Creation of any wireless network not without a router. For everything to work stably, you will have to change the parameters. This article will discuss setting up TP-Link TL wr740n - one of the fairly popular models for home use.

The device will work without problems as the "heart" of a small home or office network, providing a decent connection speed both via cable and wirelessly. The actual number of stably served connections is small. Specifications router will allow you to work normally with no more than ten moderately active users(preferably 5-6). With more of them or a high load of torrents, online games and watching videos, the network will “fall”, which is solved by rebooting.

Video review router TP-Link TLwr740n:

Yes, there is not enough USB sweat, a separate Wi-Fi on / off button, the antenna cannot be replaced with a more powerful one (it cannot be removed at all). But those modems that have the above advantages are much more expensive, and not everyone needs to use such functionality.

Appearance and equipment

Externally, the device looks quite decent for its price category. The case is made in a minimalistic black and white style, matte plastic is used as the material. The grooves on the top cover have nothing to do with cooling - they are purely for beauty and dust collection.

Heat dissipation is implemented using holes on the bottom panel of the router.

Also on the bottom panel is the mass useful information, which will be needed during the network configuration process.

Front panel

The front panel is quite informative, the state of each of the indicators displays the activity of certain processes. Let's take a closer look at the purpose of each of them, starting from the far left:

  1. The indicator of connection to the mains, lights up when plugged into the outlet and pressing the corresponding button on the rear panel;
  2. Displays the status of the self test function. In the normal state, flashes 1 time per second, in case of detection system error burns constantly. Flashes rapidly during a factory reset.
  3. The Wi-Fi function is active. If blinking, data is being transmitted over the wireless channel.
  4. Status of four LAN ports. Steady on when a device is connected. Blinks when transmitting information.
  5. When it is solid, it means that there is an active connection on the WAN port (blue on the rear panel). If an ISP cable is included in the port, this means that there is an Internet connection.
  6. Fast blinking indicates that the passwordless WPS connection is active. For TP-Link models, this feature is called QSS.

Back panel

In order, what is it for:

  1. QSS mode activation button;
  2. The hole in which the reset button is located;
  3. WAN port to which the provider's cable is connected;
  4. LAN ports for interfacing with client equipment;
  5. Power button;
  6. Connector for connecting the power supply;
  7. Antenna.


A set of accessories is standard for most of these devices: a power supply, a 1-meter patch cord, a disk with a quick installation utility, and a user manual.

Configuring the router using the utility

This option is simpler and will help novice tuners set the basic equipment parameters.

After the disk is inserted into the drive (with autorun configured), it will start Easy program setup assistant.

The application is designed for many models, in order to enter the settings of the corresponding one, you need to select it from the options offered.

The whole process is intuitive and somewhat reminiscent of working with the installation wizard for conventional software for Windows systems.

A quick way, but its use does not allow you to configure the network in the way that you can do it manually - through the control panel.

Configuring the router through the Web interface

This method is for more experienced users and allows you to fine-tune all the necessary parameters.

First you need to turn on the router to the network and connect it to the computer using the Ethernet wire that comes with the kit (you can use any LAN cable).

First you need the information on the label below, which was already mentioned at the beginning of the article. You need an address and data for authorization (login / password).

Enter the address in the address bar of the browser. The image shows the text version, which is relevant for older models. The most commonly used IP address is:

If the address or data for authorization does not fit, you need to reset the settings to the factory settings. To do this, with a thin object, you need to press a secret button on the back panel. During a configuration reset, the star icon on the front panel will flash. Information for entering the management interface can also be found in the instructions of the router.

Main menu

Another fast way configure the network, select the menu item on the left " Quick Setup».

By following the prompts of the wizard and entering the necessary values ​​provided by the provider, you can make a quick initial setup networks.

Wired Network Settings

The cable connection in the TP-Link TL wr740n router is configured on the Network -> WAN page. Depending on the configuration of the provider's servers, you need to select the type of connection. If on the side of the communication service provider it works DHCP server, then it is enough to select "Dynamic IP address" and confirm the choice by pressing the corresponding button below.

But often providers provide a dedicated IP. In this case, in the settings you need to select " static IP address» and fill in the fields with the information provided by the operator.

Another option that can be found, for example, at Rostelecom is PPOE. In this case, you need to enter the login / password, which is also provided by the provider.

WiFi configuration

After dealing with wired internet and got it stable operation, you need to configure the security of your wireless network. To do this, go to the protection page wireless mode, where we select the parameters in accordance with the image.

The WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK security standard is the most reliable option, and unlike some others, it does not affect the connection speed. After specifying all the necessary data, click the "Save" button and reboot the device.

Subsequent connection via Wi-FI will be possible only with a new password.

Update and Reset

To reset to the factory state, you can use the corresponding item in the control interface.

You can also update the firmware or install other firmware here, such as the previously saved state of the access point. To update, you must first download the file from the TP-Link official website, then select it using the button on the page and click "Update".

Changing the password of the admin panel

Leaving the default admin panel authorization data is not safe, especially if you do not change the password. To replace them, go to the menu item " System Tools» -> «Password». Where you first need to specify the current login / password, then new ones.

In order not to reset the settings to default once again, it is better to write down new data for authorization on paper, for example, in a notepad, in addition, it will not hurt to create text file on PC.

Useful video on setting up a router:

Configure TP-Link TL wr740n using this manual, you can not only from a computer, but also from any mobile device- the main thing is that it has a browser or any other program for opening web pages.

tp link tl wr740n router is universal network device capable of creating a wired or wireless local area network protected from the outside hacker attacks using the built-in firewall. Wireless module WiFi standard 802.11n provides data rates up to 150 Mbps. At the same time, the router is fully compatible with the previous IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11b standards. The letter "n" at the end of the model indicates that the router is equipped with a non-removable Wi-Fi antenna.

Router package

The packaging in which the router is supplied for sale is in the traditional white and green colors.

Factory packaging of the router

On the front side of the box, the tl wr740n router itself is shown, and the support for the 802.11n wireless network and the antenna gain of 5 dB are especially emphasized, which guarantees a high speed of information transfer over sufficiently long distances.

Inside the box are all the necessary accessories for full use of the device - power supply, Ethernet network cable, CD with setup wizard, and documentation.

Router package

In the case of the TP-Link TL-WR741ND model, a detachable antenna would also be present in the kit.

The appearance of the router

Outwardly, the router has a nice rounded shape, the case is made of white plastic with a black insert with indicator LEDs and a black antenna of impressive size. The top cover bears the TP-LINK name.

The appearance of the router

Stylish embossed rings top cover, unfortunately, have nothing to do with cooling the device - they are only decorative. The router is cooled only due to the lattice bottom.

The bottom of the router

By the way, on the bottom there is a sticker that prints the version of the hardware platform, mac-address, username and password to enter the settings menu, and other useful information.

Front panel of the router

The router's status indicators are illuminated on the front panel.

Front panel of the router

Although the icons are not signed, it is not difficult to guess their purpose by their appearance:

  1. Router power indicator;
  2. The indicator of the built-in self-test of the router. If the indicator blinks, no errors were found, the device is operating normally. If the indicator is off, a system error has been detected;
  3. Wi-Fi wireless module activity indicator;
  4. Four LAN port indicators. If the icon is on, a device is connected to the port; given port pass data;
  5. If the indicator is on, a wireless device is connected to the router;
  6. The QSS function is activated.

Back panel

On the back panel there are ports and connectors for connection:

Rear panel of the router

The blue color indicates the WAN port, designed to connect the network wire from the provider. Four orange ports are used to connect wired devices local network(LAN ports). To the left of the WAN port there are two small buttons - the last one to activate the Wi-Fi module, to the right - to reset the router to factory settings. To the right of the LAN ports is the power button for the router, then the connector for connecting the power supply.

Setting up a router

Method one, using the settings wizard

The tp link wr740n router can be configured both in semi-automatic mode, which is preferable for less experienced users, and in the mode fine tuning for the more experienced. For the first option, the manufacturer wrote a program - a setup wizard, which will require from the user only the data issued by the provider when concluding an agreement. He sets up the rest himself. Let's consider the process in more detail:

Connect the router to the computer with a network cable - one end to any LAN port, the other to the computer's network card, and turn on the router. Insert the supplied CD into your computer's CD drive. The installation wizard will automatically start. The menu is completely in Russian.

Installation wizard start menu

The installation wizard is universal, for many models, so we select the icon of our router and select the "Quick Installation Assistant" item.

Starting to install the router with the help of an assistant

In all the following steps, click the "Next" button. The data provided by the provider will need to be entered in the third step (Setting up the router). See the video tutorial at the end of the article for further settings.

Method two, using a web browser

More subtle and controlled configuration of the tl wr740n router, designed for experienced users, can be done in any web browser. To enter the settings menu, make sure that the router is turned on and connected to the computer. Open any web browser and address bar enter the router's IP address - A window will open in which you must enter a username and password, which the manufacturer set as "admin" and "admin" by default.

Please note that it is not allowed to use capital letters. Enter them in the appropriate fields and click OK. (The settings for WR740N and WR741ND are identical.)

Entering the settings menu

If after pressing the “OK” button an error is generated, then it is necessary to reset the settings to the factory settings by pressing the button on the rear panel for 5-10 seconds.

Main settings menu

Main menu of router settings

The first window will open the router status window. On the left side of the window there are settings items, in the center of the window there is a field for entering settings, on the right side of the window there are hints for the selected item. The menu is Russified.

WiFi setup

Consider how to configure the tl wr740n router as a wireless router.

Selecting a Wi-Fi setting item

A window with Wi-Fi settings will open:

WiFi setup

In the "Network name" field, you must enter an arbitrary name for the wireless network. In the "Region" list, select the country of residence, it is better to leave the rest of the values ​​​​by default. Next, you need to secure your wireless network by setting a network connection password. Go to the sub-item "Wireless Security".

Setting a Wi-Fi password

We select the WPA / WPA2 encryption type, leave the “Version” and “Encryption” fields as they are, in the “Password” field we invent and enter a password of at least eight characters long, consisting of the English alphabet and numbers. Be sure to confirm after making any changes to the settings with the “Save” button.

Firmware update

It is recommended to periodically check the manufacturer's website for availability new firmware. If there is one, download it to your computer, then go to the "System Tools" menu item, then to the "Firmware Update" sub-item.

Item "System Tools"

In the window that opens, click the "Browse" button and specify the path to the downloaded firmware. Click the "Update" button. After the update, the router will automatically reboot.

Firmware update

For all other settings, see the instructions:

- no longer available =(

Video tutorial of the setup wizard:

Hello, this article belongs to the series of articles " detailed instructions tp link tl wr740nd router settings". Before you start setting up the tl wr740nd router, you need to connect it to a computer or laptop (netbook). In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to do this.

Appearance and complete set designation of indicators

The appearance of the new 740 router is no different from the 741, and they are almost identical in functionality. Drawing below.

Let's first take a look at the front indicator panel. This will help you understand at a basic level if any problems arise (such as: the Internet does not work, it does not connect via Wi-Fi, or there is no connection to the router on desktop computer). So, this is what all the bulbs on the 740n look like:

  • PWR- This is the network indicator. If this indicator is green, everything is in order, the router is successfully connected to the mains. If it is not lit, it means that power is not supplied to the router. This may mean that it has broken, or the power supply has burned out, or your outlet simply does not work.
  • SYS- System parameters indicator, if it blinks, everything is in order. If this light is on when turned on, it means that the system is being configured. If it is off, there is a system error.
  • WLAN- indicator WiFi connections, when successful, it flashes. If it just lights up, a failure has occurred (the easiest solution to the problem is to turn on / off the power of the tl wr740n router).
  • LAN (1-4) - This light indicates that the device is connected by wire to the LAN port. If it blinks, then everything is in order and data is being transferred between devices and routers. If it does not blink, but just lights up, a system failure may have occurred (reboot the computer and turn off and then turn on the power of the router). There may also be problems with the network card.
  • WAN- This is the WAN port indicator. An “Internet” wire is inserted into this port, the indicator should blink. If it is not lit, it means that the signal is not going, the provider's wire may be damaged or the provider has stopped providing the service (disconnected you :-))

Connecting tp link tl wr740n by wire to a computer

To begin with, in order to better understand what and where to connect, let's take a look at the back panel of the router:

Let's start in order:

Reset- Reset button, on different models can be recessed and located in a different place, but the function performs the same. When pressed and held for about 10-20 seconds, the router settings will be reset to factory settings. It is used when the router is configured incorrectly, i.e. if you don't know what went wrong, your best bet is to reset your settings and start over.

Power connector- the power supply is inserted into this connector.

On/Off button- Turns the router power on and off. Often people forget about it and think that their router is faulty.

LAN ports (1-4) – These ports are designed to connect devices (computer, laptop, netbook, TV, etc.) to the router via a wire with RJ-45 connectors.

PortWAN(Internet) - the port into which the provider's wire is inserted or the wire through which the Internet is supplied.

After we figured out what each port is responsible for, we can build the following connection scheme:

  1. We insert into the LAN port (in any of the 4) Patchcourt (the short wire that came with the kit), insert the other end of the wire into the network card.
  2. Berm the Internet provider's wire, and insert it into the WAN (internet) port.
  3. We insert the power supply into the connector on the tl wr740n and plug it into the network (into a socket), also do not forget about the power button of the router.

That's it, your computer should connect to the router. Sometimes in settings network card the ip address is set, and although you are connected to the router, you will not have access to the setup interface. To prevent this from happening, let's immediately check the network card settings.

Checking the settings of the network card to connect the router to the computer (Windows XP, 7)

Everything is very simple, we need to check that the settings are set to automatic. For this:

On Windows XP:

  1. Start >> Control Panel >> Find "Network Connections"
  2. LAN connection, click right click mouse and select "Properties" >>
  3. In the list with checkmarks, find "Internet Protocols TCP / IP" double-click on the inscription.
  4. In the window that appears, put dots on opposite the points where there are the words "Automatically"

Now click on the “OK” button everywhere. Oh, and also, if the fields in the last window were filled out, write down everything that was there on a piece of paper - this will come in handy when setting up the Internet.

On Windows 7:

In the lower right corner (near the clock) there will be a network icon in the form of a monitor, click on it and select the inscription "Network and Sharing Center"

Now the Status window will appear, in it click on the "Properties" button

The "Properties" window will open, in the list we look for "Internet protocols version 4 (TCP / IPv4)", select and click "Properties".>> Next, put dots opposite "Obtain an ip address automatically" and "Obtain a DNS server address automatically".

Now click on the “OK” button everywhere. Yes, and also, if the fields in the last window were filled out, then write down everything that was there on a piece of paper - this will come in handy when setting up the Internet.

Connecting to a router via Wi-Fi laptop, netbook

I always advise you to configure the router via cable, this will help to avoid unnecessary reconnection when setting up Wi-Fi on the router. But sometimes there is no other way, so I decided to explain how to do it. Let's get started.

After turning on the router to the network and connecting the Internet wire to it, turn on the laptop and connect to Wi-Fi (if you don’t know how to do this, read the article How to connect wifi on a laptop). Your network name will start with Tp-link tl-wr740n and it will have the most high level signal. The key to the WiFi network will be indicated on the back cover of the router after the word "PIN"

That's about all there is to say about Tp-link tl-wr740n connections. Next follow the link:

Video on setting up a router


In this manual, we will configure the TP-Link TL-WR740N router. This is a very popular router that is in high demand due to its low price and quality. Many of my friends have the TP-Link TL-WR740N installed, which does its job perfectly. And it was created exclusively for home use. And then, if you have a lot of devices at home, and the house itself is large, then the TL-WR740N may not be able to do its job. This is normal, because this is a budget router.

But, despite its low price, it looks just fine. Beautiful design, matte case, it is possible to hang the router on the wall, all these are undoubtedly pluses. Of course, I would also like to see a power on / off button, and a separate button for turn off Wi-Fi but unfortunately they are not. The only problem is when, when connecting a large number of devices, in online games, when downloading torrents, the Internet may disappear. And the router will often have to reboot. Wrote about it. But this is quite normal for a budget model.

This model has been produced for a very long time, there are already 6 hardware versions, which means that it has already been finalized six times and updated something (in terms of hardware). This router has received many awards and won many competitions. A truly popular model.

Now I will show you how to set up TP-Link TL-WR740N. This will complete instructions Internet setup, WiFi networks, and setting a password for the wireless network. Well, consider the process of connecting the router. It doesn’t matter if you have a new router just from the store, or have already used it, the instructions will work for you. However, this instruction is also suitable for Tp-Link TL-WR741ND.

If you have already tried to configure the router, then it would be nice do a reset TP link settings TL-WR740N. To do this, turn on the power, and hold down the button for 10 seconds. WPS/RESET located on the back of the router.

You can look at the indicators, they should all light up. After that, you can release the button.

We connect the TP-Link TL-WR740N router

We take the power adapter, and connect it to the router. We connect it to the mains. Further, in WAN connector (it is blue) on the router we connect the Internet. Network cable from an internet provider. And if you have Internet through an ADSL modem, then we connect the TP-Link TL-WR740N with the modem. On the router, the cable is in the WAN connector, and on the modem in the LAN.

Now you need to decide from which device you will configure the router. If from a computer or laptop, then I advise you to connect to the router via the cable that comes with the kit. Connect the cable to LAN connector (yellow), and on the computer into the network card connector.

And if you want to configure your TL-WR740N over Wi-Fi, just connect to its Wi-Fi network. If the router is new, then it will have a standard name. For example, I have this: "TP-LINK_9C00". And to connect use default password, which is indicated on the bottom of the router on the sticker.

Just connect to a wireless network. If there is a status "without access to the Internet", then this is normal. This means that you just need to set up a connection to the provider. What are we going to do now.

TL-WR740N: Internet connection (WAN) setup

If you want, you can update the firmware of the router before setting it up. We have a separate instruction for this model:

1. If to connect to the Internet it was necessary to run high speed connection, now it is not needed. It can be removed. This connection will be established by the router, after configuration.

2. If the Internet is already working on your computer through a router, without starting different connections, then most likely your provider uses Dynamic IP connection technology, and you do not need to set up an Internet connection. You can go directly to Wi-Fi setup networks (see below).

We need to go to the control panel.

Entering the settings of the TP-Link TL-WR740N router

If you are already connected to the router, then just open any browser, enter the address in the address bar (on older versions it might be, or, and navigate through it. Enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, then admin and admin. Well, if you changed and forgot, then we will reset the settings.

You may still need more detailed, and advice on solving the problem when.

My settings are in Russian. I think you do too. If you have everything in English, and there is no Russian firmware on the Tp-Link website, then write in the comments, I will add the names of the menu sections in English.

Setting up PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP

You must know what type of connection your ISP uses. And all the necessary data to connect: username, password, IP (if needed). This information can be clarified with the provider itself, or in the documents that you received when connecting.

Go to settings tab NetWAN. On the menu WAN connection type we need to select the type of connection.

If you have a Dynamic IP, then select it and immediately click on the button Save. There are no more parameters to set. Unless, if your ISP does (but this rarely happens). After that, the Internet through the router should work.

And if you have PPPoE, PPTP, or L2TP, then you will need to set the necessary connection parameters that the provider issued.

If you were unable to set up the Internet in this way, then go to the tab Quick Setup, and try setting everything up with step by step instructions. There you can simply select the country, provider, etc. Perhaps this will be easier for you.

Go to the Wi-Fi setup only when the Internet through the router is already working.

Setting up Wi-Fi and password on TP-Link TL-WR740N

Let's move on to setting up a wireless network and setting a password for Wi-Fi. In the control panel, open the tab Wireless mode.

Here we need to change the name of the Wi-Fi network, select our region, and click on the button Save.

To set a password, go directly to the tab Wireless modeWireless security.

Here you need to highlight the point WPA/WPA2 - Personal (recommended), set the rest of the parameters as in my screenshot below, and in the field Wireless network password come up with and write down a password that will protect your Wi-Fi. The password must be at least 8 characters long. Click on the button Save and you can immediately click on the link "Press here" to reboot the router.

After the reboot, you will need to reconnect the devices that you connected via Wi-Fi. Already with a new password, and to the network with a new name, if you changed it.

Changing the admin password to enter the settings

I also advise you to go to the settings, and on the tab SystemPassword change the password that is used to enter the router settings from the standard admin to some more complex one. To do this, you will need to specify the old username and old password, and set new ones. You can leave the username admin, but choose a different password.

Write down the password so you don't forget it. And if you forget, you will need to set everything up again, since you won’t be able to get into the control panel.

Setting up the TP-Link TL-WR740N yourself is not at all difficult. Definitely no more difficult than other models of this manufacturer. The main thing is that the Internet would work through the router, and the status "Without access to the Internet" about which I wrote in the article disappeared on the computer.

Can be configured from a computer (it doesn't matter if you have Windows 10, Windows 7, or another OS) as well as from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet). And if you have a TL-WR740N hardware version 5 and higher, then you can use the proprietary one to configure and manage the router. Everything works, checked.

If you have any questions about setting up this router, then ask them in the comments.

In Russia wifi router TP Link TL-WR740N was quite popular in the market. And it owes its popularity to its low price - this model was one of the cheapest. Hence the complaints about the poor quality of work, unstable connection and always buggy WiFi.
At the same time, setting up the TL-WR740N router is no different from other TP-Link Wi-Fi routers. In this instruction, we will show how to set up a TP-Link 740 router to connect Internet and television from Rostelecom, Beeline, Dom.Ru and TTK.

Installation and connection of TP-Link TL-WR740N

The IP address of the TP-Link router that is used for the LAN, usually either , or . Also, access to the router settings is also available at the symbolic address - or . You can always clarify this on the sticker, which is located on the bottom of the device case.

Login to enter the Wi-Fi router settings - admin and password - admin. Only here there is one point - when I first set up the connection, I usually change the password to a more complex one. In the event that through the default login and password, you will have to do.

How to set up Internet on TP-Link TL-WR740N

The process of setting up the TL-WR740N router usually begins with configuring its connection to the Internet. To do this, go to the menu Network >>> WAN. So you can see what connection parameters are being used at that moment. At this stage, the main task is to choose the right connection type. If you do not know which type to choose for your telecom operator, consult his technical support. Usually PPPoE is used for, Dynamic IP for Beeline, Rostelecom usually uses PPPoE in most regions, but in some regions it can also use Dynamic IP.

PPPoE connection

In the "WAN connection type" list, select the item PPPoE/Russia PPPoE. In this case, in the fields below, enter the login and password for the connection. They are usually attached to the contract so that the client does not lose.

Usually, apart from this, nothing else needs to be changed in the Internet connection settings on the TP-Link TL-WR740N router. Just check that the "Connect automatically" flag is in the "WAN connection mode" block. Press the "Save" button. Connect the provider's cable to the router and you can check the Internet connection.

Connection Dynamic IP

If the provider uses the connection type Dynamic IP(it can also be called DHCP), then to configure it is enough just to select this type of connection correctly in the section Network >>> WAN..

None additional options Usually you don't have to write! By the way, the new router comes out of the box already configured for such a connection! It is enough just to connect the provider's cable to it and it will be able to connect to the Internet by itself. Click on the Save button and check the Internet connection.

Setting up WiFi on the TL-WR740N router

Wireless setup WiFi networks on TP-Link TL-WR740N is performed in the following order. First you need to open the menu item Wireless Mode >>> Settings:

In the "Network Name" field, enter the name of the wireless network - that is, write here what your Wi-Fi will be called. To do this, use any word or phrase in English.
"Region" is usually already set correctly - "Russia".
Set the WiFi channel width on the TL-WR740N 40MHz when needed high speed. If you need a large network coverage radius, leave the value 20MHz.
Click on the "Save" button.

Now you need to open the section Wireless security. Here you can configure the WiFi password for the TL-WR740N:

Place a flag here WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK(Recommended) and enter the following parameters:

Version - WPA2-PSK Encryption - AES Password PSK - here enter a password of at least 10 characters

Do not touch anything else and click on the "Save" button. After that, you need to connect a laptop or phone and check the availability of WiFI on the TP-Link 740.

Comment: If there is a WPS section in the menu, be sure to go there and disable this feature, as it poses a very big threat to network security.

How to set up IPTV television on TP-Link TL-WR740N

If you want to set up digital TV on a TP-Link TL-WR740N router, you will need to find out the settings for this service from the provider's technical support. Usually, TTK and Beeline are quite simple separate one LAN port for connecting an STB set-top box. To do this, go to the section Network >>> IPTV.

Attention! If you do not have the IPTV item in the router configuration menu at all, update its firmware (we will tell you how to do this below in the instructions).

Activate the "IGMP Proxy" mode. Below, in the "Mode" field, set the value to "Bridge" and select the port for IPTV - "LAN4". Click the "Save" button. Now you need to connect the set-top box to the TL-WR740N and check the operation of the service.

There are cases when IPTV setup on TL-WR740N implies the need to register the VLAN number on the router. This scheme is often used by Rostelecom). Then in the line "Mode" put - 802.1Q Tag VLAN:

Check the box below Disable Vlan TAG for Internet. In the "Multicast VLAN ID for IPTV service" line, enter the VLAN ID number that you learned from technical support. In the line “Multicast VLAN priority for IPTV service”, put the number “4”. At the very bottom of the page, find the line "LAN4 port operation mode" and set the value "IPTV" in it.

How to open a port on TP-Link TL-WR740N

In order to open ports on the TP-Link TL-WR740N router for a game or video surveillance (that is, to do the so-called port forwarding), go to the menu section Forwarding >>> Virtual servers:

To add a port to the list of open ports of the TP-Link router, click on the "Add" button. The following menu will appear:

In the line "Service port" and in the line "Internal port" you need to write the port number that you need to open on the TP-Link 740 router. Next, write down the IP address of the computer to which we are doing port forwarding. In the line "Protocol" it is better to set the value ALL. Otherwise, you will have to separately open a port for the TCP protocol and for the UDP protocol. Click the "Save" button.

Firmware TP-Link TL-WR740N

If you need to flash the TP-Link 740 router and update the router software, first download latest version Manufacturer's official website software. You can download the TP-Link TL-WR740N firmware.
Once the file has been downloaded, unpack it from the archive if it is in zip or rar format. Then in the web interface open the menu item System Tools >>> Firmware Update:

Click on the "Select file" button to show the device where the file with software and click on the "Update" button. After that, the firmware of the TL-WR740N router will start. Do not turn off or restart the router while doing this. The process itself takes about 2 to 10 minutes, after which the router will reboot. The settings are usually not reset.

Changing the settings access password

After setting up the TL-WR740N router, do not forget to change its factory admin password to some more complex one of your own. This must be done to ensure the safety of your home network. To change the password of the TP-Link 740 router, open the menu section System Tools >>> Password:

At the top of the window, enter the username and password that are currently in use. But below it will be necessary to indicate New Password and its confirmation in the corresponding field. We save the settings of the router. After that, it is desirable to restart it.