The next global update of Android caused not only joy for some, but also indignation for many. And it’s not at all because people don’t want something new: it’s just that the shortcomings of the Google platform have many times exceeded the advantages.

It's easy to criticize something. And it's even easier to scold what really deserves it. And the fifth Android now bears the proud and contemptuous nickname "bucket" even with honor, they believe in.

1. "Lagging" and fast discharge

Remember: after all, once even half a gigabyte of RAM was more than enough, today 3 GB is in trend, and we are not even talking about fancy games - 3 GB of "frames" are considered good form, because "the OS itself wants it." But doesn't she want too much?

"Five" sets itself 2 GB of RAM as the minimum standard. This can be seen even if only by the fact that godless lags and brakes begin on devices with 1–1.5 gigabytes. To work, that is, impossible at all. And with KitKat (4.4) it was not all smooth sailing, but at least it was possible to go about your business quite calmly.

Hence the conclusion: if your device is older than two years and offers you to install Android 5.x - politely send it to hell with such requests. Although this will be problematic - for example, on the Nexus 2013 tablet, the author has been reflecting unsuccessful attacks of the "five" for a year now, because, having put it on and talked with it for some time, the author was horrified, remembered his mother and demolished everything to zero.

Actually, this shortcoming has long been promised to be fixed in Android 5.1.1. However, this was promised before, everyone promises us this. last years, and by the way, 5.1.1 was going to roll out in the spring ... and where is it?

Not to mention the rapid discharge of the battery, which can also be attributed to the "gluttony" item.

2. Confusing interface

No one will argue with the statement that the interface should be convenient and friendly. Therefore, for example, Apple changes its interface slightly from version to version (and we are talking about both “adult” Macs and iPhones). Microsoft also once tried to move away from everyone's favorite Start button and the desktop - but all this, invented 20 years ago, is still alive and, being rejected, returns under the yoke of user discontent. And even when Microsoft tried to impose a “tiled” interface on everyone, programs that return old button"Start". Microsoft thought, reconciled a little, pretended to return the "Start" in Windows 8.1, but in fact it was "Potemkin villages", and programs like Classic Shell is still held in high esteem, because it is the old interface that is returned. Because it's convenient!

All this cannot be said about Android. From version to version (if we take the major ones - 2, 3, 4, 5), the developers honestly tried to improve the standard interface, although in fact few people needed it, since the "major manufacturers" developed their own shells for their smartphones (for example, Samsung or LG). But Google didn't let up. And if everyone is already used to the “four” interface, although at first they scolded the lack of buttons (and still, many gadget manufacturers leave touch buttons on the case, ignoring the Google carrots), then even more appeared in the top five new nonsense. And the “whitishness and blueness” of the new interface cannot be said to be to the liking of users. Well, the mess in the list of notifications is just awful.

3. You get it all wrong!

And developers all over the world like to simplify everything. But they usually think that way. Many claim, of course, that they care about users, but the result is nonsense. And Lollipop has simplified a lot of things that can be simply listed with a minus sign.

There is too much space left on large screens, because the information panels are crammed together, spoiling the convenient separate mini-panels at the top of the screen. Information about the battery charge has been simplified so much that it has been completely removed: only the charge that remains is shown. "Gallery" was replaced with a simplified "Photo", with an emphasis on working on the Internet. If there is no Internet, you will encounter randomly organized pictures not by albums. It is solved, by the way, by forced replacement with the old "Gallery" through a third-party APK.

What else? Messages in the top tray were replaced with icons: go guess what they wanted. There are no more convenient points of lock button functionality. In version 5.0, the “silent” mode was also gone, which was returned in 5.1 (Google probably decided that turning off the sound to users is useless). The notification panel was combined with the settings: in the "four" they functioned separately, and it was very convenient. By the way, in 5.1 it was partially returned: in particular, the ability to connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth was added without going to the main settings. At least something.

Well, purely aesthetically: the new three buttons at the bottom of the screen turned into three simple geometric shapes. Minimalism, yes, but you won’t immediately understand what it should mean. Well, okay, with the “back” triangle and the “home” circle (reference to the round button on the iPhone?) It’s even more or less clear. But how to guess what should happen after clicking on the square?

By the way, in 5.1 there was finally support for smartphones with two SIM-cards. It wasn't in 5.0. In 4.x - was. Why it was so to do - a rhetorical question.

In general, the "five" is replete with a whole ocean of minor inconveniences, about which Google Developers on the contrary, it is said to be extremely convenient. Probably comfortable on our own Android developers. Of course, you can get used to it - both to the conveniences and to the inconveniences. But is it necessary?

Moreover, if you look around the forums and read angry user reviews, it becomes very sad. “Some huge icons, theme colors just kill, primitive bottom function buttons, like for children!”, “Previously, without turning off mobile data and Wi-Fi, the phone worked for at least two days, now it’s less than a day, discharged!”, “Changed established calls contacts to standard: to make a call, you need to perform a series of manipulations and all this is very slow”, “I used to have five last calls on the screen, and I could immediately dial them by pressing one button - now I can’t”, “The design is terrible. An alarm clock in the form of a round clock, it's terribly inconvenient! The spelling has been retained by the author, except for quite egregious cases.

And there are thousands of such reviews.

4. Incompatibility

If you have many installed third party applications, then it is not a fact that they will work correctly in the new OS. Because how is it usually? A new major version of the operating system is being rolled out, which in some places is incompatible with applications. Not with all, but with some, and it is these few that will be very important to you.

And although six months have passed since the release of the "five", this problem is still relevant. Because there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of applications for Android, some of them are generally abandoned (but vital for you!), so the transition to a new OS can end very badly, even if you have a super-new gadget that leaks random access memory absolutely nothing.

Therefore, before you rush to install Lollipop, you should go through all the vital important applications and find out when they were updated and if something like "Android 5 Lollipop support" is written in the update log. Most of the app incompatibilities are related to the new ART runtime, and developers really need to get their hands up and do something.

The question is what to do with the right applications, which has not been updated for many years, and which has survived even Ice Cream Sandwich and followers, remains open and sad.

5. Lollipop just not needed?

On the one hand, the question is philosophical, on the other hand, it is quite obvious if you ask it: why, in principle, do we need such an inconvenient operating system? If the amenities that people have become accustomed to over the past five years have been replaced with something new and absolutely inconvenient, and six months have passed since the release, and the convenience has not increased ... Why is it?

What can not be said about the previous, fourth version, which turned out to be much more successful. Incomprehensible on-screen buttons are successfully replaced with touch-sensitive counterparts (and still, I must say), there were many times less inconvenience in 4.x, and the design was quite strict and convenient compared to the "two" - yes, also unusual, but acceptable. And everyone is used to it.

All this cannot be said about Lollipop. If half a year after the release, the indignant exclamations do not subside, but only become louder - this is a failure on all fronts (the above reviews date back to March-April of this year). And there are more fronts, as more and more manufacturers release mandatory updates for their smartphones and tablets, integrating as a basis Android Lollipop(Well, perhaps, except for the new Lenovo P90).

But remember: you can always choose not to upgrade to this version, waiting for a more stable release. If he ever will be.

Because if 5.1.1 comes out, fixing the Biggest Flaw of the Android OS, it will be a really serious reason to install the update even on devices older than two years.

Android 5.0 Lollipop is the latest operating system from Google. Android 5.0 Lollipop, which is scheduled for release on November 3, 2014, according to many, made a real revolution in the field of mobile technologies. And judging by the slogan of the manufacturers (“Be together, but not the same”), it is Lollipop that will reign in our devices in the coming years. Why? Read on.

Let's take a closer look at what new developers can offer us.

Features of firmware android 5.0 lolipop:

1. Bright and responsive design plus a comfortable panel. Colors are more realistic and saturated. In addition, the interface has become more understandable. New fonts and smart use of screen real estate allow you to focus on the essential icons without being distracted by the little things. Turning settings off and on has become faster and more convenient.

2. New principle of working with notifications. How many times have you been distracted by unnecessary signals or vibration sounds at the most unexpected moment? Thanks to Lollipop, you can only receive notifications when it's convenient for you. This became possible thanks to loskrin. In addition, a special Priority mode allows you to select applications and users who are allowed to send you notifications. But even among them, one can single out those whose notifications will pop up on top of the rest. Thus, you will save your time by not wasting it on useless information that could get on your device.

3. Reducing the power consumption of the device. What other OS can boast of giving its owner an hour and a half of extra time in a power-saving mode of operation? But that's not all, now energy losses when working with Bluetooth and WiFi are minimized! It is also very convenient that thanks to Lollipop, the device shows the exact time until it is completely discharged (look for information in the battery settings).

4. Android 5.0 Lollipop automatically encrypts your data. In addition, there was an innovation in unlocking the device. You choose additional device(for example, a smart watch or a car dashboard), connect it via Bluetooth to your phone or tablet and unlock the device. Also possible remote access to the contents of the tablet that you forgot at home. To do this, you will need a device that has Android 5.0 installed and your account information.

5. OK Google. This command is now also available on the lock screen, but this only applies to Nexus 6 and 9. Owners of other models will have to wait.

6. Lollipop supports USB audio devices and multi-channel playback. The graphics of your gadget will surprise you, because it will be in no way inferior to a good PC or game consoles.

7. But the most important difference between a device with Android 5.0 Lollipop is the pointlessness of stealing it. The fact is that to start working with a tablet or phone, you need to enter a login and google password that are bound to the device. And selling a device with the data of someone else's user is not an easy task.

ATTENTION! The firmware below for download is exactly suitable for Samsung Galaxy S5 models, for others mobile devices bet at your own risk! It is for this model that we also post drivers just in case, they can come in handy!

This article will explain, including all examples and details, how to install Android on your tablet, smartphone, or other devices.

Also there will be a lot of advice about this.

Step #1. Installing and obtaining ROOT rights

  • Click on this button and the program will download;
  • Click on the downloaded file and open the Kingo program Android ROOT. (Press "YES" if the system asks permission to start.);

  • Inside the program, we can see that the device is not connected yet. We connect our phone via usb;

  • We will also need to enable debugging mode (in the program itself there will be pictures with instructions on how to do this). If the instructions are not enough for you, then you need to find the "developer menu" and enable the "USB debugging" option;

1.6. After our program has seen the device, the "ROOT" button will appear;
1.7. We click on it. Ready! You have received ROOT rights to your device.

Step #2. Update Recovery on your device

The next step is to update Recovery.

Recovery or special boot mode - special treatment on the machine, thanks to which you can restore the system or download updates for it.

Recovery installation

For Recovery installations we will use the application - ROM Manager, this program specially made for easy access to the recovery system.

  • To begin with, we must go from our gadget to the ROM Manager website;
  • Click on the download button and download this application;

  • Next, go to the downloads and click "Install application";
  • We go to ROM Manager. And immediately we see the button "CloclworkMod" in the main menu.

Click on it and the application is updated to the latest version;

  • The top line will be the name of the model of your gadget. Click on it;

  • Next, Recovery will be installed and downloaded to your device (This action requires an Internet connection);

  • Recovery has been updated and you can move on to the next item with peace of mind.

Advice! Use ROM Manager carefully and follow the instructions, do not press unnecessary buttons, otherwise you can turn your phone into a brick.

Step #3. Data backup

Backup- this is the storage of your data on the device, it can be partial and complete. In our case, complete.

Start backup

For this we will also use the same ROM Manager.

  • We go to ROM Manager;

  • Then select the line to save the current ROM. We save the file so that we can find it at any time (we write all the names, we save the file under a name convenient for us, we also put current date conservation);

  • After that, the phone / tablet will perform a standard reboot. All actions will take place as usual;
  • Also, the backup will be saved on your device to a specific folder that you specify;
  • Backup completed.

Advice! Do not delete under any circumstances backup that you saved. If you downloaded Android and something went wrong, you won't be able to do anything back!

Step number 4. Download and install Android

Here we have moved on to the booting android, all the actions that we carried out earlier were only preparation for installation.

  • We find on the Internet on the computer the program itself - Android. And download this archive for yourself;
  • We connect our device on which we want to install Android to the computer (via a usb drive);
  • Next, we copy the archive to our device, to the internal storage of the phone (Important! The archive does not need to be unpacked);
  • Next, go to ROM Manager and go to the tab with the name of our device. We click on it, we see the "reboot" button, click on it. After that, the recovery is rebooted;

  • We find in the application a return to the factory settings. We carry out this action. We confirm the execution;
  • We also act when we configure WipeDalvikCache;

  • On the screen of your device there will be an item Choose ZIPfromSdcard, click on it;

  • We type any name for our file, firmware, then click save;
  • Press the "Yes - Install" button and carry out the operation;

  • We are waiting for the process to end, this may take a couple of minutes;
  • Select the "reebot" button, after which the device will restart. The reboot may also take a couple of minutes of your time;

  • Ready! Android is now installed on your phone! Congratulations.
  1. If you have previously made firmware on your phone, then you should not update the recovery;
  2. In case of an error, just roll back the phone;
  3. All actions are performed with fully charged phone! What will you do if the phone runs out of power during this process?;
  4. Also select the latest firmware for your device.

Android is progressing before our eyes and quietly tearing iOS to pieces. AT Android Lollipop the interface has become smooth like an English Jaguar, the functionality has become wider, energy saving is better.

Lock screen changes

The new notification system provides quick access to SMS / Whatsapp / Wi-FI / GPS and other functions. Improved usability according to the rule of three clicks - now you can say that about Android 5.0!

New application menu

Displaying applications on a white background makes it much easier to navigate the application menu has been nicely updated, making navigation easier.


Now you can create users with different settings and switch between them, for example, in roaming or on vacation in the forest.

Alert menu or notification bar

The drop-down notification menu in Lollipop has become translucent and does not cover the main information of the screen.

Settings in Lollipop

The settings menu has acquired the "Contactless payment" section.

Calendar changes

The calendar application has been modified, it has a schedule section that shows the feed of events and the calendar at the same time.


There was a function night mode, displaying the time on the off display.

Keyboard in Android Lollipop

The keyboard has undergone very large changes in the keystroke animation, design and vibration. Visually, it has become better, but in terms of practicality, nothing has changed.

New Google Fit

The system has a pre-installed application pedometer Google FitGoogle Fit. In the future, the application will be able to provide any information about the user's health, pulse, pressure, and more, if necessary. additional accessories of course.

What is the result

The Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system is rapidly evolving, leaving competitors behind. What innovations appeared on Android 6 Marshmallow, 7.0 Nougat, 8.0 Oreo - read the links.

Video review of Android 5.0 Lollipop

How to install Android 5.0 Lollipop firmware

To update the firmware to version 5.0 Lollipop, download the files from the link below, launch the PC application, select your smartphone model in it and follow the instructions.

Android Lollipop - the release of the new version has taken place!

Back in January 2013, representatives Google made a statement that they are preparing an operating system update called Android 5.0 Lollipop (lollipop), but users who were waiting for the release received a version of Android 4.4, codenamed Kit Kat, and the release of the fifth version was postponed.

A year has passed, and finally modern gadgets running on android got access to Android update 5.0, codenamed Lollipop (lollipop). Initially, LG did about getting an update for its devices, but Google was ahead of its competitors and smartphones, and Nexus tablets will still receive new stuffing first of all.

The main features of the operating system Android 5.0 Lollipop

Android 5.0 has a lot of innovations that have affected the appearance of the operating system, and also positively affected the power consumption and speed of devices.

Interface and notifications

  1. material design. Now in standard design bright and saturated colors are used that will not strain the eyes and irritate. The interface itself has become more responsive and responds more naturally to requests. Standard buttons controls changed and turned into a triangle (back), a square ( context menu) and a circle (home), which makes the interface extra light The Material Design interface will be used in all Google services. The shell itself is based on several layers, each of which can be configured individually, and the reaction to touch or movement will react like real materials: paper, ink, water, etc. Another feature appearance are anti-aliased fonts that are better perceived by the eyes, and fine tuning accessibility, will allow users with low vision to use the device with maximum comfort.
  2. Quick settings. You can access the settings that you most often have to change using two swipes from the top of the screen, and the buttons have also changed quick access to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
  3. Lock screen in the new version of android displays full notifications from applications or contacts, so you do not have to unlock the device every time.
  4. Priority Mode- a new mode that allows you to manage incoming notifications. When the mode is enabled, the user will receive messages only from those applications or users that were previously installed in the list, all other notifications will not be accompanied by sound and image.

ATTENTION! In Priority mode, all new notifications will pop up on top of other windows.

Device Security

The functions of blocking devices on the Android 5.0 OS have expanded and the Smart Lock item has appeared. Using this mode, you can access the device only after connecting it to certain devices that support data transfer via the Bluetooth and NFC protocols.

A few more innovations:

  • Personal unlocking- allows you to unlock the device only in certain places, in order to save your user from unnecessary actions when you need to urgently make a call or read mail.
  • Factory Reset Projection- if it is impossible to track down the stolen device, you can remotely destroy all data and block the gadget, and the attacker will not be able to use the data.
  • unlock via Bluetooth- this function allows you to unlock devices in the range, thereby gaining access to your account without remembering your username and password.
  • Android Beam- way secure exchange information between android devices, which is activated when the gadgets are lightly tapped against each other.

Memory cards and built-in applications

In the new version of the mobile operating system, each application can be linked to a separate folder on the memory card, which will allow it to freely read, write and change data within it. This technology will save space on the device's internal storage and properly organize the workspace for applications. The only negative is that developers will have to optimize all games and programs for such a system.

Although such a system will allow you to manage even more applications, games and programs installed in system partition, without additional fraud, it will not work to remove or change.

Embedded applications from operators and developers can now not only be hidden, but also completely deleted. Speaking of operators mobile communications, the programs will only appear when the service provider's SIM card is installed in the device. Previously, this feature was available only to those users who used Root rights to control a smartphone or tablet.

Performance and power consumption

Relatively new virtual machine ART will increase the speed of applications. This system was partially used in OS android version 4.4 Kit Kat and worked in parallel with the Delvik VM or was available in developer mode to test the functionality, but in the fifth version the latter was completely abandoned. FROM using android runtime (ART) application installation speed will be a little slower, and startup and operation speed installed programs will be higher. The speed of some applications in new system reaches a fourfold increase.

Another feature of ART technology is support for 64-bit processors. Support for 32-bit processors greatly limited the distribution of the operating system on desktop platforms, since the maximum supported amount of RAM was 4 gigabytes. So such an innovation will allow you to create full-fledged and powerful devices. By the way, this technology still uses the Java handler as the main environment.

Representatives of Google have repeatedly talked about a project called Volta, the implementation of which fully positively affected the battery. AT latest update operating system, the project was still fully implemented and the operating time of all devices running the "lollipop" increased by at least an hour and a half.

How it works?
The user can now limit the number of connections of almost any application to the Internet, as well as reduce the amount of system resources allocated for its operation: the load on the processor, the amount of RAM, etc.

Internet and media

  • Built-in video stream processor Now it works much better, there is a clearer picture and smoother movements. Photo enthusiasts will find a number of new options in the camera settings, which will allow you to take a really high-quality picture. For devices equipped with powerful cameras, it became possible to take a series of photos at a frequency of 30 frames per second. By the way, the maximum supported resolution of the video file is 4K, which allows us to call devices running Android Lollipop OS a new generation.
  • OpenGL 3.1 is a technology which will allow you to equate the graphics in games with consoles, and also allow you to run really beautiful and high-quality games on desktop OS such as Chrome OS. Open GL is developed specifically for embedded operating systems that come with game consoles, Pocket PC and other devices.
  • Support for external audio devices. A little earlier, in order to connect an external USB device, it was necessary to whole line operations that most often failed, as cheap smartphones and tablets (except Chinese ones), for the most part, did not support USB-host technology. Users who cannot live without music will have the opportunity not only to listen to a high-quality audio stream, but will be able to create full-fledged tracks with mixing audio tracks of 5.1 and 7.1 channels.
  • Google Assistant. If earlier, in order to greet the smartphone with the phrase “Ok Google”, it was required to unlock the device, now the gadget can be safely in your pocket and be locked.

Which phones and tablets will get Android 5.0 first?

The pioneers who will receive an operating system update will be a new phablet Google Nexus 6, as well as the Nexus 9 tablet. Owners of more early models Nexus series (Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2012), Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 10 and Nexus 5) will be able to download the update image on the official website, and by the end of November, it will be possible to upgrade to android 5 "over the air".

For samsung galaxy S3, S4, Note 2, Note10.1 and other flagships, the manufacturer will release the update, according to tradition, last. But for Sony, the appearance of a new version of the OS is an opportunity to update the entire Xperia Z line, which will be done in the most short time after release.

HTC and LG will transfer to new firmware their devices within three months after they receive the official API from Google, while LG has officially announced the appearance of Android 5.0 so far only on the LG G3.

The owners of Chinese fakes are the least fortunate and will most likely have to be content old version OS, and the further possibility of installation remains in question.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • When released a new version Android OS?
    The official release date of the operating room Android systems scheduled for November 12, 2014.
  • Where to download Android 5.0?
    Adroid Lollipop for your device can be downloaded from the official website of your device manufacturer.
  • How to install the downloaded update package?
    There are several ways to install Android 5.0, but the most common is the installation method through the system bootloader, the method of installing the update image from a memory card.
  • What is the difference between fifth and previous versions mobile OS?
    The list of major innovations is very large and you can read them in full in this article.

Android 5.0 is a new step in the development of this operating system. Literally everything has undergone changes: from appearance to program code. The performance of some applications has increased by almost 4 times, and their launch speeds up new technology called "android runtime". Externally, the operating system pleases the eye and does not raise questions. Multimedia functions have also undergone changes, and users can now fully enjoy high-quality video.