Apple - very popular, but enough expensive brand smartphones, which leads to constant attempts on the part of users to save somewhere, find cheaper, and so on. It gets to the point that people buy Chinese copies of the iPhone. They look very similar, sometimes it is even impossible to distinguish, but the whole difference lies not in the case, but in the details and the operating system. Obviously, the Chinese copies perform much worse than the original iPhones. Problems in the system and various kinds of malfunctions occur much more often. Reinstallation helps to improve the situation operating system. In this article, we will figure out how to flash or reflash the Chinese a copy of the iPhone. Let's get started. Go!

How to update software on a replica Apple smartphone - in our new article

The first step is to download the firmware for a specific version of the iPhone copy. 5, 5S, 6, 6S - each model has its own firmware version. Pay attention to it. It should also be noted that copies are not released on iOS, but on Android with a shell that is close in interface design to iOS.

After you have downloaded the firmware, you need to download special utility for flashing smartphones, . Then unzip the archives with the firmware and installer files to a folder on the disk that is convenient for you.

Now go to the folder with Flash Tool and run the utility as administrator. After the program opens, click on the "Scatter loading" button and specify the path to the sketch file, which is located in the folder with the firmware. Essentially, this text file with ".txt" extension. Once selected, click the "Open" button. Next, you need to click "Download" and connect the phone to the computer and laptop using a cable, while holding the "Home" button on the device itself. In the Flash Tool window, you will see a red line at the bottom, which means that the Home button can be released. Immediately after that, a purple line will appear, followed by a yellow line. Yellow indicates that the firmware is being loaded. When the installation is completed, a window will appear on the screen informing you that the firmware has been successfully installed.

Then unplug the cable from the phone, close the Flash Tool and turn on your copy of the iPhone. The first turning on the device after flashing can take quite a long time, so do not be scared right away. After the phone boots up, you need to install the Russian language, because after the first turn on all the signatures in the smartphone are in Chinese. Open the settings menu and go to a section similar to the "General" section on the original iPhone. To find the "Language" item, look at the pictures on the Internet, where approximately this item is located. Finally, once you're in the right place, select Russian from the list. To confirm your choice, press the button located in the upper right corner of the screen. After that, you may need to install a third-party keyboard, as the built-in one may not work. You can use GO Keyboard or any other. You can download it from the app store or download and copy it to your memory card. Everything. Now the device can be used comfortably.

Now to get rid of the screen android lock and to make it the same as on iOS, you need to open the Phone app and go to dialing. Next, enter a very simple code *#8000#. After that, the phone will start to reboot. Wait a while. If after switching on nothing has changed, repeat the same thing again. During boot, you will see a screen with the Apple logo, not the Chinese manufacturer, and the lock screen (lockscreen) will become as similar as possible to the original iOS lockscreen. Ready. Now the Chinese copy has become as similar as possible to the original iPhone.

This is how you can independently reflash Chinese copies of iPhones 5/5s, 6/6s on Android. Write in the comments if this article was useful for you, and tell other users how you coped with flashing your phone.

SIM cards of most operators mobile communications are sold with mobile Internet connected: the user just needs to install the card in his iPhone, and access to the network will be immediately available to him. However, to know how to set up the Internet on an iPhone manually, is still necessary, otherwise, in the event of a system failure and deletion of network settings, the user will be left without access to a significant number of functions - neither checking mail nor downloading applications from the AppStore will be available to him.

First of all, you need to clarify whether data transfer is activated in the iPhone settings. To do this, go to the " cellular " on the menu " Settings».

Then check the two sliders " Cellular Data" and " Enable 3G". Both must be active.

If the toggle switch Cellular Data» is not enabled, the iPhone will be able to access the Internet only if it is present in the Wi-Fi distribution area. Turning on 3G is also highly recommended - otherwise the smartphone will use the standard EDGE. The maximum download speed that can be achieved when connected to EDGE- 474 Kb / s, but you should count on 50 Kb / s. Needless to say, it's too slow internet?

Even if you switched the "Enable 3G" slider to the active position, this is not a guarantee that the gadget will work via 3G. It all depends on the coverage area: if the connection is poor in the area where the iPhone is located, most likely you will have to deal with EDGE.

It is very easy to find out through which standard data is being transferred - just look at the top of the screen. One of two icons can appear next to the operator name: 3G or E.

The second one indicates the transmission of data through EDGE. Therefore, the letter E terrifies all lovers of fast Internet surfing.

If there is neither 3G nor E opposite the name of the provider, then Mobile Internet not available. Possible reasons there are two absences of the network: either the “Cellular data” slider in the settings is turned off, or the coverage is very weak.

After you check the toggle switches, you need to check if the settings are entered correctly mobile connection. It is done like this:

Step 1. In the same section cellular"Scroll down, find the subsection" ' and go into it.

Step 2. Notice the block Cellular Data". There are 3 fields to be filled in: APN, Username, password.

The following parameter values ​​are correct for leading operators:

All parameters are written in small Latin letters.

Mobile Internet settings can be ordered by calling the contact center of the mobile provider. In this case, you do not have to write anything manually - it will be enough to save the settings from the SMS message.

After entering the parameters, you need to restart the phone - when the gadget turns on, the Internet will be available. In the same section Cellular data connection"You can set up MMS - how this is done is described.

How to set up Wi-Fi on iPhone?

Wi-Fi is an alternative to mobile internet. In large cities, distribution points are located everywhere - you can enjoy Internet surfing in bars, universities, on city alleys without having a ruble on your mobile phone account. However, Wi-Fi also has disadvantages. Firstly, once the user leaves the coverage area, and the Internet immediately disappears. Secondly, in public places, the speed is very low, because many users are using the network at the same time.

You need to connect Wi-Fi like this:

Step 1. AT " Settings» find the section « WiFi' and go into it.

Step 2. Switch the toggle switch " WiFi» to the active position.

Step 3. In the block " Select network» find the right source and click on it. In our case, this AndroidAP.

Step 4. Enter the Wi-Fi password and click " Connect.».

When the connection is made, the source will be marked with a blue checkmark, and a characteristic Wi-Fi icon will appear next to the operator's name.

regulate wifi settings connections are usually not necessary, but it is still worth checking them. To do this, click on the field with the name of the connected access point. You will see the following options:

Make sure that:

After initial setup Wi-Fi connections you will be able to connect to the access point through " Control Center". It will be enough for you to make a swipe from the bottom up and click on the icon with the Wi-Fi symbol, known to everyone.

At WiFi connection battery power is consumed faster than when using mobile Internet. Therefore, before connecting to the distribution, make sure that the battery of the iPhone is sufficient.

Why is the Internet not working on iPhone?

If you entered the Internet settings correctly, but the data transfer still does not work, there may be several reasons for this:

The number is not connected to the service responsible for accessing the network

Such a service is a component of the basic package of options for any tariff; for example, at MTS it is called " Mobile Internet". Its absence can be explained only by the fact that the user himself got into " Personal Area and unknowingly deleted it. You can activate this service by calling the operator's contact center or by personally contacting the service salon with a passport.

There is not enough money on the SIM card to access the Internet

With a negative balance, Internet access is blocked, even if the validity period of the prepaid option unlimited internet not expired yet. Moreover, the icon 3G(or E) will still be visible next to the name of the operator - just the pages in the browser will not be able to load. The solution to this problem is obvious - you need to replenish the balance.

Spent all mobile data

If earlier, when the traffic quota was used up, the user retained the ability to access the Internet (only at a very low speed), now they simply do not let him into the Network. A window appears on the mobile screen prompting you to connect Additional services to increase traffic - of course, on a reimbursable basis. There are several solutions to this problem, and using additional options for money is not one of them:

  • You can contact the operator and ask him to reconnect the prepaid mobile Internet service from the current date. This can only be done if there is enough money on the SIM card account to charge the monthly payment.
  • You should buy a package of megabytes for bonus points. MTS has the most developed bonus system. For example, to purchase 100 MB from this operator in excess of the main package, it is enough to spend 150 bonuses, 100 of which can be obtained simply by passing a poll on the official MTS website.

Finally, you can find free distribution of Wi-Fi and, using it, "endure" until the date of renewal of the traffic quota.

Many users mistakenly believe that the Internet on the iPhone does not work due to installed jailbreak or a recent OS update. In fact, neither one nor the other does not affect data transfer in any way.

An extreme way to solve the problem with mobile Internet on iPhone - reset network settings. You have to follow the path " Settings» — « Main» — « Reset» and select « Reset network settings».

User information - music, notes, messages - with such a reset, it will not go anywhere from the device. At the end of the procedure, you need to “drive in” the mobile Internet settings again and try to go online again. If the reset did not help, you should contact the service center for help.

How to solve problems with Wi-Fi?

If you can not turn on the Internet via Wi-Fi, it is worth carrying out a series of manipulations with the router. Need:

  • Disable the router.
  • Wait 20 seconds.
  • Launch the device and activate on iPhone function WiFi.

All hidden processes that provoke a failure will be terminated with this method of reboot - therefore, the problem will be fixed.


Setting up the mobile Internet is not at all as difficult as they say - not only an experienced system administrator can do this work, but also a user who is not initiated into the secrets of programming. The main thing: correctly fill in the three parameters of cellular data and do not forget to reboot the device after that.

adjust WiFi connection and even easier. The task of the user, in general, is to enter the correct password. Options WiFi networks are installed automatically - as a rule, there is no need to go into the connection settings and change something there.

Smartphones iPhone are rightfully considered one of the most popular in the world. recent years. But not everyone can afford their cost. inconsistency high price and popularity did its job, and no less popular Chinese analogues of the iPhone copy were born, outwardly no different from the original. With the increase in demand for copies, the needs of users, directly or indirectly related to these devices, are also growing, including the ability to reflash android on chinese iphone at home.

Despite the perfect appearance, the inner shell with functionality is weak and resembles the original only with an interface, while the smartphone itself runs on the Android OS. All working elements of such analogues are of dubious origin. And software is no exception, in case of failure, the question of flashing will arise and how to do it.

How to reflash a Chinese iPhone yourself

You can learn more about copies of the iPhone in our reviews and customer reviews.

and review
and review
and review
and review

To ensure a full flashing of the smartphone, you will need several of the following utilities:

  1. Archive from system files firmware. Actually, it is the future OS for the smartphone.
  2. Flash Tool Program. It is an interface with a set of functions for flashing.
  3. GO Keyboard or other Russian keyboard for smartphone.

Another undoubtedly best option for a budget purchase is. Read full review and reviews of replica owners about their impressions and conclusions from buying a smartphone.

Is it possible to reflash a Chinese iPhone from a PC

To start installing the firmware, you need to run the previously downloaded Flash program Tool (on behalf of the Administrator!) and specify the path to the text sketch file and click the "Open" button.

The next step is to hold down the “Home” button on the smartphone and, without releasing it, connect the device to the PC (laptop) using the USB cable, and when completed, select “Downloads” in the Flash Tool. Upon successful connection, the program will display three lines: red, purple and yellow. The first line notifies that the “Home” button on the device can be released, and the last one indicates the successful installation of system files on the smartphone.

The overall flashing speed depends on the quality of the shell of the Chinese phone. Upon completion of the process with success, the Flash Tool will open a dialog box with an alert. You can disconnect your phone and close the utility. The computer is no longer needed.

How to reflash Chinese iPhone and restore settings

Firmware alone is not enough and, for a fully working interface, you need to change the smartphone settings. It is impossible to return the user settings to the firmware and you will have to re-configure. The device can be turned on, but you will have to wait a bit - the first turn on after the firmware is always protracted. Immediately catches the eye - Chinese characters. This is normal and you should not panic, because the manufacturer is Chinese. You just need to set the Russian language in the settings. You can find a menu with a choice of language in several ways:

  1. From memory if the menu is familiar. After flashing, the settings menu retains its architecture.
  2. Through the Internet, looking at special forums or screenshots.
  3. Focusing on the menu architecture of the original iPhone, in which the language change is provided in the “Basic” settings category.

In any case, the task is not fatal and changing the language is only a matter of time. And the last procedure, installing a Russian-language keyboard. Not every firmware build provides this utility for a smartphone. In the absence of such, the only option for installing a comfortable and functional keyboard is to buy in Google Play. To bypass this nuance, it was necessary to download the keyboard to the computer in advance. Now the phone can be reconnected to the car and a full keyboard can be installed.

This completes the setup procedure, it remains to use only small functionality (mode, volume, date and time) and the device is completely ready for use. How to reflash a Chinese iPhone is very simple and without complicated measures. The whole process required only a PC with Internet access, a few utilities and just over one hour of free time.

If not, then without a shadow of a doubt, immediately go to item 8.

2. Make sure you have a backup from your old device

Owners of previous iPhones - 5s, 5c, 4s, 4 - can easily and conveniently transfer all their favorite applications, valuable data and familiar settings to their new "apple" smartphone. This will require backup copy . You can do it either through the iTunes program, or through the "cloud" service Apple iCloud.

3. How to backup (backup) iPhone using iTunes

Make sure you have the most current version iTunes programs. To do this, open the application, in the menu bar, click iTunes, then - Updates… To back up data to old smartphone, connect it to your computer via USB. Select a device under Automatic creation copies indicate This computer, then - Create a copy now. As a result, a full backup will be saved on your computer. copy of data from old iPhone .

4. How to backup iPhone using iCloud

AT cloud service Apple saves only important data. On the other hand, there is a good chance that you already have iCloud copy: devices under iOS control 7 and back up data once a day if they are locked, connected to charging and Wi-Fi network - of course, provided that you have free place in iCloud. The following data is saved: photos, accounts, documents, Health data, HomeKit configurations, and system settings. If this is not enough, use the option from paragraph 3.

To check when the last copy was made, take your smartphone and go to Settings —> iCloud —> Backup . Make sure the switch is active (On, the slider is green), if necessary, enter the password for your iCloud account. Then click Create a backup.

5. How to Set Up Your New iPhone 6/6 Plus (Initial Setup)

Insert a nano-SIM card into your smartphone and turn it on with the power button on the right side.

The screen will display Hello(or Halo) - tap the screen and swipe right on the inscription Customize.

You can then choose from three options - restore data from iCloud, iTunes, or set up as a new iPhone (we'll talk about this option below). Choose the appropriate option.

6. How to restore settings on a new iPhone from iTunes

Connect your new iPhone via USB to a computer that has a backup of your data. There are two ways:

a) File -> Devices -> Restore from backup, or
b) Click on the gadget icon in the top menu bar, under BackupsRestore from copy.

After the data recovery process is finished, your iPhone will restart. After that, copying of media files (music, etc.) will begin, so do not disconnect your smartphone from the computer until the end of the procedure.

7. How to restore settings on a new iPhone from iCloud

If your old iPhone is backed up to iCloud (see 4 ), select restore from iCloud, click Further and enter your username and password, then select the copy you want to restore. The process may take longer if you have a lot of data. After the recovery is completed, the smartphone will reboot.

If you want to sync data that is not in the backup (music, video, etc.), you will have to connect to iTunes and do an additional sync.

The exception is iTunes Match subscribers who can download music and apps directly from iCloud.

By the way, for this method, it is not necessary to connect the iPhone to the computer - just connect it to a power outlet and then log on to the Internet via a Wi-Fi network.

8. Users who have this iPhone as their first

If your previous smartphone was an Android, BlackBerry, Windows phone, Bada, Symbian, the usual dialer, etc., then at this stage you don’t need to do anything special. Just set up your iPhone as a new device and transfer your data. More on this below.

9. How to activate iPhone 6 / 6 Plus (for beginners)

Unpack your iPhone, insert the nano-SIM card into it and turn it on with a long press on the power button (located on the right side panel). When you see the inscription Hello(or Halo), swipe the screen from left to right. Next, the system will ask you which language you would like to use, and in which country of the world you live. Location Services (GPS) - setting for Apple apps and third party programs that use your geolocation in their work.

Your device will then try to find a Wi-Fi network to activate. If there is no one nearby, or you want to activate your smartphone via mobile Internet, just click the Next button.

From now on, you can set up your iPhone as new device.

10. Create an Apple ID.

The next - and very important - step: creating Apple ID. This ID will be required to download games, programs, music and movies from the App / iTunes Store, communication through and , synchronization and storage of personal documents. Strictly speaking, without an Apple ID, your iPhone is just a dialer and a device for accessing the Internet through a browser.

You can do it in two ways. FROM detailed instruction You can read about creating an Apple ID account. Pay special attention to security questions- it is best to write them down in your notebook and keep it in a safe place! (You can find out why this is so important).

11. How to transfer emails, contacts and calendars to your iPhone 6 (for beginners)

If you use Gmail or any other mail via POP or IMAP protocol, its data is already synchronized with the main server. To access mail from your iPhone, open Mail app and enter your account information. iOS will automatically populate settings for Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, Yahoo, Aol, and Hotmail. If you have a different mail, the data can be entered manually. It is best to take the relevant data on the website of the “mailer” itself (Yandex.Mail, Rambler,

Transfer contacts possible in several ways. The easiest is to reset all contacts from the old phone to the SIM card, insert it into the iPhone, go to Settings, then to the section Mail, addresses, calendars and choose Import contacts with SIM. Another option is to save all contacts from the old device on your PC in .vcf (vCard) format using Apple ID enter account on, select Contacts and then Import vCard. The selected contacts will appear on iPhone after syncing with iCloud.

To work with the Internet mobile phone you need to configure it first. This article will tell you all about how to make it work the world wide web on iPhone 5S.

How to set up Internet on iPhone 5S: step-by-step instruction, features and recommendations

The Internet has become an integral part of modern life. It's hard to imagine a smartphone owner who doesn't use mobile network, does not surf the Internet or does not communicate with the phone in social networks.

In order to have access to the World Wide Web, you will have to configure the device. Usually this procedure does not take much time. Next, you have to figure out how to set up the Internet on the iPhone 5S.

What should every user know about this process? What options for setting up the Internet on "apple" devices will help access the World Wide Web? All this will be discussed later! In fact, even a novice user is able to bring an idea to life in a few minutes!

Working networks

To begin with, one important fact needs to be clarified - mobile device owners can work with different type the Internet. Depending on it, the algorithm of actions when setting up access to the network will change. Despite this, all the proposed connection options are quite easy to learn.

I wonder how to set up the Internet on the "iPhone 5S"? Then you have to decide which specific network to use. Today, the iPhone can work with the following types of Internet access:

More and more users are trying to use Wi-Fi and 4G network. In fact, the difference between setting these connections is not critical. What should every owner of an "apple" phone know before starting work with the Internet and setting it up?

Mobile Internet

Let's start with the most common option - connecting a mobile network. How to set up internet on iPhone 5S? "Tele2" or any other mobile operator - it doesn't matter what company we are talking about. The main thing is that the smartphone owner will have to configure the device for normal operation with mobile Internet.

What will be required for this? Need:

  1. Insert SIM card into iPhone. After that, it is advisable to choose the most profitable tariff plan to work with the Internet and connect it.
  2. Go to "Settings" on your phone.
  3. Open the "Cellular" menu.
  4. Set the switch opposite the inscription "Cellular Data" to the "Enabled" mode. At the same time, the green indicator next to it will light up.
  5. Click on " Cellular network data transmission".
  6. How to set up internet on iPhone 5S? "Beeline", "Megafon", "MTS" or "Tele2" - it doesn't matter. In the window that opens, you will have to enter data for accessing the Internet. We are talking about the username, login password and APN.
  7. Click on the "Save" button.
  8. Move the pointer opposite "Enable LTE" to active mode.

Nothing else is needed. From now on, it’s clear how to set up the Internet on the iPhone 5S. Problems can only arise with the search for network access data.

For "MTS"

But it is quite a solvable task. In general, it is recommended that you check with your mobile operator. This is the only way to be 100% connected to the mobile network.

You can use the generally accepted rules for each telecom operator. How to set up internet on iPhone 5S? MTS offers the following login details:

  1. APN is a special combination that indicates which network you are connecting to. In our case, it is necessary to write in this field.
  2. Username - the name of the company in Latin. To be more precise, mts is written in this line.
  3. Password - it is similar to the username.

IPhone 6 replica internet setup.

Internet setup for Chinese copies of smartphones Apple iPhone 5S and 6s Below are the input data for

Internet setup for Chinese copy of APPLE iPhone 5S and 6s smartphones

More information at

Accordingly, after entering the proposed data and saving them, you can access the Internet from the MTS SIM card. What other options are possible?

For "Beeline"

How to set up internet on iPhone 5S? Beeline proposes to act in exactly the same way as MTS. The only difference is that the data used will be fundamentally different.

If the owner of an "apple" phone has a Beeline SIM card inserted, he needs to enter the following data to connect to the World Wide Web:

  1. APN - almost completely reproduces the previously proposed inscription. But in this case, it will look like
  2. The password is the name of the operator. It must be written in Latin. To be more precise, the password for connecting is beeline. Everything is written in small letters.
  3. Username - you need to copy the password.

It can be seen that in general the algorithm of actions remains the same. Setting up mobile Internet with Beeline is as simple as with MTS.

For Megafon subscribers

But what if the user decides to insert into mobile device SIM card "Megafon"? There is no reason to panic. On the example of the first two operators, it was possible to make sure that setting up a mobile network is an extremely simple task that does not depend on the service company. What to do in this case?

How to set up internet on iPhone 5S? Megafon provides the following data for setting up a mobile network:

  1. The name is gdata.
  2. Password - repeat the network name.
  3. APN - in this case, the information looks primitive. It is enough to write simply internet in the corresponding line.

Important: for successful network setup when working with Megafon, you can leave the "Password" and "Name" fields empty. This variant of the development of events is perceived without errors and failures.

Working with 4G

Now we can talk a little about how to properly work with the 4G network. This connection raises many questions among users. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with such a network and its configuration.

The first thing the owner of "apple" products should remember is that before connecting to 4G, you need to buy a SIM card that supports given type data transmission. This feature is recommended to specify when buying a SIM card.

The second nuance is the operating system. Before you think about how to set up the Internet on the iPhone 5S by connecting to 4G, you must have new version operating system (iOS 7.0.4 and later).

Ready? Then the following algorithms are offered to the user's attention:

  1. Connect to the mobile Internet using the previously proposed methods.
  2. Open "Settings" - "Software Update".
  3. Click on "Update".
  4. Agree with the update and wait.
  5. Enable the LTE option in the "Networks" settings.

If everything was done correctly, then LTE will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. This means that a 4G connection has occurred.

You can resort to another option. It will be of interest to those who have a computer at hand. The user needs:

  1. Connect iPhone to PC with a wire.
  2. Launch iTunes. In the "General" menu, select "Update software." Agree with the process.
  3. Disconnect iPhone 5S from computer. Go to "Settings" - "Networks". Enable the LTE option.

From now on, it is clear how to set up mobile Internet on the iPhone 5S. There is one more very interesting trick left.

Working with Wi-Fi

It's about connecting wireless network. Wi-Fi on a smartphone as a network access is in great demand. You can connect to the Internet using this option almost anywhere.

How to set up the Internet on the Chinese "iPhone 5S" with WiFi assistance? Would need:

  1. Turn on iPhone. Go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Select Wi-Fi.
  3. Move the switch indicating work with Wi-Fi to the "Enabled" state.
  4. Wait. A list will appear available connections. Select the desired line.
  5. If necessary, enter your login information. More precisely, you will need a password from the wireless network.

You can close settings. If everything was done correctly, the user will be able to access the Internet without much difficulty. It is proposed to check the connection using the browser. Or you can look at the left top corner- there will be an indicator with the Wi-Fi signal strength.


From now on, it’s clear how to set up the Internet on the iPhone 5S. There is nothing supernatural in this procedure. As already mentioned, even a novice owner of an "apple" smartphone will be able to use all of the above methods of working with the network.

Usually help service centers to set up and enable the Internet on the iPhone is not required. People can handle everything on their own. If you want to work with a mobile network, then it is recommended that you contact your mobile operator. He will be able not only to tell about the Internet connection, but also provide necessary settings networks. In fact, everything is very simple. A few minutes - and the Internet is ready to go.