Drivers are an important part of the operating system. They act as intermediaries between the system and hardware devices. Their main task is to interpret incoming signals from both the system and the device itself. Without proper drivers, the device will either not work correctly or not work at all.

As a rule, each device comes with a CD or DVD with the necessary drivers. Alternatively, drivers can be downloaded from the device manufacturer's website. The latter, by the way, may be more relevant, since on the site you can find the most fresh versions drivers. This is especially true for video cards.

But sometimes, it happens that disks with drivers are lost, and the manufacturer's website no longer supports this device. Or is it just that the situation is such that given driver almost impossible to find. In such cases, the most best way out- Creation of backup copies of drivers. For this, there is a special software, which, in fact, allows you to create backups already installed drivers in system.

If you have an old operating system, and you have lost some disks, or you cannot find drivers for some devices (for example, for a printer that has been faithfully serving you for 5-6 years). It is a sound idea to make a backup copy of all installed drivers in the system. Even if you have all the drivers at hand, it is still highly recommended to make a backup copy and keep it somewhere safe. This is not only a way to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances, but also an opportunity to save time during their recovery.

Advice: it is best to use multiple different programs. Since everything happens in life, and it is possible that one of the programs will not be able to correctly restore the drivers. In this case, you will always have spare options at hand. So you save yourself time and nerves.

Note: never forget to backup your data.

This review discusses programs that can not only create backup copies of drivers, but also restore them. Programs that cannot restore drivers are mentioned under the "Other Programs" section. First of all, this is due to the fact that for ordinary users, and even more so for beginners, the task manual recovery drivers may be unbearable. Therefore, in the review, one of the most important criteria for consideration is the correct restoration of drivers in the system.

Some of the programs reviewed can also update drivers, but this is not an important criterion. Initially, the consideration is precisely in terms of backup and recovery. The upgrade is just an added bonus. In addition, we specifically draw your attention to the fact that the most the best place Where you can find updates for drivers are manufacturers' websites.

Unfortunately, not all of the considered programs are able to show a list of drivers installed in the system. If you are interested in the list of installed drivers, then you can use a great little utility called DriverView from Nirsoft.

Overview of Free Driver Backup and Restore Programs

Double Driver is a convenient and powerful tool for backing up and restoring drivers

It has a simple interface and is very easy to use. The most notable feature is that the program allows you to create backup copies of drivers from running system. Which will be especially useful in cases where for some reason your system does not boot, and it is not a fact that you can revive it. This functionality gives the program a significant advantage over its counterparts. So keep it with you marked "for a rainy day."

By default in the list for Reserve copy only third-party drivers are selected. This is very convenient, since there is little point in Windows copy There are no drivers, except in rare cases. To work with the list, there are a number of buttons for quick selection: invert selection, select all or deselect. You can also select individual drivers. Selected drivers can be copied to a separate structured folder (default option), to a compressed folder, or to a self-extracting file (some kind of archive). Last option, by the way, led to the departure of the program.

Recovery is just as easy. Select the location where your driver copies are stored. Then select from the list exactly those drivers that you want to restore. And start the process. It is worth noting that the drivers are restored quite quickly. At the same time, after the restoration, all devices felt great.

Double Driver allows you to save a list of drivers in text file. You can also print the list directly from the program. This is very handy when you need to keep track of which drivers have been installed on your system. The list is quite informative. For each driver, its name, version number, date, hardware ID, and much more are written.

All in all, Double Driver is a simple, reliable program, which includes a series unique features. Therefore, it can be safely put at the head of any list.

SlimDrivers backup and restore software is a good tool with a nice design

has a modern and attractive user interface, which from the first minutes has to itself. The backup and restore selection lists are very similar to the standard device manager. And given that SlimDrivers is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, this fact becomes completely unsurprising. However, SlimDrivers works just as well with both system and third-party drivers. But, unfortunately, you will not be able to select all system or all third-party drivers. So in such cases, you will either have to backup all the drivers, or manually select from the entire list.

Another feature that can be considered a disadvantage is that SlimDrivers stores drivers in folders named based on the base name or device ID. If you restore the drivers by SlimDrivers itself, then this will not cause much of a problem. But, if for some reason, you have to restore drivers not through the SlimDrivers program, then this can become a really big problem, since you will have to work hard to find the necessary driver.

Unfortunately, SlimDrivers was unable to back up device drivers that were not connected to the system.

Also, during the restoration of the drivers, several errors occurred. However, after the restoration was completed, a detailed inspection showed that all drivers were restored. But still mistakes are mistakes. Therefore, it is difficult to say that the program is reliable.

One more point that needs to be mentioned. Be sure to select the same folder for backup and restore. If you do not do this, then in the recovery section, the list of drivers will be empty. And you won't be able to select individual drivers. You will have to restore the entire backup.

By default, SlimDrivers is launched every time the system starts. Therefore, you will have to spend a little time to disable this setting, for example, using the startup manager. Also, the first time you run the program, SlimDrivers will open homepage in the browser. But, only at the first.

SlimDrivers has a habit of staying in the system tray even if you close it. To really exit the program, you need to close the tray program. To be honest, this is a clearly unnecessary feature and clutters up your desktop more than it's useful. After all, backup and restore operations are of a single nature, and not daily.

However, for a program of this class, SlimDrivers does its job quite well.


1. SlimDrivers is installed online only. The program does not have a standalone installer. So if you do not have Internet access, then this will be an unpleasant surprise for you.

2. When installing, carefully look at the checkboxes and what exactly will be installed. Since the installer in every possible way and under different guise (depending on the version of the program) tries to install the panel AVG Security.

3. The program is inherently portable. You just need to copy the executable from the SlimDrivers folder to Program Files. Oddly enough, there are no other files in the folder. And it seems that the program needs only an executable file for its work. This raises the question "Why then create an installer?", And from point two comes the answer "Then". Well, plus everything, the program leaves traces on your system. In principle, the reasons are clear, and it is difficult to condemn a free program. On the other hand, once installed, you will get a portable program forever.

The DriverMax driver backup program is a good example of when old versions are better than new ones.

. Until the 6th version included a lot useful options. But, starting with version 6, most of them have sunk into oblivion. Pretty unpleasant moment.

In terms of set of settings and features, every free new version of DriverMax takes a few steps back, which is very disappointing. Now you can not see and save the list of existing drivers. Previously, these features gave a big plus to the program. Also, earlier versions allowed you to save both system drivers and third-party ones. For now, you can only save third-party drivers. You could also create backups for hidden devices in the past. Now there is no mention of them.

The interface looks modern and attractive. Also now the interface does not freeze between operations. There were delays in earlier versions. It seems that the developers decided to make a beautiful prototype out of the free version. And successfully go to this goal from version to version.

In the backup window, you will only see third-party drivers. In principle, everything is clear enough in the window. You can select all or just a few drivers. If you don't select a backup path, the drivers will be saved in a zip archive in the My Drivers folder inside My Documents. By the way, this is exactly the place where by default DriverMax looks for backups for recovery. Subsequently, you will not have to do anything with these archives, the program restores drivers directly from them.

The recovery process is still slow. Noticeably slower than analogs. If we compare the versions of DriverMax, then of course it is faster than previous versions, but still very slow. But, despite the speed, the program restores drivers to the conscience.


1. Again, study the installer windows carefully. They will again try to impose AVG Security on you. Look at all checked boxes. When installing additional components look carefully at their names. And if you see AVG Security, then feel free to cancel the installation.

2. Now the program starts by default with the system. So you'll have to take the time again to turn off this setting. Again, you can use the startup manager. Just like SlimDrivers, it hides in the system tray when closed. So to completely close it is necessary to close the program in the system tray.

DriverBackup! good alternative

allows you to both create backup copies of drivers and restore them. But, unfortunately, during testing, the program was unable to restore the drivers, for an unknown reason. Really more disappointing. Since the program shows great promise, because it can do a number of really good things. Driver Backup! can create backup copies of drivers from a non-running system, which clearly distinguishes it from analogues.

Driver Backup! does a really good job of creating backups, as it includes a number of useful settings. When launched, the program displays all installed drivers on the system. With one click, you can select both system and third-party drivers. In this case, the choice can be even more detailed. You can select all drivers with full portability (according to DriverBackup!) or all drivers with digital signature. And all in one click. Drivers are stored in folders with corresponding device names. The program also generates a special .bki file, unique to the program, that contains information about the backup files. This file is used during recovery setup to humanize the list of drivers.

Driver Backup! can create backup copies of phantom devices, i.e. devices that were once installed in the system, but are missing in this moment time. Which is especially useful if you often connect various peripherals(printers, scanners, etc.)

The help file is well organized. It describes in sufficient detail and clearly all possible operations. The program can be used from command line.

Although the program is portable, it can hardly be called fully portable because starting from version 2 it requires .NET 2.0. Therefore, if there is no framework 2.0 on the computer, then the program will not work. This can be considered a disadvantage. It would be possible to use earlier versions, but they do not know how to restore drivers.

Nevertheless, the program is made in good faith, and if it were not for the problems with restoring drivers, as well as the mandatory presence of .NET 2.0, then it could be called the best program.

Driver Backup! is in active development, so it remains only to wait for the release, which can be put at the top of the list.

Other Windows Driver Backup and Restore Programs

These programs are also designed to create backup copies of drivers.

  • DriverMagicianLite. It copes very well with the task of creating a backup copy of installed drivers, but, unfortunately, it does not know how to restore drivers at all. Nicely organized interface. All third-party drivers are highlighted among the general list. Really convenient, because the system can have a lot of drivers. To create a copy, you can choose to separate drivers and the entire list. The backup is created as nicely structured folders with friendly device names.
  • Driver Pack Solution Lite. Not recommended. The program is more likely to update drivers than to create a backup copy. Just like the rest of the programs on this list, it does not know how to restore drivers. And it doesn't seem to work correctly. According to the description, the program can save a backup copy to an .exe file. But! There is no difference between backups with selected .exe format and regular format.

    The program installer contains a bunch of unnecessary adware. She suggests installing Delta Toolbar, changing search engine to Delta, as well as change the browser home page. And a number of other changes. Therefore, during installation, you must very carefully look at each installer window for the checkmarks.

    The interface of the program is quite strange. Plus, you will find a number of features that are generally not needed for driver update/backup programs. Of course, the device manager can be considered the necessary functionality, but there is not much point in it. But what is clearly superfluous is access to the control panel installed programs. It is also not clear why the program has a bunch of extra utilities, such as memory testing, defragmentation, antivirus scanning. The program also has an item for BIOS updates. And apparently this point is not only superfluous, but also dangerous.

  • DriverGrabber (invalid link). The program is too simple, and does not have any settings at all. Creates backup copies of third-party drivers only. You can make copies of Windows drivers only by editing the necessary INI files. It's hard to imagine that ordinary user can do it. The program is not developed, and does not have its own normal site. At the same time, it is difficult to say whether the program will work on 64-bit systems and on Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  • driver collector. The official website no longer exists and the program is no longer being developed. There are no settings in the program. It also does not know how to create backup copies of drivers in batch mode. Instead, you need to select and create copies manually. This somewhat undermines the goal of "make the world easier".

Test procedure

Testing was carried out on Windows XP. Despite this, the reviewed software is also great for backing up drivers on Windows Vista and Windows 7.

First of all, with the help of each program, backup copies of the drivers from the reference operating system were made. Drivers were installed on it from various manufacturer's CDs. Motherboard, webcams, network card and others.

After that, tests were made to restore the drivers on another hard drive, which was connected instead of the drive with the reference system. The test hard drive had an identical a copy of Windows xp. But, in which no third-party drivers were installed (essentially. clean system). For a test copy of the system, a system image was made so that after each test the system could be returned to its the initial state. Within each test, only the program under test was installed (if required). And, in fact, an attempt was made to restore all the drivers. Then the drivers were compared according to the list, as well as simple checks on the health of the equipment. For example, try to view a picture from a webcam.

Quick Selection Guide (Free Download Windows Driver Backup and Restore)

Double Driver

Simple interface. Easy to use. Allows you to create backup copies of drivers not running system. Copies phantom device drivers. You can save the list of installed drivers in a text file. Restores drivers fairly quickly.

Many users constantly reinstall the operating system on their PC Windows system. This is usually due to the fact that the user is not satisfied with the performance of Windows. Often on the forums you can repeatedly find questions about exporting all settings or personal data. To put it simply, users want to save everything before installing a new OC. important parameters on your system and transfer them to the new one. This begs the question of how to save drivers when reinstalling Windows.

To do this, there are many programs that solve these problems. The most unpleasant thing is when we see the “welcome” screen at the first start of the system, we understand that we are waiting for the next task of installing all the drivers that may have been lost for a long time.

Note: I recommend saving all drivers immediately after Windows installation. That is, when Windows is installed, you immediately need to make sure that all drivers are saved in a separate folder, for example, on drive D and write “Do not touch”. At next installation system, you will already have all the drivers in a hollow configuration.

Instructions for backing up drivers in the Windows operating system

Downloading DriverMax program, you can take it from the official website by clicking on the following link.

Note: This program is shareware. After 30 days, the program will stop working, in order to prevent this, you must register on the official website. For us, such a need does not matter to anyone, since we need to use it once.

By installing the program, you must agree to license agreement. Put a tick in front, as shown in the figure and click the "Next" button.

We select the folder on the hard drive where we want to install the program, leave it as it is, by default. Click "Next".

The next window prompts us to enter the name of the program. Leave the default and click "Next".

In this window, the checkbox next to "Greate a desktop icon" should be checked by default. We leave it, otherwise we will not see a shortcut on the desktop. Click "Next".

In the next window, click on the "Install" button. Nothing complicated, the usual process of installing any program or game, if you have already decided to learn how to save drivers and at the same time are going to reinstall Windows, then you will undoubtedly advanced user and therefore you shouldn't have any problems.

Note: During the installation of the program, a message should appear stating that the drivers will be indexed, which is necessary during the first installation of the program. Click "OK". The mouse cursor will start blinking. Don't worry, it's just that the program starts to perform the necessary procedures for its further work.

See screenshots below.

Upon completion of the installation of the program, click "Finish".

Working with the DriverMax program: saving drivers

Launch the DriverMax program shortcut on the desktop. Actually, this is our main program window. Depending on the version, the program interface may differ, but the essence of working with the program remains the same.

In the program window, we find the second category " driverbackupandrestore", click on it. From the provided list, we are interested in " Backup drivers". Let's go over it.

By clicking on the "Next" button, immediately after the greeting, the program will search for installed drivers. We wait until the message "Listing devices" disappears from the screen and a list of drivers appears. See the picture below.

After the program has found all the installed drivers on your computer, click on the “Select all” button, that is, select all the drivers that we want to save, or put a check mark against each driver, that is, we make a selection. Selected all required drivers? Then click "Next".

The matter remains small, we have practically already come to the end of this procedure. Our next step is to save the drivers. By default, the program offers to save the drivers in the My Documents folder. I strongly recommend that you do not save them there, since the My Documents folder is a system folder. After reinstalling Windows, you will lose your drivers and your work will be in vain. Save the drivers to another disk partition or to a storage medium (flash drive, etc.). See the picture below.

This is how the copy process looks like:

I think everyone will understand that the last step is a window with a message about successful copying, click the "Close" button.

Now we can go to our folder and make sure that our drivers have been saved in full. We look.

Installing drivers through the program

And so, we have drivers. We learned how to save drivers, which means that after reinstalling Windows, we will not be upset if we make sure that there is no sound or another non-working component in our system. How do we install drivers now?

We can install the drivers that we saved in two ways. The first way to install drivers is directly with DriverMax. If you want to install drivers through the DriverMax program, then go into the program and select the "Restore drivers from backup" item.

Next, we prompt the program for a daddy with our drivers and wait. Using this method is extremely inconvenient, since you need to install this program on your computer. Good way for beginners, but you can do a little more correctly.

The second way to install drivers does not require any specialized programs, since this function is completely standard and, as I said, quite reliable.

Right-click, click on the “My Computer” icon - “Properties”, select the item “Device Manager” in the context menu. If you have a device that requires a driver or update, it will appear yellow. Select it and click "Update Driver".

A window will appear in front of our eyes in which we must select "Search for drivers on this computer." Next, the wizard will ask you where to install. At this point, specify the drivers that have been saved.

If you may be asked "Install the driver anyway" or not install. Choose to install.

Read more about installing drivers: "". OK it's all over Now. The instruction "How to save drivers when reinstalling Windows" has come to an end. I wish you less problems with drivers.

Driver CDs from a recently purchased motherboard, or from the video card, tend to disappear at the most inopportune moment.

And such a moment comes, most often when restoring the system or setting it up from scratch, when disks with drivers are simply necessary.

Of course, to download drivers for the motherboard, you can visit the manufacturer's website, go to the "support" section and download the most new version. But nothing can come of this, for network adapter you also need the driver that was on the lost disk.

You can backup the driver CD to your HDD in advance, but this will not help if the entire hard drive fails, and not individual logical drives.

Moreover, the "drivers" directory is often sent to the trash - it's big, but you need 3-4 drivers.

The author tried a couple of times to store system drivers on a flash drive, but with the same ending. In general, data safety is a hot topic, and you will like another useful backup program - Cobian Backup.

May your system live happily ever after, but if you had to restore everything from scratch, use the small Double Driver program in advance. Checked: it is better to devote a few minutes to her, and she, in case of problems with the operating system, will save you a lot of time and nerves.

Double Driver - backup and restore drivers

This program is nothing more than a tool for working with drivers installed in the system. It is capable in a very short period of time - no more than a minute - to analyze installed drivers, create a list of them and make a backup copy.

Double Driver is easy to use and easy to use, which is not a hindrance even the lack of Russian and Ukrainian languages. Even an inexperienced user will be able to cope with the program.

The program interface is clear and functional: Double Driver has a toolbar with a set of function buttons. So you don't have to look for the "necessary button" among the array of windows.

In addition, all tools are arranged in order, according to the frequency of their use.

To scan the system, you need to select the "Backup" tool and click the "Scan Current System" button.

Then we make a choice of drivers that we want to add to our backup.

By analyzing the available system drivers, Double Driver displays a complete report on each of them - manufacturer, installation time, etc.

The analysis result can be printed using the "Print" tool.

As already mentioned, the program is characterized by high speed, while it consumes few resources and the overall performance of the PC does not drop during operation.

By creating reserve base, Double Driver cares about the user's convenience: the copied files are not thrown into one directory - they are distributed over directories that are named identically to the names of the devices.

Needless to say, the saved backup copy takes up much less space on a flash drive than a copy of the entire disk?

It is not known why, but the developer introduced one detail into the program: during operation, you can configure the display mode of both all drivers of the system as a whole, and the display mode of drivers exclusively from Microsoft Corporation.

To restore, you need to use the "Restore" tool and click the "Locate Backup" button. You will be given the option to select a backup to restore.

During the restoration of a set of drivers, the program also shows its best side - as when creating a copy, it takes very little time, no more than a minute.

In one of the articles, I described a method using the . This time I will describe two more methods that will allow you to back up drivers on any of the modern Windows operating systems. Consider the utility built into the system and third party programs DriverMax and Auslogics Driver Updater.

Let me remind you that such an action among users is very important, as it simplifies the search and installation of drivers in the future. Why, after reinstalling the system, look for the necessary drivers on the Internet or on the disk, if everything is already in the backup file.

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DISM utility in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10

First, let's analyze the DISM utility built into the system. First, create a folder on some disk where a copy of the drivers will be placed. Can be created on external drive, flash drive or other partition, but non-system. The folder name shouldn't be a problem.

Now let's launch an elevated command prompt. Click right click mouse on start menu or combination Win+X and select the item as shown in the screenshot.

In the prompt window, enter the command:

dism /online /export-driver /destination:F:\Drivers_folder

F:\Folder_with_drivers is the name of the folder with drivers located on the F drive, you may have a different folder name.

The copying process will begin and if the operation is completed successfully, the command line will notify you about it.

Restoring drivers on a reinstalled system

Let's say you have already reinstalled Windows and noticed that some drivers are missing, then open the device manager (you can get there if you press Win + X and select the desired item) and right-click on the device without a driver. opens context menu, where we choose the item "Update Drivers".

A window appears in which we press the option "Search for drivers on this computer".

Specify the path to the folder with the backup copy of the drivers, to do this, click the button "Review". After specifying the path, press "Further".

Well-known programs that allow you to automatically download and install drivers also have the ability to create backups. An example is .

DriverMax program

Downloading free version DriverMax program and go to the copy section - backup. There are two functions here - creating restore points and creating copies of the drivers themselves in the form of an archive.

We choose there "Create driver backup archive" and then press Next.

Here we select those devices whose drivers we want to save. To select all, check the box "Select all" bottom right, then click backup.

To view the saved drivers, click on the button "Open backup folder". Then place this folder on an external media or flash drive, or on a non-system partition.

Restoring drivers on a reinstalled system with DriverMax

To restore the driver, click in the program "Restore" and in this section select the item "Restore from a previously created backup" and press the button Next.

Now just click on the button Load and specify the path to the archive with the driver.

We indicate the checkboxes for those devices in which you need to install drivers. You can select everything using the "Select all" checkbox. We press the button "Restore".

Driver software - Auslogics Driver Updater

In this program, as in the previous one, there are two versions - free and paid. To create a backup, a free one is enough. Open the program and on the left go to the tab "Backup copy". Now we tick off those items of devices that have drivers and press the button "Copy".

To save the archive, go to the tab "Reestablish". There should be a line with the date the backup was created. On the contrary, click on the link "Export Archive". Choose the path where the copy will be saved.

When you do a system reinstall, download this program again and go to the tab "Reestablish" and then click on the button "Import Archives". Now we specify the path to the archive with the drivers.

The files will be loaded into the program window, where you just have to tick off the devices whose drivers need to be restored. And then press the appropriate button.

This is where I will finish talking about creating backups in this article.

Question manual installation drivers for Windows 8.1 and 10 are less up-to-date than for system versions 7 and below. In the evolved operating system this process is automated, and the drivers for the main devices of the computer are installed themselves during the Windows installation process. The only exception may be the latest or rare components. And, of course, various peripheral devices connected to the computer. There are also emergency situations. So, certain computer devices (even if they are common components) may turn out to be without drivers after installing modified Windows builds. Another example: with missing drivers for some devices, we can get the system after an unsuccessful update. It is a good tradition to keep disks with drivers for laptops and PC components, but even if they are lost, an alternative to looking for drivers on manufacturers' websites can be to backup them in advance and restore them on a reinstalled system.

Backing up drivers, of course, cannot be considered a panacea, since this way of introducing them into the system may be limited by the version and Windows bit depth. But this fast way solutions to the problem if the reinstalled one and the same Windows version(with the same bit depth) suddenly finds itself without a driver for some device. Below we will consider 3 ways to create backup copies of Windows drivers and, accordingly, restore them.

1. DISM (for Windows 8.1 and 10)

Backing up drivers in Windows 8.1 and 10 can be done without third-party software, using standard functionality - the command line and the DISM tool. First you need to create a folder where the driver backups will be stored. Naturally, this folder must be located on a non-system disk partition or external storage. Its name can be anything, but it must not contain spaces.

Press the Win + X keys and use the menu that opens to launch the command line.

We enter the command by type:

dism /online /export-driver /destination:D:\Drivers_backup

The “D:\Drivers_backup” part of the command is an individual path to a previously created folder where backups will be placed. After entering the command, press Enter. The completion of the backup of the drivers will be notified by the notification "The operation completed successfully."

If there are no drivers for some components on the reinstalled Windows, you need to go to the device manager (link quick access available in the same menu when you press the Win + X keys). On a device with a missing driver, right-click and select "Update Drivers".

We register the path of the previously created folder where the backup copies of the drivers were placed, or specify this path using the browse button. And click "Next" to restore the driver of the selected device.

The ability to create a backup can often be found among the functionality of programs for automatic installation drivers. These are programs such as: DriverPack Solution, Driver Easy, Driver Booster Pro, Advanced Driver Updater, Slim Drivers, DriverMax, Auslogics Driver Updater and others. Next, we will consider how backup copies of drivers are created, how the recovery process takes place using two latest programs.

2. DriverMax

The driver backup function is available in the free Free version one of the best managers drivers - programs DriverMax. We go to the section of the program "Backup". DriverMax provides two types of backup: the first is the creation of a regular point Windows Recovery, the second is exporting drivers to an archive file. For cases of reinstalling Windows, of course, you must choose the second option. Select "Create driver backup archive" and click "Next".

To restore drivers on a reinstalled Windows, install the DriverMax program, run it and go to the “Restore” section of the program. Select the second item, as shown in the screenshot, and click "Next".

We click the “Load” button and in the explorer window indicate the path to the folder with the exported drivers.

3.Auslogics Driver Updater

Like DriverMax, the Auslogics Driver Updater includes a free and paid version of the program. Among the possibilities of the latter is a backup of Windows drivers. We go to the "Backup copy" section of the program, select all or only some individual devices. And click the "Copy" button.

After reinstalling Windows, install Auslogics Driver Updater, move to the "Restore" section and click on the "Import Archives" link. Specify the path to the previously exported program file.

After that, in the program window, open the list of devices for which drivers were saved. By checking the box, select all or some of them and click the "Restore" button.

Have a great day!