A computer is a whole world in which the user is immersed headlong. On the computer, you can work, study, relax, have fun, in general, a huge number of activities are associated with this miracle of technology. However, despite the large number of advantages, each user, sooner or later, faces some disadvantages. They manifest themselves primarily in the form of errors and failures in the system, which can frighten a beginner.

So, one of the common mistakes is that Windows 7 is not updated through the update center. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, I will talk about the most likely ones, and at the same time I will mention effective methods for solving the problem.

How to run updates

So, if when you click on the "Check for Updates" button in Windows Update, you get a warning that because service is not running, do the following:

In most cases this method Helps to run Windows updates.

Possible reasons

I would also like to add a few reasons why this problem may occur.

  • The update service failed.
  • Trouble in the Windows registry.
  • By the way, Microsoft has special program- Fix it with a wide range of effects, as an option, try running it. In any case, now you know the enemy by sight, which means that it will become much easier to fight him. However, I still hope that my solution to the problem will help you, and it will be quickly resolved.

    Problems with updates can definitely arise at inopportune times. Moreover, the reasons here whole line, so we advise you to study the manual better!

    Today, this software is a little outdated. However, the popularity of the considered OS is still high. This article will tell you why Windows 7 is not updating through the center windows updates, and how to fix the problem. Below are a number of methods.

    Why are updates needed?

    But first you need to understand what these updates are for and what role they play for the user:

    • the product ensures the integrity and security of the OS;
    • the update provides compatibility with advanced machine parts;
    • software optimizes the program code;
    • The fix improves the performance and multitasking of the OS.

    What are the updates?

    All software components are divided into several types:

    • important;
    • recommended;
    • optional;
    • other updates.

    Important updates relate to safety Windows systems. It is recommended to install such packages from the moment they appear in notifications. Recommended components will improve PC performance. The composition of optional components includes various drivers, or updated software from developers. To others, it is worth including those components that were not included in the above.

    The OS distribution will not be reconstructed in the future, since Win 8 came out, and then 10. Developers will only support a special range of tools. Fans of the presented version have a lot of time left.

    Because of what updates are not installed in the OS?

    To date, this may be the following reasons. Before doing anything, you should definitely leave the opportunity Reserve copy data followed by a system restore point. Otherwise, the system may not stand up and the user will lose important data. That's why:

    • make a point for rolling back the OS;
    • or we will create an image for backup using native tools - the Win 7 archiver;
    • or use third-party software and create a similar copy in it.

    Incorrect installation

    Often incorrect installation lies in the error starting "Update Services". To enter the settings options, just launch the "Start" menu and register - "Services", after which a dialog box with the configuration of the parameters will pop up.

    The dialog box will display a list local instruments OS. In the list, we will find "Windows Update". The list is displayed in alphabetical order, which means that the required element will be located at the very bottom. We double-click.

    In some cases, the service tool is run offline. It also happens that the problem depends on the launch itself. It is worth checking if the service is running. Most often this is observed on illegal (pirated copy) assemblies of the Win 7 distribution. Softmakers turn off the service on purpose. So let's make sure the local tool is enabled. If not, then turn it on.

    The included OS update application should be turned off.

    Without leaving the properties dialog box, press the Win + R combination on the keyboard, after which the Run system window will pop up, where we enter: SoftwareDistribution and click OK.

    The OS explorer will start with the “SoftwareDistribution” subsystem folder from which you will need to delete all existing folders and files.

    Now let's go to the Win 7 local tools configuration window and restart this item again.

    After this operation, you will need to restart your PC and go to the "Update Center".

    When the working window opens, download the updates and install them. To quickly enter the configuration settings, you will need to call the Start menu and enter the service name you are looking for in the search. In the dialog box, select the "Check for Updates" option.

    Install the required update package by clicking on the parameter of the same name.

    When you only need to install special updates, then you have to click on the "Important updates" option.

    Among the expanded list, we tick off what we need.

    Upon completion, we will return to the initial window of the service and enable the installation option.

    Errors when downloading updates

    Of the most common problems with Win update 7, is a failure during the download to PC. This happens because the files are located and loaded into the OS cache. If the download fails, the installation process will fail. It is worth considering that at the stage of downloading files, the update package will not be able to be overwritten. First you need to uninstall disk space with the contents of the cache, which stores erroneous updates, and only after that download the components.

    To clear the cache, open a command prompt. In the Start menu search dialog box, enter the appropriate query - " Command line". Then, let's call context menu and run with administrator rights.

    In line Windows commands you need to enter the following combinations:

    net stop wuauserver
    ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.OLD
    net start wuauserver

    Click "OK". After the cache is cleared, let's start updating the system by restarting the PC.

    Errors in the system registry

    Most often, errors when installing OS updates occur due to a failure - 80070308. This happens due to the fault of the system registry. To return the system to its original form in the registry, a number of edits should be made. Press Win + R. The Run dialog box will pop up. In the field, enter: regedit and click "OK".

    We go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and select the COMPONENTS subfolder in which we delete the PendingRequired. To delete a system file, open the context menu by pressing the right mouse button.

    After the operation, restart the PC and perform manual installation updates.

    Fix It - automatic solution of problems with the OS

    To make it easier for users to troubleshoot such problems, Microsoft has developed a special software called Fix It. It's in automatic mode will eliminate everything possible mistakes with OS. The utility can be downloaded from the link below.

    Let's run the program installation file. The software will build an OS restore point on its own. After the above operations, the detection and elimination of system errors will start. After running the program, close the utility and try to reinstall the updates.

    What to do if there is no access to the Internet and the connection to the Microsoft host is blocked by an antivirus or firewall?

    If there is no Internet connection, and this is usually a problem with proxy servers or the absence of the Internet itself, the download of updates will not start. If the problem is in the antivirus or firewall, then during the installation, they should be disabled and the appropriate updates should be manually installed.

    Unable to update due to lack of memory

    The regular inability to install updates for the Windows 7 operating system is due to the lack of free disk space on the hard drive personal computer or laptop. It should be borne in mind that most often the average amount of updates takes up to 5 gigabytes. Before downloading and installing, you will need to free up the occupied disk space on drive C and repeat the whole process again.

    Long search for updates

    Recently, when installing a clean image of the Win 7 OS, it takes a long time to search for updates. In this case, no errors are observed. The problem is solved in the following way:

    • install Microsoft Fix It and reboot;
    • restart the PC and install KB3102810 (links are given below!);
    • reboot again - everything should be fine.

    This may be the reason why Windows 7 is not updated through the OS update center. This completes the troubleshooting step. We will be glad if the information helped you. You can rate the article and write a comment! Share your advice with your friends. Thank you!

    Updating the system to the current state is a very important factor in its correct operation and security. Consider the reasons why there may be problems with installing updates, as well as ways to solve them.

    The reasons that updates are not downloaded to the PC can be either system failures or simply setting settings by the user himself that prevent the system from updating. Consider all possible options for this problem and its solutions, starting with the most simple cases and ending with complex failures.

    Reason 1: Disabling a feature in Windows Update

    The simplest reason why new components are not downloaded and installed in Windows 7 is to disable this feature in "Windows Update". Naturally, if the user wants the OS to be always up to date, then this function must be enabled.

    But for some reason, even when the function is disabled, the above icon may not appear in the system tray. Then there is another possibility of solving the problem.

    1. Click "Start". Move to "Control Panel".
    2. Click "System and safety".
    3. In the window that appears, click "Turn automatic updates on or off".

      You can also get there by entering the command in the window "Run". For many, this path seems faster and more convenient. Dial Win+R. will appear "Run". Enter:

      Click OK.

    4. Will open "Update centre". AT side menu click "Settings".
    5. With any of the two options described above, a window will appear for choosing a method for installing new components. If in the field "Important updates" set parameter "Do not check for updates", then this is the reason why the system is not updated. Then the components are not only not installed, but they are not even downloaded or searched for.
    6. You must click on this area. A list of four modes will open. It is recommended to set the parameter "Install updates automatically". When choosing modes "Looking for updates..." or "Download updates..." the user will have to manually install them.
    7. In the same window, make sure that the checkboxes are checked in front of all parameters. Click OK.

    Reason 2: Service stop

    The cause of the problem under study may be the shutdown of the corresponding service. This can be caused either by manually disabling it by one of the users, or by a system failure. It needs to be enabled.

    1. Click "Start". click "Control Panel".
    2. Click "System and safety".
    3. Sign in "Administration".
    4. Here is a wide range of system utilities. click "Services".

      AT "Service Manager" you can get there the other way. To do this, call "Run" (Win+R) and enter:

      click OK.

    5. A window appears "Services". Click on the field name "Name" to arrange the list of services in alphabetical order. Looking for a name "Windows Update". Tag him. If in the field "State" not worth the value "Works", it means that the service is disabled. However, if in the field "Startup Type" set to any value other than "Disabled", then the service can be started by simply clicking on the inscription "Run" on the left side of the window.

      If in the field "Startup Type" cost parameter "Disabled", then the above method will not work to start the service, since the inscription "Run" will simply be absent in the right place.

      If in the field "Startup Type" installed option "Manually", then of course it is possible to activate the method described above, but at the same time, every time after starting the computer you will have to do it manually, which is not good enough.

    6. So, in cases where in the field "Startup Type" set value "Disabled" or "Manually", double-click on the name of the service with the left mouse button.
    7. The properties window appears. Click an area "Startup Type".
    8. In the list that opens, select .
    9. Then click "Run" and OK.

      But in some situations the button "Run" may be inactive. This happens when in the field "Startup Type" the former meaning was "Disabled". In this case, set the parameter "Automatic (delayed start)" and press OK.

    10. We return to "Service Manager". Highlight the service name and press "Run".
    11. The feature will be enabled. Now opposite the name of the service in the fields "State" and "Startup Type" values ​​should be displayed accordingly "Works" and "Automatically".

    Reason 3: Problems with the service

    But there is a situation when the service seems to be running, but, nevertheless, does not work correctly. Of course, it will not be possible to check whether this is actually the case, but if standard ways enabling the function did not help, then we perform the following manipulations.

    1. Go to "Service Manager". Highlight "Windows Update". Click "Stop Service".
    2. Now you need to go to the directory "Software Distribution" to delete all data in there. This can be done using the window "Run". Call it by clicking Win+R. Enter:

      Software Distribution

      Click OK.

    3. Folder opens "Software Distribution" in the window "Explorer". To select all its contents, type Ctrl+A. After highlighting, press the key to delete it. Delete.
    4. A window appears in which you should confirm your intentions by pressing "Yes".
    5. After deleting, return to "Service Manager" and start the service according to the scenario that has already been described above.
    6. After that, restart your computer and try to update the system manually so as not to wait for it to perform this procedure automatically. Go to "Windows Update" and press "Checking for updates".
    7. The system will perform a search procedure.
    8. After its completion, if missing components are found, the window will prompt you to install them. Click for it "Install updates".
    9. After that, the components should be installed.

    Reason 4: lack of free disk space

    The reason for the inability to update the system may simply be the fact that there is not enough space on the disk that hosts Windows. free space. Then the disk must be cleared of unnecessary information.

    Of course, it's easiest to just delete certain files or move them to another drive. Don't forget to clean after removing. "Basket". Otherwise, even if the files disappear, they may continue to take up disk space. But there are also situations when there seems to be nothing to delete or on the disk C only important content is present, and there is nowhere to move it to other disks, since they are also all “crammed” to capacity. In this case, use the following algorithm of actions.

    1. Click "Start". Go to menu by name "A computer".
    2. A window opens with a list of storage media connected to the this computer. We are interested in the group « Hard drives» . It contains a list of logical drives connected to the computer. We will need the drive on which Windows 7 is installed. As a rule, this is the drive C.

      Under the name of the disk, the amount of free space on it is indicated. If it is less than 1 GB (and it is recommended to have 3 GB or more of free space), then this may just be the reason for the inability to update the system. Also, a red indicator is an indication of the disk fullness.

    3. Click on the disc name right click mice ( PKM). Choose from the list "Properties".
    4. The properties window appears. In the tab "General" press "Disk Cleanup".
    5. After that, an operation will be performed to estimate the amount of space that can be freed.
    6. Once completed, the tool will appear. "Disk Cleanup". It will indicate how much space can be cleared by deleting one or another group of temporary files. By checking the checkboxes, you can specify which files should be deleted and which should be left. However, you can leave these settings as default. If you are satisfied with the amount of data to be deleted, then click OK, otherwise press "Clear system files» .
    7. In the first case, cleanup will occur immediately, and in the second, the information collection tool will start again to estimate the amount of space that can be freed. This time it will also scan system directories.
    8. The window will open again "Disk Cleanup". This time, it will show a larger amount of objects to be deleted, as some system files will also be taken into account. Again, check the boxes at your discretion, depending on what exactly you want to delete, and then click OK.
    9. A window will appear asking if the user is really ready to permanently delete the selected files. If you are confident in your actions, then press "Delete Files".
    10. Then the disk cleaning process starts.
    11. After it finishes, restart your PC. Back at the window "A computer", the user will be able to verify how much the amount of free space has increased by system drive. If it was its overcrowding that caused the inability to update the OS, now it has been eliminated.

    Reason 5: Failed to load components

    The reason that the system cannot be updated may be a boot failure. This may be caused system error or a banal internet break. This situation leads to the fact that the component is not fully loaded, and this, in turn, leads to the impossibility of installing other components. In this case, you need to clear the download cache in order for the component to download again.

    Reason 6: Registry errors

    The inability to update the system may be caused by failures in system registry. In particular, this is evidenced by the error 80070308 . To resolve this issue, follow a series of steps. Before starting manipulations with the registry, it is recommended to create a system restore point or create a backup copy of it.

    Other reasons

    There are a number of more general reasons why it is not possible to update the system. First of all, these may be failures on the Microsoft site itself or problems in the provider's work. In the first case, it remains only to wait, and in the second, the maximum that can be done is to change the Internet service provider.

    In addition, the problem we are studying may arise due to the penetration of viruses. Therefore, in any case, it is recommended to check the computer with an anti-virus utility, such as Dr.Web CureIt.

    Rarely, but there are also cases when a regular antivirus blocks the ability to update Windows. If you could not find the cause of the problem, then temporarily disable your antivirus and try downloading. If the download and installation of components was successful, then in this case, either perform additional settings antivirus utility by adding the Microsoft website to the exceptions, or change the antivirus altogether.

    If the above methods of solving the problem did not help, then you can try to roll back the system to a restore point created at a time when updates were performed normally. This is, of course, if such a restore point exists on a particular computer. In the most extreme case, you can reinstall the system.

    As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why the system cannot be updated. And each of them has an option, or even several options to correct the situation that has arisen. The main thing here is not to mess things up and move from the most simple ways to more radical ones, and not vice versa. After all, the reason may be quite trifling.

    This year - 2016 - Microsoft did a great job:

    officially released Windows 10.

    The highlight was the marketing ploy: legal and pirate copies of Windows 7 and 8 could is free upgrade to Windows 10.

    Free to migrate and legalize.

    Someone successfully updated Windows, but someone did not rush.

    Those who refused - four out of six - showed a problem by the end of the summer:

    Windows 7 stopped updating.

    Manually launching a system update leads to an infinitely long search and ends with nothing. Windows searches, searches, searches, but does not say that it has found it, it just drives the indicator snake back and forth.

    Contact the company for computer help... pay money for Windows recovery... this is not serious. But I also don’t want to refuse system updates due to a failure.

    So I'll give you instructions.

    Attention! It is better not to update pirated copies.

    Download three patches.

    (Patch - from the English word patch, "patch", as computer scientists call service packs that fix this or that error).

    1. Click Start, type "services" in the search bar.
    1. In the window that opens, look for the line "Windows Update".
    1. Click on the line and on the toolbar click on the "Stop" icon.

    After stopping the update service, run the first patch, the second and the third.

    It happens that the patch is already in the system. During installation, you will see a corresponding message. Don't be scared - it's normal.

    After installing patches, restart windows.

    The update service should automatically turn on.

    Try updating Windows.

    If the update worked, then - Congratulations!

    But if not... sorry. You will have to work harder.

    Download the Update Center Diagnostic Tool -

    Run it. Wait for the results.

    The main sensible way to maintain Windows workstations is to timely update anti-virus databases. software, as well as installing all system updates. It is on the latter that I want to focus attention, because these very system updates create significant benefits for user workstations.

    Basically these system updates increase the reliability of the system as a whole, as well as increase inter-network security. Installing updates as they become available is an important step towards home-like stability. computer networks, and in networks of small business or office.

    Therefore, if you want to get rid of current problems, as well as prevent future troubles, the first thing to do is to download and install all the necessary updates on your own. Not without reason, many novice users who complain that Windows 7 is not updated simply do not know how to turn it on correctly.

    Important tip: remember, the update will only work properly when your Internet connection is stable and has no restrictions on downloaded traffic. Therefore, if you are a happy owner of a GPRS modem with unfavorable traffic rates, then you can forget about updates. If you have an ADSL modem that provides decent throughput download, you can start setting up.

    So if it doesn't work Windows Update 7, first of all, click on the "Start" button and enter "Update Center" in the system search line and press the "Enter" key.

    To enable automatic update the easiest way is to go to the “Settings” tab in the update center, select “Install updates automatically (recommended)”, select the “daily” update mode from the drop-down menu below, and also set the time at which you plan to download system updates.

    At the end, it remains to put all the checkboxes and click "OK".

    If, nevertheless, win 7 is not updated, it means that either your Internet connection is not stable, or your system is not activated correctly, in other words, it is not professionally “cracked”.

    Windows 7 Professional x32 Virtual works fine: CPU=1-3% RAM=468MB

    Windows 7 Ultimate x32 Virtual works fine: CPU=1-3% RAM=545MB
    (Installed in turn


    Windows Embedded POSReady 7 x32 Wirth works fine: CPU=1-3% RAM=548MB
    (I installed everything at once
    Windows6.1-KB3102810-x86 installation, reboot
    Windows6.1-KB3135445-x86 installation, reboot
    Windows6.1-KB3172605-x86 installation, reboot)

    Windows Embedded Standard 7 Full x32 works fine: CPU=1-3% RAM=535MB
    (Applied UpdatePack7R2 Update Kit http://update7.simplix.info/)

    Windows Embedded Standard 7 Thin x32 works fine: CPU=1-3% RAM=297MB
    (Applied UpdatePack7R2 Update Kit http://update7.simplix.info/)

    Windows Thin PC x32 Virtual works fine: CPU=0-2% RAM=492MB
    (Installed in turn
    Windows6.1-KB3102810-x86 check-updated, broken
    Windows6.1-KB3135445-x86 test - no results
    Windows6.1-KB3172605-x86 check-updated, working)

    Outcome: Seven operating systems were completely fixed, six of them
    Windows 7 32-bit freshly installed in May 2016 in Oracle VM VirtualBox on
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, which worked properly until May 2016 from January
    2013 and it had to be repaired ... The value of CPU, RAM when the system is idle is 95-98%

    Install updates from Microsoft on your OS manual mode or from the package
    set up "Windows Update" as described in the article. Actually, if the system
    install from a disc from Microsoft then "Windows Update" is configured
    by default "Install updates automatically (recommended)" and
    earlier (before the appearance of Eights with Tens) when starting a freshly installed system
    he (Center ...) immediately updated himself and immediately loaded 120 = 140 updates and all were
    happy ... The system worked stably if the user was not naughty ...
    (I saw how they disconnected the computer from the network at the time of installing updates, closed
    the cover of the Note when it was intensively updated and the system was denied boot
    updates so that traffic remains on "tanks with naval battles")

    In Windows 10, for example, the user is not allowed to disable updates, you can reboot
    only to configure, because it (the System) is periodically powerfully updated globally:
    July 2015 - OS Build 10240, September 2015 - OS Build 10586 Version 1511, and recently
    rebooted after the next updates: Oops! Anniversary-Build 14393.222 Version 1607
    Windows 10 got habits android google linux
    (Horses, people mixed up in a bunch ... Lermontov Borodino)

    The report was written as promised, it may be useful to someone, this article inspired me
    to find solutions, otherwise I first thought about how to deal with Windows 7 with XP.
    I wrote the comments because I found the solution in the comments to the articles.
    People help each other. Thank you!

    • Lana

      THANKS! Found updates. After 3 days of struggle. HURRAH!

  • Victor

    Awesomely valuable information that can be read in the help. And what to do if everything is configured correctly. Aren't they even looking for updates?

    • Timothy

      Victor, do you read the comments on the article? Below is the text and this is for you!
      Windows 7 is looking for updates indefinitely 12/19/2015
      Microsoft solved the problem and released an update that fixes it.
      eliminates. December 2015
      If it is not installed, you may not have noticed that in
      update center settings you have the setting:
      "Install updates automatically (recommended)"
      Need to change to:
      "Do not check for updates (not recommended)",
      to restart a computer
      the option should be exactly "Do not check for updates
      (not recommended)", since only when it is selected, the search for updates
      will not be launched in processes automatically when the computer boots,
      and you can't undo it.
      The offline installer will search for updates on the PC, "search" will
      infinite and will not give any results. Who doesn't
      it turns out to install, then the problem may be precisely in this.
      After rebooting the system, start the installation of the update
      Windows6.1-KB3102810 is very important to download this update
      in English. (When downloading, I turned on the Russian read and
      uploaded. As a result, it was not installed, uploaded in English
      installed immediately and asked for a reboot).
      After the reboot, I only turned on the search for updates in the Center
      Windows updates immediately showed 251 important and 43 optional
      updates available for download.
      I turned on the download and the process went 249 updates 835.7 MB.
      These are the minor mistakes I made initially, when installing
      Windows6.1-KB3102810 updates

      Windows 7 is looking for updates for a long time 02 February 2016
      Microsoft solved the problem and released an update in December 2015
      which removes it.
      Windows6.1-KB3102810 solves the problem. December 2015
      February 2016
      Windows6.1-KB3102810 absorbed 02/02/2016 Windows6.1-KB3135445.


      User action algorithm:
      1. Download Windows6.1-KB3135445 for your system without changing
      English language Microsoft site.

      a computer.
      4. Install update Windows6.1-KB3135445. Reboot.

      Windows 7 is looking for updates indefinitely 07/21/2016
      Many on the Internet write:
      Windows6.1-KB3102810-x64 updates
      for December 2015, unfortunately, they did not help me.
      Updates for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3135445)
      Update for Windows 7 for x32-based Systems (KB3135445)
      for February 2016, unfortunately, they did not help me.
      The problem is solved by installing the following updates:
      July 2016
      The algorithm of actions is stably the same:
      1. Download Windows6.1-KB3020369 and Windows6.1-KB3172605 for your
      system without changing the English language of the Microsoft site.
      2. Stop the protracted search for updates.
      3. In the Update Center enable the option:
      "Do not check for updates (not recommended)" restart
      a computer.
      4. Install the update
      Windows6.1-KB3020369 and Windows6.1-KB3172605. Reboot.
      5. Start searching for updates manually.
      After installing them and restarting the computer "Update Center"
      I was able to find all the missing updates in 10 minutes.

      On one of the systems, I put all the updates in order, by
      chronology of their release and then launched a search for updates. So less
      time spent on repairs in general.

      December 2015

      February 2016
      Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3135445)
      Update for Windows 7 for x32-based Systems (KB3135445)

      It's best to work with this
      UpdatePack7R2 for Windows 7 SP1

      Install this package http://update7.simplix.info/
      Before installation, go to services and disable the center service
      (this is not necessary, just the process will go faster)
      The package is designed to integrate updates into distributions
      Windows 7 SP1 x86-x64 and Server 2008 R2 SP1 x64 and their
      installations on working system. The installer works with
      any edition of these operating systems, any bit depth and on
      any language.
      The system must have at least 10 GB of free space on
      hard drive and preferably at least 1 GB of free RAM
      The priority of this package is that it not only fixes the functions
      Windows Update 7, but also installs into the system
      all the necessary updates. At the same time, there is no traffic consumption,
      You can partially update without the Internet.
      In my system, which worked normally until May, 32
      updates and after configuring the Update Center loaded and
      installed for the period from 23 to 29 September 202 updates for
      Windows and other software from Microsoft.
      On a freshly installed system, the installer installs 219
      updates in batches: 80 reboot, 80 reboot, 59
      reboot and after starting the Update Center instantly finds
      30-40 updates for Windows 7 and other software from Microsoft.
      The screen went black while the update installer was running.
      only the program window showing the update installation process
      You should not be afraid of this.

      The main thing after the work done is the problem of the svchost process and
      CPU load (PC processor) is solved up to 1-3%
      The operating system runs quietly and effortlessly without
      tear -:))
      I still have 50-70 screenshots of Operating systems, but I think the Admin will punish me ...
      All the best and good luck!!!

      • Basil

        Thank you!
        Helped Windows6.1-KB3102810-x64
        previously installed the Russian version - it did not help!
        Respect and respect to you.

  • Timothy

    Good day to all who suffer! I want to add to the post above. After installing this UpdatePack7R2-16.9.17 package, I took here _http://update7.simplix.info/ downloaded and installed from fifty updates for the system and
    other software from Microsoft, only there are “misunderstandings”: it hurts somehow to install updates are coming through the stump into the deck!
    PC freezes during installation. The first time I downloaded 24 updates - 22 were installed and froze, then I downloaded 26 - again the computer froze on the 22nd, the third time I downloaded seven and hung on the first update ... I had to press Reset every time and the system started up
    like after a crash. For the third time, I even cleaned myself for about 20 minutes. Now everything seems to be normal, but somehow I don’t feel reliable ... I thought that everything would go smoothly on my real 64bit seven and in the virtual machine I would check this package for 32bit (I have six systems installed: Professional, Maximum, POSReady7, Standard7-full, Standard7-thin, Windows Thin PC) I'm not a maniac, I just looked for a system on Acer netbook Aspire One when XP was sentenced, but then I installed a seven 32bit on it and put a dozen 32bit next to it Pro-everything has been working without problems since last fall. I like the Eight more than the tenth, but it is not put on matchboxes of 9 inches, and in 2008, during the crisis, everyone riveted the underbooks ... Danila expands the topic of the eight and ten, so there are stokers (Windows Modules Installer Worker) they load the system by 50 % install and install some modules, index something, tear the computer for two days, then quiet down and occasionally start again .... It's cool: as soon as you leave the computer somewhere in the eight and ten, the service starts and these stokers drove the computer into a shutdown from overheating in the heat (My AMD did not have time to turn on the temperature already 50) There will be news, unsubscribe, the topic of the Host process in Windows 7 global scale))
    Many thanks to the authors of this article, they are great, this site is like a reference book for me. Thank you for providing a platform for communication!

    • Michael

      Reinstalled the seven (having formatted the C drive). Search from the update center - 0. Put "UpdatePack7R2-16.9.17 took _http://update7.simplix.info/" here - everything worked like clockwork! Thank you so much!!!

  • Timothy

    All the best! For Vadim Nikolaevich and all Windows users 7. Who has problems with the update center, go to the site: _http://kakpedia.org/%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE-windows-7-% D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0 %BB%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%82-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2/ and especially pay attention to the comments to the article. There's a link
    This is an update package for the Seven, I downloaded and installed, after a reboot, Windows Update was restored and after 10 minutes it suggested downloading 24 important and 15 non-important updates ... In a word, the Update Center was restored.
    I'll fix the 32-bit ones in VirtualBox and write back about the results. All the best and success!

  • Jackhammer

    I agree with Timofeym everything looks like it

  • Timothy

    For Vadim Nikolaevich: This is not a hint, but a direction for reflection ... Microsoft crushed the toad that more than a billion devices work on the apple system on the ball and they went to the Stakhanov record: By any means, stick Windows 10 to everyone and get their billion, but so far squeezed out somewhere 300 million. The main thing is that somewhere in 2005 new people and new approaches came to Microsoft ... And the mess did not start for children with Vista, this is a long conversation and will take more than one page, let's go back to the seven.
    Introducing Windows 10 to the masses, Microsoft silently updated the Update Center and downloaded from 3 to 5 gigs on all PCs new system and then it was proposed to upgrade to the top ten. For many, everything broke down (The system was not installed on old hardware) The consumer restored the seventh, but there were problems, there are two of them: NOT UPDATED and the PROCESSOR loaded from 30% to 80% without visible reasons. The processor is loaded by the host process on which the update service is tied. The system is trying to find a connection with Microsoft and update, but everything is broken there and redone for an updated update center. The operating system is freaking out, nervous, wants to upgrade, sees like an input on the server and a connection of figs! I think they changed the very principle of vparivanie dozens three times. I am not a programmer, but a mechanic at a disability group, and these are just versions ...
    There was a lot about CPU usage in networks, such as looking for viruses. I dug the computer almost through, in VirtualBox I installed SIX different sevens (Embedded, standard, thin client) and everyone has the same symptoms, but as a result, you stupidly switch the update center to a non-recommended mode (Do not search ...) and the load on the processor drops to 1% -3% You just say “Don’t worry, well, Microsoft doesn’t want money from traffic , for the money saved, I'll insert a high-speed USB flash drive for ReadyBoost, or rearrange it on an SSD. You turn off updates and it calms down, coolers quiet down, three browsers, Skype, XP in the virtual machine everything flies on 8 Gigabytes of RAM
    My conclusions on the seven: Mikey broke it by accident or by a specialist so that everyone switched to the top ten (Nothing personal, just business)
    My opinion: The most unique operating system from Microsoft is Windows Embedded POSReady 2009. This is XP professional, only beautiful as Vista, and the RAM takes less than XP, it works somewhere on 220MB of RAM, I installed it on a PC with 8GB of RAM - this space!!! It came out after Vista and a little later than Seven, and support until 2019. It??? How to understand, looking at the vinaigrette in the form of the Tenth. What is Ten? This is a tablet Eight crossed with Vista, which was upgraded to the seven, at the request of insiders from all over the world ... But the main feature of the top ten is to eat traffic recklessly. It's just that it's easier and easier to shovel on traffic than to create something. A dozen even with a black screen at startup manages to run to the creators on the site to update and gobble up traffic ... I think that after XP they didn’t go anymore Operating Systems and game software complexes with huge amount dopsoft. And the seventh is rushing to renew itself - they don’t give it, something doesn’t grow together, it beats and doesn’t come out a f ..
    Sorry I think so...