Index Windows performance- This is a special software utility from Microsoft, which was installed by default in the operating system, starting with the version of Vista. In Windows 10, Microsoft has abandoned it, but at the same time, the ability to check the performance of a computer has not completely disappeared. As part of this material, we will tell you how to find out the Windows 10 experience index using operating system tools and third party applications.

How to view the performance index in Windows 10 through the command line

The easiest way to determine the performance of a computer on current version operating system is to use the command line. AT program code Windows retained tools for calculating computer performance, and in Windows 10, Microsoft only removed the graphical shell that allowed users to easily use this utility.

To determine the Windows 10 Experience Index, you need to do the following:


Attention: If Windows is not installed on your C drive, you should change the first letter of the address to the name system disk.

  • SystemScore - overall operating room performance index Windows systems 10 on computer hardware;
  • MemoryScore - an indicator of the efficiency of RAM;
  • CpuScore - computer CPU performance index;
  • GraphicsScore - the efficiency of a computer with heavy graphics: video playback, system interface responsiveness, etc.;
  • GamingScore - gaming power of the computer. Attention: This parameter is displayed incorrectly, and most often it shows a value of 9.9. This is related to the fact that operating system Windows evaluates the computer's performance in "basic" games that don't require much power;
  • DiskScore - performance rating hard drives installed on the computer. The score is shown as an average for all SSDs and HDDs that the PC has.

View the Windows 10 Experience Index is useful if purchased new computer or there is a desire to improve the current one. Using these numbers, you can determine which parts of the computer are the most weak, and what should be updated first.

How to Check the Experience Index in Windows 10 Through a Third Party Program

The way to check the performance of a computer, described above, cannot be called simple and convenient. There are a number special applications, which performs all the actions described above instead of the user, and the result is given in a conveniently designed graphical interface.

The most famous free application that allows you to determine the Windows 10 computer performance index is the Winaero WEI tool. It can be easily downloaded from the Internet to your computer, but when downloading and installing, make sure that you choose a reliable site. After installing the Winaero WEI tool application on a computer, it is enough to run it, and it will read the information from the file that was created when manual verification via command line. If such a file is not found on the computer, you can conduct the first check or, by clicking on the "Re-run the assessment" button, repeat the procedure for determining the performance index.

The advantage of this application is that it displays information about the performance of the Windows operating system in a familiar format. The program highlights the weakest indicators to make it easier for the user to navigate the results.

Windows 10 Performance Assessment and System Acceleration

Microsoft, in the eighth version of its Windows operating system, decided to remove the system performance assessment tool and the table that displayed the scores received individual components personal computer. Windows 10 does not have this index either. However, the functionality itself has not disappeared. Moreover, the rating scale has become more logical, changing its maximum value from eight to ten points. And despite the fact that there is no corresponding item in the system properties, the performance rating can be found both by regular OS tools and using third-party applications.

Performance evaluation in Windows 10

Many were waiting for the release of a new operating system from Microsoft, because in addition to visual changes, a significant part of the code was redesigned, which, according to the assurances of Redmond, led to an increase in the speed and responsiveness of the system. Complex technical solutions, developed and implemented by the company's programmers, had a good effect on the overall health of the OS, and as a means of verification, you can use the Windows 10 performance index, comparing it with those of previous versions of the operating system.

Find out the performance score using the command line

You can evaluate the performance of a PC using the standard means of the OS itself. To do this, you need to execute a special command in the CMD shell. Command Prompt must be run as an administrator. To do this, click on the "Start" icon. right click mouse and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" from the menu. In the console window that appears, you need to type winsat formal-restart clean and confirm the execution by pressing the Enter key, after which the performance assessment will start in Windows 10.

Interestingly, the execution of this command will completely erase the history of previously conducted checks and the scoring will start again. If you run the winsat formal command without an additional key, then the previous data will be saved.

It is also important to know that when checking mobile device, such as a laptop or tablet, you must connect it to a power source, otherwise you will not be able to run diagnostics.

It will take a few minutes for the system to evaluate the capabilities of the device, depending on its capacity, after which you can close the window command line. The results of the check are in the Formal.Assessment.WinSAT.xml file located at: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore, under the WinSPR key. The data in it is presented in the form of a table with the following values:

  • SystemScore provides an overall performance score based on the lowest of the values ​​below.
  • MemoryScore displays the result of the device's RAM test.
  • CpuScore is the score received by the CPU.
  • raphicScore sums up the graphics subsystem test when working with the interface, as well as video content.
  • GamingScore shows how fast your device performs in graphics-intensive apps and games.
  • DiskScore displays score work hard disk.

This method of testing system performance does not require the installation of third-party software, and performance evaluation in Windows 10 can be carried out in the absence of an Internet connection.

Determining the performance index using the Winaero WEI Tool

For those who don't want to mess with the command line there is special utility for calculating and displaying the system performance assessment - Winaero WEI Tool. In addition to being free, the program is also portable, allowing you to use it without the need for installation. You just need to download it from the manufacturer's website, unpack the downloaded archive and run the executable file. The interface of the program resembles that of Windows 7. When compiling an assessment, the utility uses the data of a standard tool for checking the performance index of the operating system.

Increasing System Performance

There are several ways to improve the performance of Windows 10. main reason A decrease in this indicator is the use of outdated or non-original device drivers. To update, go to the Device Manager and select the menu item "Update hardware configuration". Windows will try to find and install the most appropriate and up-to-date drivers. The number of "live tiles" displayed in the Start menu also affects performance. It is recommended to unpin all unused tiles from the start screen using the corresponding item in the context menu of each of them. In advanced system performance settings, disable all or some visual effects, because they consume the resources of the video card and the CPU. You can also turn off notifications and OS prompts to increase system performance. To do this, you will need to launch the "Settings" application and in the "System" sub-item, turn off the switch of the "Display tips for working with Windows" item. It is also important to keep the system safe and prevent all kinds of viruses from getting into it.

The Windows 10 Performance Score can be used as a tool to measure the responsiveness and performance of a device, its individual components, and its operating system. And, despite the fact that the manufacturer has complicated access to this functionality, it is not difficult to use it.

Windows 10 Experience Index - 2 Easy Ways

The windows 10 performance index is an OS system service that allows you to find out the level of efficiency of a PC or laptop. It is worth noting that the total score is not determined by displaying the total score.

The ending index is the number of the fastest performing component in the operating system. In Windows 10, the maximum value that productivity can acquire is 9.9.

As a rule, the most productive component in the system is HDD or solid state drive (SSD).

In the tenth version of the operating system, as in earlier Windows versions, there is no GUI component that can determine the productivity index of a computer.

This indicator can only be viewed using third-party applications or using the command line.

The first and easiest way to check the level of performance is to enter the appropriate command in the Command Prompt. A special command allows you to force the start of the system service for evaluating the level of PC efficiency.

Upon its completion, the user can view a report on the performed check directly in the command line window.

Follow the instructions to perform a performance evaluation:

  • Run the command line utility as a system administrator. To do this, right-click on the "Start" icon and select "Run Command Prompt (Administrator)", as shown in the illustration below;

Command line enable window on behalf of the system administrator

  • In the console window that opens, enter the following command: winsat formal –restart clean;
  • To execute the entered command, press the Enter button;
  • Next, the service command will be launched and further executed. Wait a few seconds until the command line window displays all parsed parameters and their efficiency value.

The result of executing a command to evaluate the PC performance index

Remember! The evaluation may take several minutes. Do not close the command line while the operation is in progress. Also, to obtain the most truthful results, you should not run any programs (browsers, players, games) during the analysis.

You can view the scan results not only in the command line window, but also in a file saved on disk.

Its location is C:\\Windows\\Performance\\WinSAT\\DataStore. The file itself is named Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml. It can be opened in two ways: using a browser or regular notepad. Find and open the file.

Then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F to search the contents of the file by text.

Enter the following parameters in the search bar:

  • SystemScore - the value of this field is the performance index in the Windows operating system, it is determined by minimum value;
  • DiskScore - the value of this field is the performance index of the installed solid state drive or hard drive;
  • MemoryScore - the productivity of the computer's RAM;
  • GamingScore - view the value of computer performance in games;
  • CpuScore - CPU performance index;
  • GraphicsScore - The value of this field is the performance index of the interface that allows video playback.

The appearance of the file with data on the analysis of OS performance

back to menu

This program free and available for download on any version of the Windows OS.

The main window of the Winaero WEI program

To view the system productivity index, the user simply needs to install and open the program. The main window will show the general index and the health values ​​of the individual elements of the computer.

The Re-run the assessment button allows you to re-evaluate the level of PC performance. To perform the action, the program will ask for administrator rights.

Re-evaluate system performance if you need to check the index after optimizing the OS.

Thematic videos:

windows 10 performance index - 2 simple ways test the system

The video talks about the WSAT utility.

For those users who switched to Windows 10 from Windows 7, the fact that there was no way to evaluate the performance of the system came as a surprise.

Windows 10 Experience Index: what is it and how to view it?

Let's start with terminology. The Windows 10 Experience Index is a service built into the OS that allows you to test PC performance and issue a score. Moreover, the lowest figure is always taken into account. In earlier versions Windows users they easily found the indicator - it was presented in the graphical interface, and sometimes they argued about who had the most power.

How to view the performance index in Windows 10 you ask? The developers decided to complicate the process a little for inexperienced users - although why should they! So, one way is to request a test from the command line - of course with administrator rights. Right click "Start" → "Command Prompt (Admin)" → enter "winsat formal –restart clean" → .

We thus launched an evaluation that lasted no more than a few minutes. A more understandable decryption file is located "C:" → "Windows" → "Perfomance" → "WinSat" → "DataStore" → and open the file with the name "xxxx-xx-xx Formal.Assessment (Initial ).WinSAT.xml". The positions of interest to us in the file can be found by entering + [F] - "WinSPR" in the search. There between the two tags will be the long-awaited score. In fact, the performance index score is a very variable variable - it depends on many factors. After analyzing the indicators for an hour, you can change them, for example, change the desktop theme to a regular solid color, or turn off "Aero".

Performance Metrics

Let's take a look at the indicators and understand what they are responsible for:

  • - system performance, displays the lowest score;
  • - RAM rating;
  • - the number of processor calculation operations per second;
  • - speed of access to graphics core;
  • - game graphics;
  • - hard disk access speed.

Other evaluation methods

How else to find out the performance index in Windows 10? Using powershell. In fact, this is the same command line, but more advanced with flexible control and more features. "Command line interface (Administrator)" → type "Powershell" → .

You must enter "Winsat Form" → and enter again. You will see the test result.

Without closing Powershell, let's try another way. Enter "Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT". Entering a cmdlet (calls the command and the object itself, combines a noun and a verb), we will get the assessment we already have.

How else can you check the Windows 10 System Experience Index? The answer is simple, again through Powershell, this time we will enter "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_WinSAT", having received the result, we will see a new indicator, which, in general, we were previously aware of - WinSPRLevel - the lowest indicator of all received.

Performance Index Verification Utilities

We found out where you can see the Windows 10 Experience Index, given the built-in capabilities, but there are other ways that are easier for the layman. So in free access there are two utilities that do not require installation and give results without shamanism with tambourines around the command line. The following describes how to determine the computer's performance index using them.

  1. WSAT - the interface is familiar and completely similar to the graphical impersonation in previous versions Windows. in Russian and English, immediately after launch shows the score. If you do not agree with it, you can repeat the action.

  1. Winaero WEI tool and WSAT, as they say "two from the chest, the same from the face" - the algorithm of work is the same. Free, not Russified, only English version, no additional features no. But the performance is slightly lower in some positions than that of the twin brother. If you are an optimist, take the higher score, if you are a realist and a little pessimist, take the lower scores and improve them. Compare the screenshots for each indicator.

Performance Boost

The question immediately arises, how to increase the performance index? Not difficult, let's find out what methods exist.

  1. Upgrade RAM, processor, video card and hard drive. This is of course a radical option, but the most effective.
  2. Dusting and physical repairs. So if the cooler works poorly, the performance drops along with the processor clock speed.
  3. Everyone knows and loves defragmentation - moving and combining free clusters together, leads to more fast work random access memory.
  4. If your OS is very loaded and has not been reinstalled for a long time, then it's time to move to a more new version.
  5. Try a disk defragmenter on Windows 10.
  6. Optimizers, accelerators, cleaners - can increase system performance many times over.
  7. Opportunities in the system itself: "Start" → "System" → " Extra options System Properties → System Properties → Advanced tab → Performance → Options → select “Ensure best performance” → OK.

Also on our website you can find out why the disk is 100 percent loaded in Windows 10.

Windows 10 Experience Index

In the article, we will consider the topic of how to view the performance index in the Windows 10 system and thus the user will understand how well his computer works. Most given function familiar from Windows 7, but, unfortunately, there is no information about the performance rating in the properties of the Windows 10 system.

The Windows Experience Index is a measurement tool that measures how well a computer's hardware and software configurations work together and presents the measurement result as a number called a Base Experience Index. The higher the value of the base performance index, the more efficient and responsive the computer will be, especially when performing more complex and resource-intensive tasks, compared to a computer with more low value base index.

Each hardware component receives its own, individual assessment, called a separate indicator. The final overall score reflects the minimum performance of the system as a whole, taking into account the capabilities of various computer components, including random access memory (RAM), CPU(CPU), hard drive (or SSD), graphics performance based on desktop needs, and 3D graphics.

Below we consider two ways to view the performance index: using the regular Windows tools PowerShell and using the third-party utility Winaero WEI Tool.

Viewing the Performance Index Using Windows PowerShell

To find out the Windows 10 Experience Index, you need to open the PowerShell shell as an administrator. To do this, in the system search bar, enter the name of the classic PowerShell application, then right-click on the icon and select “Run as administrator” from the menu.

In the PowerShell window that opens, enter the following command and press Enter

The team will evaluate the performance in a few minutes and the result will be in the .xml file with the date of testing. It can be opened with a browser or regular notepad. Here is the path to the file


But there is simpler method test result output. To do this, in the same PowerShell window, type the following cmdlet and press Enter

Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT

Data designations:

  • CpuScore - processor score.
  • D3DScore - performance evaluation in games.
  • DiskScore - hard drive or SSD performance.
  • GraphicsScore - video card rating.
  • MemoryScore - RAM.
  • WinSPRLevel - Windows 10 overall performance score, calculated from the minimum value.

Viewing the performance index using the Winaero WEI Tool

Winaero WEI Tool is a free utility that allows you to view the performance index in a user-friendly graphical interface that is very similar to the interface used in Windows 7.

You can download the utility from the official website at this link.

It does not require installation and is easy to use. Files from the downloaded archive should be extracted, for example, to the desktop and then run. The result will be shown immediately, because. information is taken from the file discussed above. If necessary, you can restart the performance assessment by clicking on “Re-run the assessment”.

For an avid gamer, and even a user who is simply demanding on his hardware, it is critically important to know about the power of his “workhorse”, how much it technical specifications relevant for this moment time, which component system block or the laptop case is the lowest-performing in the system, and whose replacement could greatly affect the overall picture. Windows 7 introduced a function to check the performance index, measured in numerical terms from 1 to 10. Going to the same form in Windows 10, you will notice that this mechanism is not here.

Has this feature been completely removed from the system? Of course not, and in this article I will tell you how to evaluate the overall performance of a computer in the top ten, both with the help of funds invested in the OS, and with the help of an undemanding and unpretentious external utility.

What does computer performance evaluation affect and why is it needed?

If you are planning an upgrade, but are still considering which parts to keep and which to replace, you need to have a clear picture of the performance of your hardware configuration: which devices are not used to their full potential and could still serve in an improved configuration, and which ones are a “bottleneck” , and because of which the operating system works with lags and delays. Evaluation of performance and allows you to get such a picture. The utility assigns a digital indicator to each discrete node, on the basis of which it is possible to draw conclusions about the need to replace an individual element in the entire hardware platform.

How to run a benchmark in Windows 10?

Be patient and wait a few minutes for the program to complete its work. This application tests the overall performance of all PC components, but provides actual numbers instead of synthesized ones, as we saw in Windows 7. In addition, the results are saved to an external XML file in addition to being displayed on the display. Let's see what's in it.

Let's go to the catalog C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DetaStore and open a file in it called “Formal.Assesment (Resent).WinSAT.xml” (another important point - the name will be preceded by current date). Open the file by double clicking - it should open in the browser. If this does not work, use a simple text editor.

Locate the subkey that starts with WinSPR. It is here that all the collected information about the performance of the constituent components of the computer is contained. In order not to scroll through the entire list, use the search (Ctrl + F).

As you can see, everything is presented here exactly as in the integrated Windows component 7:

  • Memory Score corresponds to RAM performance data
  • CpuScore - data about the computing core (that is, the processor)
  • GraphicsScore - information about the graphics adapter
  • GamingScore - PC performance in games
  • DiskScore - the efficiency of the disk subsystem.

The first point of SystemScore only aggregates all the collected data and displays the lowest score of all, which corresponds to the priority hardware part that claims to be replaced. If you are testing laptop components, none of the above will most likely be able to replace, so this information can be useful, for example, when buying a laptop, when nothing can be installed on it, but you need to get information.

Windows 10 Benchmarker

One of the easiest third-party tools to evaluate the performance of your PC hardware configuration is the Winaero WEI tool. it free app is fully compatible with Windows 10, does not require installation and does not contain any malicious code(somehow, a click tracker, tracking the sites visited by the user and keylogging). You can download the presented utility from the official website at this link. All data is shown quite clearly and informatively.

Use the “Re-run the assessment” button to re-evaluate the computer configuration.

If you want to get a more detailed and accurate performance assessment, I suggest you use software package SiSoftware Sandra. With its participation, you can test all mathematical instructions and technologies supported by the processor (MMX, SSE, VT-x, EM64T, etc.), video graphics processing standards (Cuda, PhysX, DirectX, etc.), frequency, latency, one cycle time RAM modules, as well as the standards supported by the drive (S.M.A.R.T, SATA interface version).

This software package is used by most computer masters and technical specialists employed in the IT field and who want to receive complete and reliable information about the capabilities of their hardware stuffing.

It is worth noting that such full-fledged applications as PCMark, 3DMark, AIDA64 are available on the network. I also advise you to pay attention to them.

Windows 10 performance, computer and laptop speed - how to maximize and increase the speed of the operating system. Basic points and all the subtleties of Windows 10 tincture.

How to improve performance
You can increase the performance of Windows 10 by disabling some background services, configuring startup, cleaning, and a host of other manipulations. The first thing to look for when boosting Windows 10 performance to maximum performance is having competencies. If you are weak in using your computer and its files, you risk undermining its functionality and process security.
A list of the safest and most effective techniques for operating system performance is proposed:

  • 1 - Startup settings - go to the task manager by pressing ctrl + alt + delite, go to the "startup" tab and disable applications that take a long time to run when the OS is turned on;
  • 2 - Windows setup 10 for maximum performance with antivirus software;
  • 3 - Removal junk files– it is recommended for beginners to carry out with the help of cleaners and other support (up to + 25% to productivity);
  • 4- Disabling PFS protection - this will significantly improve the speed of work but also reduce the level of system security. For an office PC, you can simply turn on protection only when visiting unprotected sites;
  • 5 - Removing background processes - is done through the task manager in the "processes" tab.
For a broad understanding of the topic, we recommend watching this video.

Performance evaluation
When a number of the above procedures are completed, it's time to evaluate the performance of Windows 10. To do this, you need to download any application to evaluate the OS from a protected resource. For example, WSAT. After 5 - 10 minutes of checking the processor, video card and other modules by the program, the user will be able to see the assessment of his system.
Often, such programs offer a measurement scale in the range from 1 to 10. For the sake of completeness, most applications offer both a general and a separate assessment of the modules and the PC as a whole.

Preventive Instructions
To maintain optimal performance of the operating system, it is recommended to install only verified files from official sources, timely cleaning and updating. Guided by the recommendations of this article, you are guaranteed to get a fresh and responsive system, but such procedures should be done regularly.
Any modern computer, if properly handled, can last more than 10 years without significant technical deviations. Be prudent and trust me, this will save your time and money more than once!

Each release from Windows Corporation from time to time will captivate the attention of the user. For more than 20 years, system platforms have been carefully polished by the developer and never cease to delight the world with their corporate style and ease of use.
Windows 10
FROM latest updates this operating system brought twice the performance and functionality. In addition, there are many changes in the solution of standard system tasks and design. The interaction between the user and applications has also undergone significant changes, since now the user can independently configure notifications for any file.
For those who like to do several things at once, this version offers a progressive voice assistant with the currently record-breaking command processing speed among mobile and computer systems. It should also be noted that the system is intelligently adaptable to the device used: for users of tablet, hybrid and standard PCs, a different design and interface is offered.
Biggest advantage this security is an opportunity free update up to 10 for all users of Windows 7 and 8 through the official website. Thanks to this, the user will receive a full package of developer services for as much as 365 days.

The performance of Windows 10 is the most important aspect of working with a PC. Actually, each release is produced with the aim of providing more high rate performance.
The performance of a computer with Windows 10 was reflected in the following indicators:
- the limit threshold for the number of tasks for simultaneous solution has been increased;
- Improved prioritization system;
- operational data exchange with hardware and self-optimization of loads;
- most insignificant services and applications are launched by users at their own discretion;
- increased speed of work with the cloud and Internet data;
- the functionality of the desktop and the start menu has been improved, which in turn made it possible to solve the necessary tasks without running through tabs and windows, but to solve them in one place.
Also, as in other versions of Windows, the user can always perform OS performance analytics and make their own changes to it.

It is generally accepted that in Windows 10 (it is also true for Windows 8.1), Microsoft abandoned the tool designed to evaluate PC performance. However, this is not entirely true, the very function of obtaining a performance index in the "top ten" is still enabled - only it has been abolished GUI, which was present in Vista and Windows 7. Get a performance score Windows computer 10 can be as follows...

How to Run a Benchmark in Windows 10

Running a test fromPowerShell:

  • Open a PowerShell shell as an administrator. For this, using Windows search, type "powershell" without quotes, and right-click to run the application as administrator;

  • In the window that opens, enter: winsat formal and press "Enter";

  • The performance test will begin, which, depending on the configuration of your PC, may take from one to several minutes;

  • Upon completion of the test, its results will be written to a file XML format, it is available at: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\…Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml. You can open it for viewing, for example, with a browser Microsoft Edge(RMB click → open with → select program), but the data for perception is not so convenient here;

  • To visually view the performance index, enter the following cmdlet in PowerShell: Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT and press the "Enter" key;

  • Or copy the text below:

$i = (Get-CimInstance Win32_Winsat)

$o = "Rating"

[email protected]("$o CPU"=($i.CPUScore))

[email protected]("$o direct3D"=($i.D3DScore))

[email protected]("$o disks"=($i.DiskScore))

[email protected]("$o graphs"=($i.GraphicsScore))

[email protected]("$o memory"=($i.MemoryScore))

and paste it into PowerShell, then the results will be displayed in this form (in the screenshot).

System evaluation with a free utilityWSAT

  • To evaluate performance, you can use free utility WSAT, it does not require installation, and, in essence, it is the same performance assessment graphical interface “cut out” from Windows 10 by Microsoft developers;
  • Download latest version WSAT at this link (in the archive), extract and run the WSAT.exe file, such a window will immediately open, where the estimates are presented: processor, memory, graphics, graphics for games, hard drive, the date of the last test is also indicated here, there is a button to start a retest;

  • By clicking on the "ellipsis", the program will display a number of additional information about the processor (model, frequencies), memory (total volume), video card (model, driver version), drives (hard drives and SSD drives).

As for the results themselves, be sure to keep in mind that the performance index of the same computer (in the same configuration) in Windows 7 and in Windows 10 will be different, because. in the first case, system performance is evaluated on a scale from 1 to 7.9 points, and in the second case, from 1 to 9.9.

Good day everyone!

In Windows 10, unlike previous operating systems, a special game mode has appeared (it is designed to improve computer performance in games). I note that you can find this "thing" in a version not lower than Windows 10 Creators Update ...

Because I often get questions about games (and problems with them), I think that a note on how to enable this mode and how to use it would be very helpful. Moreover, in some cases, with the help of the game mode, it is possible to increase the number of FPS by 10-15%! (just a few clicks of the mouse (doing nothing else), agree, it's useful?!).

In addition to this article, I highly recommend that you read this one: (it lists the main reasons why games can slow down, even on new powerful PCs).

Now to the point...

Enabling Game Mode

So, first you need to open Windows settings(you can use START, as in the screenshot below, you can use the Win + i button combination).

Then go to the "Game Mode" tab. Here you need to check that it is enabled and supported (as in the example below). If you have Windows version 1703 or 1709 - then you will have a switch that should be turned on.

Add your game to the list of applications (the "Browse" button), and then set its settings to high performance (example below). This is especially true if you have 2 video cards (integrated and discrete) - this way the game will run on a discrete card.

Well, the last point that you need to check and configure is the game menu. By default, the buttons to call this menu Win+G(but you can add your own). It allows you to turn on the game mode, take screenshots, record videos, turn on broadcasts, etc.

How to enable game mode

Very simple! Launch any game, and press the Win + G key combination (or those that you specified in the previous step).

At the bottom of the screen you should have a small panel. On its right side there will be a button for turning on the game mode - just click on it (number 2 on the screen below).

In general, everything is so simple!

Personal notes, is the game worth the candle:

  1. not always the game mode raises the number of FPS (but in general, it has a positive effect: some half-second freezes may disappear during dynamic episodes of the game, for example);
  2. if you have a powerful gaming PC (laptop) and no programs other than the game are running, then the game mode will have practically no effect on performance;
  3. if you have budget device(for example, only with an integrated video card) - then the game mode is able to increase the number of FPS by 10-15%;
  4. game mode can significantly speed up the game if you have many processes running, some extraneous programs etc.;
  5. when you exit the game - this mode will be automatically stopped (no need to do it manually all the time).

What else to pay attention to:

1) Pro turbo boost

If you have a modern laptop with Intel processor i3, i5, i7 - then it does not always work at its full performance. The fact is that for the sake of saving battery power - it is not always involved turbo technology Boost (note: self-overclocking of the processor*) . To check if it works for you and how to enable it, check out this article:

2) About FPS

To increase the number of FPS in the game - one game mode is often not enough. For example, in addition to this, you can configure the video card driver, the game itself, remove unnecessary garbage from the system (and other actions) - and, as a result, get an increase of 30-40% (sometimes more!).

All these actions are described in the article. "How to increase FPS: ways from a gamer" -

Suggestions on the subject are welcome...

Good game!