Landing pages created in WIX PRO have a conversion rate of up to 9%.

2017 started with a big event for us! WIX has crowned us as its representative in Australia (city of Brisbane). Now we do not just create cool sites on WIX, but also teach them how to create the inhabitants of a beautiful country, conduct regular workshops and master classes dedicated to web design and online marketing. If you are in our area, run to our events, details on this landing page, which was made, by the way, in one day

Promo page for new mobile application AFFYNITY (Australia, Brisbane). This is a new social network aimed at bringing together people with common interests. We wrote selling texts, thought over the logic and usability of the page and made this cool landing page. Here's how the landing page was created (3 min)

The landing page with the WIX store module was created for the representative of the famous German paint and varnish brand HEIDELBERG on the Russian market.

As usual, the work on creating a landing page began with identifying the audience and the value of the product for this audience. We decided to focus on manufacturers of wooden products, studied their basic needs and problems, prepared content based on the information received, thought over the logic and structure.

It turned out to be an excellent landing page with high conversion and lead generation

Landing page for selling a usb device that stores all passwords. This landing page is very different from the usual long pages, because according to American Internet marketers (and this is an American project), the landing should not be "smeared", but very concise, on 2-3 screens. original version the page proposed by the WIX PRO designer was cut 3 times.

The design used large images of the product itself from different angles, a small animation.

Landing page, the purpose of which is to sign up for an event.

We received a request to create a landing page without any clear initial data, with completely unsellable content. The work on creating a landing page (and any site) always begins with a study of the content, and if we see that the texts are weak, the site design is postponed, and it is the content that is being finalized. No "then we will change the text there ourselves"!

It is not at all easy to delve into the wilds of an unfamiliar sphere, but without this it is almost impossible to create a landing page that sells.

IZIBOX is the first construction company in Russia that builds very cool modular buildings from ... sea containers! Just look at what stylish projects these guys are doing! The site also turned out to be stylish, black and white and with unobtrusive animation, which very subtly displays modular construction.

We asked the client a million questions in order to correctly describe the benefits, extract the most important information and develop the optimal content structure. The result is a conversion of 9%!

This is already the 4th landing page that we are developing for the client. It's so nice that they trust us again and again!

The key thing in a landing page is a commercial offer, its presentation and the order of blocks, the structure, passing through which the visitor performs the target action. In a short time, the page should arouse the interest of a potential client. The first screen plays a special role - it must be intelligible, promise benefits and show the action to obtain them.

From a technical point of view, it is not difficult to assemble a landing page - it is only one, there is not much content on it. Can be done in a couple of hours. The main thing is to know how to hook the client. Efficiency depends on many factors. One of them is understanding target audience a product/service from which a suitable presentation of the offer follows.

When selling pink headphones with rhinestones, it is better to put pressure on emotions - design, sound volume, and so on. It is unlikely that bulletins about the material of the wire, emitters and structural strength will be appropriate. Having set up a camping tent, on the contrary, it is worth emphasizing practicality - weight, dimensions, wear resistance, convenience. Products have different buyers, they need different arguments.

From what blocks to assemble a one-pager?

All landings are the same: a page of sections with several scrolling screens, revealing the benefits of a product/service and allowing you to order them immediately. Questions arise: what blocks to use, in what order, how to fill them, how best to do it? This is a whole science. A simple task by ear, which should be solved delicately, with knowledge of the matter. Otherwise, you will not see a decent conversion.

The most convenient option is to create a one-page site in the constructor with a visual editor, profile templates and a set of suitable blocks. For a long time, through trial and error, marketers have identified, let's say, the classic one-page structure, leading to good sales with the successful implementation of other points. This principle is used in the templates of many site builders. So, without knowing the theory, people publish effective pages from a ready-made framework.

Majority landing pages similar to each other - the same blocks, elements, but different offers. This structure works, which is good for everyone: when choosing a product, the buyer will be happy to meet a suitable, convincing offer as soon as possible, and the seller will receive revenue. Classically tailored landing saves time and effort for the participants in the transaction. Its structure is as follows:

This structure works in most cases. Of course, some blocks may be missing (for example, about the audience or numbers), something may need to be added depending on the nature of your offer. In addition, the design of the landing page and the text component play a role. That is, it is important not only what you show, but also how it will be served. Let's talk a little more about this.

One-page design and commercial text

Landing does not require any special, unique design in order to be effective. You can use the standard profile designer template without any noticeable modifications and still sell well. This is not surprising - in such templates everything is already set harmoniously: colors, fonts, element sizes.

The main thing is that nothing interferes with the perception of information - text, images, icons, forms, diagrams, etc. In this sense, the selection of colors and text formatting have great importance. Key points should be highlighted by size, color or something else. For example, a button should not blend into the background, nor should title fonts.

If you are not a designer, we recommend that you simply take the appropriate ready template and add your own content to it. Honestly - buyers generally do not care what means the page is made of. Anyway, 99% of landing pages are similar to each other. Presentation and offer are important.

Text for a one-pager is very important. This is not a journalistic style. This commercial text is an important element of closing a deal. How to influence a potential buyer. It should sound simple and convincing, contain both practical information and emotional, evoking the impression of acquisition value, profitability.

General principles writing commercial text for the landing page are as follows:

  • The value of the properties of a product or service must be higher than their cost - the transaction must seem profitable. Paid less - got much more;
  • The buyer should get the impression in the text that the product will change something in his life for the better - it will simplify, speed up, make it more stable, etc.;
  • When formulating the value of a product, you need to take into account the portrait of the average representative of the target audience. Focus on his requests, cover doubts with text, show realistic benefits arising from product properties and needs;
  • The text should not be too insipid, write in a variety of ways - use intrigue, light humor somewhere, you can even add a little negativity for contrast;
  • The necessary effect of a landing page is an immediate order of goods. Use barriers that increase the value of the offer: a temporary discount, a sale until such and such a day, a gift when purchased at a certain time. All this usually stimulates to action.

As a result, what impression should a one-page site produce? It's simple: grab attention (juicy headline with USP, tasty first screen image), provide enough information to make a decision (testimonials, presentation), show the benefits of the deal (shootouts), persuade to immediately make a purchase (capture form, button) . In general, the offer should be of interest so quickly and convincingly that a person clicks on the button. If he leaves, he will most likely forget about what he saw.

The technical side of creating a one-pager

The above theory requires an engine to implement. You need to collect and publish the landing somewhere. Monitor his statistics, advertise, test various trigger options, and more. We need a technical base. The best contender for this role is a profile designer. There is no easier and more convenient way to get to the conversion. Beginners have no options at all - everything else is more complicated, it just won't work without knowledge.

LPGenerator is the best one page website builder

The most affordable among all designers with a visual editor. There is nothing better for its price. It just so happens that the template structure is perfect for creating landing pages - responsive block layouts that are easy to assemble and work well. To implement the classic selling structure described above, there are enough opportunities - this is the main thing.

uKit is ideal for those who want to quickly and inexpensively try to collect conversion - learn a little, managing with little bloodshed. Literally in 1 evening you will make your first lead generation page. 15 minutes to create the structure, the rest of the time - to fill in the text, upload / arrange images and all sorts of settings like connecting a domain, analytics, SEO, SSL, social networks, etc.

You get a couple dozen out of the box one page templates good quality. They are assembled from ready-made blocks of the visual editor and filled with thematic content. You can choose any and adjust it to the classic structure/offer. This is the most rational option - something will initially be as it should be, add or remove something. It's easy.

Landings in uKit are formed from blocks and widgets: card, price, timeline, contacts, timer, stages, table, callback order, online consultant, gallery, header, footer, benefits, reviews and other elements. Build it all up right order, fill in the content, and you can publish. Design, fonts, colors and effects are customizable.

The mobile version of the page can be edited separately from the desktop one. The menu of a one-page site will contain anchor links to individual blocks. You can customize the appearance of pop-up windows for different situations. There is a built-in store with online payments and a nice showcase. SEO is standard - meta tags, connecting Yandex/Google analytics and other integrations.

uKit Audience

Entrepreneurs who have no idea about website development, beginners who want to try their hand at generating leads. Suitable for everyone who wants to launch a classic one-page website inexpensively and without unnecessary troubles.

The cost for 1 month when paying immediately for the year (without promotions, discounts and promotional codes):

  1. Premium ($4/month) - a tariff plan suitable for creating a landing page, everything except the store (online payment, shopping cart, etc.).
  2. Premium + ($8/month) - all the same plus extended statistics and access to premium templates.
  3. Store ($9.6/month) - activation of the shopping cart, delivery settings, payment and more.
  4. Pro ($12/mo) - Unlock access to the page code editor and create your own color schemes.

Life hack: the cost of any tariff plan will be reduced by 25% after entering the promo code "SITE-BUILDERS-25". So, the first tariff will cost $36 instead of $48 per year.


  • Simplicity, speed of development;
  • Low cost;
  • There is everything you need to build the right landing;
  • Responsive Templates good quality;
  • Full set communications - forms, pop-up windows, ordering a call, consultant, social networks, etc.;
  • Backup page in 1 click;
  • Free connection SSL;
  • Ability to connect amoCRM;
  • Often there are promotions with bonus months, super discounts and other things;
  • Good tech support.


  • The average degree of depth of block customization;
  • There are no built-in tools for conversion analysis;
  • Not suitable for professional developers - designers, web studios and others.

Summing up

To publish a successful landing page, you must have a product / service and a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwho will buy it. Based on the portrait of the audience, all texts for the page are written, images and bullets are selected. By the way, images with eyes and faces of people in general work well on the first screen. Perfect - pretty girl face close-up, if its use is appropriate for the presentation of a product / service. Causes sympathy, trust, relaxes, softens the transition to a deal.

We recommend using the classic structure of a one-page site - you don't need to invent anything. Adapt your commercial offer to it and publish the page. With the proper level of performance (texts, design, selection of images), the conversion will be. But not out of thin air, we need visitors. Consider the need to purchase contextual / teaser advertising, targeting Vkontakte and other social networks. Without this - nothing.

By itself, such a site has too little weight for traditional SEO promotion. We'll have to work and invest extra money for the sake of more. In the normal course of the process, investments are returned very quickly (often right on the day the ad is launched). Nevertheless, be sure to fill in the parameters of the page meta tags (and alt for images), insert a few keywords (a pair of HF and a pair of LF), enable the collection of analytics. is the best one-page builder with no gaps in functionality. Everything is there out of the box, you can not connect anything, getting a good profit from the pages. Suitable for everyone who wants to earn money by creating landing pages, and live on this money. as the main job. It's real, but it takes a little figuring out.

    easy way get started, get your first leads. Everything is simplified here, but the essence remains the same: you will be able to assemble the right landing page according to the structure we have described and earn on its conversion. In both cases, the pages will need promotion - this requirement does not depend on the platform used, in the niche of creating one-page sites it is the same everywhere.

Choose a product and follow the given recipe - repeat the steps, implement ideas and get a landing page that will definitely sell if you invest in advertising. LPG or uKit? Take the appropriate one, depending on the seriousness of the mood. It's better to focus on the right implementation than to get hung up on technical means. Both constructors are good, the main thing is to correctly apply their capabilities.

1 vote

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today we will again discuss landing or selling pages. I recently talked about the best constructor and excellent learning methods that will help a novice developer become a pro in a few months and receive more than 30,000 rubles per project. Today we will discuss an alternative option.

Today we will talk about Wix Landing: is it worth using this service ( ), in which case it will fit perfectly, how to work on it, and are there any real reasons to scold this constructor when you need a landing page.

But first, let's discuss the benefits of using Wix for the page owner and developer.

Real benefits for the owner

There used to be a popular joke that every person is an ideal doctor, teacher and politician. Whoever you ask, everyone knows how to properly treat people, teach children and govern the country. Now such professions as a designer and a PR specialist have been added to this list.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this. If you are convinced that you will be able to create a selling site that will bring real benefit, then the only thing left is to find the most convenient way to implement your ideas and, as they say, a test of the pen.

There is no need to strain people who studied at the institutes to write texts, to create a beautiful and working design, to write code correctly. We are convinced that in order to do everything well, you need to do the work yourself - go for it and Wix will help you with this.

Let's just start by analyzing how profitable it will be. In general, a lot of people work on any portal. Some draw, others write code or text, others optimize pages. It's not easy to make them visible to search engines. The link to the landing page should be seen even by those who do not particularly want it, and a separate person is also responsible for this in companies.

There is a rule on the Internet, even if you post a poop, then 20% of those who see it will rejoice. They will like her. Among these people there are those who even want to buy it. In fact, the more popular the poop, the more conversations around it, the stronger the desire of readers to purchase it.

The task of the team working on the site is to increase the number of applicants. So that it is not 20%, but 50, 80, 100. If you decide to do without specialists, but invest in advertising, you will be able to “leave” due to the number of views. Why not? Let not everyone and not always like you, but you still flicker.

Of course, I suggest that you immediately forget about creating an absolutely free site. In this case, Wix's ads will hang on the new portal, which will significantly undermine trust. potential clients. Half of the audience will not dare to make a purchase on a one-page site, knowing how easy it was to create.

Someone may take an iPhone in transit without documents, but let's not save on everything. The investment pays off.

You will need to purchase your own, as the free service will provide you with an unreadable . Expenses will amount to 249 rubles per month.

In addition, you will have to buy your own domain, which I already talked about, it's not difficult. You can use a free name when you pay for the annual plan.

The price is low, especially considering that you do not spend on a team of professionals, but do all the design yourself.

However, if you want to use the landing page as an online store, that is, sell some (even if only one) product on it, then the tariff will increase and amount to 488 rubles per month. If you round up 6,000 rubles a year. For that kind of money, no one will undertake to make a portal for you.

What are the significant disadvantages of Wix?

The specificity of the code, which does not allow the portal to reach high places in search engines. When it comes to creating a one-page site - this is nonsense. You will need a contextual or Yandex Direct anyway.

The only thing I seriously distrust is the reviews about the work of the servers. They really slow down a lot. Pages can take a few seconds to load. Perhaps the situation has changed by the time you read this article. Developers are working on the quality of services.

Check, most of the pages I went to loaded in 20 seconds minimum. Bandwidth you can also adjust thanks to the tariffs.

Real benefit for the developer

If you are a developer or want to become one, learn how to create cool landing pages and make money on it, I will say right away that you have chosen the wrong path. Wix is ​​definitely not for you. You will not find a person who will be willing to pay you for such work. These sites are not for sale.

Much easier and better. I have repeatedly told about this constructor and the course in which I was trained " Ingenious Landing Page ". I will not spread my thoughts along the tree and once again mention the advantages of the proposal. Let me just say that you will not have any problems with this program, and it is a pleasure to work with it.

The course will help you learn from scratch how to make really useful pages from which you will buy goods.

How to make a landing page on Wix

If you are faced with the choice of making a site on Wix or doing nothing, then I recommend the first option with great confidence. Open the site right now and just try it. You can do this completely free of charge.

Stuff your bumps, try your hand, add up your opinion and gain your own experience. Try yourself as a designer and see if your ideas work.

It is very easy to do this. Complete a short registration and create a new site in the admin panel.

At the bottom of the window that opens, you can select a landing page template.

The menu is located on the right side. Add new elements and get rid of unnecessary ones, create new buttons and add your text, photos, galleries, buttons and lists with a simple click.

In the market, you can find additional ready-made blocks with polls, voting, callback buttons, and so on. Not all of them are paid.

I won't go into more detail on how to use the panel. It's too easy. Most importantly, you are able to understand if you need it and if the answer is yes, you can always find the tools to fulfill your desires.

If this article was useful, subscribe to the newsletter. Until we meet again and good luck in your endeavors.

When selling various goods and services on the Internet, simplicity is the key to success: the clearer and brighter the virtual offer, the more sales. And in this case, the landing page combines all the advantages of simplicity, speed of perception and convenience for buyers. Most online entrepreneurs choose this tool to sell goods and services on the Internet.

General Landing Principles

It is not difficult to understand what a landing page is: it is enough to imagine a commercial offer on the Internet, in which all the characteristics of the product, its advantages, description, benefits and purchasing functionality are laid out on one page.

It is enough for the user to quickly study the page and place an order: the whole procedure takes a couple of minutes and requires a minimum of clicks.

The landing page is maximally adapted to the needs of the buyer: all the buttons for registration and purchase are located in a prominent and convenient place, and the client does not need to navigate the site for a long time. This is the advantage of a single page website.

Create a landing page for free!

Increasing the sales conversion of a one-page (landing page)

The basic principles of a good selling site are simple. The landing page should:

  • attract the attention of the visitor;
  • provide the necessary information;
  • provide profitable opportunities;
  • motivate to make a purchase right now.

Text formatting

Text formatting does not attract a visitor, but this process does the main thing: it creates an impeccable perception of the text. Selection of colors, breaking text into paragraphs and highlighting key points, decorating text with images and graphics, all this improves perception and provides not only readability, but also information content.

It is necessary to influence the buyer's interest both by the persuasiveness of the text and its emotional potential. The text should equally contain information that can tell about the properties of the product, and an emotional charge that justifies the value, benefit, and effectiveness of the product.

John Kennedy in his book Sales Letter” reveals some of the theses of commercial techniques in the text:

  • the text should evoke the feeling that the purchase of the product will somehow change the life of the consumer for the better, make it easier, make some processes faster, etc.;
  • the cost of the goods should be lower than the value of its properties, that is, the buyer should feel that by paying a certain amount, he gets more as a result;
  • text and design must be oriented to the needs of the target audience, for which an average consumer portrait is formed and its requests are calculated;
  • the text should equally satisfy the needs of people of different temperaments, providing both real facts and emotional speech elements ( so-called "hot cognitions");
  • the text should contain elements that arouse interest in reading: intrigue, humor, and even negative points;
  • the text must necessarily induce to make a purchase immediately, for which time barriers are used: limited time discounts, promotions and gifts at a certain time, etc.;
  • Selling graphics, illustrations and photographs are elements that can evoke emotions, so they must be present in commercial texts.

Creating a Single Page Website in the Wix Builder

For the attention of those who want to create a landing page (landing page) with their own hands, a lot of online designers are offered. One of them is a website builder. wix. Let's consider how to make a one-page site with it, without programming skills, and without knowing HTML. As an example, consider the process of creating a landing page for the sale of FuelFree fuel saver.

When switching to home page wix online designer, you will see a simple and uncluttered interface. The system offers to start creating a landing page without the need to study any complicated instructions and recommendations. Just click the "Create a site" button, enter your registration details, and you're good to go.

Create a landing page for free!

If you wish, by scrolling down the window, you can get acquainted with the features of the constructor, its advantages, etc. We will not dwell on this, but let's start creating a landing page from scratch.

After registration, you will be asked to choose a template for the site. A notable feature of this constructor is just a huge selection of templates, which are divided into thematic groups for convenience:

To choose " basis"For the one-page we are creating, select the item" One-page"-"Landing" in the list:

After that, the designer will prompt you to select the appropriate template. Since there was no option suitable for our topic, we will take any that we like in terms of structure. By clicking the "Editor" button, you will be taken to the template editing section.

IMPORTANT. Before choosing a template for a site, you can evaluate its performance. To do this, click the "View" button, and the constructor will redirect you to a section with a really working example based on the selected template:

After choosing a template for a landing page, you get to the editor, where the work on the site will be carried out. Before starting the process creating a landing page, you can watch a short video explaining how to work with the system:

Work on a one-page site in Wix is ​​carried out in a convenient way. visual editor. The selected template is presented here as a set of elements (pictures, text fields, forms, buttons, etc.). In the left part of the window there is a menu for working with the created site and its elements. Let's briefly consider the purpose of each of its points.
  1. Item "Pages". Designed to work with site pages ( adding, deleting, setting display, etc.);
  2. Item "Design". Here you will find the tools you need to work with website design. For convenience, they are divided into subgroups for working with the background, color schemes, fonts, etc.;
  3. "Add ". With this item you can add to your one-page various elements: text fields, buttons, various forms. The constructor library contains just a huge selection of such elements.
  4. App market. It's own app store and useful additions for site. Here you can find a lot of paid and free apps for a web resource ( weather widgets, trading applications, etc.);
  5. "Settings ". Using this item, you can configure various parameters of the created landing page ( SEO, work with statistical data, social settings, etc.).

There are also icons here, by clicking on which you can see how the landing will look on a computer or on a mobile device:

In the right part of the window, you will find the buttons required in the template editing process ( action rollback, preview, saving current changes, etc.).

Create a landing page for free!

Advice . When creating a one-page site in the Wix online designer, periodically (or better after each change) click the "Save" button in the right upper corner editor. The first time you save, you will be prompted to enter a site name. You can do it now, or later, before publishing:

So, for starters, let's change the background image of the selected template to the one prepared in advance for our one-pager. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button ( the picture will be highlighted with a blue frame) and select " Replace photo»:

Next, the constructor will prompt you to select the appropriate option from your library ( by the way, it is rather big, and this applies to all elements offered by the designer), or upload your own. To add a graphic element prepared in advance, click in the window that appears, the button " Upload photo»And specify the path to your image:

For fans social networks you will like the ability to add photos from your accounts to them in the designer. On this moment Wix supports this feature for Facebook , Flickr , Instagram and Picasa .

After adding an image to the system, it is saved in the My Photos folder. To set it as a background, click on the image with the left mouse button and click the " Change background" button:

IMPORTANT. If after adding an image to the constructor, you decide to make some changes to it, you can do it right in the constructor. For this, there is a built-in graphics editor. Of course, it cannot be compared with Photoshop in terms of functionality, but the proposed features will be enough to make minimal changes to the photo. To enter the editor, select the gear icon:

After that we get:

To remove an obstructing image mobile phone just click on it with the left mouse button and press the Del key on the keyboard. You can also do with other unnecessary elements.

Now we have a landing page with a thematic background image, without the extra element from the "parent" template:

It can be seen that, due to the fact that we did not guess the size of the background image, the online designer independently “paved” the background for them, duplicating the image. Solving this problem in Wix is ​​not difficult.

To do this, click on the photo with the left mouse button, and in the menu that appears, select " Settings». Then in the window that appears, in the drop-down list, select the appropriate item, after setting which the image will take the desired look. In our case, this is " Crop":

Now let's remove unnecessary inscriptions in the header of the site being created ( selecting them and pressing Del on the keyboard), and edit the rest to suit our purposes.

Text field with title " The future is in your hands»We will remake it for our one-pager. To do this, drag it up a little ( left-click, and while holding the element, drag it to a new location) and change the style. To edit the inscription, use the item " Edit text”, by clicking on it with the left mouse button, after which a window will appear, similar in functionality to MS Word:

Lead desired text, select a suitable color and background for it, and close the editor. If necessary, the text field can be resized by dragging the frame highlighted in blue.

As a result, we get:

In the same way, you can edit other text fields on the selected template.

IMPORTANT. In the process of work, carefully make sure that there are no extra elements from the "parent" template, such as, for example, these:

Initially, they are intended for posting links. You can remove them, or "hang up" some of your links. If everything is left as is, broken links will appear on the landing page, which is not very good for promotion.

Create a landing page for free!

Working with Media Elements

In the header of our landing page, it remains to edit the button. You can change an existing one or add a new one. To understand the constructor in more detail, let's remove this button and add a new one instead. This will help you later when adding other elements to the site ( since it is done in all cases in the same way).

So by removing the button Download app", go to the" Add"And select"Buttons and menus"in it:

Click on the item "Button" and new element will appear on the page. You can resize the button and drag it to the right place:

To change button settings ( add a link, change the inscription, color, etc.) click on it with the left mouse button and select " Settings». Here, enter the text that will be displayed on this element, and also specify the link where the button will lead to. Also in the window that opens, you can change the color of the button and many other parameters:

As for the link, you can choose from several options:

For our page, it would be advisable to organize a transition from the button to the order form, which is located at the bottom of the page. To do this, you need to put an anchor near the form and make a link from the button to it. To add an anchor, select the appropriate item ( it is located in the "Buttons and Menus" subsection of the "Add" item of the left menu):

Everything, the task of creating a one-pager is completed. You can start publishing.

Create a landing page for free!

Website publishing and SEO settings

Considering how to create a one-page on Wix, it is necessary to mention the preparation of the site for promotion.

Before publishing the site, go to the "Settings" menu item in the upper left corner of the workspace and select " SEO». Here you can enable site visibility for search engines, prescribe keywords, title and description, which will be displayed in the corresponding meta tags.

ADVICE . If you have several pages on your site, you can set SEO parameters for each of them. This is done by going to the "Pages" menu item:

Now you can start publishing. To do this, click the corresponding button in the upper right corner, enable the proposed functions ( or turn them off) and click the Publish button. The created one-stopper will be placed on the third-level domain and will be assigned the address you entered at the very beginning of the work ( and if you skipped this step, then you will be prompted to choose a name for the landing page at this stage).

Paid plans for the successful operation of your landing page

We looked at how to create a one-page website for free in the Wix constructor. However, in order for your resource to be successfully promoted and inspire more trust among customers ( the free plan has ads on it), it is advisable to switch to a paid tariff. To do this, go to Personal Area and select the "Upgrade" item for the corresponding site:

After that, you will be taken to the page for choosing a tariff plan. The Wix online builder offers several options for paid plans, within which you can get various services, including:
  • the ability to connect your own domain or one provided by the system for free;
  • using a favicon for a website;
  • connection of statistics;
  • hosting from Wix, etc.

Wix pros and cons

So, having created a landing page in this constructor, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • ease of use: any user can deal with Wix;
  • a solid built-in library of various media elements and graphic files;
  • the ability to configure SEO parameters for website promotion;
  • good selection of premium rates.

As for the shortcomings, in this price category they just don't exist.

Create a landing page for free!


Wix- a constructor that is perfect for creating a landing page and other types of sites. The user will not need to get into the code and deal with it: everything is done easily, in a convenient and intuitive editor. Those who decide to use the services of this designer will like a considerable selection of template options and a rich library of media elements.

A landing is a special web page created to sell certain goods or “enticing” users to perform some actions (subscription, registration, application, etc.). A little bit later this concept has become a synonym for the corresponding type of sites, where all information is placed within one page. Such projects can be considered an alternative to the so-called business card sites, and, it seems to me, more effective. Today we will try to create a landing page and consider the key points of this issue.

In fact, there are niches on the Web where all the necessary data about a company can be placed in one Landing page, beautifully arrange it, getting rid of unnecessary menu transitions. If we recall the project discussed earlier, then most often there are portfolio, image, event sites, with information about specific products / applications, etc. In all of them there is not much information, the emphasis is on several key points. If this is, for example, a portfolio project, then the author adds examples of work, contacts, information about himself, a list of services.

The fewer unnecessary distracting elements, the more effective the Landing page. Although, if the purpose of the site is to reveal the abilities of a web developer or illustrator, you can see a lot of creative solutions on the site. With the functionality of landing pages, everything is fine: for navigation, an anchor menu is often used from above or on the side, which redirects the user to certain places / blocks on the page; some of the information can be loaded through scripts with pop-up windows or sliders.

Creating a Landing Page in Wix

The inspiration for the post was an interesting article from the Wix blog, which talked about how an ideal landing page should look like. It contains a couple useful tips to develop beautiful and effective landing pages, in particular:

  • First, the page must not be reloaded. extra elements and it really should be only one (anchor menu).
  • Fit graphics harmoniously into the overall design of the site. Choose pictures that are bright and attractive: there are such pictures in any field - tourism, institutions, food, etc.
  • The text should be legible, you should not use a lot of fonts - yes, they are easily added to Wix, but limit yourself to two or three.
  • Try to formulate a couple of calls to action or enticing headlines if you need to sell a product / service. You can add large beautiful buttons“subscribe”, “order”, “receive”, etc.

Using these tips, we will try to implement a landing page on Wix that would satisfy all the criteria described above. To do this, first of all, go to the website builder itself at If you are not familiar with it yet, you can read about the capabilities of the service on the site and see the available templates for your projects, etc. Recently, by the way, in Design Mania there was an article about where it was considered latest update systems.

To directly start working on the site, you need to register (for convenience, there is a quick login via Facebook and Google account). Next in top panel choose one of your existing projects or create from scratch.

For the new site, you will need to choose the appropriate design. The Wix Layout Catalog has a special section called Landing Pages. Under each object you will find a small description of the subject to which it belongs: application, software, stub before opening, music.

Although, in principle, you do not have to limit yourself to this category, but you can look for layouts in others. Perhaps some other unusual design will attract you more, but making it a one-page Landing page in Wix is ​​a matter of technique.

If you don’t know what should be in the landing page, you can look at the layout structure from the corresponding category and transfer it to a regular template. Or look at the work of other developers on the same OnePageLove or in . If you will create a one-page portfolio site, then a couple of tips. In short, you can choose any layout from the Wix catalog and convert it to a one-page layout. It is not difficult. For example, we decided to use the following template from the "Design" section - "Portfolio".

Removing extra pages

Let's get rid of the extra pages first. In the layout, descriptions were initially created for each project, which are loaded when you click on the pictures. Therefore, click on any image in the collage and select the settings icon.

Here, firstly, we change the parameter "When clicking on the photo" to the value "Opens in a new window", and secondly, we hide the display of the title.

If you select the “Replace photo” item in the pop-up settings panel, you will be taken to the image loader for this block. Remove links from each image. Also in this window, add your work from the portfolio.

Finally, just remove the extra pages from the site.

Anchor Menu for Wix Landing

Step number 2 - create an anchor menu. In principle, there are different implementations: someone does it from the side, someone from above. This template already has one menu item "Home" in the header, and we will develop it. For this:

  • Click on the menu, select the navigation item.
  • On the side in the opened list of pages, add a new one, type = link.
  • For the link, specify the “anchor” option + determine which anchor link should work (there in the window you can see a useful link to the article “How to work with anchors”).

In the menu, of course, you can change the style of design, if necessary.

Let's create another anchor for contacts, for example. Click on the icon for adding a new element, select last paragraph"More", where you find the anchor element. We insert it in front of the contact block and name it accordingly.

After that, add a new button to the menu, as we did above.

As a final touch on creating a landing page in Wix, we will fix horizontal navigation when scrolling the page. For this:

  1. Move the cursor to the site header without hovering over the menu - you will see the inscription "Heder".
  2. Click the left mouse button, and the header parameters panel appears - select the settings (gear icon).
  3. In the window that opens, activate the option "Fix the header."

Save all changes and click the "Publish" button in the upper right corner of the page. After that, you can check how your menu works. It should move along with scrolling and redirect the user to portfolio and contacts when clicked.

Additional elements

Purely by chance, we stumbled upon one interesting element that may be useful to you when working on a landing page in Wix. It's about a pop-up window. Select applications from the App Market in the service menu on the left (see screenshot below), and then write “popup” in the search bar. We need the "Lumifish Popup" option.

Despite the fact that the free basic version has some limitations, the tool can be used to attract the attention of visitors. Often, with the help of such pop-ups, they collect subscribers or focus on important information(promotions, sweepstakes, etc.). In the settings block you will find a couple of options that you can change: texts, images, fonts.

Sorry, in free version only 2 templates and there is no way to insert a link, but in some cases plain text will suffice. There are settings for the appearance of the window - once a week / month or every time for the same visitor when entering the site.

In general, there are many interesting features among the applications - I advise you to look at the catalog of popular / selected solutions. There you will find, for example, social links, a counter, a contact form, a payment button, cards, etc. However, do not forget that we created the Landing page in Wix, so it is not advisable to litter the page with unnecessary elements.

In general, working with this website builder is quite simple. it is best to try the service yourself in practice - you can do it absolutely free (including publishing your page online). If you have any questions, please contact technical support or see the help section in the editor.