Every year the world mobile communications is replenished with more and more "traps" for subscribers. It can be various promotions, as well as SMS quizzes, and SMS subscriptions. And the operator "Megafon" in this regard is no exception. Often, subscribers complain about an unexpected withdrawal of money from their account or the connection of any subscription - weather, entertainment, and other things - without their knowledge. One of the reasons may be accidentally connected Megafon Pro options. What is it and how to turn it off?

What is Megafon PRO?

"Megaphone Pro" is a special application recorded on the memory of a SIM card. It searches for and provides subscribers with relevant information.

It is presented in the form:

  • fascinating information (news, TV announcements, movie posters);
  • various types of entertainment (music, games, contests, quizzes);
  • reference book ( useful information about different cities)
  • communication (dating services, chats).

The application itself is very slow, but it takes up relatively little memory. It is available for both new smartphones and budget options phones. Needless to say, MegaFon Pro provides the above services for subscribers not free of charge. Each service, be it news, games or dating, will cost the subscriber a pretty penny.

How can I find out which subscriptions are connected?

It is obvious that such a service as Megafon Pro is already outdated. Now on most smartphones there is access to the Internet, where information and entertainment can be obtained absolutely free of charge.
But the operator benefits from such a service, and therefore it continues to exist. It often happens that subscriptions can be made randomly or without the subscriber's knowledge at all. Therefore, if you notice that extra money is being withdrawn from your account, the first thing to do is to check if you have subscriptions from Megafon Pro.

There are two ways to determine their type and quantity:

  1. Every phone, including latest models from Apple and Samsung, contains a SIM-menu, which can give access to the service portal, among other things. Go to settings, find this menu and click "subscriptions". Next, the operator will offer you to wait a few seconds and an SMS message will be sent to your phone with the number and name of all your subscriptions.
  2. The second option is possible only for those who already know for sure that they are subscribed to something, since they received a number of SMS messages with information. Go to the menu of your messages and send an SMS with the word "LIST" or "LIST" to the number from which the subscription comes. Reply SMS will bring the answer to the question.

How to disable?

So, let's move on to the main thing. How to disable annoying subscriptions from Megafon Pro and protect yourself from unexpected expenses?

You can also do this in two ways:

  1. If you just need to disable subscriptions, go to the item of the same name and select how many subscriptions you need to disable: one or all at once. In response, you may receive an SMS message about the success of the operation. If the SIM card is inserted into another device, such as a tablet or modem, be sure to insert it into the phone and follow the above steps.
  2. If you need to know how to disable the service without going to the SIM menu, then you can simply send an SMS with the word "OFF" or "STOP" to the number from which the subscription comes.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely disable the Megafon Pro service. Probability of accidentally connecting to paid services remains possible. However, Megafon makes communication more convenient and practical for subscribers every day, so perhaps a method will appear soon.

Sometimes subscribers spend a lot of money, nervous tension and time to solve a simple question: how to turn off Megafon Pro? This service offers to use paid subscriptions for news, weather or sports.

Many Megafon customers consider the service not only useless, but also superfluous due to spending money from the account to pay for it and want to turn it off.

Megafon Pro: what is it?

Megafon customers often ask the question: what is Megafon Pro? Megafon subscribers have the opportunity to subscribe to MegafonPro and use an extensive resource on the Internet and on the phone. The latest in world entertainment and news from around the world can be accessed if this option is enabled.

It includes the following information:

  • Directory (telephony), which includes a city poster and other useful information;
  • Notifications with entertainment, which includes quizzes, contests and games;
  • A news source that collects information coming from all over the world, as well as updates from Megafon;
  • A resource created for chats and other types of dating, as well as communication between people.

The application is recorded on the SIM card of the Megafon operator, and it is difficult to remove it from it. The service does not take up much memory in the phone and is relevant for outdated models. AT modern smartphones it is also possible to use pop-up subscriptions from Megafon Pro or disable them.

How to find "Megaphone Pro" in the phone?

At using an iPhone, resources can be found by such a combination: settings, then go to the phone, and then to the SIM programs.

Many telephone sets, which work on Android, allow you to use Megafon Pro by searching for the corresponding menu in the settings. So find the option in Android system easier than other devices.

The technologies of this service are outdated and not needed by every subscriber, but since it is paid, the operator leaves it to send a personal subscription code and use it. However, you can refuse it, but you need to know how to do it right.

The main thing is to follow all the rules for turning it off without errors.

Shutdown rules Megafon Pro

Since the resource is written to the SIM card, refusing it in personal account client is not possible, but it is possible to check which types of paid subscriptions are added to phone number and disable them.

Viewing available Null subscriptions should be done as follows: go to the SIM card menu and click the "Pro" tab. Then you should go to "Pro" and click the word "subscriptions", and then view the list of available resources. In this menu, it is possible to remove unwanted subscriptions or disable available resources.

There are several ways to disconnect from a service called "Megafon Pro":

  1. If you want to remove Megafon Pro on a modem for the Internet or a tablet device, you need to remove the SIM card from the device and insert it into your mobile phone, and then follow the above steps through the settings.
  2. The second option is suitable for subscribers who prefer to use SMS messages created in Megafon. To disable, you need to send an SMS with the text "Off" or "Stop" to the number from which messages from Megafon are received.

Perhaps in the future the company will develop the ability to disable Megafon Pro via the Internet by logging in through your personal account, but today this is not possible.

The Megafon Pro service can be disabled, like other options provided by the mobile operator, but for this you need to know how to do it. After a detailed study of the rules on how to use Megafon Pro correctly, the subscriber will not want to say goodbye to subscriptions and they will seem useful to him.



Disabling Megafon Pro requires certain knowledge regarding the search for a service on the phone and its correct shutdown. Subscribers must decide for themselves which subscriptions they need and which they can unsubscribe from so as not to spend money from the account.

In many cases, Megafon Pro is useful information resource entertaining, so you should think about whether to refuse it or not.

that you need and disable those that you don't need. Or, if you wish, disable the service completely using the USSD command *111*1212*2#.

If you are a Beeline subscriber, then this service, which this operator has cellular communication called "Chameleon", you have it connected by default when you buy a SIM card. Go to the SIM menu, select the "INFO channels" item, in it - the "Themes" sub-item, and then enable or disable the themes to your liking. To disable the service completely, dial the USSD command *110*20#.

This service is available to Megafon subscribers under the name "Kaleidoscope". In order to configure the list of enabled and disabled themes, find the "Kaleidoscope" item in the phone's SIM menu, and the "Subscription" sub-item in it, and then turn the themes on and off. In order to completely disable the service, successively use the SIM-menu items "Kaleidoscope" -> "Settings" -> "Broadcasting" -> "Turn off".

If you decide to disable the service incompletely, remember that viewing the beginning of the message is always free, but ordering the continuation can be either paid or free. Its price is indicated directly in the first message. By general rule, for MTS and Beeline, the continuation order is paid, unless otherwise indicated, and for Megafon it is free, unless otherwise indicated. But remember that there may be exceptions. Ordering continuation for messages of an entertaining nature is almost certainly paid. Downloading content is charged according to the tariff plan, and if you are going to do it, be sure to select an access point (APN) designed for the Internet, not WAP. In roaming, any orders of continuations without exception can be paid and very expensive, downloading content via sent links (regardless of the chosen access point) will also have a significant cost.

If a child is using the phone, be sure to completely turn off any of the above services on that phone. The child may not understand whether the continuation order is paid or not and quickly use up the stock of funds on the phone account. In addition, some of the messages may be obscene.


Removing a banner from Opera.
In the browser, open the menu item "Tools - Settings". Enter "Advanced" and then "Content". Find the "Javascript Settings..." button. A window will appear with a "Custom Javascript Files Folder" field. Write down the path written in it. Now remove this path from the field and click OK. Close your browser. Now you can follow this path and delete the virus files with the "js" extension. The path might look like this: "C:WINDOWS uscripts". In this case, delete the "uscripts" folder. You can reboot.

Removing an informer from Mozilla Firefox.
From the Tools menu, select Add-ons. Now go to Extensions. From here you should delete all items unknown to you. Also remove those that look suspicious. Restart your computer.

There is another type of ransomware banner. It is no longer located in the browser, but on the desktop, occupying most of the screen. Removing this type of virus is much more difficult. It blocks access to many sites, slows down the computer and stay at it is simply unbearable. To get rid of it, you will need another computer, so ask for help. Use the Kaspersky Lab website.

Before you are two fields: one for the phone, the other for the text of the required SMS. Fill them out and click "find out" or "get unlock code". Enter the received data in the banner window and your computer is free.

If scammers require a phone number to top up, then enter this number in the appropriate field and click "get unlock code". Code received. If you are required to replenish the wallet, enter the wallet number in the "phone number" field. And when it comes to replenishment of the account account in a contact, enter the attacker's ID instead of the phone number.

After getting rid of the banner, run a full scan of your computer for viruses. Always use only licensed anti-virus software. This will allow you to regularly update antivirus databases and keep your computer under reliable protection.

Related videos


  • Kaspersky Lab
  • remove sms banners


The first of the popular ones, which provided the ability to block unsolicited windows, was Opera, and we'll start with it. AT latest version browser, the corresponding settings are located in the main menu, in the subsection " Quick Settings» of the Settings section. Four options are offered: two radical ones (allow all/all) and two more flexible ones - open windows in the background and don't open windows unless they were requested by the user.

There are others even more fine tuning filtering the content of HTML pages. They can be found on the "Scripts" tab, but such settings already require some understanding of the structure of pages, HTML and JavaScript languages.

AT Mozilla browser FireFox, the path to the setting that includes the pop-up blocker option is through the "Tools" section in the top menu. In it, you need to select the "Settings" item to open the settings window, in which we are interested in the "Content" tab. On it, put a tick in front of the inscription "Block pop-up windows". And you can add or remove any site to the list of exceptions from this rule by clicking the "Exceptions" button.

AT Internet browser Explorer, the item that enables pop-up blocking is located in the "Tools" section top menu. There is also an item that opens the "Pop-up blocker settings" window. In it, in addition to editing the list of exclusion sites from general rule You can set one of three pop-up window filtering levels. Here, in addition, it is possible to turn on / off sound and text notifications about each locked window.

There is another way to this setting - in the "Tools" section of the top menu, click the "Internet Options" item. In the window that opens, on the "Privacy" tab, check the box next to "Enable pop-up blocker". Here, by clicking the "Options" button, you can open the "Pop-up Blocker Options" dialog box.

Unfortunately, the fight against pop-ups is developing along the same lines as the fight against Internet viruses. That is, when a way to combat viruses using one technology is found, virus developers develop another. And here this process is complicated by the fact that pop-up windows are used not only for harm, but also for the convenience of users.

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To block pop-up windows in Mozilla Firefox, select the menu "Tools" - "Options" - "Content". Check the box next to "Block pop-ups". If you wish, you can add to the exclusion list addresses of sites that do not upload obscene images and that you trust.

Useful advice


  • how to block popups

You will need

  • - Dr.Web CureIt.


There are several techniques for dealing with pop-up virus windows. To get started, use Dr. Web Carelt. Download it from the official website of Dr.Web anti-virus manufacturers.

Install this app and run it. The operating system scanning process will start automatically. This is done on purpose, because viruses usually prevent such applications from running. Pay attention to the fact that run this utility needed in normal mode Windows work, not safe.

If scanning with this program did not yield any results, try to find a code to disable the pop-up window. Use a mobile phone with Internet access or another computer. Follow this link http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/deblocker or http://sms.kaspersky.ru.

Enter the account number or , contained in the text of the banner, and click the "Get Code" button. Substitute the passwords suggested by the system in the banner field. If none of the issued codes fit, then try to find the code on the following resources: http://www.esetnod32.ru/.support/winlock and http://www.drweb.com/unlocker/index.

If both fail above method, then try to find the virus files yourself. Start the system at safe mode so that the virus window does not interfere with the search. To do this, press the F8 button while the computer boots. Open the system32 folder. It is located in the catalog Windows System section hard drive.

Locate and delete all files that have a dll extension that ends in lib, such as hostlib.dll, partlib.dll, and so on. After deleting these files, start the operating system normally. Scan her antivirus program.

Of all the types of malware, WinLockers, a type of Trojan, are perhaps the most annoying to the user. They almost completely block the system, cover the screen with their window and require you to send an SMS to a paid number in order to receive an unlock code. Dealing with a winlocker is not easy, and all methods require some computer knowledge.


The best way Treatment is always prevention. Remember that in most cases, blocking programs do not penetrate your computer - you install and run them yourself. Therefore, when surfing the Internet, be careful.

If a pop-up window on the site prompts you to urgently update the codec, download new version plugin or check system latest antivirus- do not agree if you do not know exactly what this site can really do. Close the window as soon as possible, and best of all - together with the site. Then check the system with your own antivirus.

Install a high-quality protection system on your computer. It is desirable that it includes not only an antivirus, but also a firewall. A properly configured firewall will stop many threats before they even have time to settle in the system.

If you have already suffered from a running winlocker, do not under any circumstances agree to its terms and do not send SMS! Its cost can be much higher than what scammers write in the window of their program. Moreover, once you agree, you may find that money continues to be debited from your mobile account, allegedly as a subscription fee for a non-existent service. Getting rid of such a subscription will not be easy.

Some manufacturers domestic antiviruses offer an online service that supplies unlock codes for many well-known winlockers. Of course, you can use this service only from another, non-infected computer. Enter in the service window the number to which the scammers offer to send SMS, and write down the code. However, remember that even if malware off, that doesn't mean it's gone. Unlocking the system is only the beginning of the steps to clean it up.

if you have boot disk LiveCD - boot from it. Antivirus vendors often include their own version of the LiveCD, which automatically scans the system for viruses when it boots up. However, new versions of winlockers appear so often that the antivirus cannot always detect them.

By booting from a disk or by unlocking the system, standard tool search, find all executable files created on that day. If such files appear in system folders Windows or your regular folder boot - most likely, this is the main body of the winlocker. Delete these files, but remember their names.

Open System Windows registry. Be careful - when booting from a Live CD, a temporary registry of the system you are currently working on may open instead. It is best to find the main registry file in Windows folder and open it in regedit. Find among the registry entries the names of the winlocker files. If they replaced system files, such as explorer.exe or ctfmon.exe, fix these entries, otherwise just delete them.

Restart your computer in normal mode and restore the system configuration from the latest checkpoint. The recovery program is located in the menu at the address "Standard - Utilities - System Restore".

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Letter (message) notifications Email) are part of the information displayed by the program Microsoft office Outlook as desktop alerts. In addition to notifications about incoming mail, it is customary to rank the data of invitations to meetings and assignments as notifications.

You will need


Run office application Outlook, which is part of the Microsoft Office package, and open the "Tools" menu in top panel program windows to perform the operation of disabling notifications, which include notifications about incoming e-mail.

Select the "Options" item and go to the "Settings" tab of the dialog box that opens.

Select "Mail Options" and navigate to the " Extra options».

Uncheck the "Display desktop alert for new emails (default for inbox only)" box under "When a message arrives in the inbox" and select the options you want in the "Display an envelope icon in the notification area" box "Submit sound signal” and “Temporarily change the appearance of the pointer”.

Wait for the notification of incoming email messages and expand context menu messages by pressing the button with the arrow pointing down to perform an alternative turn off notifications for new mail in the inbox.

Select the "Turn off desktop notification of new mail" item to complete the operation.

Return to the "Tools" menu of the top toolbar of the window Microsoft programs Outlook to restore the desktop email notifications feature and go to Options.

Go to the "Settings" tab of the dialog box that opens and select the "Mail Options" section.

Expand the "More options" link and check the box "Display desktop alerts for new emails (default for inbox only)" in the "When a message arrives in my inbox" section.

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Useful advice

Use the alert's context menu to open, label, or delete the selected email message.


  • Enable or disable desktop alerts

You will need

  • - Internet access;
  • - Windows installation disc.


If you are using operating Windows systems 7 or Vista, and you have a disk containing the OS installation data files, then use it to disable the banner. Insert the above disc into your DVD drive and turn on your computer. Open the BIOS menu and go to boot device. Enable boot from DVD drive. Reboot your PC and wait for the new OS installer to launch.

Open the "Advanced recovery options" menu after the corresponding window appears. Launch the "Startup Repair" feature. The program will automatically fix incorrect startup files, thereby disabling the virus banner.

If you are unable to use a boot disk, then find a mobile with Internet access or another computer. Visit the following sites: http://www.drweb.com/unlocker/index, http://sms.kaspersky.ru and http://www.esetnod32.ru/.support/winlock. Find special fields on the pages that open and fill them in with the required information that you can get from the text of the viral banner. Click the "Get Code" button.

Use the combinations given to you to disable the banner. Substitute them in the informer field and press the Enter key. If none of the passwords fit, then connect your HDD to another computer.

Download the system unlock tool from http://www.freedrweb.com/cureit and run it. Delete found infected files. Install the hard drive in the old PC and turn it on.

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If you are not the only one using your computer, then perhaps some messages left on social networks or on forums need to be removed. How to delete messages from the network?


Go to an appropriate site, such as a forum. To do this, log in by entering your username and password. Leave some message. Now you have the opportunity to edit it. As a rule, such a function is on all forums. To edit your post, click on the link. It is located next to your message. If you want to delete a post, then find the appropriate button, which is located in the field of the message you created. But this possibility is not provided on all sites. If deleting posts on the resource is not possible, then you can delete the entry and leave a simple set of characters and symbols instead. Now no one can read your statement.

Don't be discouraged if you can't delete and edit your post. Contact a moderator to have a written post. But you must have a very good reason for this. If the site administration considers your appeal appropriate, then the post will be deleted. But it should be noted that moderators rarely meet users with such requests.

Delete the message on the social network. To do this, log in and go to the web portal. Highlight those letters or notifications that you want to remove. To do this, put a "tick" next to the messages. Next, in the proposed menu, select the "Delete" button. And if you need to delete all letters, then click "Select All".

Delete the statement in the messenger, for example, ICQ. Enter the "Settings" menu. You need to select the History group, that is, "History". Find a way to store correspondence with other users. Open the appropriate folder. Next, you can remove text files with unwanted messages. To do this, use the "Delete" key. You can press the "Shift-Delete" combination. Also, confirm the operation being performed. To prevent the correspondence from being saved in ICQ at all, select the required options in the "History".

Support for some features operating system can be disabled by introducing some restrictions on the programs used. This applies not only to computers, but also to phones.

Cellular operators, in addition to services and tariffs, are developing SIM portals. Megaphone is no exception. Subscribers can find the corresponding application in the phone menu. Thanks to the portal, customers have the opportunity to manage services directly from their smartphone.

No money is charged for moving through the menu. Funds are debited only for the final request. The portal can be used by all Megafon customers, regardless of the tariff plan and region of residence.

Customers should know what Megafon Pro is in order not to subscribe to unnecessary content. This is a kind of portal, which is available from the phone menu. The service is available to all subscribers. It does not matter which tariff plan connected.

Thanks to the SIM menu, subscribers can:

  • Manage MegaFon services;
  • Download games and ringtones to iPhone or Android;
  • Read news and horoscope;
  • Use reference information;
  • Search for objects of interest on the map;
  • Check cinema schedules.

For using the Megafon Pro resource subscription fee not charged. Withdrawal of money is carried out only at the time of the request. The cost of one call to the service ranges from 3 to 150 rubles.



To use the SIM menu, you do not need to install additional programs. The service is provided to all customers without exception. A person only needs to submit a content request. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • Use the portal navigation;
  • Activate USSD code.

FROM detailed list short numbers can be found on the official website of Megafon. Funds will be debited immediately after the activation of the request.

What subscriptions are connected

Sometimes the connection of content occurs unconsciously. This is because pop-up messages appear on the screen of the plentiful device. Clicking on such a newsletter leads to the connection of paid services.

  • Open the phone menu, and then launch "MegafonPro". In the application that opens, go to settings and select "Subscriptions". Within 5 seconds you will receive a message with a list of connected services;
  • Send SMS with the text "List" to short number from which the mailing is coming. In the response message, you can see the cost of the subscription.

If unnecessary options are connected, and a large amount of money is also deducted, it is recommended to disable Megafon pro on your phone.


Subscribers should be aware that deactivation of the portal on their own is not possible. Therefore, it is recommended to disable pop-up messages. This requires:

  • Enter the portal, and then select the section of interest. In the window that opens, you need to deactivate paid content;
  • Log in to the site megafon.ru. In the parameters, select unnecessary options, and then deactivate them;
  • Send a text message "Stop" to the number that previously sent spam.

If you need to completely get rid of the service, you should go to the nearest office of the company. After confirming the identity, by checking the passport, consultants will help remove the portal.

Who is suitable for

The service will be of interest to customers who do not have the opportunity to use the Internet. Users will be able to pick up any entertainment content, from news to dating. If there is a need to watch movies or programs, it is recommended to consider the service "".

MegaFonPro is an entertainment service from mobile operator. The operation of the service consists in the appearance of intrusive notifications on the screen of a smartphone or mobile phone. Notifications offer a variety of news, subscriptions, music and entertainment on a paid basis. This penetration of advertising into personal phone disliked by most subscribers. In addition to the annoyance of notifications, users suffer from accelerated smartphone discharge.

Is it possible to remove MegaFonPro from the phone

This promotional service is automatically activated when you turn on a recently purchased SIM card. The main danger of this system is that the user only needs to click the "OK" button instead of canceling, as is done paid subscription for any service. From the point of view of the law, MegaFonPro does not violate the rights of customers, but inattention costs a daily or monthly leak of finances.

It is possible to disable MegaFonPro, there are several ways to do this.

Ways to disable MegaFonPro

You can disconnect from constantly pop-up notifications by calling the operator on the number 0500 and in other ways.

In the Kaleidoscope menu

In smartphones and phones where Megafon SIM cards are installed, there is a separate menu. It is usually called "SIM" or "SIM menu". The algorithm follows:

  1. Enter the SIM card menu;
  2. Find the "Kaleidoscope" section - this is the subscriptions menu;
  3. Opposite each item where “+” appears, you need to switch this value to the opposite;
  4. To do this, go to the "Functions" section;
  5. Click the "Unsubscribe" button.

By disabling all subscriptions, the owner of the phone will no longer receive notifications on the screen.

Sales office visit

You can not use the SIM card menu in all cases. This section functions correctly only for subscribers registered in it. If there is no opportunity to register, and subscriptions are annoying, it is recommended to contact the nearest Megafon office.

You must have a passport and a phone with a connected SIM card, on which MegaFonPro operates. A passport is needed to confirm the identity of the owner. Branch employees must be required to disable all MegaFonPro subscriptions and services.

How to find out which subscriptions are connected through the portal

On the official website of Megafon there is a section of your personal account. In this section, subscribers can remotely manage services and subscriptions without involving specialists on hotline or sales offices. To check the options the client is already subscribed to in this moment, necessary:

  1. Log in to your personal account (login - phone number in any format, the password is sent by text message);
  2. Go to the "Service Guide" section;
  3. View the list of activated options;
  4. If desired, they can be disabled here.

After disabling each item in the list, the phone should receive messages about the operation that has occurred.

Disabling subscriptions through the MegaFonPro menu

In modern smartphones, notification options are turned off not only through the “Kaleidoscope”, where activated subscriptions appear. You can completely disconnect from MegaFonPro through the section of the same name in the SIM card menu or a free SMS message.

Through the phone menu

Go to the MegaFonPro section:

  1. Select the "Subscriptions" subsection, go to it;
  2. Click successively on each enabled option;
  3. Select the "Disable" action.