588#. This possibility takes into account only those costs that were made after leaving the territory of Russia. It is valid for only 30 days, but it is very convenient because it helps to control the tariffs served by MTS. Roaming can be very costly, so it's best to have SMS like this keep you up to date on what's going on with your account.

Connecting with family and friends while traveling or on a business trip is just as important as when you are in your hometown. Large operators take care of their subscribers by providing profitable terms calls, sending SMS and Internet access when roaming is connected. Over time, companies cellular communication there are many packages that include this service.

What types of roaming does MTS provide?

Leaving the region in which the SIM card is registered, users try to find out about the cost of services operating at their tariff outside the region. As a rule, incoming calls, even without connecting additional options, are affordable, but to call someone on your own, you will have to pay a round sum. Those who forget to clarify how to connect roaming to MTS receive large bills upon arrival for using mobile Internet. In order not to grieve about lost money, figure out what options the company offers for travelers:

  • National - intranet roaming in Russia. When traveling to nearby cities or traveling long distances within the country, do not think that connecting special services does not concern you. Forgetting to turn them on, you risk spending 11 rubles. per minute - for both incoming and outgoing calls. The message will cost at best 4 rubles, and a megabyte of the Internet - 10 rubles. A lot depends on your tariff plan and the region of the planned trip: up-to-date information is available on mts.ru.
  • International MTS roaming abroad. Do you know the situation when calling a friend from another country or sending him a photo to show him the sights, you instantly reset the account? Turning on roaming abroad is the first thing to do when you get off the plane. You can call, for example, from France for 115 rubles. per minute, and the same call from Fiji will cost 250 rubles. The telecommunications company offers several options to avoid such expenses.

How to connect MTS roaming for free

Provision of free services for most companies is a rarity. However, MTS has the opportunity to use free connection both types of service. The subscriber can request that the service be turned on before leaving, and upon returning, turn it off as unnecessary. Every year, based on the opinion of users, the operator creates new more favorable parameters and tariffs with affordable roaming.

How to activate international roaming on MTS

In order to use the phone at any time to call when traveling abroad, you need to take care of turning on a special service. This can be done at the office of the company or online. You can connect MTS international roaming with using USSD provided for GSM networks. The algorithm is simple:

  1. Dial the combination 111, enclosing it between asterisks. Next, enter 2192 and end with a hash.
  2. Press the handset key.

Ease free activation The service is supplemented by some conditions under which the subscriber does not have to pay:

  • The user must be connected to MTS for at least a year.
  • The subscriber must actively use the services of the operator for at least six months.
  • The owner of the number must monthly replenish the balance for any amount, so that on average per month for the current six months it exceeds 470 rubles.

How to switch to MTS roaming in Russia

Connecting services for calls within the country has become easier, but there is something to understand. Until September 2016, the service called "United Country" was successfully operating. From the name it is clear that the company offered cost-effective options, and for free. At the moment, subscribers of individual tariffs do not even have to specify how to connect roaming to MTS in Russia. For example, unlimited Smart tariffs operate throughout the country, do not require additional payment before travel, except for the monthly subscription.

How to enable roaming on MTS - special options

If you do not like to go online while abroad, or do not plan to call up friends from Moscow during your trip, then a package of offers for long-distance or international communications you don't need. As a rule, there are enough separate services. A request for their connection can be made both from a phone and from a computer - through a personal account. The company has taken care of how to make roaming on MTS accessible to everyone, therefore it offers a wide range of special options.

Option Everywhere at home MTS

If upon arrival to visit someone or check into a hotel, it is important for you to maintain the usual level of comfort, use this option of services for communication. So you don't overpay. "Everywhere at home" - an option that operates throughout the country, allowing you to receive incoming calls for free, and call at a price of 3 rubles per minute. You can connect the service like this:

  1. In the message box, type four triples.
  2. Send this text to number 111.

The option is not available for owners of tariffs that already operate throughout Russia. The cost of inclusion is fixed, and is 30 rubles. Every day, 5 rubles will be debited from the account for use. Upon returning home, the service can be easily disabled by adding an extra 0 to the end of the message text. Until the parameter is disabled by the user, the subscription fee will be charged daily.

Easy roaming MTS

International communication, which is necessary when traveling abroad, is also connected using a separate service. Now the "Easy roaming" service is not available for most tariffs, the "Free travel" option has replaced it. It is extremely convenient for those who do not make calls from abroad with a total duration of 60 minutes daily. One hour of calls daily is free for the subscriber, and the time spent in excess of the limit will cost 10 rubles per minute. The subscription fee is 250 rubles. per day. How to connect cheap roaming on MTS, describes the algorithm:

  1. Complete the combination 111 enclosed in stars with the numbers 943 and complete with a lattice.
  2. Press the call button.

Connecting roaming MTS Zero without borders

Short calls are accepted free of charge with activated special services. Being in another country, with the “Zero Without Borders” option enabled, you can receive a call lasting no more than 10 minutes each without paying a single ruble. An outgoing call is charged depending on the place of stay, but the 2nd - 5th minute will cost 25 rubles for each. Roaming on MTS is connected as follows:

  1. Dial an asterisk, command 419 and again an asterisk. Then enter 1233, end with a hash.
  2. Press the call key.

How to check if roaming is connected to MTS or not

Service by any operator implies careful use of services. Returning to the home region, users, as a rule, turn off long-distance and international communication services. However, not everyone does this, especially if there is little time between trips or the tariff automatically provides for specific services. Before enabling roaming in MTS, make sure that you have not done this before. The easiest way to check this is:

  1. through a personal account;
  2. in an application on a smartphone;
  3. using the combination *111#.

Video: how to switch to roaming on MTS

Going on a trip in Russia or abroad, many people do not think about the cost of mobile communications when they are in national or international roaming. Subsequently, such subscribers are very surprised that their balance almost immediately became negative. To reduce communication costs while outside your home network, you need to take care of connecting roaming in advance.

As part of this review, we will look at how to enable roaming on MTS, and also provide a description of additional options that allow you to reduce communication costs while in national and international roaming (intranet roaming on MTS was canceled in 2018).

To be able to make calls when you are outside your home network, you need to activate the "International Access" and "International Roaming and National Roaming" services. To activate these services, dial *111*2192#.

To make roaming cheaper, you can connect additional options:

  • For traveling around Russia - "Everywhere at home." Connection: *111*3333#.
  • For traveling around the world - "Zero without borders". Connection: *111*4444#.

To find out more, read the article in full.

National or international roaming MTS

First of all, it should be said that roaming can be national and international. The first operates within the country in some regions, the second - around the world.

Once on this page, you probably would like to know how to enable roaming on MTS in order to stay in touch when you are abroad. The fact is that without connecting special services, the subscriber will not be able to make calls, send messages and access the Internet while outside his country.

As for national roaming, in most cases registration in guest networks is carried out automatically. The only thing that needs to be done in this case is to activate the “Everywhere at home” option to make communication in roaming cheaper. We will return to this service later.

Let's start with a description and activation of services that allow you to connect roaming on MTS, and then we will take a closer look at additional options with which you can make roaming cheaper.

As mentioned earlier, communication outside the home network will not be available if services are not connected. "International and national roaming" and "International access". These services are activated simultaneously by entering a special command. Other ways to activate services are also possible.

How to activate roaming on MTS - USSD command, call, personal account

To plug roaming on MTS can:

  • using the USSD command * 111 * 2192 # ;
  • through the personal account of MTS;
  • by calling the contact center;
  • by contacting the MTS office.

Before you connect roaming to MTS using one of the above methods, you should make sure that connection to these services is available for you. If you have been using a SIM card for less than 6 months and less than 600 rubles have been spent for the entire time, then it will be impossible to activate the services "International and national roaming" and "International access". In this case, the only solution will be to activate the "Easy roaming with international access" service.

Service "Easy roaming with international access"

To plug "Easy roaming with international access" service can:

  1. using the command * 111 * 2157 # ;
  2. by sending an SMS with the text 2157 to number 111;
  3. by calling the MTS operator.

Tariffication of foreign communications on MTS is per minute. The call duration is rounded up. If, for example, the conversation lasted 1 minute 28 seconds, then the payment is debited from the subscriber's account in 2 minutes. In some countries, withholding funds from a SIM card for communication is carried out with some delay.

How to reduce costs in MTS roaming

Above, the process of connecting services that allow you to register in the network of another operator, being anywhere in the world, was described. You will be able to use communication in roaming, but the costs will be quite significant. MTS has developed special options, the connection of which allows you to make communication in roaming cheaper.

Option "Everywhere at home"

To reduce communication costs when traveling in Russia, you need to activate the "Everywhere at home" option.

You can connect "Everywhere at home":

  • using the USSD command * 111 * 3333 # ;
  • by sending an SMS with the text 3333 to number 111;
  • through the personal account of MTS.

You can get acquainted with the features of the “Everywhere at home” option on the official website of the operator.

Option "Zero without borders"

If you are interested in saving money when traveling abroad, then you should enable the Zero Without Borders option.

You can connect the option "Zero without borders":

  • using the USSD command * 111 * 4444 # ;
  • through your personal account in the "Service Management" section;
  • through the MTS contact center.

How to find out if roaming is connected on an MTS phone

If you do not know whether you have roaming enabled or not, check this information using one of the following methods:

  1. Log in to your MTS personal account and in the "Service Management" section, see if the services described earlier are connected.
  2. Call the customer support center at 8 800 250 08 90 and ask your question. If you are abroad, then you can call the MTS operator at +7 495 766 01 66.
  3. To find out the cost of communication services in the host country, dial * 111 * 33 # .

If it becomes necessary to disable roaming on MTS, then the easiest way to do this is in your personal account or by calling the operator.

Travel the world and stay in touch with your telephone number- it's more than possible. Especially for this, a roaming service was created, which also works in the MTS network. In this review, we will tell you how to connect international roaming to MTS and what you need for this. We will also give brief information about some features of roaming in individual countries.

International roaming - types

The international roaming service on MTS allows you to stay in touch anywhere in the world, even on its very edge. True, communication services will cost quite a lot, but their cost is easily reduced by special options. Thanks to this, subscribers will be able to save money on calls, SMS and mobile internet. But before you hit the road, you should learn how to connect international roaming on MTS.

Going on a trip, on vacation or on a business trip, some subscribers do not think about whether their Cell phones Abroad. The sad result is the lack of registration in the guest network - the handset is on, but you can only get through emergency services(as a rule, they can be reached without a SIM card at all). In order for the phone to be able to register in a foreign network, it is necessary to activate international roaming.

Roaming services work in almost all countries of the world - for this, between MTS and foreign mobile networks relevant agreements are signed. If there is an agreement on online roaming (CAMEL roaming), then you will need to activate the "Easy roaming and international access" service. If there is no agreement on online roaming between the selected country and MTS, you need to activate two services at once - "International and national roaming" and "International access".

Connecting services

It is fashionable to clarify the list of countries and operators with which MTS has concluded an agreement on CAMEL-roaming directly on the operator's website. If you are too lazy to look for information, just call help desk or drop by your nearest service office. Let's see how to activate international roaming on MTS if you are going to travel to countries with CAMEL roaming:

  • Send an SMS with the text "2175" (without quotes) to service number 111;
  • Dial USSD command *111*2175#;
  • Go to the "Personal Account" and activate the service "Easy roaming and international access" there;
  • Go to the service page on the operator's website and connect it by pressing a button.

After that, it remains only to replenish your account - you can go abroad. By the way, the "Easy roaming and international access" service is activated free of charge and does not need to be disabled. No subscription fee it doesn't have it.

Let's see how to enable international roaming on MTS so that it is guaranteed to work in any country in the world - for this you need to activate the services "International and national roaming" and "International access". This link is connected as follows:

  • Using the USSD command *111*2192#;
  • With the help of " Personal account» MTS;
  • Through the MTS contact center;
  • On the MTS website, on the page "Roaming and intercity - Traveling around the world."

Please note that services will be activated only if your number has been serviced in the MTS network for more than 12 months or if you have spent more than 650 rubles on any communication services over the past 6 months. Another condition is the mandatory monthly payments to your account (for any amount above 0 rubles). The cost of connection is 0 rubles, there is no subscription fee, disconnection is optional.

If you do not want to contact the MTS contact center and teams, but want to activate international roaming, take your passport and contact the nearest customer service office.

Roaming is an opportunity to be in touch with your number while traveling around the country and abroad. Many subscribers do not worry that communication in roaming can be more expensive than in their region. In order not to pay extra for communication, we recommend that you activate roaming in advance. Roaming from a red-white operator is provided both in the territory Russian Federation(this is national roaming), and on the territory of other states (this is international roaming).

In this review, we will describe in detail how to enable roaming and what additional options you need to enable in order to save money on your phone bill while roaming. You can see what services are available and tariffs for roaming from other operators.

International roaming is more expensive than national roaming. This is due to the fact that in national roaming the client is served in its own network. When you are in international roaming, funds leave your account very quickly. But the red-white operator has several special services that will help reduce the cost of incoming and outgoing roaming calls. Without them, the subscriber will not be able to make calls, send SMS and access the Internet while staying outside his country.

For the phone to work in roaming, there is no need to change the phone settings. It is only necessary that the number has the function connected registration in guest networks. The same possibility (registration of guest subscribers) must be present in the operator's guest networks. When roaming around the country, you do not need to configure anything - everything works automatically.

No matter what roaming you are in, our review has answers to your questions.

How to activate roaming

As you already understood, in order to be able to communicate in roaming, you need to activate access services to international and Russian roaming. These services are connected at the same time. They can be activated by the clients of this operator - citizens of our country, individuals or legal entities. To activate roaming, you can use the following options:

  • Send a command from your mobile phone * 111 * 2192 # and click on call;
  • Go to Personal Area follow this link lk.ssl.mts.ru and activate these services in it. You can read more about the Personal Account in a separate article. It is located in the section of this operator on the site;
  • Contact a consultant customer relations center. You can do this in several ways: by chatting with a specialist on the operator's website; by calling free number 0890 (available from Russia Ukraine and Belarus); in any roaming you can call from a phone with a SIM card of this operator to a number +7 495 7660 166 ; from a landline phone, you can call free phone 8-800-2500890 .
  • Contact nearest operator's office.

There are connection restrictions for roaming access. The client must use the connection for at least six months, and his average monthly expenses must be at least 470 rubles or use the connection for at least 12 months. When connecting the service, the balance must be positive, and the number must not be blocked.

If for some reason you are unable to fulfill these conditions, you can contact the nearest salon or connect the service " Easy roaming and international access».

You can activate or block this service by choosing one of the following methods:

  1. Send this USSD request from your phone *111*2157# ;
  2. Dial SMS on your phone with dialing 2157 and send it to your phone 111 ;
  3. Log in to your Personal Account and enable or disable the service there.

Connection and disconnection of services is free. There are no monthly payments. For those who want to use the Internet in roaming, our article will be useful. To read it, take a look at the section Roaming.

How to activate special options for roaming

In the previous sections of this article, we described how to connect services with which you can communicate in other countries. Now you can communicate in roaming, but the communication costs will be significant. The operator has the ability to connect special services, thanks to which you will reduce your expenses while in roaming.

If you are traveling around the country, then you need to activate the service " Everywhere at home". You can read more about this. You can connect using:

  1. USSD request. To do this, dial on your phone *111*3333# and press the call button;
  2. SMS. To do this, send an SMS with numbers from your phone 3333 to phone 111 ;
  3. Take advantage Personal account. Find the section "Service Management».

You can learn more about this option on the operator's website.

For those who want to save on calls in international roaming, we recommend activating the service " Zero without borders". You can read more about these conditions by clicking on this.

You can enable this option in the following ways:

  • Send a request * 111 * 3333 # and press the call button;
  • Use the Personal Account;
  • Contact the customer support center. You can read more about how to contact the operator in this.

Before activating roaming, carefully study our reviews of these services. More information about roaming Russian operators you can read in the section Roaming.

How to find out if roaming is available

There are several ways to find out about the activation of this service:

  • Use your Personal Account. Go to the section " Service management". It lists all the services that are connected to your number;
  • You can call the service center on this number 8800 250 08 90 . If you are in another country, you can call this number +7 495 766 01 66 and chat with a specialist;
  • If you want to get acquainted with the cost of services in another state, you can send a USSD request from your phone *111*33# and click on call.

For those who want to deactivate roaming, it is possible to use the Personal Account functionality or contact a consultant at the above numbers. A separate article has been written on how to disable roaming. If you have questions, then write them in the comments.