Tell me why I'm like this slowly tofiles are being copied from one section hard drive on the other, I'm not talking about copying files to a USB flash drive. It seems to me that the speed is no higher than in operating system Vista. I have to work a lot with photos and I can’t move one large folder anywhere at all, copying breaks off in the middle of the process and hangs indefinitely, the most important thing is that reinstalling the seven didn’t solve the issue, on clean system without programs, copying files was a little faster. On the forums, someone says something, and most importantly, except Total Commander they can't offer anything. Here is downloading files over the network, it suits me. Tell. How can I improve the situation in my case?

Files copying slowly

Yes, there is such a problem, a long time ago, when we were just testing the released beta version, many people talked about it, but then they stopped. And actually in Windows 7 quite files copying slowly from one hard drive partition to another, and even to portable media, a little faster than in Vista. File managers do not quite solve the issue, and this is primarily due to the increase in security in Windows 7.

  • Firstly, it's not a secret to anyone that the built-in security tools of Windows 7 strongly affect the copying of files, namely control accounts, because it checks almost everything that happens in the operating system.
  • Suddenly, the file you are copying does not belong to you at all, or you do not have the rights to modify it and work with it. Secondly, the conductor involved directly in copying files falls very difficult task, because the seven has an Aero interface. Personally, I myself tried to turn it off partially and completely in the Performance Options and made sure that when you turn off some effects, the performance generally increases, you can read here.

It has been said over and over on the Internet that slow minefile editing may affect the enabled effect in the Performance Options - Show thumbnails instead of icons, since your operating system needs to display its thumbnail instead of a simple file icon, I agree with this opinion, but in general I consider this effect convenient and I have it enabled.
As for your inability to copy some folder with photos or movies, think about whether these files are currently being used by another program, such as a torrent client, close it and try copying again.
A friend of mine kept all his junk in one big folder, these were files of various AVI, XML, docx, iso, jpg formats. The folder was very large and everything in it was mixed up, there were not completely downloaded movies and so on. He even sometimes changed the extensions of video files for the experiment, when he could not open them, for example, in the program he needed, of course, all this chaos, windows explorer 7 could not stand copying this entire folder to a portable hard drive, it always hung in the middle and never ended in luck with us. Only when we did a general cleaning in it and simply deleted all the damaged files did we manage to copy it. So on your friends computer you should always have order.
Well, in the end I will say that the use file manager, for example, Total Commander will certainly help a little when copying files in Windows 7.

Every person dealing with computers sooner or later faces difficulties: system slowdowns, unexpected reboots, errors. One of the most common problems is too slow file copying. Moreover, other symptoms may not be observed.

The most probable cause slow copying - hard disk problems.

Firstly, some models of hard drives, in principle, are not able to work quickly, in such cases there is nothing to be done - only a replacement will help. The speed of the HDD is affected by many parameters. Most users do not want to go into technical details, and they may well use special utilities for testing hard drives on read and write speed.

Winchesters can start to slow down already during operation. This is due to the wear and tear of the hardware, as well as the inability of some users to keep in order file system. There is a way out of this situation. First, you need to check the disk for errors. It helps in some cases if. For this you can use standard means Windows. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Open "My Computer"
  2. Right-click on the icon of one of the local drives
  3. Click on the "Properties" item -> Open the "Tools" tab -> Click on the "Perform check" button (the name may vary slightly in different versions of Windows)
  4. In the window that opens, check all the boxes and run the scan. The error scan will most likely run the next time you restart your computer.
  5. Repeat the procedure for all local drives.

An important parameter that affects the speed of the HDD is also its fragmentation. When there are a lot of fragments, files are copying slowly on the computer. It is the responsibility of the responsible user to perform regular defragmentation. You can do it like this:

  1. Open "My Computer" and click right click mouse on the local drive.
  2. Open "Properties" -> "Tools" -> Click the "Perform Defrag" button
  3. The built-in Windows defragmenter window will open.
  4. Select a disk and start its analysis with the button below.
  5. The program will check the disk for fragments and give you its verdict: do you need defragmentation or not.
  6. If yes, start defragmentation.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for all discs.

HDD check and volume defragmentation can be carried out for prevention, without waiting for the brakes to appear.

If after the procedures done it is still files copying slowly, check if you have enough space for system drive(default C:\). If there is not enough space, not only the copying of files, but also the operation of the computer as a whole can slow down.

Among other things, do not forget to regularly clean the system registry, the clutter of which can also affect speed. You can do this with the help of third-party programs. Do not forget about elementary mechanical cleaning system block to prevent overheating.

Keep the system clean, be careful with your iron friend, clean it from dust, and your computer will gratefully repay you with reliable, long and unquestioning work. And yet, the files will be copied quickly.

1. Flash drive performance

2. Computer USB ports

Purchased for over fast recording data usb flash drive 3.0 will work exactly the same as a USB 2.0 flash drive, as long as the interface is supported by the computer and USB 3.0 is not. The flash drive will limit the speed of the port. To get performance when copying data USB interface 3.0, they must be equipped with the USB ports of the computer. The same applies to situations where USB stick 3.0 or 2.0 connects to the USB 1.0 port. The fact that the flash drive is connected to a low-speed USB port 1.0, Windows usually reports right away system notification: They say that this device can work faster if it connects to a USB 2.0 port.

If data is slowly copied to a flash drive that is connected to the USB port on the front of the PC case, you can test its performance by connecting to the motherboard USB ports on the back of the case. It may be that USB 2.0 or 1.0 ports are displayed on the front panel of the case, while the motherboard ports provide interfaces.

Like USB ports, which limit their ability to write data, USB extenders can limit the speed of file copying. If the USB extension cable provides a USB 2.0 interface, it will limit the speed of the USB 3.0 interface of the USB flash drive and the USB port of the computer with its maximum bandwidth.

4. Drivers

Slow copying of data to a flash drive may be the result of incorrectly installed USB drivers. In this case, you can either update the motherboard drivers or reinstall the USB controller drivers. You can update the motherboard drivers manually by downloading the necessary installers from the official website of the board or laptop, or you can entrust this matter to special programs - driver installation managers. Among them: DriverMax, Auslogics Driver Updater, SlimDrivers, Advanced Driver Updater, etc.

To reinstall USB drivers-controllers, open the manager, open the "USB Controllers" branch and use the "Delete" option in the context menu of each of the devices in the list to delete its driver.

5. BIOS settings

You can slightly speed up the transfer of files to a USB flash drive with the help of special programs that outperform regular tools Windows copy some share of performance due to its own algorithms for copying data. One of these is WinMend File Copy, it can be downloaded for free from the website of the creators

Have a great day!

To do this, it was necessary to move, copy and delete files on different sections of two hard drives.

Windows 7 was installed about 2 years ago, the second OS after XP, but I didn't use it much. About half a year I began to use it actively and now I noticed this glitch.

In short, it takes an incredibly long time to copy and delete files. I deleted 2 GB of photos and it took 2 hours. It's just unrealistically long. What is it connected with?

It turned out that on Windows 7 this is a common occurrence. Copying speed is really less than 3-5 times than in XP. It turns out that this is specifically done in the default settings of Win 7. Why is this done? Unclear. As always, only in words the developers are doing well, but in reality ...

I had to google. It turned out that a lot of time is spent on copying and deleting due to calculations that occur as a result of the built-in function, whose task is to continuously compare the minimum amount of information of a particular file with it, but already transferred.

They assure that this is done to speed up copying. Hmm, good "acceleration", you will not say anything.

Well, shitty optimizers. Take this Gates and muzzle on the asphalt. Instead of going ahead and improving the system, they make things more complicated and Windows 7 performs worse than XP in some cases.

Fortunately, all this garbage is treated. And it is treated quite simply, if you know what and where to set up. You need to click on the "Start" button at the bottom left, and then click on "Control Panel". There will be no problems here. Next, do as in the screenshots.

We remove the daw

Click "Programs", then "Programs and Features", then "Turn Windows features on or off". The screenshots show where to click. After that, a window will appear in which you need to scroll down and uncheck the box "Remote differential compression". Press OK. And we are waiting for the changes to take place.

After that, things got a lot smoother. Feels the same as on XP.

On Win XP, I did not notice such nonsense: everything is copied and deleted quickly. I never installed Vista, so I don’t know, but most likely, if there is the same problem, it will be treated like on 7.

By the way, in the window where the "Remote differential compression" checkbox was unchecked, you can experiment and try to uncheck some other services, it will suddenly come in handy.

problem with slow file copying we decided, but Windows 7 is full of mysteries. For example, I am still not able to set up the operation of the headphones from the front panel of the system unit, which on XP is done once or twice. On XP, I put the PC to sleep overnight. On 7-ke, no matter what I do, it doesn’t work out. All manipulations with the hibernation mode, etc. do not bring success. Recently I had to solve the problem with.

By creating a hemorrhoids, non-intuitive system of settings in Win 7, Microsoft has planted a pig for themselves, because, besides Windows, there are other solutions and people have a choice. And people, by a strange coincidence, love things that are clear and easy to manage. There is something to think about the guys from Microsoft.

Three operating systems on a computer, is it possible or not? .

Tell me why I'm like this slowly tofiles are being copied from one hard disk partition to another, I'm not talking about copying files to a USB flash drive. It seems to me that the speed is no higher than in the Vista operating system. I have to work a lot with photos and I can’t move one large folder anywhere, copying breaks off in the middle of the process and hangs indefinitely, most importantly, reinstalling the seven didn’t solve the issue, on a clean system without programs, copying files was a little faster. On the forums, someone says something, and most importantly, apart from Total Commander, they cannot offer anything. Here is downloading files over the network, it suits me. Tell. How can I improve the situation in my case?

Files copying slowly

Yes, there is such a problem, a long time ago, when we were just testing the released beta version, many people talked about it, but then they stopped. And actually in Windows 7 quite files copying slowly from one hard drive partition to another, and even to portable media, a little faster than in Vista. File managers do not quite solve the issue, and this is primarily due to the increase in security in Windows 7.

  • Firstly, it's no secret that Windows 7's built-in security tools strongly affect file copying, namely user account control, because it checks almost everything that happens in the operating system.
  • Suddenly, the file you are copying does not belong to you at all, or you do not have the rights to modify it and work with it. Secondly, the explorer involved directly in copying files has a very difficult task, because the seven has an Aero interface. Personally, I myself tried to turn it off partially and completely in the Performance Options and made sure that when some effects are turned off, the performance generally increases, you can read here.

It has been said over and over on the Internet that slow minefile editing may affect the enabled effect in the Performance Options - Show thumbnails instead of icons, since your operating system needs to display its thumbnail instead of a simple file icon, I agree with this opinion, but in general I consider this effect convenient and I have it enabled.
As for your inability to copy some folder with photos or movies, think about whether these files are currently being used by another program, such as a torrent client, close it and try copying again.
A friend of mine kept all his junk in one big folder, these were files of various AVI, XML, docx, iso, jpg formats. The folder was very large and everything in it was mixed up, there were not completely downloaded movies and so on. He even sometimes changed the extensions of video files for the experiment, when he could not open them, for example, in the program he needed, of course, all this chaos, Windows 7 Explorer could not stand and copying this entire folder to a portable hard drive, always hung in the middle and never we didn't run out of luck. Only when we did a general cleaning in it and simply deleted all the damaged files did we manage to copy it. So on your friends computer you should always have order.
Well, in the end, I will say that using a file manager, such as Total Commander when copying files in Windows 7, will undoubtedly help a little.

How to solve the problem with slow copying data to a flash drive? Consider the common causes of this problem and talk about ways to solve it.

1. Flash drive performance

If everything is in order with the computer, the culprit of the slow process of transferring files to a USB flash drive, respectively, is the latter. Budget flash drives, as a rule, cannot boast of an impressive data writing speed. And the speed is 5-7 Mb / s at the interface USB connections 2.0 for those may be commonplace. You can test the data write speed of a flash drive using Windows programs for testing the speed of hard drives, in particular, using a popular utility. More than the speed that the flash drive tests will show, you should not expect it in practice.

2. Computer USB ports

A USB 3.0 flash drive purchased for faster data write performance will perform exactly the same as a USB 2.0 flash drive, as long as it is supported by the computer and USB 3.0 is not. The flash drive will limit the speed of the port. To get the performance of a USB 3.0 interface when copying data, the computer's USB ports must be equipped with it. The same applies when a USB 3.0 or 2.0 drive is connected to a USB 1.0 port. The fact that a USB flash drive is connected to a low-speed USB 1.0 port, Windows, as a rule, immediately reports with a system notification: they say that this device can work faster if it is connected to a USB 2.0 port.

If data is slowly copied to a flash drive that is connected to the USB port on the front of the PC case, you can test its performance by connecting to the motherboard USB ports on the back of the case. It may be that the front panel of the case is displayed USB ports 2.0 or 1.0, while motherboard ports provide interfaces.

Like USB ports, which limit their ability to write data, USB extenders can limit the speed of file copying. If the USB extension cable provides a USB 2.0 interface, it will throughput will limit the speed of the USB 3.0 interface of the flash drive and the USB port of the computer.

3. Weak computer hardware

on old or budget models computers, slow data writing to a USB flash drive may be due to weak hardware stuffing, in particular, a small volume random access memory or slow hard drive. In this case, only upgrading the computer will help.

4. Drivers

Slow copying data to a USB flash drive may be the result of incorrect installed drivers USB. In this case, you can either update the motherboard drivers or reinstall the USB controller drivers. You can update the motherboard drivers manually by downloading the necessary installers from the official website of the board or laptop, or you can entrust this matter to special programs - driver installation managers. Among them: DriverMax, Auslogics Driver Updater, SlimDrivers, Advanced Driver Updater, etc.

To reinstall the USB controller drivers, open the manager Windows devices, expand the branch "USB Controllers" and using the "Delete" option in context menu each of the devices in the list, delete its driver.

USB controller drivers will be installed automatically.

5. BIOS settings

In some cases, the slow speed of writing data to a USB flash drive may be due to the speed limit of USB ports in the BIOS settings. Such a limitation should be looked for, as a rule, in the advanced section. BIOS settings"Advanced". If the value "Low-speed" is opposite the "USB 2.0 Controller Mode" parameter, it must be changed to "Hi-speed".

6. How to speed up writing data to a USB flash drive using software

If the cause of the problem lies in the low speed of writing data to the flash drive itself, alas, it will not be possible to significantly speed up the process of copying files to it. Even if we have a productive computer. By software the speed of writing files can be increased only slightly.

If you need to copy several small files to a USB flash drive, it is better to combine them into one archive file. And put this archive file on the USB flash drive. One hefty file will be copied faster than a mass of small ones. By the way, when copying small files, even productive USB drives can “sag”.

You can slightly speed up the transfer of files to a USB flash drive using special programs, which outperform regular Windows copying tools by some share of performance due to their own data copying algorithms. One of these is WinMend File Copy, it can be downloaded for free from the website of the creators

WinMend File Copy has a Russian-language interface, supports batch copying of files, buffer settings, as well as resuming data transfer from the place of the break.

Have a great day!

Modern USB drives are one of the most popular external storage media. An important role in this is also played by the speed of writing and reading data. However, capacious, but slow-working flash drives are not very convenient, so today we will tell you what methods can be used to increase the speed of a flash drive.

The first thing to note is the reasons why the speed of a flash drive may decrease. These include:

  • NAND wear;
  • discrepancy between the standards of the input and output USB connectors;
  • problems with the file system;
  • incorrectly configured BIOS;
  • viral infection.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fix the situation with worn out chips - it is best to copy the data from such a flash drive, purchase a new one and transfer the information to it. It is also worth considering the origin of such a drive - flash drives from little-known manufacturers from China may turn out to be of low quality with very short term services. The rest of the reasons described can be tried to eliminate on your own.

Method 1: Check for virus infection and eliminate it

Viruses are the most common cause flash drive slowdown. Most types of malware create a bunch of small files on the flash drive. hidden files, due to which the speed of access to normal data is significantly reduced. To deal with the problem once and for all, it is worth cleaning the flash drive from existing viruses and protecting it from subsequent infection.

Method 2: Connecting a flash drive to a higher speed port

The USB 1.1 standard, adopted almost 20 years ago, is still common today. It provides very low speed data transfer, which makes it seem that the flash drive is running slowly. As a rule, Windows reports that the drive is connected to a slow connector.

You can also get a message about slow operation by connecting a USB flash drive USB standard 3.0 to the now most common USB 2.0. In this case, the recommendations are the same. If all the connectors on your PC or laptop are 2.0 standard, then the only solution to the problem is to update hardware. However, some motherboards(both desktop and laptop) do not support USB 3.0 at the hardware level.

Method 3: Change the file system

Method 4: Changing the settings for working with a flash drive

In modern Windows variants The USB flash drive operates in a quick erase mode, which provides certain advantages for the safety of data, but also slows down the speed of access to them. The mode can be switched.

The only drawback of this method is the dependence of the flash drive on « Safe extraction» . However, for most users, using this shutdown option is rather the norm, so this drawback can be neglected.

Method 5: Change the BIOS configuration

Flash drives have been around for a long time, and modern PCs and laptops are not always compatible with older flash drives. There is a corresponding setting in BIOS, which is useless for modern drives, and only slows down access to them. To disable this setting, do the following:

We have considered the most common causes of a drop in the speed of flash drives and solutions to this problem. However, if you have more options, we'd love to hear them in the comments.

Most people start to realize that something is wrong with Windows when they try to copy or move files and see a small green progress window. It would be nice if this window hung on the screen for a minute or two while you copy a large amount of data, but does it really take three minutes to move one small file, or does it take all eight minutes to delete another file? Tiny "Green Ribbon of Death" could be a precursor to File Explorer crashing

This is one of the two green death ribbons in Windows 7, the other being the progress bar that appears at the top of the Explorer window in the address/path field. And what happens, you ask? It turns out that Explorer takes so long to copy, move or delete files for several reasons, some of which are really justified. (This problem was much more severe in Vista, but persisted in Windows 7.)

First, the Explorer needs time to prescan files and folders you're about to copy, move, etc., and check for possible conflicts, overlapping files, or security issues that require user intervention. That's why you only see that nifty confirmation window for 34 conflicts once, not 34 separate confirmations that you had to receive in XP and earlier Windows versions.

If you copy media files (such as photos, videos, PDF documents), you will see thumbnails preview who can help. You can even right-click directly on a thumbnail in the window if you want to work on the files without pausing the operation. Moreover, you can choose to copy or move the file without replacing the original, but renaming the file.

The disadvantage is that when preparing the confirmation window, Explorer must delay the file operation. Depending on what he discovers, it could take forever. One of the main reasons for the delay is side effect from the operation of the user account management system, the very “security feature *”.

which turns the screen into a black square, asking you for permission to make a change. Naturally, File Explorer must check every file you copy to make sure you have permission to copy it, and then check the destination to make sure you have permission to put the file there. Some ways to remove these restrictions are described in the Managing UAC section.

In the same way, if you copy a file over a network, Windows must do some security reconnaissance, and depending on the speed network connection, this can take quite a long time.

But it's not just the security check that's to blame for this feature's poor performance; There is also the problem of sketches. As described in the Green Ribbon of Death section, there are several reasons that can cause File Explorer to freeze or even crash, and if one of them affects the copy of Explorer you're using, the selection box can just hang on the screen for ages . Once you fix the problems, copy, move, or delete operations will run much faster.