Good day to all!

Most modern laptops come preloaded with Windows 10 (8). But from experience I can say that many users (so far) like and are comfortable working in Windows 7 (some people don't run old software on Windows 10, others don't like the design of the new OS, others have problems with fonts, drivers, etc.).

But in order to run Windows 7 on a laptop, it is not necessary to format the disk, delete everything on it, etc. You can do it differently - install Windows 7 as a second OS to an existing 10-ke (for example). This is done quite simply, although many have difficulties. In this article, I will show with an example how to install a second Windows 7 OS to Windows 10 on a laptop with GPT disk(under UEFI). So, let's start sorting out in order ...

How to make two from one disk partition (we make a partition for installing a second Windows)

In most cases (I don’t know why), all new laptops (and computers) come with one partition - on which Windows is installed. Firstly, this partitioning method is not very convenient (especially in emergency cases when you need to change the OS); secondly, if you want to install a second OS, then there will be nowhere to do it ...

The task in this subsection of the article is simple: without deleting data on a partition with pre-installed Windows 10 (8) - to make free space another 40-50GB partition (for example) for installing Windows 7 into it.

In principle, there is nothing complicated here, especially since you can get by with built-in Windows Utilities. Let's consider all the actions in order.

1) Open the utility " Disk Management"- it is available in any version of Windows: 7, 8, 10. The easiest way to do this is to press the buttons Win+R and enter the command , press ENTER .

2) We select our disk partition on which there is free space (I have 2 partitions in the screenshot below, on a new laptop, most likely, there will be 1). So, select this section, click right click mice on it and in context menu press "" (i.e. we will reduce it due to the free space on it).

3) Next, enter the size of the compressible space in MB (for Windows 7, I recommend a minimum 30-50GB partition, i.e. at least 30,000 MB, see the screenshot below). Those. in fact, we are now entering the size of the disk on which we will later install Windows.

4) Actually, in a couple of minutes you will see that the free space (the size of which we indicated) was separated from the disk and became unallocated (in disk management - such areas are marked in black).

Now right-click on this unallocated area and create a simple volume there.

5) Next, you will need to specify file system(choose NTFS) and specify the drive letter (you can specify any that is not yet in the system). I think that it’s not worth illustrating all these steps here, just press the “next” button a couple of times there.

Then your disk will be ready and you can write other files to it, including installing another OS.

Important! Also, to split one hard disk partition into 2-3 parts, you can use special utilities. Be careful, not all of them break HDD without damaging files! I talked about one of the programs (which does not format the disk and does not delete your data on it during such an operation) in this article:

Create a bootable UEFI flash drive with Windows 7

By the way, you can find out what markup is on your disk (MBR or GPT) in this article: . The layout of your disk determines the settings that you need to set when creating bootable media!

For this case, I propose to use one of the most convenient and simple utilities for the record bootable flash drives. We are talking about the Rufus utility.

Quite a small (by the way, free) utility for creating bootable media. Using it is extremely simple: just download, run, specify the image and set the settings. Further - she will do everything herself! Right ideal and good example for utilities like this...

Let's move on to the recording settings (in order):

  1. Device : Specify the flash drive here. to which the file will be written iso image with Windows 7 (a flash drive will be needed for at least 4 GB, better - 8 GB);
  2. Partition scheme: GPT for computers with UEFI interface (this is important setting, otherwise it will not be possible to start the installation!);
  3. File system: FAT32;
  4. then specify the boot image file with Windows 7 (check the settings so that they are not reset. Some parameters may change after specifying the ISO image);
  5. Press the start button and wait for the end of the recording process.

Setting up the laptop BIOS (disabling Secure Boot)

The fact is that if you plan to install Windows 7 as a second system, then this cannot be done unless Secure boot is disabled in laptop BIOS.

Secure boot is a UEFI feature that prevents unauthorized operating systems and software from running when the computer is turned on and started. Those. roughly speaking, it protects against everything unfamiliar, for example, from viruses ...

In different laptops, Secure Boot is disabled in different ways (there are laptops where it cannot be disabled at all!). Let's consider the issue in more detail.

1) First you need to enter the BIOS. For this, most often, the keys are used: F2, F10, Delete. Each manufacturer of laptops (and even laptops of the same model range), the buttons are different! The login button must be pressed several times immediately after turning on the device.

Remarque! Buttons for entering the BIOS for different PCs, laptops:

2) When you enter the BIOS - look for the BOOT section. In it you need to do the following (using the example of a Dell laptop):

  • Boot List Option - UEFI;
  • Secure Boot - Disabled (disabled! Without this, you won't be able to install Windows 7);
  • Load Legacy Option Rom - Enabled (support for loading older operating systems);
  • The rest can be left as is, by default;
  • Press the F10 (Save and Exit) button - this is to save and exit (at the bottom of the screen you will have the buttons that you need to press).

Secure Boot is disabled.

Remarque! You can read more about disabling Secure Boot in this article (several different laptops are discussed there):

Starting Windows 7 Setup

If the flash drive is recorded and inserted into a USB 2.0 port ( USB port 3.0 is marked in blue, be careful), the BIOS is configured, then you can start installing Windows 7 ...

1) Reboot (turn on) the laptop and press the boot media selection button (Call boot menu). These buttons are different on different laptops. For example, on HP laptops, you can press ESC (or F10), Dell laptops- F12. In general, there is nothing complicated here, you can even experimentally find the most frequent buttons: ESC, F2, F10, F12 ...

Remarque! Hotkeys for calling the Boot Menu in laptops from different manufacturers:

By the way, you can also select bootable media in the BIOS (see the previous part of the article), correctly setting the queue.

The screenshot below shows what such a menu looks like. When it appears - select the created bootable flash drive(see screenshot below).

2) Next run normal installation Windows 7: a welcome window, a window with a license (need to be confirmed), a choice of installation type (choose for advanced users) and, finally, a window will appear with a choice of a disk on which to install the OS. In principle, there should not be any errors at this step - you need to select the disk partition that we prepared in advance and click " next«.

Where to install Windows 7.

Remarque! If there are errors, like “this partition cannot be installed, because it is MBR ... "- I recommend that you read this article:

3) Then all that remains is to wait until the files are copied to the laptop's hard drive, prepared, updated, etc.

4) By the way, if after the files are copied (screen above) and the laptop is rebooted, you will see the error “File: \Windows\System32\Winload.efi”, etc. (screenshot below) - so you did not turn off Secure Boot and Windows cannot continue the installation ...

After disabling Secure Boot (how to do this - see above in the article) - there will be no such error and Windows will continue the installation in the normal mode.

Secure Boot Related Error - Not Off!

Default system selection, timeout setting

After installing the second Windows system - when you turn on the computer, you will have a boot manager that will display all the available OS on the computer to let you choose what to download (screenshot below).

In principle, this could be the end of the article - but the default parameters are painfully inconvenient. First, this screen appears every time for 30 seconds. (5 are enough to choose from!), secondly, as a rule, each user wants to choose which system to boot by default. Actually, this is what we will do now ...

To set the time and select the default system, go to the panel Windows controls by the address: Control Panel/System and Security/System(I set these parameters in Windows 7, but in Windows 8/10 - this is done the same way!).

When the "System" window opens, there will be a link on the left side " Additional system settings"- it needs to be opened (screenshot below).

Control Panel/System and Security/System/Options options

Next, you can choose operating system, loaded by default, as well as whether to display the OS list, and how long to display it, in fact. (screenshot below). In general, set the parameters for yourself, save them and restart the laptop.


With this, the modest mission of this article is completed. Results: the laptop has 2 OS installed, both work, when you turn it on, you have 6 seconds to choose what to download. Windows 7 is used for a couple of old apps that didn't work on Windows 10 (although you could get away with virtual machines:)) and Windows 10 for everything else. Both operating systems see all disks in the system, you can work with the same files, etc.

Hello! Finally, I found the time to install Windows 8 and of course write a detailed article with pictures for my blog readers. I have not yet decided to completely abandon Windows 7, I wanted to first check Windows 8, understand whether what is written about it on the Internet is true and draw my own conclusions. So I decided install Windows 8 as a second system next to Windows 7 which is already installed on my computer.

I will now try to describe the entire installation process in detail and supplement my words with photographs. I want to apologize right away for the quality of the photo, since I installed Windows 8 not on a virtual machine, but on a regular computer, I didn’t have the opportunity to take beautiful screenshots. I photographed the whole process on the phone, but taking pictures of the monitor is not very convenient, and accordingly the photo is not very good :).

But that won't stop me from showing you the Windows 8 installation process.

So I will install the eight on a computer that already has Windows 7 installed. If you want to install Windows 8 as the only system, maybe even on new computer, then this instruction will also suit you, there are some nuances that I will write about.

To install Windows 8, I created another partition on the hard drive, I wrote about how to do this in the article, if you also want to install the eight with a second system, then I advise you to create the same additional partition. I allocated almost 20 GB for it (I wanted more, but there is not so much free memory on the hard drive), for 32-bit Windows 8 this is enough, for 64-bit it is better to make a larger partition.

Preparing to install Windows 8

  • We will of course need boot disk with Windows 8. If you do not have it, you will have to do it, read more about this in the article.
  • If you install Windows 8 next to an already installed Windows 7, then it is enough to simply create an additional partition, as described in the article linked above.
  • If you install Windows 8 as the only system, you will need to format drive C, when formatting, all information on it will be deleted. Therefore, you need to make a copy in advance desired files and save them to disk D.
  • Installation on a new computer differs only in the partitioning of the hard disk into sections during the installation process, I will write about this in more detail.

Starting the installation of Windows 8


The installation process may differ from the one I show. It depends on the system build you are installing. Just follow the instructions and you will be fine.

We take our boot disk, put it in the CD / DVD drive and restart the computer. If you see an inscription, quickly press any key and you can skip the next paragraph.

If the boot from the disk does not start, then you need to set the boot from CD / DVD disks. Read the article for details on how to do this. If you did everything correctly, then when you restart your computer, you will see an inscription, continue.

Then it will appear blue window with an inscription “Installation start”, wait again until a window with a choice of language appears. Select the language and click "Next".

Accept license agreement and click "Next".

The next item is probably the most difficult in the process of installing Windows 8. You need to select the partition into which we will install the system. When I created a partition under Windows 8, I called it that, so we select the partition we need and click “Disc Setup” then "Format". A message will appear that formatting will destroy all data from the partition. We press "OK".

After formatting is complete, select the partition we need and click "Next".

We observe the process of copying and preparing files. The most difficult part is over, you can relax a little, after completing the installation preparation, the computer will reboot itself. When the inscription appears, do not touch anything.

After the reboot, Windows 8 will start immediately. But if you install the system next to Windows 7, then do not be afraid, the seven has not disappeared anywhere. After the next demonstration of a beautiful logo, a window will appear with a choice of operating system. As you can see, Windows 7 is still there, but we're not done yet. Windows installation 8, so we choose it.

If you are installing Windows 8 as the only system, then you will not see such a window.

We continue the installation. On the page Enter a computer name and choose a color to taste. Click "Next".

The next installation page is, I think that you can set up the computer later, but now I advise you to choose “Use default settings”.

You probably already know that in Windows 8 there is a strong binding to all sorts of online services from Microsoft. Therefore, even during the installation process, we are offered to log in, or create a new account. Of course you need an internet connection. I advise you to log in with your account if you need to after installation, but for now just click “Entrance without account Microsoft”.

Select .

Enter the username, password (if necessary) and click on the “Finish” button.

You need to wait a bit while the computer is being prepared for work.

Everything, here it is a desktop with tiles.

Click on the “Desktop” tile, and you will see almost the same desktop as in Windows 7.

Everything, installation of Windows 8 is finished! You can start learning about the system.

If you installed Windows 8 as a second system alongside Windows 7

As I already wrote, there are no problems with the operation of two systems on one computer. But, I didn’t like one moment with loading and choosing an operating system.

The function of managing the choice of the operating system was taken over by Windows 8, when you turn on the computer, a beautiful window appears in which you can choose which system to boot, there you can also set the time and system by default. Everything is fine, but it's too long.

At first, Windows 8 starts loading for me, then a window appears with a choice of OS.

I choose Windows 7 (and most often I need to download it) and then the computer restarts again and only then does it start Windows boot 7. It's very long. Therefore, I decided to fix the problem, and now I will share with you.

I just made it so that Windows 7 would control the choice of OS for booting. Its window with the choice of the operating system is not so beautiful, but it is fast.

We boot into Windows 7. Click “Start” and in the search we write “ cmd“, in the search results, run the utility cmd.exe.

A window will open in which we write the command msconfig and press "Enter".

In the window that opens, go to the tab, select Windows 7, press the button “Use by default”. Click "Apply" and "OK". We agree to reboot.

Now Windows 7 will control the boot and selection of the operating system.


I would also like to write about my impressions of the installation and of Windows 8 itself. I won’t write much, to be honest, I’m already a little tired, it’s not a small article :).

I like it. The installation process is not very different from installing Windows 7, but there is still a twist. I really like these colorful pages with large elements in a minimalist style. If in terms of installation speed, then Windows 8 installs faster than the seven, I didn’t notice, but it seemed to me so. I also liked the fact that there were no problems installing Windows 8 as a second system on one computer.

As for the system itself and the interface, I also liked it. I won't say I'm thrilled, but it's cool. And when you switch to a regular desktop, it's almost the same Windows 7, only fresh or something. I will not write about the speed of work, everything is individual here, but according to my observations, Windows 8 does not work faster than the seven.

That's all, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. Good luck friends!

More on the site:

Installing Windows 8 as a second system alongside Windows 7 on the same computer updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Often, only one operating system is installed on the computer, but if you wish, you can install two Windows operating systems, and select the one you need when turning on the computer. According to the recommendations, you need to install the older operating system first, and then the newer one, for example: first install Windows 7, and then install Windows 10.
What do we have to do:

  • Install first operating system: if you already have Windows installed on your computer - well, let's move on! If not, install Windows and configure;
  • Free up space for the second operating system: if all your disks are busy, you need to compress one of them so that space is freed up and we can create another partition for another operating system;
  • Installing the second version of Windows: we install a second operating system, and at the beginning of the installation you need to select a custom installation, not an update! During installation, we select the unallocated disk space that arose after compression in the previous paragraph.

This was a short plan, following which, when you turn on the computer, you can choose which Windows to boot. Moreover, all files will be common to both operating systems.

Install the first version of the operating system if it is not already installed:

Let's say we have a clean laptop (or desktop computer), first install the first operating system there:

2. When dots go and Press writes any key- press Enter, the installation starts. Choose the language, accept the license, and choose custom installation!

3. If there is no important information on the disk - delete the old ones and make new ones, or select one and install Windows there;

If the operating system is already there - , and free up space for the new operating system:

2. When the dots go and writes Press any key - press Enter, the installation begins. Choose a language, accept a license, and choose custom installation! If you choose to update, the new operating system will be on top of the old one!

3. When prompted to select a disk for installation - select the place that was freed during compression, we can simply select it and click next, or you can select unallocated space => click Create => and create a disk of the desired size. No need to install Windows on an existing partition! Choose only an unoccupied seat!

Selecting an operating system to boot and changing boot options:

Depending on which operating system you installed second, the screen will look different, for example, I installed Windows 8.1 as the second system and the selection screen looks like this:

And in other cases, it can be black, or another color, which, of course, is not important 🙂

You can go to the boot options and select the operating system to boot by default, the time to determine the choice or automatic boot, etc. To do this - click on Computer with the right mouse button => properties => Extra options system => in the advanced tab, the item Boot and restore, select Options => configure the desired boot options

If you want to install another operating system, then do it on another partition. But I would not recommend a lot of them, if you want to conduct experiments on different operating systems, then use it better. That's all for today! Good luck to you 🙂

Some software not compatible with modern operating systems. In this case, you can install a separate OS for it, which will work specifically for this program. Also, the need for another system may be due to the fact that more than one person uses the computer. Let's see if it is possible to install two operating systems on one computer and how to do it.

Features of installing multiple operating systems on one computer

Indeed, it is possible to install several operating systems on one computer. Users try to diversify the capabilities of their computer by installing operating systems from different manufacturers.

Installing multiple operating systems is possible if you boot them onto different physical or virtual disks. It should be borne in mind that Windows adequately perceives only a similar operating system of a different version. If you want to install Lunix, you must download it first, and then install Windows as an alternative.

It is also necessary to carry out the installation in order of priority - download the newer version last. In this case, you do not need to configure the computer's startup menu for a long time. often called a selfish system, if you have it, then you will have to make changes to the boot menu.

Using a second operating system using a virtual machine. Video instruction

A program that emulates various operating systems. For Windows, you can use a product from Oracle - Virtualbox. Its advantages are that:

  • you can run even the oldest versions of the operating system;
  • on one PC, you can use several dozens of operating systems at once, including;
  • the virtual machine and all data can be easily transferred to another PC;
  • if volume random access memory allows you to run multiple operating systems at once.

Such programs also have their drawbacks:

  • Some programs won't run on virtual machine, since it is impossible to achieve 100% visualization on it;
  • With hard drive it is impossible to work directly, first you need to transfer the files to the disk of the virtual machine.

We will not dwell in detail, since this is a very extensive topic, and our article is devoted to the constant use of several operating systems on one computer.

Instructions for installing two OS

Windows 7 and 10 are most often installed on a modern computer. There may be problems installing the XP operating system, since this system may not see the hard drive, it is not currently serviced and does not receive drivers automatically. Let's analyze the standard situation when you already have it installed, but for some programs you want to have a second option, for example, the seventh version of the operating system.

Installing two operating systems on a new PC always starts with the older one, and the new one must be written to a free hard drive or dedicated volume. But in most cases, users are faced with the opposite situation. We will dwell on it in more detail. The instructions given can also be used in the opposite situation, when you have Windows 7, and you decide to try the tenth version of the OS.

Before installing two operating systems on your computer, you will need to connect pure hard disk or allocate space on existing media. It is worth dwelling on the second option in more detail, since it will require little time from you:

  1. In most new PCs, disks are not partitioned into separate volumes, which makes it difficult to install additional operating systems on them. In order for the operating systems to work normally, it is necessary to allocate a volume for the second volume of 40-50 GB.
  2. Allocate without data loss additional disk only if there is enough free space on it. To do this, press the key combination Win + R and enter the diskmgmt.msc command.
  3. You will see the Disk Management window. Right-click on the meta that you want to cut off from another disk and select Shrink Volume from the context menu.
  4. Enter the amount of space you need. For normal operation of the operating system, you need to separate at least 40 GB.
  5. Unallocated space will be displayed in black on the graph. Click on this area with the right mouse button and select the "Create empty volume" function from the list. Now you just have to set a letter for it and select the file system - NTFS.

This volume will now show up in File Explorer. Even if you do not physically have an additional HDD, you can create two operating systems on different disks.

The next step in installing the operating system will be a flash drive or disk. The only rule in this work will be that you need to write to the media an image of only one version of Windows. Also, you do not need to place images with different bit depths - choose only one option. We will not dwell on this work in detail. It is carried out in the same way as for a single OS.

To start the installation new version operating system, you must enter the BIOS and take the following steps:
  1. Disable security mode Boot.
  2. Find the CSM or Legacy option, you need to enable it on the contrary, then the computer will support different operating systems.

If a more modern UEFI shell is installed on your computer, then you need to do it a little differently:

  1. Set the Csm Support option to Enable mode. It can be found in the BOOT section.
  2. Go to the SECURITY section. Find Secure Boot Control in it and set it to Disabled mode.

Then, in any of the shells, you need to choose which media the system will boot from - from a USB flash drive or DVD. Regardless of which shell you were working in, you must save your changes and proceed with the installation. She's not too complicated. "Installation Wizard" will prompt you at every stage. The only point worth remembering is that the installation must be carried out on the disk partition that you created at the very beginning of the procedure.

After completing and rebooting, you need to select in the BIOS which disk the system will boot from. It must be HDD. If you used two physical disk and they both appear in the list, you must select the one on which the most commonly used operating system is recorded.

Creating the launch menu

If your main operating system is Windows 10, then after restarting your computer you will have a choice of which system you will use. The default time to choose is about 30 seconds. If necessary, you can change this time in the Windows 10 System menu. To do this, you need to follow the instructions:

  • go to the "Control Panel";
  • go to the "System and Security" tab;
  • select "System";
  • in the left column of the menu, select the item "Advanced options";
  • the "System Properties" window will open in front of you, in it select the "Advanced" tab;
  • click on the "Settings" button.

In this part of the menu, you will be able to choose which operating system will be loaded by default. If there is no marker next to the line “Display a list of operating systems”, then check this item and enter the desired time to choose from in numbers (in seconds). Save your changes.

Acronis OS selector

If you used another system by default or if you don't see the selection menu, then you need to download the Acronis OS selector utility. The setting will be carried out with its help. It will help you decide how to switch between two operating systems.

  1. Install the latest version of the utility and restart your computer.
  2. During the reboot, you cannot turn off the PC, the software will create a special FAT partition on the hard drive and write boot files to it. After which you will need to restart your computer again.
  3. After rebooting again, the utility will start searching for operating systems installed on your PC. Based on its results, it will generate a list of available operating systems.
  4. Switching between operating systems is very simple, for this you need to go to the application and select the OS that is not allocated to this moment color.
  5. After selecting the operating system, you need to open the settings menu (it is located at the top of the window). Select "Download" from the list of available options.

Immediately after these steps, the operating system will be rebooted. The version of your choice will run. This method helps a lot when two operating systems on a PC are installed on different hard drives, and in the BIOS you only need to select one. The utility helps if you have installed old versions of operating systems, and not the tenth or eighth version.

With this utility, you can also, without delving into system settings select the default operating system and load it. For example, if you have two Windows 7 operating systems, you can stop at the one that is working and boot from it. The second can be removed using the built-in system methods. To do this, in the settings menu, you need to stop at the item "Select default and load." Now, after turning on the computer, you will boot the selected system. This method works well if you installed the OS on different physical drives.

How to remove the second operating system?

If you no longer need a second operating system, then the first thing you want to do is remove it. After all, few people want to perform an additional action during the startup of the computer. Let's figure out how to remove two operating systems. Can you do it in a radical way by completely reinstalling Windows with formatting hard drives. But if you want to save the files of the default system, then you need to proceed in other ways. Not the most advanced users the following instruction will work:

  1. Download the operating system you want to keep.
  2. Go to the "Start" menu and find the line "Run". You can just press Win + R .
  3. In the window that appears, there will be a single line in which you need to enter the msconfig command.
  4. Press Enter or click the OK button with the mouse.
  5. You will see the "System Configuration" window. Go to the "Download" tab.
  6. The list should show two operating systems. Next to one there is a mark (Current, loaded by default), next to the second there are usually no marks.
  7. Click on the line of the operating system you want to get rid of. Below the list box, there is a Delete button. Click on it.
  8. After you click this button, “Apply” becomes active, confirm your actions with it, and complete the operation by clicking the “OK” button.
  9. The configuration window will close and a new "System Setup" will appear in front of you. It will indicate that you must restart your computer in order to make changes. Click on the "Restart" button.

If you pressed the buttons correctly, then after restarting the computer you will not see the selection menu, the second operating system will be deleted. In some cases, files and folders will remain on the disk that will need to be removed manually. Do not confuse on which disk it is located working system(if you installed according to our instructions, then this will be section C) so as not to delete the necessary files.

Experienced users can do the same job in automatic mode using command line. In it, you need to call the built-in BCDEdit command tool, and then use the deletevalue tool. We will not dwell on this possibility in detail, since the method given above is much simpler and will suit a user with any level of training.

Now you know everything about working with multiple operating systems: how to install, download, or even uninstall them. Placing two versions of Windows on the same computer is possible if you follow all the rules described above. If you have any difficulties or questions, you can ask them in the comments. Share information with friends and invite them to the discussion.

For a long time, running from one operating system to another, if there are two of them installed on the computer, will not work. After carefully studying both, sooner or later you will have to choose only one of them - basic, with which the work will be carried out mainly. If for the most part only one Windows system is used, its other versions or editions located on other partitions of the disk, not required to be removed. Of course, provided that the space hard drive not limited in size.

The ability to work in the future with other computer systems can be left, but for convenience, simplify the entrance to the main one by removing temporarily unused ones from the boot. In this case, starting the computer will be simplified automatic loading only the desired operating system. Another option to simplify the start of working with a computer is not to remove the window for selecting the boot of all systems, but to assign desired version Windows as bootable by default and reduce the time it takes to select other options in the bootloader window.

How to edit the boot process of multiple operating systems Windows systems installed on one computer - more on that below.

So, we have in our case a computer with installed versions Windows 7 and 8.1. When you turn on the computer, we see the bootloader window with a list of systems to choose from.

Every time you boot your computer, get into desired system possible by making the appropriate choice. Otherwise, after a certain time - and by default this is 30 seconds- Windows will automatically boot, first on the list. In our case, this Windows 7, since it is the last one installed on the computer, and it is its bootloader, as we see, that meets us after starting the computer.

Well, let's change that. Let's configure the automatic boot of the main system - Windows 8.1. To do this, of course, you need to enter it.

We need a settings section, and in Windows 8.1 you can get to it using the context menu on the button.

In the system window, select Extra options.

You can also get to the settings section in Windows 7 using the context menu, but called on the icon "A computer" in the conductor. Among the commands, you must select .

In Windows 7, also select Extra options.

Further steps in both systems are identical.

In the system properties window that appears, in the tab "Additionally" press the settings button last section.

Now you can start editing the boot of several systems. Change the downloaded Windows default from the options in the dropdown list. In our case, we change the pre-installed Windows 7 to Windows 8.1.

As mentioned, the default Windows bootloader waiting half a minute to allow the user to select an operating system.

If predominantly work is carried out only in one system, it makes no sense to leave half a minute waiting for it to automatically load. Another operating system can not be deprived of the ability to start, but reduce the preset time for selecting boot options. In the display of the list of bootable systems, in our case, set 5 second waiting before automatically booting the Windows 8.1 core system. This time is more than enough to make a choice if you suddenly need to enter Windows 7 sometime.

To completely remove another system from the boot list, you must uncheck the option system list display. In this case, only the system selected for booting by default will boot without any time delays.

If a second operating system is ever needed, it will be possible to enter it by making this option active again.

After making changes, click "OK" at the bottom of this window, as well as at the bottom of the system properties window.

That's it - the operating system boot list has been edited.

Above, we looked at editing the boot of existing operating systems. But often when you start the computer we can see a list of operating systems that are already on the computer No. This is a natural development after the second operating system was removed by simply formatting the disk partition or destroying it. system files manually, but the entry about the possibility of loading it in the system configuration was not removed. The bootloader may also display the option to launch a non-existent core Windows after the system has been reinstalled. This, by the way, is not the main, but one of the reasons why system engineers advise to carry out the so-called clean installation of Windows - without saving the files of the previous system and formatting the disk partition.

It is better to remove the non-existent operating system from the boot options altogether so that it does not delay the process of starting the main Windows.

In the main system, we call the command . In Windows 8.1 fast access to it is implemented in the context menu on the button.

We need system configuration section. Enter the value in the command field:

We press "OK".

In Windows 7, you can start the system configuration window easier - by writing key query in the menu search field.

The system configuration window will appear, go to the tab. We select the record about loading a non-existent system and delete it.

In our case, the download list contained different versions Windows, and decide on the one to be deleted "Seven" We obviously didn't have a hard time. But if the load list contains entries for two identical Windows versions, in orientation with the one to be removed, descriptions of the systems will help. The Windows we are actually on will be marked as current.

The changes made are saved with the button. After pressing "OK" the system will prompt reboot.

After restarting the computer, we can observe the immediate startup of the main system.