Operating Windows systems have come a long way since its inception. They improved every year, and now the latest version of Windows 8 was released, hanging right at the first Microsoft presentation, and then recognized as a failure by the development company. And here the user is faced with a very serious problem. On the one hand, all latest models computers and laptops are produced with the "eight". On the other hand, modern hard drives, used in them, have gpt markup. As a result, an error occurs when installing Windows 7. What could be the reasons? Why does the laptop display the message " Windows installation on the this disc impossible"? The GPT partition is to blame.

"Junk" or a reliable friend?

Up to creating Windows 8 operating systems used markup hard drives called mbr. Accordingly, support for sections in them is carried out exclusively until latest version. Thus, if you are going to demolish the installed "eight" and install more old version operating system, they will not be able to recognize the latest GPT interface, which may result in the installation saying "Windows cannot be installed to this disk." GPT won't be recognized, so the user won't even be able to tell what the problem is. Let's understand its essence.

Older operating systems work with MBR. What it is? MBR (Master Boot Record) is programming code and information needed to pre-launch the system. They are located in the first marked sector hard drive. The MBR launch takes place after the initial BIOS check of all devices. Its main function is to determine the location of the files needed to boot the operating system. As you understand, an error during the installation of Windows 7 can be caused by the fact that new standard EFI using GPT is unable to detect the OS and write it to its startup partition.

What is GPT?

GPT is a format standard for placing a partition table on a hard disk. The fact is that Intel suggested new interface to replace the usual BIOS. It's called EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface), and that's part of the new format, GPT.

One of the features of the EFI standard is that it has both possible ways initial download. Since GPT uses a logical block addressing system, the start blocks have the following structure:

  1. LBA 0- the very first sector containing MBR information. So the creators made sure that it was always possible to convert the disc to the required format.
  2. LBA 1- here is the table of contents of the GPT partition table.
  3. LBA 2- this sector is designed to store the partition table itself.

Based on the foregoing, you should understand that these two disk layout standards are so different that it is impossible to install Windows on new hard drives. GPT will simply prevent the operating system using mbr from taking and erasing partitions on the hard disk, and thereby possibly damaging its structure.

On your marks!

So, if you still decide to reinstall the operating system, do not forget to prepare everything you need:

Are you ready? Then we start.


The first series of steps to follow when installing an operating system:

  1. Start restarting your computer. At this moment, hold down the F2 key in order to get into BIOS management. Remember that the buttons required to run this routine may differ for different laptop models, and due to the very short period of time in which you need to press the button, it is better to just hold it down for the entire reboot.
  2. Once in the BIOS, you can finish the last stage of preparing for reinstallation - insert the installation disk into the computer.
  3. In the settings, specify the device from which you want to boot the laptop. You need to set your drive to the first line.
  4. In the additional options, in the security settings, instead of the UEFI standard used, set the parameter "Legacy" or "Legacy and UEFI". This will remove the reinstallation protection.
  5. Save and exit BIOS. After that, we restart the computer.
  6. When the message "To boot from the disk, press any key ..." appears, we fulfill the request of the computer.
  7. The start window of the operating system installer appears. Let's move on dialog boxes, we reach the manager of hard disk management. Delete all existing partitions (except for the very first one). We are trying to specify it to install the OS.
  8. It is at this stage that the system may warn you that Windows cannot be installed on this disk. GPT format will not allow you to install the system.
  9. If you do not have any difficulties or inscriptions, calmly continue the installation according to these instructions. If you are unable to complete the installation, see the next chapter of this article.
  10. So, having eliminated all obstacles, we proceed to the installation. It can take you up to two hours of free time, so, leaving the computer, you can safely go to drink tea.
  11. The last step will be initial setup PC. Set the time and language. Enter the activation key. Your OS is ready to go.


If you encounter a problem at the stage of choosing a hard disk for installation, and you receive a message that Windows cannot be installed on this disk, you need to convert the gpt format to mbr. To do this, you will have to perform the following steps. Press "Shift + F10". And then enter several commands in sequence:

diskpart - sel dis 0 - clean - convert mbr - exit - exit.

This will allow you to convert partitions to mbr format. Now you can safely continue the installation of the operating system according to the previous chapter.


So, after reading, you can independently proceed to reinstall the operating system. Despite what was said in this article, installing Windows on gpt (partition without "witchcraft") is possible in two cases. Firstly, if you are installing an operating system or assembly that supports GPT disk partitions. Secondly, in the case when the assembly of the operating system is "younger" than Windows 8, it is independently capable of converting hard disk partitions to the required format. In other cases, installation is not possible, gpt here The creators of the laptop could initially make sure that users do not reinstall the OS themselves and do not produce pirated copies.

Hard drives with GPT partition style have appeared recently, but some computers are already equipped with them out of the box. Working with this format is slightly different when compared with standard MBR disks, especially in the installation of the operating system. How to do this, we will consider further.

GPT disk - what is it?

First, let's find out what MBR (Master Boot Record) is. This is a partition on the hard drive reserved for loading the operating system. Based on this sector, the work of the entire hard disk is built.

This scheme has been used for 20 years, and today it involves the following restrictions:

  • The maximum partition size on a hard drive cannot exceed 2 TB;
  • You can only partition a disk into 4 partitions or less;
  • Data redundancy cannot be guaranteed.
Hard drives get bigger and new versions of the operating system appear. As a result, the MBR scheme limits the capabilities of the computer. Iron manufacturers and software noticed this problem and created a new disk partitioning system called GPT. This format gives you more options.

For example, you can take sections - on GPT disk There can be up to 128 of them, and up to 4 on MBR. But the user may encounter incompatibility between the BIOS version and the GPT disk. As a result, you will not be able to install Windows 7. This problem has already been solved - you can install Windows 7 yourself.

Step by step installation instructions

To install the seven, we need a bootable flash drive. If you have not prepared a flash drive yet, we recommend using a drive of at least 8 GB for this purpose. Write the installation disk image to a USB flash drive - this can be done using simple programs. For example, you can take BurnISO, which has a function for creating boot disk. You can download it from here. Now let's move on to the main process.

Useful advice! Many users do not know how to determine the BIOS version. It can be the old format or UEFI - we need the second option. To find out, open the BIOS at boot and check if the mouse works. If yes, then you have a new version BIOS UEFI. It is also noticeable in the interface.

Step #1 - Preparing the BIOS

So, you have made sure that UEFI is running on the computer. Now the BIOS needs to be configured correctly. This is done according to the following scheme:

After finishing BIOS settings will reboot on its own. If you have correctly specified all the parameters, then the installation of the "seven" will begin in automatic mode. If there are problems again, then double-check the correctness of the parameters entered in UEFI.

Step #2 - Installing Windows

After the reboot, we will be transferred to the installation menu. If you have already installed Windows 7 on GPT before, then you can skip this step. For novice users, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the process. Select the Russian language (or another) and press the button Further

Selecting a button Install, study the conventions and choose the mode Full installation in which you can see additional options. In the next menu, several hard disk partitions will appear in front of us, just click on the button Further.

Now you need to call the command line to convert the disk to GPT format.

IMPORTANT! After that, all data and partitions will be erased.

To call the line, press the combination Shift+F10. Run the following commands one by one:
  • diskpart
  • sel dis 0
  • clean
  • convert gpt
  • exit
  • exit

Now we press the button Refresh and then follow the instructions. Begins standard installation"sevens". We need to wait for the process to complete and go to the menu Disk Management. We choose the option where our system is located, and in context menu click on PropertiesTom. Here you can make sure that the operation was successful - now the disk has GPT style.

Why can't I put Windows 7 on GPT format?

If everything was done correctly, but the installation may not start due to incompatibility with the GPT disk. There may be several reasons for such a malfunction. We have already said about the need for a UEFI disk, the second important requirement is a 64-bit system. 32-bit (x86) is used only on older computers, so a GPT disk is not designed to install this version.

To check, you need to go to This computer (My computer). On the white field, press RMB and click on Properties. We will see data about our computer and hardware. Scroll down the window and find the part dedicated to the operating system we are interested in. There you will see what bit depth is suitable for your computer:

If you have a 32-bit format, then there is no point in trying to put the seventh version on the GPT format. Try to convert GPT to MBR - after that the installation should start. It is recommended to upgrade to a 64-bit motherboard for new hard drives to work properly.

Video installation of windows 7 on gpt

In the following video you will see how to install Windows with GPT partition style. It also provides ways to eliminate errors and convert the disc.

Problems with installing an OS from Microsoft on GPT occur most often among owners of the seventh version. More modern Windows will automatically switch to this disk style. But sometimes without initial setting UEFI cannot be installed on Windows 8 either. The problem can be solved using our instructions if you have a modern BIOS version.

If you carefully read official documentation Microsoft, you can take it for yourself that all versions of Windows, starting with Server 2003 SP1, can work with GPT markup using a data storage partition. The problem is that only 64-bit versions that are installed on motherboards with UEFI.

Why is the GPT format needed?

When using the usual MBR partitioning, only 2 TB is available, while the rest of the space cannot be partitioned. Just in order to use the entire volume of the hard drive, if it exceeds 2 TB, and GPT markup is needed.

This format has other advantages:

  • Support for a large number of partitions (128, while MBR has only 4).
  • High level of reliability. Partitions are duplicated in several places on the disk, so even if the first sectors are damaged, this will not affect the performance of the equipment.
  • No need to use logical partitions.

This is where you can stop the theoretical enumeration of the advantages and begin to figure out in practice how to install Windows 7 on a GPT disk.

Booting from a GPT partition

There are several methods to solve the problem Windows startup on the BIOS systems from a GPT disk, but you need to be familiar with Linux to use them. Therefore, the easiest way to use a GPT partitioned hard drive is to connect HDD MBR and boot from it.

However, there is another way, less known, but tested by users on their machines. It is with him that we will meet today. You will need:

  1. USB flash drive with a capacity of at least 64 MB. It will host the bootmgr boot manager, which will provide the initial system startup, and then transfer control to the main Windows bootloader hosted on the GPT volume.
  2. A system that, at the BIOS level, supports working with a USB drive.

It looks a little confusing at the moment, but you will understand everything during the installation process. In addition, using this method, you can install Windows 7 of any bitness, and not just the 64-bit version.

Installation on a blank disk

If you try to install Windows on a GPT hard drive on a computer without UEFI, you will get a message like this:

In principle, you can try to convert an MBR partition to GPT using special commands, but this method has two serious drawbacks:

  • First, it is a rather complicated procedure.
  • Secondly, it is highly likely that after installation, if it goes well, you will again see your disk with MBR partitioning. Moreover, some amount of free space may simply disappear, so it’s better not to experiment, and go straight to the proven option - changing the layout of the volume with the system already installed.

In addition, as we said above, only 64-bit can be installed on the GPT partition. Windows version 7, 8 and only through the UEFI environment.

Changing the layout of the volume with the installed system

To perform this procedure, you will need the Gptgen utility on a flash drive. With its help, you can convert the partition table format from MBR to GPT without losing the data stored on the hard drive.

Important! Although there are usually no problems with the saved information, it is recommended that you transfer the necessary data to removable media so that, if necessary, you can easily access them, and not decide how to recover deleted files.

Working with the Gptgen utility

During the format conversion process, a warning will appear on the screen stating that the developers cannot guarantee the correct loading of the disc after changing its format. After a while, you will see a notification that the conversion was successful. Now you can start installing the bootloader on removable media.

Transferring the bootloader

After restarting the computer, the system will not start - this is a normal situation, as it should be. Connect the flash drive prepared in advance to the computer, boot from the installation Windows disk 7 and open a command prompt (you can run it with Shift+F10).

After completing all the described steps on the command line and restarting the computer, you need to go into the BIOS and set the boot priority from the USB flash drive. After saving the changes, the system should boot correctly.

You can verify that Windows is hosted on a GPT partition using Disk Manager (diskmgmt.msc). On the "Volumes" tab system disk the partition type must be "GUID Partition Table".

Similarly, you can install a 32-bit version of Windows 7 or even a 64-bit version of Windows XP and run it safely on a disk with a GPT partition.

It's no secret that sometimes when installing Windows 7 on modern computers or laptops, at the partition selection stage, the installer gives an error message stating that installation on the selected partition is not possible because it has the GPT style. Many users are puzzled by this situation quite strongly. And immediately the question arises of how to change the style of GPT partitions so that the system installs as expected. To do this, you can apply three options for action, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Windows 7 installation does not recognize: what is the reason?

Without going into technical details, it is worth saying that when installing an OS with a rank higher than seventh on hard drives with a volume of more than 2 TB and a primary UEFI input / output system, it is not recommended to change partition styles.

And for Windows 7, the installation does not recognize the GPT partition style, since it can only work with the MBR (boot record) style. But here you have to think about where to install the system. It is not recommended to change the GPT with a volume of more than 2 TB, because after the conversion only the space that does not exceed this limit will be recognized, and everything else will remain unused. Therefore, it is better to choose another section.

On the other hand, the problem is observed precisely with UEFI if the computer does not have an outdated BIOS. However, regardless of the volume system partition can be assigned the GPT style.

How to change the style of GPT partitions using the OS installer?

But how then to change the style to install Windows 7? In the very simple case you can use the tools of the system installer itself.

How to change GPT partition style? Everything is simple. If suddenly a message appears about the impossibility of installation, you must first select from the list desired section(usually this is a zero disk with the first partition) and click the disk settings button below.

Next, a window will appear with complete list partitions contained on the disk. The essence of the question is to unite them at the first stage. To do this, you simply need to delete all partitions except for the one reserved by the system.

After that, unallocated space will appear in the list of partitions. We press the continue installation button, after which the installer will choose which style the partition needs to be converted to, perform all the necessary actions automatically and continue the installation process.

Converting via command line on a running system

Now consider the question of how to change the style of GPT partitions through the command console in an OS with a rank higher than the seventh, if it needs to be installed in the future. Usage command console is the optimal solution, since even the disk administration system does not always allow such operations to be performed correctly.

So, first we launch the console as an administrator, which uses the DISKPART tool, and first of all we write the list disk command, after which a list of all available partitions will be displayed on the screen. A GPT partition can be recognized not even by its size, but by the presence of an asterisk on the right opposite the description.

The next step is to clean up the partition, which is done by entering the clean command (this is necessary so that the conversion to MBR goes without errors).

Upon completion of the cleanup operation, you can convert the style of the selected partition, which is done through the convert mbr line.

The next step is to create boot partition and connect it to the system by serial input create partition primary and assign command (you can also add formatting, but in most cases this is not necessary for the subsequent installation of the system).

Upon completion of all processes, we exit by entering the exit command. All. Now you can restart your computer or laptop and install the desired operating system from any removable media.

Using Third Party Utilities

Finally, a few words about how to change the style of GPT partitions using third-party disk utilities many of which have been developed to date.

One of the simplest and most convenient is the Minitool Partition Wizard program, the interface of which almost completely repeats the appearance of the administration window. Windows drives, but differs in instrumentation. Actually, its use is to select the desired section and call the conversion command through the RMB menu. After that, it remains only to follow the instructions and agree to the proposals for changes.

Please note that use this program in a loaded system is not possible (the OS simply will not allow such conversions to be made). But since the utility itself has its own bootloader, it must first be written to removable media, making it bootable (for example, when help UltraISO or Daemon Tools), set the device as the first one to boot, start from it, and only then perform all the above steps.

What tool to use?

That's all for the question of how to change the style of GPT partitions. Which of these do you prefer? For the laziest, of course, the above utility or actions at the system installation stage will do. But here it should be noted that the conversion in both cases may be somewhat incorrect due to some features of the Windows installer and the program engine. But command line is guaranteed to change the style without causing errors. So it is better to give preference to this particular technique, although for many it may seem more complicated and lengthy in execution.

Hello blog readers.

GPT hard drives hit the market computer technology relatively recently. At the same time, today many new devices are equipped with just such memory elements. Compared to the usual MBRs, the work of the former is different. This is especially noticeable when installing Windows on a GPT disk. How exactly this happens - I will try to describe in detail in the article below.

First of all, it is worth finding out what is a GPT disk? But let's start with another, more familiar format - MBR. The latter is the master boot record - a small area on the hard drive that is used to start the operating system. It is based on the settings of this section that the system is already being built work hard disk.

This scheme has been actively used for the last 20 years. It has several limitations:

    the disk is divided into four partitions maximum;

    each of them cannot be more than 2 TB. Although at first glance this may seem unimportant, nevertheless, there are users who are clearly not satisfied with the current situation. That is why the GPT format was developed. Compared to its predecessor, it has more features:

    up to 128 sections;

    the amount of memory is not limited to 2 TB.

True, there are also some negative sides - the incompatibility of some BIOS versions and the new format of hard drives. To be more precise, it is not possible to install Windows on certain drives.

What do you need?( )

For the procedure we need bootable flash drive. For this, a device with a size of at least 8 GB is perfect. Write the image to portable memory. This is done using various additional software.

Important! The BIOS version can be of the old format (GPT is not possible on this disk) and UEFI - we are interested in just the second option. To find out the version, just refer to the interface itself. Go into the BIOS and check if the mouse cursor is active. If you have it - you new version. In addition, the design is clearly different.

So, installation from a flash drive to a UEFI GPT disk is carried out in several stages.

BIOS preparation( )

The first item is correct setting BIOS:

If the portable memory is connected to the computer, after the above steps, the device will reboot and the installation of Windows 7 or another version will begin. The same is done from the installation disk. True, you first need to specify the appropriate settings.

Installation( )

The process of locating Windows 8 or other versions on a hard drive is slightly different:

Important! In this case, it will not be possible to do without data loss. So everything needs to be done first. required files write to a separate device.

So, to call the line, press the combination " Shift+F10". Next, we write a few commands:

sel dis 0
convert gpt

Each line must end with " Enter».

Not set( )

In some cases, even if everything was done correctly, the procedure may not start. There may be several reasons at once. So, for example, it was already said earlier that without UEFI this will definitely not work.

Another important point is the presence of a 64-bit OS. The previous one - x32 - is used only on older devices, and therefore GPT is not suitable for this. What to do and how to find out? Let's go to " A computer"and on a white background press" Properties". A window with system and hardware information will open. We are interested in the line where "" is mentioned. Here the appropriate bit depth will be indicated.

So, if you have a 32-bit scheme, this is not suitable for installation. You may not even be wasting your time. For everything to work, you need to change the format from GPT to MBR - everything should start.

For the correct operation of new hard drives, the bit depth must be 64-bit.

Converting from MBR to GPT with saving information( )

Another reformatting option will allow you to save data that you don’t want to just part with. You can use third party software for this. It could be a solution from Acronis. But the best so far can be safely called Minitool Partition Wizard.

The application is a bootable *.ISO, which also has additional free functionality that allows you to manage disks. Including the program allows you to convert a disk to GPT while retaining the information.

We perform several steps:

Sometimes there are cases when the program reports that the disk is system and it is impossible to convert. To bypass, do the following:

If you suddenly found yourself incomprehensible at some point, you can find out detailed information from the video:

Interaction with Mac OS( )

Some Mac users choose to work not with the built-in system, but with the new one - Windows. To locate it on the equipment, you need to use special software - Bootcamp. If we talk about GPT on these devices, certain problems may appear during installation. More detailed information Please contact Microsoft on this matter.

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