This article is about the problem when the computer freezes and you do not know which keys to press on the keyboard to restart or turn off the computer. So, let's say your computer is already frozen. Here's what you need to do:

Give the computer some time

First you should wait. Just give your computer a few minutes to process all the data and tasks. If the computer is old or slow enough, it may take some time to process a complex task.

The computer froze?

If nothing happens for a long time, you should make sure that the computer still freezes. You can do this by pressing the Caps Lock button on your keyboard. If the indicator (light) lights up or goes out, it means that the computer continues to work. In this case, go to the next step.

If the light does not turn on (or does not go out), then the computer is frozen and you need to restart it. Skip the next step and go to the instructions on how to restart your computer if it freezes.

End the task of an unresponsive program

If Caps Lock turns on and off, then the computer is still running, but another program may not be responding, thereby causing the computer to freeze. In this case, you need to press Ctrl + Alt + Del on your keyboard to open the dispatcher Windows tasks. Then highlight the program that is not responding and select End Task.

If Task Manager opens but your computer still freezes, you may have a problem with your mouse.

How to restart your computer if it freezes

If none of the above methods helped, you must restart your computer. To restart your computer if it freezes, you need to press and hold the power button until the computer turns off. The power button should be on the computer case, or on top of the keyboard if you are using a laptop.

When the computer shuts down completely, wait a few seconds, then turn it back on.

Note: When you turn on the computer after restarting, you may see a screen asking if you want to start the computer in safe mode or start Windows in normal mode. Select the "Start Windows normally" option and check if the computer is running.

Take your computer to a service center

If none of the above methods helped with your problem, we recommend that you take your computer to a service center. The specialist will diagnose and fix the problem.

Thank you for your attention! Now you know which keys to press when your computer freezes, and how to turn off or restart your computer when it freezes.


Probably, almost every user has experienced a computer freeze: it stops responding to pressing buttons on the keyboard; everything is terribly slow, or even the picture on the screen froze; sometimes even Cntrl+Alt+Del doesn't help. In these cases, it remains to be hoped that after a reboot through the Reset button, this will not happen again.

And what can be done if the computer freezes with enviable regularity? That's what I would like to talk about in this article ...

1. The nature of freezes and causes

When starting a program;

Or when you install some driver;

Maybe after some time, after turning on the computer;

Or maybe when watching a video or in your favorite game?

If you find any pattern - you can restore your computer much faster!

Of course, there are reasons for computer freezes and lie in technical problems, but much more often it's all about the software!

The most common reasons(based on personal experience):

1) Run too a large number programs. As a result, the power of the PC is not enough to process such an amount of information, and everything starts to slow down terribly. Usually, in this case, it is enough to close several programs, and wait a couple of minutes - then the computer starts to work stably.

2) You have installed new hardware in your computer and, accordingly, new drivers. Then errors and bugs started... If so, just remove the drivers and download another version: for example, an older one.

3) Very often, users accumulate a lot of different temporary files, browser log files, browsing history, defragmentation has not been carried out for a long time (and more often it has not been carried out at all) hard drive etc.

Further in the article, we will try to deal with all these reasons. If you follow everything step by step, as described in the article, at least you will increase the speed of your computer and most likely there will be fewer freezes (if it’s not hardware computer)...

2. Step number 1 - optimize and clean Windows

This is the first thing to do! Most users simply accumulate a huge number of different temporary files (garbage files that Windows itself is not always able to delete). These files can significantly slow down the work of many programs and even cause the computer to freeze.

1) First, I recommend clearing the computer of "garbage". To do this, there are with the best OS cleaners. For example, I like it - after it many mistakes and junk files will be cleaned and your computer, even by eye, will run faster.

As a rule, after all these cleanings, the computer starts to freeze much less often, the user's work speed increases, and he forgets about his problem ...

3. Step number 2 - clean the computer from dust

Many users may treat this item with a smirk, saying that this is what will affect ...

The fact is that due to dust in the case system block air exchange deteriorates. Because of this, the temperature of many computer components rises. Well, an increase in temperature can affect the stability of the PC.

You can easily clean dust at home, both a laptop and a regular computer. To avoid repetition, here are a couple of links:

And yet, perhaps it makes sense to do.

5. Step number 4 - if the computer freezes in the game

Let's list the most common reasons why this happens, and immediately try to figure out how you can fix them.

1) Too weak computer for this game.

2) Problems with DirectX

4) The problem with the video card itself

This also happens. Try checking her temperature as well. Perhaps she will soon become unusable and live out her last days, or she does not have enough cooling. A characteristic feature: you start the game, a certain time passes and the game freezes, the picture stops moving at all ...

If it does not have enough cooling (this can happen in summer, in extreme heat, or when a lot of dust has accumulated on it), you can install an additional cooler.

6. Step number 4 - if the computer freezes when watching a video

We will build this section like the previous one: first the cause, then the way to eliminate it.

1) Too high quality video

If the computer is already old (or at least not new) - there is a possibility that it does not have enough system resources to process and display high-quality video. For example, this often happened on my old computer when I tried to play .

2) Problem with video player

It is possible that you just need to reinstall, or try opening the video in another player. Sometimes it helps.

3) Problem with codecs

This is very common cause freezing and video and computer. Your best bet is to completely remove all codecs from the system and then reinstall a good set: I recommend K-Light. How to install them and where to download, .

4) Video card problem

Everything that we wrote about problems with the video card when starting games is also typical for video. You need to check the temperature of the video card, driver, etc. See a little higher.

7. If all else fails...

Hope dies last…

It also happens that at least hurt yourself, but they hang and that's it! If none of the suggestions above help, I'm left with only two options:

If this did not help, I think this issue cannot be resolved within the framework of the article. It is better to turn to friends who are well versed in computers, or take it to a service center.

That's all, good luck everyone!

The moment when the user notices that the computer freezes. At first, the problem does not cause excessive inconvenience, but over time the problem worsens, and the device stops responding to administrator commands.
Use the tips below to troubleshoot the issue.

Familiar situation? When the computer freezes, you should not immediately pull out the cord from the network, press the restart button or fight in hysterics, nervously tapping the mouse on the table. These are extreme measures when nothing helps. Initially, we will determine why the computer freezes, the nature of the brakes, and then we will get acquainted with the methods for solving the problem that has arisen.

Causes of a computer or laptop freezing

There are 7 common reasons why the computer slows down or randomly restarts:

  • Wrong software

The computer often freezes for users who install utilities or games whose requirements do not match the installed hardware on the computer. Modern programs consume a lot of resources, if the machine is old, it does not have enough power to process data. It is possible that the game or the program is included broken files, because of them, too, there are brakes.

When the user noticed that after a few minutes of operation, it is recommended to check the device for the presence of virus files. If the test fails, perform a full system scan, hard drives and operating system files.

  • Lack of RAM

With the constant use of a PC or laptop, the user knows what software is installed and what is included in startup. In the event that, it is recommended to remove two or three applications from autorun and end background processes. After unloading the operatives, the brakes pass.

  • Garbage in the operating room

Work at the computer is directly related to the processing, downloading and deleting files. When unnecessary items accumulate, an excessive amount of computer or laptop freezes. It is not recommended to store unused components, they are available for download from the Internet.

  • Broken operating system files

If an antivirus program is not installed on the computer and files are downloaded from unverified sources, the probability of catching a Trojan is close to 100%. Finding viruses in the machine leads to damage system files, which are responsible for the correct operation of the computer.

  • Work in high temperature conditions

Have you noticed that your computer hangs or spontaneously restarts? Check the processor temperature (programs and widgets have been developed for this), if the temperature exceeds the norm, cleaning and reinstalling the software is required.

  • OS components not working properly


If the user does not turn on the computer (the freeze occurs at the time the operating system starts), the problem lies in the malfunction of the built-in components, the BIOS menu is not available. It is treated by reinstalling Windows.

Common causes have been found out, now we will determine what to do when the computer freezes.

The computer freezes tightly - cleaning and optimizing Windows

Due to the littering of the system, computers and laptops slow down for 80% of users, in other situations the problem needs a different solution. Temporary files and folders, residual components after uninstalling programs and applications. Storing extra files will cause the system to shut down. First, the user will see that the mouse freezes, and then the work will become unbearable due to glitches and slowdowns.

Cleaner programs can deal with unnecessary components: Ccleaner or Res Button. There are many articles written about the first and a lot of information, and it is suitable for beginners and advanced users, but we will consider the second program, it has a lot of advantages.

Download from the developers site, go through standard procedure installation and run the executable file. The main window looks like this:

Fig.1 Main window of the program

Everything is extremely simple here. The program obeys the administrator's commands and cleans and configures those partitions that he determines. We are interested in the tab located in the middle, so we click on the word "Settings" and go to the workspace of the program:

Fig.2 Go to the "Settings" section

Here the user makes a choice (depending on the operating system, the options vary slightly). Let's analyze in detail the features of the program.

Disk Cleanup

There are 4 options available here and in each the user removes unnecessary components, but we use only three options:

  • system– the tab is responsible for setting the type of information to be uninstalled;
  • applications– the tab is designed to get acquainted with the data of applications that they save in the course of work. The list is based on browser programs, their cache (when it is full, the user's Internet hangs);
  • templates- the tab allows you to delete operating system templates.

The computer freezes and does not respond - cleaning the registry

Through the program, the user can clean the registry or fix errors in it. If a installed program due to unstable work, it made an incorrect entry in the registry, then the user starts having problems with the computer, as if he were living his life. If they are identified in time, and then corrected, the problems go away. This is how the window looks like:

Fig. 3 Go to the tab " Registry Cleanup"

OS components

This tab unties the hands of the user. Now it can remove unwanted pre-installed apps. Take a close look at this process and sensibly assess what you really need and what you can sacrifice and whether you need to do it:

Fig.4 Tab "OS Components"

Performance tuning

If your computer freezes intermittently after performing a thorough cleaning, go to the performance tab and enable/disable components. Don't forget to save your changes:

Fig.5 Speed ​​setting

When the parameters are defined, click "OK" and click on the red square. The following window will appear:

Fig.6 Optimization process

After performing the described actions, the computer does not freeze, the data processing speed increases, and the user's problems with the machine end.

the computer slows down, freezes - we clean the computer from dust

Most users neglect this action, and then are surprised that their computer freezes when browsing the Internet or while playing games. Dust conducts current, discharges adversely affect the operation of iron and over time it will simply fail.

The procedure is carried out with a minimum set of tools:

  • curly screwdriver;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • cotton pads, swabs or sticks;
  • vacuum cleaner (not necessary, but it is better to prepare).

We turn off the computer, recline from the network and pull out the connected devices (mouse, keyboard, USB, etc.). We take out the system unit, turn it towards us and unscrew the bolts:

Fig.7 Unscrew the bolts

We are filming sidebar and consider:

Fig.8 Remove the side panel

We see a bunch of dust because of which the computer freezes during operation. Presented in the picture is collected in 2-3 months of work. If you do not clean the computer for a couple of years, then you can see this:

Fig. 9 Dust, due to which the computer freezes during operation

If you have such a blockage, then arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner and carefully, so as not to hurt anything, remove the main layer.

The next step is a detailed cleaning: coolers, screw fasteners, battery, processor. When your computer freezes and makes a sound, it means that there is overheating, which occurs due to insufficient cooling of the devices by a dust-clogged cooler.

Take a cotton pad or stick, in extreme cases, wrap a soft cloth or cotton wool around the match and clean the fan:

Fig. 10 Take a cotton pad and clean the fan

Cleaning is almost complete, take a soft brush:

Fig.11 Take a soft brush

Remove dust from the rest of the elements, only carefully so as not to damage the contacts. Do not forget about the video card, motherboard and screws:

Fig.12 Remove dust from other elements

We put the parts in place and turn on the computer.

Computer freezes on boot - RAM check

The first thing to do is to clean RAM computer. Computer malfunctions occur due to the fact that the board is overheated, or has defects, or is slow.

Fig.13 RAM

Cleaning is recommended to be performed in combination with the action described above, due to the fact that data processing slows down due to a large amount of dust. When the computer starts to freeze, pull the RAM out of the slot and wipe it, treat the contact points with a soft cloth or eraser.

Advice! Handle this component carefully, if handled carelessly, there is a high chance of damage, which will necessitate the replacement of the board.

Action four - the computer freezes in games

A common problem among users is that the computer freezes during the game. This is due to operating system failures caused by incompatible parameters.

If your computer shuts down when you start a game, or if you experience other problems, pay attention to the following points:

  • discrepancy in system requirements - modern games require a lot of RAM, and if you have a volume of 256, and a toy needs 512 or more, then the user cannot avoid brakes. You can find out the installed volume through the advanced device manager; if there is a shortage, you will need to replace the RAM in the computer;
  • outdated video card GUI the game is the main element, the video card in the computer is responsible for its visualization (some do not have it at all), if brakes are noticed when loading locations, a driver update or video replacement is required;
  • overheating - if the computer constantly reboots arbitrarily, then most likely the processor temperature is at the limit, which leads to overheating of the video card. It is also solved by replacing the thermal paste;
  • memory is full - if the user has a lot of applications running in the background, they eat up a lot of RAM and then there are not enough resources for the game, it is recommended to terminate unused processes;
  • virus attacks - often for users in games, the mouse freezes for a few seconds, if the hardware is normal and the coolers are working, then check the computer for viruses;
  • problems with DirectX - brakes occur due to an outdated version, an update is recommended.

Action five - computer freezes when watching a video

If your device freezes while watching video content (movies, clips, etc.), then here probable causes and solutions:

  • High quality of the viewed file

The problem occurs on older computers. The user is trying to play an HD file and the machine is running out of resources. It is recommended to choose a lower resolution or view it in another player, close background applications, which will free up RAM.

  • Incorrect player operation

If the video slows down on one player, you need to try to play it in another program, or uninstall and reinstall the old one.

  • Codecs

Computer inhibition provokes the absence complete set codecs. Install K-lite, the program will solve your problems.

  • video card

An outdated video card or driver causes lag when watching videos or playing games. A hardware upgrade is recommended. Now you know what to do if your computer freezes. Ask questions to experts.

So, what should not be done when the computer, the computer freezes, freezes tightly in games, some program does not close: do not use heavy objects to resuscitate it, do not restart the computer from the Reset button (this is only in the most extreme cases, otherwise the operating system may suffer system).

We are trying to solve the problem through the Windows Task Manager (combination CTRL + ALT + DEL).

In the task manager, select the program or application that is not responding and click end the task. In some cases, you will have to wait a bit (up to 2 minutes), most importantly, do not do a hard reset for your computer. "Snickers off" and he recovers. If the computer freezes tightly, then use the reset or on/off buttons.

Why is your computer still freezing? Causes and remedies.

If your computer freezes very often, then there are reasons for this. Consider the most popular of them:
1. The computer is infected with viruses- both the security of your data and the performance of your computer suffer, which can lead to a computer freeze.
Solution: install antivirus protection(if there is no antivirus, here is a good one), update the antivirus, scan the computer.
2. Your operating system is cluttered- how to clean the system of garbage, see.
3. Malfunctions in the operating system- can be called incorrect installation drivers or installing malicious and non-working programs ( incorrect installation programs)
Solution: upload to , followed by deletion latest programs or drivers; .
4. Overheating of computer components(most often a video card or processor). Computer temperature monitor.
Solution: disassembling the computer, cleaning it from dust, replacing (if required) thermal paste, installing additional cooling.
5. Computer components are on edge or out of order. Consult your nearest service center.
Above, we examined the most popular causes of a computer freezing, because. all possible reasons impossible to describe in a whole book. Eliminate computer freezes for each individual. We recommend contacting specialists. Good luck!

During the operation of any computer, it may happen that it starts to work more slowly than usual, slow down, or completely freeze, ceasing to respond to user actions.

What to do in such a situation and why this can happen? Some ways to optimize your computer are described in the Free Mini-Course.

What to do if the computer freezes?

So, to begin with, let's answer the question: “What should I do if the computer has already frozen and stopped responding to all our actions (the program does not close, the mouse does not move, etc.)?”

First, do not bang your fist on the keyboard and the mouse on the table.

Secondly, do not rush to turn off the computer with the on / off button. or reboot it with the Reset button. Use these buttons only as a last resort, as this can lead to serious malfunctions in the operating system.

We launch the Windows Task Manager with the saving key combination CTRL + ALT + DEL, or CTRL + SHIFT + ESC. In the “applications” tab, select the unresponsive program and click the “end task” button.

If this does not help, you can try restarting or shutting down your computer. To do this, click on the “Shutdown” tab and select the required action from the drop-down menu.

If the above actions did not work and the computer continues to hang, we go to extreme measures and reboot the machine with the Reset button or turn it off with the on / off button.

As mentioned above, you need to use these buttons as little as possible, and if your computer often hangs, then you need to understand the reasons and eliminate them.

Why does the computer freeze? Causes and Remedies.

Possible Cause 1: Poor or Unsuitable Program.

One of the reasons for the freeze may be the program itself or the game you are using. Perhaps the characteristics of your computer are simply outdated or the program (game) you are using has corrupted files. If freezes, for example in a game, occur in the same place, this is a sure sign that its files are damaged.


– Before installing any program, always carefully read the required system requirements.

- Run the program (game) on another computer from someone you know. If freezes are observed there, then most likely this program really damaged. In this case, find a better copy.

Possible reason 2: Malware.

In addition to the fact that various malware(trojans, viruses, etc.) threaten the security of the computer, they can also significantly reduce performance operating system and cause it to freeze.


– Update anti-virus software.

- Scan your computer.

– If your antivirus does not find anything, but you still have suspicions about viruses, download the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool from the official Kaspersky website and check your computer with it.

Possible reason 3: RAM overload.

A large number of programs running in the background can also cause the computer to freeze, as they use RAM resources.


– Click “Start” => “Run” => Enter the command msconfig

- Uncheck those programs that should not be used constantly. Which ones to uncheck, and which ones to leave? Here, each user has his own priorities, however, you should not uncheck the antivirus and some system programs.

Possible Reason 4: Clogging up the Operating System.

In the process of working in the operating system, unnecessary files gradually accumulate, which interfere with normal operation and can lead to a computer freeze.


- Download, install and run the utility.

- Clean the operating system of debris.

Possible Cause 5: Damage to the Operating System.

As a rule, damage to system files can occur when a computer becomes infected with viruses. However, incorrect installation of programs or drivers can also lead to this.


– Try booting into safe mode and uninstalling recently installed apps.

- Restore the system. To do this, click “Start” => “All Programs” => “Accessories” => “System Tools” => “System Restore”. Select checkpoint and start the recovery process.

Possible reason 6: Computer overheating.

If your computer often freezes or randomly restarts, it is likely that some of its components are overheating. Most often, it can be a processor or a video card. You can monitor the temperature regime using various programs, such as EVEREST, SpeedFan, etc.


– Disassemble the computer and carefully clean its components from dust.

– Install additional cooling(fans).

Important! When installing additional fans, consider the capacity of the computer's power supply. If the power supply is weak, replace it with a more powerful one.

Possible Cause 7: Malfunction of Computer Components.

In the event of a failure of computer components, the computer's loading freezes even before the operating system starts. Often there is no way to enter the BIOS.


– Consult a specialist and replace the failed components.


Of course, there are many other reasons for a computer to freeze. To prevent some possible, you will be helped by the methods described in the Free Mini-Course