Bitcoin is a digital currency founded in 2009. Calculations in it are not regulated by the state, the release of a new cryptocurrency occurs due to the functioning of millions of computers around the world. Bitcoin is the result of complex mathematical calculations, gaining more and more popularity.

Note! In some countries, bitcoin is officially recognized as a means of payment at the state level.

Ways to earn Bitcoins

There are several ways to earn bitcoins, this article covers the main ones.

The choice of the appropriate method depends on the answers to the following questions:

  1. Ability and willingness to invest own funds;
  2. Set goals (long-term prospects for maximizing profits, urgent conclusions);
  3. Technical ability of the user (availability of the necessary equipment);
  4. Availability of time


The mining procedure is understood as the extraction of cryptocurrency. Due to the growing popularity of bitcoins, it is becoming more and more difficult to mine them, so the requirements for specialized mining equipment are constantly increasing.

The essence of mining is the calculation of mathematical problems by computer technology (hashing process). The more powerful the hardware, the higher the computing power. The solution of the mathematical problem forms a block of bitcoins - a certain amount of cryptocurrency: in 2017, 1 block = 12.5 BTC.

How does the farm work?

A mining farm is a whole system of interconnected miners connected to the database to process data and generate transaction blocks through 1 or more computers. The reward for each found block is the receipt of cryptocurrency.

Factors affecting the speed of block definition:

  1. The power of devices combined into a farm;
  2. The complexity of the blockchain - the more users and power, the more difficult it is to determine the blocks.

To increase computing power, users are united in pools - specialized platforms that unite miners for a certain commission.In mining pools, all earned bitcoins are distributed in proportion to the volume of calculations performed by the user, i.e. proportional to power.

Stages of creation

To form your own mining farm, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Invest your own funds in equipment: purchase of video cards or specialized miners, additional power supplies;
  2. Construction of a server room where the farm itself is assembled (additional costs for renting a room may be required);
  3. Cooling system control;
  4. The assembled structure is connected to the main computer, on which, accordingly, the connection to the selected pool is made;
  5. Launching the cryptocurrency mining process.

cloud mining

Cloud mining is a way to get cryptocurrency using third-party data centers.

The essence of the process:

  1. Select one of the services cloud mining;
  2. The package is paid (the cost of the package depends on computing power connected equipment): payment can be made both with available bitcoins, and through bank transfers or credit cards;
  3. Mining starts, the user connects to the selected pools;
  4. The received cryptocurrency is distributed among the pool participants.

Note! Additionally, payment for the maintenance of data centers and electricity costs is debited from the balance of the miner.


The main goal of investing in cryptocurrency is to develop a long-term strategy to maximize income.

Investing in bitcoins can take place in the following ways:

  1. By creating a bitcoin wallet: bitcoins are bought through any trading floor cash;
  2. Buying a share in a specialized hedge fund;
  3. Investing in bitcoin mining.

Investment benefits:

  • Anonymity of all calculations;
  • Decentralization: cryptocurrency is created by miners, there is no government regulation and commissions for transferring funds;
  • Limited number of issued bitcoins (21 million bitcoins)

To calculate the payback of the project, you can use bitcoin calculators on the network, which, based on the initial data, allow you to calculate the approximate payback period and the possible amount of profit received.


Classic exchange trading in cryptocurrency is carried out according to the principles of stock and currency markets: based on technical analysis of the received information about the bitcoin exchange rate, a trading strategy is chosen. Professional trading is work, you need to constantly analyze the state of the market.

In addition, some exchanges offer the services of professional traders: trading is carried out in accordance with the strategy developed by them.

Earnings on faucets

One of the ways to get cryptocurrency without investing your own finances is to use bitcoin faucets.

The essence of cranes: the owners of Internet portals put up their advertisements (banners, etc.) on a specialized site. After registration (free of charge), site visitors click on the buttons-links to advertisers' portals (depending on the tap, these transitions appear every half hour or hour). Earning bitcoin kopecks (satoshi) is carried out from the number of viewed advertising banners and time of activity on the advertiser's portal. Withdrawal of funds - to a bitcoin wallet.

Bitcoin games

For fans of online games, there are games for bitcoins that allow you to earn cryptocurrency. This way of earning does not require user investments. Restriction - the minimum threshold for the withdrawal amount (varies depending on the developer).

The types of games are very diverse: from standard online casinos to growing vegetables and fruits on your own farm.

Partnership programs

It is beneficial for any Internet portal to attract as many investments as possible, therefore, various affiliate programs are being developed, the essence of which is to obtain additional privileges when attracting new users.


  • A certain percentage of the purchases of the attracted user is credited to the bitcoin wallet;
  • Advanced analytical data for trading on the bitcoin exchange;

The more attracted users who register on the portal through referral links, the more income.

Is it possible to earn bitcoins without investment?

Currently, bitcoins are in huge demand, as the exchange rate for them is constantly increasing. The anonymity of transactions and the lack of legislative regulation makes the cryptocurrency more and more popular. But is it possible to get bitcoins without investments?

For the really big and quick money investments are needed. Home mining is gradually losing its relevance due to the increase in the capacities of the largest organizations, however, cloud mining is still able to bring quite a lot of profit.

Earning without investments is possible, but it will take much more time: any online games or faucets set earnings rates in Satoshi (penny) and you need to constantly complete certain tasks in order to receive cryptocurrency to your wallet.

What to do with earned bitcoins?

Bitcoins are a cryptocurrency, characterized by the fact that there is no centralized place for storing registries - the history of all transactions carried out is stored on each computer involved in the process.

Purchase of goods and services

In some countries, bitcoin is recognized as an official means of payment. Bitcoins are accepted by such giants as Microsoft, Wikipedia. However, many companies refuse to accept payment in cryptocurrency due to its high volatility.

The technical side of the issue: payment for goods or services to a third party, an organization is a transfer of personal funds from a bitcoin wallet to a counterparty's wallet. The seller creates a QR code, the buyer scans it and receives information about the amount required for payment, which is transferred through a special application.


Since not all online stores accept payment in bitcoins, the question arises of withdrawing the earned cryptocurrency.

There are several ways here:

  • The wallet owner transfers bitcoins to the exchange account and sets the sale price;
  • Receives funds for redeemed bitcoins;
  • Withdraws the received money to your card.

Note! This method allows you to withdraw cryptocurrency by favorable exchange rate and with a small commission, but it will take time.

Exchangers: the owner of funds transfers resources to the wallet indicated on the exchanger's website, funds are credited to the card.

Note! A fast and convenient withdrawal method, however, there may be a high commission.

Transfer of bitcoins to electronic money through payment systems: bitcoins are directly credited to the owner’s account in payment system(for example, WebMoney);

Selling to a third party for the necessary currency is the most risky way, since it is impossible to cancel the transfer of cryptocurrency, and the money may not be transferred.

How much do they earn with bitcoins?

Earning on cryptocurrencies is a risky process. The amount of income received depends, first of all, on the exchange rate and computing power. The investment can pay off in a few months or never.

How much can you earn 1 bitcoin?

All available ways receiving bitcoins without investments (faucets, games) offer earnings in indivisible particles - satoshi.

There are 100,000,000 Satoshi in 1 bitcoin.

It is very difficult to earn bitcoins without investments quickly. To get a lot of Satoshi, you need to use several dozen faucets every day without interruption, spending almost all your time on it. You also need excellent internet speed.

Cloud mining: since the block is distributed among the users of the pool depending on the investment, therefore, the more invested, the faster you can earn your bitcoins. With sufficient investment, you can earn good earnings.

Nuances and possible problems

Bitcoins are a niche that has not been fully explored, where you can both quickly make money and lose money.

Possible problems:

  • It is impossible to cancel the transfer of bitcoins, there is a risk of not receiving goods or funds from an unverified seller;
  • Each wallet contains a unique identifier - its loss will lead to the loss of all available funds, because bitcoin settlements are not regulated by anyone;
  • Spending a lot of time when trying to earn money without investments.

In addition, on this moment within the territory of Russian Federation not developed legislative framework for the exchange of cryptocurrencies and payment flows are not regulated in any way, which leads to additional risks.

Cryptocurrencies are a unique form of money that appeared about 9 years ago. At the same time, Bitcoins are the very first and most expensive cryptocurrency in the world. But people can not only store, but also earn on Bitcoins. And today we will figure out exactly how you can earn on Bitcoins in order to become a rich person in the future.

This is important, as some experts believe that in the future, cryptocurrencies will become the main and only means of payment on earth. So you need to stock up on coins now. And since the most expensive, we will devote the main part of the text to the topic of his earnings.

Let's start with an overview of the current situation in the cryptocurrency market. For example, why are serious investments in Bitcoin considered high-risk at the moment? This is a potentially highly profitable way of earning, and accessible to many. There are enough features of this type of coins:

Now, knowing all the risks, let's talk anyway, how to earn Bitcoins, in simple words. For example, using mining, faucets, or by choosing any other currently available method.

Proven Ways to Earn Bitcoins

We have already said that the topic of how you can earn Bitcoins is becoming more and more relevant. But, choosing an effective way to earn Bitcoins, you need to look not at the best, but at the most suitable for your situation. We have made a detailed selection of ways how people earn on Bitcoins today.

There are about 10 ways to earn Bitcoins. Consider them more carefully, because each of them is effective in its own way:

  1. Mining on PC
    . This is the first guaranteed mining method that comes to mind when we talk about Bitcoins. The mining process itself is the solution of digital problems with the help of the computing power of specialized equipment. Previously, it was possible to mine cryptocurrency using computers, but now Bitcoins cannot be mined that way. The classic version of mining on a video card became inefficient sometime in 2012. In 2018, you need to look for an alternative, because the miners are responsible for very important work. They provide the lifeblood of the Bitcoin system by reproducing new units of cryptocurrency. Without mining, the entire cryptocurrency system will collapse.
  2. cloud mining. This is just a relatively affordable alternative for miners who want to mine Bitcoins through their computer. In this case, you do not need to buy special equipment that costs serious money. But investments will still be required. You need to find a cloud mining service and pay for the power in order to earn Bitcoins with it.
  3. Pools for mining. This is where the equipment is needed. For example, powerful modern video cards. Their power needs to be added to the pool, where many other miners are already working, who donated the power of their computers in order to mine coins. And when by common efforts formed new block, the reward hidden in it will be distributed among the miners. The share of each depends on the power invested by him.
  4. Farm for mining. This is high power equipment, the main task of which is to mine Bitcoins. At the same time, a farm is not one such tool, but thousands of machines that make calculations 24/7. Such equipment costs a lot. You can assemble the farm yourself from video cards or buy a ready-made one. Only with the advent of asics this way for bitcoins is no longer relevant.
  5. ASIC. This is a special equipment, sharpened for the extraction of Bitcoins. Very expensive, but at the same time much more efficient than farms. But even its power is not enough for the efficient mining of the most expensive cryptocurrency in the world. Therefore, miners make farms already on ASIC devices.
  6. Investment. , as practice has proven, is also a profitable way to make money on them. The price of cryptocurrency is growing every year. For example, at the beginning of 2017, Bitcoin was not even worth a thousand dollars, and by the end of the year, its price exceeded 15 thousand dollars. And it does not matter that a month later the price fell again. It is still slowly growing. Many experts are sure that in a couple of years the value of Bitcoin will be more than one hundred thousand dollars. This is an option on how to make money on Bitcoins, for dummies - do nothing, just buy on time.
  7. Trading. Traders are people who trade on the stock exchange. Unlike the previous case, here you need to not only buy, but also sell cryptocurrency on time. And fluctuations in its price just play into the hands of traders. But in order to earn in this way, you need to understand the rules of the market. And not just read the step-by-step instructions, but delve into the laws of earning money on Bitcoins.
  8. Freelance. Recently, paying freelancers with Bitcoin has become a popular practice. This is convenient, as the anonymity of the transaction is preserved.
  9. Lotteries. The Internet is full of projects that provide an opportunity to win a prize in cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoins.
  10. Cranes. This is exactly the option from which you can start mining Bitcoins. All that is needed is to install a program that will work with captchas, and a person will receive a small reward for this.

Seeing all this variety, choose The best way earning bitcoins is not easy. Everyone chooses an option for themselves. But let's take a closer look at some of the most popular ones.

With the help of mining

Before you start earning Bitcoins, you need to understand what they are. Cryptocurrency is information money, the appearance of which is due to the active work of certain algorithms. Solving these algorithms with power computers and is called mining.

Mining allows you to take Bitcoins by creating a block and receiving a reward for this. Every miner dreams of earning a lot of Bitcoins. But the amount of cryptocurrency is limited. Even at the stage of creating the network, 21 million units were programmed, so it will not be possible to extract more than this emission.

Bitcoin mining is carried out using numbers. For each block, a so-called hash is calculated. It is used to check the integrity of data, for example when downloading from the network. If the hash matches the given patterns, the network starts issuing a new coin unit. This is the cryptocurrency mining algorithm.

But the prey pattern has a complication. It sets the probability of block formation in accordance with the plan. If we talk about Bitcoins, their production should be carried out approximately until 2033 (such information is indicated in the plan). To invest in this plan, mining difficulty is constantly adjusted. Today, the complexity is such that the formation of one block with a cryptocurrency approximately occurs once every ten minutes.

In order not to get out of the schedule, over time, mining will become more and more difficult. And the reward that the miner who formed the block receives will decrease exponentially. That is, every four years the number of coins in the block will become half as much. Therefore, it is necessary to accumulate earned now, while it is still possible.

The probability of receiving a reward does not depend on luck, but on the processing power of the equipment used. The more powerful it is, the higher the chances of getting cryptocurrency.

To receive cryptocurrency automatically, you need to invest. Automatic earnings of Bitcoin is possible only if you have special devices with colossal power. For example, GPU video cards that support a huge number of parallel pipelines do a good job. But one such card is not enough, but if you use several dozen at once, then the result will be noticeably better.

But for a novice miner in the field of solo mining, there is practically nothing to do here. To mine cryptocurrency, people join pools. A pool (translated from English as “pool”) is a service that unites thousands of miners (more precisely, where the power of the miners’ equipment is dumped), resulting in the power sufficient to form new blocks in the Bitcoin Blockchain.

Of course, in pools, the reward for a mined block is less, but it is stable. And the reward is divided in proportion to the power that the miner gave during the formation of the block. The higher the power, the greater the reward that can be monetized.

This type of mining can be done using the following tools:

The complexity of mining is increasing, so more and more new equipment can be expected soon. It will start to take into account the new circumstances of work in order to earn a lot of Bitcoins.

Invest in cloud mining

For a long time, no one has hosted websites on their computers using hosting for this. It is much easier, more convenient, more reliable and cheaper. Cloud mining works in a similar way. So if you find the most convenient and affordable option on how to earn Bitcoins, you should definitely invest in it.

Earning cryptocurrency on your hardware has long been irrelevant. In 2018, people choose equipment that does not litter their home, but is installed in warehouses specially equipped for this and is under the constant supervision of professionals. This is much more convenient than buying video cards or ASICs yourself, configuring them, mounting them and monitoring their working condition. Besides, you don't have to be afraid that equipment worth several thousand dollars will break down.

Everything a miner needs to do in cloud service, is to choose a reliable site, buy power there and use it, mining Bitcoins even from the most dead laptop. That is why cloud mining services are so popular.

Professional companies buy cheap iron sold in bulk. Its price is well below retail. Then it is installed in data centers (special premises). For data centers, such places are chosen to minimize the cost of placing, cooling and monitoring equipment. After everything is ready, a part of the generated power is rented out for mining to users who pay for it.

At the same time, everyone wins.

Another question that interests users who are looking for where to earn Bitcoin cryptocurrency online is how to choose a service. Now there are a lot of HYIPs, which, in fact, only deceive customers. Therefore, when choosing a cloud mining service, first of all, you need to focus on user reviews.

It is impossible to use the services of centers that cannot prove that they really have the offered equipment. Of course, you can make money on them, but the risk that the service will burn out before you can withdraw money from it is much higher. Therefore, we will consider several reliable data centers that offer real mining equipment, not fake ones.

Using these platforms, you can get a stable income in Bitcoins and other crypto-currencies. All you have to do is pay the rent and don't worry about anything else.

Invest in cryptocurrency

You can earn electronic money by investing in them. This is one of the most popular ways to make money with Bitcoins. The basis of this type of enrichment is to work with changes in the cryptocurrency exchange rate. Now this method is considered one of the most profitable. And there are no restrictions. You can earn both a thousand and tens of thousands of dollars in one day.

But the only nuance that needs to be taken into account before making quick money is that you first need to invest in BTC:

But before making an investment, it is important to choose the right exchange. If you do not know foreign languages, it is better to look for exchanges operating in Russian. This will make it easier to earn money on Bitcoins, since it will not be necessary to translate all sections into your native language.

How to earn bitcoins without investment

Everyone wants to know how to earn Bitcoins from scratch. Now these coins are very expensive, and in the future they can become even more expensive. Therefore, getting free coins is the real dream of every person who understands at least a little what digital money is. Consider some of the most popular ways to get free coins. But first of all, consider the pros and cons of the considered method of obtaining a crypt:

  • The main plus is that for this earnings you do not need investments. The money goes directly to the wallet, and there is no need to sacrifice anything;
  • There are a lot of services that are engaged in free distribution of income. You can choose any or use them all;
  • Users themselves choose when it is convenient for them to receive coins. They can stop or restart the launch at any time;
  • There are no limits for earning. You can receive any amount.

But there are also disadvantages. Namely, money does not fall from the sky. Mining even one dollar takes time, so it is not suitable for the role of the main income. Even knowing that you won’t get much, you can consider the most popular methods of making money on Bitcoins from scratch.

But it should be understood that no one will distribute cryptocurrency just like that. Therefore, many projects of this kind are ordinary HYIPs that regularly turn into scams and stop paying out money.

Earnings on bitcoin faucets

As already mentioned, you can earn on Bitcoin without investments. And all thanks to special faucets that distribute Satoshi. Therefore, we will consider how to get this money. Moreover, it is one of the most simple ways how to earn bitcoins from scratch.

But even income from faucets depends on user activity. It's just that no one wants to pay. But for a visit you can get from 300 satoshi. True, to get a large amount, you need to spend a lot of time. In professional circles, there are rumors that earning the first thousand Satoshi is the hardest.

To earn this money from faucets, people can:

In the meantime, choose a good site that pays well for viewing sites.

Tap How much gives
Interval Where to pay When the payout Minto the conclusion
wellclix 0.03–5 rub. 15 s Payer, Yandex, Qiwi On request 1 rub.
Fiload 0.03–0.06 rub. 20 s Lots of options On request 1 rub.
Seo-click 0.03–0.06 rub. 10 s Payer or Webmoney On request 1 rub.
Seo-mix 0.03–5 rub. 20 s Payer or Webmoney On request 1 rub.


You can earn on Bitcoin without even investing a dime in it. But if you want to have real earnings, you still have to invest, since we are talking about the most expensive cryptocurrency in the world, and even with limited number coins.

by the most effective way earning money with bitcoin is mining. But not ordinary, but cloudy. This is a modern solution that does not require anything from the miner, except for the timely payment of rent and the correct distribution of power. For example, send purchased capacity to pools.

Thus, the miner is freed from the need to take care of the crypto farm, monitoring its working condition. This should be done by professionals, not amateurs. Therefore, now, in 2018, Bitcoin cloud mining is considered one of the most promising areas for supporting the cryptocurrency network.

But at the same time, each crypto-holder has the right to choose a convenient way to earn money. For example, in this regard, they showed themselves very well. The coins will most likely continue to rise in value. If you buy them on a decline, in a year or two the invested capital will pay for itself dozens, or even hundreds of times.

The higher the bitcoin rate, the more actively the demand for cryptocurrencies grows. And high demand gives rise to the same offer: every day there are new ways and sites for earning virtual money. Those wishing to earn their first cyber finance simply choose the most convenient, profitable and reliable option and calmly wait for the return. But how to earn bitcoins without investments in 2019 from scratch? Is it possible to get a stable permanent income on the Internet?

The answer to this question is unequivocal: if you approach the matter reasonably and carefully, it will not be difficult to make a profit. The main thing is not to take quick, rash actions and not to forget to take what you have earned in a timely manner.

Those who plan to quickly earn a lot of bitcoins should immediately abandon their plans. The income will be constant, but not the largest, so it will not be possible to instantly become the owner of a large amount. You will need to be patient and approach the chosen lesson with the utmost seriousness. If everything you need is already available, you should choose between:

  • virtual cranes;
  • cloud mining;
  • special games with money withdrawal;
  • affiliate programs;
  • multifunctional sites with tasks.

Additionally, you can create your own cryptocurrency mining farm, but this requires the availability of equipment and the purchase of appropriate equipment. Without serious investments, it will not be possible to achieve a decent return.

Earnings on bitcoins without investments - 1 bitcoin every day

The easiest way to earn virtual currency on the Internet is to register on faucet portals for profit. Some of them require the active participation of users in earning, others work in automatic mode. But no matter what the final choice turns out to be, one thing is invariable: a minimum of participation will be required from the registrants. To earn, you have to:

  1. register;
  2. specify the wallet for withdrawal;
  3. choose the right one tariff plan, on which the amount received depends;
  4. regularly visit the portal and, if required, enter captcha;
  5. withdraw the accumulated amount when it reaches a suitable amount.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to receive bitcoin every day. If you use only 1 resource, the daily profit will be 150-200 satoshi. To increase it, you will need to choose a more profitable tariff plan, but this will cause additional costs, or use several faucets at once.

How to earn bitcoins without investments on the machine in Russian in 2019

The next method of obtaining cyber money is a kind of renting equipment for mining. Cloud mining is a convenient analogue of faucets, with which you can get real income.

In theory, this approach requires payment for the involved capacities that will be used to extract bitcoins. But most of the services currently running offer a sign-up bonus that will help you avoid costs.

The described method involves generating income on the machine, and users will have to decide what to do with the received cryptocurrency.

It can be withdrawn to a wallet or purchased additional capacity capable of increasing profitability. But, whatever the chosen actions are, it should be borne in mind that many services limit the minimum withdrawal size to 20,000 satoshi.

Earning bitcoins without investments 2019 on a computer

Those who are thinking about where you can play for bitcoins should pay attention to special sites with online games. There are a lot of them, and each portal offers its own entertainment, which has many positive features and advantages. Those who wish to earn money by playing should choose between the following genres:

  • lotteries;
  • arcades;
  • brain teaser;
  • simulators and farms.

There are other options for online games. To find the best and choose the perfect option, you should actively try your hand at a variety of genres. This will help you to stop at those portals where the promised money is paid, and choose the most exciting and profitable games.

Additionally, attention should be paid to bonus programs and built-in faucets.

This is especially important for lotteries and sites where you have to compete with real opponents.

How to earn 1 bitcoin per hour without investment: right now

Perhaps the most profitable method of making money in 2019 is through websites with affiliate programs. Getting 1 bitcoin per hour will be incredibly difficult, but if you work hard and constantly attract new visitors to the portals, it is quite possible.

This method is in the presence special program, which allows you to receive passive income for attracting customers. Those who use this option will immediately receive double profit:

  • for referred referrals;
  • percentage of their activities.

The big advantage of this method is the presence of such bonuses and offers on almost all types of sites: with faucets, games, cloud mining. But there are also separate portals that specialize only in attracting visitors.

It is worth remembering that the greatest profit can be obtained only if the invited clients are active and are not limited only to registration.

Additionally, it should be noted that it will not be possible to make money by creating fake accounts. The deceit will quickly be revealed, and the person who tried to cheat will be blocked.

Earning bitcoins without investments with the withdrawal of money

The last way to earn cryptocurrencies on a computer is to complete simple tasks on the Internet. This approach will appeal to those who want to make a profit right now, without long expectations and worries. To use it, you will have to:

  1. find a site with tasks;
  2. register and specify a btc wallet;
  3. go to the tasks section;
  4. choose what you like;
  5. execute it;
  6. report on performance;
  7. wait for the funds to be credited to the account.

It is important to bear in mind that such resources strictly check the quality of work of registrants.

Therefore, if the task requires not only to visit a certain portal, but also to watch an advertisement, you will have to at least open the desired page and wait for the video to end. Otherwise, you can lose time and be left without the desired income.

How to choose a reliable site?

To earn bitcoins quickly and a lot without investments on the machine in 2019, you need to be extremely careful and careful in choosing portals for earning. This will help save time and get the most effective return on your actions. To avoid mistakes, you should pay attention to:

  • reviews left by people who have already registered (they list all the minuses of the service);

With the growth of cryptocurrencies, a number of platforms appear that offer to make a profit with any of them, including the actual earnings of bitcoins. Websites for earning bitcoins (as the best cryptocurrency) can offer two options:

  • The first one involves investments, that is, in bitcoin or making a profit on. This option is very common on many exchanges.
  • The second is the earnings of bitcoins 2019 with virtually no investment. This option is more suitable for certain groups of people who do not intend to spend a lot of time. At the moment, the bitcoin exchange rate has grown a lot (compared to the beginning of the year), which contributes to an increase in its quotes. The main problem of this option for obtaining cryptocurrency will be to find reliable sites for earning bitcoins in 2019.

The process of obtaining cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency mining sites can provide various earnings. If it is possible to obtain a currency such as bitcoin, the site must have a certain reputation, including that it must not be one-day. The best sites for earning bitcoins promise ease of getting it, but often earning a large amount of satoshi is almost impossible. Bitcoin sites that pay to view ads do not always make a good profit, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to find that bitcoin site that really brings earnings of 1 million satoshi and more, that is, in shares of bitcoins.

The main mining process is that you need to go through the resources and enter a captcha, which will allow you to receive a certain percentage of paid advertising. Payments can go automatically to the wallet or the withdrawal will be made to micro-wallets, and from them when accumulated to the main account. In order for bitcoin earnings to be decent, you need to find a good faucet and go through all the registration steps. Also, cryptocurrency sites can allow you to earn bitcoin in 2019 in a fairly large amount of a percentage of Satoshi.

Websites for earning bitcoins in 2019 can provide various payment options. Good cloud mining is also important, which will allow you to start making a profit after registration. This method is not available to all users because not everyone is ready to invest, but it is more profitable.

The basics of choosing the best platforms:

  • the presence of a certain reputation that allows you to attract customers;
  • earning a larger share of bitcoins, unlike competitors;
  • no hidden fees;
  • sites paying bitcoins must have an available withdrawal to the wallet;
  • the possibility of cloud mining, as the most profitable and affordable way;
  • the presence of a minimum contract for testing;
  • opportunity to make real profits.

Most sites offering cryptocurrency earnings (including bitcoins), even if they have a fat faucet, do not have the same opportunities as cloud mining platforms. There are options .

Services from TOP-10

How to earn bitcoin from scratch in 2019 - you can find the answer to this question in this list - sites for earning bitcoin (bitcoin) must have a reputation and provide an opportunity to actually receive them and withdraw them to your account.

The list includes services that will provide you with best earnings bitcoins in 2019.

According to these criteria, sites that offer bitcoin earnings should be suitable for all customers and be accessible.

Important! Be sure to read the information at the end of the article ( Important!).

The rapidly growing bitcoin rate attracted the attention of even those network users who had not previously thought about making money on the Internet and using electronic money. But since the cost of one virtual coin is almost $4,000, the idea of ​​somehow getting btc without investment seems very attractive. And due to the fact that on various portals about making money on the Internet there are many tips and recommendations on how to earn bitcoins without investments, users from all over the world are trying to mine cryptocurrency in one way or another.

But for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to earn a lot of bitcoins quickly without investments, you need to understand that this is impossible. If in 2010-2012 ordinary users could mine electronic coins using their PC without buying additional equipment, then in 2016 and 2017 mining can only be carried out on specialized powerful hardware - ASICs or video cards. However, it cannot be said unequivocally that it is currently not realistic to get bitcoin without investments. There are ways to earn cryptocurrency, but you can’t get a lot of coins with their help. Therefore, methods of how to earn bitcoins for free can be considered as one of the sources for additional income, but do not count on huge amounts. Let's consider these methods, and also get acquainted with ways to make money on previously purchased or mined bitcoins.

The main ways to earn bitcoins without investments

There are many ways by which you can theoretically get bitcoins on the network without investments, but most of them are either risky or not at all promising in terms of earnings. But there are methods that allow you to acquire electronic money quite legally and without risks: perform various tasks and microtasks on specialized resources, sell something for bitcoins, and not for ordinary money, or become a user of the so-called “bitcoin faucets”.

Anyone can use one or several of these methods at once, since neither performing microworks, nor registering and using bitcoin faucets require special knowledge and skills. And to start earning bitcoins without investments using these methods, you just need to have your own bitcoin wallet. The wallet number should be indicated when registering on portals that pay cryptocurrency.

To become a member of the bitcoin system and start earning cryptocurrency, you need to go to the website and create your wallet there. The registration procedure on the portal requires only the address Email and password. It's important to come up with strong password and save it so as not to forget. After registering in personal account the number of the newly created bitcoin wallet will be visible.

Bitcoin faucets

Bitcoin faucets are Internet portals where you can regularly receive a small amount of Satoshi absolutely free of charge and without any investments. To earn cryptocurrency on such resources, you just need to constantly visit the site and enter the captcha. As a rule, bitcoin faucets pay from 100 to 1000 satoshi for 1 captcha entry, and the user receives a different amount each time - the amount of reward for each visit to the portal depends only on luck.

At first glance, the very existence of sites where you can earn bitcoins without investments and just by entering captcha seems meaningless, but it is not. These portals really pay, as it is beneficial for them that as many users as possible visit the site regularly, thereby increasing traffic.

But in order to earn bitcoins on bitcoin faucets, it is not at all necessary to visit these portals several times a day - you can make good profits by participating in an affiliate program. Almost all such online resources offer registered users to invite friends, and accrue interest on the profits received by users referred through an affiliate link.

There are a lot of Bitcoin faucets in the network, and in order to quickly earn bitcoins without investments, you can register on several of these portals at once. And the most famous and reliable of the sites distributing cryptocurrency are the following:

  1. Freebitcoin is the most popular resource for issuing Satoshi. On freebitcoin, registered users can enter captcha once per hour, and each time they receive a reward of up to 0.4 BTC for this. Lotteries are also regularly held here, allowing you to win cryptocurrency. BUT affiliate program The site promises a profit of 50% of the amount earned by users who came through the referral link.
  2. Moonbitcoin is a bitcoin faucet where you can enter captcha and get Satoshi every 5 minutes.
  3. Dailyfreebits is a bitcoin faucet that promises 30 - 1200 satoshi for each captcha entry. You can enter it once an hour.
  4. Crystalbit - you can get from 150 to 500 satoshi every half hour.

Freelance for bitcoins

Freelancing is the main way of earning money for many people from different countries, and remotely you can perform the most miscellaneous work starting photo processing graphic editors and ending with writing software. Usually, freelancers look for customers on stock exchanges or directly, through ads on job search sites. Both on regular exchanges and directly freelancing, as a rule, is paid either in the currency of the customer’s country or in US dollars.

But there are freelancing exchanges on the network that work with bitcoin cryptocurrency. On these exchanges, you can quickly earn virtual currency by completing orders that are suitable for you. The most famous portals where you can find employers that pay bitcoins are:

  • XBTfreelancer
  • Coinality
  • Cryptogrind

There are several advantages of freelancing on such exchanges: confidentiality, fast payment and savings on bank commissions and, if necessary, on taxes. And taking into account the fact that bitcoin rate at the moment, it is rapidly increasing, it is very profitable to receive payment for your work in bitcoins.

Performing micro-works on specialized resources

The concept of microworks (microtasks) means the performance of any simple actions in the network that do not require special knowledge and skills. There is whole line online portals that pay bitcoins for clicking on links, viewing ads, using a particular resource, commenting on media content. Microtasks differ from full-fledged freelancing in simplicity and deadlines. For example, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to view ads, and it is not necessary to watch advertising materials - you can simply open them in another browser tab.

Those who want to choose this way of receiving virtual money should understand that it will not work to earn a lot of bitcoins by doing micro jobs. These tasks are simple, and they are paid accordingly - on average, from 100 to 1000 satoshi.

The most famous and time-tested portals that pay for microtasks are (pays for retweets, reposts and messages) and (here you can earn bitcoins for retweets and commenting on social networks).

Selling any goods for btc

You can sell anything online not only on Avito and other popular message boards, but also on specialized sites where users sell and buy goods and services for cryptocurrency. An example of such sites is OpenBazaar, Purse, Bitify, etc.

Moreover, it is important that you can sell for cryptocurrency not only any things, but also virtual goods - media content, software and even advanced accounts in virtual games.

Other ways to earn bitcoins for free

In addition to the methods described above, there are a number of ways to earn bitcoins without investments. However, these methods are either not very promising or risky, so one should not place serious hopes on them. These methods are as follows:

  • Bitcoin casino gambling
  • Amateur mining on a home PC
  • Participation in lotteries where you can win cryptocurrency
  • Bitcoin games (Bitkong, etc.)

When choosing a method for mining cryptocurrency without investments, you need to understand that there are a lot of scammers on the network now, and not be tempted by their offers like earning 1000 bitcoins quickly and without investments. You should also be wary of new lotteries and casinos that promise huge winnings.

Bitcoin mining using specialized hardware and in the cloud

The easiest way to earn a lot of bitcoins is mining, that is, mining cryptocurrency. However, since very powerful equipment is required to carry out settlement operations. And even if you have a very powerful video card or a TerraMiner IV ASIC miner, solo mining may not be very successful. The fact is that you first need to recoup the cost of specialized hardware, and only then it will be possible to make a profit. And since the bitcoin exchange rate is unpredictable and could theoretically go down, the “digger” of the cryptocurrency runs the risk of not getting the desired income.

Cloud mining, or mining in a pool, is the pooling of power with other users involved in bitcoin mining. This is a fairly promising way to quickly earn a lot of bitcoins, but it also requires significant investments to buy or rent specialized hardware to generate new blocks in the blockchain system.

Today, the following machines are considered the best equipment for mining bitcoins:

  1. ASIC CoinTerra's TerraMiner IV is a 2TH/s miner. According to the manufacturer, it allows you to mine up to 1.1 btc per day.
  2. Black Arrow Prospero X-3 is a powerful ASIC capable of generating 1 bitcoin per day.
  3. KnCMiner Neptune is a 3TH/s machine that can mine 1.6 coins per day.

Earnings on the exchange of bitcoins

Due to the high popularity of bitcoins in 2017, online cryptocurrency exchangers are a very profitable business. Opening your own exchanger and earning on the difference in rates, as well as on commissions for performing exchange transactions, is a guaranteed way to earn 100,000, 200,000, 300,000 rubles and even more on bitcoins in a short time.

To start exchanging bitcoins for other cryptocurrencies and conventional currencies, certain financial investments will be required. They are required for the following:

  • Creation of an exchanger website
  • Promotion of your exchanger on the network
  • Initial reserve in different currencies.

Bitcoin trading on cryptocurrency exchanges and Forex

Trading is a rather risky way to earn money, however, with a competent approach to trading on the stock exchange, you can count on a high and stable income. You can trade bitcoins both on specialized cryptocurrency exchanges and on. Today, most major brokers allow traders to make transactions with bitcoins or open an account in this cryptocurrency.

Despite the fact that the bitcoin rate depends on other factors than the rates of conventional currencies, cryptocurrency exchange trading strategies differ little from conventional strategies. Experienced traders specializing in electronic money argue that when making transactions with virtual currencies, it is best to follow the simplest strategies.

For those users who do not want to delve into all the nuances of exchange trading, there is an easier way - to buy bitcoin, and then sell them when the rate rises. Step-by-step instruction how to buy bitcoins is as follows:

  1. Create a bitcoin wallet on
  2. Find as many cryptocurrency exchangers and exchanges as possible on the network, where you can buy virtual money and choose where it is most profitable to buy bitcoin (rates in exchangers can be compared on specialized sites - monitoring exchangers, for example,
  3. Buy bitcoins for other electronic or conventional currency on the exchange / in the exchanger.

Buying bitcoins on cryptocurrency exchanges is usually more profitable than in exchangers, since the commission there is much lower, and the rate is constantly changing. Therefore, for those who want to buy bitcoin in the most profitable way, it would be advisable not to make a deal right away, but for some time after registering on the exchange, monitor the exchange rate and wait for the best offer.