Probably many have met at least once when fixing some problems with the MSConfig utility in Windows. The MSConfig utility itself allows you to configure boot options, enable or disable services, and much more.

AT previous versions Windows utility MSConfig also allowed you to manage startup applications. After upgrading to Windows 10, all startup options have been moved to the manager Windows tasks 10.

Therefore, in this article we will look at how to enter MSConfig Windows 10 and how to properly configure MSConfig. And also consider several ways to do if MSConfig does not start.

Next, we will consider all sorts of ways how to enter system configuration windows 10 different ways. All methods will also be relevant for Windows users 7, the only difference is the method using the new Windows Search 10 which is missing by default.

Method 1. How to enter MSConfig Windows 10 through execute

Method 2: How to open Windows 10 system configuration through File Explorer

Method 3: How to run MSConfig via Windows 10 search

Method 4: How to open MSConfig from the command line

If we talk about the correct setting of parameters in MSConfig, then all the default parameters are configured correctly. If you have doubts, then you can compare with our settings.

  • General: Normal system startup is set.
  • by default, a single current operating system is selected. Here you can specify the number of cores that will be used when booting the OS.
  • Services: in this tab you can enable or disable services.
  • In Windows 10, Startup Options have been moved to Task Manager.
  • Service: allows you to run all available tools of your operating system.

Below we consider questions that may also be of interest to users. Recommend Options Number of processors and Maximum Memory do not change.

  • What gives the number of processors in MSConfig

This item is set to a value that indicates how many cores will take part in the system boot. Default mark Number of processors not installed. If, for example, one core is specified, then only one core will take part in the system boot. But remember that this function will not be able to increase the performance of the computer in any way, but was created in order to set a limit on the contrary.

Definitely, if you install more cores, then more resources will be available to start the system. Actually, the system will boot faster. But by default, all cores are used.

  • What gives maximum memory in MSConfig

Similarly with the previous paragraph, the default mark Maximum Memory not installed. This feature is also designed to slow down your computer's performance. And limit the maximum random access memory which the system will use.

msconfig won't start

If you do not start MSConfig, then you need to take the following steps:

  • First of all, try running MSConfig as an administrator.
  • If it does not help, then check the registry. Click Win+R and enter regedit. We go along the way: and check the default value C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\MSConfig.exe
    Then we go here and check the default value should be C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\HelpCtr.exe.
  • If it does not help, we recommend and, if necessary, restore the damaged files.


In this article, we got acquainted with the MSConfig utility that helps to change the system configuration. We learned in more detail How to enter MSConfig on Windows 10, how to properly configure MSConfig in Windows 10, and what to do if MSConfig does not start.

If you know more Interesting Facts about this utility, then write to us in the comments and we will add them to the article.

Good day, dear readers of my blog.

Each PC or laptop, in addition to user-installable software, also has built-in software. Often there are situations when, for some reason, the client needs to configure the operation of the device. For this, developers at Microsoft have provided a useful and convenient MSConfig Windows 7 utility.

The program is a powerful tool that allows you to debug autorun in detail and remove some errors that interfere with the correct operation of the system.

The application "" has ample opportunities in the setting segment personal computer or laptop. For convenient use developer shared working window on several key tabs.

Important! Do not disable / enable options if you are not sure what you are doing.

This tool is for detailed settings systems. In most cases, this is done to speed up its work.

Tabs( )

As mentioned above, the window is divided into several segments:

    On the "" tab, the user can choose which startup type to set for Windows 7.

    »will help to configure the process of starting the system in more detail. So, for example, the time it takes to start is set here. In addition, if necessary, you can immediately select "" if there is no way to enter it in another way. How to enable multiple processes? You need to click on " Extra options» and select the appropriate menu. There are also some other settings.

    Tab « Services» allows a person to dispose of all available system processes. Here you can stop or start them. At the same time, the tab provides the item "", by clicking on which the user can view a shortened list of utilities installed by a person.

    » is considered the most popular tab among clients used by Windows. Here it is possible to view the number of processes that start when the operating system starts. There is an option to turn them off and on.

    The "" tab contains tools for launching the main features of the OS, which will also help optimize computer performance.

After you change something, you need to confirm your actions with the button " Ok". And for the changes to take effect, you need to reboot, which the system itself will notify you immediately after closing. For convenience, the restart can be postponed.

Launching "System Configuration"( )

So, how to enter the tool we need? There are several different options to see the desired menu.

We go to " Start" and in the search bar enter "". We are waiting for the results to appear and choose the appropriate application. It usually occurs alone. How to open the program? Just click on the icon with the left mouse button.

Also go to the menu Start", and then select " All programs". Let's go to the directory Service" and " Standard". We need " Command line».

A new window will open where you need to enter "" and then confirm by pressing " Enter».

We all go in the same Start» to the command « Run". To do this, you can also press the combination " Win+R».

A small window will appear where we enter "", and then confirm our actions.

It must be said right away that this method is the longest. Almost nobody uses it. But in any case, you should know about it. So where is the right program? We need to open A computer», system disk, go to " Windows" and then go to "". Here we are looking for the application "". It starts with a simple double click of the mouse.

Sometimes one of the path nodes may be hidden and simply not visible. To restore, press " View», « Options”And on the second tab, remove the necessary checkmarks at the end of the list.

Program not working( )

Some users may encounter a situation where the desired utility does not start. In this case, a message appears stating that the required file simply does not exist at the specified address.

In most cases, this happens as a result of a virus getting on the computer, which simply deletes the application. What to do?

Let's check the system first. good antivirus with new bases. Otherwise, the rest simply can not be done.

Next, we look to see if a suitable file exists at all in its usual place. If it is not there, we try to copy the element from the same operating system installed on another PC. It is also extracted from the drive that contains the OS image.

To do this, run " Run" by using " Win+R' or in any other way. In the window that opens, write the following:

Expand "image location"\i386\MSCONFIG.EX_C:\Windows\system32\msconfig.exe and confirm our intentions. Wherein " image location" - the drive letter where the system files are located or the path to them (if located directly on the computer).

There is also an option to simply download " msconfig.exe" from the Internet and place this file in a folder located along the path that I mentioned earlier.

Of course, more efficient and precisely efficient is the complete reinstalling Windows. It will also speed up the computer as a whole. But not everyone can do it on their own or simply do not want to.

Sometimes, for some reason, the required system component does not start due to restricted access rights. To check, we try to open the program with Administrator rights. This usually helps.

In addition, we try to run the application in "". To do this, reboot and until the OS starts loading, press " F8". Then choose the appropriate item.

Further, it is desirable to check Registry Editor". To do this, go to Run” and write “ regedit". Next, we go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", folder " Software". Then we go to Microsoft», « Windows», « CurrentVersion" and " AppPaths". We are interested in the msconfig file with the extension *.exe. Or rather, just its presence. Also, the value of REG_SZ should be: C:\Windows\system32\msconfig.exe. If there is no this line, or even a corresponding mark, all this needs to be created.

In addition, there is a mechanism for checking the system files of the operating system. To do this, go to Run(we already know how to do this). In the window that opens, write " sfc /scannow". We confirm our intentions. Should open " Protection Windows files ", which will be accompanied by the message " Checking in progress...". If the tool manages to determine that the files have changed, it will report this and offer to restore everything to the original version using the installation disk.

Setting( )

If a system component is working correctly or you have corrected possible mistakes, you can start using it directly. How to properly configure the operation of the operating system using this tool? It all depends on what components this or that user uses.

If we talk about what can be disabled in msconfig in general, this can be found in the one I wrote earlier. In particular, it says about the tab " Services».

At the same time, if you disable all the components that are described above, and also clean the "" section as much as possible, you can even reach the maximum performance of your equipment. At the same time, it must be remembered that any system changes usually lead to consequences. So, if you are not sure about the correctness of your actions, you should not change anything.

Well, it turns out the MSConfig tool is a useful element of the system. If you use it correctly, you can significantly increase the speed of your device. In this case, incorrect handling can disable the system.

I hope this article helps you. Subscribe and tell your friends about my blog.

Probably, many of the users have repeatedly come across the mention of the msconfig utility, developed to solve various problems OS Windows 7/8/10. Many have heard about it, would like to know more, but do not know how to enter msconfig in Windows and start working with it. In this article, I will try to fix this shortcoming and tell you what msconfig is, describe its functionality and features, and also explain how to run the utility in Windows 7 and up.

What is msconfig

MSCONFIG(abbreviation for "Microsoft System Configuration Utility") is special utility for troubleshooting your computer. According to the developers, it should provide faster and more reliable loading of operating system files, prevent various crashes and software conflicts.

The functionality of the msconfig utility allows you to effectively identify the causes of dysfunctions in your PC, more accurately identify problematic drivers, files, and others. system components. It allows you to activate and deactivate the launch of automatically loaded programs and services, start safe mode, monitor in detail the operation of startup files, and so on - in general, carry out a general configuration of your PC.

Run msconfig on Windows

In order to enter the msconfig utility, you need to perform the following steps.

Method 1. Use the search bar (Windows 7.8)

  1. Click the Start button, type msconfig in the search bar and press Enter.
  2. In the Metro interface on Windows 8 and 8.1, the search button is at the bottom right, click on it and write msconfig in the search bar, and then press the Enter key.

Method 2. Use the command line to log in (Windows 7.8)

  1. Click on Start, then select "All Programs", then "Accessories" - "Command Prompt".
  2. In the console that appears, type msconfig and press Enter.
  3. In Windows 8, right-click on an empty spot on the desktop, in the panel that appears, click on the “all applications” icon, and we find the command line there.
  4. We launch it, and in it we write msconfig, and confirm by pressing Enter.

Method 3. How to enter msconfig using the Run command (Windows 7,8,10)

In order to enter msconfig, press the combination Win keys+ R, in the window that appears, type msconfig and press Enter.

Method 4. Find the program on the hard drive (Windows 7)

We go along the path Windows \ System32 \ and look for the msconfig.exe file there. Let's launch it.

Method 5: Run System Configuration (Windows 10)

On the taskbar we find the command "System Configuration" and select the classic application "System Configuration".

How to work with the msconfig utility

After running the msconfig utility, you will be taken to a menu that has five main tabs.

In the tab "General" you can choose one of the types of operating system launches. Introduced "Normal Startup" which loads all required drivers and services, "diagnostic" - loads only a basic set of services and drivers, and "selective", where you can choose what exactly needs to be loaded.

you can make a choice of OS loaded by default, set the time for selection desired system when you start the computer, You can also use monitoring the boot log, choose to boot without GUI (animation on boot), display information about the loaded OS elements, and work with various options safe mode. At the same time, by clicking on the “Advanced Settings” button, you will enter an additional menu where you can set the number of processors used by the system, maximum memory, and other parameters.

"Services" allow you to enable and disable various services involved in the operation of the operating system. At the same time, by checking the box at the bottom left, you can disable the display of services from Microsoft and get acquainted with the list of third-party services involved in your computer.

you can select a list of automatically loaded programs, and "Service" will allow you to use the functionality of programs to administer your PC. For example, select any of the programs in the list and click "Start".

How it looks like working with msconfig, you can look at the video:


The functionality of the msconfig utility allows you to effectively repair and debug our Windows 7/8/10 operating system. You can set startup parameters yourself, test the operation of system services and applications, and carry out full administration of your machine. That being said, the msconfig application is easy to run with various ways which makes it convenient and useful tool in the arsenal advanced user. If you weren't familiar with how to get into msconfig and how to use it, then maybe it's time for a more detailed introduction.

Command line R12; it is a very handy tool for launching special Windows programs from under DOS. It can be useful when crashing or tweaking the operating system. For example, using it, you can go to the registry editor or view Startup. To start the command line, go to the START menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. Or you can run the Run command from the Start menu. How to run the Run command can be found in this R12 article; .

In this post, take a look at the main commands command line which are necessary in daily work to adjust or correct the operation of the operating system.

regedit R12; the most famous and used command line command that allows you to enter the registry. Literally translated as R12; Registry editor. Actually, that's all it says.

chkdisk R12; this command checks for errors file system and HDD, and it is able to restore the file system and in some cases bugs hard disk

systeminfo R12; allows you to view information about the installed operating system and the configuration of your computer (does not work through "Run", only through the command line)

ipconfig R12; displays information about your IP address (does not work through "Run", only through the command line).

ipconfig /all R12; allows you to find out more detailed or extended information about your IP address, computer name, subnet mask, DHCP, DNS server, Default gateway, MAC address and so on (does not work through "Run", only through the command line).

msconfig R12; shows the system configuration, autoloading of Windows services and programs. In it, you can choose one of three types of launching the R12 operating system; they are normal startup, diagnostic startup, and selective startup. More detailed information You can see by running this command.

cmd.exe R12; allows you to launch the command line (DOS window) via START -> Run.

explorer R12; allows you to start or restart Explorer. For example, you have lost the bottom panel where it is quick launch and the START menu (this is Explorer), i.e. Some kind of failure occurred as a result of installing or uninstalling some program. The launch of the command can save the day Run using hotkey combination Win+R, and in the dialog box, type and run the Explorer command. Explorer should restart.

gpedit.msc R12; this command launches the local group policy editor.

services.msc R12; The command launches your computer's services and services control panel.

You can also just run the command HELP, which displays more detailed information about Windows commands.

When it becomes necessary to configure the Windows operating system, many users resort to using a variety of third-party utilities. At the same time, without even suspecting the existence of built-in tools for solving these problems.

One of the most powerful and simple configuration tools is the msconfig utility. It can be run on any computer with an operating Windows system and you don't need to install any additional programs. With this program, you can manage the boot of the operating system, installed services and startup programs. In addition, using this program, you can quickly launch other built-in tools for managing the operating system. In this article, we will try to consider the msconfig program and its main features in as much detail as possible.

How to run msconfig

Running msconfig is very easy and can be done in a number of ways. The easiest way is to start with a search. Open the Start Menu or Start Screen if you have Windows 8 and type "msconfig". After that, you just need to click on the program icon.

Launching a Program Using the Start Menu

You can also use the Run menu. In order to launch the Run menu, press the Win + R key combination. After that, type the “msconfig” command and press enter.

Launching a Program Using the Run Menu

Alternatively, msconfig can be run from the command line or from a folder, the msconfig.exe program can be found in the Windows\System32 folder.

Configuring Windows with msconfig

So, we launched msconfig, we can get to work. The interface of this program consists of several tabs: General, Download, Services, Startup and Service. Let's look at each tab in order.

General tab

On the General tab, you can choose the option to boot the operating system.

Normal startup - startup with all drivers and services loaded. Diagnostic startup - startup with loading only essential drivers and services. Selective startup - startup with selected elements of the operating system loaded.

The second tab is called "Download". Here you can configure the boot process of the operating system. For example, if your computer has several Windows versions, you can specify which system will boot by default. You can also specify other settings related to booting the operating system here.

The third and fourth tabs are the most useful for the average user. The third tab is called "Services" here you can disable / enable the services installed on the system.

Services Tab

If you do not have the proper experience, then it is better not to disable the standard services. This may cause the operating system to become unstable. To hide standard services, check the box next to "Do not display Microsoft services."

Do not display Microsoft services

Moreover, after hiding the standard services, working with the list becomes much easier. You can easily find and disable services that you do not need, which will increase the speed of the system.

The fourth tab is called "Startup". Here you can manage programs that are loaded automatically when the operating system starts. For example, you can remove a program from startup.

The last tab in the msconfig utility is the Tools tab. Here you can run other standard means to manage the operating system.

Service tab

To do this, select the desired tool in the list and click the start button.

How is msconfig used?

There are many scenarios for using the msconfig program. In most cases ordinary users use msconfig to remove not desired programs from autoloading and disabling services.

You can also use msconfig as a diagnostic and system testing tool. You can start the operating system using diagnostic startup and check if it is stable. If the operating system continues to “fail” in this mode, then most likely the problem is in system files. If the system is stable, then the problem is in the installed applications.