- today we will look at how to find out the model motherboard on the computer. Updating drivers, checking hardware compatibility and purely out of curiosity - ... using the methods of checking the motherboard model given in the note is much easier than disassembling the computer and studying the stickers inside the system unit.

You can simulate quite a lot of situations in which it is very important to know the model of the motherboard: a banal driver update, buying a new hardware (to find out what can be added to the system and whether there are the necessary slots for this, for example, to expand the RAM) ...

If you have preserved the documents that are issued along with the computer (or individual positions for the components, if you selected the components yourself), you can find out the answers to your question there. Perhaps it is even The best way, because you can check if real situation with what is specified in your docks.

In principle, I will not tell you how to find out the name of the motherboard by opening system block- in the current situation, this is absolutely not necessary, because software ways will give information more than just a visual inspection of the motherboard.

Of course, I do not deny that you can find out the model by looking at the board itself (I'm not so stubborn as to say that this should never be done), and an advanced user probably knows where and what to see ... well, I recommend that we use the simplest and most correct methods

Method 1. Find out the name of the motherboard through the command line

If you enjoy using the command Windows string, then you can easily find out the motherboard model using Microsoft's powerful WMIC tool.

With WMIC we can query the baseboard to check the motherboard and some additional options such as serial number, revision and other detailed information about your motherboard. Let's try with an example to find out the manufacturer of our motherboard, model and serial number using WMIC.

The program is in English, but this will not be a problem for us, we are specifically interested in the Motherboard line - this is the name of our motherboard.

Despite such a small size (less than 1 megabyte in archive) the program can tell a lot about your computer, but I would not recommend using it ... find out what kind of motherboard is on the computer - it is great, for everything else there are more convenient analogues.

Method 3. AIDA64 - find out the motherboard model

There are several editions of AIDA64, it will suit us perfectly Extreme version Edition (the app costs money, but a 30 day trial is fine for us) trial version, indicated on the download page as TRIAL)

After installing AIDA64, run the program and on the left side find the icon " Motherboard". In the window that opens, in the second line "System board" the manufacturer and model of the motherboard will be displayed. As you can see in my computer the name of the motherboard is Asus P8H67.

If you scroll down to the end of the window, you can find a link to the fresh BIOS download page (the "Download BIOS updates" line). This can be useful if the purpose of determining the motherboard firmware new version BIOS firmware

Method 4. Piriform Speccy - a good program from the developers of Ccleaner

If you have ever used CCleaner and she left you only positive emotions with her result, then the small Speccy program from the developers of the same Cclener (Piriform) will answer the question of how to find out the motherboard model. Download as always on the official website:

Launch the application and on the left side go to the "System board" tab. On the right side in the "Model" line there will be an answer to our question - in our case it is P8H67 (LGA1155) ...

Not only did the program correctly determine the name of the motherboard installed in the computer, but it also showed its socket (1155) and a lot of useful information (such as voltage, BIOS version and system temperature)

Method 5. CPU-Z - will tell not only about the processor

CPU-Z is a very popular utility for identifying the processor, but is great for identifying the motherboard model on a computer. The program is absolutely free and does not require installation, just download current version from the official site

After starting the utility, go to the "Mainboard" tab and in the "Model" line there will be the name of the installed motherboard. I have a P8H67 motherboard in my computer (yet testimony all applications match)

For many, the BIOS block will be useful, the version and manufacturer of the firmware are displayed here ...

Method 6. HWiNFO32 - detailed information about the motherboard

To download the program, go to the official website (there are several versions of the program - HWiNFO32 for 32-bit systems and HWiNFO for 64-bit systems). In my case, I downloaded HWiNFO64.

After installing the appropriate version of HWiNFO, launch it (it may take a long time to start collecting information about your computer's components). The program will automatically display the "System Summary" screen, where the motherboard model will be shown in the "Motherboard" section

By the way, please note that HWiNFO correctly identified the video card ... you should add it to the note about video cards

Method 7. Sisoftware Sandra - an underestimated program

When I was looking for information on how to look at the motherboard on a computer, I never came across such an application as Sandra Lite in the reviews (we will use it, since specifically Lite- distributed free of charge). As usual, you can download it on the official website, avoid leftist sources ...

After installing Sisoftware Sandra Lite, launch the program and go to the "Devices" tab. In the window that appears, double-click on the "Motherboard" icon and wait until the utility collects all necessary information. Detailed information about your motherboard will open in a new window, in the "Model" line and there will be an answer to the question how to find out the model of the motherboard?

AT this section not only the name of your motherboard is displayed, here you will find quite a lot of other useful information about your motherboard. For example, you can find out how much memory and how many slots for it in total ... or the chipset model on which your system is built

BONUS! Information about the motherboard in the HTML report

This application is called LookInMyPC and you can download it from the developers website (in English, there is a portable version that does not require installation)


After launch, you can choose what exactly to generate a report about, but we leave everything as it is and click the “Generate Report” button ... all that remains is to wait until the report is generated - this is fast.

The file with the report will open in any browser, in the "BIOS Information" block in the line "Board Product ID" and there will be the name of our motherboard.

In fact, the report contains a lot of interesting and useful information, and as for of English languageGoogle Chrome translates wonderfully.

The report generates a lot of data about the software part, and you can view it at any time without the program itself - this is very convenient

What have we learned about the motherboard? - Conclusions

Friends, we have considered several ways to find out the model of the motherboard. As you understood from the note, it is quite possible to do this without disassembling the system unit - there are more civilized methods.

What to do with this information? - even if you need to visually look at your motherboard, it is quite possible to find its image and specifications on the official website by model name.

Very often, many laptop owners are concerned about how to recognize the motherboard on a laptop. Such information may be needed when replacing hardware, installing new components, or even when trying to flash the BIOS and UEFI primary I / O systems on your own. Finding a solution for some users is clearly puzzling. Meanwhile, there is nothing particularly complicated here, and completely different methods can be used to obtain such data, including operating system proprietary tools, specialized diagnostic programs, and online resources of manufacturers of equipment of this type. Let's consider some of them.

How to find out the model of the motherboard on a laptop in the simplest way

The most primitive, but far from the most best method, which many are accustomed to using, is to disassemble the device on their own, and then just look at the product labeling. Yes, it looks simple, but in the process of disassembling a laptop, you need to be extremely careful, since rough intervention can damage some important components of both the motherboard itself and the equipment installed on it. Therefore, it is better to use software methods.

Information about the manufacturer and model of the laptop on the command line

To obtain brief information about the manufacturer and model, use the tools command console. And first, let's see how to find out on a laptop. To do this, in the console, which is completely optional to run with administrator rights (you can call it in Windows 10 via RMB on the start button or enter the cmd abbreviation in the Run menu), you need to enter the wmic baseboard get manufacturer command, after which the necessary information will appear.

In the same way, you can easily find out the model of your own laptop by writing the line wmic baseboard get product. Please note that this is indeed very brief information. Additional information cannot be obtained using this technique. However, Windows still has enough native tools.

Using System Information

System Information is perhaps one of the most interesting tools that can provide information on all hardware and software installed on a computer (laptop). How to find the motherboard on a laptop?

To do this, in the program execution console (Win + R), you need to enter the abbreviation msinfo32, and then go to the main section and look at the manufacturer and model of the device you are interested in. The inconvenience of this method is that sometimes the manufacturer may be indicated, but the name or model number will not be available. How to find out which motherboard is on a laptop in such a situation? To do this, you can use another tool - the information of the DirectX platform dialog.

Getting Information Using a DirectX Dialog

To call the dialog, you should use the same Run menu and enter the dxdiag command in it, after which a window with several tabs will appear. Tab opens first by default general information, which should be used.

There will also be some information here, but among them you can find both the manufacturer and model of the laptop (it will be indicated in the computer name field).

Using Third Party Software

As you can see, in general, the information looks far from complete, but many users also need some additional information. Unfortunately, Windows systems cannot provide it. You can, of course, use the BIOS settings, but this will not give a complete picture. Thus, speaking about how to find out the motherboard on a laptop, the best solution with obtaining the most detailed information would be to use third-party diagnostic utilities. For example, programs like AIDA64 and Speecy have proven themselves well. But the first application is paid and gives out too many parameters that an inexperienced user may simply not understand.

But the second program has a clearly friendly interface and provides basically only basic indicators, even despite some extended data. But it's hard to get lost in them. Everything is simple and concise!

Identification of equipment on manufacturers' websites

Another solution related to how to find out the motherboard on a laptop is to use the Internet resources of laptop manufacturers. So, for example, on the official website of Dell Corporation, even if you don’t know the exact name of your own model, on home page support services, you can click the special button "Detect PC" or immediately go to the diagnostics section. In any case, you will be prompted to download the dedicated SupportAssist client utility as an executable file, which you need to save on your hard drive in any convenient place. After saving the file, you need to run it as an administrator and wait until the application completes the installation necessary components.

After starting the main applet, it will be possible to either perform a full scan of the hardware (even with the identification possible problems in his work), or simply hover over the field at the top right, after which it will display short information, which includes special service codes where you can get the necessary information.

How to find out the motherboard number on a laptop using the hardware detector from Intel

However, the above technique looks somewhat complicated, and not every user will be able to figure it out. So let's go on a laptop using a similar software from Intel Corporation. The program in the form of a single executable file SSU.exe must be downloaded from the official website of the company, and then run portable application and mark the items to scan equipment. How to find out the motherboard on a laptop in this program? Nothing complicated!

Just check the corresponding item in the menu (Motherboard) located in the central part of the window, and then click the Scan button.

At the end of testing, the name of the manufacturer and the board will appear in the results window. If desired, in the third step of the verification, you can use the redirect to the support service to resolve possible problems in the operation of the laptop hardware (the redirect will be made directly to desired section official resource, which will open in a new tab in the default browser on the system).

What is the best use?

As you can see, the methods used to get information about all components computer system, are quite different from each other. However, if we approach the consideration of user actions from a practical point of view, of course, the easiest way is to use special, narrowly focused software that will provide maximum information on the equipment of interest to the user, which can also be useful when additional setting devices or even when overclocking the CPU or GPU.

There are new PC parts on the market every year, and many users decide to upgrade the system at some point. Before replacing major hardware items, such as a processor or video card, you should find out which motherboard is on the computer.

Motherboard Information

Not every user is aware of how to find out which motherboard is on the computer. Information about it should be Starting point when updating the hardware configuration. There are two main manufacturers of processors on the market now - Intel and AMD. Both of these companies developed their own motherboard connector (MP). Installing a processor from a competitor in it simply will not work: even different lines of the same manufacturer sometimes require different sockets (connectors). To do this, you should know how to look at the model of the motherboard.

When upgrading, many users try to save on this part by buying a powerful video card, RAM, latest generation processor. It should be borne in mind that the motherboard is the primary factor in how well all these parts will work, interact with each other and whether they will be able to reveal their potential by 100%.

How to determine the model

For MP, the marking includes the manufacturer, of which at this stage there are about 5. The most popular brands include:

  • asus;
  • gigabyte;
  • Biostar;
  • ASrock.

The second part of the device name is the model, which will become an identifier for the search specifications in the Internet. Each manufacturer posts documentation on its website and everything can be read online. You need to search for the entire name as a whole, and not just for the model or brand name of the manufacturer. The information obtained will help you with the further purchase of parts.

Where can I find the name of the motherboard

There are several proven ways to find out the name of the motherboard. For some of them, you will have to disassemble the system unit, and for some, find a box of components with documentation. In cases where the PC was purchased in a store already assembled, you can find out the MP marking only by removing the side panel and conducting a visual inspection, or using special utilities to display the characteristics of PC parts.

How to find out what motherboard is on the computer

In order to understand whether your PC is ready for an upgrade, you need to understand how to find out which motherboard is on your computer. It depends on this whether it can be left or should also be replaced. To define a model, you can use one of the following methods:

  • physical examination;
  • data from the BIOS;
  • find a box or technical documentation;
  • download a program to determine the characteristics of a PC.


The easiest way to find out the motherboard on a computer is to find the markings on the part itself. Disassembling the system unit is very simple, but keep in mind that when the side cover is removed, everything warranty obligations manufacturer on the body (not parts, but only the body) will be removed. To determine the board number:

  1. Loosen the screws on the back of the computer on one side.
  2. Side panel should open and you will see all the details.
  3. You need a motherboard to which all other parts are attached.
  4. Find the largest inscription with the name of the manufacturer (Asus, Gigabyte, etc.). This is the board model.
  5. You don't need other smaller markings.

Motherboard BIOS

Another easy way to find out the marking of the motherboard is to restart the PC. Yes, you just need to use this action and arm yourself with a pen and paper. When the PC is turned on, it immediately displays the name and model of the MP on the screen capital letters. You need to read and write quickly, because this data is displayed for about 2-3 seconds. If you did not have time to rewrite, then you need to have time to press the "del" button to complete the transition to the BIOS. But this method is suitable only for owners of the new version of UEFI, it immediately displays the brand of the part.

Program for viewing computer characteristics

We all know that the heart of any computer is the motherboard. If the heart begins to malfunction, then other components will also not be able to function correctly. Based on this, the motherboard is the most important hardware component of your machine. Any motherboard has a unique name for its model.

There are many different tools available to help you identify your motherboard model. One of the easiest ways to get the information you need is to use the utilities integrated into the operating system. Windows system. In addition, you can also use third-party software for your needs, which will determine the model of the motherboard.

However, why would such knowledge be needed in principle? If you reinstalled your OS, then you will have to reinstall the drivers for the motherboard. This cannot be done if you do not know its model. Among other things, if you ever want to update your computer's configuration, you'll need to find out if it supports certain hardware components. Further, if with your motherboard some problems happened, then it will have to be replaced - you need a board model.

In this article, we will be looking at a list of six different tools which include Command Prompt, System Information, Speccy, CPU-Z, Belarc Advisor and Spiceworks. These tools are mostly used by users and IT administrators. So if you read this article, then you will not have to wander around the Internet in the future.

All of the above tools are compatible with operating systems from Windows XP to Windows 10, as well as from Windows Server 2003 and ending with Windows Server 2016.

Method #1 Command line

The easiest way to do anything on Windows is to use applications or tools that are integrated into the system itself. This means that you do not have to download or run any applications downloaded from the Internet.

One such application is the Command Prompt, which is ubiquitous in use by all Windows user. In this method, we will show you how to find your motherboard model information using the Command Prompt on Windows 10. For test purposes, we are using ASUS M5A78L LE motherboard model.

  • Click Windows+R.
  • Enter cmd and press Enter to open Command Prompt.
  • Enter wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber and press Enter.
  • That's all. Before you, in the open Command line, all the necessary information on your motherboard will be available, namely its manufacturer, model, serial number and version. Once you're done, close Command Prompt.

Method #2 System Information

In this method, we will show you how to determine the motherboard model of a computer or laptop using the System Information utility, which is also integrated into Windows OS. System information has been available to users since the days of Windows 98. In addition to information about your motherboard model, you can also find a lot of information about hardware components and operating system your computer.

There are several ways to get to system program"System Information", but we will show you a method that is compatible with all versions of Windows OS. In this method, we will use Aspire laptop V3-771 from Acer and Windows 7.

  • Click Windows+R.
  • Enter msinfo32 and press Enter to open System Information.
  • Click on the "System Information" tab.
  • In the column "Value", find the line "Model". It is in this line that information about the motherboard you are looking for will be indicated. Exactly the same steps can be applied to other Windows operating systems, laptops and PCs.
  • Once you have the information you need, close the System Information window.

Method #3 Speccy

Speccy is a third party software developed by Piriform. This utility provides information about your computer or laptop. Besides the motherboard model, you can find in Speccy Additional information about your car. This tool is not integrated into Windows, so you will have to download this program from the Internet. AT this example, we will use ASUS M5A78L LE motherboard again.

  • Open your browser.
  • Go in it to the official page of the Speccy developer.
  • On the right side of the Speccy window, click on the "Motherboard" tab, after which all the most useful information on your motherboard.
  • Close Speccy as soon as you are done with it.

Method #4 CPU-Z

Almost every user has at least heard something about a program like CPU-Z. CPU-Z is free software that can collect information about your machine, which will also include information about your motherboard.

  • Open your browser.
  • Go in it to the official page of the CPU-Z developer.
  • Install the program on your computer and run it.
  • In the CPU-Z window, click on the "Mainboard" tab.
  • In the tab that opens, you can see the manufacturer of the motherboard, its model and other data that may be necessary for you.
  • Once you're done, close the CPU-Z program.

Method #5 Belarc Advisor

Belarc Advisor is a powerful piece of software that can provide you with much more information than Speccy and CPU-Z. This utility provides incredibly detailed information to the system of someone using the Belarc Advisor program. The use of this program is slightly different from others, but it is also quite simple.

  • As with the previous methods, download Belarc Advisor from the official website, install and run it.
  • After launching the program, it will indicate to you that it needs a little time to profile the computer. Wait until she finishes.
  • The system will then prompt you with what you want to open the file with. Select your default browser.
  • After that, you will see a page with a summary of your system, for example, as in the screenshot above. Find the section "Main Curcuit Board" and there you will see all detailed information about your motherboard model.
  • After reviewing the data, close your browser window.

Method #6 Spiceworks Inventory

If you use more than one computer at home or at work and want to find out information about the motherboard models of these computers, then you will need to use software, which provides a centralized inventory. This cannot be done with Speccy, CPU-Z or Belarc Advisor.

Using them, you will have to spend a lot of time, since you need to install a copy of the program on each computer. However, this can be avoided using the Spiceworks Inventory tool. You can download Spiceworks Inventory from , as well as read materials on working with it.

Method No. 7 User manual, MP surface or its box

How to find out, what motherboard model is installed on your computer or laptop? This information may be needed if you reinstalled Windows and now want to download required drivers on chipset, sound, network card. Or, for example, you decide to upgrade your computer and want to buy a new one more powerful processor. In this case, you also need to know the model of your motherboard.
In today's article I will tell you what are the ways to find out the model of the installed motherboard.

1. The first way is with command line. For me personally, this is the easiest way and, let's say, less energy-intensive.

To call the command line in Windows, go to "Start" - "Run" (or just press the keyboard shortcut Win+R). In the window that opens, type cmd and click OK:
will start command line. In it you need to enter the command:

for determining motherboard models: wmic baseboard get product

for determining motherboard manufacturer: wmic baseboard get manufacturer

After entering any command, press the key Enter on keyboard:

2. The second way to find out the motherboard model using Windows itself is to call the standard utility “System Information”.

Again we go to “Start” - “Run” (or just press the key combination on the keyboard Win+R). In the window that opens, enter the command msinfo32 and click OK:
will start System Information utility: here in the right column we will see the manufacturer and model of the motherboard (in rare cases, the standard utility does not display the name of the board):

3. The next way is to use third party program, which is called .

This program provides full information about the hardware installed in your computer. The program is paid, but the first 30 days of use is free.

Run the downloaded file - install the program. Then we open installed program and go to tab main board. Here we see the model and manufacturer of the motherboard:

5. The fifth way is not software. You can remove the system unit cover by unscrewing a couple of screws with a screwdriver. After that, carefully look at the motherboard - its name will be printed on the textolite of the board itself:

6. If you have left motherboard box, then you can see the name on it:

7. If preserved User's Manual to the motherboard, then the name will be written on its cover:

8. Also the model name of the motherboard can be see immediately after turning on the computer(during the self-test of the board). To do this, press the key Pause on the keyboard (to pause the download) and read the name of the motherboard on the monitor screen. It will be written above the processor model: